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Summary A computer simulation (KINSIM) modeling up to 33 competing reactions was used in order to investigate the product distribution in a template-directed oligonucleotide synthesis as a function of time and concentration of the reactants. The study is focused on the poly(C)-directed elongation reaction of an oligoguanylate (a 7-mer is chosen) with guanosine 5-monophosphate-2-methylimidazolide (2-MeImpG), the activated monomer. It is known that theelongation of oligoguanylates to form oligomeric products such as 8-mer, 9-mer, 10-mer, etc., is in competition with (1) thedimerization and further oligomerization reaction of 2-MeImpG that leads to the formation of dimers and short oligomers, and (2) thehydrolysis of 2-MeImpG that forms inactive guanosine 5-monophosphate, 5-GMP. Experimentally determined rate constants for the above three processes at 37°C and pH 7.95 were used in the simulation; the initial concentrations of 2-MeImpG, [M]o, and of the oligoguanylate primer, [7-mer]o, were varied, and KINSIM calculated the distribution of products as a function of time until equilibration was reached, i.e., when all the activated monomer has been consumed. In order to sort out how strongly the elongation reaction may be affected by the competing hydrolysis and dimerization, we also simulated the idealized situation in which these competing reactions do not occur. Simulation of the idealized system suggests that (1) the fraction of [7-mer]o that has reacted as well as the product distribution after equilibration do not depend on the absolute concentrations of the reactants, but only on their ratio, [M]o/[7-mer]o; (2) the rate of elongation is proportional to [7-mer]o and not to [M]o; and (3) as the [M]o/[7-mer]o ratio increases longer oligomers are formed. The results of the computer simulation with the experimental system, i.e., elongation in the presence of both hydrolysis and dimerization, are similar to the ones obtained with the idealized system as long as dimerization and hydrolysis are not responsible for consuming a substantial fraction of 2-MeImpG.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid fractionation procedure of the three transcobalamins, TCI, TCII, and TCII, of human serum was achieved by filtration through a stack of charged cellulose filters composed of one cellulose-nitrate and three DEAE-cellulose (DE-81) disks. A reaction mixture containing microliter amounts of serum was incubated with excess of 57Co B12 of high specific activity, diluted with 0.1 M sodium borate buffer (pH 8.5), and passed through the filter stack by applying vacuum. Under these conditions TCII is selectively and quantitatively adsorbed to the cellulose-nitrate filter while both TCI and TCIII adsorb to the DE-81 filters. In the second step TCIII is selectively desorbed from the latter filters by a 0.05 M monopotassium phosphate solution of pH 4.6. Using sera of different distribution of transcobalamins the data obtained were comparable to those determined by the more laborious methods employing DE-52 column chromatography combined with procedures to remove TCII.  相似文献   

Further studies on the properties of oligonucleotide cellulose columns   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
C R Astell  M T Doel  P A Jahnke  M Smith 《Biochemistry》1973,12(25):5068-5074

In situ synthesis of oligonucleotide microarrays.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This contribution presents a brief overall look of the methods for the preparation of various types of DNA microarrays and a thorough examination of the methods for in situ synthesis of oligonucleotide microarrays.  相似文献   

Gene synthesis is an emerging field which has widespread implications in synthetic biology and molecular biology. The field is constantly evolving which has led to key advances in oligonucleotide synthesis and gene synthesis technologies, with simplicity, cost effectiveness and high throughput. The miniaturization, multiplexing, microfluidic processing and the integrated microchip engineering will drive down cost and increase productivity without compromising DNA synthesis fidelity, whereas the gigantic amount of genome information provides infinite source of DNA elements and genes as raw material for synthetic biology. This article describes some of the recent patents on oligonucleotide synthesis and gene synthesis.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Escherichia coli on cellulose acetate membrane filters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
O R Brown 《Microbios》1973,7(28):235-240

Methylation of thymine residues during oligonucleotide synthesis.   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Thymine residues in an oligodeoxyribonucleotide are subject to methylation at N3 by the internucleotide methyl phosphotriester linkages. This alkylation occurs most rapidly in the presence of a strong base such as DBU, but also takes place, at a much slower rate, during oligonucleotide synthesis.  相似文献   

Modifications of guanine bases during oligonucleotide synthesis.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Guanine bases are sensitive to modification during automated DNA synthesis and processing reactions. Methods for the detection of two types of guanine modifications are described. The first method uses the higher reactivity of the modified G base to KMn04 oxidation than T bases, and thus allows detection by chemical DNA sequencing. The second method makes use of the Escherichia coli nucleotide excision repair enzyme UvrABC endonuclease which can detect "bulky" base modifications at each nucleotide in the synthetic DNA. Though the chemical structures of the two modifications are not known, they may be related. Both types of G modifications are often found in oligonucleotides synthesized by the methoxy-diisopropyl-phosphoramidite (MEDP) chemistry but non-detectable in the products of the beta-cyanoethyl-diisopropyl-phosphoramidite (CEDP) chemistry. The Rubin and Schmid pyrimidine-specific chemical DNA sequencing procedure (Rubin, C.M., and Schmid, C.W. (1980) Nucleic Acids Res. 8, 4613-4619) was found to be applicable to oligonucleotides synthesized by the CEDP chemistry, and to oligonucleotides synthesized by the MEDP chemistry if precautionary measures are taken to destroy the signals produced by the highly KMnO4 sensitive modified guanine bases. We also show how chemical DNA sequencing might be useful for diagnosing other chemical modifications in synthetic oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Acid binding and detritylation during oligonucleotide synthesis.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Under the conditions normally used for detritylation in oligonucleotide synthesis, the haloacetic acid binds strongly to the oligonucleotide. Acetonitrile also forms a complex with the deblocking acid, in competition with the oligonucleotide, and drastically slows detritylation. Incomplete removal of acetonitrile during the deblock step may slow the kinetics enough to result in incomplete detritylation of the oligonucleotide. Acid binding to the growing oligonucleotide causes striking chromatographic effects in the presence of high oligonucleotide mass densities. In packed-bed column reactors, at low linear velocities, the acid binding almost completely depletes free acid from the deblocking solution. This results in an advancing zone within which the oligonucleotide is saturated with acid. Detritylation occurs mostly in a narrow band at the front of the advancing saturated zone. Increasing the DCA concentration in order to achieve quick saturation can give faster and more complete detritylation while minimizing the exposure time of the oligonucleotide to acid.  相似文献   

An alternative solid support for oligonucleotide synthesis was developed by coupling a polymer colloid to a modified polyethylene filter disc. The functions on the polymer colloid not used for attachment to the surface were derivatized with a Jeffamine diamine and loaded with appropriate deoxynucleoside succinates. The performance of this support system was evaluated and compared to existing resins.  相似文献   

For further improvement in the investigation to utilize a cellulose acetate derivative as a novel type of polymer-support for the synthesis of oligonucleotides, the investigations on utilizing another spacer; on protecting groups for O6-position of guanosine unit, ribothymidine, and pseudouridine; and on a novel protecting group for the introduction of phosphate function at 5'-terminal position, targeting the syntheses of 13-mer, ApApGpGpApApApApUpUpApUpG, 11-mer, pCpUpCpGpUpCpCpApCpCpA, and 12-mer, UpCpCpGpGprTp- psipCpGpApUpU, found in the partial structures of a yeast tRNA(Ala), will be described in detail.  相似文献   

Simplications in the synthesis of short oligonucleotide blocks.   总被引:27,自引:22,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A rapid and convenient procedure has been developed for the synthesis of fully protected mono, di and trideoxyribonucleotides utilizing an aryl phosphoroditriazolide. It affords advantages over coupling strategies employing condensing reagents, such as 2,4,6-triisopropylbenzenesulfonyl tetrazolide in preparing small oligonucleotides and is relatively free of the drawbacks inherent in other approaches using bifunctional phosphorylating reagents. In particular, the synthesis of trinucleotide blocks without purification at the dimer stage is described.  相似文献   

Combinatorial libraries of oligonucleotides on beads were synthesised by a split-and-mix strategy using 5'-DMTr- or 5'-Fmoc- nucleoside phosphoramidites. Trityl moieties with different masses were used to encode for the bases coupled at each step in the synthesis of oligonucleotides selected by hybridisation from the libraries. Tags orthogonal to the nucleotides added were produced by coupling amines of different MW to an activated carboxyl group(s) on the trityl moiety. Tags can be released from the support by laser irradiation and measured directly by TOF without matrix. Alternatively, they may be released by an acidic treatment and then analysed by (MA)LDI-TOF.  相似文献   

Mechanism of cellulose synthesis in Agrobacterium tumefaciens.   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Extracts of Agrobacterium tumefaciens incorporated UDP-[14C]glucose into cellulose. When the extracts were fractionated into membrane and soluble components, neither fraction was able to synthesize cellulose. A combination of the membrane and soluble fractions restored the activity found in the original extracts. Extracts of cellulose-minus mutants showed no significant incorporation of UDP-glucose into cellulose. When mixtures of the extracts were made, the mutants were found to fall into two groups: extracts of mutants from the first group could be combined with extracts of the second group to obtain cellulose synthesis. No synthesis was observed when extracts of mutants from the same group were mixed. The groups of mutants corresponded to the two operons identified in sequencing the cel genes (A. G. Matthysse, S. White, and R. Lightfoot. J. Bacteriol. 177:1069-1075, 1995). Extracts of mutants were fractionated into membrane and soluble components, and the fractions were mixed and assayed for the ability to synthesize cellulose. When the membrane fraction from mutants in the celDE operon was combined with the soluble fraction from mutants in the celABC operon, incorporation of UDP-glucose into cellulose was observed. In order to determine whether lipid-linked intermediates were involved in cellulose synthesis, permeablized cells were examined for the incorporation of UDP-[14C]glucose into material extractable with organic solvents. No radioactivity was found in the chloroform-methanol extract of mutants in the celDE operon, but radioactive material was recovered in the chloroform-methanol extract of mutants in the celABC operon. The saccharide component of these compounds was released after mild acid hydrolysis and was found to be mainly glucose for the celA insertion mutant and a mixture of cellobiose, cellotriose, and cellotetrose for the celB and celC insertion mutants. The radioactive compound extracted with chloroform-methanol form the celC insertion mutant was incorporated into cellulose by membrane preparations from celE mutants, which suggests that this compound is a lipid-linked intermediate in cellulose synthesis.  相似文献   

The exocyclic amine protecting groups in oligonucleotide synthesis which require 8-16 hours at 55 degrees C for deprotection in ammonia have been replaced with more labile base protecting groups (dimethylformamidine for adenine and guanine and isobutyryl for cytosine). Using these fast oligonucleotide deprotecting groups which require 2-3 hours at 55 degrees C for complete deprotection, a new set of cyanoethyl phosphoramidite ribonucleoside monomers and supports has been developed. Ribozymes and substrate RNAs which were synthesized with these phosphoramidites were assayed and were found to have full catalytic (biological) activity.  相似文献   

A fluorescein derivative is described which can be used as a normal phosphoramidite in oligonucleotide synthesis, giving high yields of fluorescein labelled sequencing primers. The labelled primers were used in automated DNA-sequence analysis without modification of existing protocols, the computer-processed sequences being reproducibly readable up to 400 bases. The procedure described makes the fluorescent labelling of oligonucleotides much easier, and the time of labelling can be significantly reduced. It speeds up the "primer walking" approach of automated DNA sequencing.  相似文献   

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