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The structure of PsbQ, one of the three main extrinsic proteins associated with the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) of higher plants and green algae, is examined by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and circular dichroic (CD) spectroscopy and by computational structural prediction methods. This protein, together with two other lumenally bound extrinsic proteins, PsbO and PsbP, is essential for the stability and full activity of the OEC in plants. The FTIR spectra obtained in both H(2)O and D(2)O suggest a mainly alpha-helix structure on the basis of the relative areas of the constituents of the amide I and I' bands. The FTIR quantitative analyses indicate that PsbQ contains about 53% alpha-helix, 7% turns, 14% nonordered structure, and 24% beta-strand plus other beta-type extended structures. CD analyses indicate that PsbQ is a mainly alpha-helix protein (about 64%), presenting a small percentage assigned to beta-strand ( approximately 7%) and a larger amount assigned to turns and nonregular structures ( approximately 29%). Independent of the spectroscopic analyses, computational methods for protein structure prediction of PsbQ were utilized. First, a multiple alignment of 12 sequences of PsbQ was obtained after an extensive search in the public databases for protein and EST sequences. Based on this alignment, computational prediction of the secondary structure and the solvent accessibility suggest the presence of two different structural domains in PsbQ: a major C-terminal domain containing four alpha-helices and a minor N-terminal domain with a poorly defined secondary structure enriched in proline and glycine residues. The search for PsbQ analogues by fold recognition methods, not based on the secondary structure, also indicates that PsbQ is a four alpha-helix protein, most probably folding as an up-down bundle. The results obtained by both the spectroscopic and computational methods are in agreement, all indicating that PsbQ is mainly an alpha protein, and show the value of using both methodologies for protein structure investigation.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the molecular composition of oral streptococci, infrared transmission spectroscopy on freeze-dried cells dissolved in KBr was used. All infrared spectra show similar absorption bands for the strains studied with the most important absorption bands located at 2930 cm-1 (CH), 1653 cm-1 (AmI), 1541 cm-1 (AmII) and two bands at 1236 cm-1 and 1082 cm-1, which were assigned to phosphate and sugar groups. However, calculation of absorption band ratios normalized with respect to the integrated intensity of the CH stretching region around 2930 cm-1, show significant differences between the strains. Both Streptococcus mitis strains possess high AmI/CH and AmII/CH absorption band ratios compared to the other strains. Streptococcus salivarius HBC12, a mutant strain devoid of all proteinaceous surface appendages, shows significantly lower AmI/CH and AmII/CH band ratios with respect to its parent strain S. salivarius HB. Two positive relationships could be established both between the AmII/CH absorption band ratio and the N/C elemental surface concentration ratio of the strains previously, determined from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and also between AmI/CH and the fraction of carbon atoms at the surface involved in amide bonds, determined by XPS as well. From this comparison, it is concluded that transmission infrared spectroscopy can be employed as a technique to study the molecular surface composition of freeze-dried microorganisms.  相似文献   

There may be several advantages associated with an antisense oligonucleotide that induces a bulged structure into its RNA target molecule. Many structures of RNA bulges are elucidated from single-stranded RNA models. However, a two-component system is the minimum requirement for a realistic antisense model. We have used Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to investigate a single-stranded RNA oligonucleotide with known NMR solution structure, constructed to model a five nucleotide bulge, and its two-component oligonucleotide counterpart. The infrared spectra show A-helical base-paired stems and non-base-paired loops in both systems. The nucleosides are mainly in an anti-conformation. Both N-type and S-type of sugar puckers can be inferred from the infrared region sensitive to sugar conformations. The S-type of sugar pucker is likely to be associated with the nucleotides in the bulge. The FTIR results display an overall structural similarity between the two model systems.  相似文献   

In this work, the interactions between the main catecholamines-epinephrine and norepinephrine-and fibrinogen were investigated by NMR and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopies. The two hormones were found to interact with fibrinogen and to affect the protein secondary structure to a different extent. In particular, the protein selectively binds epinephrine at both the basal and stress concentrations, while it shows a weak nonspecific interaction with norepinephrine. The interaction with the stress level of epinephrine leads to drastic protein conformational changes, whereas norepinephrine does not affect fibrinogen secondary structure, even at stress concentration.  相似文献   

Second derivative Fourier transform infrared spectra of the proteins ribonuclease A, hemoglobin, and beta-lactoglobulin A (native and denatured) have been obtained in deuterium oxide solution from 1350 to 1800 cm-1. The relationship of the original spectra to their second derivatives is briefly discussed. In the second derivative spectra, clearly resolved peaks are observed which can be associated with the alpha-helix, beta-strands, and turns. No protein spectra with such resolution have heretofore been reported. Tentative assignments are proposed, and the observed peaks are related to the secondary structure of the proteins studied. The data appear to present the first direct spectroscopic evidence of turns in a native protein.  相似文献   

An overview of the application of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for the analysis of the structure of proteins and protein-ligand recognition is given. The principle of the technique and of the spectra analysis is demonstrated. Spectral signal assignments to vibrational modes of the peptide chromophore, amino acid side chains, cofactors and metal ligands are summarized. Several examples for protein-ligand recognition are discussed. A particular focus is heme proteins and, as an example, studies of cytochrome P450 are reviewed. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in combination with the various techniques such as time-resolved and low-temperature methods, site-directed mutagenesis and isotope labeling is a helpful approach to studying protein-ligand recognition.  相似文献   

M Hatanaka  H Kandori    A Maeda 《Biophysical journal》1997,73(2):1001-1006
Linear dichroic difference Fourier transform infrared spectra upon formation of the M photointermediate were recorded with oriented purple membranes. The purpose was to determine the angle of the directions of the dipole moments of 1) the water molecule whose O-H stretching vibration appears at 3643 cm-1 for the unphotolyzed state and 3671 cm-1 for the M intermediate, and 2) the C=O bond of protonated Asp85 in the M intermediate. The angle of 36 degrees we find for the C=O of the protonated Asp85 in the M intermediate is not markedly different from 26 degrees for unprotonated Asp85 in the model based on cryoelectron diffraction, indicating the absence of gross orientation changes in Asp85 upon its protonation. The O-H band at 3671 cm-1 of a water molecule in the M intermediate, although its position has not determined, is fixed almost parallel to the membrane plane. For the unphotolyzed state the angle of the water O-H to the membrane normal was determined to be 60 degrees. On the basis of these data and the structural model, we place the water molecule in the unphotolyzed state at a position where it forms hydrogen bonds with the Schiff base, Asp85, Asp212, and Trp86.  相似文献   

Two pharmacologically similar but antigenically distinct botulinum neurotoxins, types A and E with a 1000-fold difference in their toxicity, were examined for nonpolar solvent-induced changes in secondary structures and polypeptide foldings to understand their structural differences and their comparative responsiveness/susceptibility to solvent perturbation. Analysis of far UV circular dichroic spectra in aqueous buffer for types A and E neurotoxins yielded the following: the -helix contents were 27 and 20%; the -sheets were 36 and 44%, the -turns were 6.0 and 0%, and the random coils were 31 and 36%, respectively. Fourier transform infrared spectra, obtained by using attenuated total reflection technique, indicated high content of -helix and -pleated sheet structures for both neurotoxins as judged by strong bands at 1651 and 1633 cm–1 in the amide I frequency region and bands at 1314 and 1245 cm–1 in the amide III frequency region. The peak height ratio of 1314 and 1245 cm–1 bands, suggests that the type A neurotoxin has slightly higher -helical content than the type E neurotoxin. These observations are consistent with the secondary structures estimated from far UV circular dichroic spectra. Fourier transform infrared spectra of the neurotoxins, exposed to methanol, showed sharp increases of the 1651 cm–1 band and a significant increase in the height of the 1314 cm–1 band, suggesting increases in the -helical contents of the proteins. The changes were more in the type A than in the type E neurotoxin. The changes were reversible upon reexposure of the proteins to the aqueous buffer. Second derivative absorption spectroscopy demonstrated that methanol also induced changes in the degree of Tyr exposure to solvent. The results are discussed in terms of structural differences between the single and dichain neurotoxins and in terms of their mode of action.  相似文献   

The second-derivative mode of the Fourier transform I.R. spectra of dried algal material has been applied to distinguish the carrageenans-producingStenogramme interrupta from the isomorphous speciesRhodymenia howeana. Spectra of the tetrasporophyteS. interrupta showed bands assigned to a -carrageenan type polysaccharide, while the gametophytic and cystocarpic plants showed the characteristic absorptions of -and -carrageenans. Results were confirmed by hot water extraction of samples of the three nuclear phases ofS. interrupta and characterization of the extracts by chemical analysis.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

A quite rare case of nasopharyngeal calculus in a woman in her twenties associated with the nasal discharge of pseudomonas infection was reported. As the substance was irregularly large in size, we extracted it partially by piecemeal resection using forceps and also by cracking technique using the holmium yttrium-aluminum-garnet (YAG) laser, under saline irrigation and stereotactic microscopic navigator (SMN) system under endoscopic observation. The substance was firmly fixed to the pharyngeal tonsil bed. The final extract was a small piece of singly folded bandage, which is probably the focal background for calculus formation. In a cross section of calculus specimen removed during surgery, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) analysis revealed that a) signal ratio of methylene group (organic substance) to amide I (protein) was 21.6% at the nasal cavity side, gradually decreased toward nasal mucous membrane showing approximate 50%, b) signal ratio of amide I to P04(3-) (inorganic substance) ranged between 17.7% and 26.7% at the different sites and inside the calculus, the protein content was approximate 1/5 of the inorganic substance, and c) signal ratio of the methylene group to amide I at the nasal cavity site showed that their contents were almost equal. The quantity of the organic substance was estimated at approximate 1/2 quantity of the protein at both the central part and the part contacted with the mucous membrane. From these results, it seems that throughout the course of calculus growth, both inorganic substance and protein remain almost constant inside the calculus, while organic substance is released from the internal part of the calculus being probably formed at an early stage.  相似文献   

Fourier self-deconvolution of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra and second derivative FTIR spectroscopy were applied to study solvent-induced conformational changes in globular proteins. For beta-lactoglobulin a total of three different denatured forms were identified in alkaline solution and in aqueous methanol-d1 and isopropanol-d1. In isopropanol-d1 solution a new conformation was identified which appears to resemble, but is not identical with, the beta-structure of native proteins. This conformation is characterized by absorption bands around 1615-1618 and 1684-1688 cm-1, and is also observed for concanavalin A and chymotrypsinogen A in aqueous isopropanol-d1 solution.  相似文献   

Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR FT-IR) has been used to compare the structure of beta-lactoglobulin, the major component of whey proteins, in solution and in its functional gel state. To induce variation in the conformation of beta-lactoglobulin under a set of gelling conditions, the effect of heating temperature, pH, and high pressure homogenization on the conformation sensitive amide I band in the infrared spectra of both solutions and gels has been investigated. The results showed that gelification process has a pronounced effect upon beta-lactoglobulin secondary structure, leading to the formation of intermolecular hydrogen-bonding beta-sheet structure as evidenced by the appearance of a strong band at 1614 cm(-1) at the expense of other regular structures. These results confirm that this structure may be essential for the formation of a gel network as it was previously shown for other globular proteins. However, this study reveals, for the first time, that there is a close relationship between conformation of beta-lactoglobulin in solution and its capacity to form a gel. Indeed, it is shown that conditions which promote predominance of intermolecular beta-sheet in solution such as pH 4, prevent the formation of gel in conditions used by increasing thermal stability of beta-lactoglobulin. On the basis of these findings, it is suggested that by controlling the extent of intermolecular beta-structure of the protein in solution, it is possible to modify the ability of protein to form a gel and as a consequence to control the properties of gels.  相似文献   

Pexiganan (Gly-Ile-Gly-Lys-Phe-Leu-Lys-Lys-Ala-Lys-Lys-Phe-Gly-Lys-Ala-Phe-Val-Lys-Ile-Leu-Lys-Lys), a 22 amino acid peptide, is an analogue of the magainin family of antimicrobial peptides present in the skin of the African clawed frog. Conformational analysis of pexiganan was carried out in different solvent environments for the first time. Organic solvents, trifluoroethanol (TFE) and methanol, were used to study the secondary structural preferences of this peptide in the membrane-mimicking environments. In addition, aqueous (D2O) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solutions were also investigated to study the role of hydrogen bonding involved in the secondary structure formation. Fourier transform infrared absorption, vibrational circular dichroism (VCD), and electronic circular dichroism (ECD) measurements were carried out under the same conditions to ascertain the conformational assignments in different solvents. All these spectroscopic measurements suggest that the pexiganan peptide has the tendency to adopt different structures in different environments. Pexiganan appears to adopt an alpha-helical conformation in TFE, a sheet-stabilized beta-turn structure in methanol, a random coil with beta-turn structure in D2O, and a solvated beta-turn structure in DMSO.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy probes the vibrational properties of amino acids and cofactors, which are sensitive to minute structural changes. The lack of specificity of this technique, on the one hand, permits us to probe directly the vibrational properties of almost all the cofactors, amino acid side chains, and of water molecules. On the other hand, we can use reaction-induced FTIR difference spectroscopy to select vibrations corresponding to single chemical groups involved in a specific reaction. Various strategies are used to identify the IR signatures of each residue of interest in the resulting reaction-induced FTIR difference spectra. (Specific) Isotope labeling, site-directed mutagenesis, hydrogen/deuterium exchange are often used to identify the chemical groups. Studies on model compounds and the increasing use of theoretical chemistry for normal modes calculations allow us to interpret the IR frequencies in terms of specific structural characteristics of the chemical group or molecule of interest. This review presents basics of FTIR spectroscopy technique and provides specific important structural and functional information obtained from the analysis of the data from the photosystems, using this method.  相似文献   

Tripeptidesserve as model systems for understanding the so-called random-coil state of peptides and proteins. While it is well known that polyproline or proline-rich polypeptides adopt the very regular polyproline-II (PPII) or left-handed 3(1)-helix conformation, it was thus far not clear whether this is also the predominant structure adopted by proline-containing tripeptides. To clarify this issue, we have investigated the amide I' band profile in the ir, isotropic, and anisotropic Raman, and vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectrum of cationic and zwitterionic tri-proline in D(2)O. The data were analyzed by modifying a recently developed algorithm, which allows one to obtain the central dihedral angles of tripeptides from the amide I' band intensities (R. Schweitzer-Stenner, Biophysical Journal, 2002, Vol. 83, pp. 523-532). Our analysis revealed that the peptide adopts a nearly canonical PPII structure in water with psi and phi values in the range of 175 degrees -165 degrees and -70 degrees -(-80 degrees ), respectively. This is fully confirmed by the respective electronic ultraviolet-CD spectra. Our result indicates that the strong PPII propensity of trans proline results from local interactions between the pyrrolidine ring and the backbone and is not due to any long-range interactions.  相似文献   

Quantitative express analysis of nitrogen content in cellulose nitrates by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has been developed. The slope of the dependence of the ratio of the band intensity (and area) to sample weight in a tablet, on the nitrogen content in a sample was used to find the reduced extinction coefficients for quantitative analysis of nitrogen content in cellulose nitrate samples by IR spectroscopy. The results were compared with the nitrogen content values in the same samples determined by the ferrosulfate method.  相似文献   

Analysis of human tear fluid by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this research is to find some useful spectroscopic factors in human tear fluid contents to monitor diurnal changes of the physicochemical ocular conditions noninvasively. All tear fluid samples were collected with glass microcapillary tubes from both eyes of three donors and analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR). We measured the peak intensities at 2852, 1735, 1546, and 1242 cm(-1), and the peak intensity ratios among those peaks in the second derivative spectra. We found significant diurnal and individual variations in those peak intensities for tear fluid obtained from right and left eyes. Among these variations, we observed significant changes in tear samples between right and left eyes. In this case the peak intensity ratio between 1242 (phosphate ester) and 2852 cm(-1) (fatty acid methylene) of right eye tear fluid was increased in the afternoon (1600 to 1900 h), while that of left eye tear fluid did not change significantly. In the ratio between 1242 (phosphate ester) and 1546 cm(-1) (amide II), the difference was not observed between both eyes. We conclude that the difference in diurnal variations of biochemical constituents between right and left eye tear fluids could be monitored noninvasively and nondestructively by FTIR technique and this method could be useful in the future for tear diagnoses.  相似文献   

Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), frequently associated with both community-acquired and nosocomial bloodstream infections, must be distinguished from Staphylococcus aureus for clinical purposes. Conventional methods are too laborious and time-consuming and often lack sensitivity to CNS. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy combined with the use of a universal growth medium (Que-Bact Universal Medium No. 2) and chemometrics was evaluated for its potential as a rapid and simple clinical tool for making this distinction. FTIR spectra of 11 methicillin-sensitive and 11 methicillin-resistant CNS isolates as well as 25 methicillin-sensitive, 47 methicillin-resistant, 34 borderline oxacillin-resistant and 35 glycopeptide intermediate S. aureus isolates were obtained from dried films of stationary-phase cells grown on the universal medium. Principal component analysis (PCA), self-organizing maps, and the K-nearest neighbor algorithm were employed to cluster the different phenotypes based on similarity of their FTIR spectra. PCA of the first-derivative normalized spectral data from a single narrow region (2888-2868 cm(-1)) yielded complete differentiation of CNS from both methicillin-sensitive and methicillin-resistant S. aureus. The rate of correct classification was somewhat reduced, from 100% to 90%, after inclusion of borderline oxacillin-resistant and glycopeptide intermediate S. aureus strains in the data set. Differentiation based on the data in broader spectral regions was much less reliable. The results of this study indicate that with proper spectral region selection, FTIR spectroscopy and cluster analysis may provide a simple and accurate means of CNS species identification.  相似文献   

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