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Broomrape (Orobanche crenata Forsk.) is a major root–parasite of faba bean (Vicia faba L.), that seriously limits crop cultivation in the whole Mediterranean area. This parasitic weed is difficult to control, difficult to evaluate and the resistance identified so far is of polygenic nature. This study was conducted to identify genetic regions associated with broomrape resistance in recombinant inbred lines (RILs) and to validate their previous location in the original F2 population derived from the cross between lines Vf6 and Vf136. A progeny consisting of 165 F6 RILs was evaluated in three environments across two locations in 2003 and 2004. Two hundred seventy seven molecular markers were assigned to 21 linkage groups (9 of them assigned to specific chromosomes) that covered 2,856.7 cM of the V. faba genome. The composite interval mapping on the F6 map detected more quantitative trait loci (QTL) than in the F2 analysis. In this sense, four QTLs controlling O. crenata resistance (Oc2–Oc5) were identified in the RI segregant population in three different environments. Only Oc1, previously reported in the F2 population, was not significant in the advanced lines. Oc2 and Oc3 were found to be associated with O. crenata resistance in at least two of the three environments, while the remaining two, Oc4 and Oc5, were only detected in Córdoba-04 and Mengíbar-04 and seemed to be environment dependent.  相似文献   

Broomrapes (Orobanche spp.) are parasitic angiosperms, which attach to the roots of the hosts to take water and nutrients from them. No complete control measures are available to date, but breeding for resistance remains as one of the most feasible and environmentally friendly methods. However, the mechanisms governing the interaction between these parasites and the host are not yet well understood. We studied the cellular changes associated with the resistance to Orobanche crenata in faba bean as mechanisms involved or responsible for resistance. Two cultivars of faba bean, resistant and susceptible to O. crenata infection, were used. The evolution of the infection and the changes in the cell and tissue organisation and wall components of the host cells were followed and evaluated in both genotypes. Samples of compatible and incompatible interactions were fixed and sectioned, and specific cytochemical methods for different cell components were applied, results being analysed under light and epifluorescence microscopy. A higher proportion of O. crenata seedlings unable to penetrate the root was found on the resistant genotype. Reinforcement of cell walls by callose deposition hampers parasite penetration through the cortex. Lignification of endodermal cells prevents further penetration of the parasite into the central cylinder.  相似文献   

Rice sheath blight, caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn, is one of the three major diseases of rice. The present study was conducted with an F2 clonal population of Jasmine 85/Lemont. The F2 population, including 128 clonal families, was inoculated by short toothpicks incubated with a strain, RH-9 of the fungus. Based on field disease evaluations in 2 years and a genetic map with 118 evenly distributed molecular markers, we identified six quantitative trait loci (QTLs) contributing to sheath blight resistance. These QTLs, qSB-2, qSB-3, qSB-7, qSB-9-1, qSB-9-2 and qSB-11, were located on chromosomes 2, 3, 7, 9 and 11, respectively. The respective alleles of qSB-2, qSB-3, qSB-7, and qSB-9-2 from Jasmine 85 could explain 21.2%, 26.5%, 22.2% and 10.1% of the total phenotypic variation, respectively; while the alleles of qSB-9-1 and qSB-11 from Lemont could explain 9.8% and 31.2% of the total phenotypic variation. Of these qSB-2 and qSB-11 could be detected in both years, while remaining loci were detected only in a single year. Furthermore, four QTLs (qHD-2, qHD-3, qHD-5 and qHD-7) controlling heading date and three QTLs (qPH-3, qPH-4 and qPH-11) controlling plant height were also identified. Though rice sheath blight resistance may be influenced by morphological traits, such as heading date and plant height, in the present study most detected resistance loci were not linked to the loci for heading date or plant height. Received: 1 September 1999 / Accepted: 24 January 2000  相似文献   

Bacteria of the faba bean (Vicia faba L.)/Orobanche spp. root environment were evaluated for their potential use as biocontrol agents for the parasitic weed. Bacteria were isolated mainly from the rhizosphere of faba bean as well as from diseased Orobanche underground structures and an Orobanche-suppressive soil from three districts of northern Tunisia. Out of 351 bacterial isolates, 337 were tested for pathogenicity in an inverted pyramidal-shape screening programme including a Lactuca sativa L. seedlings bioassay, root-chamber and pot experiments. In pre-selection screening on L. sativa seedlings, 37 isolates (11%) showed a strong growth inhibitory effect, of which 70 and 84% also had a significant suppressive activity on the pre-emergence structures of O. foetida and O. crenata, respectively, in root-chamber experiments. Among five bacterial isolates selected for pot trials, strain Bf7-9 of Pseudomonas fluorescens showed high biocontrol activity against both species of Orobanche and positively influenced faba bean growth. The bacterium reduced shoot emergence of O. crenata and O. foetida by 64 and 76% and their dry weight by 39 and 63%, respectively, compared with non-inoculated controls. Pseudomonas marginalis strain Nc1-2 exhibited also a tendency to reduce incidence of O. crenata and to improve faba bean performance. Results of the present study suggest that application of naturally occurring rhizosphere bacteria offers an additional approach for biocontrol of Orobanche spp. that can supplement current methods of control in an integrated weed management strategy.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling seed longevity in rice were identified using 98 backcross inbred lines (BILs) derived from a cross between a japonica variety Nipponbare and an indica variety Kasalath. Seeds of each BIL were kept for 12 months at 30 degrees C in dry conditions to promote loss of viability. To measure seed longevity, we performed an additional aging-processing treatment for 2 months at 30 degrees C maintaining seeds at 15% moisture content. We measured the germination percent of these treated seeds at 25 degrees C for 7 days as the degree of seed longevity. The germination of BILs ranged from 0 to 100% with continuous variation. Three putative QTLs for seed longevity, qLG-2, qLG-4 and qLG-9, were detected on chromosome 2, 4 and 9, respectively. Kasalath alleles increased the seed longevity at these QTLs. The QTL with the largest effect, qLG-9, explained 59.5% of total phenotypic variation in BILs. The other two QTLs, qLG-2 and qLG-4, explained 13.4 and 11.6% of the total phenotypic variation, respectively. We also verified the effect of the Kasalath allele of qLG-9 using chromosome segment substitution lines. Furthermore, QTLs for seed dormancy were identified on chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11. Based on the comparison of the chromosomal location of QTLs for seed longevity and seed dormancy, these traits seem to be controlled by different genetic factors.  相似文献   

Orobanche crenata parasitizing beans maintained a slightly higher osmotic pressure than the bean roots, largely because of the higher concentration of sugars in the broomrape tissues. The sugar was withdrawn from the bean mainly as sucrose, which was hydrolysed to glucose and fructose by the Orobanche. These sugars were then rapidly translocated to the developing flower spike. As well as maintaining a high osmotic pressure this hydrolysis ensured a sucrose concentration gradient between host and parasite. In the field, bean plants showed wilt symptoms at about the time that the Orobanche flower spikes emerged. It was found that the higher the level of infection the lower was the water content of the host. This fall in water content was not due to increased water loss by the bean shoots and it seemed unlikely that it was due to water removal by the parasite. It was concluded that the death of the bean was due to desiccation brought about largely by the reduced ability of the carbohydrate-starved roots to extract water from the soil.  相似文献   

Breeding a model plant that encompasses individual traits thought to enhance yield potential, known as ideotype breeding, has traditionally focused on phenotypic selection of plants with desirable morphological traits. Broadening this breeding method to the molecular level through the use of molecular markers would avoid the environmental interactions associated with phenotypic selection. A population of 110 F5 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from the cross between WO3391 and 'OAC Speedvale', was used to develop a genetic linkage map consisting of 105 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), simple sequence repeat (SSR), and sequence-tagged site (STS) markers. The map has a total length of 641 cM distributed across 8 linkage groups (LGs). Five of them were aligned on the core linkage map of bean. Twenty-one quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were identified over three environments for eight agronomic and architectural traits previously defined for a bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) ideotype. The QTLs were mapped to seven LGs with several regions containing QTLs for multiple traits. At least one QTL was located for each trait and a maximum of four were associated with lodging. Total explained phenotypic variance ranged from 10.6% for hypocotyl diameter to 45.4% for maturity. Some of the QTLs identified will be useful for early generation selection of tall, upright, high-yielding lines in a breeding program.  相似文献   

C Palomino  Z Satovic  J I Cubero  A M Torres 《Génome》2006,49(10):1227-1237
A PCR approach with degenerate primers designed from conserved NBS-LRR (nucleotide binding site-leucine-rich repeat) regions of known disease-resistance (R) genes was used to amplify and clone homologous sequences from 5 faba bean (Vicia faba) lines and 2 chickpea (Cicer arietinum) accessions. Sixty-nine sequenced clones showed homologies to various R genes deposited in the GenBank database. The presence of internal kinase-2 and kinase-3a motifs in all the sequences isolated confirm that these clones correspond to NBS-containing genes. Using an amino-acid sequence identity of 70% as a threshold value, the clones were grouped into 10 classes of resistance-gene analogs (RGA01 to RGA10). The number of clones per class varied from 1 to 30. RGA classes 1, 6, 8, and 9 were comprised solely of clones isolated from faba bean, whereas classes 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 included only chickpea clones. RGA10, showing a within-class identity of 99%, was the only class consisting of both faba bean and chickpea clones. A phylogenetic tree, based on the deduced amino-acid sequences of 12 representative clones from the 10 RGA classes and the NBS domains of 6 known R genes (I2 and Prf from tomato, RPP13 from Arabidopsis, Gro1-4 from potato, N from tobacco, L6 from flax), clearly indicated the separation between TIR (Toll/interleukin-1 receptor homology: Gro1-4, L6, N, RGA05 to RGA10)- and non-TIR (I2, Prf, RPP13, RGA01 to RGA04)-type NBS-LRR sequences. The development of suitable polymorphic markers based on cloned RGA sequences to be used in genetic mapping will facilitate the assessment of their potential linkage relationships with disease-resistance genes in faba bean and chickpea. This work is the first to report on faba bean RGAs.  相似文献   

Molecular Breeding - Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most important food crop in the world, with significant acreage and production across the globe. However, it is affected by low temperatures...  相似文献   

Application of 14C-labelled 2,4-D to bean plants parasitized by broomrape led to a concentration of the herbicide in the immature parasite that was up to fourteen times that in the bean root. Not all substances are translocated in this way. 22Na in sodium chloride was not moved in significant amounts away from the site of application, but sucrose was found to be translocated to the parasite. Application of 2,4-D,2,4,5-T, N.A.A. and D.N.P. to mature Orobanche under field conditions had little effect. 2,4-D is not considered a suitable herbicide for the control of Orobanche in bean crops because of the high sensitivity of the host of this compound. It is thought, however, that the application to the host of a systemic herbicide which becomes concentrated in the parasite to a toxic level could well be an efficient way of controlling this type of parasite.  相似文献   

Seeds, i.e. embryos, may be genetically different from either of their parents and moreover may express their own heterosis. The objective was to genetically analyse embryo heterosis for their own weight (i.e. seed weight) in comparison with their seedlings’ heterosis, taking the large-seeded crop (Vicia faba L.) as model. A specific diallel mating scheme was used, based on four parental lines, creating 76 seed genotypes in generations P, F1, F2 and BC. Mature seed weight was assessed for these embryo genotypes in 3 years at one German location, and young plant biomass yield of seedlings emerging from these seeds in two greenhouse experiments. The quantitative genetic analysis showed an average of 10.6% mid-parent heterosis for mature seed weight and 14.5% mid-parent heterosis for juvenile biomass. In both traits, the embryos contributed markedly and significantly via their own genes to the genetic variation. For mature embryo weight heterosis, apparently the parental difference in seed weight was decisive, whereas for juvenile biomass heterosis, genetic unrelatedness of parents had priority.  相似文献   

Southern leaf blight (SLB) caused by the fungus Cochliobolus heterostrophus (Drechs.) Drechs. is a major foliar disease of maize worldwide. Our objectives were to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to SLB and flowering traits in recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross of inbred lines LM5 (resistant) and CM140 (susceptible). A set of 207 RILs were phenotyped for resistance to SLB at three time intervals for two consecutive years. Four putative QTL for SLB resistance were detected on chromosomes 3, 8 and 9 that accounted for 54% of the total phenotypic variation. Days to silking and anthesis–silking interval (ASI) QTL were located on chromosomes 6, 7 and 9. A comparison of the obtained results with the published SLB resistance QTL studies suggested that the detected bins 9.03/02 and 8.03/8.02 are the hot spots for SLB resistance whereas novel QTL were identified in bins 3.08 and 8.01/8.04. The linked markers are being utilized for marker‐assisted mobilization of QTL conferring resistance to SLB in elite maize backgrounds. Fine mapping of identified QTL will facilitate identification of candidate genes underlying SLB resistance.  相似文献   

Maize rough dwarf disease (MRDD) is one of the most serious virus diseases of maize worldwide, and it causes great reduction of maize production. In China, the pathogen was shown to be rice black-streaked virus (RBSDV). Currently, MRDD has spread broadly and leads to significant loss in China. However, there has been little research devoted to this disease. Our aims were to identify the markers and loci underlying resistance to this virus disease. In this study, segregation populations were constructed from two maize elite lines '90110', which is highly resistant to MRDD and 'Ye478', which is highly susceptible to MRDD. The F(2) and BC(1) populations were used for bulk sergeant analysis (BSA) to identify resistance-related markers. One hundred and twenty F(7:9) RILs were used for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping through the experiment of multiple environments over 3 years. Natural occurrence and artificial inoculation were both used and combined to determine the phenotype of plants. Five QTL, qMRD2, qMRD6, qMRD7, qMRD8 and qMRD10 were measured in the experiments. The qMRD8 on chromosome 8 was proved to be one major QTL conferring resistance to RBSDV disease in almost all traits and environments, which explained 12.0-28.9 % of the phenotypic variance for disease severity in this present study.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine soil and plant resistance to water flow in faba bean under field conditions during the growing season. During each sampling period transpiration flux and leaf water potential measured hourly were used with daily measurements of root and soil water potential to calculate total resistance using Ohm's law analogy. Plant growth, root density and soil water content distributions with depth were measured. Leaf area and root length per plant reached their maximum value during flowering and pod setting (0.31 m2 and 2200 m, respectively), then decreasing until the end of the growing period. Root distribution decreased with depth ranging, on average, between 34.2% (in the 0–0.25 m soil layer) and 18.1% (in the 0.75–1.0 m soil layer). Mean root diameter was 0.6 mm but most of the roots were less than 0.7 mm in diameter. Changes in plant and soil water potentials reflected plant growth characteristics and climatic patterns. The overall relationship between the difference in water potential between soil and leaf and transpiration was linear, with the slope equal to average plant resistance (0.0165 MPa/(cm3 m-1 h-1 10-3). Different regression parameters were obtained for the various measurement days. The water potential difference was inversely related to transpiration at high leaf stomatal resistance and at high values of VPD. Total resistance decreased with transpiration flux in a linear relationship (r=−0.68). Different slope values were obtained for the different measurement days. Estimated soil resistance was much lower than the observed total resistance to water flow. The change from vegetative growth to pod filling was accompanied by an increase in plant resistance. The experimental results support previous findings that resistance to water flow through plants is not constant but is influenced by plant age, growth stage and environmental conditions. A more complex model than Ohm's law analogy may be necessary for describing the dynamic flow system under field conditions. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


Key message

We have identified QTLs for stomatal characteristics on chromosome II of faba bean by applying SNPs derived from M. truncatula , and have identified candidate genes within these QTLs using synteny between the two species.


Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is a valuable food and feed crop worldwide, but drought often limits its production, and its genome is large and poorly mapped. No information is available on the effects of genomic regions and genes on drought adaptation characters such as stomatal characteristics in this species, but the synteny between the sequenced model legume, Medicago truncatula, and faba bean can be used to identify candidate genes. A mapping population of 211 F5 recombinant inbred lines (Mélodie/2 × ILB 938/2) were phenotyped to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting stomatal morphology and function, along with seed weight, under well-watered conditions in a climate-controlled glasshouse in 2013 and 2014. Canopy temperature (CT) was evaluated in 2013 under water-deficit (CTd). In total, 188 polymorphic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), developed from M. truncatula genome data, were assigned to nine linkage groups that covered ~928 cM of the faba bean genome with an average inter-marker distance of 5.8 cM. 15 putative QTLs were detected, of which eight (affecting stomatal density, length and conductance and CT) co-located on chromosome II, in the vicinity of a possible candidate gene—a receptor-like protein kinase found in the syntenic interval of M. truncatula chromosome IV. A ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase from M. truncatula chromosome V, postulated as a possible candidate gene for the QTL for CTd, was found some distance away in the same chromosome. These results demonstrate that genomic information from M. truncatula can successfully be translated to the faba bean genome.  相似文献   

A dwarf mutant of broad bean ( Vicia faba L.), the variety Rinrei, has been created by γ -ray irradiation. Rinrei is characterized by dark green leaves and by reduced plant length, internode and petiole length, shoot weight, and number of branches. Genetic analysis of hybrids between Rinrei and two wild-type lines indicated that these characteristics are controlled by a single recessive gene. The phenotype of Rinrei was restored to that of the wild type by application of brassinolide, but not by GA3. Qualitative and quantitative analysis by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry indicated that 24-methylenecholesterol and isofucosterol accumulated in Rinrei to levels more than 30 times higher than in the wild type. In contrast, Rinrei had lower than wild-type levels of campesterol, sitosterol and brassinosteroids. Therefore, Rinrei is a brassinosteroid-deficient mutant defective in sterol C-24 reduction. The gene was tentatively designated as brassinosteroid deficient dwarf 1 , bdd1 , which seems to be a homologue of Arabidopsis dwf1 ( dim , cbb1 ) and pea lkb .  相似文献   

Grain-filling is a crucial process that determines final grain yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.). To understand the genetic basis of dynamics of grain-filling, quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis was conducted using time-related phenotypic data on grain-filling collected from a population of 155 recombinant inbred lines (F12), derived from a cross between Milyang 23 and Akihikari. Two QTLs detected on chromosomes 8 and 12 were strongly associated with increased filling percentage per panicle. These QTLs were not linked with those controlling spikelet numbers per panicle. This result confers the possibility of improving grain-filling together with an enlargement of sink size. The QTL for filling percentage per panicle on chromosome 8 exactly overlapped that for non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) content in the culm and leaf sheaths during grain-filling, and the Milyang 23 allele associated with increased grain-filling percentage per panicle was associated with decreased NSC content. Therefore, this QTL may be directly involved in NSC translocation from the culm and leaf sheaths to panicle. In addition, the Milyang 23 alleles of QTLs associated with greater spikelet number per panicle on chromosomes 1 and 6 were also related with a reduction in NSC content in the culm and leaf sheaths during grain-filling. These results indicate that NSC dynamics during grain-filling is partly dependent on sink size. NSC accumulation in the culm and leaf sheaths at the heading stage was mainly controlled by different genetic regulations from NSC dynamics during grain-filling. Nitrogen dynamics during grain-filling may also be involved in carbohydrate dynamics.  相似文献   

Shang  Qiqi  Zhang  Degui  Li  Rong  Wang  Kaixin  Cheng  Zimeng  Zhou  Zhiqiang  Hao  Zhuanfang  Pan  Jinbao  Li  Xinhai  Shi  Liyu 《Plant molecular biology》2020,104(6):583-595
Plant Molecular Biology - Mapping QTL for stem-related traits using RIL population with ultra-high density bin map can better dissect pleiotropic QTL controlling stem architecture that can provide...  相似文献   

The present study was made to isolate and assess some physiological characteristics of root nodule-colonizing fungi. During this study, 17 fungal species were isolated from root nodule samples taken from faba bean plants (Vicia faba L.) collected from different sites at Assiut area (Egypt). The growth of faba bean plants in pots was significantly promoted by soil inoculation with most fungi. Growth was checked in pots with inocula of Cladosporium cladosporioides, Fusarium moniliforme, F: oxysporium, F solani, Macrophominia phaseolina and Rhizoctonia solani which were added separately. All growth-promoting fungi were capable of producing cellulase, pectin lyase, polygalacturonase, protease, urease, amidase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and arylsulfatase in growth medium supplemented with the corresponding substrates. Four fungal species, Aspergillus awamori, A. flavus, Penicillium chrysogenum and Trichoderma koningii showed the highest rates of enzyme formation. The effect of the addition of six trace elements to the growth media at 30 micromol/ml on enzyme production revealed some dependency on species, enzyme and metal ion. Cd2+, Hg2+ and Zn2+ generally inhibited enzyme activity. Cu(1+), Fe3+ and Al3+ showed a stimulatory effect. Fungicides (afugan and tilt) and herbicides (brominal and fusilade) at 50 ppm generally promoted enzyme activity, but insecticides (kelthane and fenvalerate) caused some inhibition to enzyme activities. Salinization of the growth media with NaCl strongly inhibited the enzymatic activity of all fungi at concentrations between 0.5 and 1.5%.  相似文献   

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