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广布于中国-喜马拉雅地区的毛茛科光序翠雀花(Delphinium kamaonense Huth)在我国甘肃、青海、四川和西藏具有相当连续的分布区,在分布区内颇为常见,几为杂草。通过标本室和野外观察,发现根据西藏波密、察隅标本描述的展毛光序翠雀花[D. kamaonense var. glabrescens(W. T. Wang)W. T. Wang]和根据西藏类乌齐标本描述的倒心形翠雀花(D. obcordatilimbum W. T. Wang)与光序翠雀花没有本质区别,故将二者均处理为光序翠雀花的异名。  相似文献   

发现根据甘肃南部标本描述的毛茛科狭序翠雀花(Delphinium angustipaniculatum W.T.Wang)与此前记载分布于甘肃南部和四川北部的松潘翠雀花(D.sutchuenense Franch.)属于同一种植物,故将前者处理为后者的异名。讨论了松潘翠雀花与其可能的近缘种秦岭翠雀花(D.giraldii Diels)和疏花翠雀花(D.sparsiflorum Maxim.)的形态区别。  相似文献   

毛茛科巴塘翠雀花(Delphinium batangense Finet & Gagnep.)是我国四川西部和云南西北部一种较广布的高山植物,形态变异颇大。标本室和野外观察表明白缘翠雀花(D.chenii W.T.Wang)和雅江翠雀花(D.yajiangense W.T.Wang)在形态上处于该种的变异范围之内,故将二者均处理为巴塘翠雀花的异名。  相似文献   

标本室和野外观察表明匙苞翠雀花(Delphinium subspathulatum W. T. Wang)和吉隆翠雀花(D. tabatae Tamura)与须弥翠雀花(D. himalayae Munz)属于同一种植物,故将前二者均处理为须弥翠雀花的异名。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):64-69
描述了在中国四川发现的毛茛科翠雀属三新种:拟直距翠雀花(Delphinium orthocentroides W. T. Wang),宽爪翠雀花(D. platyonychinum W. T. Wang)和大臧翠雀花(D. dazangense W. T. Wang)。  相似文献   

通过标本室和野外观察, 发现根据四川丹巴标本描述的毛茛科光果拟螺距翠雀花(Delphinium bulleyanum Forrest ex Dielsvar. leiogynum W. T. Wang)和根据四川汶川标本描述的汶川翠雀花(D. wenchuanense W. T. Wang)与此前发现分布于四川宝兴、都江堰、汶川一带的拟川西翠雀花(D. pseudotongolense W. T. Wang)没有区别, 故将二者均处理为拟川西翠雀花的异名。  相似文献   

通过标本室和野外观察,发现根据云南西北部中甸标本描述的毛茛科竞生翠雀花(Delphinium yangii W.T.Wang)与此前记载分布于该地及四川西南部(康定、小金、汶川)的宝兴翠雀花(D.smithianum Hand.-Mazz.)属于同一分类实体,故将前者处理为后者的异名。  相似文献   

发现近来根据云南西北部丽江标本描述的毛茛科短尾翠雀花(Delphinium brachyurum W. T. Wang)与此前根据该地标本描述的丽江翠雀花(D. likiangense Franch.)属于同一种植物,故将前者处理为后者的异名。  相似文献   

通过标本室和野外观察,发现根据四川西南部越西标本描述的毛茛科凉山翠雀花(Delphinium liangshanense W. T. Wang)和根据四川西南部木里标本描述的光轴翠雀花(D. leiostachyum W. T. Wang)只是此前记载分布于四川木里、盐源和云南西北部宁蒗一带的秋翠雀花(D. autumnale Hand.-Mazz.)植株较高的类型,故将二者均处理为秋翠雀花的异名.  相似文献   

通过标本室和野外观察,发现根据云南西北部维西标本描述的毛茛科岩瓦翠雀花(Delphinium yanwaense W. T. Wang)与云南西北部颇为常见的中甸翠雀花(D. yuanum Chen)没有本质区别,故将前者处理为后者的异名。中甸翠雀花在叶的分裂程度上变异颇大。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2017,37(6):675-684
描述了毛茛科唐松草属六新种:(1)大关唐松草,发现自云南东北部,与多枝唐松草甚为近缘,区别为其小叶较厚,较大,多呈卵形或宽卵形,心皮花柱较短,稍向后弯曲,瘦果呈新月形。(2)宽柱唐松草,发现自甘肃南部,其特征为心皮花柱扁平,近长圆形,腹面无柱头或柱头组织,据此特征可与此属中国其他种区别。(3)六脉萼唐松草,发现自四川中部,与白茎唐松草近缘,区别为其茎和小叶有毛,萼片具六条脉,一些雄蕊的花药败育,子房被短柔毛,柱头无翅。(4)吉隆唐松草,发现自西藏南部,与白茎唐松草甚为近缘,区别为小托叶卵形、急尖,复单歧聚伞花序一条顶生,无侧生者,雄蕊花药呈狭长圆形,顶端钝,无短尖头。(5)螺柱唐松草,发现自云南西北部,可能与白茎唐松草有亲缘关系,区别为其萼片具1条脉,花有4~5枚雄蕊,心皮花柱顶部螺旋状弯曲,柱头不明显。(6)札达唐松草,发现自西藏西南部,与多叶唐松草近缘,区别为其小叶顶端急尖,边缘具尖牙齿,聚伞圆锥花序具少数分枝和少数花,萼片狭卵形,花药狭长圆形。  相似文献   

Three species which contain both gyrophoric and lecanoric acids and possess perithecioid ascomata are recognized in the genusDiploschistes. D. badius andD. gyrophoricus are described as new, whileD. subcupreus is reduced to synonymy withD. sticticus. Two species occur in the southern hemisphere, whileD. badius is found in N. America.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the genusDamasonium was studied in cultivation and in nature. A correlation was shown between flowering time and latitude. All species are self-compatible but the N. American member of the genus (D. californicum) is strongly protandrous and probably experiences high levels of outcrossing in nature. In the European taxa the stamens and the stigmas mature simultaneously but the levels of inbreeding appear to be greater in the southern species (D. bourgeai, D. polyspermum) than in the northern (tetraploid) speciesD. alisma. The Australian memberD. minus resembles the southern European species in being strongly autogamous and bud-pollination was shown to occur. Floral morphology, stigma exertion, pollen/ovule (P/O) ratio and seed weight each show a strong correlation with the degree of autogamy. Vegetative reproduction occurs only inD. californicum andD. alisma through the production of corm-buds. This study suggests that autogamy inDamasonium is accompanied by a shift in resource allocation from male (pollen) toward female (seed) function. However, further studies are required to assess the quality of seeds and their survivorship in nature.  相似文献   

This revision describes, illustrates and documents morphological variation inDoniophyton (Compositae, Barnadesioideae), restricted to Argentina and Chile. Two species are recognized,D. anomalum andD. weddellii (sp. nova), possessing distinct morphological and chromosomal features, elevational tolerances, and nearly allopatric distributions.Doniophyton weddellii occurs primarily in central to northern Andean Chile and Argentina from 1900–4000 m a. s. l.;D. anomalum is found principally in centralwestern Argentina and south into Patagonia at 0–1800 m a. s. l. Close relationship exists withChuquiraga of subfam.Barnadesioideae. It is hypothesized thatDoniophyton evolved out ofChuquiraga in the high central Andes between Chile and Argentina. It is suggested thatD. weddellii differentiated first, correlating with an aneuploid chromosomal decrease from n = 27 (inChuquiraga) to n = 25. Further evolution and chromosomal decrease to n = 24 resulted inD. anomalum, with accompanying migration into southern Andes and Patagonia. Nomenclatural changes result from examination of protologues and type specimens:Doniophyton anomalum replaces the commonly used nameD. patagonicum, and a new species,D. weddellii, is described for the taxon masquerading under the routinely used superfluous nameD. andicola. This paper is dedicated with admiration and respect to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer, one of the world's outstanding plant systematists, and a leading scientist and administrator of the Institute of Botany of the University of Vienna  相似文献   

To elucidate the relationships among Diospyros kaki and species closely related in previous studies, the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) DNA sequence and the chloroplast matK gene were sequenced and compared with those of nine Diospyros species from Thailand, four species from temperate regions, and one species of southern Africa, D. lycioides. Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighbor joining analyses of the matK and ITS data sets revealed that D. kaki is closely related to two diploid species, D. oleifera and D. glandulosa. D. kaki, D. glandulosa, and D. oleifera were placed differently in the trees obtained from ITS and matK data sets, suggesting that hybridization and/or introgression may have occurred during the development of these species. D. kaki was not found to be closely related to D. ehretioides, a diploid species from Thailand. These results differed from a prior analysis of this genus performed with chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) restriction site mutations in 3.2- and 2.1-kb amplified sequences. The results supported Ng’s hypothesis that D. glandulosa and D. kaki may share a common ancestor. D. oleifera was also closely associated with D. kaki.  相似文献   

通过标本室和野外观察,发现根据云南中甸标本描述的毛茛科五花翠雀花(Delphinium quinqueflorum W.T.Wang)与当地颇为常见的澜沧翠雀花(D.thibeticum Finet&Gagnep.)没有本质区别,仅为其稍矮小的植株,故将前者处理为后者的异名。  相似文献   

One new Bolivian species (Borreria pazensis) and three new varieties (Borreria densiflora var.minima, Richardia, scabra var.chacoensis andStaelia virgata var.killeenii) are described and illustrated. The genusDiodella, with three species (D. apiculata comb. nov., D. radula comb. nov., andD. teres), is reported for the first time.Borreria limae, B. wunschmannii, B. scabiosoides var.scabiosoides, andB. scabiosoides var.anderssonii are also reported as new to Bolivia.  相似文献   

本文报道了石耳科的两个亚洲的,也是美洲以外的新记录种,即角石耳与深色石耳。进一步证实了单果石耳在南大西洋的,即南美洲和南部非洲的间断分布。对于上述种类以及本科其它一些种类的间断分布和替代现象进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

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