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Adhesion to both abiotic and biotic surfaces by the gram-negative prothescate bacterium Caulobacter crescentus is mediated by a polar organelle called the "holdfast," which enables the bacterium to form stable monolayer biofilms. The holdfast, a complex polysaccharide composed in part of N-acetylglucosamine, localizes to the tip of the stalk (a thin cylindrical extension of the cell wall and membranes). We report here the isolation of adhesion mutants with transposon insertions in an uncharacterized gene cluster involved in holdfast biogenesis (hfs) as well as in previously identified polar development genes (podJ and pleC), and the holdfast attachment genes (hfa). Clean deletions of three of the four genes in the hfs gene cluster (hfsDAB) resulted in a severe holdfast biogenesis phenotype. These mutants do not bind to surfaces or to a fluorescently labeled lectin, specific for N-acetylglucosamine. Transmission electron microscopy indicated that the hfsDAB mutants fail to synthesize a holdfast at the stalk tip. The predicted hfs gene products have significant sequence similarity to proteins necessary for exopolysaccharide export in gram-negative bacteria. HfsA has sequence similarity to GumC from Xanthomonas campestris, which is involved in exopolysaccharide export in the periplasm. HfsD has sequence similarity to Wza from Escherichia coli, an outer membrane protein involved in secretion of polysaccharide through the outer membrane. HfsB is a novel protein involved in holdfast biogenesis. These data suggest that the hfs genes play an important role in holdfast export.  相似文献   

Abstract Glycine added to the growth medium of Caulobacter crescentus was found to substitute Cterminal alanine in the peptide side chains of the murein of this species. Murein synthesized in vivo and in vitro in the presence of glycerine was poorly crosslinked as was new murein formed in the presence of the amino acid. The reduced cross-linkage seems to be due to the effect of glycine on the formation of trimeric muropeptides as revealed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) muropeptide analysis of murein formed in the presence and absence of the amino acid.  相似文献   

Caulobacters attach to surfaces in the environment via their holdfasts, attachment organelles located at the base of the flagellum in swarmer cells and later at the end of the cellular stalk in the stalked cells which develop from the swarmer cells. There seems to be little specificity with respect to the types of surfaces to which holdfasts adhere. A notable exception is that the holdfast of one cell does not adhere to the cell surface of another caulobacter, except by joining holdfasts, typically forming "rosettes" of stalked cells. Thus, the localized adhesion of the holdfasts to the cells is in some way a specialized attachment. We investigated this holdfast-cell attachment by developing an adhesion screening assay and analyzing several mutants of Caulobacter crescentus CB2A selected to be defective in adhesion. One class of mutants made a normal holdfast by all available criteria, yet the attachment to the cell was very weak, such that the holdfast was readily shed. Another class of mutants made no holdfast at all, but when mixed with a wild-type strain, a mutant of this class participated in rosette formation. The mutant could also attach to the discarded holdfast produced by a shedding mutant. In addition, when rosettes composed of holdfast-defective and wild-type cells were examined, an increase in the number of holdfast-defective cells was correlated with a decrease in the ability of the holdfast material at the center of the rosette to bind colloidal gold particles. Gold particles are one type of surface to which holdfasts adhere well, suggesting that the stalk end and the colloidal gold particles occupy the same sites on the holdfast substance. Taken together, the data support the interpretation that there is a specialized attachment site for the holdfast at the base of the flagellum which later becomes the end of the stalk, but not a specialized region of the holdfast for attachment to this site. Also, attachment to the cell is accomplished by bond formations that occur not only at the time of holdfast production. Thus, we propose that the attachment of the holdfast to the cell is a true adhesion process and that the stalk tip and base of the flagellum must have compositions distinctly different from that of the remainder of the caulobacter cell surface.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagellar motility is controlled by the binding of CheY proteins to the cytoplasmic switch complex of the flagellar motor, resulting in changes in swimming speed or direction. Despite its importance for motor function, structural information about the interaction between effector proteins and the motor are scarce. To address this gap in knowledge, we used electron cryotomography and subtomogram averaging to visualize such interactions inside Caulobacter crescentus cells. In C. crescentus, several CheY homologs regulate motor function for different aspects of the bacterial lifestyle. We used subtomogram averaging to image binding of the CheY family protein CleD to the cytoplasmic Cring switch complex, the control center of the flagellar motor. This unambiguously confirmed the orientation of the motor switch protein FliM and the binding of a member of the CheY protein family to the outside rim of the C ring. We also uncovered previously unknown structural elaborations of the alphaproteobacterial flagellar motor, including two novel periplasmic ring structures, and the stator ring harboring eleven stator units, adding to our growing catalog of bacterial flagellar diversity.  相似文献   

Two putative haloalkane dehalogenases (HLDs) of the HLD‐I subfamily, DccA from Caulobacter crescentus and DsaA from Saccharomonospora azurea, have been identified based on sequence comparisons with functionally characterized HLD enzymes. The two genes were synthesized, functionally expressed in E. coli and shown to have activity toward a panel of haloalkane substrates. DsaA has a moderate activity level and a preference for long (greater than 3 carbons) brominated substrates, but little activity toward chlorinated alkanes. DccA shows high activity with both long brominated and chlorinated alkanes. The structure of DccA was determined by X‐ray crystallography and was refined to 1.5 Å resolution. The enzyme has a large and open binding pocket with two well‐defined access tunnels. A structural alignment of HLD‐I subfamily members suggests a possible basis for substrate specificity is due to access tunnel size.  相似文献   

The self-assembly of the tubulin homologue FtsZ at the mid-cell is a critical step in bacterial cell division. We introduce dynamic light scattering (DLS) spectroscopy as a new method to study the polymerization kinetics of FtsZ in solution. Analysis of the DLS data indicates that the FtsZ polymers are remarkably monodisperse in length, independent of the concentrations of GTP, GDP, and FtsZ monomers. Measurements of the diffusion coefficient of the polymers demonstrate that their length is remarkably stable until the free GTP is consumed. We estimated the mean size of the FtsZ polymers within this interval of stable length to be between 9 and 18 monomers. The rates of FtsZ polymerization and depolymerization are likely influenced by the concentration of GDP, as the repeated addition of GTP to FtsZ increased the rate of polymerization and slowed down depolymerization. Increasing the FtsZ concentration did not change the size of FtsZ polymers; however, it increased the rate of the depolymerization reaction by depleting free GTP. Using transmission electron microscopy we observed that FtsZ forms linear polymers in solutions which rapidly convert to large bundles upon contact with surfaces at time scales as short as several seconds. Finally, the best studied small molecule that binds to FtsZ, PC190723, had no stabilizing effect on Caulobacter crescentus FtsZ filaments in vitro, which complements previous studies with Escherichia coli FtsZ and confirms that this class of small molecules binds Gram-negative FtsZ weakly.  相似文献   

Transposon (Tn5) mutagenesis was used to identify regions in the genome involved with production, regulation, or attachment to the cell surface of the adhesive holdfast of the freshwater bacterium Caulobacter crescentus CB2. A total of 12,000 independently selected transposon insertion mutants were screened for defects in adhesion to cellulose acetate; 77 mutants were detected and examined by Southern blot hybridization mapping methods and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Ten unique sites of Tn5 insertion affecting holdfast function were identified that were clustered in four regions of the genome. Representative mutants of the 10 Tn5 insertion sites were examined by a variety of methods for differences in their phenotype leading to the loss of adhesiveness. Four phenotypes were identified: no holdfast production, production of a smaller or an altered holdfast, production of a holdfast that was unable to remain attached to the cell, and a fourth category in which a possible alteration of the stalk was related to impaired adhesion of the cell. With the possible exception of the last class, no pleiotropic mutants (those with multiple defects in the polar region of the cell) were detected among the adhesion-defective mutants. This was unexpected, since holdfast deficiency is often a characteristic of pleiotropic mutants obtained when selecting for loss of other polar structures. Overall, the evidence suggests that we have identified regions containing structural genes for the holdfast, genes involved with proper attachment or positioning on the caulobacter surface, and possibly regions that regulate the levels of holdfast production.  相似文献   

Efforts to characterize proteins found in the outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria have been steadily increasing due to the promise of expanding our understanding of fundamental bacterial processes such as cell adhesion or cell wall biogenesis as well as the promise of finding potential vaccine- or drug-targets for virulent bacteria. We have developed a mass spectrometry-compatible experimental strategy that resulted in increased coverage of the OM proteome of a model organism, Caulobacter crescentus. The specificity of the OM enrichment step was improved by using detergent solubilization of the protein pellet, low-density cell culture conditions, and a surface-layer deficient cell line. Additionally, efficient gel-assisted digestion, high-resolution RP/RP-MS/MS, and rigorous bioinformatic analysis led to the identification of 234 proteins using strict identification criteria (≥ two unique peptides per protein; peptide false discovery rate <2%). Eighty-four of the detected proteins were predicted to localize to the OM or extracellular space. These results represent ~70% coverage of the predicted OM/extracellular proteome of C. crescentus. This analytical approach, which considers important experimental variables not previously explored in published OM protein studies, can be applied to other OM proteomic endeavors "as is" or with slight modification and should improve the large-scale study of this especially challenging subproteome.  相似文献   

Polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) is an exoribonuclease that cleaves single-stranded RNA substrates with 3'-5' directionality and processive behaviour. Its ring-like, trimeric architecture creates a central channel where phosphorolytic active sites reside. One face of the ring is decorated with RNA-binding K-homology (KH) and S1 domains, but exactly how these domains help to direct the 3' end of single-stranded RNA substrates towards the active sites is an unsolved puzzle. Insight into this process is provided by our crystal structures of RNA-bound and apo Caulobacter crescentus PNPase. In the RNA-free form, the S1 domains adopt a 'splayed' conformation that may facilitate capture of RNA substrates. In the RNA-bound structure, the three KH domains collectively close upon the RNA and direct the 3' end towards a constricted aperture at the entrance of the central channel. The KH domains make non-equivalent interactions with the RNA, and there is a marked asymmetry within the catalytic core of the enzyme. On the basis of these data, we propose that structural non-equivalence, induced upon RNA binding, helps to channel substrate to the active sites through mechanical ratcheting. Structural and biochemical analyses also reveal the basis for PNPase association with RNase E in the multi-enzyme RNA degradosome assembly of the α-proteobacteria.  相似文献   

Flagellar hook and basal complex of Caulobacter crescentus.   总被引:7,自引:9,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Intact bacterial flagella possessing a membrane-free hook and basal complex were purified from Caulobacter crescentus CB15, as well as from mutants which synthesize incomplete flagella. The basal body consisted of five rings mounted on a rod. Two rings were in the hook-proximal upper set, and three rings (two narrow and one wide) were in the lower set. The diameters of the two upper rings differed, being 32 and 21 nm, respectively. The lower rings were all approximately 21 nm in diameter, although they varied significantly in width. During the normal course of the C. crescentus cell cycle, the polar flagellum with hook and rod was shed into the culture medium without the basal rings. Similarly, hooks with attached rods were shed from nonflagellate mutants, and these structures also lacked the basal rings. The hook structure was purified from nonflagellated mutants and found to be composed of a 70,000-molecular-weight protein component.  相似文献   

The internal membranes of Caulobacter crescentus   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

目的:构建基于新月柄杆菌RsaA外运机制的以大肠杆菌为宿主的原核胞外分泌表达载体系统。方法:利用分子克隆手段,按RsaA分泌系统操纵子组织方式,将RsaA系统外运功能基因配合以异源调控序列克隆至pQE30骨架质粒。以绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)为报告分子、大肠杆菌M15为宿主茵,诱导表达后通过Western Blotting检测培养上清中GFP的表达。结果:获得了与设计完全一致的pQABPS载体,利用该载体系统,在培养上清中报告分子GFP的表达明显增加,且是通过特异的RsaA外运机制被分泌至胞外的,而非渗漏表达或简单的信号肽引导。结论:在大肠杆菌中重现了RsaA分泌系统的外运功能,为该系统在基因工程领域的应用研究打下了良好基础。  相似文献   

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