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A modification of the previously described apparatus (Faupel et al. (1987) J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 15, 147-162), for recycling isoelectric focusing in a segmented immobilized pH gradient, is here reported. The most important improvements are: (1) a horizontal, vs. the previously vertical assembly; (2) a reduction of the thickness of the central flow chamber to 6 mm, vs. the previous 3 cm length and (3) the introduction, at both gel extremities of each Immobiline segment, of polypropylene filters, thus efficiently blocking the gel in situ. The advantages are: (i) the spontaneous removal of air bubbles, which in the vertical apparatus tend to accumulate in the ceiling of the flow chamber and to obstruct the flow of electric current; (ii) a more efficient hydraulic flow with a reduced chance of heating the liquid stream in the flow chamber, due to its reduced length along the separation path and (iii) a reduced risk of gel detachment from the tube walls, due to osmotic swelling caused by focused protein zones in the gel phase and by the fixed Immobiline charges in the polyacrylamide matrix.  相似文献   

A method is described for keeping a constant salt background during protein purification in a segmented immobilized pH gradient. It is based on an external hydraulic flow replenishing the salt loss due to combined electric and diffusional mass transport (similar to the concept of Ribes' steady-state rheoelectrolysis). Such a minimum of ionic strength might be needed for proteins which tend to precipitate and aggregate at or in vicinity of the isoelectric point. However, it is found that any salt level in the sample feed (already at 1 mM concentration) deteriorates transport of non-isoelectric proteins, because of the much larger current fraction carried by the ions themselves as opposed to proteins. In addition, high salt levels in the sample reservoir might form cathodic and anodic ion boundaries, alkaline and acidic, respectively, which might hamper protein migration and even induce denaturation. Thus, when high salt backgrounds are needed in the sample feed, external pH control should be exerted, e.g. with a pH-stat. Three parameters influence protein transport in the segmented IPG chamber: (a) cross-sectional area of the Immobiline membranes; (b) delta pI between the isoelectric protein and the contaminants and (c) salt molarity in the sample reservoir. The first 2 show a positive, the last a negative correlation.  相似文献   

We have recently described an apparatus for protein purification based on a segmented Immobiline gel, having one or more liquid interlayers in between. The principle is entirely new, as it is based on keeping the protein of interest isoelectric, in a flow chamber, and focusing the impurities in an Immobiline gel. For this, a hydraulic flow is coupled orthogonally to an electric flow, sweeping away the non-isoelectric impurities from the recycling chamber. We now demonstrate that the present apparatus can be efficiently used for protein desalting. Hemoglobin A samples, containing 50 mM NaCl or 50 mM ammonium acetate, could be efficiently desalted in 2 h of recycling, after which the total salt content had decreased to less than 0.005 mM (a salt decrement of more than 10,000 fold the initial input). However, with polyprotic buffers (sulphate, citrate, phosphate, oligoamines) the desalting process was much slower, typically of the order of 20 h, possibly due to interaction of these species with the surrounding Immobiline matrix. In this last case, outside pH control (e.g. with a pH-stat) is necessary during protein purification, as, due to the faster removal of the monovalent counterion, the solution in the recycling chamber can become rather acidic or alkaline. It is demonstrated that the 2 extremities of the Immobiline segments facing the sample recycling chamber act indeed as isoelectric membranes, having a good buffering capacity, preventing the protein macroion from leaving the chamber by continuously titrating it to its isoelectric point.  相似文献   

A new method of producing a stable pH gradient in buffer solutions is suggested, obtained by the concentration gradient of a nonelectrolyte in buffer solutions as a result of the gradual change in the dielectric properties of the solution. The maximal concentrations of nonelectrolyte which do not influence the protein configuration allow a pH gradient with a range of two pH units to be produced. It is suggested that the properties of some polyols (i.e. glycerol or mannitol) be used to change the pH of the borate buffer for the production of greater pH gradient with a range of up to 4-5 pH units. Creating the gradient of concentration of polyols, one can obtain a pH gradient in borate buffer solutions. Though the polylydroxyl compound-borate complexes posses mobility in an electric field, a stable pH gradient can be achieved during 12 days of electrophoresis. The isoelectric focusing of haemoglobin, human serum albumin and immunoglobulins was carried out in both systems suggested. These findings were compared with isoelectric focusing in Ampholines. There was a good agreement between the methods compared. The possible differences are discussed.  相似文献   

By exploiting a new, alkaline immobilized pH gradient spanning the pH 10-11 interval, it has been possible to focus and to detect, by in situ zymogramming with cellulose acetate foils impregnated with fluorogenic substrates, 2 alkaline proteases, namely elastase and trypsin. Elastase gave a sharp array of 3 bands, with the following pIs (at 10 degrees C): 10.60 (major component), 10.53 (intermediate species) and 10.45 (minor isoform). Trypsin was resolved into 2, about equally abundant, species having pIs of 10.70 and 10.53. However, the latter enzyme gave smears in between these 2 forms and also anodic to the lower pI species. As hydrophobic interaction with the Immobiline matrix was excluded, it is suggested that these smears represent product of auto-digestion due to the very alkaline pH during the focusing process.  相似文献   

A new technique for generatiing extended pH gradients (3–4 pH units) in Immobiline gels for isoelectric separations is described. A five-chamber gradient mixer has been built, based on the ‘Varigard’-type mixers of Peterson and Sober (Anal. Chem. 31, 1959, 857–862). Each chamber contains one of the following Immobilines, in this order: pK values 4.4, 4.6, 6.2, 7.0 and 8.5, titrated in the pH 4–8 interval with non-buffering Immobilines pK 9.3 (in the case of the two acidic Immobilines) and pK 3.6 (in the case of the three basic Immobilines). In this way it is possible to cast, in a highly reproducible way, an immobilized pH gradient in thepH range 4.0 to 7.5, which should be ideal for isoelectric separations in the first dimension of two-dimensional techniques. A computer program is also described which, given the molarities and pK values of the different Immobilines in the chambers of the Varigrad mixer, can generate the theoretical pH profile, together with the buffering capacity (β) and ionic strength (I) courses.  相似文献   

A fibrinolytic enzyme with a molecular weight between 23,000 and 25,000 Da has been purified from southern copperhead snake venom. Immobilized pH gradient isoelectric focusing with an ultranarrow pH interval (pH 6.65-6.95) resolved two isoforms of the fibrinolytic enzyme that were not resolved by standard isoelectric focusing. Attempts at purification of the individual isoenzymes by semi-preparative scale IPG and elution of enzyme by macerating the gel yielded only 20-40% recovery of activity. In attempts to improve recovery, a semi-preparative IPG canal-isoelectric focusing technique has been utilized.  相似文献   

With the synthesis of a new, strongly basic Immobiline (pK 10.3 at 10 degrees C) it has been possible to formulate a new pH 10-11 recipe for focusing very alkaline proteins, not amenable to fractionation with conventional isoelectric focusing in carrier ampholyte buffers. In this formulation, water is added as an acidic Immobiline having pK = 14 and a unit molar concentration (or with a pK = 15.74 and standard 55.56 molarity) since around pH 11 its buffering power becomes significant. The gel contains a 'conductivity quencher', i.e. a density gradient incorporated in the matrix, with the dense region located on the cathodic side (pH 11) for (a) smoothing the voltage gradient on the separation cell and (b) reducing the anodic electrosmotic flow due to the net positive charge acquired by the matrix at pH 11 (1 mM excess protonated amino groups to act as counterions to the 1 mm OH- groups in the bulk water solution generated by the local value of pH 11). Excellent focusing is obtained for such alkaline proteins as lysozyme (pI 10.55), So-6 (a leaf protein, pI 10.49), cytochrome c (pI 10.45) and ribonuclease (pI 10.12).  相似文献   

The technique of isoelectric focusing on immobilized pH gradients (IPG) has been applied to the analysis of tryptic digests of alpha- and beta-chains of human hemoglobin. Using peptides purified by RP-HPLC as a reference, it was possible to create a peptide map in the single IEF dimension. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find experimental conditions (medium for migration and staining) which would allow the detection of peptides of less than 10-12 residues. Almost all the bands visible on the gel could be assigned to known peptides. In order to obtain these results the IPG runs were performed in 8 M urea containing 0.5% carrier ampholytes and the gel stained with colloidal Coomassie brilliant blue G-250, in the presence of a high-salt concentration and at acidic pH.  相似文献   

Several examples of two-step sequential reactions exist where, because of the poor equilibrium conversion by the first reaction, it is desirable to conduct the two reactions simultaneously. In such a scheme, the product of the first reaction is continuously removed by the second reaction, thus not allowing the first reaction to approach chemical equilibrium. Therefore, the first reaction is allowed to proceed in the desired direction at an appreciable rate. However, in many biochemical applications where enzyme catalysts are involved, the enzyme's activities are strong functions of pH. Where the pH optima of the first and second reaction differ by three to four units, the above reaction scheme would be difficult to implement. In these cases, the two reactions can be separated by a thin permeable membrane across which the desired pH gradient is maintained. In this article, it was shown, both by theory and experiment, that a thin, flat membrane of immobilized urease can accomplish this goal when one face of the membrane is exposed to the acidic bulk solution (pH(b) = 4.5) containing a small quantity of urea (0.01 M). In this particular case, the ammonia that was produced in the membrane consumed the incoming hydrogen ions and thus maintained the desired pH gradient. Experimental results indicate that with sufficient urease loading, the face of the membrane opposite to the bulk solution could be maintained at a pH that would allow many enzymes to realize their maximum activities ( approximately 7.5). It was also found that this pH gradient could be maintained even in the presence of a buffer, which greatly enhances the transport of protons into the membrane. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A new technique for generating pH gradients in isoelectric focusing is described, based on the principle that the buffering groups are covalently linked to the matrix used as anticonvective medium. For the generation of this type of pH gradient in polyacrylamide gels, a set of buffering monomers, called Immobiline (in analogy with Ampholine), is used. The pH gradient gels are cast in the same way as pore gradient gels, but instead of varying the acrylamide content, the light and heavy solutions are adjusted to different pH values with the aid of the Immobiline buffers. Available Immobiline species make it possible to generate any narrow linear pH gradient between pH 3 and 10. The behaviour of these types of gradients in isoelectric focusing is described.Immobilized pH gradients show a number of advantages compared with carrier ampholyte generated pH gradients. The most important are: (1) the cathodic drift is completely abolished; (2) they give higher resolution and higher loading capacitu; (3) they have uniform conductivity and buffering capacity; (4) they represent a milieu of known and controlled ionic strenght.  相似文献   

As a follow-up of a previous work on two-dimensional map analysis utilizing soft (< 4%T) immobilized pH gradient (IPG) matrices in the first dimension (Candiano et al., Electrophoresis 2002, 23, 292-297), we have further optimized the preparation of such dilute IPG gels. One important step for obtaining an even reswelling of the entire IPG strip along the pH 3-10 interval is a washing step in 100 mM citric acid. It appears as though after rinsing off the excess acid in distilled water, a gradient of this tricarboxylic acid remains trapped into the IPG matrix, from almost nil at the acidic gel region to substantially higher amounts in its basic counterpart. This gradient helps in obtaining a uniform reswelling of the IPG strip, since carboxyl groups are more heavily hydrated than amino groups. The combined effects of uniform reswelling and of diluting the gel matrix favor penetration of large macromolecules (> 200 kDa) and allow for better spot resolution and for the display of a substantially higher number of spots also in the 30-60 000 Da region. A delipidation step in tri-n-butylphosphate:acetone:methanol (1:12:1) appears to substantially improve spot focusing and greatly diminish streaking and smearing of spots in all regions of the pH gradient.  相似文献   

The applications of isoelectric focusing in immobilized pH gradients in clinical chemistry and forensic analysis are reviewed. Strong emphasis is given to the separation of serum proteins, in particular α1-acidic glycoprotein, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, α1-antitrypsin, apolipoproteins, complement component, factor B, factor XIIIB, group-specific component, lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase, phosphoglucomutase, prealbumin, protein C and transferrin. The analysis of human parotid salivary proteins is discussed and an assessment is given of the state of the art in thalassaemia screening.  相似文献   

A new technique for generating extended pH gradients (5 pH units) in Immobiline gels is reported. The previously described (J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 7, 1983, 123-142) five-chamber gradient mixer has been replaced by a two-vessel device. A single mixture of the available Immobilines (pK 3.6, 4.6, 6.2, 7.0, 8.5 and 9.3) is made, with relative concentrations adjusted so as to produce the most uniform buffering power throughout the desired pH interval. This mixture is then divided into two portions, which are titrated to the extremes of the required pH span with an acidic titrant (Immobiline pK approximately 1) and a basic species (Immobiline pK 9.95). Highly reproducible pH gradients (pH 4-9) are thus generated, which appear extremely useful for the first dimensioned of 2-dimensional techniques. Our previously reported computer program has been implemented with an optimization algorithm which, given any cocktail of Immobilines, automatically adjusts the relative initial concentrations until the smoothest possible beta power is found. For the first time it is possible to perform IEF under controlled physico-chemical parameters: pH span and linearity, beta power, ionic strength and molarity of the buffering species.  相似文献   

A novel fractionation technique is described for analysis of membrane-bound enzymes and sparingly soluble proteins: isoelectric focusing in a mixed-type matrix, containing a primary, immobilized pH gradient with a superimposed, secondary carrier ampholyte pH gradient. Three microvilli hydrolases: dipeptidyl peptidase IV, gamma-glutamyl transferase and alkaline phosphatase exhibit an array of sharply focused, enzyme active bands in the pH 4-6.5 range. The separation pattern obtained is by far superior to any separation achieved by either technique separately.  相似文献   

Modifications of the LKB Immobiline isoelectric focusing (IEF) technique are described for use under conditions that solubilize and denature most proteins (8 M urea and 2% Nonidet-P40). This procedure permits pH gradients that are four- to fivefold shallower than previously available with conventional ampholine-IEF procedures. It can also be used as a first dimension in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The advantage of the stable ultranarrow pH gradient is demonstrated by directly comparing the resolution of vertebrate brain tubulins using (i) denaturing conventional ampholine-IEF and (ii) denaturing Immobiline-IEF. Analysis of tubulin on the Immobiline-IEF gel increases the separation distance between the individual tubulins and distinguishes differences among tubulin samples that could not be resolved by conventional ampholine isoelectric focusing.  相似文献   

PI variants and PI M subtypes were examined by isoelectric focusing in a preformed immobilized pH gradient. Conditions were found that permit reliable classification of PI variants and of most PI M subtypes: the pH gradient ranges from 4.3 to 4.8 on a polyacrylamide gel with a length of 20 cm and a separation distance of approximately 16-17 cm (delta pH = 0.025 U/cm). The PI phenotypes observed are presented.  相似文献   

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