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Nucleoside transporters (NTs) play an essential role in the transport of nucleosides across cellular membranes. Equilibrative NTs (ENTs) allow facilitated diffusion of nucleosides and the prototypic ENT, hENT1, is primarily localized to the plasma membrane (PM). hENT1 is responsible for the uptake of nucleoside analog drugs used in treating viral infections and cancer, but despite its clinical importance, virtually nothing is known about the dynamics of the hENT1 life cycle including trafficking to the PM, endocytosis and degradation. Therefore, we followed the life cycle of tagged hENT1 (GFP- or FLAG-) transiently transfected into mammalian cells to gain insight into the sequence of events, timing and underlying mechanisms regulating the hENT1 life cycle. Protein translocation to the PM was examined using fixed and live cell confocal microscopy while endocytosis and degradation were analyzed by cell surface biotinylation and [35S] pulse chase analysis respectively. We determined that tagged hENT1 is trafficked to the PM in association with microtubules and incorporated in the plasma membrane where it subsequently undergoes clathrin-mediated endocytosis and recycling. Finally, internalized protein is degraded via the lysosomal pathway and observations suggest the complete life cycle of tagged hENT1 within these cells is approximately 14 hours.  相似文献   


Human equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (hENT1) is a major route of entry of nucleosides and nucleoside analog drugs. The regulation of hENT1 is poorly understood in spite of its clinical importance as a drug transporter. Immunofluorescence microscopy and fluorescence-activated cell sorting suggested that cytidine pre-treatment (40 μM, 6 h) promotes hENT1 internalization in a way that does not affect either hENT1-mediated nucleoside uptake or gemcitabine-induced cytotoxicity. The Scatchard plot analyses of our NBTI binding data support previous speculations that hENT1 proteins exist as two sub-populations, and suggest that cytidine pre-treatment leads to the internalization of one population.  相似文献   

Glutamate transporters located in the brain maintain low synaptic concentrations of the neurotransmitter by coupling its flux to that of sodium and other cations. In the binding pocket of the archeal homologue GltPh, a conserved methionine residue has been implicated in the binding of the benzyl moiety of the nontransportable substrate analogue threo-β-benzyloxyaspartate. To determine whether the corresponding methionine residue of the neuronal glutamate transporter EAAC1, Met-367, fulfills a similar role, M367L, M367C, and M367S mutants were expressed in HeLa cells and Xenopus laevis oocytes to monitor radioactive transport and transport currents, respectively. The apparent affinity of the Met-367 mutants for d-aspartate and l-glutamate, but not for l-aspartate, was 10–20-fold reduced as compared with wild type. Unlike wild type, the magnitude of Imax was different for each of the three substrates. d-Glutamate, which is also a transportable substrate of EAAC1, did not elicit any detectable response with M367C and M367S but acted as a nontransportable substrate analogue in M367L. In the mutants, substrates inhibited the anion conductance as opposed to the stimulation observed with wild type. Remarkably, the apparent affinity of the blocker d,l-threo-β-benzyloxyaspartate in the mutants was similar to that of wild type EAAC1. Our results are consistent with the idea that the side chain of Met-367 fulfills a steric role in the positioning of the substrate in the binding pocket in a step subsequent to its initial binding.  相似文献   

The nucleobase-ascorbate transporter (NAT) signature motif is a conserved 11-amino acid sequence of the ubiquitous NAT/NCS2 family, essential for function and selectivity of both a bacterial (YgfO) and a fungal (UapA) purine-transporting homolog. We examined the role of NAT motif in more detail, using Cys-scanning and site-directed alkylation analysis of the YgfO xanthine permease of Escherichia coli. Analysis of single-Cys mutants in the sequence 315–339 for sensitivity to inactivation by 2-sulfonatoethyl methanethiosulfonate (MTSES) and N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) showed a similar pattern: highly sensitive mutants clustering at the motif sequence (323–329) and a short α-helical face downstream (332, 333, 336). In the presence of substrate, N325C is protected from alkylation with either MTSES or NEM, whereas sensitivity of A323C to inactivation by NEM is enhanced, shifting IC50 from 34 to 14 μm. Alkylation or sensitivity of the other mutants is unaffected by substrate; the lack of an effect on Q324C is attributed to gross inability of this mutant for high affinity binding. Site-directed mutants G333R and S336N at the α-helical face downstream the motif display specific changes in ligand recognition relative to wild type; G333R allows binding of 7-methyl and 8-methylxanthine, whereas S336N disrupts affinity for 6-thioxanthine. Finally, all assayable motif-mutants are highly accessible to MTSES from the periplasmic side. The data suggest that the NAT motif region lines the solvent- and substrate-accessible inner cavity, Asn-325 is at the binding site, Ala-323 responds to binding with a specific conformational shift, and Gly-333 and Ser-336 form part of the purine permeation pathway.  相似文献   

In the present study, one has determined the relative role of plasma membrane equilibrative (Na+-independent) ENT nucleoside transport proteins (particularly ENT2) in the uptake of antiviral nucleoside analogues for comparison with the previously reported drug transport properties of concentrative (Na+-dependent) CNT nucleoside transport proteins. The human and rat nucleoside transport proteins hENT1, rENT1, hENT2 and rENT2 were produced in Xenopus oocytes and investigated for their ability to transport three 3'-deoxy-nucleoside analogues, ddC (2' 3'-dideoxycytidine), AZT (3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine)and ddI (2' 3'-dideoxyinosine), used in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) therapy. The results show, for the first time, that the ENT2 transporter isoform represents a mechanism for cellular uptake of these clinically important nucleoside drugs. Recombinant h/rENT2 transported ddC, ddI and AZT, whilst h/rENT1 transported only ddC and ddI. Relative to uridine, h/rENT2 mediated substantially larger fluxes of ddC and ddI than h/rENT1. Transplanting the amino-terminal half of rENT2 into rENT1 rendered rENT1 transport-positive for AZT and enhanced the uptake of both ddC and ddI, identifying this region as a major site of 3'-deoxy-nucleoside drug interaction.  相似文献   

As ENT inhibitors including dilazep have shown efficacy improving oHSV1 targeted oncolytic cancer therapy, a series of dilazep analogues was synthesized and biologically evaluated to examine both ENT1 and ENT2 inhibition. The central diamine core, alkyl chains, ester linkage and substituents on the phenyl ring were all varied. Compounds were screened against ENT1 and ENT2 using a radio-ligand cell-based assay. Dilazep and analogues with minor structural changes are potent and selective ENT1 inhibitors. No selective ENT2 inhibitors were found, although some analogues were more potent against ENT2 than the parent dilazep.  相似文献   

Equilibrative nucleoside transporters play essential roles in nutrient uptake, cardiovascular and renal function, and purine analog drug chemotherapies. Limited structural information is available for this family of transporters; however, residues in transmembrane domains 1, 2, 4, and 5 appear to be important for ligand and inhibitor binding. In order to identify regions of the transporter that are important for ligand specificity, a genetic selection for mutants of the inosine-guanosine-specific Crithidia fasciculata nucleoside transporter 2 (CfNT2) that had gained the ability to transport adenosine was carried out in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nearly all positive clones from the genetic selection carried mutations at lysine 155 in transmembrane domain 4, highlighting lysine 155 as a pivotal residue governing the ligand specificity of CfNT2. Mutation of lysine 155 to asparagine conferred affinity for adenosine on the mutant transporter at the expense of inosine and guanosine affinity due to weakened contacts to the purine ring of the ligand. Following systematic cysteine-scanning mutagenesis, thiol-specific modification of several positions within transmembrane domain 4 was found to interfere with inosine transport capability, indicating that this helix lines the water-filled ligand translocation channel. Additionally, the pattern of modification of transmembrane domain 4 suggested that it may deviate from helicity in the vicinity of residue 155. Position 155 was also protected from modification in the presence of ligand, suggesting that lysine 155 is in or near the ligand binding site. Transmembrane domain 4 and particularly lysine 155 appear to play key roles in ligand discrimination and translocation by CfNT2.  相似文献   

FXYD proteins are a group of short single-span transmembrane proteins that interact with the Na(+)/K(+) ATPase and modulate its kinetic properties. This study characterizes intracellular trafficking of two FXYD family members, FXYD1 (phospholemman (PLM)) and FXYD7. Surface expression of PLM in Xenopus oocytes requires coexpression with the Na(+)/K(+) ATPase. On the other hand, the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger, another PLM-interacting protein could not drive it to the cell surface. The Na(+)/K(+) ATPase-dependent surface expression of PLM could be facilitated by either a phosphorylation-mimicking mutation at Thr-69 or a truncation of three terminal arginine residues. Unlike PLM, FXYD7 could translocate to the cell surface of Xenopus oocytes independently of the coexpression of α1β1 Na(+)/K(+) ATPase. The Na(+)/K(+) ATPase-independent membrane translocation of FXYD7 requires O-glycosylation of at least two of three conserved threonines in its ectodomain. Subsequent experiments in mammalian cells confirmed the role of conserved extracellular threonine residues and demonstrated that FXYD7 protein, in which these have been mutated to alanine, is trapped in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Nucleoside transporter inhibitors have potential therapeutic applications as anticancer, antiviral, cardioprotective, and neuroprotective agents. S6-(4-nitrobenzyl)mercaptopurine riboside (NBMPR) is a prototype inhibitor of the human equilibrative nucleoside transporter (hENT1), and is a high affinity ligand with a Kd of 0.1–1.0 nM. We have synthesized and flow cytometrically evaluated the binding affinity of a series of novel C2-purine position substituted analogs of NBMPR at the hENT1. The aim of this research was to understand the substituent requirements at the C2-purine position of NBMPR. Structure–activity relationships (SAR) indicate that increasing the steric bulk at the C2-purine position of NBMPR led to a decrease in binding affinity of these ligands at the hENT1. New high affinity inhibitors were identified, with the best compound, 2-fluoro-4-nitrobenzyl mercaptopurine riboside (7), exhibiting a Ki of 2.1 nM. This information, when coupled with the information obtained from other structure–activity relationship studies should prove useful in efforts aimed at modeling the NMBPR and analogs pharmacophore of hENT1 inhibitors.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous enzyme carbonic anhydrase isoform II (CAII) has been shown to enhance transport activity of the proton-coupled monocarboxylate transporters MCT1 and MCT4 in a non-catalytic manner. In this study, we investigated the role of cytosolic CAII and of the extracellular, membrane-bound CA isoform IV (CAIV) on the lactate transport activity of the high-affinity monocarboxylate transporter MCT2, heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes. In contrast to MCT1 and MCT4, transport activity of MCT2 was not altered by CAII. However, coexpression of CAIV with MCT2 resulted in a significant increase in MCT2 transport activity when the transporter was coexpressed with its associated ancillary protein GP70 (embigin). The CAIV-mediated augmentation of MCT2 activity was independent of the catalytic activity of the enzyme, as application of the CA-inhibitor ethoxyzolamide or coexpressing the catalytically inactive mutant CAIV-V165Y did not suppress CAIV-mediated augmentation of MCT2 transport activity. Furthermore, exchange of His-88, mediating an intramolecular H(+)-shuttle in CAIV, to alanine resulted only in a slight decrease in CAIV-mediated augmentation of MCT2 activity. The data suggest that extracellular membrane-bound CAIV, but not cytosolic CAII, augments transport activity of MCT2 in a non-catalytic manner, possibly by facilitating a proton pathway other than His-88.  相似文献   

Human Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter 1 (hENT1) is an integral membrane protein that transports nucleosides and analog drugs across cellular membranes. Very little is known about intracellular processing and localization of hENT1. Here we show that disruption of a highly conserved triplet (PWN) near the N-terminus, or the last eight C-terminal residues (two hydrophobic triplets separated by a positive arginine) result in loss of plasma membrane localization and/or transport function. To understand the role of specific residues within these regions, we studied the localization patterns of N- or C-terminal deletion and/or substitution mutants of GFP-hENT1 using confocal microscopy. Quantification of GFP-hENT1 (mutant and wildtype) protein at the plasma membrane was conducted using nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBTI) binding. Functionality of the GFP-hENT1 mutants was determined by heterologous expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes followed by measurement of uridine uptake. Mutation of the proline within the PWN motif disrupts plasma membrane localization. C-terminal mutations (primarily within the hydrophobic triplets) lead to hENT1 retention within the cell (e.g. in the ER). Some mutants still localize to the plasma membrane but show reduced transport activity. These data suggest that these two regions contribute to the structural integrity and thus correct processing and function of hENT1.  相似文献   

Harada E  Sugase K  Namba K  Iwashita T  Murata Y 《FEBS letters》2007,581(22):4298-4302
Hordeum vulgare L. yellow stripe 1 (HvYS1) is a selective transporter for Fe(III)-phytosiderophores, involved in primary iron acquisition from soils in barley roots. In contrast, Zea mays yellow stripe 1 (ZmYS1) in maize possesses broad substrate specificity, despite a high homology with HvYS1. Here we revealed, by assessing the transport activity of a series of HvYS1-ZmYS1 chimeras, that the outer membrane loop between the sixth and seventh transmembrane regions is essential for substrate specificity. Circular dichroism spectra indicated that a synthetic peptide corresponding to the loop of HvYS1 forms an alpha-helix in solution, whereas that of ZmYS1 is flexible. We propose that the structural difference at this particular loop determines the substrate specificity of the HvYS1 transporter.  相似文献   

Purine transport is essential for malaria parasites to grow because they lack the enzymes necessary for de novo purine biosynthesis. The Plasmodium falciparum Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter 1 (PfENT1) is a member of the equilibrative nucleoside transporter (ENT) gene family. PfENT1 is a primary purine transport pathway across the P. falciparum plasma membrane because PfENT1 knock-out parasites are not viable at physiologic extracellular purine concentrations. Topology predictions and experimental data indicate that ENT family members have eleven transmembrane (TM) segments although their tertiary structure is unknown. In the current work, we showed that a naturally occurring polymorphism, F394L, in TM11 affects transport substrate Km. We investigated the structure and function of the TM11 segment using the substituted cysteine accessibility method. We showed that mutation to Cys of two highly conserved glycine residues in a GXXXG motif significantly reduces PfENT1 protein expression levels. We speculate that the conserved TM11 GXXXG glycines may be critical for folding and/or assembly. Small, cysteine-specific methanethiosulfonate (MTS) reagents reacted with four TM11 Cys substitution mutants, L393C, I397C, T400C, and Y403C. Larger MTS reagents do not react with the more cytoplasmic positions. Hypoxanthine, a transported substrate, protected L393C, I397C, and T400C from covalent modification by the MTS reagents. Plotted on an α-helical wheel, Leu-393, Ile-397, and Thr-400 lie on one face of the helix in a 60° arc suggesting that TM11 is largely α helical. We infer that they line a water-accessible surface, possibly the purine permeation pathway. These results advance our understanding of the ENT structure.  相似文献   

Iodide (I(-)) is an essential constituent of the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine, which are required for the development of the central nervous system in the fetus and newborn. I(-) uptake in the thyroid is mediated by the Na(+)/I(-) symporter (NIS). NIS has gained particular medical interest due to its sensitivity to the environmental pollutant perchlorate (ClO(4)(-)) and its implication in radioiodide cancer treatment. Recently, others have shown that I(-) absorption in the intestine is mediated by NIS (Nicola, J. P., Basquin, C., Portulano, C., Reyna-Neyra, A., Paroder, M., and Carrasco, N. (2009) Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 296, C654-662). However, their data suggest the participation of other systems in the homeostasis of I(-), in particular because in vivo uptake studies revealed a ClO(4)(-)-insensitive transport component. Here, we describe Na(+)-coupled I(-) uptake by the human Na(+)/multivitamin transporter (hSMVT), a related protein isolated from the placenta, where it was suggested to supply the fetus with the water-soluble vitamins biotin and pantothenic acid, and α-lipoic acid. hSMVT-mediated Na(+)/I(-) symport is inhibited by the other three organic hSMVT substrates but not by NIS substrates; notably, hSMVT is insensitive to ClO(4)(-). Because hSMVT is found in the intestine and in many other tissues, we propose that hSMVT may play an important role in the homeostasis of I(-) in the body.  相似文献   

The rat gamma-aminobutyric acid transporter GAT1 expressed in Xenopus oocytes was labeled at Cys74, and at one or more other sites, by tetramethylrhodamine-5-maleimide, without significantly altering GAT1 function. Voltage-jump relaxation analysis showed that fluorescence increased slightly and monotonically with hyperpolarization; the fluorescence at -140 mV was approximately 0. 8% greater than at +60 mV. The time course of the fluorescence relaxations was mostly described by a single exponential with voltage-dependent but history-independent time constants ranging from approximately 20 ms at +60 mV to approximately 150 ms at -140 mV. The fluorescence did not saturate at the most negative potentials tested, and the midpoint of the fluorescence-voltage relation was at least 50 mV more negative than the midpoint of the charge-voltage relation previously identified with Na(+) binding to GAT1. The presence of gamma-aminobutyric acid did not noticeably affect the fluorescence waveforms. The fluorescence signal depended on Na(+) concentration with a Hill coefficient approaching 2. Increasing Cl(-) concentration modestly increased and accelerated the fluorescence relaxations for hyperpolarizing jumps. The fluorescence change was blocked by the GAT1 inhibitor, NO-711. For the W68L mutant of GAT1, the fluorescence relaxations occurred only during jumps to high positive potentials, in agreement with previous suggestions that this mutant is trapped in one conformational state except at these potentials. These observations suggest that the fluorescence signals monitor a novel state of GAT1, intermediate between the E*(out) and E(out) states of Hilgemann, D.W., and C.-C. Lu (1999. J. Gen. Physiol. 114:459-476). Therefore, the study provides verification that conformational changes occur during GAT1 function.  相似文献   

HBR1 (hemoglobin response gene 1) is an essential gene in Candida albicans that positively regulates mating type locus MTLα gene expression and thereby regulates cell type-specific developmental genes. Hbr1p contains a phosphate-binding loop (P-loop), a highly conserved motif characteristic of ATP- and GTP-binding proteins. Recombinant Hbr1p was isolated in an oligomeric state that specifically bound ATP with K(d) ~2 μM. ATP but not ADP, AMP, GTP, or dATP specifically protected Hbr1p from proteolysis by trypsin. Site-directed mutagenesis of the highly conserved P-loop lysine (K22Q) and the less conserved glycine (G19S) decreased the binding affinity for soluble ATP and ATP immobilized through its γ-phosphate. ATP bound somewhat more avidly than ATPγS to wild type and mutant Hbr1p. Although Hbr1p exhibits sequence motifs characteristic of adenylate kinases, and adenylate kinase and ATPase activities have been reported for the apparent human ortholog of Hbr1p, assays for adenylate kinase activity, autophosphorylation, and ATPase activity proved negative. Overexpression of wild type but not the mutant forms of Hbr1p restored MTlα2 expression in an HBR1/hbr1 mutant, indicating that ATP binding to the P-loop is necessary for this function of Hbr1p.  相似文献   

The polytopic 5-domain multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1) extrudes a variety of drugs and organic anions across the plasma membrane. Four charged residues in the fifth cytoplasmic loop (CL5) connecting transmembrane helix 9 (TM9) to TM10 are critical for stable expression of MRP1 at the plasma membrane. Thus Ala substitution of Lys(513), Lys(516), Glu(521), and Glu(535) all cause misfolding of MRP1 and target the protein for proteasome-mediated degradation. Of four chemical chaperones tested, 4-phenylbutyric acid (4-PBA) was the most effective at restoring expression of MRP1 mutants K513A, K516A, E521A, and E535A. However, although 4-PBA treatment of K513A resulted in wild-type protein levels (and activity), the same treatment had little or no effect on the expression of K516A. On the other hand, 4-PBA treatment allowed both E521A and E535A to exit the endoplasmic reticulum and be stably expressed at the plasma membrane. However, the 4-PBA-rescued E535A mutant exhibited decreased transport activity associated with reduced substrate affinity and conformational changes in both halves of the transporter. By contrast, E521A exhibited reduced transport activity associated with alterations in the mutant interactions with ATP as well as a distinct conformational change in the COOH-proximal half of MRP1. These findings illustrate the critical and complex role of CL5 for stable expression of MRP1 at the plasma membrane and more specifically show the differential importance of Glu(521) and Glu(535) in interdomain interactions required for proper folding and assembly of MRP1 into a fully transport competent native structure.  相似文献   

In most cells, cationic amino acids such as l-arginine, l-lysine, and l-ornithine are transported by cationic (CAT) and y+L (y+LAT) amino acid transporters. In human erythrocytes, the cysteine-modifying agent N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) has been shown to inhibit system y+ (most likely CAT-1), but not system y+L (Devés, R., Angelo, S., and Chávez, P. (1993) J. Physiol. 468, 753–766). We thus wondered if sensitivity to NEM distinguishes generally all CAT and y+LAT isoforms. Transport assays in Xenopus laevis oocytes established that indeed all human CATs (including the low affinity hCAT-2A), but neither y+LAT isoform, are inhibited by NEM. hCAT-2A inhibition was not due to reduced transporter expression in the plasma membrane, indicating that NEM reduces the intrinsic transporter activity. Individual mutation of each of the seven cysteine residues conserved in all CAT isoforms did not lead to NEM insensitivity of hCAT-2A. However, a cysteine-less mutant was no longer inhibited by NEM, suggesting that inhibition occurs through modification of more than one cysteine in hCAT-2A. Indeed, also the double mutant C33A/C273A was insensitive to NEM inhibition, whereas reintroduction of a cysteine at either position 33 or 273 in the cysteine-less mutant led to NEM sensitivity. We thus identified Cys-33 and Cys-273 in hCAT-2A as the targets of NEM inhibition. In addition, all proteins with Cys-33 mutations showed a pronounced reduction in transport activity, suggesting that, surprisingly, this residue, located in the cytoplasmic N terminus, is important for transporter function.  相似文献   

Membrane PTK7 pseudo-kinase plays an essential role in planar cell polarity and the non-canonical Wnt pathway in vertebrates. Recently, a new N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mutant named chuzhoi (chz) was isolated in mice. chz embryos have severe birth defects, including a defective neural tube, defective heart and lung development, and a shortened anterior-posterior body axis. The chz mutation was mapped to the Ala-Asn-Pro tripeptide insertion into the junction region between the fifth and the sixth Ig-like domains of PTK7. Unexpectedly, chz reduced membrane localization of the PTK7 protein. We hypothesized and then proved that the chz mutation caused an insertion of an additional membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase cleavage site in PTK7 and that the resulting aberrant proteolysis of chz affected the migratory parameters of the cells. It is likely that aberrations in the membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase/PTK7 axis are detrimental to cell movements that shape the body plan and that chz represents a novel model system for increasing our understanding of the role of proteolysis in developmental pathologies, including congenital defects.  相似文献   

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