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Membrane complement regulatory proteins (mCRPs) inhibit complement-mediated killing of human cells by human complement, a property that confers protection from complement to malignant breast cancer cells and that thwarts some immunotherapies. Metabolic mechanisms may come into play in protecting cancer cells from the complement system subsequent to relatively low levels of complement deposition.


In differentiating these mechanisms, two types of human breast cancer cell lines, MCF7 (adenocarcinoma) and Bcap37 (medullary carcinoma) were cell-cycle synchronized using glutamine-deprivation followed by restoration. These cells were examined for the expression of two mCRPs (CD59 and CD55), and for subsequent susceptibility to antibody-mediated complement-induced membrane damage. After glutamine restoration, MCF7 and Bcap37 cells were synchronized into the G2/M phase and an average increased expression of CD59 and CD55 occurred with a corresponding resistance to complement-mediated damage. Blocking CD59 inhibitory function with monoclonal antibody revealed that CD59 played a key role in protecting unsynchronized Bcap37 and MCF7 cancer cells from the complement membrane attack complex. Interestingly, glutamine-deprivation did not significantly affect the expression of proteins e.g., the surface level of CD59 or CD55, but did increase the susceptibility to complement-mediated killing. One possible explanation is that glutamine-deprivation may have slowed the turnover rate of mCRPs, preventing the cells from replacing pre-existing mCRPs, as they became neutralized by covalent C4b and C3b depositions.


Taken together the findings are consistent with the conclusion that future immunotherapies should aim to achieve a highly specific and profound activation and deposition of complement as well as to disrupt the synthesis and expression of CD59 and CD55 by the cancer cells.  相似文献   

A specific DNA unwinding activity associated with SV40 large T antigen   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The incubation of highly purified large T antigen with relaxed, circular SV40 DNA in the presence of topoisomerase I (nicking closing enzyme) resulted in the introduction of negative superhelical turns in the DNA. ATP was not required for this reaction. A similar introduction of superhelical turns could also be obtained when a recombinant plasmid DNA (Y182), which contains sequences from both SV40 DNA and pBR322, was used. However, no effect was observed when relaxed pBR322 DNA, which does not contain SV40 DNA sequences, was incubated with T antigen in the presence of topoisomerase. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that large T antigen can recognize and unwind specific sequences on SV40 DNA.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 large T antigen (T) can transform cultured cells, but the mechanisms by which it functions are not entirely understood. Several lines of evidence have suggested that the amino-terminal approximately 130 residues of T may be sufficient to confer the transforming capability. Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis was used to generate a series of deletion and substitution mutants within the amino-terminal 82 residues of T, the segment which is shared with simian virus 40 small t antigen (t). Results of stability and transformation assays of these mutants strongly suggest that the 1-to-82 region of T contains sequences which govern T transforming activity and affect in vivo stability. Instability and a defect in transforming activity could be separated from one another genetically. Thus, the 1-to-82 region appears to contain a specific region that contributes to the transforming function of the protein. This segment operates by means other than the simple binding of pRb and/or p107.  相似文献   

To better define protein-DNA interactions at a eukaryotic origin, the domain of simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen that specifically interacts with the SV40 origin has been purified and its binding to DNA has been characterized. Evidence is presented that the affinity of the purified T antigen DNA-binding domain for the SV40 origin is comparable to that of the full-length T antigen. Furthermore, stable binding of the T antigen DNA-binding domain to the SV40 origin requires pairs of pentanucleotide recognition sites separated by approximately one turn of a DNA double helix and positioned in a head-to-head orientation. Although two pairs of pentanucleotides are present in the SV40 origin, footprinting and band shift experiments indicate that binding is limited to dimer formation on a single pair of pentanucleotides. Finally, it is demonstrated that the T antigen DNA-binding domain interacts poorly with single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

We have transduced adult human alveolar bone (AB) cells with a gene construct encoding a temperature-sensitive mutation of the SV40 large T antigen (tsT). Such cells divided rapidly, for more than 50 passages thus far, at a permissive low temperature (34.5 degrees C), comparable to the non-transduced parental cells at 37 degrees C. However, the tsT-transduced AB cells failed to grow at a non-permissive high temperature (39 degrees C) at which the T antigen is inactivated. Nevertheless, the cells formed mineralised nodules in vitro at both the low and high temperatures. Flow cytometry analysis showed that the transduced cells cultured at 34.5 degrees C, like the parental cells at 37 degrees C, were smaller and less granular than the transduced cells incubated at 39 degrees C. Moreover, the transduced cells grown at 34.5 degrees C were also found to express bone sialoprotein, osteopontin and type I collagen at levels similar to those of the parental cells at 37 degrees C, although osteonectin and fibronectin were down-regulated. When the transduced cells were incubated at 39 degrees C, the expression of all antigens was up-regulated, particularly osteonectin. Thus, we have obtained long-term cultures of tsT-transduced AB cells whose growth is temperature-dependent and which express certain features characteristic of bone-derived cells.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen-transformed cells typically show a markedly reduced serum requirement for growth and the inability to growth arrest and differentiate. An SV40 large T antigen-transformed 3T3 T cell line, CSV3-1, that can growth arrest and differentiate into adipocytes with high efficiency has, however, recently been described (Scott et al: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86:1652-1656, 1989; Estervig et al: J. Virol. 63:2718-2725, 1989; J. Cell. Physiol. 142:552-558, 1990). The results of the current studies using these cells show that whereas quiescent 3T3 T cells show no mitogenic response to insulin, quiescent CSV3-1 cells show a highly significant insulin-induced mitogenic responsiveness in the absence of other added growth factors. Maximum mitogenesis was observed at an insulin concentration of 1 microgram/ml, which induced 40-70% of the cells to undergo DNA synthesis within 48 hours. The half maximum response was achieved with 1-10 ng/ml of insulin. Insulin's mitogenic effect on CSV3-1 cells was evident under several different culture conditions that induce quiescence and was not mediated by any detectable autocrine growth factors that might make CSV3-1 cells competent to respond to insulin. In CSV3-1 cells insulin appears to act on its own receptor rather than on the IGF-1 receptor, because at comparable dosages IGF-1 is 10- to 100-fold less effective than insulin. Insulin also is shown to be a mitogen for another SV40-transformed cell line, CSV3-35, which can be growth arrested; in contrast insulin has no mitogenic effect on two control cell lines that are stably transfected with pSV2neo, a plasmid containing SV40 early promoter/enhancer but lacking large T antigen gene: These results suggest a significant relationship between SV40 T antigen-associated transformation and the expression of mitogenic responsiveness to insulin.  相似文献   

A mutant SV40 genome carrying a frameshift at the carboxyl terminus of the large T antigen failed to replicate SV40 DNA and to transform rat2 cells, although the altered region is known to be dispensable for these functions. The mutant T antigen also failed to localize normally in the nucleus and interfered with nuclear localization of at least one other nuclear protein, adenovirus fiber. A double mutant carrying an additional lesion in the nuclear localization signal was also localized in the cytoplasm, but regained the ability to transform rat2 cells and no longer affected the nuclear localization of fiber protein. We suggest that the frameshift T antigen may disrupt a mechanism required for nuclear localization of proteins.  相似文献   

SV40 large tumor antigen (T antigen): database of mutants.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The SV40 T antigen database (http://www.pitt.edu/pipaslab/) lists viruses and plasmids expressing mutant forms of large T antigen. Each entry contains information regarding the mutant designation, mutant type, virus strain, nucleotide change, amino acid change and pertinent references. The database is now available as an internet searchable index.  相似文献   

Large T antigen (large T) extracted from SV40-infected or transformed cells exhibits an in vitro protein kinase activity, whose origin and biological significance up to now had been obscure. We have addressed the questions of whether this activity is intrinsic to large T or arises by association with a cellular kinase, and, furthermore, whether this activity might play a biological role in vivo. Instead of analyzing large T from whole-cell lysates, where non-specific association of a cellular kinase(s) with large T might easily occur, we analyzed individual cellular subclasses of large T, isolated from their in vivo locations. In contrast to large T isolated from whole-cell lysates which was always kinase positive, none of the cellular subclasses of large T prepared by in situ fractionation of SV40-transformed mKSA cells exhibited detectable in vitro kinase activity. We could demonstrate that our fractionation conditions neither inactivated the large T-associated kinase activity nor dissociated it from large T when they were applied to kinase-positive large T isolated from whole-cell lysates. We conclude that large T does not contain an intrinsic kinase activity. This conclusion was further supported by our finding that it was possible to remove the large T-associated kinase activity from kinase-positive large T preparations and to reconstitute it by incubating the kinase-negative large T with cell lysates from various cell lines. Therefore, the simplest way of interpreting our results is that the in vitro kinase activity measured with large T preparations from whole-cell lysates is the result of an in vitro association of a cellular kinase(s) with large T during certain conditions of cell lysis.  相似文献   

The murine preosteoblastic cell line, MC3T3-E1, is widely used to study bone formation and differentiation in vitro. However, this cell line is unstable in culture. The current study was designed to establish a stable osteoblastic cell line. A mammalian expression vector carrying the SV 40 large T antigen was introduced into a primary culture of cells isolated from the calvaria of newborn mice. Among isolated cell lines, the MN16 cell line was selected for further characterization. The MN16 cell line was cultured for 28 days, and compared with the MC3T3-E1 cell line with or without induction. The expression of bone-related genes was examined using the real-time RT-PCR technique. Alizarin red and von Kossa staining were used to detect mineralization of nodules in the cultures. The cell line showed the characteristics of osteoblastic cells in term of gene expression patterns of various molecular markers and calcium deposition in the cell layer after induction. Furthermore, the MN16 cells showed strong adhesion to the basic domain of collagen, a result that is specific for bone-derived cells. The MN16 cell line was found to be stably differentiated into bone formation cells in vitro and should be useful for studying bone biology.  相似文献   

Physical and functional interactions of simian virus 40 (SV40) and polyomavirus large-T antigens with DNA polymerase alpha-primase were analyzed to elucidate the molecular basis for the species specificity of polymerase alpha-primase in viral DNA replication. SV40 T antigen associated more efficiently with polymerase alpha-primase in crude human extracts than in mouse extracts, while polyomavirus T antigen interacted preferentially with polymerase alpha-primase in mouse extracts. The apparent species specificity of complex formation was not observed when purified polymerase alpha-primases were substituted for the crude extracts. Several functional interactions between T antigen and purified polymerase alpha-primase, including stimulation of primer synthesis and primer elongation on M13 DNA in the presence or absence of the single-stranded DNA binding protein RP-A, also proved to be independent of the species from which polymerase alpha-primase had been purified. However, the human DNA polymerase alpha-primase was specifically required for primosome assembly and primer synthesis on SV40 origin DNA in the presence of T antigen and RP-A.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes have a finite and predictable proliferative life span in culture similar to that observed in fibroblasts. In general, the senescence of human fibroblasts is inevitable and irreversible, but their proliferative life span can be extended by certain DNA tumor virus oncogenes, such as the large T antigen of the SV40 virus. Here, we show that human T lymphocytes (HTL) can be stably transfected with SV40 large T and that expression of T antigen extended the life span of T cell cultures. PHA-stimulated HTL were transfected with pSV3neo, an expression vector containing the SV40 early region and the neomycin resistance gene. Transfectants were selected for neomycin (G418) resistance. Control HTL, either mock transfected or transfected with pSV2neo (containing the neomycin resistance gene only), ceased proliferation after about 17 population doublings. In contrast, HTL transfected with pSV3neo underwent more than 170 doublings. pSV3neo-transfected cells expressed SV40 large T RNA, detectable by in situ hybridization, and SV40 T antigen, detectable by immunofluorescence. Greater than 95% of the transfected cells were CD4 positive. These results clearly show that SV40 large T enables HTL to escape senescence. Transfection with SV40 large T may be a valuable method for obtaining long term human T cell lines for studies of both aging and immunology.  相似文献   

The authors conducted a high-throughput screening campaign for inhibitors of SV40 large T antigen ATPase activity to identify candidate antivirals that target the replication of polyomaviruses. The primary assay was adapted to 1536-well microplates and used to screen the National Institutes of Health Molecular Libraries Probe Centers Network library of 306 015 compounds. The primary screen had an Z value of ~0.68, signal/background = 3, and a high (5%) DMSO tolerance. Two counterscreens and two secondary assays were used to prioritize hits by EC(50), cytotoxicity, target specificity, and off-target effects. Hits that inhibited ATPase activity by >44% in the primary screen were tested in dose-response efficacy and eukaryotic cytotoxicity assays. After evaluation of hit cytotoxicity, drug likeness, promiscuity, and target specificity, three compounds were chosen for chemical optimization. Chemical optimization identified a class of bisphenols as the most effective biochemical inhibitors. Bisphenol A inhibited SV40 large T antigen ATPase activity with an IC(50) of 41 μM in the primary assay and 6.2 μM in a cytoprotection assay. This compound class is suitable as probes for biochemical investigation of large T antigen ATPase activity, but because of their cytotoxicity, further optimization is necessary for their use in studying polyomavirus replication in vivo.  相似文献   

Mutations at multiple sites within the simian virus 40 (SV40) early region yield large T antigens which interfere trans dominantly with the replicative activities of wild-type T antigen. A series of experiments were conducted to study possible mechanisms of interference with SV40 DNA replication caused by these mutant T antigens. First, the levels of wild-type T antigen expression in cells cotransfected with wild-type and mutant SV40 DNAs were examined; approximately equal levels of wild-type T antigen were seen, regardless of whether the cotransfected mutant was trans dominant or not. Second, double mutants that contained the mutation of inA2827, a strong trans-dominant mutation with a 12-bp linker inserted at the position encoding amino acid 520, and various mutations in other parts of the large-T-antigen coding region were constructed. The trans-dominant interference of inA2827 was not affected by second mutations within the p105Rb binding site or the amino or carboxy terminus of large T antigen. Mutation of the nuclear localization signal partially reduced the trans dominance of inA2827. The large T antigen of mutant inA2815 contains an insertion of 4 amino acids at position 168 of large T; this T antigen fails to bind SV40 DNA but is not trans dominant for DNA replication. The double mutant containing the mutations of both inA2815 and in A2827 was not trans dominant. The large T antigen of dlA2433 lacks amino acids 587 to 589, was unstable, and failed to bind p53. Combining the dlA2433 mutation with the inA2827 mutation also reversed the trans dominance completely, but the effect of the dlA2433 mutation on trans dominance can be explained by the instability of this double mutant protein. In addition, we examined several mutants with conservative point mutations in the DNA binding domain and found that most of them were not trans dominant. The implications of the results of these experiments on possible mechanisms of trans dominance are discussed.  相似文献   

The simian virus 40 large T antigen immortalizes growing primary cells in culture. In addition, this viral oncoprotein cooperates with an activated ras protein to produce dense foci on monolayers of rat embryo fibroblasts (REF). The relationship between independent immortalization and cooperative transformation with ras has not been defined. Previously, two regions of T antigen were shown to contain immortalization activities. An N-terminal fragment consisting of amino acids 1 to 147 immortalizes rodent cells (L. Sompayrac and K. J. Danna, Virology 181:412-415, 1991). Loss-of-function analysis indicated that immortalization depended on integrity of the T-antigen segments containing amino acids 351 to 450 and 533 to 626 (T. D. Kierstead and M. J. Tevethia, J. Virol. 67:1817-1829, 1993). The experiments described here were directed toward determining whether these same T-antigen regions were sufficient for cooperation with ras. Initially, constructs that produce T antigens containing amino acids 176 to 708 (T176-708) or 1 to 147 were tested in a ras cooperation assay. Both polypeptides cooperated with ras to produce dense foci on monolayers of primary REF. These results showed that T antigen contains two separate ras cooperation activities. In order to determine the N-terminal limit of the ras cooperation activity contained within the T176-708 polypeptide, a series of constructs designed to produce fusion proteins containing T-antigen segments beginning at residues 251, 301, 337, 351, 371, 401, 451, 501, 551, 601, and 651 was generated. Each of these constructs was tested for the capacity to cooperate with ras to produce dense foci on REF monolayers. The results indicated that a polypeptide containing T-antigen amino acids 251 to 708 (T251-708) was sufficient to cooperate with ras, whereas the more extensively truncated products were not. The abilities of the N-terminally truncated T antigens to bind p53 were examined in p53-deficient cells infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing a phenotypically wild-type mouse p53. The results showed that polypeptides containing T-antigen amino acids 251 to 708, 301 to 708, 337 to 708, or 351 to 708 retained p53-binding capacity. The introduction into the T251-708 polypeptide of deletions that either prevented p53 binding (dl434-444) or did not prevent p53 binding (dl400) abrogated ras cooperation. These results indicated that although p53 binding may be necessary for ras cooperation, an additional, as-yet-undefined activity contained within the T251-708 polypeptide is needed.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase activity associated with SV40 large tumor antigen.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Purified preparations of simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor antigen (LT) from three different sources, including LT expressed from a recombinant baculovirus, were found to relax negatively supercoiled cyclic DNA molecules, whether or not they contained SV40 sequences. Relaxation was stimulated by MgCl2 but not by ATP, and inhibited by camptothecin, suggesting the involvement of an enzymatic activity similar to that of topoisomerase I (topo I). However, the pH requirements for relaxation by respectively LT and topo I are different. Also, antibodies reacting with LT inhibited relaxation by preparations of LT but not topo I, whereas antibodies inhibiting relaxation by topo I had no effect on relaxation by LT. Reconstruction experiments suggested that both procedures used to purify LT, immunoaffinity chromatography and DEAE-Sepharose chromatography, separate topo I from LT. Finally, relaxing activity was found in over 40 preparations of LT, and in the few instances where activity could not be found, it probably had been lost during storage, rather than absent from the start. Whereas these results seem to exclude that the activity being detected is that of a contaminant of LT, they would be consistent with this activity being that of a stable topo-LT complex, or else intrinsic to LT itself.  相似文献   

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