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在体外细胞培养系统和裸鼠动物体内,观察了人肝细胞靶向性脂质体介导的部分硫代型和全部硫代型反义寡核苷酸对乙型肝炎病毒的抑制作用。结果显示,针对HBVe基因翻译起始区的18聚体的硫代磷酸反义寡核苷酸在体内、外对HBV DNA、HBV mRNA及HBsAg、HBeAg均有不同程度的抑制作用。研究说明,反义寡核苷酸是抗HBV有效的基因治疗候选药物。  相似文献   

Knock-out of the gene coding for caveolin-1, the main organizer of caveolae, has not yet been performed. We devised a strategy to knock-down caveolin-1 gene expression using antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs). Seven ODNs, covering different regions of caveolin-1 mRNA, were screened by Western blot analysis of caveolin-1 levels. The most active and specific was found to reduce caveolin-1 protein levels by 70% at 1 microM concentration and its action, as demonstrated by a marked reduction (about 50%) in caveolin-1 mRNA levels, was due to a true antisense mechanism. In HUVEC treated with the active ODN, caveolae were undetectable by confocal and electron microscopy, while their number was not affected when cells were treated with a scrambled ODN. Using the fibrin gel 3 D angiogenesis test we established that the active (but not the scrambled) ODN strongly suppressed capillary-like tube formation. Moreover, an antisense tailored against chicken caveolin-1 mRNA, when tested using the chorio-allantoic membrane technique, dramatically reduced vessel formation at doses (10-20 microg) under which control ODNs were ineffective and devoid of toxicity. Thus, it is likely that caveolin-1 down regulation, followed by caveolae disruption, impairs angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte antigen receptors are promising targets for immune intervention strategies in disorders marked by repertoire skewing or expansion of lymphocyte subsets. Appropriate application of immune receptor modulation is predicated on understanding the role of a particular receptor in pathogenesis and disease regulation. The VHB/W16 gene, restricted to mice carrying the j haplotype for the J558 family, is overexpressed by murine lupus anti-DNA Ig. This gene is also expressed recurrently among nephritogenic anti-DNA Ig recovered from several autoimmune strains, suggesting that cells expressing this pathogenic receptor are positively selected during disease progression. To explore the extent and mechanisms by which Ig H chains expressing this gene contribute to autoimmunity, an Ig H chain gene was engineered for in vitro and in vivo recombination studies. Site-directed mutagenesis generated unique restriction sites to link PCR-amplified V region (VDJ) cDNA to previously isolated genomic fragments containing Ig regulatory and signal sequences. The new 3 kb VDJ gene was then ligated to a 9 kb fragment encoding the IgM constant region. Transfection of H chain loss variant myeloma with the complete 12 kb construct, termed 238H-Cmicro, resulted in secretion of intact Ig pairing 238H-Cmicro, with a lambda L chain; however, transfectant Ig lacked autoreactivity and pathogenicity. Introduction of the 238H-Cmicro H chain as a transgene onto the non-autoimmune C57BL/6 background resulted in abundant B cell surface expression of 238H-Cmicro, however, four transgenic Ig recovered by fusion of LPS-stimulated splenocytes and formed by combination of 238H-Cmicro, with endogenous kappa chains do not bind DNA or laminin. These results indicate that the antigen binding sites encoded by this disease-associated gene and/or H chain must associate with permissive L chains to specify autoimmunity. The 238H-Cmicro, transgenic model should prove useful in dissecting the in vivo fate of 238H-Cmicro, L combinations that produce pathogenic autoreactive receptors and in evaluating receptor-targeted interventions.  相似文献   

A 21-mer oligodeoxynucleotide complementary to the polyadenylation signal for human hepatitis B virus (HBV) was complexed to a soluble DNA-carrier system that is targetable to hepatocytes via asialoglycoprotein receptors present on those cells. A cell line, HepG2 (2.2.15) that possesses asialoglycoprotein receptors and is permanently transfected with hepatitis B virus (ayw subtype) was exposed to complexed antisense DNA or controls. In the presence of complexed antisense DNA, the concentration of hepatitis B surface antigen in medium was 80% lower than controls after 24 h. Furthermore, during the next 6 days, there was no significant increase in surface antigen concentration in the presence of complexed antisense DNA. The inhibition could be effectively blocked by competition with an excess of free asialoglycoprotein. Total protein synthesis remained unchanged by exposure to complexed antisense sequences under identical conditions. In addition, HBV DNA in the medium and cell layers after 24-h exposure to complexed antisense sequences was 80% lower than in controls. The data indicate that antisense oligonucleotides complexed by a soluble DNA-carrier system can be targeted to cells via asialoglycoprotein receptors resulting in specific inhibition of hepatitis B viral gene expression and replication.  相似文献   

beta-Amyloid peptides (Abeta) that form the senile plaques of Alzheimer disease consist mainly of 40- and 42-amino acid (Abeta 40 and Abeta 42) peptides generated from the cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Generation of Abeta involves beta-secretase and gamma-secretase activities and is regulated by membrane trafficking of the proteins involved in Abeta production. Here we describe a new small molecule, EHT 1864, which blocks the Rac1 signaling pathways. In vitro, EHT 1864 blocks Abeta 40 and Abeta 42 production but does not impact sAPPalpha levels and does not inhibit beta-secretase. Rather, EHT 1864 modulates APP processing at the level of gamma-secretase to prevent Abeta 40 and Abeta 42 generation. This effect does not result from a direct inhibition of the gamma-secretase activity and is specific for APP cleavage, since EHT 1864 does not affect Notch cleavage. In vivo, EHT 1864 significantly reduces Abeta 40 and Abeta 42 levels in guinea pig brains at a threshold that is compatible with delaying plaque accumulation and/or clearing the existing plaque in brain. EHT 1864 is the first derivative of a new chemical series that consists of candidates for inhibiting Abeta formation in the brain of AD patients. Our findings represent the first pharmacological validation of Rac1 signaling as a target for developing novel therapies for Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

The ability of oligonucleotides to inhibit genetic expression in a sequence-specific manner has been well documented. Because of their potential for exquisite specificity, oligonucleotides have been proposed as therapeutic agents for a variety of human diseases, including cancers, microbial infections and autoimmune disorders. Approximately 16 clinical trials are currently in progress. However, relatively little is known about the in vivo behaviour of oligonucleotides. Extrapolations from in vitro studies to predict in vivo pharmokinetics and effects in humans might be difficult and inappropriate. Animal models still remain an essential tool in the development of oligonucleotides as efficient drugs in humans.  相似文献   

Superoxide radicals are known to inhibit progesterone production by luteal cells and have also been reported to cause apoptosis in various cells. The corpus luteum has an antioxidant enzyme to scavenge superoxide radicals: copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu, Zn-SOD). However, it remains unknown how the decrease in intracellular Cu,Zn-SOD activity influences luteal function. This study was therefore undertaken to investigate whether suppression of intracellular Cu,Zn-SOD activity inhibits progesterone production by rat luteal cells and causes apoptosis. To suppress intracellular Cu, Zn-SOD activity, dispersed rat luteal cells were incubated with Cu, Zn-SOD antisense oligonucleotides. The 48-h treatment with antisense oligonucleotides (10 microM) inhibited Cu,Zn-SOD activity by 50% and Cu,Zn-SOD mRNA level by 30%, whereas sense oligonucleotides used as the control had no effect. Progesterone concentration in the medium was significantly decreased by the 48-h treatment with antisense oligonucleotides in the presence of hCG, and this inhibitory effect was completely blocked by the simultaneous addition of N-acetyl-L-cysteine, an antioxidant. Treatment with antisense oligonucleotides caused no significant change in the percentage of apoptotic cells as morphologically evaluated by the nuclear staining with Hoechst dye. In conclusion, the decrease in intracellular Cu, Zn-SOD activities inhibits progesterone production by rat luteal cells, which may be mediated by superoxide radicals, suggesting that intracellular Cu,Zn-SOD plays important roles in the regulation of luteal function.  相似文献   

We have designed and studied antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (oligonucleotides; oligos) which we call ‘pseudo-cyclic oligonucleotides’ (PCOs). PCOs contain two oligonucleotide segments attached through their 3′-3′- or 5′-5′-ends. One of the segments of the PCO is an antisense oligo complementary to a target mRNA, and the other is a short protective oligo that is 5–8 nucleotides long and complementary to the 3′- or 5′-end of the antisense oligo. As a result of complementarity between the antisense and protective oligo segments, PCOs form intramolecular pseudo-cyclic structures in the absence of the target RNA. The antisense oligo segment of PCOs used for the studies described here is complementary to an 18-nucleotide-long site on the mRNA of the protein kinase A regulatory subunit RI (PKA-RI). Thermal melting studies of PCOs in the absence and presence of the complementary RNA suggest that the pseudo-cyclic structures formed in the absence of the target RNA dissociate, bind to the target RNA, and form heteroduplexes. The results of RNase H cleavage assays suggest that PCOs bind to complementary RNA and activate RNase H in a manner similar to that of an 18-mer conventional antisense PS-oligo. In snake venom (a 3′-exonuclease) or spleen (a 5′-exonuclease) phosphodiesterase digestion studies, PCOs are more stable than conventional antisense oligos because of the presence of 3′-3′- or 5′-5′-linkages and the formation of intramolecular pseudo-cyclic structures. PCOs with a phosphorothioate antisense oligo segment inhibited cell growth of MDA-MB-468 and GEO cancer cell lines similar to that of the conventional antisense PS-oligo, suggesting efficient cellular uptake and target binding. The nuclease stability studies in mice suggest that PCOs have higher in vivo stability than antisense PS-oligos. The studies in mice showed similar pharmacokinetic and tissue distribution profiles for PCOs to those of antisense PS-oligos in general, but rapid elimination from selected tissues.  相似文献   

Rac1 and Rac2 gene products are small GTP-binding proteins showing 92% homology to each other. According to recent studies performed in cell-free systems, Rac1 and Rac2 proteins may be involved in the activation of NADPH-oxidase, the superoxide-generating enzymatic complex active in phagocytes. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transformed B lymphocytes, which express rac1 and rac2 genes, also efficiently release superoxide anions when triggered by various cell surface stimuli. To investigate the regulatory role of Rac proteins in living cells, we analyzed superoxide production in response to cross-linking of surface immunoglobulins or phorbol ester treatment in human EBV-transformed B lymphocytes pretreated with Rac sense and antisense oligonucleotides. We report here that (i) the rac protein content estimated by immunoblotting can be decreased by 60% in Rac antisense pretreated cells and (ii) a strong (50-60%), dose-dependent inhibition of superoxide production is observed in antisense pretreated cells whereas cells pretreated with sense oligonucleotide are unaffected. The data presented show, for the first time in whole cells, that superoxide production is modulated by the Rac protein content, thus demonstrating the physiological role of Rac proteins in the regulation of NADPH-oxidase.  相似文献   

Over the past several years, the use of synthetic oligonucleotides and functional analogs thereof as a possibly general means of controlling genetic expression has received widespread attention. Following a brief overview of some of the basic principles and strategies for this approach, attention is focused here on summarizing some recent reports of in vitro and, in particular, in vivo investigations in various animal models using phosphorothioate analogs of 2′-deoxyoligo-nucleotides. In view of these findings, which include studies related to neurobiology, this field should find significant utility in applications of the antisense method for controlling genetic expression.  相似文献   

Locked nucleic acids (LNA) are novel high-affinity DNA analogs that can be used as genotype-specific drugs. The LNA oligonucleotides (LNA PO ODNs) are very stable in vitro and in vivo without the need for a phosphorothiolated backbone. In this study we tested the biological fate and the efficacy in tumor growth inhibition of antisense oligonucleotides directed against the gene of the large subunit of RNA polymerase II (POLR2A) that are completely synthesized as LNA containing diester backbones. These full LNA oligonucleotides strongly reduce POLR2A protein levels. Full LNA PO ODNs appeared to be very stable compounds when injected into the circulation of mice. Full LNA PO ODNs were continuously administered for 14 days to tumor-bearing nude mice. Tumor growth was inhibited sequence specifically at dosages from 1 mg/kg/day. LNA PO ODNs appeared to be non-toxic at dosages <5 mg/kg/day. Biodistribution studies showed the kidneys to have the highest uptake of LNA PO ODNs and urinary secretion as the major route of clearance. This report shows that LNA PO ODNs are potent genotype-specific drugs that can inhibit tumor growth in vivo.  相似文献   

Efficiencies of a nuclease resistant antisense oligonucleotide and of siRNA both being targeted against the green fluorescent protein stably expressed in HeLa cells are compared in cell cultures and in xenografted mice. Using Cytofectin GSV to deliver both inhibitors, the siRNAs appear to be quantitatively more efficient and its effect is lasting for a longer time in cell culture. In mice, we observed an activity of siRNAs but not of antisense oligonucleotides. The absence of efficiency of antisense oligonucleotides is probably due to their lower resistance to nuclease degradation.  相似文献   


Key message

Anti-microRNA oligonucleotides (AMOs) are efficient and sequence-specific inhibitors of plant miRNA function both in vitro and in vivo.


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that play critical roles in developmental and physiological processes in plants and animals. Although miRNA knockdown by chemically modified antisense oligonucleotides prevails in animal and therapeutic studies, no such application has ever been reported in plants. Here, we show that sucrose-mediated delivery of 2′-O-methyl (2′-O-Me) anti-miRNA oligonucleotides (AMOs) is an efficient and sequence-specific way of inhibiting plant miRNA activity both in vitro and in vivo. Administration of AMOs to rice protoplasts and intact leaves resulted in efficient inhibition of miRNAs with concurrent de-repression of their target genes. AMOs caused simultaneous inhibition of miRNAs from the same family but exerted negligible effects on miRNAs from different families. In rice seedlings, a single-dose AMO treatment conferred long-lasting miRNA inhibition for at least 7 days. Although simultaneous dysregulation of multiple miRNAs by an AMO-and-miRNA-mimic mixture resulted in severe root defects, the phenotypic effects of individual AMOs and miRNA mimics were negligible, suggesting that those miRNAs function together in regulatory networks to ensure homeostasis. Our results validate the utility of AMOs as an efficient tool for plant miRNA loss-of-function studies in vivo, and this approach may prove to be a highly promising general method for unraveling miRNA-mediated gene-regulatory networks.

Previous short-term studies have correlated an increase in the phosphorylation of the 20-kDa light chain of myosin II (MLC20) with blebbing in apoptotic cells. We have found that this increase in MLC20 phosphorylation is rapidly followed by MLC20 dephosphorylation when cells are stimulated with various apoptotic agents. MLC20 dephosphorylation is not a consequence of apoptosis because MLC20 dephosphorylation precedes caspase activation when cells are stimulated with a proapoptotic agent or when myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) is inhibited pharmacologically or by microinjecting an inhibitory antibody to MLCK. Moreover, blocking caspase activation increased cell survival when MLCK is inhibited or when cells are treated with tumor necrosis factor alpha. Depolymerizing actin filaments or detaching cells, processes that destabilize the cytoskeleton, or inhibiting myosin ATPase activity also resulted in MLC20 dephosphorylation and cell death. In vivo experiments showed that inhibiting MLCK increased the number of apoptotic cells and retarded the growth of mammary cancer cells in mice. Thus, MLC20 dephosphorylation occurs during physiological cell death and prolonged MLC20 dephosphorylation can trigger apoptosis.  相似文献   

We have reported that the relative amounts of Ig kappa and Ig lambda anti-DNP antibodies produced depend on the molecular form in which the hapten was presented. Here we confirm this finding by demonstrating that 1) the effects of adjuvant are not sufficient to result in differential light chain production and 2) the presence of some DNP-containing epitopes unique to DNP-KLH are not sufficient to give rise to enhancement of Ig kappa production. We further demonstrate that preferential augmentation of Ig kappa in the response to DNP is a T cell-mediated effect. Although we cannot rule out the possibility that some Ig kappa antibodies specific for protein-conjugated DNP require T cells for their expression, one of several other possible mechanisms whereby T cells influence light chain production is considered likely.  相似文献   

With advancing age, the likelihood of beta-amyloid deposition in the cerebral vasculature increases, particularly in individuals with Alzheimer's disease. The beta-amyloid typically accumulates in the basal lamina of the arteriolar tunica media, and frequently extends into the adjacent neuropil. Cerebrovascular beta-amyloid increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke, and may also play a role in the pathogenesis of AD. Genetic variations have been identified that are causative or risk factors for cerebrovascular beta-amyloid, including particular mutations in the genes for beta-amyloid precursor protein, presenilins 1 and 2, and possibly cystatin C, as well as polymorphisms in apolipoprotein E. Cerebrovascular amyloidosis is now being studied in a variety of in vitro and in vivo models, including cultured vascular smooth muscle cells, transgenic mice, and aged animals such as nonhuman primates. Methods for delivering agents selectively to vascular amyloid in living subjects are now being developed, and these techniques are paving the way to the development of diagnostic tools and therapies for cerebrovascular amyloidosis.  相似文献   

mRNA coding for the light chain of a myeloma protein has been purified to give one band in acrylamide gel electrophoresis. This pure RNA (S~13.5) could be translated invitro into the light chain in a heterologous cell-free translation system. The light chain synthesized in vitro is apparently slightly larger than the light chain secreted by the tumor.  相似文献   

In previous studies, we have demonstrated the inhibition of CD4 expression in rat lymphocytes treated with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) by antisense oligonucleotides (AS-ODNs) directed against the AUG start region of the cd4 gene. The aim of the present study was to inhibit CD4 expression in lymphocytes without promoting CD4 synthesis and to determine the effect of this inhibition on CD4+ T cell function. Four 21-mer ODNs against the rat cd4 gene (AS-CD4-1 to AS-CD4-4) were used. Surface CD4 expression was measured by immunofluorescence staining and flow cytometry, and mRNA CD4 expression was measured by RT-PCR. T CD4+ cell function was determined by specific and unspecific proliferative response of rat-primed lymphocytes. After 24 hours of incubation, AS-CD4-2 and AS-CD4-4 reduced lymphocyte surface CD4 expression by 40%. This effect remained for 72 hours and was not observed on other surface molecules, such as CD3, CD5, or CD8. CD4 mRNA expression was reduced up to 40% at 24 hours with AS-CD4-2 and AS-CD4-4. After 48 hours treatment, CD4 mRNA decreased up to 27% and 29% for AS-CD4-2 and AS-CD4-4, respectively. AS-CD4-2 and AS-CD4-4 inhibited T CD4+ cell proliferative response upon antigen-specific and unspecific stimuli. Therefore, AS-ODNs against CD4 molecules inhibited surface and mRNA CD4 expression, under physiologic turnover and, consequently, modulate T CD4+ cell reactivity.  相似文献   

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