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Signal transduction pathways and their coordination are critically important for proper functioning of animal immune systems. Our knowledge of the constituents of the intracellular signaling network in insects mainly comes from genetic analyses in Drosophila melanogaster. To facilitate future studies of similar systems in the tobacco hornworm and other lepidopteran insects, we have identified and examined the homologous genes in the genome of Manduca sexta. Based on 1:1 orthologous relationships in most cases, we hypothesize that the Toll, Imd, MAPK-JNK-p38 and JAK-STAT pathways are intact and operative in this species, as are most of the regulatory mechanisms. Similarly, cellular processes such as autophagy, apoptosis and RNA interference probably function in similar ways, because their mediators and modulators are mostly conserved in this lepidopteran species. We have annotated a total of 186 genes encoding 199 proteins, studied their domain structures and evolution, and examined their mRNA levels in tissues at different life stages. Such information provides a genomic perspective of the intricate signaling system in a non-drosophiline insect.  相似文献   

Extracellular serine protease cascades mediate immune signaling and responses in insects. In the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta, nearly 30 serine proteases (SPs) and their homologs (SPHs) are cloned from hemocytes and fat body. Some of them participate in prophenoloxidase (proPO) activation and proSpätzle processing. Here we report the cDNA cloning of hemolymph protease-1b (HP1b), which is 90% identical and 95% similar to HP1a (formerly HP1). The HP1a and HP1b mRNA levels in hemocytes was down- and up-regulated after an immune challenge, respectively. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reactions revealed their tissue-specific and development-dependent expression, mostly in hemocytes of the feeding larvae. We isolated HP1 precursor (proHP1) from larval hemolymph and observed micro-heterogeneity caused by N-linked glycosylation. Supplementation of the purified proHP1 to plasma samples from naïve larvae or induced ones injected with bacteria caused a small PO activity increase, much lower than those elicited by recombinant proHP1a/b, but no proteolytic cleavage was detected in the zymogens. Incubation of proHP1a/b or their catalytic domains with a cationic detergent, cetylpyridinium chloride, induced an amidase activity that hydrolyzed LDLH-p-nitroanilide. Since LDLH corresponds to the P4–P1 region before the proteolytic activation site of proHP6, we propose that the active but uncleaved proHP1 may cut proHP6 to generate HP6 that in turn activates proPAP1 and proHP8. The catalytic domain of HP1a/b, which by itself does not activate purified proHP6 or hydrolyze LDLH-p-nitroanilide, somehow generated active HP6, HP8, PAP1 and PO in plasma. Together, these results indicate that proHP1 participates in the proPO activation system, although detailed mechanism needs further exploration.  相似文献   

Hexamerins are large hemolymph-proteins that accumulate during the late larval stages of insects. Hexamerins have emerged from hemocyanin, but have lost the ability to bind oxygen. Hexamerins are mainly considered as storage proteins for non-feeding stages, but may also have other functions, e.g. in cuticle formation, transport and immune response. The genome of the hornworm Manduca sexta harbors six hexamerin genes. Two of them code for arylphorins (Msex2.01690, Msex2.15504) and two genes correspond to a methionine-rich hexamerin (Msex2.10735) and a moderately methionine-rich hexamerin (Msex2.01694), respectively. Two other genes do not correspond to any known hexamerin and distantly resemble the arylphorins (Msex2.01691, Msex2.01693). Five of the six hexamerin genes are clustered within ∼45 kb on scaffold 00023, which shows conserved synteny in various lepidopteran genomes. The methionine-rich hexamerin gene is located at a distinct site. M. sexta and other Lepidoptera have lost the riboflavin-binding hexamerin. With the exception of Msex2.01691, which displays low mRNA levels throughout the life cycle, all hexamerins are most highly expressed during pre-wandering phase of the 5th larval instar of M. sexta, supporting their role as storage proteins. Notably, Msex2.01691 is most highly expressed in the brain, suggesting a divergent function. Phylogenetic analyses showed that hexamerin evolution basically follows insect systematics. Lepidoptera display an unparalleled diversity of hexamerins, which exceeds that of other hexapod orders. In contrast to previous analyses, the lepidopteran hexamerins were found monophyletic. Five distinct types of hexamerins have been identified in this order, which differ in terms of amino acid composition and evolutionary history: i. the arylphorins, which are rich in aromatic amino acids (∼20% phenylalanine and tyrosine), ii. the distantly related arylphorin-like hexamerins, iii. the methionine-rich hexamerins, iv. the moderately methionine rich hexamerins, and v. the riboflavin-binding hexamerins.  相似文献   

The study of hemolymph melanization in Lepidoptera has contributed greatly to our understanding of its role in insect immunity. Manduca sexta in particular has been an excellent model for identifying the myriad components of the phenoloxidase (PO) cascade and their activation through exposure to pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). However, in a process that is not well characterized or understood, some insect species rapidly melanize upon wounding in the absence of added PAMPs. We sought to better understand this process by measuring wound-induced melanization in four insect species. Of these, only plasma from late 5th instar M. sexta was unable to melanize, even though each contained millimolar levels of the putative melanization substrate tyrosine (Tyr). Analysis of Tyr metabolism using substrate-free plasmas (SFPs) from late 5th instar larvae of each species showed that only M. sexta SFP failed to melanize with added Tyr. In contrast, early instar M. sexta larvae exhibited wound-induced melanization and Tyr metabolism, and SFPs prepared from these larvae melanized in the presence of Tyr. Early instar melanization in M. sexta was associated with the formation of a high mass protein complex that could be observed enzymatically in native gels or by PO-specific immunoblotting. Topical treatment of M. sexta larvae with the juvenile hormone (JH) analog methoprene delayed pupation and increased melanizing ability late in the instar, thus linking development with immunity. Our results demonstrate that melanization rates are highly variable in Lepidoptera, and that developmental stage can be an important factor for melanization within a species. More specifically, we show that the physiological substrate for melanization in M. sexta is Tyr, and that melanization is associated with the formation of a PO-containing protein complex.  相似文献   

C-type lectins (CTLs) are a large family of Ca2+-dependent carbohydrate-binding proteins recognizing various glycoconjugates and functioning primarily in immunity and cell adhesion. We have identified 34 CTLDP (for CTL-domain protein) genes in the Manduca sexta genome, which encode proteins with one to three CTL domains. CTL-S1 through S9 (S for simple) have one or three CTL domains; immulectin-1 through 19 have two CTL domains; CTL-X1 through X6 (X for complex) have one or two CTL domains along with other structural modules. Nine simple CTLs and seventeen immulectins have a signal peptide and are likely extracellular. Five complex CTLs have both an N-terminal signal peptide and a C-terminal transmembrane region, indicating that they are membrane anchored. Immulectins exist broadly in Lepidoptera and lineage-specific gene duplications have generated three clusters of fourteen genes in the M. sexta genome, thirteen of which have similar expression patterns. In contrast to the family expansion, CTL-S1∼S6, S8, and X1∼X6 have 1:1 orthologs in at least four lepidopteran/dipteran/coleopteran species, suggestive of conserved functions in a wide range of holometabolous insects. Structural modeling suggests the key residues for Ca2+-dependent or independent binding of certain carbohydrates by CTL domains. Promoter analysis identified putative κB motifs in eighteen of the CTL genes, which did not have a strong correlation with immune inducibility in the mRNA or protein levels. Together, the gene identification, sequence comparisons, structure modeling, phylogenetic analysis, and expression profiling establish a solid foundation for future studies of M. sexta CTL-domain proteins.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial proteins/peptides (AMPs) are effectors of innate immune systems against pathogen infection in multicellular organisms. Over half of the AMPs reported so far come from insects, and these effectors act in concert to suppress or kill bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. In this work, we have identified 86 AMP genes in the Manduca sexta genome, most of which seem likely to be functional. They encode 15 cecropins, 6 moricins, 6 defensins, 3 gallerimycins, 4 X-tox splicing variants, 14 diapausins, 15 whey acidic protein homologs, 11 attacins, 1 gloverin, 4 lebocins, 6 lysozyme-related proteins, and 4 transferrins. Some of these genes (e.g. attacins, cecropins) constitute large clusters, likely arising after rounds of gene duplication. We compared the amino acid sequences of M. sexta AMPs with their homologs in other insects to reveal conserved structural features and phylogenetic relationships. Expression data showed that many of them are synthesized in fat body and midgut during the larval-pupal molt. Certain genes contain one or more predicted κB binding sites and other regulatory elements in their promoter regions, which may account for the dramatic mRNA level increases in fat body and hemocytes after an immune challenge. Consistent with these strong mRNA increases, many AMPs become highly abundant in the larval plasma at 24 h after the challenge, as demonstrated in our previous peptidomic study. Taken together, these data suggest the existence of a large repertoire of AMPs in M. sexta, whose expression is up-regulated via immune signaling pathways to fight off invading pathogens in a coordinated manner.  相似文献   

The genome sequence of Manduca sexta was recently determined using 454 technology. Cufflinks and MAKER2 were used to establish gene models in the genome assembly based on the RNA-Seq data and other species' sequences. Aided by the extensive RNA-Seq data from 50 tissue samples at various life stages, annotators over the world (including the present authors) have manually confirmed and improved a small percentage of the models after spending months of effort. While such collaborative efforts are highly commendable, many of the predicted genes still have problems which may hamper future research on this insect species. As a biochemical model representing lepidopteran pests, M. sexta has been used extensively to study insect physiological processes for over five decades. In this work, we assembled Manduca datasets Cufflinks 3.0, Trinity 4.0, and Oases 4.0 to assist the manual annotation efforts and development of Official Gene Set (OGS) 2.0. To further improve annotation quality, we developed methods to evaluate gene models in the MAKER2, Cufflinks, Oases and Trinity assemblies and selected the best ones to constitute MCOT 1.0 after thorough crosschecking. MCOT 1.0 has 18,089 genes encoding 31,666 proteins: 32.8% match OGS 2.0 models perfectly or near perfectly, 11,747 differ considerably, and 29.5% are absent in OGS 2.0. Future automation of this process is anticipated to greatly reduce human efforts in generating comprehensive, reliable models of structural genes in other genome projects where extensive RNA-Seq data are available.  相似文献   

Tissue damage or pathogen invasion triggers the auto-proteolysis of an initiating serine protease (SP), rapidly leading to sequential cleavage activation of other cascade members to set off innate immune responses in insects. Recently, we presented evidence that Manduca sexta hemolymph protease-1 zymogen (proHP1) is a member of the SP system in this species, and may activate proHP6. HP6 stimulates melanization and induces antimicrobial peptide synthesis. Here we report that proHP1 adopts an active conformation (*) to carry out its function, without a requirement for proteolytic activation. Affinity chromatography using HP1 antibodies isolated from induced hemolymph the 48 kDa proHP1 and also a 90 kDa band (detected by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions) containing proHP1 and several serpins, as revealed by mass spectrometric analysis. Identification of tryptic peptides from these 90 kDa complexes included peptides from the amino-terminal regulatory part of proHP1, indicating that proHP1* was not cleaved, and that it had formed a complex with the serpins. As suicide inhibitors, serpins form SDS-stable, acyl-complexes when they are attacked by active proteases, indicating that proHP1* was catalytically active. Detection of M. sexta serpin-1, 4, 9, 13 and smaller amounts of serpin-3, 5, 6 in the complexes suggests that it is regulated by multiple serpins in hemolymph. We produced site-directed mutants of proHP1b for cleavage by bovine blood coagulation factor Xa at the designed proteolytic activation site, to generate a form of proHP1b that could be activated by Factor Xa. However, proHP1b cut by Factor Xa failed to activate proHP6 and, via HP6, proHP8 or proPAP1. This negative result is consistent with the suggestion that proHP1* is a physiological mediator of immune responses. Further research is needed to investigate the conformational change that results in conversion of proHP1 to active proHP1*.  相似文献   

Transferrins are secreted proteins that bind iron. The well-studied transferrins are mammalian serum transferrin, which is involved in iron transport, and mammalian lactoferrin, which functions as an immune protein. Lactoferrin and lactoferrin-derived peptides have bactericidal activity, and the iron-free form of lactoferrin has bacteriostatic activity due to its ability to sequester iron. Insect transferrin is similar in sequence to both serum transferrin and lactoferrin, and its functions are not well-characterized; however, many studies of insect transferrin indicate that it has some type of immune function. The goal of this study was to determine the specific immune functions of transferrin from Manduca sexta (tobacco hornworm). We verified that transferrin expression is upregulated in response to infection in M. sexta larvae and determined that the concentration of transferrin in hemolymph increases from 2 μM to 10 μM following an immune challenge. It is also present in molting fluid and prepupal midgut fluid, two extracellular fluids with immune capabilities. No immune-induced proteolytic cleavage of transferrin in hemolymph was observed; therefore, M. sexta transferrin does not appear to be a source of antimicrobial peptides. Unlike iron-saturated lactoferrin, iron-saturated transferrin had no detectable antibacterial activity. In contrast, 1 μM iron-free transferrin inhibited bacterial growth, and this inhibition was blocked by supplementing the culture medium with 1 μM iron. Our results suggest that M. sexta transferrin does not have bactericidal activity, but that it does have a bacteriostatic function that depends on its iron sequestering ability. This study supports the hypothesis that insect transferrin participates in an iron withholding strategy to protect insects from infectious bacteria.  相似文献   

Serpins are a superfamily of proteins, most of which inhibit cognate serine proteases by forming inactive acyl-enzyme complexes. In the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta, serpin-1, -3 through -7 negatively regulate a hemolymph serine protease system that activates precursors of the serine protease homologs (SPHs), phenoloxidases (POs), Spätzles, and other cytokines. Here we report the cloning and characterization of M. sexta serpin-9 and -13. Serpin-9, a 402-residue protein most similar to Drosophila Spn77Ba, has R366 at the P1 position right before the cleavage site; Serpin-13, a 444-residue ortholog of Drosophila Spn28Dc, is longer than the other seven serpins and has R410 as the P1 residue. Both serpins are mainly produced in fat body and secreted into plasma to function. While their mRNA and protein levels were not up-regulated upon immune challenge, they blocked protease activities and affected proPO activation in hemolymph. Serpin-9 inhibited human neutrophil elastase, cathepsin G, trypsin, and chymotrypsin to different extents; serpin-13 reduced trypsin activity to approximately 10% at a molar ratio of 4:1 (serpin: enzyme). Serpin-9 was cleaved at Arg366 by the enzymes with different specificity, but serpin-13 had four P1 sites (Arg410 for trypsin-like proteases, Gly406 and Ala409 for the elastase and Thr404 for cathepsin G). Supplementation of induced cell-free hemolymph (IP, P for plasma) with recombinant serpin-9 did not noticeably affect proPO activation, but slightly reduced the PO activity increase after 0–50% ammonium sulfate fraction of the IP had been elicited by bacteria. In comparison, addition of recombinant serpin-13 significantly inhibited proPO activation in IP and the suppression was stronger in the fraction of IP. Serpin-9- and -13-containing protein complexes were isolated from IP using their antibodies. Hemolymph protease-1 precursor (proHP1), HP6 and HP8 were found to be associated with serpin-9, whereas proHP1, HP2 and HP6 were pulled downed with serpin-13. These results indicate that both serpins regulate immune proteases in hemolymph of M. sexta larvae.  相似文献   

In insects, chitin is a major structural component of the cuticle and the peritrophic membrane (PM). In nature, chitin is always associated with proteins among which chitin-binding proteins (CBPs) are the most important for forming, maintaining and regulating the functions of these extracellular structures. In this study, a genome-wide search for genes encoding proteins with ChtBD2-type (peritrophin A-type) chitin-binding domains (CBDs) was conducted. A total of 53 genes encoding 56 CBPs were identified, including 15 CPAP1s (cuticular proteins analogous to peritrophins with 1 CBD), 11 CPAP3s (CPAPs with 3 CBDs) and 17 PMPs (PM proteins) with a variable number of CBDs, which are structural components of cuticle or of the PM. CBDs were also identified in enzymes of chitin metabolism including 6 chitinases and 7 chitin deacetylases encoded by 6 and 5 genes, respectively. RNA-seq analysis confirmed that PMP and CPAP genes have differential spatial expression patterns. The expression of PMP genes is midgut-specific, while CPAP genes are widely expressed in different cuticle forming tissues. Phylogenetic analysis of CBDs of proteins in insects belonging to different orders revealed that CPAP1s from different species constitute a separate family with 16 different groups, including 6 new groups identified in this study. The CPAP3s are clustered into a separate family of 7 groups present in all insect orders. Altogether, they reveal that duplication events of CBDs in CPAP1s and CPAP3s occurred prior to the evolutionary radiation of insect species. In contrast to the CPAPs, all CBDs from individual PMPs are generally clustered and distinct from other PMPs in the same species in phylogenetic analyses, indicating that the duplication of CBDs in each of these PMPs occurred after divergence of insect species. Phylogenetic analysis of these three CBP families showed that the CBDs in CPAP1s form a clearly separate family, while those found in PMPs and CPAP3s were clustered together in the phylogenetic tree. For chitinases and chitin deacetylases, most of phylogenetic analysis performed with the CBD sequences resulted in similar clustering to the one obtained by using catalytic domain sequences alone, suggesting that CBDs were incorporated into these enzymes and evolved in tandem with the catalytic domains before the diversification of different insect orders. Based on these results, the evolution of CBDs in insect CBPs is discussed to provide a new insight into the CBD sequence structure and diversity, and their evolution and expression in insects.  相似文献   

Chitin is one of the most abundant biomaterials in nature. The biosynthesis and degradation of chitin in insects are complex and dynamically regulated to cope with insect growth and development. Chitin metabolism in insects is known to involve numerous enzymes, including chitin synthases (synthesis of chitin), chitin deacetylases (modification of chitin by deacetylation) and chitinases (degradation of chitin by hydrolysis). In this study, we conducted a genome-wide search and analysis of genes encoding these chitin metabolism enzymes in Manduca sexta. Our analysis confirmed that only two chitin synthases are present in M. sexta as in most other arthropods. Eleven chitin deacetylases (encoded by nine genes) were identified, with at least one representative in each of the five phylogenetic groups that have been described for chitin deacetylases to date. Eleven genes encoding for family 18 chitinases (GH18) were found in the M. sexta genome. Based on the presence of conserved sequence motifs in the catalytic sequences and phylogenetic relationships, two of the M. sexta chitinases did not cluster with any of the current eight phylogenetic groups of chitinases: two new groups were created (groups IX and X) and their characteristics are described. The result of the analysis of the Lepidoptera-specific chitinase-h (group h) is consistent with its proposed bacterial origin. By analyzing chitinases from fourteen species that belong to seven different phylogenetic groups, we reveal that the chitinase genes appear to have evolved sequentially in the arthropod lineage to achieve the current high level of diversity observed in M. sexta. Based on the sequence conservation of the catalytic domains and on their developmental stage- and tissue-specific expression, we propose putative functions for each group in each category of enzymes.  相似文献   

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