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The cladistic analysis of 69 morphological and behavioural characters supports the recent DNA sequence–based hypothesis that Hemicircus forms the sister group of all the remaining true woodpeckers (Picinae), but also indicates a sister‐group relationship between Dendropicini and Malarpicini, which challenges the results of previous analyses. The present phylogeny further allows a more detailed reconstruction of the stepwise evolution of adaptations for drilling, tapping and climbing up head first on vertical surfaces. The last common ancestor of woodpeckers (Picidae) was neither capable of excavating nest cavities by drilling with its beak nor of climbing up tree trunks. First adaptations for drilling such as reinforced rhamphotheca, frontal overhang and proc. dorsalis pterygoidei evolved in the ancestral lineage of piculets (Picumninae) and true woodpeckers (Picinae s.l.). Further adaptations for drilling and tapping are an enlarged condylus lateralis of the quadrate and fused cotylae mediales and laterales of the lower jaw, but these characters evolved in the ancestral lineage of Picinae s. str. and are primarily lacking in Hemicircus. The inner rectrix pairs became stiffened, and the lamina pygostyli was enlarged in the ancestral lineage of true woodpeckers (Hemicircus + Picinae s. str.). These features can be regarded as first adaptations for climbing up head first and were retained by Hemicircus. In the ancestral lineage of Picinae s. str., however, the tail feathers became further transformed into a specialized support tail, the discus pygostyli became greatly enlarged, and the ectropodactyl toe arrangement evolved. The last mentioned characters might have been the prerequisites for the enormous increase in body size in different lineages of Picinae s. str., namely Megapicini such as Campephilus and Malarpicini such as Dryocopus and Mulleripicus.  相似文献   

Postcranial remains referable to the enigmatic sauropterygian Pistosaurus longaevus , from the Hauptmuschelkalk (Middle Triassic) of southern Germany, are described and comparisons are made with other sauropterygian groups. A phylogenetic hypothesis of sauropterygian interrelationships is presented. The Sauropterygia are most closely related to the Lepidosauromorpha. Pislosaurus most closely resembles the Plesiosauria in a number of cranial and postcranial features.  相似文献   

Sex determination in mammals is dependent on the presence of SRY, which codes for a protein with a DNA binding motif (the HMG-box domain). Here we analyze the evolution of SRY among seven genera of New World monkeys belonging to the family Cebidae. Estimates of the number of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions indicated the absence of positive selection acting on SRY evolution. The presence of indels at the C-terminus coding region in different genera and species maintained an open reading frame, indicating a selective pressure constraining the evolution of this coding region. Available data on the fertility of natural and captive interspecific hybrids failed to show any relationship between SRY evolution and speciation for the genera herein studied. Our phylogenetic arrangement for Cebidae genera was similar to previous topologies based on mitochondrial and autosomal DNA sequences. This arrangement also corroborated the division of Cebus into two species groups. However, for Callithrix the differences among SRY topology and those derived from autosomal and mitochondrial genes suggested a Y-chromosome ancestral polymorphism.  相似文献   

Within the primates the front dentition plays a major role in the classification of the different taxa. The extant strepsirhines are clearly characterized by the possession of a tooth comb. Tarsius differs in this complex by a construction which remembers the beak of an owl (vertically implanted medial incisors, upper pair bigger than mandibular pair). The front teeth of the extinct Microchoeridae are described. The dental formula of the group is discussed and compared with the Omomyidae. The wear pattern presents evidence of a dental comb as early as the Late Eocene.  相似文献   

Chromosomal localization of the telomeric sequence (TTAGGG)(n) in eight New World Primates (Platyrrhini) (Alouatta caraya, Alouatta palliata, Alouatta guariba clamitans, Aotus azarae, Ateles chamek, Cebus nigritus, Cebus paraguayanus, and Saimiri boliviensis) using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) with a peptide nucleic acid (PNA) pantelomeric probe and their possible relationship with the C-banding pattern were analyzed. FISH showed telomeric signals only at the terminal regions of chromosomes from all the species analyzed. Although all of them showed centromeric C+ bands and different size and location of extracentromeric C+ bands, none, except Aotus azarae exhibited (peri)centromeric interstitial telomere-like sequences (ITS). The presence of ITS in Aotus azarae was limited to one pair of submetacentric chromosomes and very likely represents telomeric sequences remaining after a fusion event of ancestral chromosomes during karyotype evolution. Therefore, our data indicate that the distribution of heterochromatin blocks do not correlate with the presence of ITS. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that simple ITS arrays with a few copies of the (TTAGGG)(n) sequence, not detectable by conventional FISH, might play a role in the karyotypic evolution of Ceboidea. Further FISH and molecular studies will be needed to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Raoellids are small, raccoon-sized Eocene artiodactyls, closely related to archaic cetaceans (archaeocetes) that have poor representation of postcranial elements in the fossil record. Little is known of the aquatic and terrestrial locomotor affinities of raoellids due to the paucity of their fossil record, leaving a critical gap in our understanding of the earliest portion of the artiodactyl marine invasion. To address this gap, a comparative morphological analysis of the postcranial elements was undertaken based on newly recovered elements of the raoellid Indohyus, archaeocetes and extant artiodactyls. Greater than 200 postcranial elements of Indohyus were described, and some limb element cross-sections were visualised via paleohistological thin sections and CT scans. Results show that during terrestrial locomotion, Indohyus probably had a digitigrade posture and mediolaterally stabilised limbs that functioned mostly in flexion and extension within the parasagittal plane. Quantification of midshaft cross-sectional area for some elements of Indohyus showed an osteosclerotic cortex, a skeletal characteristic associated with aquatic behaviours. Indohyus may represent a critical intermediate in the evolution of the cetacean terrestrial-to-aquatic body plan, as it bears gracile postcranial element proportions similar to a terrestrial artiodactyl but also an incipient form of osteosclerosis compared to pakicetid archaeocetes.  相似文献   

With the exception of leaping, lorises and galagos move in many similar ways although frequencies and styles differ. This peculiar locomotor distinction in two closely related subfamilies has profoundly altered their respective postcranial anatomies from their common ancestor. A comparison of postcranial adaptation in extant forms shows that lorises and galagos differ somewhat in forelimb mobility, but are more fundamentally disparate in hindlimb adaptation. Inferences concerning locomotor adaptation in the lorisid fossil record indicate a more generalized locomotor pattern which is more like that of extant cheirogaleids than either living galagos or lorises. Thus, vertical clinging and leaping in galagines and the slow-climbing and suspensory movements of lorisines appear to be evolutionarily recent innovations from a more generalized locomotor past.  相似文献   

Tyrosinase is the major enzyme responsible for the formation of melanin pigment and is found throughout the animal kingdom. In humans, the tyrosinase gene (TYR) maps to the long arm of chromosome 11 at band q14→q21, while a tyrosinase related gene (TYRL) maps to the short arm of chromosome 11 at pll.2°Cen. We and others have found that the TYRL locus contains sequences that are similar to exons IV and V of the authentic tyrosinase gene but lacks sequences of exons I, II, and III. In an attempt to understand the evolution of the human tyrosinase gene, we have analyzed TYR and TYRL in primates and have found that exons IV and V of the chimpanzee and gorilla TYR are very similar to the human, with the gorilla sequence being more similar than the chimpanzee. We have also found that the gorilla but not the chimpanzee contains a TYRL locus similar to the human TYRL locus.  相似文献   

We describe a new karyotype of Callicebus torquatus using conventional staining, G-banding with Wright Stain, CBG, Ag-NOR staining and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with human telomere probes and comparative analysis with the previously reported karyotype of C. torquatus torquatus (2n = 20). We studied a female specimen maintained in captivity at the Centro Nacional de Primatas (Para, Brazil). This titi monkey presented 2n = 22, with four large biarmed and six acrocentric autosome pairs; the X chromosome is a medium submetacentric. C-bands were revealed at the centromeric region of all acrocentrics and X chromosome; punctual C-bands also are visualized at the centromeric region in the large biarmed pairs. The NOR site was located at the long arm of pair 4, at the position of a conspicuous secondary constriction. Hybridization signals were detected exclusively at the terminal region of all chromosomes. The karyotype described here has one acrocentric pair more than that found in the literature and also differs by amount and distribution of constitutive heterochromatin. Our data support the notion that the torquatus group may be composed of distinct species, each with its own karyotype.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cleavers (Galium aparine) is a fast-growing herbaceous annual with a semi-self-supporting, scrambling-ascending growth habit. Mature plants often use upright species for support. It is common in hedgerows and on waste ground. This study aims to characterize the mechanical behaviour of the stem and roots of cleavers and relate this to the arrangement of structural tissue, the net microfibrillar orientations in the cell walls, and plant growth habit. METHODS: The morphology and mechanics of mature cleavers was investigated using plants grown in pots and ones collected from the grounds at the University of Lincoln, Lincoln, UK. Tensile tests were carried out on the stem and the basal section of the first-order lateral roots. The net orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell walls was investigated using polarized light microscopy. KEY RESULTS: Results show that the basal regions of the stem and first-order lateral roots were highly extensible. Breaking strains of 24 +/- 7% were recorded for the stem base and 28 +/- 6% for the roots. Anatomical observations showed that the lower stem (base + 100 mm) was circular in cross-section with a solid central core of vascular tissue, whereas further up the stem the transverse section showed a typical four-angled shape with a ring-like arrangement of vascular tissue and sclerenchyma bundles in the corners. The net orientation of wall microfibrils in the secondary xylem diverges from the longitudinal by between 8 and 9 degrees . CONCLUSIONS: The basal region of the stem of cleavers is highly extensible, but the mechanism by which the stem is able to withstand such high breaking strains is unclear; reorientation of the cellulose fibrils in the stem along the axis of loading is not thought to be responsible.  相似文献   

Dispersal morphology based on the myrmecochorous adaptations for predator avoidance of sevenCorydalis species including two varieties are investigated in southern Japan. Three types of myrmecochory were distinguished: myrmecochory with autochory (diplochory), the explosive ejection of seeds followed by ant transportation; myrmecochory with vegetative reproduction, seed-transportation by ants and reproduction by tuber; and pure myrmecochory, seed-transporting by ants only. Diplochory occurs in one winter annual plant, which has explosive capsules, a smooth seed surface, a small elaiosome, long pedicels and large bracts. Myrmecochory with vegetative reproduction occurs in two perennials that reproduce by tuber, although they also produce a small number of seeds with a medium-sized elaiosome. the pedicels and bracts are medium in size. Pure myrmecochory occurs in five annuals or biennials that are characterized by a rough seed surface with a large elaiosome, comparatively high seed production, short pedicels and only small bracts. Diplochory is exhibited by only one species distributed widely throughout Japan. Myrmecochory with vegetative reproduction is exhibited by species mainly distributed in cool-temperate northern Japan, while true myrmecochory is exhibited by the majority ofCorydalis species in warm-temperate Japan.  相似文献   

Ecological theories of adaptive radiation predict that ecological opportunity stimulates cladogenesis through its effects on competitive release and niche expansion. Given that key innovations may confer ecological opportunity, we investigated the effect of the acquisition of climbing adaptations on rates of cladogenesis in a major avian radiation, the Neotropical bird family Furnariidae, using a species-level phylogeny. Morphological specializations for vertical climbing originated in the woodcreepers ~23 million years ago, well before that adaptation occurred in woodpeckers (Picidae) or in other potential competitors in South America. This suggests that the acquisition of climbing adaptations conferred ample ecological opportunity to early woodcreepers. Nonetheless, we found that increases in speciation rates in Furnariidae did not coincide with the acquisition of climbing adaptations and that the relationship between the accumulation of climbing adaptations and rates of speciation was negative. In addition, we did not detect a diversity-dependent decline in woodcreeper diversification rates consistent with saturation of the trunk-climbing niche. These findings do not support the hypothesis that ecological opportunity related to trunk foraging stimulated cladogenesis in this radiation. The negative effect of climbing on diversification may be mediated by an indirect positive effect of climbing on dispersal ability, which may reduce speciation rates over evolutionary timescales.  相似文献   

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