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Periplasmic permeases are composed of four proteins, one of which has an ATP-binding site that has been postulated to be involved in energy coupling. Previous data suggested that these permeases derive energy from substrate level phosphorylation (Berger, E. A. (1973) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 70, 1514-1518); however, conflicting results later cast doubt upon this hypothesis. Here, we make use of two well characterized periplasmic permeases and of a well characterized unc mutant (ATPase-) to examine this energetics problem in depth. We have utilized the histidine and maltose periplasmic permeases in Escherichia coli as model systems. Isogenic unc strains were used in order to study separately the effect of the proton-motive force and of ATP on transport. These parameters were analyzed concomitantly with transport assays. Starvation experiments indicate that both histidine and maltose transport require ATP generation and that a normal level of delta psi is not sufficient. Uncouplers such as carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone and 2,4-dinitrophenol dissipated the delta psi without decreasing the ATP level and without significant effect on these permeases, showing that delta psi is not needed. Inhibition of ATP synthesis by arsenate eliminates transport through both permeases, confirming the need for ATP. In agreement with previous results with the glutamine permease (Plate, C. A. (1979) J. Bacteriol. 137, 221-225), valinomycin plus K+ dissipates delta psi without affecting ATP levels and inhibits histidine transport; however, maltose transport is not inhibited under these conditions. This result is discussed in terms of the artefactual side effects caused by valinomycin/K+ treatment on some periplasmic permeases. Histidine transport is also shown to be sensitive to changes in the cytoplasmic pH. It is concluded that periplasmic permeases indeed have an obligatory requirement for ATP (or a closely related molecule), whereas the proton-motive force is neither sufficient nor essential.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used to amplify DNA fragments by using eucaryotic genomic DNA as a template. We show that bacterial genomic DNA can be used as a template for PCR amplification. We demonstrate that DNA fragments at least as large as 4,400 base pairs can be amplified with fidelity and that the amplified DNA can be used as a substrate for most operations involving DNA. We discuss problems inherent in the direct sequencing of the amplified product, one of the important exploitations of this methodology. We have solved the problems by developing an "asymmetric amplification" method in which one of the oligonucleotide primers is used in limiting amounts, thus allowing the accumulation of single-stranded copies of only one of the DNA strands. As an illustration of the use of PCR in bacteria, we have amplified, sequenced, and subcloned several DNA fragments carrying mutations in genes of the histidine permease operon. These mutations are part of a preliminary approach to studying protein-protein interactions in transport, and their nature is discussed.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound proteins of periplasmic transport systems have been hypothesized to form a complex with relatively little experimental support. Here we present experimental evidence that HisQ, HisM, and HisP, the membrane-bound proteins of the periplasmic histidine transport system of Salmonella typhimurium, form such a complex. We have developed antibodies specific to each of these proteins to aid in their characterization. Extractions with urea, alkaline pH, or Triton X-114 show that HisQ and HisM are integral membrane proteins. By these tests HisP displays an unusual behavior, being associated with the membrane whether or not HisQ and HisM are present and despite its hydrophilic sequence. However, the nature of HisPs interaction with the membrane is shown to vary depending on the presence of HisQ and HisM. In their absence, HisP is somewhat peripherally associated with the membrane, while in their presence it binds much more tightly, indicating that it forms a complex in association with HisQ and HisM. This is demonstrated by the coimmunoprecipitation of all three proteins by antibodies directed against any one of them. Chemical cross-linking allowed the characterization of the subunit stoichiometry of the complex as two HisPs to one HisQ and one HisM. Within this complex all three proteins probably contact each other and the two HisPs form a dimer. We hypothesize that HisQ and HisM with their multiple membrane-spanning segments form a "channel" within which the HisP subunits are located.  相似文献   

Nickel/cobalt permeases (NiCoTs, TC 2.A.52) are a rapidly growing family of structurally related membrane transporters whose members are found in Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, in thermoacidophilic archaea, and in fungi. Previous studies have predicted two subclasses represented by HoxN of Ralstonia eutropha, a selective nickel transporter, and by NhlF of Rhodococcus rhodochrous, a nickel and cobalt transporter that displays a preference for the Co ion. In the present study, NiCoT genes of five Gram-negative bacteria and one Gram-positive bacterium were cloned and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli. Based on substrate preference in metal-accumulation assays with the recombinant strains, two of the novel NiCoTs were assigned to the NhlF class. The remaining four NiCoTs belong to a yet unrecognized, third class. They transport both the nickel and the cobalt ion but have a significantly higher capacity for nickel. The observed substrate preferences correlate in many cases with the genomic localization of NiCoT genes adjacent to regions encoding nickel- or cobalt-dependent enzymes or enzymes involved in cobalamin biosynthesis. Alignment of 23 full-length NiCoT sequences and comparison with the available experimental data predict that substrate specificity of NiCoTs is an adaptation to specific transition metal requirements in various organisms from different taxa.  相似文献   

The periplasmic histidine transport system of Salmonella typhimurium has been reconstituted in isolated right-side-out membrane vesicles. The reconstituted system is entirely dependent on both the periplasmic protein, HisJ, and the membrane-bound complex, composed of proteins HisQ, HisM, and HisP. Transport is also dependent on the presence of ascorbate and phenazine methosulfate, which provide the energy for transport. Ascorbate oxidation generates a proton-motive-force, which allows ATP synthesis. ATP (or a cogenerated molecule) appears to be the immediate energy donor. Dissipation of the proton-motive-force or reduction of the level of ATP by a variety of treatments results in inhibition of transport. Vanadate inhibits transport, indicating that ATP utilization is necessary to energize transport. The interaction between liganded HisJ and the membrane complex has been measured directly: it displays Michaelis-Menten type kinetics, with a K1/2 of approximately 65 microM. The significance of this finding in terms of transport properties of whole cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from mung bean hypocotyls, possessing a significant level of cyanide and antimycin A — resistant respiration via an alternate pathway, were assayed for hydrogen peroxide production by yeast cytochrome c peroxidase compound II formation. Rates of antimycin A — insensitive hydrogen peroxide production of 0.7–3 nmol/mg/min were observed which were too low to account for the observed oxygen consumption via the alternate pathway. However, further investigations revealed the presence of significant levels of catalase, peroxidase and hydrogen donor to peroxidase, even in gradient purified mitochondria and these could easily utilize any hydrogen peroxide produced by the alternate pathway. Similar experiments performed upon submitochondrial particles demonstrated a rate of H2O2 production which could easily account for the net electron flux through the alternate pathway. From these results, we postulate that the alternate pathway reduces oxygen only partially to hydrogen peroxide, and that the peroxidase and catalase activities of the mitochondria prevent its accumulation.  相似文献   

Structure and mechanism of bacterial periplasmic transport systems   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Bacterial periplasmic transport systems are complex, multicomponent permeases, present in Gram-negative bacteria. Many such permeases have been analyzed to various levels of detail. A generalized picture has emerged indicating that their overall structure consists of four proteins, one of which is a soluble periplasmic protein that binds the substrate and the other three are membrane bound. The liganded periplasmic protein interacts with the membrane components, which presumably form a complex, and which by a series of conformational changes allow the formation of an entry pathway for the substrate. The two extreme alternatives for such pathway involve either the formation of a nonspecific hydrophilic pore or the development of a ligand-binding site(s) on the membrane-bound complex. One of the membrane-bound components from each system constitutes a family of highly homologous proteins containing sequence domains characteristic of nucleotide-binding sites. Indeed, in several cases, they have been shown to bind ATP, which is thus postulated to be involved in the energy-coupling mechanism. Interestingly, eukaryotic proteins homologous to this family of proteins have been identified (mammalianmdr genes and Drosophilawhite locus), thus indicating that they perform a universal function, presumably related to energy coupling in membrane-related processes. The mechanism of energy coupling in periplasmic permeases is discussed.  相似文献   

The amino acyl sequences of eight permeases (enzymes II and enzyme II-III pairs) of the bacterial phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) have been analyzed. All systems show similar sizes, and six of these systems exhibit the same molecular weight +/- 2%. Several exhibit sequence homology. Characteristic NH2-terminal and COOH-terminal sequences were found. The NH2-terminal leader sequences are believed to function in targeting of the permeases to the membrane, whereas the characteristic COOH-terminal sequences are postulated to mediate interaction with the energy-coupling protein phospho HPr. One of the systems, the one specific for mannose, exhibits distinctive characteristics. A pair of probable phosphorylation sites was detected in each of the five most similar systems, those specific for beta-glucosides, sucrose, glucose, N-acetylglucosamine, and mannitol. One of the two equivalent phosphorylation sites (proposed phosphorylation site 1) was located approximately 80 residues from the COOH terminus of each system. The other site (proposed phosphorylation site 2) was located approximately 440 residues from the COOH termini of the glucose and N-acetylglucosamine systems, approximately 320 residues from the COOH termini of the beta-glucoside and sucrose systems, and 381 residues from the COOH terminus of the mannitol system. Intragenic rearrangement during evolutionary history may account for the different positions of phosphorylation sites 2 in the different PTS permeases. More extensive intragenic rearrangements may have given rise to entirely different positions of phosphorylation in the glucitol, mannose, and lactose systems. A single, internal amphipathic alpha-helix with characteristic features was found in each of seven of the eight enzymes II. The lactose-specific enzyme III of Staphylococcus aureus was unique in possessing a COOH-terminal amphipathic alpha-helix rich in basic amino acyl residues. Possible functions for these amphipathic segments are discussed.  相似文献   

Intact cells of Nitrosomonas europaea grown in an ammonium salts medium will oxidise ammonium ions, hydroxylamine and ascorbate-TMPD; there is no oxidation of carbon monoxide, methane or methanol. The Km value for ammonia oxidation is highly pH dependent with a minimum value of 0.5 mM above pH 8.0. This suggests that free ammonia is the species crossing the cytoplasmic membrane(s). The measurement of respiration driven proton translocation indicates that there is probably only one proton translocating loop (loop 3) association with hydroxylamine oxidation. The oxidation of "endogenous" substrates is sometimes associated with more than one proton-translocating loop. These results indicate that during growth hydroxylamine oxidation is probably associated with a maximum P/O ratio of 1.  相似文献   

Energy coupling in chloroplasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Bacterial periplasmic binding protein-dependent transport systems require the function of a specific substrate-binding protein, located in the periplasm, and several membrane-bound components. We present evidence for a nucleotide-binding site on one of the membrane components from each of three independent transport systems, the hisP, malK and oppD proteins of the histidine, maltose and oligopeptide permeases, respectively. The amino acid sequence of the oppD protein has been determined and this protein is shown to share extensive homology with the hisP and malK proteins. Three lines of evidence lead us to propose the existence of a nucleotide-binding site on each of these proteins. A consensus nucleotide-binding sequence can be identified in the same relative position in each of the three proteins. The oppD protein binds to a Cibacron Blue affinity column and can be eluted by ATP but not by CTP or NADH. The oppD protein is labelled specifically by the nucleotide affinity analogue 5'-p-fluorosulphonylbenzoyladenosine. The identification of a nucleotide-binding site provides strong evidence that transport by periplasmic binding protein-dependent systems is energized directly by the hydrolysis of ATP or a closely related nucleotide. The hisP, malK and oppD proteins are thus responsible for energy-coupling to their respective transport systems.  相似文献   

Bacterial periplasmic transport systems are complex permeases composed of a soluble substrate-binding receptor and a membrane-bound complex containing 2-4 proteins. Recent developments have clearly demonstrated that these permeases are energized by the hydrolysis of ATP. Several in vitro systems have allowed a detailed study of the essential parameters functioning in these permeases. Several of the component proteins have been shown to interact with each other and the actual substrate for the transport process has been shown to be the liganded soluble receptor. The affinity of this substrate for the membrane complex is approximately 10 microM. The involvement of ATP in energy coupling is mediated by one of the proteins in the membrane complex. For each specific permease, this protein is a member of a family of conserved proteins which bind ATP. The similarity between the members of this family is high and extends itself beyond the consensus motifs for ATP binding. Interestingly, over the last few years, several eukaryotic membrane-bound proteins have been discovered which bear a high level of homology to the family of the conserved components of bacterial periplasmic permeases. Most of these proteins are known to, or can be inferred to participate in a transport process, such as in the case of the multidrug resistance protein (MDR), the STE6 gene product of yeast, and possibly the cystic fibrosis protein. This homology suggests a similarity in the mechanism of action and possibly a common evolutionary origin. This exciting development will stimulate progress in both the prokaryotic and eukaryotic areas of research by the use of overlapping procedures and model building. We propose that this universal class of permeases be called 'Traffic ATPases' to distinguish them from other types of transport systems, and to highlight their involvement in the transport of a vast variety of substrates in either direction relative to the cell interior and their use of ATP as energy source.  相似文献   

An essential component of heme transport in Gram-negative bacterial pathogens is the periplasmic protein that shuttles heme between outer and inner membranes. We have solved the first crystal structures of two such proteins, ShuT from Shigella dysenteriae and PhuT from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both share a common architecture typical of Class III periplasmic binding proteins. The heme binds in a narrow cleft between the N- and C-terminal binding domains and is coordinated by a Tyr residue. A comparison of the heme-free (apo) and -bound (holo) structures indicates little change in structure other than minor alterations in the heme pocket and movement of the Tyr heme ligand from an "in" position where it can coordinate the heme iron to an "out" orientation where it points away from the heme pocket. The detailed architecture of the heme pocket is quite different in ShuT and PhuT. Although Arg(228) in PhuT H-bonds with a heme propionate, in ShuT a peptide loop partially takes up the space occupied by Arg(228), and there is no Lys or Arg H-bonding with the heme propionates. A comparison of PhuT/ShuT with the vitamin B(12)-binding protein BtuF and the hydroxamic-type siderophore-binding protein FhuD, the only two other structurally characterized Class III periplasmic binding proteins, demonstrates that PhuT/ShuT more closely resembles BtuF, which reflects the closer similarity in ligands, heme and B(12), compared with ligands for FhuD, a peptide siderophore.  相似文献   

A large-scale production system of N-acetyllactosamine, a core structure of various oligosaccharides, was established by a whole-cell reaction through the combination of recombinant Escherichia coli strains and Corynebacterium ammoniagenes. Two recombinant E. coli strains over-expressed the UDP-Gal biosynthetic genes and the beta-(1-->4)-galactosyltransferase gene of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, respectively. C. ammoniagenes contributed the production of UTP from orotic acid. N-Acetyllactosamine was accumulated at 279 mM (107 g L-1) after a 38 h reaction (2.5 L in volume) starting from orotic acid, D-galactose, and 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucose.  相似文献   

Two active lysine transport systems were detected in Saccharomycopsis lipolytica. No excretion of lysine out of the cells could be obtained, even by chasing with L-lysine or by poisoning with sodium azide. The kinetic properties of one of the permeases, the high-affinity lysine permease, were studied in detail. Its Km was 1.91 +/- 0.23 X 10(-5) M. It proved highly specific, the only potent competitive inhibitors being (i) arginine and its analogs L-canavanine and L-ornithine, and (ii) the lysine analogs L-5 aminoethylcysteine and L-4,5-transdehydrolysine. It is suggested that the high-affinity lysine permease is common to L-lysine, L-ornithine, and L-arginine. The other amino acids tested behaved as noncompetitive inhibitors. The variation of uptake during a growth cycle was studied on ammonia-rich, ammonia-poor, and ammonia-free media. In each case, the uptake exhibited a peak in the early exponential growth phase. No new permease activity was detected during the lag phase or the stationary phase. Ammonia ions competitively inhibited the uptake and also decreased the Vmax value.  相似文献   

The source of metabolic energy for the accumulation of methionine in cells of Escherichia coli was shown to differ from that for proline uptake. In contrast to proline uptake, methionine accumulation was sensitive to arsenate, and relatively resistant to azide or dinitrophenol. Adenosine triphosphatase mutant strains also differentiated between the two systems, consistent with the conclusion that, although proline uptake is driven directly by the energized membrane state, methionine uptake is not. Methionine transport is similar to that of other osmotic shock-sensitive systems in its direct utilization of adenosine 5'-triphosphate or a related compound as energy source.  相似文献   

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