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An improved gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method has been applied to the quantitation of both in vitro and in vivo products of lipid peroxidation in rat liver stimulated with carbon tetrachloride. The method avoids problems of autoxidation of unsaturated fatty acids during sample preparation, and the sensitivity permits assays on as little as 1 mg of tissue. This permits small samples of tissue to be obtained by biopsy from the same organ, thus making it possible to perform in vivo time studies on a single animal. Lipids from whole tissue or cell preparations are simultaneously extracted and reduced by catalytic hydrogenation and then saponified and derivatized to their pentafluorobenzyl esters and trimethylsilyl ethers. Quantitation is accomplished by negative ion chemical ionization gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, using either deuterated compounds or naturally occurring fatty acid metabolites as internal standards. Hydroxy fatty acids which result from reduction of the hydroperoxides of arachidonic and docosapentaenoic acids are found to increase within 20 min after exposure of liver or hepatocyte suspensions to carbon tetrachloride.  相似文献   

A method for the quantitation of lipid peroxidation products in total hepatic lipid has been developed. Lipid extracts are reduced and subsequently transmethylated with sodium methoxide. The hydroxy fatty acid methyl esters are isolated by silicic acid chromatography and derivatized to their trimethylsilyl ethers prior to analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Three isomers, 11-, 12-, and 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (HETE), are quantitated using selected ion monitoring techniques relative to the internal standard, methyl 15-hydroxyarachidate. In mice treated with carbon tetrachloride (2 ml/kg), the HETE levels in total hepatic lipid were 20-fold greater than those found in control animals. HETE levels were also elevated (5- to 10-fold) in hepatic lipid from rats treated with the same dose of carbon tetrachloride. Studies on subcellular fractions with this methodology show that these lipid peroxidation products are 5- to 6-fold higher in hepatic plasma membrane vesicles isolated from rats treated with carbon tetrachloride when compared with those isolated from control animals.  相似文献   

Peroxidation of membrane lipids has been implicated in the toxicity of reactive oxygen intermediates and of several hepatotoxins, but the specific products of this peroxidation in vivo have not been chemically identified. A method for the isolation, identification, and quantitation of specific lipid hydroperoxy and hydroxy acids formed in vivo has been developed. Hydroxylated derivatives of linoleic, arachidonic, and docosahexaenoic acids formed in mouse liver phosphatidylcholines following carbon tetrachloride administration were isolated by high-pressure liquid chromatography and identified as the trimethylsilyl ether methyl ester derivatives by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. This methodology should be important for the investigation of the role of lipid peroxidation in a variety of normal physiologic and pathologic processes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to analyze the fatty acid content of carious and sound human dentin. Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed the presence of fatty acids of C10-C18 size in the carious dentin, whereas fatty acids of C16 size were present in minute amounts in three samples of the corresponding sound dentine controls. No fatty acids were detected in the other sound dentin control samples. The source of fatty acids was considered to be microorganisms invading the dentin during the progression of the caries lesion. The presence of bacterial fatty acids in carious dentin may serve as a marker for the pathological process and thus contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Recently, it has been reported that a series of prostaglanding F2-like compounds (F2-isoprostanes) are produced in vivo during peroxidation of arachidonic acid by a mechanism independent of the cyclooxygenase pathway. Of these, 8-epi-PGFα2 is shown to be a potent vasoconstrictor. We describe an improved method for analysing F2-isoprostanes in biological fluids. The method involves solid-phase extraction on an octadecylsilane (C18) and an aminopropyl (NH2) cartridge. After conversion to pentafluorobenzyl ester and trimethylsilyl ether derivatives, F2-isoprostanes are analysed by negative-ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry using tetradeuterated PGFα2 as the internal standard. The limit of detection of the assay was 10 pg/ml, with a coefficient of variation ranging from 9.4 to 15.1%. Analysis of plasma samples from healthy volunteers (n = 7) revealed no quantifiable levels of free (unesterified) 8-epi-PGFα2. However, the plasma samples contained 58 to 166 pg/ml of 8-epi-PGFα2 when analyzed for the total (sum of free and esterifield)_ F2-isoprostances. The main advantages of the method lie in the improved recovery, gas chromatographic separation and speed compared to existing techniques.  相似文献   

Bacterial levels in dust collected from hospital air-conditioning filters were examined by chemical analysis (without prior culture). The dust was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after hydrolysis and derivatization. l-Glycero-d-mannoheptose and hydroxy fatty acids (3-OH 12:0 and 3-OH 14:0) (primarily found in lipopolysaccharide) and muramic acid (a chemical marker for bacterial peptidoglycan) were present at higher levels in dust collected from filters primarily contacting outdoor (as opposed to indoor) air. The ratio of l-glycero-d-mannoheptose to muramic acid in dust (compared with those of a group of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria) suggested that both dust types contained appreciable numbers of gram-negative bacteria. There is potential for the chemical assessment of the microbial content of airborne dust.  相似文献   

The lipids and fatty acids of Bordetella pertussis (phases I to IV) were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography, and mass spectrometry and compared with those of B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica. The major lipid components of the three species were phosphatidylethanolamine, cardiolipin, phosphatidylglycerol, lysophosphatidylethanolamine, and an ornithine-containing lipid. The ornithine-containing lipid was characteristic of the genus Bordetella. The fatty acid composition of the total extractable cellular lipids of B. pertussis was mostly hexadecanoic and hexadecenoic acids (90%) in a ratio of about 1:1. The hexadecenoic acid of B. pertussis was in the cis-9 form. The fatty acid composition of the residual bound lipids was distinctly different from that of the extractable lipids, and residual bound lipids being mainly 3-hydroxytetradecanoic, tetradecanoic, and 3-hydroxydecanoic acids, with 3-hydroxydodecanoic acid occurring in some strains. It was determined that the 3-hydroxy fatty acids were derived from lipid A. The fatty acid composition of the total extractable cellular lipids of B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica, mainly composed of hexadecanoic and heptadecacyclopropanoic acid, differed from that of B. pertussis. Although the fatty acid composition of the residual bound lipids of B. parapertussis was similar to that of the residual bound lipids of B. pertussis, 2-hydroxydodecanoic acid was detected only in the bound lipids of B. bronchiseptica.  相似文献   

Historically considered to be simple membrane components serving as structural elements and energy storing entities, fatty acids are now increasingly recognized as potent signaling molecules involved in many metabolic processes. Quantitative determination of fatty acids and exploration of fatty acid profiles have become common place in lipid analysis. We present here a reliable and sensitive method for comprehensive analysis of free fatty acids and fatty acid composition of complex lipids in biological material. The separation and quantitation of fatty acids are achieved by capillary gas chromatography. The analytical method uses pentafluorobenzyl bromide derivatization and negative chemical ionization gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The chromatographic procedure provides base line separation between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids of different chain lengths as well as between most positional isomers. Fatty acids are extracted in the presence of isotope-labeled internal standards for high quantitation accuracy. Mass spectrometer conditions are optimized for broad detection capacity and sensitivity capable of measuring trace amounts of fatty acids in complex biological samples. .  相似文献   

A stable isotope dilution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method using196Hg as an internal standard is described for determining Hg in blood. In this method, the blood samples are not subjected to any digestion to avoid the loss of Hg. A solution of 0.6M HCl is used to free Hg present in blood from proteins. The pH of the solution is adjusted to 9 using borate buffer and Hg chelated using lithiumbis(trifluoroethyl)dithiocarbamate. All isotope ratio measurements are made using an organic mass spectrometer. Overall precision values for the five major Hg isotopes relative to202Hg are 1.6–2.3% when 10 ng samples of chelated Hg are analyzed. No appreciable memory or carryover effect is observed when two synthetic mixtures differing in196Hg/202Hg ratios by a factor of 30 are sequentially analyzed. The method is validated by determining Hg in blood samples using isotope dilution GC-MS.  相似文献   

Using doubly labeled N-acetyllactosamine. Hakomori's procedures to prepare partially methylated alditol acetates and their subsequent analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were followed from a quantitative aspect. It was found that both galactose and glucosamine were nearly quantitatively converted to PMAAs. Preferential loss of PMAA of glucosamine occurred on a column for gas chromatography when the amount of the PMAA injected onto a column was less than a certain level. Above this level, PMAAs of both galactose and glucosamine were eluted from the column with equal yields. However, in mass spectrometry with monitoring of total ions, the molar response factor of PMAA of glucosamine was found to be about 25% higher than that of PMAA of galactose. Based on these findings, methylation analysis of an oligosaccharide from Taka-amylase A composed of one glucosamine and five mannose residues could be carried out quantitatively.  相似文献   

Interaction of active oxygen species with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) results in a series of reactions called lipid peroxidation. During the process of peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids there is a scission of an alkane fragment extending from the methyl end of the fatty acid to the double bond. Thus, with a w-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid pentane is released, and with a w-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ethane is released. These hydrocarbons are distributed in the body, partly metabolized, and excreted in the breath, making it possible to estimate the magnitude of in vivo lipid peroxidation by measuring pentane and ethane exhaled in breath. Advantages of this method are discussed as well as limitations and possible sources of error.  相似文献   

Individual nonesterified fatty acids were bound to albumin in vitro and these fatty acid albumin complexes were used to study their effect on lipid peroxidation in liver microsomes. Peroxidation was induced by various methods and malondialdehyde (MDA) was measured as an index of peroxidation. Among the fatty acids tested, albumin-bound monounsaturated fatty acids showed more inhibition of peroxidation as compared to other fatty acids. Increasing the concentration of iron in the peroxidizing system, partially reversed the inhibition by fatty acids. Moreover, albumin-bound fatty acid did not inhibit iron independent peroxidation. This suggests that, like nonesterified fatty acids, albumin-bound fatty acids inhibit peroxidation by chelating the iron. Albumin fatty acid complex, similar to the fatty acid composition present in the circulating albumin, also showed inhibition of peroxidation. These data indicate that nonesterified fatty acids even when bound to albumin are capable of inhibiting peroxidation and circulating albumin, which contains various fatty acids bound to it, may impart some antioxidant effect in addition to other plasma antioxidants.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to test a multiresidue analytical procedure for detecting and quantifying several corticosteroids on which the European Union imposes maximum residue limits (MRLs). Primary extracts from different matrices (liver, milk, urine, faeces) were first purified on C18 cartridges. A new immunoaffinity clean-up step was included. The immunoaffinity gel was used to purify several corticosteroids simultaneously with enrichment of the corresponding fractions. The extracts were treated with an aqueous solution of pyridinium chlorochromate to fully oxidise all corticosteroids and to facilitate their extraction with dichloromethane. After evaporation, the final extract was reconstituted with toluene before injection into the GC-MS apparatus. The analysis was performed in the CI-negative ionisation mode using ammonia as the reactant gas. The estimated detection and quantification limits were, respectively, 0.25 and 0.5 ppb or lower. Overall, the method is reproducible to within 20%. Recovery is between 50 and 80% according to the corticosteroid.  相似文献   

A sensitive and straightforward method for the determination of trihalomethanes (THMs) in urine by using headspace extraction technique has been developed. Chemical and instrumental variables were studied in order to optimize the method for sensitivity: an excess of KCl (4 g per 12 ml of urine), an oven temperature of 85 degrees C and an equilibration time of 30 min were selected. The use of the mass spectrometer in selected ion monitoring mode allows achieving linear ranges between 10 and 5000 ng/l and detection limits from 3 to 10 ng/l, for 12 ml of urine. The stability of the urine sample during storage at 4 and -20 degrees C was also evaluated: THMs remained stable for up to 2 days and 2 months, respectively. Finally, the method was successfully applied to study the THM uptake from swimmers of an indoor swimming pool, as well as non-swimmers. This study revealed that the concentrations of THMs in urine increased approximately three times for chloroform and bromodichloromethane after swimming activity. In addition, THMs in unchanged form were mainly excreted within 2-3h after the end of exposure.  相似文献   

A reference analytic methodology was developed for the determination of human salivary glucose concentration. The technique involves the glucose derivatization with acetic anhydride and subsequent analysis of glucose penta-acetylated by gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry. Glucose concentration in the biological fluid depends on the physiological status of the donor.  相似文献   

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