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Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) is an important cause of acute renal failure. Recent studies have shown that the complement system mediated by the mannan-binding protein (MBP), which is a C-type serum lectin recognizing mannose, fucose and N-acetylglucosamine residues, plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of ischemic acute renal failure. MBP causes complement activation through the MBP lectin pathway and a resulting complement component, C3b, is accumulated on the brush borders of kidney proximal tubules in a renal I/R-operated mouse kidney. However, the initial step of the complement activation has not been studied extensively. We previously identified both meprins α and β, highly glycosylated zinc metalloproteases, localized on kidney proximal tubules as endogenous MBP ligands. In the present study, we demonstrated that serum-type MBP (S-MBP) and C3b were co-localized with meprins on both the cortex and the medulla in the renal I/R-operated mouse kidney. S-MBP was indicated to interact with meprins in vivo in the I/R-operated mouse kidney and was shown to initiate the complement activation through the interaction with meprins in vitro. Taken together, the present study strongly suggested that the binding of S-MBP to meprins triggers the complement activation through the lectin pathway and may cause the acute renal failure due to I/R on kidney transplantation and hemorrhagic shock.  相似文献   

Summary Ion dependence and electrogenicity of taurine uptake were studied in rabbit renal outer cortical brush-border membrane vesicles isolated by differential precipitation. Na+-d-glucose cotransport was followed in parallel to monitor changes in the membrane potential. Concentrative taurine flux was dependent on a chemical and/or an electrical Na+ gradient (K+ diffusion potential) and could be completely inhibited by other -amino acids. It displayed a specific anion requirement (ClBrSCN>I>NO 3 ). At chemical Na+ equilibrium, Cl gradients, depending on their orientation, stimulated or inhibited taurine uptake more than could be attributed solely to electrical anion effects, although a Cl gradient alone could not energize an overshoot. Furthermore, taurine tracer exchange was significantly stimulated by Cl as well as Br. The Cl stoichiometry was found to be one, whereas taurine transport, in the presence of Cl, was sigmoidally related to the Na+ concentration, resulting in a coupling ratio of 2 to 3 Na+: 1 taurine. Upon Cl replacement with gluconate, taurine uptake showed a reduced potential sensitivity and was no longer detectably affected by the Na+ concentration (up to 150mm). These results suggest a 2 to 3 Na+:1 Cl:1 taurine cotransport mechanism driven mainly by the Na+ gradient, which is sensitive to the membrane potential due to a negatively charged empty carrier. Cl appears to stimulate taurine flux primarily by facilitating the formation of the translocated solute-carrier complex.  相似文献   

Nateglinide, a novel oral hypoglycemic agent, possesses a carbonyl group and a peptide-type bond in its structure. We previously reported that nateglinide transport occurs via a single system that may be identical to the ceftibuten/H+ cotransport system by the rat small intestine. We speculated that the absorption system present on the intestinal epithelium may be similar to that found on the renal tubular epithelium. The aim of this study was to characterize the transporters on the apical side of the kidney that may contribute to the reabsorption of ceftibuten and nateglinide. The uptake of nateglinide by rat renal brush-border membranes is associated with an H+-coupled transport system. Ceftibuten competitively inhibited H+-dependent nateglinide uptake. In contrast, Gly-Sar, cephradine and cephalexin had no effect on nateglinide uptake. Nateglinide competitively inhibited H+-driven transporter-mediated ceftibuten uptake. We conclude that nateglinide transport occurs via a single system that is H+-dependent and may be identical to the ceftibuten/H+ cotransport system.  相似文献   

Nateglinide, a novel oral hypoglycemic agent, possesses a carbonyl group and a peptide-type bond in its structure. We previously reported that nateglinide transport occurs via a single system that may be identical to the ceftibuten/H(+) cotransport system by the rat small intestine. We speculated that the absorption system present on the intestinal epithelium may be similar to that found on the renal tubular epithelium. The aim of this study was to characterize the transporters on the apical side of the kidney that may contribute to the reabsorption of ceftibuten and nateglinide. The uptake of nateglinide by rat renal brush-border membranes is associated with an H(+)-coupled transport system. Ceftibuten competitively inhibited H(+)-dependent nateglinide uptake. In contrast, Gly-Sar, cephradine and cephalexin had no effect on nateglinide uptake. Nateglinide competitively inhibited H(+)-driven transporter-mediated ceftibuten uptake. We conclude that nateglinide transport occurs via a single system that is H(+)-dependent and may be identical to the ceftibuten/H(+) cotransport system.  相似文献   

Massive Ca(2+) accumulation in mitochondria, plus the stimulating effect of an inducing agent, i.e., oxidative stress, induces the so-called permeability transition, which is characterized by the opening of a nonspecific pore. This work was aimed at studying the influence of thyroid hormone on the opening of such a nonspecific pore in kidney mitochondria, as induced by an oxidative stress. To meet this objective, membrane permeability transition was examined in mitochondria isolated from kidney of euthyroid and hypothyroid rats, after a period of ischemia/reperfusion. It was found that mitochondria from hypothyroid rats were able to retain accumulated Ca(2+) to sustain a transmembrane potential after Ca(2+) addition, as well as to maintain matrix NAD(+) and membrane cytochrome c content. The protective effect of hypothyroidism was clearly opposed to that occurring in ischemic reperfused mitochondria from euthyroid rats. Our findings demonstrate that these mitochondria were unable to preserve selective membrane permeability, except when cyclosporin A was added. It is proposed that the protection is conferred by the low content of cardiolipin found in the inner membrane. This phospholipid is required to switch adenine nucleotide translocase from specific carrier to a non-specific pore.  相似文献   

Using mouse small intestine brush-border membrane vesicles virtually free of xanthine oxidase (EC and free of uricase (EC the uptake of the purines uric acid, xanthine and hypoxanthine have been studied. The sodium-dependent overshoot phenomenon shown to exist for the uptake into the vesicles for d-glucose and l-phenylalanine was not observed with the purines. However, the uptake of the three purines in the presence of NaCl or KCl was greater than the uptake in the presence of either NaSCN or mannitol. Although 12.9% of the xanthine uptake and 17.6% of the hypoxanthine uptake was attributed to binding to the membranes, almost all the uric acid uptake was due to transport into an osmotically active space. The apparent intravesicular volume, calculated after 60 min incubation, for the three purines was consistently greater than the values obtained with d-glucose, l-phenylalanine equilibration, suggesting slow continuing penetration of purines associated with swelling or an apparent accumulation of purines within the vesicles associated with normal vesicle volume.  相似文献   

The localization of proteins to particular intracellular compartments often regulates their functions. Zyxin is a LIM protein found prominently at sites of cell adhesion, faintly in leading lamellipodia, and transiently in cell nuclei. Here we have performed a domain analysis to identify regions in zyxin that are responsible for targeting it to different subcellular locations. The N-terminal proline-rich region of zyxin, which harbors binding sites for alpha-actinin and members of the Ena/VASP family, concentrates in lamellipodial extensions and weakly in focal adhesions. The LIM region of zyxin displays robust targeting to focal adhesions. When overexpressed in cells, the LIM region of zyxin causes displacement of endogenous zyxin from focal adhesions. Upon mislocalization of full-length zyxin, at least one member of the Ena/VASP family is also displaced, and the organization of the actin cytoskeleton is perturbed. Zyxin also has the capacity to shuttle between the nucleus and focal adhesion sites. When nuclear export is inhibited, zyxin accumulates in cell nuclei. The nuclear accumulation of zyxin occurs asynchronously with approximately half of the cells exhibiting nuclear localization of zyxin within 2.3 h of initiating leptomycin B treatment. Our results provide insight into the functions of different zyxin domains.  相似文献   

Results of 31P-NMR studies and transport experiments using the radioactive tracer technique are presented. They point to the conclusion that ATP is taken up into isolated renal brush-border membrane vesicles, possibly by a carrier-mediated mechanism.  相似文献   

Evidence for an interaction of the membrane (M) protein of Newcastle disease and Sendai viruses with cellular actin was obtained by three different techniques. M protein linked to Sepharose 4B was found to bind actin, but not myoglobin or bovine serum albumin, and to selectively remove actin from a mixture of these three proteins. Sedimentation of a mixture of M protein and F-actin through a sucrose gradient resulted in sedimentation of M protein with actin. Control proteins, bovine serum albumin and cytochrome c, did not sediment with actin. In circular dichroism studies, M protein added to actin in a 1:1 complex resulted in a significant increase in negative ellipticity at 220 nm, which corresponds to an increase in alpha-helix and a decrease in beta-structure and random coil. This is indicative of an interaction between M protein and actin. It is possible that the frequent identification of cellular actin in a number of enveloped viruses may be attributed to the interaction of actin and M protein or its equivalent.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in enzyme activities, protein electrophoretic patterns and lipid composition of kidney-brush-border membranes were studied in 10-20- and 30-month-old male and female Wistar rats. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of membrane proteins revealed very little changes with increasing age, whether males or females were considered. The Km of three hydrolases - maltase, L-aminopeptidase and alkaline phosphatase - were not affected by age while the Vmax of maltase and alkaline phosphatase, but not of L-aminopeptidase, decreased from 10 to 30 months. The phospholipid to protein ratio which remained constant between 10 and 20 months, rose in both sexes from 20 to 30 months. In males, the cholesterol content of the membrane increased faster than that of phospholipid and the cholesterol over phospholipid ratio was then greater at 30 months than at 10 months, while in females this ratio remained unchanged in the course of aging. The fatty acid composition of the brush-border remained more or less constant with age in female rat whereas in the male, a 10% decrease in the proportion of arachidonic acid from 10 to 30 months was responsible for a lower unsaturation index.  相似文献   

In vivo kinetics of mucosal uptake of luminal 59Fe2+ by tied segments of normal mouse duodenum are characterised by a Km of approx. 100 μM and a Vmax of approx. 9 pmol/min per mg wet weight of intestine. These values were determined at pH 7.25 in the presence of excess sodium ascorbate. Studies with luminal Fe2+ concentrations of 100 μM reveal: (1) uptake is relatively independent of ascorbate: Fe ratio and luminal pH and (2) uptake is potently inhibited by 1 mM Co2+ or Mn2+ and large luminal NaCl concentrations but not by Ca2+. 3 days of hypoxia (0.5 atmospheres) yields no significant increase in subsequent total mucosal uptake by in vivo tied segments while uptake is significantly reduced by semi-starvation. Quantitative comparison of in vivo mucosal uptake with subsequent determination of isolated brush-border membrane 59Fe2+ transport in individual mice reveals a positive correlation (P < 0.01) between the two parameters. These results, in conjunction with studies of isolated mouse duodenal brush-border membrane (Simpson, R.J. and Peters, T.J. (1985) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 814, 381–388 and (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 856, 109–114) suggest that the Fe2+ transport properties of isolated brush-border membrane are quantitatively adequate to explain in vivo mucosal uptake in normal and hypoxic mice at Fe2+ concentrations up to 100 μM.  相似文献   

A unique set of high molecular weight proteins was identified in junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles isolated from both cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle. These high Mr proteins were not present in free SR vesicles isolated from either tissue, nor were they observed in purified sarcolemmal fractions. The junctional SR high Mr proteins migrated as doublets in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and exhibited apparent Mr values between 290,000 and 350,000. The high Mr proteins bound calmodulin; they were the principal proteins labeled in the cardiac and skeletal muscle SR subfractions by azido-125I-calmodulin. The high Mr proteins were also substrates for an endogenous Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase activity, as well as exogenously added catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. In addition, the junctional SR high Mr proteins were the major SR proteins degraded by a Ca2+-activated protease purified from smooth muscle. Control experiments verified the separation of junctional SR vesicles and free SR vesicles from both muscle types. Junctional SR vesicles were enriched in calsequestrin, and they exhibited Ca2+ uptake which was stimulated up to 10-fold by either ryanodine or ruthenium red. Free SR vesicles were deficient in calsequestrin and were insensitive to these two agents. Localization of the cardiac and skeletal muscle high Mr proteins to the junctional SR, coupled with demonstration of their nearly identical biochemical properties, suggests that the proteins are homologous and are likely to have similar functions in both types of striated muscle.  相似文献   

Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is one of the main antioxidant enzymes that protects the heart against ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) is a short period of ischemia-reperfusion that reduces subsequent prolonged I/R injury. Although MnSOD localizes in mitochondria, the immediate subcellular distribution of MnSOD in heart after IPC and I/R has not been studied. In a Langendorff mouse heart model, IPC significantly improved cardiac function and reduced the infarction size induced by I/R. Immunoblotting and double immunostaining in fresh preparations revealed that I/R resulted in an increase in cytosolic MnSOD content accompanied by the release of cytochrome c. In contrast, IPC increased mitochondrial MnSOD and reduced cytosolic MnSOD and cytochrome c release induced by I/R. We found that compared with freshly prepared fractions, the freeze-thaw approach results in mitochondrial integrity disruption and release of large amounts of MnSOD into the cytosol along with mitochondrial markers even in the absence of I/R. In contrast, fresh preparations exhibit early MnSOD release into the cytosol after I/R that is prevented by IPC and cyclosporin A administration.  相似文献   

Background aimsThe effects of human Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (WJ-MSC) on acute and chronic kidney injury induced by ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) were assessed.MethodsWJ-MSC were injected intravenously immediately after solitary kidney ischemia for 45 min. Cells were labeled with 5-bromo-2′deoxy-uridine (BrdU) for tracing in vivo. At 48 h post-IRI, serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) were measured. Tubular cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as activation of the Akt signal were identified by immunostaining. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was employed to determine gene expression of inflammation-related cytokines and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). Levels of human HGF were assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA). Twenty-two weeks later, renal fibrosis was assessed by Masson's tri-chrome staining, collagen content and α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) staining.ResultsThere was no sign of labeled cells residing in the damaged kidney. Acute renal dysfunction elicited by IRI was considerably improved by WJ-MSC, in parallel with a stronger proliferative response and less apoptotic events. Additionally, phosphoAkt staining in injured tubular cells was substantially intensified. Cell treatment also caused a remarkable up-regulation of kidney interleukin (IL)-10, heme oxygenase (HO)-1 and HGF expression. Human HGF was detected in cell supernatants and the serum of cell-infused rats. Moreover, IRI-initiated fibrosis was abrogated by cell therapy, coincident with function amelioration.ConclusionsWJ-MSC alleviate acute kidney injury, thereby rescuing the ensuing fibrotic lesions in an endocrine manner. The Akt signal in impaired tubular cells is reinforced by WJ-MSC, facilitating cell resistance to apoptosis and cell proliferation. HGF, either delivered or induced by WJ-MSC, is an important contributor.  相似文献   

Autophagy is responsible for the degradation of protein aggregates and damaged organelles. Several studies have reported increased autophagic activity in tubular cells after kidney injury. Here, we examine the role of tubular cell autophagy in vivo under both physiological conditions and stress using two different tubular-specific Atg5-knockout mouse models. While Atg5 deletion in distal tubule cells does not cause a significant alteration in kidney function, deleting Atg5 in both distal and proximal tubule cells results in impaired kidney function. Already under physiological conditions, Atg5-null tubule cells display a significant accumulation of p62 and oxidative stress markers. Strikingly, tubular cell Atg5-deficiency dramatically sensitizes the kidneys to ischemic injury, resulting in impaired kidney function, accumulation of damaged mitochondria as well as increased tubular cell apoptosis and proliferation, highlighting the critical role that autophagy plays in maintaining tubular cell integrity during stress conditions.  相似文献   

Autophagy is responsible for the degradation of protein aggregates and damaged organelles. Several studies have reported increased autophagic activity in tubular cells after kidney injury. Here, we examine the role of tubular cell autophagy in vivo under both physiological conditions and stress using two different tubular-specific Atg5-knockout mouse models. While Atg5 deletion in distal tubule cells does not cause a significant alteration in kidney function, deleting Atg5 in both distal and proximal tubule cells results in impaired kidney function. Already under physiological conditions, Atg5-null tubule cells display a significant accumulation of p62 and oxidative stress markers. Strikingly, tubular cell Atg5-deficiency dramatically sensitizes the kidneys to ischemic injury, resulting in impaired kidney function, accumulation of damaged mitochondria as well as increased tubular cell apoptosis and proliferation, highlighting the critical role that autophagy plays in maintaining tubular cell integrity during stress conditions.  相似文献   

Solute reflection coefficients sigma of cell membrane vesicles or liposomes are commonly determined by comparison of the water flow induced by a gradient of the studied solute and that of a reference molecule using light scattering techniques. However, variations in scattered light which are mainly related to change in vesicle volume are also influenced by the refractive index of the surrounding medium. Therefore comparing kinetics of vesicle shrinkage induced by hyperosmotic solutions which have different refractive indexes might lead to an under or over estimation of sigma. We determined sigma NaCl in rat kidney brush-border membrane vesicles by two different approaches using mannitol, a poorly permeant molecule, as reference. (1) The refractive index of the hyperosmotic NaCl solution was adjusted to that of mannitol by addition of polyvinyl pyrrolidone (Mr 40,000), without a significant increase in osmolality. Thereby the change in scattered light intensity induced by osmotic vesicle shrinkage due to gradients of NaCl and mannitol were comparable and led to a sigma NaCl value close to one instead of the previously published value of 0.53. (2) The reflection coefficient was calculated from the lifetime of vesicle shrinkage which is not refractive index-dependent. Again sigma NaCl was not different from one. These results suggest that the water proteic pathways found in the luminal membrane of proximal tubules are not shared by salts.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of actin microfilament-disrupting drugs on events of fertilization, with emphasis on gamete membrane interactions. Mouse eggs, freed of their zonae pellucidae, were treated with drugs that perturb the actin cytoskeleton by different mechanisms (cytochalasin B, cytochalasin D, jasplakinolide, latrunculin B) and then inseminated. Cytochalasin B, jasplakinolide, and latrunculin B treatments resulted in a decrease in the percentage of eggs fertilized and the average number of sperm fused per egg. However, cytochalasin D treatment resulted in an increase in the average number of sperm fused per egg and the percentage of polyspermic eggs. This increase in polyspermy occurred despite the observation that cytochalasin D treatment caused a decrease in sperm-egg binding and did not affect spontaneous acrosome reactions or sperm motility. This suggested that cytochalasin D-treated eggs had an impaired ability to establish a block to polyspermy at the level of the plasma membrane. The effect of cytochalasin D on the block to polyspermy was not due to a general disruption of egg activation because sperm-induced calcium oscillations and cortical granule exocytosis were similar in cytochalasin D-treated and control eggs. However, buffering of intracellular calcium levels with the calcium chelator BAPTA-AM resulted in an increase in polyspermy. Together, these data suggest that a postfertilization decrease in egg membrane receptivity to sperm requires functions of the egg actin cytoskeleton that are disrupted by cytochalasin D. Furthermore, egg activation-associated increased intracellular calcium levels are necessary but not sufficient to affect postfertilization membrane dynamics that contribute to a membrane block to polyspermy.  相似文献   

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