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Many pharmaceuticals used to treat cancer target the cell cycle or mitotic spindle dynamics, such as the anti-tumor drug, paclitaxel, which stabilizes microtubules. Here we show that, in cells arrested in mitosis with the spindle toxins, nocodazole, or paclitaxel, the endogenous protein phosphatase 4 (Ppp4) complex Ppp4c-R2-R3A is phosphorylated on its regulatory (R) subunits, and its activity is inhibited. The phosphorylations are blocked by roscovitine, indicating that they may be mediated by Cdk1-cyclin B. Endogenous Ppp4c is enriched at the centrosomes in the absence and presence of paclitaxel, nocodazole, or roscovitine, and the activity of endogenous Ppp4c-R2-R3A is inhibited from G1/S to the G2/M phase of the cell cycle. Endogenous γ-tubulin and its associated protein, γ-tubulin complex protein 2, both of which are essential for nucleation of microtubules at centrosomes, interact with the Ppp4 complex. Recombinant γ-tubulin can be phosphorylated by Cdk1-cyclin B or Brsk1 and dephosphorylated by Ppp4c-R2-R3A in vitro. The data indicate that Ppp4c-R2-R3A regulates microtubule organization at centrosomes during cell division in response to stress signals such as spindle toxins, paclitaxel, and nocodazole, and that inhibition of the Ppp4 complex may be advantageous for treatment of some cancers.  相似文献   



Anastral spindles assemble by a mechanism that involves microtubule nucleation and growth from chromatin. It is still uncertain whether γ-tubulin, a microtubule nucleator essential for mitotic spindle assembly and maintenance, plays a role. Not only is the requirement for γ-tubulin to form anastral Drosophila oocyte meiosis I spindles controversial, but its presence in oocyte meiosis I spindles has not been demonstrated and is uncertain.  相似文献   

In vertebrate somatic cells, the centrosome functions as the major microtubule-organizing center (MTOC), which splits and separates to form the poles of the mitotic spindle. However, the role of the centriole-containing centrosome in the formation of bipolar mitotic spindles continues to be controversial. Cells normally containing centrosomes are still able to build bipolar spindles after their centrioles have been removed or ablated. In naturally occurring cellular systems that lack centrioles, such as plant cells and many oocytes, bipolar spindles form in the complete absence of canonical centrosomes. These observations have led to the notion that centrosomes play no role during mitosis. However, recent work has re-examined spindle assembly in the absence of centrosomes, both in cells that naturally lack them and those that have had them experimentally removed. The results of these studies suggest that an appreciation of microtubule network organization, both before and after nuclear envelope breakdown (NEB), is the key to understanding the mechanisms that regulate spindle assembly and the generation of bipolarity.Key words: centrosome, centriole, mitosis, spindle, cell cycle, meiosis, plant cell, microsurgery  相似文献   

The bioinformatic search identified 14 plant homologs of the mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint protein kinase Bub1 of animals, yeasts, and myxomycetes. It was demonstrated that the closest plant homologs of the protein kinase Bub1 were proteins with previously unknown features: XP_002274770.1 (CBI21878.1) from Vitis vinifera, EEC82122.1 from Oryza sativa Indica, EEE67244.1 from O. sativa Japonica, EEF44403.1 from Ricinus communis, and CAL57156.1 from Ostreococcus tauri. The simulation and analysis of spatial structures of the catalytic domains of the EEC82122.1, EEE67244.1, and XP_002274770.1 (CBI21878.1) proteins confirmed their conformity with the spindle assembly checkpoint protein kinases Bub1.  相似文献   

DIXDC1 is a Dishevelled-Axin (DIX) domain-containing protein involved in neural development and Wnt signaling pathway. Besides the DIX domain, DIXDC1 also contains a coiled-coil domain (MTH domain), which is a common feature of centrosomal proteins. We have demonstrated that exogenously expressed GFP-tag fused DIXDC1 co-localize with γ-tubulin both at interphase and mitotic phase in HEK293 cells. By immunostaining with anti-DIXDC1 and anti-γ-tubulin antibody, endogenous DIXDC1 was also co-localized with γ-tubulin at the centrosomes in HEK293 cells. We confirmed this interaction of DIXDC1 with γ-tubulin by co-immunoprecipitation. The findings suggest that DIXDC1 might play an important role in chromosome segregation and cell cycle regulation.  相似文献   

Microtubules (MTs) are nucleated from centrosomes and chromatin. In addition, MTs can be generated from preexiting MTs in a γ-tubulin–dependent manner in yeast, plant, and Drosophila cells, although the underlying mechanism remains unknown. Here we show the spindle-associated protein FAM29A promotes MT-dependent MT amplification and is required for efficient chromosome congression and segregation in mammalian cells. Depletion of FAM29A reduces spindle MT density. FAM29A is not involved in the nucleation of MTs from centrosomes and chromatin, but is required for a subsequent increase in MT mass in cells released from nocodazole. FAM29A interacts with the NEDD1–γ-tubulin complex and recruits this complex to the spindle, which, in turn, promotes MT polymerization. FAM29A preferentially associates with kinetochore MTs and knockdown of FAM29A reduces the number of MTs in a kinetochore fiber, activates the spindle checkpoint, and delays the mitotic progression. Our study provides a biochemical mechanism for MT-dependent MT amplification and for the maturation of kinetochore fibers in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Casein kinase 1δ (CK1δ) family members associate with microtubule-organizing centers (MTOCs) from yeast to humans, but their mitotic roles and targets have yet to be identified. We show here that budding yeast CK1δ, Hrr25, is a γ-tubulin small complex (γTuSC) binding factor. Moreover, Hrr25''s association with γTuSC depends on its kinase activity and its noncatalytic central domain. Loss of Hrr25 kinase activity resulted in assembly of unusually long cytoplasmic microtubules and defects in spindle positioning, consistent with roles in regulation of γTuSC-mediated microtubule nucleation and the Kar9 spindle-positioning pathway, respectively. Hrr25 directly phosphorylated γTuSC proteins in vivo and in vitro, and this phosphorylation promoted γTuSC integrity and activity. Because CK1δ and γTuSC are highly conserved and present at MTOCs in diverse eukaryotes, similar regulatory mechanisms are expected to apply generally in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Chorea-acanthocytosis (ChAc) is an autosomal, recessive hereditary disease characterized by striatal neurodegeneration and acanthocytosis, and caused by loss of function mutations in the vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog A (VPS13A) gene. VPS13A encodes chorein whose physiological function at the molecular level is poorly understood. In this study, we show that chorein interacts with β-adducin and β-actin. We first compare protein expression in human erythrocyte membranes using proteomic analysis. Protein levels of β-adducin isoform 1 and β-actin are markedly decreased in erythrocyte membranes from a ChAc patient. Subsequent co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) and reverse co-IP assays using extracts from chorein-overexpressing human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells, shows that β-adducin (isoforms 1 and 2) and β-actin interact with chorein. Immunocytochemical analysis using chorein-overexpressing HEK293 cells demonstrates co-localization of chorein with β-adducin and β-actin. In addition, immunoreactivity of β-adducin isoform 1 is significantly decreased in the striatum of gene-targeted ChAc-model mice. Adducin and actin are membrane cytoskeletal proteins, involved in synaptic function. Expression of β-adducin is restricted to the brain and hematopoietic tissues, corresponding to the main pathological lesions of ChAc, and thereby implicating β-adducin and β-actin in ChAc pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Based on the assumption that the ancestral proto-eukaryote evolved from an ameboid prokarybte I propose the hypothesis that nuclear division of the proto-eukaryote was effected by the same system of contractile filaments it used for ameboid movement and cytosis. When the nuclear membranes evolved from the cell membrane, contractile filaments remained associated with them. The attachment site of the genome in the nuclear envelope was linked to the cell membrane by specialized contractile filaments. During protomitosis, i.e., nuclear and cell division of the proto-eukaryote, these filaments performed segregation of the chromosomes, whereas others constricted and cleaved the nucleus and the mother cell. When microtubules (MTs) had evolved in the cytoplasm, they also became engaged in nuclear division. Initially, an extranuolear bundle of MTs assisted chromosome segregation by establishing a defined axis. The evolutionary tendency then was towards an increasingly important role for MTs. Spindle pole bodies (SPBs) developed from the chromosomal attachment sites in the nuclear envelope and organized an extranuclear central spindle. The chromosomes remained attached to the SPBs during nuclear division. In a subsequent step the spindle became permanently lodged inside the nucleus. Chromosomes detached from the SPBs and acquired kinetochores and kinetochore-MTs. At first, this spindle segregated chromosomes by elongation, the kinetochore-MTs playing the role of static anchors. Later, spindle elongation was supplemented by poleward movement of the chromosomes. When dissolution of the nuclear envelope at the beginning of mitosis became a permanent feature, the open spindle of higher eukaryotes was born.  相似文献   

Microtubules (MTs) are crucial for both the establishment of cellular polarity and the progression of all mitotic phases leading to karyokinesis and cytokinesis. MT organization and spindle formation rely on the activity of γ-tubulin and associated proteins throughout the cell cycle. To date, the molecular mechanisms modulating γ-tubulin complex location remain largely unknown. In this work, two Arabidopsis thaliana proteins interacting with gamma-tubulin complex protein3 (GCP3), GCP3-interacting protein1 (GIP1) and GIP2, have been characterized. Both GIP genes are ubiquitously expressed in all tissues analyzed. Immunolocalization studies combined with the expression of GIP-green fluorescent protein fusions have shown that GIPs colocalize with γ-tubulin, GCP3, and/or GCP4 and reorganize from the nucleus to the prospindle and the preprophase band in late G2. After nuclear envelope breakdown, they localize on spindle and phragmoplast MTs and on the reforming nuclear envelope of daughter cells. The gip1 gip2 double mutants exhibit severe growth defects and sterility. At the cellular level, they are characterized by MT misorganization and abnormal spindle polarity, resulting in ploidy defects. Altogether, our data show that during mitosis GIPs play a role in γ-tubulin complex localization, spindle stability and chromosomal segregation.  相似文献   

P38αMAPK (p38α) is usually activated in response to various stresses and plays a role in the inhibition of cell proliferation and tumor progression, but little is known about its roles in meiotic spindle assembly. In this study, we characterized the dynamic localization of p38α and explored its function in mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. P38α specifically colocalized with γ-tubulin and Plk1 at the center of MTOCs and spindle poles. Depletion of p38α by specific morpholino injection resulted in severely defective spindles and misaligned chromosomes probably via MK2 dephosphorylation. Notably, depletion of p38α led to significant spindle pole defects, spindle elongation, non-tethered kinetochore microtubules and increased microtubule tension. The disruption of spindle stability was coupled with decreased γ-tubulin and Plk1 at MTOCs. Overexpression of Eg5, a conserved motor protein, also caused spindle elongation and its morpholino injection almost completely rescued spindle elongation caused by p38α depletion. In addition, p38α-depletion decreased BubR1 and interfered with spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), which resulted in aneuploid oocytes. Together, these data indicate that p38α is an important component of MTOCs, which regulates spindle assembly and spindle length, as well as stabilizes the spindle and spindle poles. Perturbed SAC and abnormal microtubule tension may be responsible for the misaligned chromosomes and high aneuploidy in p38α-depleted mouse oocytes.Key words: p38α, meiosis, mouse oocyte, spindle assembly, microtubule organization center (MTOC), Eg5, spindle assembly checkpoint  相似文献   

The complete volume of a protein’s conformation space is smaller by many orders of magnitude at the level of secondary-structure elements as compared with the conformation of amino-acid residues. According to Levinthal’s estimate, the latter is ~102L, with L being the number of residues in the chain, while the former, at the level of secondary structures, increases no faster than ~LN with N being the number of the secondary-structure elements. N is approximately L/15 according to the statistics of protein structures. This drastic decrease in the exponent (L/15 instead of 2L) considerably reduces the sampling space and explains the reason that sampling of the conformation space at the level of secondary-structure elements does not prevent the protein chain from finding its most stable structure.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of microtubule functions in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggests that cells manage the levels and activities of the tubulin polypeptides. These reactions may be involved in protein folding, formation of the heterodimer, and maintenance of the appropriate balance between α- and β-tubulin. One protein involved in these functions is Rbl2p, which forms a complex with β-tubulin. Here we describe the identification of a novel yeast gene, RKI1, that interacts genetically with RBL2. Deletion of rki1 causes conditional defects in microtubule assembly and cell growth. Rki1p can be isolated in a complex containing Rbl2p. The results support the existence of cellular mechanisms for regulating microtubule function through the tubulin polypeptides. Received: 8 August 1998 / Accepted: 13 September 1998  相似文献   

Luo Q  Jiang L  Chen G  Feng Y  Lv Q  Zhang C  Qu S  Zhu H  Zhou B  Xiao X 《Free radical research》2011,45(11-12):1355-1365
Constitutive heat shock protein 70 (Hsc70) is a molecular chaperone that has been shown to protect cardiomyocytes against oxidative stress. However, the molecular mechanism responsible for this protection remains uncertain. To understand the mechanism associated with the myocardial protective role of Hsc70, we have embarked upon a systematic search for Hsc70-interacting proteins. Using adenosine diphosphate (ADP) affinity chromatography and mass spectrometry, we have identified α-enolase, a rate-limiting enzyme in glycolysis, as a novel Hsc70-interacting protein in the myocardium of both sham and myocardial ischemia-reperfused Sprague-Dawley rat hearts. This interaction was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation (IP) assays in the myocardial tissues and H9c2 cardiomyocytes and protein overlay assay (POA). It was further shown that Hsc70-overexpression alleviated the H(2)O(2)-induced decrease of α-enolase activity and cell damage, and Hsc70 deficiency aggravated the decrease of α-enolase activity and cell damage in H(2)O(2) treated H9c2 cells. Our research suggests that the protective effect of Hsc70 on the cardiomyocytes against oxidative stress is partly associated with its interaction with α-enolase.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(11-12):1355-1365

Constitutive heat shock protein 70 (Hsc70) is a molecular chaperone that has been shown to protect cardiomyocytes against oxidative stress. However, the molecular mechanism responsible for this protection remains uncertain. To understand the mechanism associated with the myocardial protective role of Hsc70, we have embarked upon a systematic search for Hsc70-interacting proteins. Using adenosine diphosphate (ADP) affinity chromatography and mass spectrometry, we have identified α-enolase, a rate-limiting enzyme in glycolysis, as a novel Hsc70-interacting protein in the myocardium of both sham and myocardial ischemia-reperfused Sprague–Dawley rat hearts. This interaction was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation (IP) assays in the myocardial tissues and H9c2 cardiomyocytes and protein overlay assay (POA). It was further shown that Hsc70-overexpression alleviated the H2O2-induced decrease of α-enolase activity and cell damage, and Hsc70 deficiency aggravated the decrease of α-enolase activity and cell damage in H2O2 treated H9c2 cells. Our research suggests that the protective effect of Hsc70 on the cardiomyocytes against oxidative stress is partly associated with its interaction with α-enolase.  相似文献   

CK1 (casein kinase 1) is a family of serine/threonine protein kinase that is ubiquitously expressed in eukaryotic organism. CK1 members are involved in the regulation of many cellular processes. Particularly, CK1 was reported to phosphorylate Rec8 subunits of cohesin complex and regulate chromosome segregation in meiosis in budding yeast and fission yeast.1-3 Here we investigated the expression, subcellular localization and potential functions of CK1α, CK1δ and CK1ϵ during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. We found that CK1α, CK1δ and CK1ϵ all concentrated at the spindle poles and co-localized with γ-tubulin in oocytes at both metaphase I (MI) and metaphase II (MII) stages. However, depletion of CK1 by RNAi or overexpression of wild type or kinase-dead CK1 showed no effects on either spindle organization or chromosome segregation during oocyte meiotic maturation. Thus, CK1 is not the kinase that phosphorylates Rec8 cohesin in mammalian oocytes, and CK1 may not be essential for spindle organization and meiotic progression although they localize at spindle poles.  相似文献   

Centriolar satellites are numerous electron-dense granules dispersed around the centrosome. Mutations in their components are linked to various human diseases, but their molecular roles remain elusive. In particular, the significance of spatial communication between centriolar satellites and the centrosome is unknown. hMsd1/SSX2IP localizes to both the centrosome and centriolar satellites and is required for tethering microtubules to the centrosome. Here we show that hMsd1/SSX2IP-mediated microtubule anchoring is essential for proper centriole assembly and duplication. On hMsd1/SSX2IP knockdown, the centriolar satellites become stuck at the microtubule minus end near the centrosome. Intriguingly, these satellites contain many proteins that normally localize to the centrosome. Of importance, microtubule structures, albeit not being anchored properly, are still required for the emergence of abnormal satellites, as complete microtubule depolymerization results in the disappearance of these aggregates from the vicinity of the centrosome. We highlighted, using superresolution and electron microscopy, that under these conditions, centriole structures are faulty. Remarkably, these cells are insensitive to Plk4 overproduction–induced ectopic centriole formation, yet they accelerate centrosome reduplication upon hydroxyurea arrest. Finally, the appearance of satellite aggregates is cancer cell specific. Together our findings provide novel insights into the mechanism of centriole assembly and microtubule anchoring.  相似文献   

Dynein is a motor protein that moves on microtubules (MTs) using the energy of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis. To understand its motility mechanism, it is crucial to know how the signal of MT binding is transmitted to the ATPase domain to enhance ATP hydrolysis. However, the molecular basis of signal transmission at the dynein–MT interface remains unclear. Scanning mutagenesis of tubulin identified two residues in α-tubulin, R403 and E416, that are critical for ATPase activation and directional movement of dynein. Electron cryomicroscopy and biochemical analyses revealed that these residues form salt bridges with the residues in the dynein MT-binding domain (MTBD) that work in concert to induce registry change in the stalk coiled coil and activate the ATPase. The R403-E3390 salt bridge functions as a switch for this mechanism because of its reversed charge relative to other residues at the interface. This study unveils the structural basis for coupling between MT binding and ATPase activation and implicates the MTBD in the control of directional movement.  相似文献   

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