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Summary Thermogenic incubation has been documented in two large species of pythons, but the phenomenon has not been studied in small species with concomitantly large heat transfer coefficients. We describe behavior, metabolic rates, mass changes, and temperature relations for adult ball pythons (Python regius), the smallest member of the genus, during the reproductive cycle. Egg and hatchling metabolism and hatchling growth rates were also examined.Rates of oxygen consumption ( ) of both gravid and non-gravid snakes showed typical ectothermic responses to changing ambient temperature (T a). TheQ 10 forT a's of 20–35°C was 2.2–2.3. The of gravid females was significantly greater than that of non-gravid snakes at allT a. Maximum oxygen consumption ( max) during forced exercise was about 12 times resting atT a=30°C.Eggs (5–6 per female) were laid in April. Total clutch mass was approximately 32% of the females' pre-oviposition mass. After oviposition, mother snakes coiled tightly around their clutches and remained in close attendance until the eggs hatched in June. Sudden decreases inT a elicited abrupt but transient 2- to 4-fold increases in the of incubating females. Similar responses were not observed in non-incubating snakes. The steady-state of incubating females was independent ofT a. In no case was body temperature (T b) elevated more than a few tenths of a degree aboveT a in steady-state conditions.The of developing eggs increased sigmoidally through the 58–70 day incubation period. Total oxygen consumption during incubation atT a=29.2°C was about 3.61 per egg. Young snakes quadrupled their mass during their first year of growth.Compared to larger python species which are endothermic during incubation, ball pythons have similar aerobic scopes and higher mass-specific max. However, effective endothermy in ball pythons is precluded by high thermal conductance and limited energy stores.  相似文献   

Summary The rate of oxygen consumption ( ) by skeletal muscle was investigated in isolated perfused hindlimbs of laboratory rats and lemmings (Lemmus). In both species, increased in proportion to blood flow rate, even at flow rates 4–5 times above resting level. The slope of the line relating to skeletal muscle blood flow was significantly greater in the lemming than in the rat. This may be related to the inverse relationship between body weight and metabolic rate. These data support the hypothesis that in small animals a dependent relationship exists between blood flow and skeletal muscle .  相似文献   

Summary Oxygen consumption was measured at rest and during spontaneous activity at body temperatures of 25 and 35°C in 14 fasting Savanna monitor lizards,Varanus exanthematicus ranging in weight from 172 to 7500 g. The allometric relationship between metabolic rate at 25°C and body weight (W) is given by: (ml O2 STPD·g–1·hr–1)=0.88W –0.43 (Fig. 2). Although statistical comparisons are equivocal, this intraspecific size dependence exceeds that reported for interspecific comparisons among reptiles and other vertebrate groups (Fig 3). A reproducible diurnal pattern of activity was observed in undisturbed animals with minimum values of between 2400 and 0800 h (Fig. 1). Spontaneous activity and generally reached peak values between 1200 and 2000 hrs. The average ratio of active aerobic metabolic rate (AMR) to minimum (standard) aerobic metabolic rate (SMR) was 8.2. This voluntary AMR/SMR inVaranus exceeds the AMR/SMR for most reptiles stimulated to exhaustion. The high aerobic capacity is consistent with other evidence for efficient exchange and transport of respiratory gases inV. exanthematicus; e.g., low or absent intracardiac shunt flow resulting in high arterial saturation and low ventilation and perfusion requirements.  相似文献   

Altitudinal and seasonal effects on aerobic metabolism of deer mice   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary I compared the maximal aerobic metabolic rates ( ), field metabolic rates (FMR), aerobic reserves ( -FMR), and basal metabolic rates (BMR) of wild and recently captured deer mice from low (440 m) and high (3800 m) altitudes. To separate the effects of the thermal environment from other altitudinal effects, I examined mice from different altitudes, but similar thermal environments (i.e., summer mice from high altitude and winter mice from low altitude). When the thermal environment was similar, , FMR, and aerobic reserve of low and high altitude mice did not differ, but BMR was significantly higher at high altitude. Thus, in the absence of thermal differences, altitude had only minor effects on the aerobic metabolism of wild or recently captured deer mice.At low altitude, there was significant seasonal variation in , FMR, and aerobic reserve, but not BMR. BMR was correlated with , but not with FMR. The significant positive correlation of BMR with indicates a cost of high , because higher BMR increases food requirements and energy use during periods of thermoneutral conditions.Abbreviations BMR basal metabolic rate - FMR field metabolic rate - partial pressure of oxygen - T a ambient temperature - T b body temperature - T e operative temperature - maximal aerobic metabolic rate  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of norepinephrine (NE) on oxygen consumption ( ) of perfused (constant flow) muscle in cold acclimated (CA) and control rats. Infusion of NE for a five minute period caused an increase in of similar magnitude in both groups. Infusion of NE for 30 min resulted in an elevated steady state in the cold acclimated group, while the control group showed only an initial increase in followed by a continual decline during the remainder of the 30 min infusion period. These results suggest that when rats are challenged by cold exposure, the magnitude of the initial muscle response to NE by control and acclimated rats is the same, but a useful sustained higher muscle oxygen consumption is found only in the cold acclimated animals.Abbreviations CA cold acclimated - NE norepinephrine  相似文献   

Summary The energy requirements of Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) chicks were analysed with respect to body mass (W, 0.145–3.35 kg, n=36) and various forms of activity (lying, standing, minor activity, locomotion, walking on a treadmill). Direct respirometry was used to measure O2 consumption ( ) and CO2 production. Heart rate (HR, bpm) was recorded from the ECG obtained by both externally attached electrodes and implantable HR-transmitters. The parameters measured were not affected by hand-rearing of the chicks or by implanting transmitters. HR measured in the laboratory and in the field were comparable. Oxygen uptake ranged from in lying chicks to at maximal activity, RQ=0.76. Metabolic rate in small wild chicks (0.14–0.38 kg) was not affected by time of day, nor was their feeding frequency in the colony (Dec 20–21). Regressions of HR on were highly significant (p< 0.0001) in transmitter implanted chicks (n=4), and two relationships are proposed for the pooled data, one for minor activities ( ), and one for walking ( ). Oxygen consumption, mass of the chick (2–3 kg), and duration of walking (T, s) were related as , whereas mass-specific O2 consumption was related to walking speed (S, m·s-1) as .Abbreviations bpm beats per minute - D distance walked (m) - ECG electrocardiogram - HR heart rate (bpm) - ns number of steps - RQ respiratory quotient - S walking speed (m·s-1) - T time walked (s) - W body mass (kg)  相似文献   

Summary Resting metabolic rates (RMR) of 34 species from 18 genera of boas and pythons (Serpentes: Boidae), with body masses ranging from 2 to 67,800 g, were determined as oxygen consumption ( ) and carbon dioxide production ( ) at three ambient temperatures (T a).The temperature coefficient of metabolism (Q10) averaged 2.61 betweenT a of 20–30°C and 2.65 between 30 and 34°C. The respiratory exchange ratio RE (= / ) increased slightly with increasingT a (0.795 at 20°C, 0.819 at 30°C, and 0.834 at 34°C). Interspecific differences in Q10 and RE were slight or insignificant.A multiple regression relating metabolism ( ) to mass andT a explained 97% of the variance in the pooled interspecific data. The mass exponent was 0.806, which is approximately the same as reported for squamates and for all reptilian taxa combined. The mean within-species slope (0.732) was significantly less than the slope for pooled data, but did not differ significantly from 0.75. In 40 of 42 cases (14 species at 3T a), within-species slopes did not differ from each other. Values of the adjusted mean Y, from covariance analysis, were significantly and positively correlated with mass, indicating that the mass coefficient increases with increasing mass.Considerable variation in metabolic rate is apparent both within and between ecological and taxonomic categories.Original metabolic data are available from the National Auxiliary Publications Services, c/o Microfiche Publication, P.O. Box 3153 Grand Central Station, New York, New York 10017, USA  相似文献   

A study was conducted on 30 healthy soldiers (age: 40–46 years) to assess the effect of selected yogic exercises (asanas) on some physiological responses to cold exposure. They were randomly divided into two groups of 15 each. One group performed regular physical exercises of physical training (PT), while the other group practised yogic exercises. At the end of 6 months of training, both the groups were exposed together to cold stress at 10°C for 2 h, and the following parameters were periodically monitored during cold exposure: heart rate (fH), blood pressure (BP), cardiac output , oral temperature (Tor), skin temperature (T sk), respiratory rate (fR), minute ventilation , oxygen consumption , and shivering response by integrated electromyogram (EMG). There were progressive increases inBP, fR, , , and and decreases infH,T or andT sk during cold exposure in both the groups. However, the decrease inT or and the increases in and were relatively lower (P<0.01) in the yoga group as compared to the PT group. The shivering response appeared much earlier and was more intense in the PT group. These findings suggest that practice of yoga exercises may improve cold tolerance.  相似文献   

Summary Oxygen consumption, gill ventilation, blood acid-base/ionic status and haemoglobin oxygen affinity were studied in seawater-adapted adult salmon (Salmo salar) during five weeks after transfer into fresh water. Freshwater exposure induced the following changes: Standard oxygen consumption ( ) and ventilatory flow ( ) decreased markedly during the first days after transfer, then decreased more gradually until a new steady-state was achieved at which and were about 80% and 56% of the control values, respectively. The marked increase in oxygen extraction coefficient (Ew O 2) and the marked decrease in the oxygen convection requirement ( ) were associated with a reduction in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (Pa CO 2), in spite of a decrease of both ventilatory flow and water CO2 capacitance. These results suggested that transfer into fresh water induced an increase in branchial diffusive conductance. A biphasic pattern was observed in the time-course of the changes in both plasma ion concentration and acid-base status. During the first 10 days, plasma Na+, K+, and Cl concentrations fell abruptly, then more gradually. [Cl] decreased more than [Na+] resulting in a progressive increase in the [Na+]/[Cl] ratio. During the second phase of acclimation to fresh water plasma Na+, K+, and Cl concentrations progressively increased. [Cl] increased more than [Na+], so that [Na+]/[Cl] ratio decreased. Transfer into fresh water did not significantly change plasma lactate concentration. Upon exposure to fresh water, blood pH increased from 7.94±0.04 to 8.43±0.06 at day 10 and then decreased to 8.08±0.03 at day 34. The increase in blood pH induced by transfer to fresh water initially represented a mixed metabolic/respiratory alkalosis. However, after 15 days Pa CO 2 had returned to pretransfer values and the alkalosis was purely metabolic. The metabolic component of the alkalosis was associated with appropriate changes in the plasma strong ion difference (S.I.D.). Blood alkalosis moved the oxygen dissociation curve to the left, so that P50 was decreased by 30% below the value in seawater for the maximal increase in blood pH. This rise in haemoglobin affinity for O2, associated with a marked increase in blood buffer capacity, are regarded as adaptative processes allowing the salmon to cope with the markedly increased energy expenditure required for upstream migration.  相似文献   

Summary Rosy finches (Leucosticte arctoa) breed at altitudes above 3500 m in eastern California. House finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) belong to the same subfamily (Carduelinae), but breed at much lower elevations. Oxygen consumption ( ) and ventilatory parameters of these two species were measured over a wide range of ambient temperatures (T a) at low altitude (LA; 150 m) and at high altitude (HA; 3800 m).Minimal nighttime 's of rosy finches and house finches at LA (T a=30°C) were close to allometrically predicted values for passerine birds. At both altitudes, increased linearly with decreasingT a betweenT a=20 and –10°C. Resting 's were slightly higher at HA than at LA on average.In both species, minute volume ( ) was inversely related toT a.T a-correlated increases in resulted from significant increases in both ventilatory frequency (f) and tidal volume (V T) at both altitudes. Oxygen extraction efficiency ( ) was independent ofT a in rosy finches at LA, but declined significantly with decreasingT a in rosy finches at HA and in house finches at both altitudes.At a givenT a, both species had significantly greater (BTPS) at HA than at LA. Altitude-correlated increases in resulted primarly from increases inf with little change inV T. was significantly greater at HA than at LA in both species.In spite of the difference in altitudinal distributions of rosy finches and house finches, there were few conspicuous interspecific differences in metabolic or ventilatory adaptation to altitude or lowT a over the range of conditions examined.Symbols and abbreviations BMR basal metabolic rate - BTPS at body temperature and pressure, saturated - oxygen extraction efficiency - f ventilation frequency - h mean coefficient of heat transfer - HA high altitude - instantaneous oxygen consumption - LA low altitude - RH relative humidity - SMR standard metabolic rate - STPD standard temperature and pressure, dry - T temperature - a ambient - b body - lc lower critical of thermoneutral zone - minute volume - V T tidal volume  相似文献   

Seasonality of torpor and thermoregulation in three dasyurid marsupials   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Summary Seasonal variation in the pattern of torpor and temperature regulation was investigated in the closely related arid zone dasyurid marsupialsSminthopsis crassicaudata (17 g),S. macroura (24 g), andDasyuroides byrnei (120 g). The tendency to enter torpor was greater, torpor commenced earlier, torpor duration was longer, and body temperatures (T b) were lower inSminthopsis spp. than inD. byrnei. The minimum mass-specific rate of oxygen consumption ( ) of torpid animals was similar among the three species despite the differences in minimumT b. The mass-specific oxygen consumption of normothermic animals was reduced during winter when compared with the summer values in all species, but there was no seasonal variation in normothermicT b in any species. The tendency to enter torpor was incrased during winter. TorpidSminthopsis spp. had lower values ofT b and during winter than during summer;D. byrnei did not show seasonal changes in these variables. These results suggest that seasonal changes in the pattern of thermoregulation and torpor in small dasyurids may be more distinct than in larger species.Abbreviations RMR resting metabolic rate - BMR basal metabolic rate  相似文献   

Summary Six Standardbred horses were used to evaluate the time course of pulmonary gas exchange, ventilation, heart rate (HR) and acid base balance during different intensities of constant-load treadmill exercise. Horses were exercised at approximately 50%, 75% and 100% maximum oxygen uptake ( max) for 5 min and measurements taken every 30 s throughout exercise. At all work rates, the minute ventilation, respiratory frequency and tidal volume reached steady state values by 60 s of exercise. At 100% max, the oxygen consumption ( ) increased to mean values of approximately 130 ml/kg·min, which represents a 40-fold increase above resting . At the low and moderate work rates, showed no significant change from 30 s to 300 s of exercise. At the high work rate, the mean at 30 s was 80% of the value at 300 s. The HR showed no significant change over time at the moderate work rate but differing responses at the low and high work rates. At the low work rate, the mean HR decreased from 188 beats/min at 30 s to 172 beats/min at 300 s exercise, whereas at the high work rate the mean HR increased from 204 beats/min at 30 s to 221 beats/min at 300 s exercise. No changes in acid base status occurred during exercise at the low work rate. At the moderate work rate, a mild metabolic acidosis occurred which was nonprogressive with time, whereas the high work rate resulted in a progressive metabolic acidosis with a base deficit of 16 mmol/l by 300 s exercise. It is concluded that the kinetics of gas exchange during exercise are more rapid in the horse than in man, despite the relatively greater change in in the horse when going from rest to high intensity exercise.Symbols and abbreviations E minute ventilation - V T tidal volume - oxygen uptake - carbon dioxide output - oxygen pulse - ventilatory equivalent for oxygen - ventilatory equivalent for carbon dioxide - R respiratory exchange ratio - HR heart rate - SBC standard bicarbonate - STPD standard temperature and pressure dry - BTPS body temperature and pressure saturated - arterial oxygen content - arteriovenous oxygen content difference - Rf respiratory frequency  相似文献   

Summary Heat production of two diurnal rodents,Rhabdomys pumilio andLemniscomys griselda was measured in long scotophase-LS (8L: 16D; 25°C) acclimated and long scotophase and cold — LSAC (8L: 16D; 6°C) acclimated animals and compared to a control group (12L: 12D; 25°C).LS increased in both species. Further acclimation of LSAC increased inR. pumilio and decreased inL. griselda. LS increased body temperature (T b) inL. griselda only. LS increased overall thermal conductance in both species. LSAC caused a further increase in this parameter inR. pumilio.A singificant (P<0.001) increase in the magnitude of maximal nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) was observed in both species due to LS acclimation. LSAC did not change this maximal NST but increased its obligatory part (minimal , P<0.05, inL. griselda, andP<0.001, inR. pumilio).The results of this study show that winter acclimatization of heat production mechanisms, in both species, may be due to extension of scotophase.Abbreviations LS long scotophase - LSAC long scotophase and cold - NA noradrenaline - NST nonshivering thermogenesis - RMR resting metabolic rate  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to assess the relationship between the rapidity of increased gas exchange (i.e. oxygen uptake ) and increased cardiac output ( ) during the transient phase following the onset of exercise. Five healthy male subjects performed multiple rest-exercise or light exercise (25 W)-exercise transitions on an electrically braked ergometer at exercise intensities of 50, 75, or 100 W for 6 min, respectively. Each transition was performed at least eight times for each load in random order. The was obtained by a breath-by-breath method, and was measured by an impedance method during normal breathing, using an ensemble average. On transitions from rest to exercise, rapidly increased during phase I with time constants of 6.8–7.3 s. The also showed a similar rapid increment with time constants of 6.0–6.8 s with an apparent increase in stroke volume (SV). In this phase I, increased to about 29.7%–34.1% of the steady-state value and increased to about 58.3%–87.0%. Thereafter, some 20 s after the onset of exercise a mono-exponential increase to steady-state occurred both in and with time constants of 26.7–32.3 and 23.7–34.4 s, respectively. The insignificant difference between and time constants in phase I and the abrupt increase in both and SV at the onset of exercise from rest provided further evidence for a cardiodynamic contribution to following the onset of exercise from rest.  相似文献   

During the last 60 years, pollution of the groundwater with has greatly increased in many parts of Europe, as a consequence of excessive use of manure and synthetic fertilisers. Monitoring of groundwater-fed wetlands indicated that sediments with high concentrations had the lowest Fe and concentrations in the pore water. A comparison of two restored open water fens, differing in supply via the groundwater, indicated that the redox potential and the sulphate ( ) reduction rate were lower when the groundwater contained not only but also high concentrations. The lower reduction rates in the -rich open water fen were associated with lower concentrations and the presence of plant species characteristic of clear water. In contrast, the higher reduction rates in the -poor open water fen were associated with very high concentrations and massive development of plant species characteristic of eutrophic environments. Investigations at -rich seepage sites in black alder carrs, showed that high concentrations in the pore water caused chlorosis in the alder carr vegetation, due to lower availability of Fe in the pore water and less Fe uptake by the plants. Experimental desiccation of sediments proved that the -rich seepage sites contained no oxidisable FeS x , contrary to -poor locations, which became acidified and mobilised extremely high amounts of due to FeS x oxidation. A laboratory experiment showed that addition to sediments led to reduced releases of Fe, and S2–, very likely due to the oxidation of reduced Fe and S compounds. Overall, the results confirmed that is an energetically more favourable electron acceptor in anaerobic sediments than Fe and , and that high loads function as a redox buffer, preventing reduction of Fe and . Limited reduction prevents S2– -mediated mobilisation of from Fe- complexes. At a higher redox potential, reduced Fe, including FeS x , was oxidised, increasing the content of Fe(III) capable of binding . This prevented increased availability and the concomitant massive development of plant species characteristic of eutrophic environments.  相似文献   

Energetics of vocalization by an anuran amphibian (Hyla versicolor)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The metabolic demands of vocalization byHyla versicolor were determined by measuring oxygen consumption and whole body lactate content of calling animals. A stepwise multiple regression analysis identified both calling rate (calls/h) and call duration (s/call) as significant determinants of oxygen consumption during calling. These two variables accounted for 84% of the total variation in oxygen consumption observed in calling frogs. Aerobic metabolism increased linearly with calling rate and call duration, reaching a peak value of 1.7 ml O2/(g·h) at the highest vocalization effort. For comparison, metabolic rates of the same individuals were also measured during short bouts of vigorous locomotor exercise induced by mechanical stimulation. The mean value of was only 62% of the peak , and 5 of 13 frogs had rates of oxygen consumption during calling that exceeded their . Whole body lactate levels were measured in two samples of calling frogs, one collected early in the evening (2100–2115 h) and the other 1.5 h later (2230–2245 h). The frogs in the second sample had significantly lower lactate levels (0.10 mg/g) than the frogs collected early in the evening (0.22 mg/g). Hence, vocalization does not entail the use of anaerobic metabolism, although lactate levels may be slightly elevated at the onset of an evening of calling. Calling rates of unrestrained frogs in a large chorus were measured at regular intervals during an evening. During the first half hour of calling, rates increased gradually from an initial mean value of 600 calls/h at 2030 h to nearly 1400 calls/h at 2100 h. These data indicate that acoustic advertisement byHyla versicolor is among the most energetically expensive activities regularly undertaken by any anuran, and indeed, is the most demanding yet measured in an ectothermic vertebrate.Abbreviations resting rate of oxygen consumption - maximum rate of oxygen consumption - rate of oxygen consumption during forced exercise - rate of oxygen consumption during calling  相似文献   

Summary Using a two-compartment metabolism chamber, we measured oxygen consumption simultaneously with evaporative water loss (EWL) separately from the skin and respiratory tract of pigeons exposed to various air temperatures and humidities. Both respiratory (REWL) and cutaneous (CEWL) water loss increased markedly with increasing air temperature, and latent heat loss through both routes dissipated large fractions of internal heat production during mild heat stress. CEWL as a percentage of total EWL significantly exceeded REWL (60±1.5%) at thermoneutral air temperatures, and was also a substantial fraction of total EWL at lower and higher temperatures. Both REWL and CEWL were inverse functions (apparently linear) of ambient humidity at 20 and 30 °C. These observations verify suggestions by other investigators that CEWL in birds plays a greater role in water balance and in counteracting heat stress than was previously believed.Abbreviations EWL evaporative water loss - CEWL cutaneous EWL - REWL Respiratory EWL - Oxygen consumption (cm3 g–1 h–1) - metabolic heat production per unit external surface area (W/m2) - Water vapor density (g/m3)  相似文献   

Summary The influence of local temperature changes within the posterior portion of the body on dorsal aorta blood flow ( ), femoral arterial pressure (P a ), peripheral resistance (R), skin blood flow ( ) and skeletal muscle blood flow ( ) was examined in unanesthetized lizards (Iguana iguana andTubinambis nigropunctatus). In response to local heating of the hind legs and tail and increased,P a was generally unchanged,R decreased and decreased or was unchanged (Fig. 2). It is suggested that the acquisition of heat may be favored by diverting the increase in away from the muscle to the warmer skin. In response to cooling and decreased,P a was generally unchanged, R increased and increased or was unchanged. Hence, during cooling the retention of heat may be favored by diverting blood away from the skin to the deeper muscle. The muscle-skin shunt is under sympathetic control since following blockade with phenoxybenzamine HCL (Dibenzyline) muscle blood flow changes in response to temperature were qualitatively similar to those of skin (Fig. 4). These changes in peripheral circulatory patterns are independent of changes in heart rate or deep body temperature.Baker and Weathers were predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees, respectively, under USPHS Grant HE-05696. This study was also supported by NSF Grant GB-8523 and Los Angeles County Heart Association Grant 437IG.  相似文献   

Summary Evaporative water loss (EWL), oxygen concumption , and body temperature (Tb) of Anna's Hummingbirds (Calypte anna; ca. 4.5g) were measured at combinations of ambient temperature (Ta) and water vapor density (va) ranging from 20 to 37 °C and 2 to 27 g·m-3, respectively. The EWL decreased linearly with increasing va at all temperatures. The slopes of least squares regression lines relating EWL to va at different temperatures were not significantly different and averaged-0.50 mg H2O·m-3·g-2·h-1 (range:-0.39 to-0.61). Increased va restricted EWL in C. anna more than has been reported for other endotherms in dry air. The percent of metabolic heat production dissipated by evaporation ( ) was lower than that of other birds in dry air, but higher than that for other birds at high humidity when Ta 33 °C. When Ta>33 °C the effect of humidity on was similar to that in other birds. Calypte anna might become slightly hyperthermic at Ta>37 °C, which could augment heat transfer by increasing the Tb-Ta gradient. Body temperature for C. anna in this study was 43 °C (intramuscular) at Tas between 25 and 35 °C, which is above average for birds. It is estimated that field EWL is less than 30% of daily water loss in C. anna under mild temperature conditions (<35 °C).Abbreviations BMR basal metabolic rate - EWL evaporative water loss - percent of metabolic heat production dissipated by evaporation - ambient water vapor density - body surface water vapor density - RMR resting metabolic rate - Ta ambient-temperature - Tb body temperature - Td dew-point temperature - TNZ thermoneutral zone - Ts body surface temperature - carbon dioxide production - oxygen consumption  相似文献   

Summary Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) experience a wide range of ambient temperatures (T a) in their natural habitat. We examined body temperature (T b), oxygen consumption ( ), carbon dioxide production ( ), evaporative water loss ( ), and ventilation atT a from –20 to 30 °C. Body temperature did not change significantly between –20 and 20°C (meanT b=39.3°C).T b increased slightly to 40.1 °C atT a=30°C. Both and were constant and minimal atT a between –10 and 20°C, with only minor increases at –20 and 30°C. The minimal of adult penguins (mean mass 4.007 kg) was 0.0112 ml/[g·min], equivalent to a metabolic heat production (MHP) of 14.9 Watt. The respiratory exchange ratio was approximately 0.7 at allT a. Values of were low at lowT a, but increased to 0.21 g/min at 30°C, equivalent to 0.3% of body mass/h. Dry conductance increased 3.5-fold between –20 and 30°C. Evaporative heat loss (EHL) comprised about 5% of MHP at lowT a, rising to 47% of MHP atT a=30°C. The means of ventilation parameters (tidal volume [VT], respiration frequency [f], minute volume [I], and oxygen extraction [ ]) were fairly stable between –20 and 10°C (VT did not change significantly over the entireT a range). However, there was considerable inter- and intra-individual variation in ventilation patterns. AtT a=20–30°C,f increased 7-fold over the minimal value of 7.6 breaths/min, and I showed a similar change. fell from 28–35% at lowT a to 6% atT a=30°C.Abbreviations C thermal conductance - EHL evaporative heat loss - oxygen extraction - f respiratory frequency - MHP metabolic heat production - evaporative water loss - LCT lower critical temperature - RE respiratory exchange ratio - T a ambient temperature - T b body temperature - rate of oxygen consumption - rate of carbon dioxide production - I inspiratory minute volume - VT tidal volume  相似文献   

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