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The aim of this study is to assess and compare the performance of commonly used hierarchical, partitional (k-means) and Gaussian model-based (Expectation–Maximization algorithm) clustering techniques to appropriately identify subgroup patterns within vertical ground reaction force data, using a continuous waveform analysis. In addition, we also compared the performance across each technique using normalized and non-normalization input scores. Both generated and real data (one hundred and twenty two vertical jumps) were analyzed. The performance of each cluster technique was measured by assessing the ability to explain variances in jump height using a stepwise regression analysis. Only k-means (normalized scores; 82%) and hierarchical clustering (normalized scores; 85%) were able to extend the ability to describe variances in jump height beyond that achieved using the group analysis (i.e. one cluster; 78%). Further, our findings strongly indicate the need to normalize the input data (similarity measure) when clustering. In contrast to the group analysis, the subgroup analysis was able to identify cluster specific phases of variance, which improved the ability to explain variances in jump height, due to the identification of cluster specific predictor variables. Our findings therefore highlight the benefit of performing a subgroup analysis and may explain, at least in part, the contrasting findings between previous studies that used a single group level of analysis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to calculate, as a function of time, segmental contributions to the vertical ground reaction force Fz from positional data for the landing phase in running. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the method, time histories of the sum of the segmental contributions were compared to Fz(t) measured directly by a force plate.

The human body was modeled as a system of seven rigid segments. During running the positions of markers defining these segments were monitored using a video analysis system operating at 200 Hz. Special care was taken to minimize marker movement relative to the mass centers of segments, and low-pass cutoff frequencies of 50 Hz (markers defining leg segments) and 15–20 Hz (markers defining upper body) were used in filtering the position time histories so as to ensure that high signal frequencies were preserved. The magnitude of the high-frequency peak in Fz, also known as ‘impact force peak’, was estimated with errors <10%, while the time of occurrence of the peak was estimated with errors <5 ms. It would appear that the positional data were sufficiently accurate to be used for calculation of intersegmental forces and moments during the landing phase in running.

Analysis of the segmental contributions to Fz(t) revealed that the first peak in Fz has its origin in the contribution of support leg segments, while its magnitude is determined primarily by the contribution of the rest of the body. These contributions could be varied independently by changing running style. It follows that if the possible relationship between ‘impact force peaks’ and injuries is to be investigated, or if the effects of running shoe and surface construction on these force peaks are to be evaluated, the calculation of segmental contributions to Fz(t) is a more suitable approach than measuring only Fz(t).  相似文献   

Wearable technology has been viewed as one of the plausible alternatives to capture human motion in an unconstrained environment, especially during running. However, existing methods require kinematic and kinetic measurements of human body segments and can be complicated. This paper investigates the use of neural network model (NN) and accelerometer to estimate vertical ground reaction force (VGRF). An experimental study was conducted to collect sufficient samples for training, validation and testing. The estimated results were compared with VGRF measured using an instrumented treadmill. The estimates yielded an average root mean square error of less than 0.017 of the body weight (BW) and a cross-correlation coefficient greater than 0.99. The results also demonstrated that NN could estimate impact force and active force with average errors ranging between 0.10 and 0.18 of BW at different running speeds. Using NN and uniaxial accelerometer can (1) simplify the estimation of VGRF, (2) reduce the computational requirement and (3) reduce the necessity of multiple wearable sensors to obtain relevant parameters.  相似文献   

Coordination in vertical jumping   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The present study was designed to investigate for vertical jumping the relationships between muscle actions, movement pattern and jumping achievement. Ten skilled jumpers performed jumps with preparatory countermovement. Ground reaction forces and cinematographic data were recorded. In addition, myoelectric activity (EMG) was recorded from seven leg muscles. EMG-signals were rectified and low-pass filtered to obtain EMG-levels. The latter, which were assumed to reflect activation levels, rose to a plateau in the sequence m. semitendinosus, long head of m. biceps femoris, m. gluteus maximus, m. vastus medialis, m. rectus femoris, m. soleus, m. gastrocnemius. It was attempted to link the EMG-pattern to the purpose of the push-off, namely to maximize the effective energy (Ey) of the mass center of the body (MCB). The term Ey designates the sum of the potential energy of MCB and the kinetic energy due to the vertical velocity of MCB. One of the requirements for maximization of Ey is that the mono-articular extensor muscles release as much energy as possible before toe-off occurs. It is argued that this requirement can only be satisfied if the vertical velocity differences between the proximal and distal ends of body segments reach their peaks in a sequence. The sequence that is realized by the pattern of muscular activation is upper body, upper legs, lower legs, feet. Another important requirement is that the mechanical energy released by the muscles is optimally used. This requirement can be satisfied by transportation of energy via the biarticular m. rectus femoris and m. gastrocnemius.  相似文献   

Activities of daily living (ADLs) generate complex, multidirectional forces in the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). While calibration problems preclude direct measurement in patients, ACL forces can conceivably be measured in animals after technical challenges are overcome. For example, motion and force sensors can be implanted in the animal but investigators must determine the extent to which these sensors and surgery affect normal gait. Our objectives in this study were to determine (1) if surgically implanting knee motion sensors and an ACL force sensor significantly alter normal ovine gait and (2) how increasing gait speed and grade on a treadmill affect ovine gait before and after surgery. Ten skeletally mature, female sheep were used to test four hypotheses: (1) surgical implantation of sensors would significantly decrease average and peak vertical ground reaction forces (VGRFs) in the operated limb, (2) surgical implantation would significantly decrease single limb stance duration for the operated limb, (3) increasing treadmill speed would increase VGRFs pre- and post operatively, and (4) increasing treadmill grade would increase the hind limb VGRFs pre- and post operatively. An instrumented treadmill with two force plates was used to record fore and hind limb VGRFs during four combinations of two speeds (1.0 m/s and 1.3 m/s) and two grades (0 deg and 6 deg). Sensor implantation decreased average and peak VGRFs less than 10% and 20%, respectively, across all combinations of speed and grade. Sensor implantation significantly decreased the single limb stance duration in the operated hind limb during inclined walking at 1.3 m/s but had no effect on single limb stance duration in the operated limb during other activities. Increasing treadmill speed increased hind limb peak (but not average) VGRFs before surgery and peak VGRF only in the unoperated hind limb during level walking after surgery. Increasing treadmill grade (at 1 m/s) significantly increased hind limb average and peak VGRFs before surgery but increasing treadmill grade post op did not significantly affect any response measure. Since VGRF values exceeded 80% of presurgery levels, we conclude that animal gait post op is near normal. Thus, we can assume normal gait when conducting experiments following sensor implantation. Ultimately, we seek to measure ACL forces for ADLs to provide design criteria and evaluation benchmarks for traditional and tissue engineered ACL repairs and reconstructions.  相似文献   

A method was developed to quantify the ground reaction force pattern of the horse. A number of selected force amplitudes and peak-time positions in the normalized stance phase of left and right contralateral limbs were used to calculate symmetry indices. Data from each limb were compared with those of a 'standard horse' resulting in limb indices. The combination of amplitude and peak-time symmetry and limb indices yielded one H(orse)INDEX. These indices were useful for comparison of different horses and for the evaluation of lameness and treatment.  相似文献   

Weconstructed a force treadmill to measure the vertical, horizontal andlateral components of the ground-reaction forces (Fz,Fy,Fx, respectively) and the ground-reaction force moments(Mz,My,Mx), respectively exerted bywalking and running humans. The chassis of a custom-built, lightweight(90 kg), mechanically stiff treadmill was supported along its length bya large commercial force platform. The natural frequencies of vibrationwere >178 Hz for Fz and >87Hz for Fy, i.e., well above thesignal content of these ground-reaction forces. Mechanical tests andcomparisons with data obtained from a force platform runway indicatedthat the force treadmill recordedFz,Fy,Mx andMy ground-reaction forces andmoments accurately. Although the lowest natural frequency of vibrationwas 88 Hz for Fx, thesignal-to-noise ratios for Fx andMz were unacceptable. This devicegreatly decreases the time and laboratory space required for locomotionexperiments and clinical evaluations. The modular design allows forindependent use of both treadmill and force platform.


The purpose of this study was to quantify the magnitude of the relationship between vertical jumping and maximal sprinting at different distances with performance in the traditional and ballistic concentric squat exercise in well-trained sprinters. Twenty-one men performed 2 types of barbell squats (ballistic and traditional) across different loads with the aim of determining the maximal peak and average power outputs and 1 repetition maximum (1RM) values. Moreover, vertical jumping (countermovement jump test [CMJ]) and maximal sprints over 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, and 80 m were also assessed. In respect to 1RM in traditional squat, (a) no significant correlation was found with CMJ performance; (b) positive strong relationships (p < 0.01) were obtained with all the power measures obtained during both ballistic and traditional squat exercises (r = 0.53-0.90); (c) negative significant correlations (r = -0.49 to -0.59, p < 0.05) were found with sprint times in all the sprint distances measured when squat strength was expressed as a relative value; however, in the absolute mode, no significant relationships were observed with 10- and 20-m sprint times. No significant relationship was found between 10-m sprint time and relative or absolute power outputs using either ballistic or traditional squat exercises. Sprint time at 20 m was only related to ballistic and traditional squat performance when power values were expressed in relative terms. Moderate significant correlations (r = -0.39 to -0.56, p < 0.05) were observed between sprint times at 30 and 40 m and the absolute/relative power measures attained in both ballistic and traditional squat exercises. Sprint times at 60 and 80 m were mainly related to ballistic squat power outputs. Although correlations can only give insights into associations and not into cause and effect, from this investigation, it can be seen that traditional squat strength has little in common with CMJ performance and that relative 1RM and power outputs for both squat exercises are statistically correlated to most sprint distances underlying the importance of strength and power to sprinting.  相似文献   

The study compared the centre of pressure measurements (COP) and vertical ground reaction forces (vGRF) from a pressure insole system to that from force plates (FP) during two flywheel quadriceps resistance exercises: leg press and squat. The comparison was performed using a motion capture system and simultaneous measurements of COP and vGRF from FP and insoles. At lower insole-vGRF (<250 N/insole) COP accuracy deteriorated and those data were excluded from further analysis. The insoles systematically displaced the COP slightly posteriorly and medially compared to the FP measurements. Pearson’s coefficient of correlation (r) between insole- and FP-COP showed good agreement in both the anteroposterior (squat: r = 0.96, leg press: r = 0.97) and mediolateral direction (squat: r = 0.84, leg press: r = 0.90), whereas the root-mean-square errors (RMSE) were lower in the mediolateral (squat: 3.9 mm, leg press: 4.5 mm) than the anteroposterior (squat and leg press: 11.8 mm) direction. Vertical GRF was slightly overestimated by the insoles in leg press and RMSE were greater in leg press (8% of peak force) than in squat (6%). Overall, results were within the range of previous studies performed on gait. The strong agreement between insole and FP measurements indicates that insoles may replace FPs in field applications and biomechanical computations during resistance exercise, provided that the applied force is sufficient.  相似文献   

In this study we aimed to determine the reliability of the surface electromyography (EMG) of leg muscles during vertical jumping between two test sessions, held 2 weeks apart. Fifteen females performed three maximal vertical jumps with countermovement. The displacement of the body centre of mass (BCM), duration of propulsion phase (time), range of motion (ROM) and angular velocity of the knee and surface EMG of four leg muscles (rectus femoris, vastus medialis. biceps femoris and gastrocnemius) were recorded during the jumps. All variables were analysed throughout the propulsion and mid-propulsion phases. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, biceps femoris and gastrocnemius were calculated to be 0.88, 0.70, 0.24 and 0.01, respectively. BCM, ROM and time values all indicated ICC values greater than 0.90, and the mean knee angular velocity was slightly lower, at 0.75. ICCs between displacement of the BCM and integrated EMG (IEMG) of the muscles studied were less than 0.50. The angular velocity of the knee did not correlate well with muscle activity. Factors that may have affected reliability were variations in the position of electrode replacement, skin resistance, cross-talk between muscles and jump mechanics. The results of this study suggest that while kinematic variables are reproducible over successive vertical jumps, the degree of repeatability of an IEMG signal is dependent upon the muscle studied.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to determine the differences in vertical ground reaction forces and rate of force development (RFD) during variations of the power clean. Elite rugby league players (n = 11; age 21 ± 1.63 years; height 181.56 ± 2.61 cm; body mass 93.65 ± 6.84 kg) performed 1 set of 3 repetitions of the power clean, hang-power clean, midthigh power clean, or midthigh clean pull, using 60% of 1-repetition maximum power clean, in a randomized order, while standing on a force platform. Differences in peak vertical ground reaction forces (F(z)) and instantaneous RFD between lifts were analyzed via 1-way analysis of variance and Bonferroni post hoc analysis. Statistical analysis revealed a significantly (p < 0.001) greater peak F(z) during the midthigh power clean (2,801.7 ± 195.4 N) and the midthigh clean pull (2,880.2 ± 236.2 N) compared to both the power clean (2,306.24 ± 240.47 N) and the hang-power clean (2,442.9 ± 293.2 N). The midthigh power clean (14,655.8 ± 4,535.1 N·s?1) and the midthigh clean pull (15,320.6 ± 3,533.3 N·s?1) also demonstrated significantly (p < 0.001) greater instantaneous RFD when compared to both the power clean (8,839.7 ± 2,940.4 N·s?1) and the hang-power clean (9,768.9 ± 4,012.4 N·s?1). From the findings of this study, when training to maximize peak F(z) and RFD the midthigh power clean and midthigh clean pull appear to be the most advantageous variations of the power clean to perform.  相似文献   

Wearable inertial measurement units (IMU) have been proposed to estimate GRF outside of specialized laboratories, however the precise influence of sensor placement error on accuracy is unknown. We investigated the influence of IMU position and orientation placement errors on GRF estimation accuracy. Methods: Kinematic data from twelve healthy subjects based on marker trajectories were used to simulate 1848 combinations of sensor position placement errors (range ± 100 mm) and orientation placement errors (range ± 25°) across eight body segments (trunk, pelvis, left/right thighs, left/right shanks, and left/right feet) during normal walking trials for baseline cases when a single sensor was misplaced and for the extreme cases when all sensors were simultaneously misplaced. Three machine learning algorithms were used to estimate GRF for each placement error condition and compared with the no placement error condition to evaluate performance. Results: Position placement errors for a single misplaced IMU reduced vertical GRF (VGRF), medio-lateral GRF (MLGRF), and anterior-posterior GRF (APGRF) estimation accuracy by up to 1.1%, 2.0%, and 0.9%, respectively and for all eight simultaneously misplaced IMUs by up to 4.9%, 6.0%, and 4.3%, respectively. Orientation placement errors for a single misplaced IMU reduced VGRF, MLGRF, and APGRF estimation accuracy by up to 4.8%, 7.3%, and 1.5%, respectively and for all eight simultaneously misplaced IMUs by up to 20.8%, 23.4%, and 12.3%, respectively. Conclusion: IMU sensor misplacement, particularly orientation placement errors, can significantly reduce GRF estimation accuracy and thus measures should be taken to account for placement errors in implementations of GRF estimation via wearable IMUs.  相似文献   

This study examined whether differences exist in tibial acceleration transients and electromyography (EMG) variables during running across female pubertal development. Sixty-four girls classified as pre- (n = 19), early/mid- (n = 22) and late/post-pubertal development (n = 23) ran in a laboratory whilst EMG data were recorded from quadriceps, hamstring and calf muscle groups, and acceleration transients from a triaxial accelerometer. The late/post-pubertal girls exhibited delayed vastus lateralis onset (mean difference (MD) = 0.02, 95% CI = 0.008, 0.34 ms)) compared to pre-pubertal girls, lower vastus lateralis pre-activation (MD = 7.02, 95% CI = 12.63, 1.42%) compared to early/mid-pubertal girls, and longer time to peak (TTP) anterior/posterior (A/P) tibial acceleration compared to pre-pubertal girls (MD = 0.02, 95% CI = 0.006, 0.03 s). By contrast, late/post-pubertal girls demonstrated earlier semitendinosus onset compared to both early/mid- (MD = 0.02, 95% CI = 0.03, 0.005 ms) and pre-pubertal girls (MD = 0.02, 95% CI = 0.04, 0.007 ms). No other between-group differences were found for peak A/P, vertical and TTP vertical tibial acceleration (p > 0.05). Subsequently, regression analysis revealed that EMG variables accounted for approximately 34% (R2 = 0.34) of the variance in TTP A/P tibial acceleration. These findings highlight that neuromuscular recruitment patterns and kinetics differ across female pubertal development while running and should be further explored in the context of adolescent female musculoskeletal injuries.  相似文献   

Individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) often exhibit a “stiffened knee strategy” or an excessively extended knee during gait, characterized by lesser knee flexion excursion and peak internal knee extension moment (KEM). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of real-time biofeedback (RTBF) cuing an acute change in peak vertical ground reaction force (vGRF) during the first 50% of the stance phase of walking gait on: (1) root mean square error (RMSE) between actual vGRF and RTBF target vGRF; (2) perceived difficulty; and (3) knee biomechanics. Acquisition and short-term recall of these outcomes were evaluated. Thirty individuals with unilateral ACLR completed 4 separate walking sessions on a force-measuring treadmill that consisted of a control (no RTBF) and 3 experimental loading conditions using RTBF including: (1) 5% vGRF increase (high-loading), (2) 5% vGRF decrease (low-loading) and (3) symmetric vGRF between limbs. Bilateral biomechanical outcomes were analyzed during the first 50% of the stance phase, and included KEM, knee flexion excursion, peak vGRF, and instantaneous vGRF loading rate (vGRF-LR) for each loading condition. Peak vGRF significantly increased and decreased during high-loading and low-loading, respectively compared to control loading. Instantaneous vGRF-LR, peak KEM and knee flexion excursion significantly increased during the high-loading condition compared to low-loading. Perceived difficultly and RMSE were lower during the symmetrical loading condition compared to the low-loading condition. Cuing an increase in peak vGRF may be beneficial for increasing KEM, knee flexion excursion, peak vGRF, and vGRF-LR in individuals with ACLR. Clinical Trials Number: NCT03035994.  相似文献   

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