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Using a fluorescent sensor for inorganic phosphate, the kinetics of ATP hydrolysis by PcrA helicase were measured in the presence of saturating concentrations of oligonucleotides of various lengths. There is a rapid phase of inorganic phosphate release that is equivalent to several turnovers of the ATPase, followed by slower steady-state ATP hydrolysis. The magnitude of the rapid phase is governed by the length of single-stranded DNA, while the slow phase is independent of its length. A kinetic model is presented in which the rapid phase is associated with translocation along single-stranded DNA, after the PcrA binds randomly along the DNA. There is a linear relationship between the length of single-stranded DNA and both the duration and amplitude of the rapid phase. These data suggest that the translocation activity occurs at 50 bases/s in unidirectional single-base steps, each requiring the hydrolysis of 1 ATP molecule.  相似文献   

The ring-shaped helicases represent one important group of helicases that can translocate along single-stranded (ss) DNA and unwinding double-stranded (ds) DNA by using the energy derived from NTP binding and hydrolysis. Despite intensive studies, the mechanism by which the ring-shaped helicase translocates along ssDNA and unwinds dsDNA remains undetermined. In order to understand their chemomechanical-coupling mechanism, two models on NTPase activities of the hexamers in the presence of DNA have been studied here. One model is assumed that, of the six nucleotide-binding sites, three are noncatalytic and three are catalytic. The other model is assumed that all the six nucleotide-binding sites are catalytic. In terms of the sequential NTPase activity around the ring and the previous determined crystal structure of bacteriophage T7 helicase it is shown that the obtained mechanical behaviors such as the ssDNA-translocation size and DNA-unwinding size per dTTPase cycle using the former model are in good quantitative agreement with the previous experimental results for T7 helicase. Moreover, the acceleration of DNA unwinding rate with the stimulation of DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase can also be well explained by using the former model. In contrast, the ssDNA-translocation size and DNA-unwinding size per dTTPase cycle obtained by using the latter model are not consistent with the experimental results for T7 helicase. Thus it is preferred that the former model is the appropriate one for the T7 helicase. Furthermore, using the former model some dynamic behaviors such as the rotational speeds of DNA relative to the T7 helicase when translocation along ssDNA and when unwinding dsDNA have been predicted, which are expected to test in order to further verify the model.  相似文献   

DNA helicases are important enzymes involved in all aspects of nucleic acid metabolism, ranging from DNA replication and repair to recombination, rescue of stalled replication and translation. DNA helicases are molecular motors. Through conformational changes caused by ATP hydrolysis and binding, they move along the template double helix, break the hydrogen bonds between the two strands and separate the template chains, so that the genetic information can be accessed. In this paper, targeted molecular dynamic simulations were performed to study the important interactions between DNA and PcrA DNA helicase, which can not be observed from the crystal structures. The key residues on PcrA DNA helicase that have strong interactions with both double stranded DNA (ds-DNA) and single stranded DNA (ss-DNA) have been identified, and it was found that such interactions mostly exist between the protein and DNA backbone, which indicates that the translocation of PcrA is independent of the DNA sequence. The simulations indicate that the ds-DNA is separated upon ATP rebinding, rather than ATP hydrolysis, which suggests that the two strokes in the mechanism have two different major roles. Firstly, in the power stroke (ATP hydrolysis), most of the translocations of the bases from one pocket to the next occur. In the relaxation stroke (ATP binding), most of the ‘work’ is being done to ‘melt’ the DNA at the separation fork. Therefore, we propose a mechanism whereby the translocation of the ss-DNA is powered by ATP hydrolysis and the separation of the ds-DNA is powered by ATP binding.  相似文献   

Bertram RD  Hayes CJ  Soultanas P 《Biochemistry》2002,41(24):7725-7731
During the past 5 years a great deal of structural and biochemical information has given us a detailed insight into the molecular mechanism of action of the PcrA DNA helicase and challenged previous notions about the molecular mechanism of action of helicases in general. Despite this wealth of information the mechanisms of the interaction of helicases with their DNA substrates and their unidirectional translocation along ssDNA are poorly understood. In this study, we synthesized a chemically modified DNA substrate with reduced backbone rotational flexibility and minimal steric hindrance and studied its effect on the activity of the monomeric 3'-5' DNA helicase, PcrA. Our results show that a single modification on the backbone of the translocating strand is sufficient to inhibit the activity of PcrA helicase, suggesting that rotational flexibility of the backbone is important for efficient unwinding.  相似文献   

The conformation of a bulged DNA base, whether looped-out of the DNA helix or stacked-in between the flanking bases, can be distinguished using fluorescence spectroscopy of an inserted fluorescent base. If 2-aminopurine, a structural analog of adenine and guanine, is placed in duplex DNA as the bulged base replacing an adenine or guanine, it loops out of the DNA helix into solution. This is determined by the decrease or increase of 2-aminopurine fluorescence during DNA thermomelting: if the 2-aminopurine base stacks into the helix, its fluorescence increases or remains about the same during DNA duplex melting, but if the 2-aminopurine base loops out of the helix, its fluorescence decreases upon melting of the DNA duplex.  相似文献   

BLM, one of the human RecQ helicases, plays a fundamental role in homologous recombination-based error-free DNA repair pathways, which require its translocation and DNA unwinding activities. Although translocation is essential in vivo during DNA repair processes and it provides a framework for more complex activities of helicases, including strand separation and nucleoprotein displacement, its mechanism has not been resolved for any human DNA helicase. Here, we present a quantitative model for the translocation of a monomeric form of BLM along ssDNA. We show that BLM performs translocation at a low adenosine triphosphate (ATP) coupling ratio (1 ATP consumed/1 nucleotide traveled) and moderate processivity (with a mean number of 50 nucleotides traveled in a single run). We also show that the rate-limiting step of the translocation cycle is a transition between two ADP-bound enzyme states. Via opening of the helicase core, this structural change may drive the stepping of BLM along the DNA track by a directed inchworm mechanism. The data also support the conclusion that BLM performs double-stranded DNA unwinding by fully active duplex destabilization.  相似文献   

Helicases utilize the energy of ATP hydrolysis to unwind double-stranded DNA while translocating on the DNA. Mechanisms for melting the duplex have been characterized as active or passive, depending on whether the enzyme actively separates the base pairs or simply sequesters single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) that forms due to thermal fraying. Here, we show that Dda translocates unidirectionally on ssDNA at the same rate at which it unwinds double-stranded DNA in both ensemble and single-molecule experiments. Further, the unwinding rate is largely insensitive to the duplex stability and to the applied force. Thus, Dda transduces all of its translocase activity into DNA unwinding activity so that the rate of unwinding is limited by the rate of translocation and that the enzyme actively separates the duplex. Active and passive helicases have been characterized by dividing the velocity of DNA unwinding in base pairs per second (Vun) by the velocity of translocation on ssDNA in nucleotides per second (Vtrans). If the resulting fraction is 0.25, then a helicase is considered to be at the lower end of the “active” range. In the case of Dda, the average DNA unwinding velocity was 257 ± 42 bp/s, and the average translocation velocity was 267 ± 15 nt/s. The Vun/Vtrans value of 0.96 places Dda in a unique category of being an essentially “perfectly” active helicase.  相似文献   

PcrA DNA helicase uses the free energy of hydrolysis and binding of ATP to unwind double-stranded DNA (ds-DNA). There are two states of PcrA, termed the substrate and product complexes and, through the conformational changes between these two states, PcrA moves along ds-DNA and separates the two strands. In this study, two different methods, namely chain minimisation (CM, less reliable method) and auto targeted molecular dynamic (TMD) simulation (more reliable), were performed to generate two different initial reaction pathways between these two states, and then fixed root mean square distance (RMSD) TMD simulation was performed to optimise these two initial pathways. In general, the two optimised pathways share very similar major conformational changes, but are different in the minor motions. The potential energy profiles of the two improved pathways are generally similar, but the one generated by the improved TMD path is slightly lower. Considering the poor reliability of the initial path generated by CM and insignificant improvements of the auto-TMD path, our study suggests that fixed RMSD TMD simulation can generate reliable reaction pathways, but the different initial paths still have some influence on the detailed conformational analysis.  相似文献   

The replication initiator protein RepD encoded by the Staphylococcus chloramphenicol resistance plasmid pC221 stimulates the helicase activity of the Bacillus stearothermophilus PcrA DNA helicase in vitro. This stimulatory effect seems to be specific for PcrA and differs from the stimulatory effect of the Escherichia coli ribosomal protein L3. Whereas L3 stimulates the PcrA helicase activity by promoting co-operative PcrA binding onto its DNA substrate, RepD stimulates the PcrA helicase activity by increasing the processivity of the enzyme and enables PcrA to displace DNA from a nicked substrate. The implication of these results is that PcrA is the helicase recruited into the replisome by RepD during rolling circle replication of plasmids of the pT181 family.  相似文献   

Rad B  Kowalczykowski SC 《Biochemistry》2012,51(13):2921-2929
A member of the SF2 family of helicases, Escherichia coli RecQ, is involved in the recombination and repair of double-stranded DNA breaks and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) gaps. Although the unwinding activity of this helicase has been studied biochemically, the mechanism of translocation remains unclear. To this end, using ssDNA of varying lengths, the steady-state ATP hydrolysis activity of RecQ was analyzed. We find that the rate of ATP hydrolysis increases with DNA length, reaching a maximum specific activity of 38 ± 2 ATP/RecQ/s. Analysis of the rate of ATP hydrolysis as a function of DNA length implies that the helicase has a processivity of 19 ± 6 nucleotides on ssDNA and that RecQ requires a minimal translocation site size of 10 ± 1 nucleotides. Using the T4 phage encoded gene 32 protein (G32P), which binds ssDNA cooperatively, to decrease the lengths of ssDNA gaps available for translocation, we observe a decrease in the rate of ATP hydrolysis activity that is related to lattice occupancy. Analysis of the activity in terms of the average gap sizes available to RecQ on the ssDNA coated with G32P indicates that RecQ translocates on ssDNA on average 46 ± 11 nucleotides before dissociating. Moreover, when bound to ssDNA, RecQ hydrolyzes ATP in a cooperative fashion, with a Hill coefficient of 2.1 ± 0.6, suggesting that at least a dimer is required for translocation on ssDNA. We present a kinetic model for translocation by RecQ on ssDNA based on this characterization.  相似文献   

2-Aminopurine (2-AP) is a base analogue of adenine which mispairs with cytosine and causes base-pair substitutions of the transition type. By analyzing the reversion patterns of defined trpA alleles in Escheriachia coli we confirm that 2-AP cuases both A:T → G:C and G:C → A:T transitions whith the former induced more frequently than the latter. We also find that 2-AP enhances transversion at 3 sites and frameshift mutations at 1 other site. It is unlikely that 2-AP can cause transversions and frameshifts solely by a mispairing mechanism. However, 2-AP-induced transversion and frameshift mutagenesis was not abolished by the presence of an inactive recA allele, indicating this mutagenic activity is not dependent upon recA-directed misrepair.  相似文献   

PcrA helicase, a member of the superfamily 1, is an essential enzyme in many bacteria. The first crystal structures of helicases were obtained with PcrA. Based on structural and biochemical studies, it was proposed and then generally believed that PcrA is a monomeric helicase that unwinds DNA by an inchworm mechanism. But a functional state of PcrA from unwinding kinetics studies has been lacking. In this work, we studied the kinetic mechanism of PcrA-catalysed DNA unwinding with fluorometric stopped-flow method under both single- and multiple-turnover conditions. It was found that the PcrA-catalysed DNA unwinding depended strongly on the PcrA concentration as well as on the 3′-ssDNA tail length of the substrate, indicating that an oligomerization was indispensable for efficient unwinding. Study of the effect of ATP concentration on the unwinding rate gave a Hill coefficient of ~2, suggesting strongly that PcrA functions as a dimer. It was further determined that PcrA unwound DNA with a step size of 4 bp and a rate of ~9 steps per second. Surprisingly, it was observed that PcrA unwound 12-bp duplex substrates much less efficiently than 16-bp ones, highlighting the importance of protein-DNA duplex interaction in the helicase activity. From the present studies, it is concluded that PcrA is a dimeric helicase with a low processivity in vitro. Implications of the experimental results for the DNA unwinding mechanism of PcrA are discussed.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases discriminate between correct and incorrect nucleotide substrates during a "nonchemical" step that precedes phosphodiester bond formation in the enzymatic cycle of nucleotide incorporation. Despite the importance of this process in polymerase fidelity, the precise nature of the molecular events involved remains unknown. Here we report a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) system that monitors conformational changes of a polymerase-DNA complex during selection and binding of nucleotide substrates. This system utilizes the fluorescent base analogue 1,3-diaza-2-oxophenothiazine (tC) as the FRET donor and Alexa-555 (A555) as the acceptor. The tC donor was incorporated within a model DNA primer/template in place of a normal base, adjacent to the primer 3' terminus, while the A555 acceptor was attached to an engineered cysteine residue (C751) located in the fingers subdomain of the Klenow fragment (KF) polymerase. The FRET efficiency increased significantly following binding of a correct nucleotide substrate to the KF-DNA complex, showing that the fingers had closed over the active site. Fluorescence anisotropy titrations utilizing tC as a reporter indicated that the DNA was more tightly bound by the polymerase under these conditions, consistent with the formation of a closed ternary complex. The rate of the nucleotide-induced conformational transition, measured in stopped-flow FRET experiments, closely matched the rate of correct nucleotide incorporation, measured in rapid quench-flow experiments, indicating that the conformational change was the rate-limiting step in the overall cycle of nucleotide incorporation for the labeled KF-DNA system. Taken together, these results indicate that the FRET system can be used to probe enzyme conformational changes that are linked to the biochemical function of DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

DNA heptamers containing the mutagenic base analogue 2-aminopurine (AP) have been chemically synthesized and physically characterized. We report on the relative stabilities of base pairs between AP and each of the common DNA bases, as determined from heptamer duplex melts at 275 and 330 nm. Base pairs are ranked in order of decreasing stability: AP.T greater than AP.A greater than AP.C greater than AP.G. It is of interest that AP.A is more stable than AP.C even though DNA polymerase strongly favors the formation of AP.C over AP.A base pairs. Comparisons of melting profiles at 330 nm and 275 nm indicate that AP.T, AP.A, and AP.C base pairs are annealed in heptamer duplexes and melt 2-3 degrees prior to surrounding base pairs, whereas AP.G appears not to be annealed.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) intermediates are formed in multiple cellular processes, including DNA replication and recombination. Here, we describe a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)-based assay to quantitate ssDNA intermediates, specifically the 3′ ssDNA product of resection at specific DNA double-strand breaks induced by the AsiSI restriction enzyme in human cells. We protect the large mammalian genome from shearing by embedding the cells in low-gelling-point agar during genomic DNA extraction and measure the levels of ssDNA intermediates by qPCR following restriction enzyme digestion. This assay is more quantitative and precise compared with existing immunofluorescence-based methods.  相似文献   

Werner syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder involving the premature appearance of features reminiscent of human aging. Werner syndrome occurs by mutation of the WRN gene, encoding a DNA helicase. WRN contributes to the induction of the p53 tumor suppressor protein by various DNA damaging agents. Here we show that UV exposure leads to extensive translocation of WRN from the nucleolus to nucleoplasmic foci in a dose-dependent manner. Ionizing radiation also induces WRN translocation, albeit milder, partially through activation of the ATM kinase. The nucleoplasmic foci to which WRN is recruited display partial colocalization with PML nuclear bodies. The translocation of WRN into nucleoplasmic foci is significantly enhanced by the protein deacetylase inhibitor, Trichostatin A. Moreover, Trichostatin A delays the re-entry of WRN into the nucleolus at late times after irradiation. WRN is acetylated in vivo, and this is markedly stimulated by the acetyltransferase p300. Importantly, p300 augments the translocation of WRN into nucleoplasmic foci. These findings support the notion that WRN plays a role in the cellular response to DNA damage and suggest that the activity of WRN is modulated by DNA damage-induced post-translational modifications of WRN and possibly WRN-interacting proteins.  相似文献   

Helicases are enzymes that unwind double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) into its single-stranded components. It is important to understand the binding and unbinding of ATP from the active sites of helicases, as this knowledge can be used to elucidate the functionality of helicases during the unwinding of dsDNA. In this work, we investigated the unbinding of ATP and its effect on the active-site residues of the helicase PcrA using molecular dynamic simulations. To mimic the unbinding process of ATP from the active site of the helicase, we simulated the application of an external force that pulls ATP from the active site and computed the free-energy change during this process. We estimated an energy cost of ~85 kJ/mol for the transformation of the helicase from the ATP-bound state (1QHH) to the ATP-free state (1PJR). Unbinding led to conformational changes in the residues of the protein at the active site. Some of the residues at the ATP-binding site were significantly reoriented when the ATP was pulled. We observed a clear competition between reorientation of the residues and energy stabilization by hydrogen bonds between the ATP and active-site residues. We also checked the flexibility of the PcrA protein using a principal component analysis of domain motion. We found that the ATP-free state of the helicase is more flexible than the ATP-bound state.  相似文献   

Based upon the crystal structures of PcrA helicase, we have made and characterised mutations in a number of conserved helicase signature motifs around the ATPase active site. We have also determined structures of complexes of wild-type PcrA with ADPNP and of a mutant PcrA complexed with ADPNP and Mn2+. The kinetic and structural data define roles for a number of different residues in and around the ATP binding site. More importantly, our results also show that there are two functionally distinct conformations of ATP in the active site. In one conformation, ATP is hydrolysed poorly whereas in the other (activated) conformation, ATP is hydrolysed much more rapidly. We propose a mechanism to explain how the stimulation of ATPase activity afforded by binding of single-stranded DNA stabilises the activated conformation favouring Mg2+binding and a consequent repositioning of the gamma-phosphate group which promotes ATP hydrolysis. A part of the associated conformational change in the protein forces the side-chain of K37 to vacate the Mg2+binding site, allowing the cation to bind and interact with ATP.  相似文献   

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