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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae prohormone-processing enzyme Kex2p is biosynthesized as an inactive precursor extended by its N-terminal proregion. Here we show that deletion of the proregion renders Kex2p inactive both in vivo and in vitro. Absence of the proregion impaired glycosylation and stability and resulted in the retention of the enzyme in the endoplasmic reticulum. These phenotypes were partially complemented by expression of the proregion in trans. Trans complementation was specific to Kex2p proregion because expression of any of the seven mammalian prohormone convertase propeptides had no effect. These data are consistent with a model whereby Kex2p proregion functions as an intramolecular chaperone and indicate that covalent linkage to the protein is not an absolute requirement for proregion function. Furthermore, extensive mutagenesis revealed that, in addition to their function as proteolytic recognition sites, C-terminal basic residues play an active role in proregion-dependent Kex2p activation.  相似文献   

Calreticulin (CRT) is a highly conserved chaperone-like lectin that regulates Ca2+ homeostasis and participates in protein quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Most of our CRT knowledge came from mammalian studies, but our understanding of plant CRTs is limited. Many plants contain more than two CRTs that form two distinct groups: CRT1/CRT2 and CRT3. Previous studies on plant CRTs were focused on their Ca2+-binding function, but recent studies revealed a crucial role for the Arabidopsis CRT3 in ER retention of a mutant brassinosteroid receptor, brassinosteroid-insensitive 1-9 (bri1-9) and in complete folding of a plant immunity receptor EF-Tu Receptor (EFR). However, little is known about the molecular basis of the functional specification of the CRTs. We have recently shown that the C-terminal domain of CRT3, which is rich in basic residues, is essential for retaining bri1-9 in the ER; however, its role in assisting EFR folding has not been studied. Here, we used an insertional mutant of CRT3, ebs2-8 (EMS mutagenized bri1 suppressor 2-8), in the bri1-9 background as a genetic system to investigate the functional importance of two basic residue clusters in the CRT3′s C-terminal domain. Complementation experiments of ebs2-8 bri1-9 with mutant CRT3M transgenes showed that a highly conserved basic tetrapeptide Arg392Arg393Arg394Lys395 is essential but a less conserved basic tetrapeptide Arg401Arg402Arg403Arg404 is dispensable for the quality control function of CRT3 that retains bri1-9 in the ER and facilitates the complete folding of EFR.  相似文献   

Rat aortic lysyl oxidase cDNA was expressed under a metallothionein promoter in Chinese hamster ovary cells using a dihydrofolate reductase selection marker. One methotrexate-resistant cell line, LOD-06, generated by transfecting with full-length cDNA, yielded lysyl oxidase proteins consistent with the 50 kDa proenzyme and a 29 kDa mature catalyst. A second cell line, LOD32–2, was generated by transfection with a truncated cDNA lacking sequences which code for the bulk of the propeptide region. Both cell lines secreted apparently identical, 29 kDa forms of mature lysyl oxidase each of which catalyzed the deamination of human recombinant tropoelastin and alkylamines, consistent with the known specificity of lysyl oxidase. The secreted enzyme forms were inhibited by chemical inhibitors of lysyl oxidase activity, including β-aminopropionitrile, phenylhydrazine, ethylenediamine, α,α′-dipyridyl, and diethyl-dithiocarbamate. Sensitivity to these agents is consistent with the presence of copper and carbonyl cofactors in the expressed enzymes, characteristic of lysyl oxidase purified from connective tissues. These results indicate the lack of essentiality of the deleted proprotein sequence for the proper folding, generation of catalytic function, and secretion of lysyl oxidase. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cathepsin E (CE) is an endosomal aspartic proteinase of the A1 family that is highly homologous to the lysosomal aspartic proteinase cathepsin D (CD). Newly synthesized CE undergoes several proteolytic processing events to yield mature CE, from which the N-terminal propeptide usually comprising 39 amino acids is removed. To define the role of the propeptide of CE in its biosynthesis and processing, we constructed two fusion proteins using chimeric DNAs encoding the CE propeptide fused to the mature CD tagged with HA at the COOH terminus (termed ED-HA) and encoding the CD propeptide fused to the mature CE (termed DE). Pulse-chase analysis revealed that wild-type CE expressed in human embryonic kidney cells is autoproteolytically processed into mature CE within a 12-h chase, whereas the chimeric DE failed to be converted into mature CE even after a 24-h chase. The DE chimera was nevertheless capable of acid-dependent autoactivation in vitro to yield a catalytically active form, although its specificity constants (kcat/Km) were considerably high but less (35%) than those of the wild-type CE. By contrast, the chimeric ED-HA expressed in HeLa cells underwent neither processing into a catalytically active enzyme nor acid-dependent autoactivation in vitro. The ED-HA protein was less stable than wt-CD-HA, as determined on pulse-chase analysis and on trypsin digestion. These data indicate that the propeptide of CE is essential for the correct folding, maturation, and targeting of this protein to its final destination.  相似文献   

Ribeiro EA  Ramos CH 《Biochemistry》2005,44(12):4699-4709
We studied the effect of deleted and circularly permuted mutations in sperm whale myoglobin and present here results on three classes of mutants: (i) a deletion mutant, Mb(1)(-)(99), in which the C-terminal helices, G and H, were removed; (ii) two circular permutations, Mb-B_GHA, in which helix B is N-terminal and helix A is C-terminal, and Mb-C_GHAB, in which helix C is N-terminal and helices A and B are C-terminal; and (iii) a deleted circular permutation, Mb-HAB_F, in which helix H is N-terminal, helix F is C-terminal, and helix G is deleted. The conformational characteristics of the apo and holo forms of these mutants were determined at neutral pH, by spectroscopic and hydrodynamic methods. The apo form of the deleted and permuted mutants exhibited a stronger tendency to aggregate and had lower ellipticity than the wild type. The mutants retained the ability to bind heme, but only the circularly permuted holoproteins had native-like heme binding and folding. These results agree with the theory that myoglobin has a central core that is able to bind heme, but also indicate that the presence of N- and C-terminal helices is necessary for native-like heme pocket formation. Because the holopermuteins were less stable than the wild-type protein and aggregated, we propose that the native position of the N-terminus is important for the precise structural architecture of myoglobin.  相似文献   

The neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) forms a complex with p59fyn kinase and activates it via a mechanism that has remained unknown. We show that the NCAM140 isoform directly interacts with the intracellular domain of the receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase RPTPalpha, a known activator of p59fyn. Whereas this direct interaction is Ca2+ independent, formation of the complex is enhanced by Ca2+-dependent spectrin cytoskeleton-mediated cross-linking of NCAM and RPTPalpha in response to NCAM activation and is accompanied by redistribution of the complex to lipid rafts. Association between NCAM and p59fyn is lost in RPTPalpha-deficient brains and is disrupted by dominant-negative RPTPalpha mutants, demonstrating that RPTPalpha is a link between NCAM and p59fyn. NCAM-mediated p59fyn activation is abolished in RPTPalpha-deficient neurons, and disruption of the NCAM-p59fyn complex in RPTPalpha-deficient neurons or with dominant-negative RPTPalpha mutants blocks NCAM-dependent neurite outgrowth, implicating RPTPalpha as a major phosphatase involved in NCAM-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

Octopus calmodulin was purified to homogeneity and shown to contain 0.1 residue each of epsilon-N-monomethyl-lysine, epsilon-N-dimethyllysine, and epsilon-N-trimethyllysine/mol. With the exception of this partial methylation and of a single tyrosyl residue, it shared all the characteristic properties of mammalian calmodulin in terms of molecular weight, amino acid composition, electrophoretic behavior in the presence or absence of Ca2+ ions, and activation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent myosin light chain kinase. In fact, Octopus calmodulin proved to be slightly more effective than ram testis calmodulin in activating both skeletal and smooth muscle myosin light chain kinases in the presence of Ca2+. This provides conclusive evidence that (a) stoichiometric trimethylation of lysine 115 is not required for enzyme activation, and (b) the inability of troponin C to activate myosin light chain kinase (Walsh, M. P., Vallet, B., Cavadore, J. C., and Demaille, J. G.  相似文献   

The high affinity receptor of the cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is a heterodimer composed of two members of the cytokine receptor superfamily. GM-CSF binds to the alpha-subunit (GM-R alpha) with low affinity and to the receptor alpha beta complex (GM-R alpha beta) with high affinity. The GM-CSF.GM-R alpha beta complex is responsible for biological activity. Interactions of the N-terminal helix of mouse GM-CSF with mGM-R alpha beta were examined by introducing single alanine substitutions of hydrophilic residues in this region of mGM-CSF. The consequences of these substitutions were evaluated by receptor binding and biological assays. Although all mutant proteins exhibited near wild-type biological activity, most were defective in high affinity receptor binding. In particular, substitution of Glu-21 with alanine abrogated high affinity binding leaving low affinity binding unaffected. Despite near wild-type biological activity, no detectable binding interaction of this mutant with mGM-R beta in the context of mGM-R alpha beta was observed. Cross-linking studies showed an apparent interaction of this mutant protein with mGM-R alpha beta. The deficient receptor binding characteristics and near wild-type biological activity of this mutant protein demonstrate that mGM-CSF receptor activation can occur independently of high affinity binding, suggesting that conformational changes in the receptor induced by mGM-CSF binding generate an active ligand-receptor complex.  相似文献   

The uptake and metabolism of 35S-labelled sulphur amino acids were compared in periportal (PP) and perivenous (PV) rat hepatocytes, isolated by digitonin/collagenase perfusion, to identify the factors underlying the previously observed [Kera, Penttilä & Lindros, Biochem. J. (1988) 254, 411-417] higher rate of GSH replenishment in PP cells. The buthionine sulphoximine-inhibitable synthesis of GSH was faster in PP than in PV hepatocytes with both cysteine (6.1 versus 5.0 mumol/h per g of cells) and methionine (4.5 versus 3.3 mumol/h per g) as well as with endogenous precursors and L-2-oxo-4-thiazolidinecarboxylate as substrates. However, the uptake of cysteine by PP cells was slower than by PV cells (8.6 versus 10.3 mumol/h per g of cells), whereas methionine was taken up at similar rates. The activity of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS) was slightly higher in digitonin lysates from the PP than from the PV zone. Production of sulphate, the major catabolite of [35S]cysteine sulphur, as well as incorporation of the label into protein occurred at similar rates in PP and PV cells. Taurine, on the other hand, was produced from [35S]cysteine much faster by PV than by PP cells (0.7 versus 0.1 mumol/h per g of cells). Accordingly, the taurine content of PV hepatocytes tended to be higher and to increase faster during incubation with methionine. These results imply that metabolism of taurine is highly zonated within the acinus. They also suggest that both the slightly lower GCS activity and the fast metabolism of cysteine to taurine limit the capacity of PV hepatocytes to synthesize GSH.  相似文献   

ATR (ataxia telangiectasia and Rad-3-related) is a protein kinase required for survival after DNA damage. A critical role for ATR has been hypothesized to be the regulation of p53 and other cell cycle checkpoints. ATR has been shown to phosphorylate p53 at Ser(15), and this damage-induced phosphorylation is diminished by expression of a catalytically inactive (ATR-kd) mutant. p53 function could not be examined directly in prior studies of ATR, however, because p53 was mutant or because cells expressed the SV40 large T antigen that blocks p53 function. To test the interactions of ATR and p53 directly we generated human U2OS cell lines inducible for either wild-type or kinase-dead ATR that also have an intact p53 pathway. Indeed, ATR-kd expression sensitized these cells to DNA damage and caused a transient decrease in damage-induced serine 15 phosphorylation of p53. However, we found that the effects of ATR-kd expression do not result in blocking the response of p53 to DNA damage. Specifically, prior ATR-kd expression had no effect on DNA damage-induced p53 protein up-regulation, p53-DNA binding, p21 mRNA up-regulation, or G(1) arrest. Instead of promoting survival via p53 regulation, we found that ATR protects cells by delaying the generation of mitotic phosphoproteins and inhibiting premature chromatin condensation after DNA damage or hydroxyurea. Although p53 inhibition (by E6 or MDM2 expression) had little effect on premature chromatin condensation, when combined with ATR-kd expression there was a marked loss of the replication checkpoint. We conclude that ATR and p53 can function independently but that loss of both leads to synergistic disruption of the replication checkpoint.  相似文献   

Tyrosine kinases of the Src family are synthesized as cytosolic proteins that subsequently translocate to membranes. Little is known of the mechanisms responsible for targeting these proteins to membranes, although a role for the cytosolic chaperone Hsp90 has been proposed. Here, we have studied the involvement of Hsp90 in the synthesis, membrane binding, and maintenance of the Src-kinase Lck. Using specific inhibitors of Hsp90, geldanamycin and radicicol, we found that functional Hsp90 is essential for the stability of newly synthesized, but not mature, Lck. Similar results were obtained for two other Src-kinases, c-Src and Lyn. In contrast, LckY505F and LckDeltaSH2, constitutively active Lck mutants lacking the C-terminal regulatory tyrosine or the entire Src homology 2 domain, respectively, required Hsp90 activity to stabilize the mature proteins. Lck synthesized in the absence of Hsp90 activity was degraded within 30-45 min. This unstable Lck was myristoylated normally but did not associate with membranes or CD4, interactions that normally start within minutes of the completion of Lck synthesis. A construct composed of the N-terminal unique domain of Lck fused to green fluorescent protein did not require Hsp90 activity during synthesis. In addition, this protein associated with membranes efficiently in the absence of Hsp90 activity. Together these data suggest that interaction with Hsp90 is necessary for the correct synthesis and subsequent membrane binding of Lck. However, Hsp90 does not appear to play a direct role in Lck membrane, or CD4, association.  相似文献   

Lysine 480 has been suggested to be essential for ATP binding and hydrolysis by Na,K-ATPase because it is labeled by reagents that are thought to react with the ATPase from within the ATP binding site. In order to test this hypothesis, Lys-480 was changed to Ala, Arg, or Glu by site-directed mutagenesis, and the resultant Na,K-ATPase molecules were expressed in yeast cells. The ATPase activity of each of the mutants was similar to the activity of the wild type enzyme indicating that Lys-480 is not essential for ATP hydrolysis. The binding of [3H]ouabain in both ATP-dependent and inorganic phosphate-dependent reactions was used to determine the apparent affinity of each mutant for ATP or Pi. The K0.5(ATP) for ouabain binding to phosphoenzyme formed from ATP was 1-3 microM for Lys-480, Arg-480, and Ala-480, whereas for Glu-480 the K0.5(ATP) was 18 microM. The K0.5(Pi) for ouabain binding to phosphoenzyme formed from inorganic phosphate was 16-28 microM for Lys-480, Arg-480, and Ala-480, but was 74 microM for Glu-480. The Kd for ouabain binding was similar for both the wild type and mutant Na,K-ATPase molecules (3-6 nM). These data indicate that the substitution of an acidic amino acid for lysine at position 480 appears to reduce the affinity of the Na,K-ATPase for both ATP and phosphate. It is concluded that Lys-480 is not essential for ATP binding or hydrolysis or for phosphate binding by Na,K-ATPase but is likely to be located within the ATP binding site of the Na,K-ATPase.  相似文献   

ADAMTS13 belongs to the "a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin repeats" family, and cleaves von Willebrand factor multimers into smaller forms. For several related proteases, normal folding and enzymatic latency depend on an NH2-terminal propeptide that is removed by proteolytic processing during biosynthesis. However, the ADAMTS13 propeptide is unusually short and poorly conserved, suggesting it may not perform these functions. ADAMTS13 was secreted from transfected HeLa cells with a half-time of 7 h and the rate-limiting step was exported from the endoplasmic reticulum. Deletion of the propeptide did not impair the secretion of active ADAMTS13, indicating that the propeptide is dispensable for folding. Furin was shown to be sufficient for ADAMTS13 propeptide processing in two ways. First, mutation of the furin consensus recognition site prevented propeptide cleavage in HeLa cells and resulted in secretion of pro-ADAMTS13. Second, furin-deficient LoVo cells secreted ADAMTS13 with the propeptide intact, and cotransfection with furin restored propeptide cleavage. In both cell lines, secreted pro-ADAMTS13 had normal proteolytic activity toward von Willebrand factor. In cells coexpressing both ADAMTS13 and von Willebrand factor, pro-ADAMTS13 cleaved pro-von Willebrand factor intracellularly. Therefore, the ADAMTS13 propeptide is not required for folding or secretion, and does not perform the common function of maintaining enzyme latency.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin proteolytic pathway is a major system for selective protein degradation in eukaryotic cells. One of the first steps in the degradation of a protein via this pathway involves selective modification of epsilon-NH2 groups of internal lysine residues by ubiquitination. To date, this amino group has been the only known target for ubiquitination. Here we report that the N-terminal residue of MyoD is sufficient and necessary for promotion of conjugation and subsequent degradation of the protein. Substitution of all lysine residues in the protein did not affect significantly its conjugation and degradation either in vivo or in vitro. In cells, degradation of the lysine-less protein is inhibited by the proteasome inhibitors MG132 and lactacystin. Inhibition is accompanied by accumulation of high molecular mass ubiquitinated forms of the modified MyoD. In striking contrast, wild-type MyoD, in which all the internal Lys residues have been retained but the N-terminus has been extended by fusion of a short peptide, is stable both in vivo and in vitro. In a cell-free system, ATP and multiple ubiquitination are essential for degradation of the lysine-less protein. Specific chemical modifications have yielded similar results. Selective blocking of the alpha-NH2 group of wild-type protein renders it stable, while modification of the internal Lys residues with preservation of the free N-terminal group left the protein susceptible to degradation. Our data suggest that conjugation of MyoD occurs via a novel modification involving attachment of ubiquitin to the N-terminal residue. The polyubiquitin chain is then synthesized on an internal Lys residue of the linearly attached first ubiquitin moiety.  相似文献   

NodMl-V(C(18:1), Me, Cb, AcFuc) is a major component of lipo-chitin oligosaccharides (LCOs), or Nod factors, produced by Mesorhizobium loti. The presence of a 4-O-acetylated fucosyl residue (AcFuc) at the reducing end has been thought to be essential for symbiotic interactions with the compatible host plant, Lotus japonicus. We generated an M. loti mutant in which the nolL gene is disrupted; nolL has been shown to encode acetyltransferase that is responsible for acetylation of the fucosyl residue. The nolL disruptant Ml107 produced LCOs that lacked acetylation of fucosyl residues as expected, but exhibited nodulation performance on L. japonicus as efficiently as the wild-type M. loti strain MAFF303099. We show that LCOs without acetylation of a fucosyl residue purified from Ml107 are also able to induce abundant root hair deformation and nodule primordium formation. These results indicate that NolL-dependent acetylation of a fucosyl residue at the reducing end of M. loti LCOs is not essential for nodulation of L. japonicus.  相似文献   

We identified a cysteine residue, conserved near the N terminus of Pex5p- and Pex20p-like proteins, that is essential for the cytosolic relocation of peroxisomal Pex20p. Surprisingly, this residue is not completely essential for the function of the protein; its point mutation into a serine in Pex20p(C8S) causes the accumulation of the protein at the peroxisome membrane, but this is quickly followed by its subsequent degradation by an ubiquitin-dependent quality control pathway called RADAR (receptor accumulation and degradation in the absence of recycling). This degradative pathway allows partial growth of the Pex20p(C8S) mutant on peroxisome-requiring medium. Mutation of cysteine 8 (C8S) and lysine 19 (K19R), the target residue of the RADAR pathway within Pex20p, leads to a stable but non-functional protein because it fails to recycle to the cytosol. This suggests a role for Cys-8 in Pex20p recycling and that constitutive degradation of peroxisomal receptors can be a partially functional alternative to receptor recycling. In addition, expression of this mutant protein in wild-type cells confers a dominant-negative, oleate-specific growth defect, which is a useful tool for a better understanding of peroxisomal receptor recycling.  相似文献   

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