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We have previously identified a stalk-specific wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-binding protein, wst34, in the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum [Biochem. Cell Biol. 68 (1990) 699]. Here, we found another stalk-specific WGA-binding protein, wst25, which was detected with two antisera that recognize wst34. Using the two marker proteins, we then analyzed and compared the pathways of prestalk-to-stalk maturation and prespore-to-stalk conversion in vitro and in vivo. Prestalk cells isolated from normally formed slugs can be converted to stalk cells (designated StI) in vitro with 8-bromo-cAMP (Br-cAMP), whereas prespore cells isolated from slugs can be converted to fully vacuolated stalk cells (designated StII) in vitro with Br-cAMP and DIF-1. During the process of prespore-to-stalk conversion, prespore-specific mRNAs, D19 and 2H3, disappeared rapidly, while prestalk-specific mRNAs, ecmA and ecmB, appeared at 2h of incubation and increased thereafter. Most importantly, however, the StII cells thus formed were biochemically different from the StI cells originated from prestalk cells; that is, StI cells expressed wst34 but not wst25, while StII cells expressed wst25 but not wst34. When prespore cells isolated from slugs were allowed to develop on a substratum, they differentiated into spores and stalk cells and formed fruiting bodies, and the stalk cells formed from prespore cells in vivo expressed wst25 but not wst34. The present results indicate that there are two types of stalk cells, StI (prestalk-origin) and StII (prespore-origin), and that wst34 and wst25 are the specific markers for StI and StII, respectively.  相似文献   

We observed the change in the physiological state of Escherichia coli cells at the initial stage for establishing a new symbiotic relationship with Dictyostelium discoideum cells. For the physiological state, we monitored green fluorescence intensity due to a green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene integrated into the chromosome by flow cytometry (FCM). On co-cultivation of the two species, a new population of E. coli cells with increased GFP concentration appeared, and when the formation of mucoidal colonies housing the coexisting two species began, most E. coli cells were from the new population. Further experiments suggest that the physiological change is induced by interaction with D. discoideum cells and is reversible, although the processes of the changes in both directions seem to proceed gradually. The observed phenotypic plasticity, together with natural selection under a co-cultivation environment, may be important for leading to the evolution of a new symbiotic system.  相似文献   

Characterizing Sec tRNAs that decode UGA provides one of the most direct and easiest means of determining whether an organism possesses the ability to insert selenocysteine (Sec) into protein. Herein, we used a combination of two techniques, computational to identify Sec tRNA genes and RT-PCR to sequence the gene products, to unequivocally demonstrate that two widely studied, model protozoans, Dictyostelium discoideum and Tetrahymena thermophila, encode Sec tRNA in their genomes. The advantage of using both procedures is that computationally we could easily detect potential Sec tRNA genes and then confirm by sequencing that the Sec tRNA was present in the tRNA population, and thus the identified gene was not a pseudogene. Sec tRNAs from both organisms decode UGA. T. thermophila Sec tRNA, like all other sequenced Sec tRNAs, is 90 nucleotides in length, while that from D. discoideum is 91 nucleotides long making it the longest eukaryotic sequenced to date. Evolutionary analyses of known Sec tRNAs reveal the two forms identified herein are the most divergent eukaryotic Sec tRNAs thus far sequenced.  相似文献   

Mutations in MYOC gene encoding myocilin are responsible for primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). In order to search for protein(s) that can interact with myocilin, we screened a human skeletal muscle cDNA library using yeast two-hybrid system and identified flotillin-1, a structural protein of lipid raft that is detergent-resistant and a liquid ordered microdomain, as a protein interacting with myocilin. The interaction was confirmed by in vitro glutathione S-transferase pulldown and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation studies. In yeast two-hybrid assay, the C-terminus of myocilin, an olfactomedin-like domain in which most mutations related to POAG are scattered, was found to be necessary and sufficient for the interaction. However, myocilins with mutations such as G364V, K423E, and Y437H on the domain failed to interact with flotillin-1. Although the physiological significance of the interaction has yet to be elucidated, our results showed that the alteration of the interaction by mutations in MYOC might be a key factor of the pathogenesis of POAG.  相似文献   

Im SH  Lee J 《FEBS letters》2003,554(3):455-461
Many protein components of telomeres, the multifunctional DNA-protein complexes at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes, have been identified in diverse species ranging from yeast to humans. In Caenorhabditis elegans, CEH-37 has been identified by a yeast one hybrid screen to be a double-stranded telomere-binding protein. However, the role of CEH-37 in telomere function is unclear because a deletion mutation in this gene does not cause severe telomere defects. This observation raises the possibility of the presence of genetic redundancy. To identify additional double-stranded telomere-binding proteins in C. elegans, we used a different approach, namely, a proteomic approach. Affinity chromatography followed by Finnigan LCQ ion trap mass spectrometer analysis allowed us to identify several candidate proteins. We further characterized one of these, HMG-5, which is encoded by F45E4.9. HMG-5 bound to double-stranded telomere in vitro as shown by competition assays. At least two telomeric DNA repeats were needed for this binding. HMG-5 was expressed in the nuclei of the oocytes and all embryonic cells, but not in the hatched larvae or adults. HMG-5 mainly localized to the chromosomal ends, indicating that HMG-5 also binds to telomeres in vivo. These observations suggest that HMG-5 may participate, together with CEH-37, in early embryogenesis by acting at the telomeres.  相似文献   

One condition for the evolution of altruism is genetic relatedness between altruist and beneficiary, often achieved through active kin recognition. Here, we investigate the power of a passive process resulting from genetic drift during population growth in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. We put labelled and unlabelled cells of the same clone in the centre of a plate, and allowed them to proliferate outward. Zones formed by genetic drift owing to the small population of actively growing cells at the colony edge. We also found that single cells could form zones of high relatedness. Relatedness increased at a significantly higher rate when food was in short supply. This study shows that relatedness can be significantly elevated before the social stage without a small founding population size or recognition mechanism.  相似文献   

Spalten (Spn), a member of the PP2C family of Ser/Thr protein phosphatases, is required for Dictyostelium cell-type differentiation and morphogenesis. We have identified a new protein kinase, ARCK-1, through a second site suppressor screen for mutants that allow spn null cells to proceed further through development. ARCK-1 has a C-terminal kinase domain most closely related to Ser/Thr protein kinases and an N-terminal putative regulatory domain with ankyrin repeats, a 14-3-3 binding domain, and a C1 domain, which is required for binding to RasBGTP in a two-hybrid assay. Disruption of the gene encoding ARCK-1 results in weak, late developmental defects. However, overexpression of ARCK-1 phenocopies the spn null phenotype, consistent with Spn and ARCK-1 being on the same developmental pathway. Our previous analyses of Spn and the present analysis of ARCK-1 suggest a model in which Spn and ARCK-1 differentially control the phosphorylation state of a protein that regulates cell-type differentiation. Dephosphorylation of the substrate by Spn is required for cell-type differentiation. Control of ARCK-1 and Spn activities by upstream signals is proposed to be part of the developmental regulatory program mediating cell-fate decisions in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

LARGE is a putative glycosyltransferase found to be mutated in mice with myodystrophy or patients with congenital muscular dystrophy. By homology searches, we identified in the Dictyostelium discoideum genome four open reading frames, i.e. gnt12-15, encoding proteins with sequence similarity to LARGE. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed distinct temporal expression patterns of the four gnt genes throughout Dictyostelium development. To explore the gene function, we performed targeted disruptions of gnt14 and gnt15. The gnt14(-) strains showed no obvious phenotypes. However, gnt15(-) cells grew slowly, changed in morphology, and displayed a developmental phenotype arresting at early stages. Compared with the wild type, gnt15(-) cells were more adhesive and exhibited altered levels of some surface adhesion molecules. Moreover, lectin-binding analysis demonstrated that gnt15 disruption affected profiles of membrane glycoproteins. Taken together, our data suggest that Gnt15 is essential for Dictyostelium development and may have a role in modulating cell adhesion and glycosylation.  相似文献   

The dodecamer universal minicircle sequence is a conserved sequence present in minicircles of trypanosomatid kinetoplast DNA studied so far. This sequence is recognised by a protein named universal minicircle sequence binding protein, described for Crithidia fasciculata, involved in minicircle DNA replication. We have identified a Trypanosoma cruzi gene homologue of the Crithidia fasciculata universal minicircle sequence binding protein. Similar to the Crithidia fasciculata universal minicircle sequence binding protein, the Trypanosoma cruzi protein, named PDZ5, contains five zinc finger motifs. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis indicated that the pdz5 gene is located in the chromosomal band XX of the Trypanosoma cruzi genome. The predicted amino acid sequence of PDZ5 shows a high degree of similarity with several trypanosomatid zinc finger proteins. Specific antibody raised against Crithidia fasciculata universal minicircle sequence binding protein recognises both the recombinant and endogenous PDZ5. The complete pdz5 coding sequence cloned in bacteria expresses a recombinant PDZ5 protein that binds specifically to the universal minicircle sequence dodecamer. These data strongly suggest that PDZ5 represents a Trypanosoma cruzi universal minicircle sequence binding protein.  相似文献   

Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive-factor Attachment protein Receptors (SNAREs) participate in the specificity of membrane fusions in the cell. The mechanisms of specific SNARE sorting are still however poorly documented. We investigated the possible role of Adaptor Protein (AP) complexes in sorting of the Dictyostelium discoideum v-SNARE VAMP7. In live cells, GFP-VAMP7 is observed in the membrane of endocytic compartments. It is also observed in the plasma membrane of a small proportion of the cells. Mutation of a potential dileucine motif dramatically increases the proportion of cells with GFP-VAMP7 in their plasma membrane, strongly supporting the participation of an AP complex in VAMP7 sorting to the endocytic pathway. A partial increase occurs in knockout cells for the medium subunits of AP-2 and AP-3 complexes, indicating a role for both AP-2 and AP-3. VAMP7, as well as its t-SNAREs partners syntaxin 8 and Vti1, are co-immunoprecipitated with each of the medium subunits of the AP-1, AP-2, AP-3 and AP-4 complexes. This result supports the conclusion that VAMP7 directly interacts with both AP-2 and AP-3. It also raises the hypothesis of an interaction with AP-1 and AP-4. GFP-VAMP7 is retrieved from the endocytic pathway at and/or before the late post-lysosomal stage through an AP-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

The disruption of the gene encoding the Dictyostelium Ras subfamily protein, RasC, results in a strain that does not aggregate and has defects in both cAMP signal relay and cAMP chemotaxis. Disruption of a second gene in the rasC(-) strain by Restriction Enzyme Mediated Integration produced cells that were capable of forming multicellular structures in plaques on bacterial lawns. The disrupted gene (dmpA) encoded a novel membrane protein that was designated Dmp1. Although the rasC(-)/dmpA(-) cells progressed through early development, they did not form aggregation streams on a plastic surface under submerged starvation conditions. Phosphorylation of PKB in response to cAMP, which is significantly reduced in rasC(-) cells, remained low in the rasC(-)/dmpA(-) cells. However, in spite of this low PKB phosphorylation, the rasC(-)/dmpA(-) cells underwent efficient chemotaxis to cAMP in a spatial gradient. Cyclic AMP accumulation, which was greatly reduced in the rasC(-) cells, was restored in the rasC(-)/dmpA(-) strain, but cAMP relay in these cells was not apparent. These data indicate that although the rasC(-)/dmpA(-) cells were capable of associating to form multicellular structures, normal aggregative cell signaling was clearly not restored. Disruption of the dmpA gene in a wild-type background resulted in cells that exhibited a slight defect in aggregation and a more substantial defect in late development. These results indicate that, in addition to the role played by Dmp1 in aggregation, it is also involved in late development.  相似文献   

The polyketide DIF-1 induces Dictyostelium amoebae to form stalk cells in culture. To better define its role in normal development, we examined the phenotype of a mutant blocking the first step of DIF-1 synthesis, which lacks both DIF-1 and its biosynthetic intermediate, dM-DIF-1 (des-methyl-DIF-1). Slugs of this polyketide synthase mutant (stlB) are long and thin and rapidly break up, leaving an immotile prespore mass. They have ∼ 30% fewer prestalk cells than their wild-type parent and lack a subset of anterior-like cells, which later form the outer basal disc. This structure is missing from the fruiting body, which perhaps in consequence initiates culmination along the substratum. The lower cup is rudimentary at best and the spore mass, lacking support, slips down the stalk. The dmtA methyltransferase mutant, blocked in the last step of DIF-1 synthesis, resembles the stlB mutant but has delayed tip formation and fewer prestalk-O cells. This difference may be due to accumulation of dM-DIF-1 in the dmtA mutant, since dM-DIF-1 inhibits prestalk-O differentiation. Thus, DIF-1 is required for slug migration and specifies the anterior-like cells forming the basal disc and much of the lower cup; significantly the DIF-1 biosynthetic pathway may supply a second signal - dM-DIF-1.  相似文献   

Powerful capillary electrophoresis (CE) methods were developed for monitoring the reaction of ecto-5'-nucleotidase (ecto-5'-NT, CD73), a (patho)biochemically important enzyme that hydrolyzes nucleoside-5'-monophosphates to the corresponding nucleosides. The enzymatic reaction was performed either before injection into the capillary (method A) or directly within the capillary (method B). In method A, separation of substrates and products was achieved within 8 min using an eCAP fused-silica capillary (20 cm effective length, 75 microM i.d., UV detection at 260 nm), 40 mM sodium borate buffer (pH 9.1), normal polarity, and a constant voltage of 15 kV. In method B, the sandwich technique was applied; substrate dissolved in reaction buffer (10mM Hepes [pH 7.4], 2mM MgCl2, and 1mM CaCl2) was hydrodynamically injected into a fused-silica capillary (30 cm, 75 microM i.d.), followed by enzyme (recombinant rat ecto-5'-NT) and subsequent injection of substrate solution. The reaction was initiated by the application of 1 kV voltage for 1 min. The voltage was turned off for 1 min and again turned on at a constant voltage of 15 kV to elute products (nucleosides) within 4 min using borate buffer (40 mM, pH 9.1). Thus, assays could be performed within 6 min, including enzymatic reaction, separation, and quantification of the formed nucleoside. The CE methods were used for measuring enzyme kinetics and for assaying inhibitors and substrates. In addition, the online assay was successfully applied to melanoma cell membrane preparations natively expressing the human ecto-5'-NT.  相似文献   

Citrate synthase is a central player in the acidogenic metabolism of Aspergillus niger. The 5′ upstream sequence (0.9 kb DNA) of citrate synthase gene (citA) from A. niger NCIM 565 was analyzed and its promoter function demonstrated through the heterologous expression of two proteins. The cloned citrate synthase promoter (PcitA) sequence was able to express bar coding sequence thereby conferring phosphinothricin resistance. This sequence was further analyzed by systematic deletions to define an effective but compact functional promoter. The PcitA driven egfp expression showed that PcitA was active in all differentiation cell-stages of A. niger. EGFP expression was highest on non-repressible carbon sources like acetate and glycerol. Mycelial EGFP levels increased during acidogenic growth suggesting that PcitA is functional throughout this cultivation. A. niger PcitA is the first Krebs cycle gene promoter used to express heterologous proteins in filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

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