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Exocytic vesicles that accumulate in a temperature-sensitive sec6 mutant at a restrictive temperature can be separated into at least two populations with different buoyant densities and unique cargo molecules. Using a sec6 mutant background to isolate vesicles, we have found that vacuolar protein sorting mutants that block an endosome-mediated route to the vacuole, including vps1, pep12, vps4, and a temperature-sensitive clathrin mutant, missort cargo normally transported by dense exocytic vesicles, such as invertase, into light exocytic vesicles, whereas transport of cargo specific to the light exocytic vesicles appears unaffected. Immunoisolation experiments confirm that missorting, rather than a changed property of the normally dense vesicles, is responsible for the altered density gradient fractionation profile. The vps41Delta and apl6Delta mutants, which block transport of only the subset of vacuolar proteins that bypasses endosomes, sort exocytic cargo normally. Furthermore, a vps10Delta sec6 mutant, which lacks the sorting receptor for carboxypeptidase Y (CPY), accumulates both invertase and CPY in dense vesicles. These results suggest that at least one branch of the yeast exocytic pathway transits through endosomes before reaching the cell surface. Consistent with this possibility, we show that immunoisolated clathrin-coated vesicles contain invertase.  相似文献   

The retromer complex is responsible for retrograde transport,which is coordinated with anterograde transport in the secretorypathway including vacuolar protein sorting. Yeast VPS35 is acomponent of the retromer complex that is essential for recognitionof specific cargo molecules. The physiological function of VPS35has not been determined in vacuolar protein sorting in higherorganisms. Arabidopsis thaliana has three VPS35 homologs designatedVPS35a, VPS35b and VPS35c. We isolated four vps35 mutants (vps35a-1,vps35b-1, vps35b-2 and vps35c-1) and then generated four doublemutants and one triple mutant. vps35a-1 vps35c-1 exhibited nounusual phenotypes. On the other hand, vps35b-1 vps35c-1 andthe triple mutant (vps35a-1 vps35b-2 vps35c-1) exhibited severephenotypes: dwarfism, early leaf senescence and fragmentationof protein storage vacuoles (PSVs). In addition, these mutantsmis-sorted storage proteins by secreting them out of the cellsand accumulated a higher level of vacuolar sorting receptor(VSR) than the wild type. VPS35 was localized in pre-vacuolarcompartments (PVCs), some of which contained VSR. VPS35 wasimmunoprecipitated with VPS29/MAG1, another component of theretromer complex. Our findings suggest that VPS35, mainly VPS35b,is involved in sorting proteins to PSVs in seeds, possibly byrecycling VSR from PVCs to the Golgi complex, and is also involvedin plant growth and senescence in vegetative organs.  相似文献   

Background information. Within the endocytic pathway, the ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) machinery is essential for the biogenesis of MVBs (multivesicular bodies). In yeast, ESCRTs are recruited at the endosomal membrane and are involved in cargo sorting into intralumenal vesicles of the MVBs. Results. In the present study, we characterize the ESCRT‐III protein CeVPS‐32 (Caenorhabditis elegans vacuolar protein sorting 32) and its interactions with CeVPS‐27, CeVPS‐23 and CeVPS‐4. In contrast with other CevpsE (class E vps) genes, depletion of Cevps‐32 is embryonic lethal with severe defects in the remodelling of epithelial cell shape during organogenesis. Furthermore, Cevps‐32 animals display an accumulation of enlarged early endosomes in epithelial cells and an accumulation of autophagosomes. The CeVPS‐32 protein is enriched in epithelial tissues and in residual bodies during spermatid maturation. We show that CeVPS‐32 and CeVPS‐27/Hrs (hepatocyte‐growth‐factor‐regulated tyrosine kinase substrate) are enriched in distinct subdomains at the endosomal membrane. CeVPS‐27‐positive subdomains are also enriched for the ESCRT‐I protein CeVPS‐23/TSG101 (tumour susceptibility gene 101). The formation of CeVPS‐27 subdomains is not affected by the depletion of CeVPS‐23, CeVPS‐32 or the ATPase CeVPS‐4. Conclusion. Our results suggest that the formation of membrane subdomains is essential for the maturation of endosomes.  相似文献   

The mammalian class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K-III) complex regulates fundamental cellular functions, including growth factor receptor degradation, cytokinesis and autophagy. Recent studies suggest the existence of distinct PI3K-III sub-complexes that can potentially confer functional specificity. While a substantial body of work has focused on the roles of individual PI3K-III subunits in autophagy, functional studies on their contribution to endocytic receptor downregulation and cytokinesis are limited. We therefore sought to elucidate the specific nature of the PI3K-III complexes involved in these two processes. High-content microscopy-based assays combined with siRNA-mediated depletion of individual subunits indicated that a specific sub-complex containing VPS15, VPS34, Beclin 1, UVRAG and BIF-1 regulates both receptor degradation and cytokinesis, whereas ATG14L, a PI3K-III subunit involved in autophagy, is not required. The unanticipated role of UVRAG and BIF-1 in cytokinesis was supported by a strong localisation of these proteins to the midbody. Importantly, while the tumour suppressive functions of Beclin 1, UVRAG and BIF-1 have previously been ascribed to their roles in autophagy, these results open the possibility that they may also contribute to tumour suppression via downregulation of mitogenic signalling by growth factor receptors or preclusion of aneuploidy by ensuring faithful completion of cell division.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the 15-amino acid carboxyl-terminal propeptide of probarley lectin is necessary for the proper sorting of this protein to the plant vacuole. A mutant form of the protein lacking the carboxyl-terminal propeptide is secreted. To test whether the carboxyl-terminal propeptide is the vacuole sorting determinant of probarley lectin, we examined in transgenic tobacco the processing and sorting of a series of fusion proteins containing the secreted protein, cucumber chitinase, and regions of probarley lectin. Pulse-labeling experiments demonstrated that the fusion proteins were properly translocated through the tobacco secretory system and that cucumber chitinase and cucumber chitinase fusion proteins lacking the carboxyl-terminal propeptide were secreted. The cucumber chitinase fusion protein containing the carboxyl-terminal propeptide was properly processed and sorted to the vacuole in transgenic tobacco as confirmed by organelle fractionation and electron microscopy immunocytochemistry. Therefore, the barley lectin carboxyl-terminal propeptide is both necessary and sufficient for protein sorting to the plant vacuole.  相似文献   

Class E vacuolar protein-sorting (Vps) proteins were first described in yeast as being involved in receptor-mediated endocytosis and multivesicular body formation. Inactivation by RNA interference of the class E VPS genes of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans revealed heterogeneous phenotypes. We have further characterized the role of the essential gene Cevps-27, ortholog of human hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate, during the development of C. elegans. Use of green fluorescent protein fusion constructs and antibody staining revealed that Cevps-27 localizes to endosomal membranes. It is widely expressed but enriched in epithelial cells. Cevps-27 mutants presented enlarged endosomal structures and an accumulation of autophagic vesicles as revealed by electron microscopy and the analysis of the autophagic marker LGG-1. Cevps-27 animals arrested at L2-L3 molt with an inability to degrade their old cuticle. This molting phenotype was more severe when Cevps-27 worms were grown on suboptimal concentrations of cholesterol. Furthermore, defective endocytic trafficking of the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP-1) was also observed in Cevps-27 mutants. These results indicate that CeVPS-27 is required for endosomal and autophagic pathways in C. elegans and plays a crucial role in the control of molting through LRP-1 internalization and cholesterol traffic.  相似文献   

Vacuolar sorting receptors (VSRs) in Arabidopsis mediate the sorting of soluble proteins to vacuoles in the secretory pathway. The VSRs are post‐translationally modified by the attachment of N‐glycans, but the functional significance of such a modification remains unknown. Here we have studied the role(s) of glycosylation in the stability, trafficking and vacuolar protein transport of AtVSR1 in Arabidopsis protoplasts. AtVSR1 harbors three complex‐type N‐glycans, which are located in the N‐terminal ‘PA domain’, the central region and the C‐terminal epidermal growth factor repeat domain, respectively. We have demonstrated that: (i) the N‐glycans do not affect the targeting of AtVSR1 to pre‐vacuolar compartments (PVCs) and its vacuolar degradation; and (ii) N‐glycosylation alters the binding affinity of AtVSR1 to cargo proteins and affects the transport of cargo into the vacuole. Hence, N‐glycosylation of AtVSR1 plays a critical role in its function as a VSR in plants.  相似文献   

Vacuolar protein sorting 30 (Vps30)/autophagy-related protein 6 (Atg6) is a common component of two distinct phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complexes. In complex I, Atg14 links Vps30 to Vps34 lipid kinase and exerts its specific role in autophagy, whereas in complex II, Vps38 links Vps30 to Vps34 and plays a crucial role in vacuolar protein sorting. However, the molecular role of Vps30 in each pathway remains unclear. Here, we report the crystal structure of the carboxyl-terminal domain of Vps30. The structure is a novel globular fold comprised of three β-sheet-α-helix repeats. Truncation analyses showed that the domain is dispensable for the construction of both complexes, but is specifically required for autophagy through the targeting of complex I to the pre-autophagosomal structure. Thus, the domain is named the β-α repeated, autophagy-specific (BARA) domain. On the other hand, the N-terminal region of Vps30 was shown to be specifically required for vacuolar protein sorting. These structural and functional investigations of Vps30 domains, which are also conserved in the mammalian ortholog, Beclin 1, will form the basis for studying the molecular functions of this protein family in various biological processes.  相似文献   

Yeast vacuole protein targeting (vpt) mutants exhibit defects in the sorting and processing of multiple vacuolar hydrolases. To evaluate the impact these vpt mutations have on the biogenesis and functioning of the lysosome-like vacuole, we have used light and electron microscopic techniques to analyze the vacuolar morphology in the mutants. These observations have permitted us to assign the vpt mutants to three distinct classes. The class A vpt mutants (26 complementation groups) contain 1-3 large vacuoles that are morphologically indistinguishable from those in the parental strain, suggesting that only a subset of the proteins destined for delivery to this compartment is mislocalized. One class A mutant (vpt13) is very sensitive to low pH and exhibits a defect in vacuole acidification. Consistent with a potential role for vacuolar pH in protein sorting, we found that bafilomycin A1, a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar ATPase, as well as the weak base ammonium acetate and the proton ionophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, collapse the pH gradient across the vacuolar membrane and cause the missorting and secretion of two vacuolar hydrolases in wild-type cells. Mutants in the three class B vpt complementation groups exhibit a fragmented vacuole morphology. In these mutants, no large normal vacuoles are observed. Instead, many (20-40) smaller vacuole-like organelles accumulate. The class C vpt mutants, which constitute four complementation groups, exhibit extreme defects in vacuole biogenesis. The mutants lack any organelle resembling a normal vacuole but accumulate other organelles including vesicles, multilamellar membrane structures, and Golgi-related structures. Heterozygous class C zygotes reassemble normal vacuoles rapidly, indicating that some of the accumulated aberrant structures may be intermediates in vacuole formation. These class C mutants also exhibit sensitivity to osmotic stress, suggesting an osmoregulatory role for the vacuole. The vpt mutants should provide insights into the normal physiological role of the vacuole, as well as allowing identification of components required for vacuole protein sorting and/or vacuole assembly.  相似文献   

Centrosomal Protein 55 (Cep55), also known as c10orf3 and FLJ10540, was initially discovered as a major player in abscission, the final stage of cytokinesis. Subsequent studies have described its role in regulating the PI3K/AKT pathway, increasing cancer cell stemness, and promoting tumor formation. Clinically, Cep55 has been found to be overexpressed in many cancer types. Cep55 overexpression has been notably associated with tumor stage, tumor aggressiveness, poor prognosis, and metastasis. The present review discusses the role of Cep55 as a crucial biomarker and model in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin is covalently attached to substrate proteins in the form of a single ubiquitin moiety or polyubiquitin chains and has been generally linked to protein degradation, however, distinct types of ubiquitin linkages are also used to control other critical cellular processes like cell signaling. Over forty mammalian G protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been reported to be ubiquitinated, but despite the diverse and rich complexity of GPCR signaling, ubiquitin has been largely ascribed to receptor degradation. Indeed, GPCR ubiquitination targets the receptors for degradation by lysosome, which is mediated by the Endosomal Sorting Complexes Required for Transport (ESCRT) machinery, and the proteasome. This has led to the view that ubiquitin and ESCRTs primarily function as the signal to target GPCRs for destruction. Contrary to this conventional view, studies indicate that ubiquitination of certain GPCRs and canonical ubiquitin‐binding ESCRTs are not required for receptor degradation and revealed that diverse and complex pathways exist to regulate endo‐lysosomal sorting of GPCRs. In other studies, GPCR ubiquitination has been shown to drive signaling and not receptor degradation and further revealed novel insight into the mechanisms by which GPCRs trigger the activity of the ubiquitination machinery. Here, we discuss the diverse pathways by which ubiquitin controls GPCR endo‐lysosomal sorting and beyond.   相似文献   

李玲玲  张盛培  李河 《菌物学报》2021,40(8):2102-2113
果生刺盘孢是油茶炭疽病的主要流行致病菌.本文研究果生刺盘孢中液泡分选蛋白CfVps17的生物学功能,为阐明该蛋白调控致病分子机制提供依据.采用over-lap方法构建CfVPS17基因敲除载体片段,使用PEG介导法将敲除载体片段转化至果生刺盘孢原生质体中,通过验证筛选获得突变体菌株△Cfvps17.构建目的 基因CfV...  相似文献   

The vacuolar H+-ATPases (V-ATPases) are ATP-dependent proton pumps responsible for acidification of intracellular compartments in eukaryotic cells. To investigate the functional roles of the V-ATPase in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the gene vma1 encoding subunit A or vma3 encoding subunit c was disrupted. Both deletion mutants lost the capacity for vacuolar acidification in vivo, and showed sensitivity to neutral pH or high concentrations of divalent cations including Ca2+. The delivery of FM4-64 to the vacuolar membrane and accumulation of Lucifer Yellow CH were strongly inhibited in the vma1 and vma3 mutants. Moreover, deletion of the S. pombe vma1 + or vma3 + gene resulted in pleiotropic phenotypes consistent with lack of vacuolar acidification, including the missorting of vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y, abnormal vacuole morphology, and mating defects. These findings suggest that V-ATPase is essential for endocytosis, ion and pH homeostasis, and for intracellular targeting of vacuolar proteins and vacuolar biogenesis in S. pombe.Communicated by M. Johnston  相似文献   

Vacuolar storage proteins of the 7S class are co-translationally introduced into the endoplasmic reticulum and reach storage vacuoles via the Golgi complex and dense vesicles. The signal for vacuolar sorting of one of these proteins, phaseolin of Phaseolus vulgaris, consists of a four-amino acid hydrophobic propeptide at the C-terminus. When this sequence is deleted, phaseolin is secreted instead of being sorted to vacuoles. It is shown here that in transgenic tobacco plants newly-synthesized phaseolin has unusual affinity to membranes and forms SDS-resistant aggregates, but mutated phaseolin polypeptides that are either secreted or defective in assembly do not have these characteristics. Association to membranes and aggregation are transient events: phaseolin accumulated in vacuoles is soluble in the absence of detergents and is not aggregated. Association to membranes starts before the phaseolin glycan acquires a complex structure and therefore before the protein reaches the medial or trans-cisternae of the Golgi complex. These results support the hypothesis of a relationship between aggregation and vacuolar sorting of phaseolin and indicate that sorting may start in early compartments of the secretory pathway.  相似文献   

Many soluble plant vacuolar proteins are sorted away from secreted proteins into small vesicles at the trans-Golgi network by transmembrane cargo receptors. Cleavable vacuolar sorting signals include the NH(2)-terminal propeptide (NTPP) present in sweet potato sporamin (Spo) and the COOH-terminal propeptide (CTPP) present in barley lectin (BL). These two proteins have been found to be transported by different mechanisms to the vacuole. We examined the ability of the vacuolar cargo receptor AtELP to interact with the sorting signals of heterologous and endogenous plant vacuolar proteins in mediating vacuolar transport in Arabidopsis thaliana. AtELP extracted from microsomes was found to interact with the NTPPs of barley aleurain and Spo, but not with the CTPPs of BL or tobacco chitinase, in a pH-dependent and sequence-specific manner. In addition, EM studies revealed the colocalization of AtELP with NTPP-Spo at the Golgi apparatus, but not with BL-CTPP in roots of transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Further, we found that AtELP interacts in a similar manner with the NTPP of the endogenous vacuolar protein AtALEU (Arabidopsis thaliana Aleu), a protein highly homologous to barley aleurain. We hypothesize that AtELP functions as a vacuolar sorting receptor involved in the targeting of NTPP-, but not CTPP-containing proteins in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Sex determination in most insects is structured as a gene cascade, wherein a primary signal is passed through a series of sex-determining genes, culminating in a downstream double-switch known as doublesex that decides the sexual fate of the embryo. From the literature available on sex determination cascades, it becomes apparent that sex determination mechanisms have evolved rapidly. The primary signal that provides the cue to determine the sex of the embryo varies remarkably, not only among taxa, but also within taxa. Furthermore, the upstream key gene in the cascade also varies between species and even among closely related species. The order Insecta alone provides examples of astoundingly complex diversity of upstream key genes in sex determination mechanisms. Besides, unlike key upstream genes, the downstream double-switch gene is alternatively spliced to form functional sex-specific isoforms. This sex-specific splicing is conserved across insect taxa. The genes involved in the sex determination cascade such as Sex-lethal (Sxl) in Drosophila melanogaster, transformer (tra) in many other dipterans, coleopterans and hymenopterans, Feminizer (fem) in Apis mellifera, and IGF-II mRNA-binding protein (Bmimp) in Bombyx mori are reported to be regulated by an autoregulatory positive feedback loop. In this review, by taking examples from various insects, we propose the hypothesis that autoregulatory loop mechanisms of sex determination might be a general strategy. We also discuss the possible reasons for the evolution of autoregulatory loops in sex determination cascades and their impact on binary developmental choices.  相似文献   

Although overexpression of cyclin A2 is reportedly an indicator of a poor prognosis of various malignancies including endometrial carcinoma, its molecular mechanism remains undetermined. To address this issue, we examined the effect of cyclin A2 on the development of resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs. The expression of cyclin A2 protein was increased in advanced‐stage and chemotherapy‐refractory stage endometrial carcinomas compared with that in early‐stage tumours. The expression levels of cyclin A2 in endometrial carcinoma cell lines correlated positively with the IC50 for cisplatin. Endometrial carcinoma HHUA cells that overexpressed cyclin A2 showed increased resistance to cisplatin in vitro and in vivo, via the activation of a survival pathway, the inositol‐3 phosphate kinase (PI3K) cascade. The use of a cDNA microarray identified an Akt‐binding protein, periplakin, as a novel target of cyclin A2. The cyclin A2‐induced up‐regulation of periplakin was mediated via direct binding of Sp1 to the promoter that was activated by cyclin A2 along with chromatin remodelling involving CBP/p300, and the siRNA‐mediated silencing of periplakin suppressed the PI3K pathway. These results indicate cyclin A2 to be involved in the acquisition of aggressive behaviour of tumour cells through the activation of PI3K by cyclin A2‐induced periplakin, and to be a promising therapeutic target.  相似文献   

Recycling is a limiting step for receptor‐mediated endocytosis. We first report three in vitro or in vivo evidences that class III PI3K/VPS34 is the key PI3K isoform regulating apical recycling. A substractive approach, comparing in Opossum Kidney (OK) cells a pan‐class I/II/III PI3K inhibitor (LY294002) with a class I/II PI3K inhibitor (ZSTK474), suggested that class III PI3K/VPS34 inhibition induced selective apical endosome swelling and sequestration of the endocytic receptor, megalin/LRP‐2, causing surface down‐regulation. GFP‐(FYVE)x2 overexpression to sequester PI(3)P caused undistinguishable apical endosome swelling. In mouse kidney proximal tubular cells, conditional Vps34 inactivation also led to vacuolation and intracellular megalin redistribution. We next report that removal of LY294002 from LY294002‐treated OK cells induced a spectacular burst of recycling tubules and restoration of megalin surface pool. Acute triggering of recycling tubules revealed recruitment of dynamin‐GFP and dependence of dynamin‐GTPase, guidance directionality by microtubules, and suggested that a microfilamentous net constrained endosomal swelling. We conclude that (i) besides its role in endosome fusion, PI3K‐III is essential for endosome fission/recycling; and (ii) besides its role in endocytic entry, dynamin also supports tubulation of recycling endosomes. The unleashing of recycling upon acute reversal of PI3K inhibition may help study its dynamics and associated machineries.  相似文献   

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