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The rate of DNA synthesis in the parotid salivary gland of adult mice is very low. We have purified about 5 000-fold a mitogen from the aceIlular ascitic fluid of the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma which stimulates DNA synthesis in the parotid salivary gland in vivo. This stimulation of DNA synthesis was produced with a protein concentration of this mitogen of 3 μg per 25 g of body weight. The purification procedure included ammonium sulfate fractionation and DEAE Sephacel column chromatography. This potent, heat-labile mitogen is presumed to be a protein with a mol.wt, of 3.5×103 to 1.3×104. The data indicate that this new factor is quite different from epidermal growth factor and tumor growth factor. Hypophysectomy did not prevent the stimulatory effect of this mitogen on the parotid salivary gland, indicating that the pituitary gland is not involved directly in mediating the mitogenic effect.  相似文献   

A study was made of the influence of gamma-radiation on DNA synthesis in cells of 3-day and 7-day Ehrlich ascites tumor cultures. DNA synthesis in cells of the 3-day culture was more sensitive to moderate radiation doses than those of the 7-day culture as was observed during the first 30 min after irradiation. After 3-hour postirradiation incubation, no appreciable difference was noted in radiosensitivity of DNA synthesis in the cells of the 3-day and 7-day cultures.  相似文献   

A comparative study of single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSB-proteins) isolated from chromatin and the extrachromatin fraction of Ehrlich ascites tumour cells was carried out. No differences were found either in SDS-gel electrophoretic mobility or in the single-stranded DNA-binding capacity and stimulation of the replicative synthesis of DNA. However, chromatin SSB-proteins contained 1.4-1.5 times more phosphate than extrachromatin proteins. Both preparations could be phosphorylated in vitro by protein kinase C and cAMP-dependent protein kinase, but the chromatin proteins were phosphorylated in a lesser degree. In parallel with phosphorylation the SSB-proteins displayed a higher binding affinity for ssDNA-cellulose. Phosphorylation can thus be regarded as a means of regulation of the SSB-protein function, in particular, their interaction with chromatin DNA.  相似文献   

The role of plasma free fatty acids (FFA) in the transport of fatty acids from host tissues to Ehrlich ascites carcinoma in mice was studied. [9,10-(3)H] Palmitate complexed to mouse serum (albumin) was injected either intraperitoneally or intravenously into unanesthetized tumor-bearing mice. The incorporation of radioactivity into tumor extracellular fluid FFA, tumor cell FFA, neutral lipid, phospholipid, water-soluble material in cells and fluid, plasma FFA, host carcass total lipid fatty acids, and water-soluble (i.e., nonlipid) material was measured. In addition, the quantity of fatty acid in each of the above lipid fractions was determined. The data were analyzed by multicompartmental analysis (SAAM) using a digital computer, and fractional rate constants of FA movement within and out of the host-tumor system were calculated. These rate constants and pool size measurements were used to estimate the corresponding fluxes. Although FFA in the tumor's extracellular fluid were replaced rapidly, almost none of the newly formed fluid FFA was derived from plasma FFA. Moreover, the transfer of FFA from the tumor extracellular fluid FFA to plasma FFA was virtually negligible. We suggest that the net amount of FFA required to replace the fluid FFA utilized for tumor energy and growth may be derived from direct transfer of FFA from host tissues to the ascitic fluid and that plasma FFA is not an intermediate in this transport process. The transport of FFA from the host to tumor cell lipids through the tumor extracellular fluid was about 26-fold greater than that required to account for net lipid accumulation during growth.  相似文献   

Ehrlich Ascites Tumor (EAT) chalone has been shown to inhibit nascent DNA synthesis by inhibiting DNA polymerase alpha and beta (Nakai, 1976), but one of the problems in studying eurkaryotic DNA replication has been the relative impermeability of the cell membrane to precursors and macromolecules; hence, to circumvent this restriction without sacrificing the integrity of the replication process, a broken cell system utilizing nuclei in aqueous media was investigated. Isolated nuclei appear to continue the process of DNA replication that was proceeding in vivo before their isolation and under optimal concitions are able to initiate new synthesis (Fraser & Huberman, 1977). The effects of partially purified EAT chalone on nascent DNA could be studied directly in this nuclear system, which excluded effects of the cell membrane, nucleotide pools and other cytosol elements. A concentration-related inhibition of [3H]thymidine triphosphate ([3H]dTTP) incorporation was noted over a chalone range of 50-200 micrograms/ml. It appears that chalone can inhibit DNA polymerase alpha directly within the nucleus without an intermediate step such as a cell membrane receptor.  相似文献   

The kinetics of different cell populations (T and B) and subpopulations (one bearing easily releasable FcR and one bearing stable FcR) was followed in spleens of mice after one single i.p. injection of EAF. The number of FcR bearing cells doubled within 2-7 days after EAF injection. This increase was due to cells bearing temperature sensitive FcR and was accompanied by the doubling of theta positive cells. These results, supported by the demonstration of doubly labeled (theta+FcR+) cells, suggest that EAF injected into normal mice causes the appearance of T-cells expressing easily releasable FcR. These cells, according to Fridman et al. (1977) are suppressor cells. Maximal increase of theta positive cells and of cells with temperature sensitive FcR detected in vitro coincided with the maximum of the suppressive activity of EAF detected in vivo.  相似文献   

The synthesis of poly(A)-containing RNA by isolated mitochondria from Ehrlich ascites cells was studied. Isolated mitochondria incorporate [3H]AMP or [3H]UTP into an RNA species that adsorbs on oligo (dT)-cellulose columns or Millipore filters. Hydrolysis of the poly(A)-containing RNA with pancreatic and T1 ribonucleases released a poly(A) sequence that had an electrophoretic mobility slightly faster than 4SE. In comparison, ascites-cell cytosolic poly(A)-containing RNA had a poly(A) tail that had an electrophoretic mobility of about 7SE. Sensitivity of the incorporation of [3H]AMP into poly(A)-containing RNA to ethidium bromide and to atractyloside and lack of sensitivity to immobilized ribonuclease added to the mitochondria after incubation indicated that the site of incorporation was mitochondrial. The poly(A)-containing RNA sedimented with a peak of about 18S, with much material of higher s value. After denaturation at 70 degrees C for 5 min the poly(A)-containing RNA separated into two components of 12S and 16S on a 5-20% (w/v) sucrose density gradient at 4 degrees C, or at 4 degrees and 25 degrees C in the presence of formaldehyde. Poly(A)-containing RNA synthesized in the presence of ethidium bromide sedimented at 5-10S in a 15-33% (w/v) sucrose density gradient at 24 degrees C. The poly(A) tail of this RNA was smaller than that synthesized in the absence of ethidium bromide. The size of the poly(A)-containing RNA (approx. 1300 nucleotides) is about the length necessary for that of mRNA species for the products of mitochondrial protein synthesis observed by ourselves and others.  相似文献   

The inhibitory action of transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) on DNA synthesis in hepatocytes isolated from the liver of normal rats or from the liver remnant of rats 18 h following partial hepatectomy was compared. Continuous exposure to TGF beta inhibited DNA synthesis of cultured hepatocytes to a similar degree in both groups when labelled with 3H thymidine from 24-48 h or 48-72 h. At 20 pM TGF beta, 3H-thymidine incorporation was reduced by 64-78% in hepatocytes from normal liver and by 60-73% in cells from 18 h regenerating liver. The nuclear labelling index was reduced by 70-80% in all cells. Exposure to TGF beta at concentrations up to 500 pM from 0-24 h had no effect on 3H-thymidine incorporation, but exposure at 20 pM for 24 h periods thereafter was uniformally effective. These results indicate that there is no change in sensitivity of hepatocytes from 18 h regenerating liver to TGF beta, compared with normal cells, and that TGF beta may act at some point in the G1 phase of the cell cycle to inhibit hepatocyte growth.  相似文献   

Binding of SSB-protein from Ehrlich ascites tumor to ssDNA from M13 phage leads to its compactization. The structure of the complex at the protein/DNA ratios far from the saturation level looks like "beads-on the string". DNA that was fully saturated with protein forms collapsed globular structure. Binding of the protein to the dsDNA from phage lambda increases its flexibility and decreases the coil dimensions; no "beads-on the string" structure are seen. The protein possess slight destabilizing effect on hairpin helices of M13DNA. Competition studies demonstrate that the binding properties of protein with polyribonucleotide lattices and DNA's decrease in ranking as follows: poly(rG) greater than or equal to poly(rI) greater than or equal to ssDNA greater than dsDNA greater than poly(rA) congruent to approximately poly(rU). Thus SSB-protein from Ehrlich ascites tumor differs significantly from its presumed prokaryotic analogs.  相似文献   

We show that granulocytes (PMN) have a dual role in the development of Ehrlich Ascites Tumor (EAT) in mice. EAT intraperitoneal inoculation causes a local inflammatory reaction, ascites development and mortality that distinguish resistant and susceptible strains. In resistant mice (CAF1), there is a less pronounced PMN influx after EAT inoculation than in susceptible Swiss mice. Accordingly, the increase in peritoneal PMN numbers enhanced tumor growth in CAF1 mice, but had no effect in the susceptible Swiss animals. Contrastingly, PMN depletion had no effect in resistant mice but facilitated tumor growth in susceptible animals. Though no differences were noted between the strains in peritoneal cell spreading and hydrogen peroxide release after tumor inoculation, in vitro PMN cytotoxic activity against EAT was significantly higher in susceptible Swiss mice. These data indicate a paradoxical dual role for PMN against EAT: while they help control tumor development in susceptible animals, they seem to enhance tumor growth in resistant mice.  相似文献   

Isolated nuclei from adult rat liver have been used as a model system to define several characteristics of the unscheduled DNA synthesis supported by DNA polymerase beta. Many of these characteristics have been found to reflect some catalytic properties (pH optimum, divalent cations requirement, dependence on all four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates, apparent Km for dTTP) as well as sensitivity to various agents (differential inhibitors of eukaryotic DNA polymerases, phosphate, DNA intercalating drugs, chemical or thermal denaturation) commonly regarded as typical of DNA polymerase beta itself. Given the new picture of the enzymology of DNA repair synthesis which has recently emerged, none of the above characteristics seem to be suitable candidates as diagnostic tools of a repair polymerization process.  相似文献   

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