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Palynological investigations have been carried out on a sediment core from ancient Lake Lerna, a former fresh water lagoon in the western part of the Argive plain, Peloponnese, southern Greece. The sequence starts at 6800 B.P. (5700 cal B.C.). The lowest part of the pollen diagram shows a period of open deciduous oak woods, which may have been influenced by human impact already (Zone I). It is followed by a period of dense deciduous oak woods (Zone II), which lasted until the beginning of the Bronze Age ca. 4800 B.P. (3500 cal B.C.). Later, the diagram indicates strong human influence such as woodland clearance, the spread of maquis, phrygana and pine in Zones IIIa-IV. During the Archaic, Geometric and Classical periods after ca. 2700 B.P. (800 cal B.C.) there is evidence of a phase of extensive olive farming (Zone IIIb). In the same zone, after a period of scattered finds, there is an almost continuous Juglans curve. Zone IV is characterised by high pine values. In Zones I-II the evidence of evergreen Mediterranean plants is surprisingly small. In times with no discernible human influence (Zone II), deciduous oaks dominate, with no evidence for a climax vegetation of the Oleo-Ceratonion alliance. Olea europaea is the only species of that alliance traceable by its pollen in the diagram, while Ceratonia pollen is totally absent.  相似文献   

In situ larch stumps have been found above the present forest line in the karst region of Moncodeno, Grigna Settentrionale, northern Italy, an area where very few trees currently grow. Samples from living trees at the treeline and in the forest nearby were collected to develop a reference chronology for cross-dating the stumps. The latter span the period between 1218 and 1900, and together with the living trees, which cover the last 150 years, they have led to the development of a 784-year larch tree-ring chronology (1218–2001). Age and location of the stumps reflect past human activity. Deforestation and grazing have intensified the erosion processes in the area. The soil has thinned out and fragmented allowing karst landforms, previously buried by the soil, to emerge. Presently, the rocky outcrops limit the establishment of young larches so that only few scattered trees are currently found.  相似文献   

In the sub-fossil assemblages of Europe the red fox is clearly the most frequent carnivorous mammalian species with a total of 1553 records. In depositions from the Weichselian Glacial the red fox Vulpes vulpes is, a typical representative of the Holocene fauna, already recorded in 100 assemblages. The Iberian peninsula, Italian peninsula and Balkans were theorised as glacial refugia. Well-founded facts give reason to believe that V. vulpes was also distributed in the Carpathian refuge. Later on, the Crimean peninsula would also appear to be a possible glacial refuge of the red fox.In the last warmer complex of interstadials during the Pleni-Glacial (Hengelo-Denekamp, 38,000–25,000 BC) the red fox was distributed in central Europe. Its distribution during this epoch extended at least in part to southern England. The earliest well-dated records of V. vulpes in central Europe after the Maximum Glaciation lie between 14,000 and 13,500 BC. Already during the early Late-Glacial (13,500 BC) the red fox appeared in typical glacial faunal communities. A separation to glacial refugia was only possible for 10,000 years.During the last warmer Pleni-Glacial complex of interstadials (38,000–25,000 BC) in central Europe a sympatric distribution of the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) and the red fox probably existed. During the Last Glacial Maximum (22,000–18,000 BC) the arctic fox was exclusively distributed in central Europe, outside of the refuges. The combined distribution of A. lagopus and V. vulpes during the Late-Glacial (15,000–9500 BC) in central Europe, with the probable exception of the Allerød, is precisely documented by sub-fossil assemblages.In the Pleni-Glacial the wolf Canis lupus was distributed in geographic regions that served as glacial refugia of more warm-climate adapted species. Concerning the wolf no drastic decrease of the distribution is assumed. The Holocene presence of C. lupus is probably not caused by recolonisation.


Die Entwicklung der Canidenfauna Europas im Spätpleistozän und frühen HolozänIn den subfossilen Ablagerungen ist Vulpes vulpes in Europa mit 1553 Nachweisen das mit Abstand am häufigsten nachgewiesene Raubsäugetier. Allein in den Ablagerungen des Weichselglazials konnte der Rotfuchs bereits in 100 Fundkomplexen nachgewiesen werden. Als Glazialrefugium des Rotfuchses wird die Iberische Halbinsel sicher identifiziert. Eine Verbreitung der Art während des Kältemaximums wird außerdem auf der Apenninen-Halbinsel sowie der Balkan- Halbinsel vermutet. Außerdem liegen fundierte Fakten für die Annahme vor, dass V. vulpes im Karpatenrefugium verbreitet war. Auf der Halbinsel Krim scheint ein Glazialrefugium für des Fuchses möglich.Während des letzten wärmeren Interstadial-Komplexes im Hochglazial (Hengelo-Denekamp, ca. 38.000–25.000 v. Chr.) war Mitteleuropa vom Rotfuchs besiedelt. Die nördliche Arealgrenze der Art war innerhalb dieses Klimaabschnitts mindestens zeitweise bis nach Südengland ausgedehnt. Die frühesten, zeitlich relativ gut abgesicherten Nachweise von V. vulpes nach der Weichsel-Maximalvereisung in Mitteleuropa liegen etwa zwischen 14.000–13.500 v. Chr. Schon im frühen Spätglazial (ca. 13.500 v. Chr.) kam der Rotfuchs im nördlichen Mitteleuropa in typischen glazialen Faunengemeinschaften vor. Eine Disjunktion des Areals während der letzten Vereisung kann für höchstens 10.000 Jahre stattgefunden haben. Es wird angenommen, dass während des Hengelo-Deenekamp Interstadials ein sympatrisches Vorkommen von Eisfuchs Alopex lagopus und Rotfuchs V. vulpes in Mitteleuropa existierte. Nur zur Zeit des absoluten Kältemaximums (ca. 22.000–18.000 v. Chr.) war außerhalb der Refugialgebiete in Mitteleuropa ausschließlich A. lagopus verbreitet. Das gemeinsame Vorkommen (von A. lagopus und V. vulpes) während des gesamten Spätglazials in Mitteleuropa, wahrscheinlich mit Ausnahme des Allerød-Interstadials, ist präzise belegt.Während des Hochglazials war Canis lupus auch in geografischen Regionen verbreitet, die für an wärmeres Klima gebundene Tierarten den Charakter von Glazialrefugien hatten. Beim Wolf C. lupus kann keine extreme Arealverringerung während der Weichseleiszeit angenommen werden. Das holozäne Vorkommen von C. lupus in Mitteleuropa dürfte daher nicht generell auf eine Rekolonisation zurückzuführen sein.  相似文献   

In this study, we used faecal analysis to determine the diet of the alpine mouse Apodemus alpicola in the field for the first time. This species consumes mainly insects in spring and fruits and seeds of small herbaceous dicotyledons in summer and autumn. Compared to the two congeneric species A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus, which also occur in the Alps, the diet of A. alpicola is rich in contrasts, with a very pronounced difference between spring and summer. The absence of tree seeds also suggests a mostly terrestrial behaviour. We explain these facts by the specificity of the habitat of A. alpicola: the extreme weather conditions produce great seasonal changes in the vegetation, and the rocky ground favours the adaptation to rock climbing rather than to arboreal living.


Nahrungszusammensetzung bei der Alpenwaldmaus Apodemus alpicola in den Schweizer AlpenDie Nahrungszusammensetzung der Alpenwaldmaus Apodemus alpicola wurde erstmals an Wildfängen und anhand von Kotanalysen qualitativ und quantitativ untersucht. Die Alpenwaldmaus konsumierte im Frühjahr hauptsächlich Insekten, im Sommer und Herbst Früchte und Samen kleiner Dicotyledonen der Krautschicht. Verglichen mit der Gelbhalsmaus A. flavicollis und der Waldmaus A. sylvaticus, die ebenfalls in den Alpen vorkommen, ist die Nahrungspalette von A. alpicola kontrastreicher, mit größeren Unterschieden zwischen Frühjahrs- und Sommerkost. Wir erklären dies durch extreme Klimabedingungen, die zu ausgeprägten jahreszeitlichen Änderungen in der Vegetation führen. Das Fehlen von Baumsamen läßt auf ein vorwiegend terrestrisches Futtersuchverhalten schließen. Große Hinterfüße und langer Schwanz sind offenbar Anpassungen ans Felsklettern und nicht an arboricoles Verhalten.  相似文献   

The history of forestry in the Romanche river valley, south-east of Grenoble, France, is reconstructed for the past ca. 3000 years on the basis of detailed pollen analysis and AMS14C dating. Three deforestation phases are recorded during the last two millennia, each phase showing different features and also contrasting woodland succession in the post-clearance period. The first major deforestation is recorded at the Roman time whenAbies alba (fir) was selectively exploited, presumably for use by peoples living downstream of the site. Apart from the deforestation, there appears to have been little human activity in the vicinity of the site at this time. After the clearance fir gradually, and more or less fully, recovered. The second deforestation phase occurred in ca. the 5th and 6th century A.D. when there is also substantial evidence for local farming. At this time, both fir and beech (Fagus sylvatica) were non-selectively exploited and probably used locally. Beach subsequently recovers but there is no further regeneration of fir. The third deforestation phase in ca. the 12th century A.D. is similar to the preceding phase but this time beech does not recover. With the decline in human activity, secondary forest that included spruce (Picea) and pine (Pinus), developed. Forest dynamics were controlled by local human activity and also the economic relationships between the local area and the wider region and especially the region downstream from the site.  相似文献   

Charcoal recovered from middens and graves in the neolithic site of Kadero, north of Khartoum, Sudan was analysed. The site lies within the semi-desert vegetation zone at present. During the occupation period (5960-5030 uncal B.P.), a scrub and thorn savanna grew around the site. It is further suggested that the vegetation during the neolithic period at Kadero was already under strong human impact through controlled fires, felling and grazing.  相似文献   

Palynological studies have been carried out on three highland peat bogs, and one situated on the Atlantic coastal plain. In the highlands, the late Pleistocene (14,000 - 10,000 uncal B.P.) vegetation was dominated by campos (grassland). Scattered stands of Araucaria forests were preserved in deep valleys. In the region of the sites at Morro da Igreja and Serra do Rio Rastro, the dominance of campos vegetation continued until about 1000 B.P. while at the Serra da Boa Vista site there was an expansion of Atlantic pluvial forest elements followed by Araucaria forests at the beginning of the Holocene. A general expansion of A. angustifolia, clearly related to a change towards an increasingly moist climate, can be dated to the present millenium. On the coastal plains, the late Pleistocene vegetation was dominated by Myrtaceae which were replaced by tropical taxa in the Holocene. The lowland profile (Poço Grande) also covers part of the upper Holocene, where the rich flora of the Atlantic pluvial forests can be characterized by taxa including Alchornea, Urticales and Rapanea. Close to the coring site, there was a repeated alternation between two different dune communities (4840 - 4590 B.P.), followed by a lake stage with aquatic plant succession (4590 - 4265 B.P.), plant communities dominated by Rapanea (4265 - 4230 B.P.) and the spread of Alchornea (4230 - 3525 B.P.). Late Pleistocene climate conditions (14,000 - 10,000 B.P.) can be described as cold and relatively dry, possibly including an equivalent of the Younger Dryas period. In the Holocene, there were changes from a warm and drier climate (10,000 -3000 B.P.) to a cool and more moist regime (ca. 3000 -ca. 1000 B.P.) and finally to a cool and very moist period (from around 1000 B.P.).  相似文献   

The High Weald is an unusually well-wooded area in southern England. A high proportion of this woodland is ancient, being formerly exploited as seasonal pasture and coppice. Multiple pollen profiles from the Rye area have been used to elucidate the origins of this cultural landscape. By combining sites with small and large pollen source areas, both local and regional patterns of vegetation change have been determined. The mid-Holocene Tilia-dominated woodlands were subjected to temporary clearance as early as the Neolithic. This woodland was more extensively exploited over a ca. 700 year period from the beginning of the Bronze Age. The main elements of the modern landscape (woodland, pasture and limited cultivation) can be traced back to a more intensive phase of human activity, which commenced in the late Bronze Age. A regional increase in Fagus sylvatica pollen ca. 750 B.C. probably reflects the use of the Wealden woods for pasturage. There is no palynological evidence that the fuel demands of the Roman iron industry resulted in widespread woodland destruction. The early Anglo-Saxon period appears to have been one of land-use continuity, with a second increase in Fagus pollen at ca. A.D. 700 corresponding to historical evidence for the presence of wood-pastures in the Weald.  相似文献   

Analyses of pollen, macrofossils and microscopic charcoal in the sediment of a small sub-alpine lake (Karakol, Kyrgyzstan) provide new data to reconstruct the vegetation history of the Kungey Alatau spruce forest during the late-Holocene, i.e. the past 4,000 years. The pollen data suggest that Picea schrenkiana F. and M. was the dominant tree in this region from the beginning of the record. The pollen record of pronounced die-backs of the forests, along with lithostratigraphical evidence, points to possible climatic cooling (and/or drying) around 3,800 cal year b.p. and between 3,350 and 2,520 cal year b.p., with a culmination at 2,800–2,600 cal b.p., although stable climatic conditions are reported for this region for the past 3,000–4,000 years in previous studies. From 2,500 to 190 cal year b.p. high pollen values of P. schrenkiana suggest rather closed and dense forests under the environmental conditions of that time. A marked decline in spruce forests occurred with the onset of modern human activities in the region from 190 cal year b.p. These results show that the present forests are anthropogenically reduced and represent only about half of their potential natural extent. As P. schrenkiana is a species endemic to the western Tien Shan, it is most likely that its refugium was confined to this region. However, our palaeoecological record is too recent to address this hypothesis thoroughly.  相似文献   

The vegetation and fire history of few coastal sites has been investigated in the Mediterranean region so far. We present the first paleoecological reconstruction from coastal Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. We analysed pollen and charcoal in the sediments of Biviere di Gela, a lake (lagoon) on the south coast of Sicily. Our data suggest that the area became afforested after a marine transgression at ca. 7200 cal b.p. (5250 b.c.). Build-up of forest and shrublands took ca. 200–300 years, mainly with the deciduous trees Quercus, Ostrya and Fraxinus. Juniperus expanded ca. 6900 cal b.p. (4950 b.c.), but declined again 6600 cal b.p. (4650 b.c.). Afterwards, evergreen trees (Q. ilex-type and Olea) became dominant in the forest and Pistacia shrublands were established. Forest and shrubland reached a maximum ca. 7000–5000 cal b.p. (5050–3050 b.c.); subsequently forest declined in response to human impact, which was probably exacerbated by a general trend towards a more arid climate. During the Neolithic, fire was used to open the landscape, significantly reducing several arboreal taxa (Q. ilex, Fraxinus, Juniperus) and promoting herbs and shrubs (Achillea, Cichorioideae, Brassicaceae, Ephedra). Final forest disruption occurred around 2600 cal b.p. (650 b.c.) with the onset of the historically documented Greek colonization. We conclude that the open maquis and garrigue vegetation of today is primarily the consequence of intensive land-use over millennia. Under natural or near-natural conditions arboreal taxa such as Q. ilex, Olea and Pistacia would be far more important than they are today, even under the hot and rather dry coastal conditions of southern Sicily.  相似文献   

Vegetation history for the study region is reconstructed on the basis of pollen, charcoal and AMS14C investigations of lake sediments from Lago del Segrino (calcareous bedrock) and Lago di Muzzano (siliceous bedrock). Late-glacial forests were characterised byBetula andPinus sylvestris. At the beginning of the Holocene they were replaced by temperate continental forest and shrub communities. A special type of temperate lowland forest, withAbies alba as the most important tree, was present in the period 8300 to 4500 B.P. Subsequently,Fagus, Quercus andAlnus glutinosa were the main forest components andA. alba ceased to be of importance.Castanea sativa andJuglans regia were probably introduced after forest clearance by fire during the first century A.D. On soils derived from siliceous bedrock,C. sativa was already dominant at ca. A.D. 200 (A.D. dates are in calendar years). In limestone areas, however,C. sativa failed to achieve a dominant role. After the introduction ofC. sativa, the main trees were initially oak (Quercus spp.) and later the walnut (Juglans regia). Ostrya carpinifolia became the dominant tree around Lago del Segrino only in the last 100–200 years though it had spread into the area at ca. 5000 cal. B.C. This recent expansion ofOstrya is confirmed at other sites and appears to be controlled by human disturbances involving especially clearance. It is argued that these forests should not be regarded as climax communities. It is suggested that under undisturbed succession they would develop into mixed deciduous forests consisting ofFraxinus excelsior, Tilia, Ulmus, Quercus andAcer.  相似文献   


High-resolution pollen, macrofossil and charcoal data, combined with multivariate analysis, were used to reconstruct Holocene vegetation and fire dynamics at Manaderos. The studied mire is located in a highly valued location in the supra-Mediterranean belt of the Gredos Range (central Iberian Peninsula). The record started at 1260?calendar years (cal yrs) BP, according to eight radiocarbon dates, with the occurrence of an open Quercus pyrenaica forest and Pinus nigra stands. The palynological data show a dramatic change ~380?cal yrs BP, when the oak forest was progressively replaced by a maritime pine one. The interpretation of this record is related to an increase in agricultural and livestock activities and changes in the role of fire, thus Pyrenean oak canopy was consumed by fires providing openings for Pinus pinaster, better adapted to fire. The results are compared with other sequences from the Spanish Central System in order to better understand the past dynamics of the main forest constituents and to provide a critical view of the role of fire, anthropic dynamics and climatic events.  相似文献   

Karl Krainer 《Geobios》2007,40(5):625
The Late Paleozoic (early Kasimovian-late Artinskian) sedimentary sequence of the Carnic Alps (Austria/Italy) is composed of cyclic, shallow-marine, mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sedimentary rocks. It contains different types of skeletal mounds in different stratigraphic levels. The oldest mounds occur at the base of the Auernig Group, within a transgressive sequence of the basal Meledis Formation. These mounds are small and built by auloporid corals. Algal mounds are developed in the Auernig Formation of the Auernig Group, forming biostromes, and Lower Pseudoschwagerina Limestone of the Rattendorf Group forming biostromes and bioherms. The dominant mound-forming organism of these mounds is the dasycladacean alga Anthracoporella spectabilis. In mounds of the Auernig Formation subordinately the ancestral corallinacean alga Archaeolithophyllum missouriense is present, whereas in mounds of the Lower Pseudoschwagerina Limestone a few calcisponges and phylloid algae occur locally at the base and on top of some Anthracoporella mounds. Mounds of the Auernig Formation formed during relative sea level highstands whereas mounds of the Lower Pseudoschwagerina Limestone formed during transgression. The depositional environment was in the shallow marine, low-turbulence photic zone, just below the active wave base and lacking siliciclastic influx. The algal mounds of the Carnic Alps differ significantly from all other algal mounds in composition, structure, zonation and diagenesis; the formation of the mounds cannot be explained by the model proposed by Wilson (1975). The largest mounds occur in the Trogkofel Limestone, they are composed of Tubiphytes/Archaeolithoporella boundstone, which shows some similarities to the “Tubiphytes thickets” of stage 2 of the massive Capitan reef complex of the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico/West Texas.  相似文献   

Based on fecal analyses, we compared summer diet composition and trophic niche breadth for the sympatric red fox Vulpes vulpes (n=55 scats) and pine marten Martes martes (n=64) in the foothills of the German Alps. Mammals accounted for 41 and 51% of the consumed biomass by pine martens and red foxes, respectively, and no single mammal species exceeded 8% of the diet. The larger red fox consumed a wider range of prey sizes than the smaller pine marten, and both consumed large amounts of plants and also insects. Whereas the Levins index suggested that both predators have specialist feeding niches, the Shannon-Wiener index showed that both predators were relatively generalist. Despite its preliminary nature, our study suggests that a strict distinction between generalist and specialist trophic niches is not justified for medium-sized carnivores in the Alps, particularly as results greatly depend on the indices used.  相似文献   

The altitude of the Alpine tree-line has often been used as proxy for the climatic conditions in the Holocene epoch. The usual approach for establishing a record for this proxy is the analysis of pollen and macro remains. We analysed living trees and subfossil logs from the timberline ecotone in the innermost Kauner valley in the Central Eastern Alps in order to assemble a Holocene dendrochronological tree-line record. Data sets comprising age and height of living Stone Pines (Pinus cembra L.) were collected at one site. Sections of 170 subfossil Stone Pine logs from five other sites were dendrochronologically analysed and dated. Besides using dendrochronological analyses, radiocarbon dating served as a means of obtaining the age of some logs. For most of the samples we could provide dendrochronological dates (1-year dating precision, back to 5125 b.c.) or wiggle matched dates (between approx. 7100 and 5040 b.c., dating precision with 95% probability: ±7 years). In the first half of the 19th century the tree-line was located at about 2180 m a.s.l. in the innermost Kauner valley. After approximately a.d. 1860 the altitude of the upper limit of the occurrence of Pinus cembra individuals (tree-species-line) and, being closely linked, also that of the tree-line both rose. The current tree-line (trees >2 m) is located at 2245 m a.s.l. due to climatic conditions around 1980. Additionally we observed saplings up to a present (a.d. 2000) tree-species-line at approx. 2370 m a.s.l. The dendrochronologically analysed subfossil logs found at up to 2410 m a.s.l. date from within the last 9000 years (between approx. 7100 b.c. and a.d. 1700). In the space of the last 4000 years the dendrochronological tree-line record is not continuous, probably due to human impact. Tree-line positions similar to or slightly above the 1980 tree-line are established for the time periods approx. 1000 to 640 b.c. and a.d. 1 to 330 respectively. For the time period between approx. 7100 and 2100 b.c. the dendrochronologically analysed logs show nearly continuous evidence of a tree-line above the 1980s limit. Very high elevation of the tree-line, between 120 and 165 m above the 1980s level (2245 m a.s.l.) and even higher than the a.d. 2000 tree-species-line (2370 m a.s.l.), are recorded for the periods 7090–6570, 6040–5850, 5720–5620, 5500–4370 b.c., approx. 3510–3350 b.c. and 2790–2590 b.c. Additionally, a tree-line which was located at least 50 m above the 1980s limit can be shown for the periods 6700–5430, 4920–3350 and 3280–2110 b.c. The dendrochronological record from the Kauner valley, showing high and very high tree-line positions between approx. 7100 and 2100 b.c. with only two gaps (around 6490 b.c. and from 3350 to 3280 b.c.), suggests that summer temperatures as observed in the late 20th century were at the normal or the lower limit of the temperature range which can be assumed for long periods of the early and middle Holocene epoch.  相似文献   

The antibacterial properties of Euglena viridis, collected from a freshwater pond at the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA), Bhubaneshwar, India, were tested against various strains of virulent pathogens viz. Pseudomonas putida(PP1, PP2),P. aeruginosa (PA1, PA2, PA3, PA4), P. fluorescens (PF1, PF2, PF3, PF4), Aeromonas hydrophila (AH30, AH31, AH32, AH34), Edwardsiella tarda, Vibrio alginolyticus (VA1),V. anguillarum(VN1, VN2 & VN3), V. fluvialis (VF1), V. parahemolyticus (VP1) and V. harveyi (VH1) andEscherichia coli(O115, O1, O156, O164, O111 & O109). Four organic extracts viz. methanolic, ethanolic, acetone and acetone/ethanol of theE. viridis showed moderate to high antibacterial activity to all the bacterial pathogens. Rotavapor extraction products showed higher sensitivity in comparison to cold and hot extractions.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation was studied in all nine diploidErigeron species known from the Alps:E. alpinus, E. neglectus, E. polymorphus, E. candidus, E. uniflorus, E. atticus, E. gaudinii, E. acer, andE. angulosus. A total of 248 individuals from 24 natural populations was investigated using starch gel electrophoresis. Seven enzymes and 13 loci were assessed. Genetic variation within populations was low with the proportion of polymorphic loci ranging from 0.0–0.385, and average number of alleles per polymorphic locus from 2.0–2.5. In general, 70–100% of the genetic variation was attributed to between population differences. Mean genetic identities for pair-wise comparisons of populations averaged 0.893 within species, and 0.890 among species. Interspecific genetic variation of populations usually did not exceed intraspecific variation. It was concluded that theErigeron species from the Alps may have arisen by recent speciation probably during the epoches of glaciation. Morphological and ecological differences between species seem to be based on few gene loci.  相似文献   

The impact of Holocene drought events on the presumably stable Central African rainforest remains largely unexplored, in particular the significance of fire. High‐quality sedimentary archives are scarce, and palynological records mostly integrate over large regional scales subject to different fire regimes. Here, we demonstrate a direct temporal link between Holocene droughts, palaeofire and vegetation change within present‐day Central African rainforest, using records of identified charcoal fragments extracted from soil in the southern Mayumbe forest (Democratic Republic of Congo). We find three distinct periods of local palaeofire occurrence: 7.8–6.8 ka BP, 2.3–1.5 ka BP, 0.8 ka BP – present. These periods are linked to well‐known Holocene drought anomalies: the 8.2 ka BP event, the 3rd millennium BP rainforest crisis and the Mediaeval Climate Anomaly. During and after these Holocene droughts, the Central African rainforest landscape was characterized by a fragmented pattern with fire‐prone open patches. Some fires occurred during the drought anomalies although most fires seem to lag behind them, which suggests that the open patches remained fire‐prone after the actual climate anomalies. Charcoal identifications indicate that mature rainforest patches did persist through the Early to Mid‐Holocene climatic transition, the subsequent Holocene thermal optimum and the third millennium BP rainforest crisis, until 0.8 ka BP. However, disturbance and fragmentation were probably more prominent near the boundary of the southern Mayumbe forest. Furthermore, the dominance of pioneer and woodland savanna taxa in younger charcoal assemblages indicates that rainforest regeneration was hampered by increasingly severe drought conditions after 0.8 ka BP. These results support the notion of a dynamic forest ecosystem at multicentury time scales across the Central African rainforest.  相似文献   

Applying Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism, we explored genetic differences between widespread Oxytropis campestris subsp. campestris and O. campestris subsp. tiroliensis, a presumed glacial relict restricted to a small area along the main chain of the Eastern Alps. We could not find genetic differences between the two taxa. Neither do the morphological characters given in the literature discriminate between them. Therefore Oxytropis campestris subsp. tiroliensis is unlikely a glacial relict that survived Pleistocene glaciations on nunataks, but rather a genetically insignificantly differentiated phenotype that arose in the course of postglacial recolonisation. There is no phylogeographical structure in O. campestris s.l. in the Alps most probably due to the fact that the taxon did not survive the cold stages of the Pleistocene in the interior of the Alps but immigrated to that region at a later date.  相似文献   

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