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Several loci on theParacoccus denitrificans chromosome are involved in the synthesis of cytochromec oxidase. So far three genetic loci have been isolated. One of them contains the structural genes of subunits II and III, as well as two regulatory genes which probably code for oxidase-specific assembly factors. In addition, two distinct genes for subunit I have been cloned, one of which is located adjacent to the cytochromec 550 gene. An alignment of six promoter regions reveals only short common sequences.  相似文献   

Under anaerobic circumstances in the presence of nitrateParacoccus denitrificans is able to denitrify. The properties of the reductases involved in nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, nitric oxide reductase, and nitrous oxide reductase are described. For that purpose not only the properties of the enzymes ofP. denitrificans are considered but also those fromEscherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, andPseudomonas stutzeri. Nitrate reductase consists of three subunits: the subunit contains the molybdenum cofactor, the subunit contains the iron sulfur clusters, and the subunit is a special cytochromeb. Nitrate is reduced at the cytoplasmic side of the membrane and evidence for the presence of a nitrate-nitrite antiporter is presented. Electron flow is from ubiquinol via the specific cytochromeb to the nitrate reductase. Nitrite reductase (which is identical to cytochromecd 1) and nitrous oxide reductase are periplasmic proteins. Nitric oxide reductase is a membrane-bound enzyme. Thebc 1 complex is involved in electron flow to these reductases and the whole reaction takes place at the periplasmic side of the membrane. It is now firmly established that NO is an obligatory intermediate between nitrite and nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide reductase is a multi-copper protein. A large number of genes is involved in the acquisition of molybdenum and copper, the formation of the molybdenum cofactor, and the insertion of the metals. It is estimated that at least 40 genes are involved in the process of denitrification. The control of the expression of these genes inP. denitrificans is totally unknown. As an example of such complex regulatory systems the function of thefnr, narX, andnarL gene products in the expression of nitrate reductase inE. coli is described. The control of the effects of oxygen on the reduction of nitrate, nitrite, and nitrous oxide are discussed. Oxygen inhibits reduction of nitrate by prevention of nitrate uptake in the cell. In the case of nitrite and nitrous oxide a competition between reductases and oxidases for a limited supply of electrons from primary dehydrogenases seems to play an important role. Under some circumstances NO formed from nitrite may inhibit oxidases, resulting in a redistribution of electron flow from oxygen to nitrite.P. denitrificans contains three main oxidases: cytochromeaa 3, cytochromeo, and cytochromeco. Cytochromeo is proton translocating and receives its electrons from ubiquinol. Some properties of cytochromeco, which receives its electrons from cytochromec, are reported. The control of the formation of these various oxidases is unknown, as well as the control of electron flow in the branched respiratory chain. Schemes for aerobic and anaerobic electron transport are given. Proton translocation and charge separation during electron transport from various electron donors and by various electron transfer pathways to oxygen and nitrogenous oxide are given. The extent of energy conservation during denitrification is about 70% of that during aerobic respiration. In sulfate-limited cultures (in which proton translocation in the NADH-ubiquinone segment of the respiratory chain is lost) the extent of energy conservation is about 60% of that under substrate-limited conditions. These conclusions are in accordance with measurements of molar growth yields.  相似文献   

Paracoccus denitrificans is able to grow on the C1 compounds methanol and methylamine. These compounds are oxidized to formaldehyde which is subsequently oxidized via formate to carbon dioxide. Biomass is produced by carbon dioxide fixation via the ribulose biphosphate pathway. The first oxidation reaction is catalyzed by the enzymes methanol dehydrogenase and methylamine dehydrogenase, respectively. Both enzymes contain two different subunits in an 22 configuration. The genes encoding the subunits of methanol dehydrogenase (moxF andmoxI) have been isolated and sequenced. They are located in one operon together with two other genes (moxJ andmoxG) in the gene ordermoxFJGI. The function of themoxJ gene product is not yet known.MoxG codes for a cytochromec 551i , which functions as the electron acceptor of methanol dehydrogenase. Both methanol dehydrogenase and methylamine dehydrogenase contain PQQ as a cofactor. These so-called quinoproteins are able to catalyze redox reactions by one-electron steps. The reaction mechanism of this oxidation will be described. Electrons from the oxidation reaction are donated to the electron transport chain at the level of cytochromec. P. denitrificans is able to synthesize at least 10 differentc-type cytochromes. Five could be detected in the periplasm and five have been found in the cytoplasmic membrane. The membrane-bound cytochromec 1 and cytochromec 552 and the periplasmic-located cytochromec 550 are present under all tested growth conditions. The cytochromesc 551i andc 553i , present in the periplasm, are only induced in cells grown on methanol, methylamine, or choline. The otherc-type cytochromes are mainly detected either under oxygen limited conditions or under anaerobic conditions with nitrate as electron acceptor or under both conditions. An overview including the induction pattern of allP. denitrificans c-type cytochromes will be given. The genes encoding cytochromec 1, cytochromec 550, cytochromec 551i , and cytochromec 553i have been isolated and sequenced. By using site-directed mutagenesis these genes were mutated in the genome. The mutants thus obtained were used to study electron transport during growth on C1 compounds. This electron transport has also been studied by determining electron transfer rates inin vitro experiments. The exact pathways, however, are not yet fully understood. Electrons from methanol dehydrogenase are donated to cytochromec 551i . Further electron transport is either via cytochromec 550 or cytochromec 553i to cytochromeaa 3. However, direct electron transport from cytochromec 551i to the terminal oxidase might be possible as well. Electrons from methylamine dehydrogenase are donated to amicyanin and then via cytochromec 550 to cytochromeaa 3, but other routes are used also.P. denitrificans is studied by several groups by using a genetic approach. Several genes have already been cloned and sequenced and a lot of mutants have been isolated. The development of a host/vector system and several techniques for mutation induction that are used inP. denitrificans genetics will be described.  相似文献   

By using the gene encoding the C-terminal part of thecd 1-type nitrite reductase ofPseudomonas stutzeri JM300 as a heterologous probe, the corresponding gene fromParacoccus denitrificans was isolated. This gene,nirS, codes for a mature protein of 63144 Da having high homology withcd 1-type nitrite reductases from other bacteria. Directly downstream fromnirS, three othernir genes were found in the ordernirECF. The organization of thenir gene cluster inPa. denitrificans is different from the organization ofnir clusters in some Pseudomonads.nirE has high homology with a S-adenosyl-L-methionine:uroporphyrinogen III methyltransferase (uro'gen III methylase). This methylase is most likely involved in the hemed 1 biosynthesis inPa. denitrificans. The third gene,nirC, codes for a small cytochromec of 9.3 kDa having high homology with cytochromec 55X ofPs. stutzeri ZoBell. The 4th gene,nirF, has no homology with other genes in the sequence databases and has no relevant motifs. Inactivation of either of these 4 genes resulted in the loss of nitrite and nitric oxide reductase activities but not of nitrous oxide reductase activity.nirS mutants lack thecd 1-type nitrite reductase whilenirE, nirC andnirF mutants produce a small amount ofcd 1-type nitrite reductase, inactive due to the absence of hemed 1. Upstream from thenirS gene the start of a gene was identified which has limited homology withnosR, a putative regulatory gene involved in nitrous oxide reduction. A potential FNR box was identified between this gene andnirS.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - NBT nitroblue tetrazolium - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Electron transport in theParacoccus denitrificans respiratory chain system is considerably more rapid when it includes the membrane-bound cytochromec 552 than with either solubleParacoccus c 550 or bovine cytochromec; a pool function for cytochromec is not necessary. Low concentrations ofParacoccus or bovine cytochromec stimulate the oxidase activity. This observation could explain the multiphasic Scatchard plots which are obtained. A negatively charged area on the back side ofParacoccus c which is not present in mitochondrialc could be a control mechanism forParacoccus reactions.Paracoccus oxidase and reductase reactions with bovinec show the same properties as mammalian systems; and this is true ofParacoccus oxidase reactions with its own soluble cytochromec if added polycation masks the negatively charged area. Evidence for different oxidase and reductase reaction sites on cytochromec include: (1) stimulation of the oxidase but not reductase by a polycation; (2) differences in the inhibition of the oxidase and reductases by monoclonal antibodies toParacoccus cytochromec; and (3) reaction of another bacterial cytochromec withParacoccus reductases but not oxidase. Rapid electron transport occurs in cytochromec-less mutants ofParacoccus, suggesting that the reactions result from collision of diffusing complexes.  相似文献   

Cytochromec oxidase fromParacoccus denitrificans was homogenously dispersed in Triton X-100. Using gel exclusion chromatography and sucrose gradient centrifugation analysis a molecular weight of the detergent-protein complex of 155,000 was determined. After subtraction of the bound detergent (111 mol/mol hemeaa 3) a molecular weight of 85,000 resulted, which agreed well with the model of a monomer containing two subunits. This monomer showed high cytochromec oxidase activity when measured spectrophotometrically in the presence of Triton X-100 (V max=85 s–1). The molecular activity, plotted according to Eadie-Hofstee, was monophasic as a function of the cytochromec concentration. AK m of 3.6×10–6 M was evaluated, similar to theK m observed in the presence of dodecyl maltoside [Naeczet al. (1985).Biochim. Biophys. Acta 808, 259–272].  相似文献   

The organisation and function of electron transport pathways in Paracoccus denitrificans has been studied with both inhibitors and electrode probes for O2 or N2O respiration and membrane potential. Myxothiazol completely inhibits electron flow through the cytochrome bc1 region of the electron transport chain, as judged by its effect on nitrous oxide respiration. Electron flow to oxygen via the cytochrome o oxidase was shown to be insensitive to myxothiazol in a mutant, HUUG 25, that lacks cytochrome c and in which the aa3 oxidase is therefore inactive. Myxothiazol did not inhibit nitrate reduction. It is concluded that myxothiazol is a specific inhibitor of electron flow through the cytochrome bc1 region and more potent than antimycin which does not give complete inhibition.As neither antimycin nor myxothiazol, nor a combination of the two, inhibits electron transport to either nitrate reductase or cytochrome o it is concluded that electron transport pathways to these enzymes do not involve the cytochrome bc1 region but rather branch at the level of ubiquinone. Although the cytochrome o pathway branches at ubiquinone, it is associated with the generation of a protonmotive force; this is shown by measurements of membrane potential in vesicle preparations from the mutant HUUG 25.In contrast to antimycin and myxothiazol, the ubiquinone analogues 5-n-undecyl-6-hydroxy-4,7-dioxobenzothiazole (UHDBT) and 2-n-undecyl-3-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (UHNQ) inhibit electron flow through both the cytochrome bc1 complex and the cytochrome o pathway, although a higher titre is required in the latter case. These two inhibitors were without effect on the nitrate reductase pathway. Thus myxothiazol is the inhibitor of choice for selective and complete inhibition of cytochrome bc1.Recently published schemes for electron transport in P. denitrificans are analysed.Non standard abbreviations S-13 2,5-dichloro-3-t-butyl-4-nitrososalicylanilide - UHNQ 2-n-undecyl-3-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone - UHDBT 5-n-undecyl-6-hydroxy-4,7-dioxobenzothiazole  相似文献   

Preparations and protein chemical characterizations performed with cytochromec oxidase (E.C. from the purple bacteriumParacoccus denitrificans are reviewed. The simplest catalytically competent complex of the enzyme consists of two subunits of 62012 and 27999 Da. The theoretical hemea/protein ratio of the purified enzyme is 22.0 nmol/mg. The amino acid sequences of both proteins are compared with examples of subunits I and II of mitochondrial terminal oxidases from the main kingdoms of eukaryotes. The significance of the emerging conserved features such as membrane penetration patterns, invariant residues, stoichiometry, and sites of prosthetic groups are discussed. TheParacoccus enzyme represents the only prokaryotic oxidase detailed so far, which is directly related to the mitochondrial oxidases by common ancestry in the growing O2 atmosphere.  相似文献   

The structural features of cytochrome oxidases are reviewed in light of their evolution. The substrate specificity (quinol vs. cytochromec) is reflected in the presence of a unique copper centre (Cu A ) in cytochromec oxidases. In several lines of evolution, quinol oxidases have independently lost this copper. Also, the most primitive cytochromec oxidases do not contain this copper, and electron entry takes place viac-type haems. These enzymes, exemplified by the rhizobial FixN complex, probably remind the first oxidases. They are related to the denitrification enzyme nitric oxide reductase.  相似文献   

Pyruvate kinase (ATP: pyruvate phosphotransferase (EC was partially purified from both autotrophically and heterotrophycally grown Paracoccus denitrificans. The organism grown under heterotrophic conditions contains four times more pyruvate kinase than under autotrophic conditions. The enzyme isolated from both sources exhibited sigmoidal kinetics for both phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and ADP. The apparent M m for ADP and PEP in the autotrophic enzyme were 0.63 mM ADP and 0.25 mM PEP. The effect of several low molecular weight metabolites on the pyruvate kinase activity was investigated. Ribose-5-phosphate, glucose-6-phosphate and AMP stimulated the reaction at low ADP levels; this stimulation was brought about by an alteration in the apparent K m for ADP. The pyruvate kinases differ in their response to adenine nucleotides, but both preparations seem to be under adenylate control. The results are discussed in relation to the role of pyruvate kinase as a regulatory enzyme in P. denitrificans grown under both autotrophic and heterotrophic conditions.Non-Common Abbreviations PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - R-5-P ribose-5-phosphate - G-6-P glucose-6-phosphate - F-6-P fructose-6-phosphate - 3-PGA 3-phosphoglycerate  相似文献   

In this work, the heterotrophic cultivation of bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans has been studied in a horizontal rotating tubular bioreactor (HRTB). After development of a microbial biofilm on the inner surface of the HRTB, conditions for one-step removal of acetate and ammonium ion were created. The effect of bioreactor process parameters [medium inflow rate (F) and bioreactor rotation speed (n)] on the bioprocess dynamics in the HRTB was studied. Nitrite and nitrogen oxides (NO and N2O) were detected as intermediates of ammonium ion degradation. The biofilm thickness and the nitrite concentration were gradually reduced with increase of bioreactor rotation speed when the medium inflow rate was in the range of 0.5–1.5 l h−1. Further increase of inflow rate (2.0–2.5 l h−1) did not have a significant effect on the biofilm thickness and nitrite concentration along the HRTB. Complete acetate consumption was observed when the inflow rate was in the range of 0.5–1.5 l h−1 at all bioreactor rotation speeds. Significant pH gradient (cca 1 pH unit) along the HRTB was only observed at the highest inflow rate (2.5 l h−1). The results have clearly shown that acetate and ammonium ion removal by P. denitificans can be successfully conducted in a HRTB as a one-step process.  相似文献   

Strain HUUG25 ofParacoccus denitrificans has been frequently thought to be devoid of allc-type cytochromes. We show here by means of enzymological and immunological techniques that the mutant synthesizes active nitrite reductase (cytochromecd 1) upon prolonged exposure to microoxic conditions. The synthesis occurred faster in the presence of exogenous hemin. The time pattern of 5-aminolevulinate synthase activity was also altered by the mutation. These findings suggest a defective regulation of heme supply to the site of nitrite reductase assembly in the periplasm.  相似文献   

In recent years, the enormous increase in high-resolution three-dimensional structures of proteins together with the development of powerful theoretical techniques have provided the basis for a more detailed examination of the role of electrostatics in determining the midpoint potentials of redox-active metal centers and in influencing the protonation behavior of titratable groups in proteins. Based on the coordinates of the Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase, we have determined the electrostatic potential in and around the protein, calculated the titration curves for all ionizable residues in the protein, and analyzed the response of the protein environment to redox changes at the metal centers. The results of this study provide insight into how charged groups can be stabilized within a low-dielectric environment and how the range of their electrostatic effects can be modulated by the protein. A cluster of 18 titratable groups around the heme a 3–CuB binuclear center, including a hydroxide ion bound to the copper, was identified that accounts for most of the proton uptake associated with redox changes at the binuclear site. Predicted changes in net protonation were in reasonable agreement with experimentally determined values. The relevance of these findings in the light of possible mechanisms of redox-coupled proton movement is discussed.  相似文献   

We have shown that mature 50S ribosomal subunits of Paracoccus denitrificans lack intact 23S rRNA, containing instead rRNAs of 0.56 (16S) and 0.37 (14S)x106 molecular weight. Kinetic labelling studies showed these to be derived from a 1.02x106 dalton precursor, which may itself derive from a larger and very transient 23S species. A similar pattern of rRNA processing has been previously described for Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, and we have compared, by Tl oligonucleotide catalog analysis, the smaller (14S) fragments of P. denitrificans and R. sphaeroides 23S rRNAs. These were shown to exhibit strong sequence homology, and comparisons of 14S-derived oligonucleotides to oligonucleotides from an in vitro-generated 13S fragment of Escherichia coli 23S rRNA suggest that P. denitrificans and R. sphaeroides 14S rRNAs arise from the 5-terminal portions of their respective 23S precursors. Results are considered to be consistent with the claim that P. denitrificans arose, by loss of photophosphorylation, from a member of the Rhodospirillaceae.Abbreviations E buffer 60 ml 2 M Tris base, 20 ml 3 M sodium acetate, 15 ml 0.2M disodium EDTA, 6 ml glacial acetic acid, 900 ml distilled water - HEPES N-2-hydroxymethyl piperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - TMK 5 mM Tris-Cl, 0.1 mM MgSO4, 60 mM KCl. pH 7.3 - TM3 10 mM Tris-Cl, 1 mM MgCl2, pH 7.3 - Tris tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (d-glucose-6-phosphate: NADP+ l-oxidoreductase EC isolated from Paracoccus denitrificans grown on glucose/nitrate exhibits both NAD+-and NADP+-linked activities. Both activities have a pH optimum of pH 9.6 (Glycine/NaOH buffer) and neither demonstrates a Mg2+ requirement. Kinetics for both NAD(P)+ and glucose-6-phosphate were investigated. Phosphoenolpyruvate inhibits both activities in a competitive manner with respect to glucose-6-phosphate. ATP inhibits the NAD+-linked activity competitively with respect to glucose-6-phosphate but has no effect on the NADP+-linked activity. Neither of the two activities are inhibited by 100 M NADH but both are inhibited by NADPH. The NAD+-linked activity is far more sensitive to inhibition by NADPH than the NADP+-linked activity.  相似文献   

An experimental system has been devised for induction of nitrate reductase in suspensions of wild type Paracoccus denitrificans incubated with limited aeration in the presence of azide, nitrate or nitrite. Azide promoted maximum synthesis of enzyme, accompanied by formation of excess b-type cytochrome; the level of enzyme attained with nitrate was less and c-type cytochrome predominated in the membrane. The nitrate reductase was solubilized with deoxycholate from membranes of azide-induced cells and was identified as a major polypeptide M r =150,000 by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Mutants strains lacking nitrate reductase activity were isolated on the basis of resistance to chlorate and mutant M-1 was examined in detail. When incubated in the cell suspension system M-1 formed a membrane protein M r =150,000 similar to that attributed to nitrate reductase in the wild type. Maximum formation of the protein by M-1 occurred without inducer and it was accompanied by synthesis of excess b-type cytochrome. The observations with wild type and M-1 indicate that nitrate reductase protein and b-type cytochrome are coregulated and that the active enzyme has a role in regulating its own synthesis.Non-standard Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - DOC sodlum deoxycholate  相似文献   

Citrobacter freundii, Paracoccus denitrificans and Pseudomonas stutzeri were grown either singly or in mixed culture in anaerobic nitrate or nitrite limited chemostats with formate and/or succinate as electron donors and carbon sources. C. freundii reduced nitrate or nitrite stoichiometrically to ammonia. Maximum molar growth yields for nitrate (nitrite) were 15.3 (9.9) g/mol for C. freundii on formate with succinate as carbon source, 15.3 (9.5) g/mol for Ps. stutzeri on succinate and 32.3 (20.4) g/mol for Pa. denitrificans on succinate. The almost identical growth yields indicate that the ATP output of the anaerobic processes in the nitrate (nitrite) ammonifying organism and Ps. stutzeri are nearly the same. In mixed cultures with either Ps. stutzeri or Pa. denitrificans, C. freundii was the best competitor for nitrate. These results show that in anaerobic environments C. freundii may compete successfully with denitrifying organisms.  相似文献   

A ninhydrin-positive, phosphorus-negative lipid from Paracoccus denitrificans ATCC 13543 has been isolated and purified by mild alkaline methanolysis followed by silicic acid column chromatography and preparative thin-layer chromatography. The lipid was identified as an ornithine-containing lipid. The major ester-linked fatty acid was cis vaccenic acid. Major amide-linked fatty acids were 3-OH-20:1 and 3-OH-18:0. Ornithine-containing lipid was a major lipid component of P. denitrificans. Phospholipids made up about 57% and ornithine-containing lipid about 14% of the weight of the total lipid of the organism. The ratios of lipid ornithine: lipid phosphorus were 0.23, 0.65 and 0.58 in cytoplasmic membrane, outer membrane, and an NaCl extract, which is thought to represent chiefly outer membrane, respectively. Thus ornithine-containing lipid appears to be present in larger amounts in outer membrane than cytoplasmic membrane. No substantial variations in lipid ornithine levels were noted in stationary phase versus exposnential phase organisms, organisms grown in complex medium versus organisms grown in minimal medium with and without amino acid supplements, or in organisms grown in low phosphate-containing medium.Non standard abbreviations TLC thin-layer chromatography - Tris-HCl tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride - TMS trimethylsilyl - TFA triluoroacetyl - NPPN ninhydrin-positive, phosphorus-negative - ECL equivalent chain length  相似文献   

A comparison of the mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase and the energy-transducing NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (NDH-1) ofParacoccus denitrificans revealed that both systems have similar electron-transfer and energy-transduction pathways. In addition, both complexes are sensitive to the same inhibitors and contain similar electron carriers, suggesting that theParacoccus NDH-1 may serve as a useful model system for the study of the human enzyme complex. The gene cluster encoding theParacoccus NDH-1 has been cloned and sequenced. It is composed of 18,106 base pairs and contains 14 structural genes and six unidentified reading frames (URFs). The structural genes, URFs, and their polypeptides have been characterized. We also discuss nucleotide sequences which are believed to play a role in the regulation of the NDH-1 gene cluster andParacoccus NDH-1 subunits which may contain the binding sites of substrates and/or electron carriers.  相似文献   

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