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Hybridization between genetically distinct populations of a single species can serve as an important stimulus for the evolution of invasiveness. Such intraspecific hybridization was examined in Pyrus calleryana, a Chinese tree species commonly planted as an ornamental in residential and commercial areas throughout the United States. This self-incompatible species is now escaping cultivation and appearing in disturbed habitats, where it has the potential to form dense thickets. Using genetic techniques incorporating nine microsatellite markers, we show that abundant fruit set on cultivated trees as well as the subsequent appearance of wild individuals result from crossing between genetically distinct horticultural cultivars of the same species that originated from different areas of China. We conclude that intraspecific hybridization can be a potent but little recognized process impacting the evolution of invasiveness in certain species.  相似文献   

Using five SSR markers, polymorphism ofmicrosatellite loci was examined in 46 cultivars and five species of pear (Pyrus ussuriensis, P. bretscgneideri, P. pyraster, and P. elaegnifolia). Most of the accessions examined demonstrated the presence of unique allele sets. The degree of relationship between Russian and Western European pear cultivar was established. It was demonstrated that P. ussuriensis and its first generation progeny were genetically distant from typical cultivars of P. communis, as well as from the P. communis x P. ussuriensis hybrids of later generations. SSR estimates of the cultivar relatedness were shown to correlate with the corresponding pedigree-based estimates. A number of SSR alleles specific to P. ussuriensis were identified. Based on the analysis of microsatellite loci, the allelic composition was determined for each cultivar examined. These data can serve as a molecular certificate of the cultivar.  相似文献   

The pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) has gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI). To elucidate the S-genotypes of Korean-bred pear cultivars, whose parents are heterozygotes, the PCR amplification using S-RNase primers that are specific for each S-genotype was carried out in 15 Korean-bred pear cultivars and 5 Japanese-bred pear cultivars. The difference of the fragment length was shown in the following order: S6 (355 bp) < S7 (360 bp) < S1 (375 bp) < S4 (376 bp) < S3 and S5 (384 bp) < S8 (442 bp) < S9 (1,323 bp) < S2 (1,355 bp). We analyzed the sequence of the S-RNase gene, which had introns of various sizes in the hypervariable (HV) region between the adjacent exons with a fairly high homology. The sizes of the introns were as follows: S1 = 167 bp, S2 = 1,153 bp, S3 = 179 bp, S4 = 168 bp, S5 = 179 bp, S6 = 147 bp, S7 = 152 bp, S8 = 234 bp, S9 = 1,115 bp. There were five conservative and five hypervariable regions in the introns of S1, S3, S4, S5, S6 and S-RNases. A pairwise comparison of these introns of S-RNases revealed homologies as follows: 93.7% between S1- and S4-RNases, 93.3% between S3- and S5-RNases and 78.9% between S6- and S7-RNases. PCR-RFLP and S-RNases sequencing determined the S-genotypes of the pear cultivars. The S-genotypes were S4S9 for Shinkou, S3S9 for Niitaka, S3S5 for Housui, S1S5 for Kimizukawase, S1S8 for Ichiharawase, S3S5 for Mansoo, S3S4 for Shinil, S3S4 for Whangkeumbae, S3S5 for Sunhwang, S3S5 for Whasan, S3S5 for Mihwang, S5S? for Chengsilri, S3S5 for Gamro, S3S4 for Yeongsanbae, S3S4 for Wonhwang, S3S5 for Gamcheonbae, S3S5 for Danbae, S3S4 for Manpoong, S3S4 for Soowhangbae and S4S6 for Chuwhangbae. The information on the S-genotypes of pear cultivars will be used for the pollinizer selection and breeding program.  相似文献   

An efficient adventitious shoot regeneration system was developed for pear (Pyrus communis L.), using leaves from in vitro proliferating shoots. Under optimal conditions, bud regeneration frequencies of Comice, Passe-Crassane, Williams and Conference ranged from 60% to 97%, with the mean number of shoots per regenerating leaf ranging from 3.2 to 6.6. Despite the great variability in responses of the different cultivars, in general an initial dark exposure of at least 20 days was required. Ammonium and total nitrogen proved to play an essential role: intermediate NH4 + concentrations were suitable for regeneration. The balance between NH4 + and NO3 - also influenced regeneration; optimal regeneration occured on media with a 1:3 NH4 +/NO3 - ratio. TDZ at 1 M was less efficient than higher concentrations, whatever the NAA level. Finally, length and growth regulator composition of the two phases (induction and expression) influenced the regeneration rate of Conference.Abbreviations BA 6-benzyladenine - EDFS ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid ferric-sodium salt - IBA 4-indole-3yl-butyric acid - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - TDZ thidiazuron (N-phenyl-N-1,2,3-thidiazol-5-ylurea)  相似文献   

植物生长调节物质对丰水梨花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响   总被引:26,自引:4,他引:26  
采用花粉液体培养法研究了植物生长调节物质对梨花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响,结果表明:较低浓度的赤霉素、三十烷醇、吲哚乙酸及2,4-D均能促进花粉萌发和花粉管生长,而超过一定浓度时却起抑制作用,最适宜于花粉萌发和花粉管生长的赤霉素浓度为50~300mg/L,三十烷醇为3~100mg/L,吲哚乙酸为5~25mg/L,2,4-D为5~10mg/L。萘乙酸对花粉萌发和花粉管生长有抑制作用,抑制程度随培养基内其浓度的增大而加强。多效唑和脱落酸对花粉萌发有抑制作用,其抑制程度随浓度的上升而增强,但他们对花粉管生长却有促进怍用,其最适宜于花粉管生长的浓度分别为400mg/L和60mg/L,超过此浓度后,促进作用又有所下降,甚至出现抑制作用,如多效唑浓度达到1000mg/L时,能强烈地抑制花粉管生长。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In fruit crops, fruit size at harvest is an important aspect of quality. With Japanese pears (Pyrus pyrifolia), later maturing cultivars usually have larger fruits than earlier maturing cultivars. It is considered that the supply of photosynthate during fruit development is a critical determinant of size. To assess the interaction of assimilate supply and early/late maturity of cultivars and its effect on final fruit size, the pattern of carbon assimilate partitioning from spur leaves (source) to fruit and other organs (sinks) during fruit growth was investigated using three genotypes differing in maturation date. METHODS: Partitioning of photosynthate from spur leaves during fruit growth was investigated by exposure of spurs to (13)CO(2) and measurement of the change in (13)C abundance in dry matter with time. Leaf number and leaf area per spur, fresh fruit weight, cell number and cell size of the mesocarp were measured and used to model the development of the spur leaf and fruit. KEY RESULTS: Compared with the earlier-maturing cultivars 'Shinsui' and 'Kousui', the larger-fruited, later-maturing cultivar 'Shinsetsu' had a greater total leaf area per spur, greater source strength (source weight x source specific activity), with more (13)C assimilated per spur and allocated to fruit, smaller loss of (13)C in respiration and export over the season, and longer duration of cell division and enlargement. Histology shows that cultivar differences in final fruit size were mainly attributable to the number of cells in the mesocarp. CONCLUSIONS: Assimilate availability during the period of cell division was crucial for early fruit growth and closely correlated with final fruit size. Early fruit growth of the earlier-maturing cultivars, but not the later-maturing ones, was severely restrained by assimilate supply rather than by sink limitation.  相似文献   

In Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai), fruit storage potential is closely related to the amount of ethylene produced. We have developed a rapid and accurate method for analyzing genes involved in high ethylene production during fruit ripening in Japanese pear. This involves cleaved-amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) of two 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) synthase genes (PPACS1 and PPACS2). Two CAPS markers (A for PPACS1 and B for PPACS2), associated with the amount of ethylene produced, were identified. Marker A was associated with high ethylene producers and marker B with moderate ethylene producers. The absence of these two markers enabled the identification of low ethylene producers. Using these markers, we have identified ethylene genotypes for 40 Japanese pear cultivars and two Chinese pear (P. bretschneideri) cultivars that are commercially important and used in breeding programs. Furthermore, we performed linkage analysis of these two genes in the F(2) population, which revealed that the recombination frequency between the two markers was 20.8 +/- 3.6%. This information is critical to the selection of parents and in breeding strategies to improve storage ability of Japanese pears.  相似文献   

Unripe Spanish pears ( Pyras commanis L. ev. Blanquilla ) were ripened at 18°C for 5 and 10 days. Softening of the cortical tissues was associated with swelling of parenchyma cell walls from 1 to more than 5 μm in 10 day ripe pears, by which time the pears were over ripe. However, there was little indication of cell separation and the middle lamella could be detected between most cell walls. Furthermore, cell separation was constrained by regions rich in plasmodesmata where wall swelling was prevented. Parenchyma cells in the 500 μm of tissue underlying the epidermis did not undergo ripening-related changes to the same extent as those of the cortex. These cells, in combination with a sub-epidermal layer of lignified sclereid clusters, constituted a relatively tough and protective skin. Ripening of the cortical tissues was associated with a depletion of alcohol-insoluble pectic polysaccharides, as indicated by the decrease in arabinose and uronic acid. Analysis of alcohol-insoluble cell wall preparations enriched in either parenchyma or sclereid cell walls indicated that this change was predominantly associated with the parenchyma walls. Such changes were less prominent in the peel. The decrease in pectic polysaccharides was accompanied by an increase in their solubility. During ripening, the sclereid clusters of the cortex continued in develop, as indicated by an increase in their size and yield of cell wall xylose and glucose. Cortical parenchyma cells radiating from the sclereids were firmly attached to the lignified cells. This was due to lignification extending from the sclereids into the primary walls of the parenchyma cells. We conclude that dissolution of pectic polysaccharides is one of several factors which determine softening during ripening of Spanish pears.  相似文献   


The “Nanguo” pear is a typically climacteric fruit and ethylene is the main factor controlling the ripening process of climacteric fruit. Ethylene biosynthesis has been studied clearly and ACC synthase (ACS) is the rate-limited enzyme. ACO (ACC oxidase) is another important enzyme in ethylene biosynthesis. By exploring the pear genome, we identified 13 ACS genes and 11 ACO genes, respectively, and their expression patterns in fruit and other organs were investigated. Among these genes, 11 ACS and 8ACO genes were expressed in pear fruits. What’s more, 4 ACS and 3ACO genes could be induced by Ethephon and inhibited by 1-MCP treatment. This study is the first time to explore ACS and ACO genes at genome-wide level and will provide new data for research on pear fruit ripening.


Fourteen microsatellite markers were developed from an enriched genomic library of Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) by selective hybridization. They were characterized using 17 Japanese pear cultivars. The expected heterozygosity and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.21 to 0.74 and from 0 to 0.88, respectively. Two to 11 alleles were detected per locus, with IPPN09 and IPPN15 judged to amplify multiple loci. IPPN17 was the most informative locus with the lowest probability of identity (0.19). These primers exhibited a high cross‐species transferability between species and genera.  相似文献   

While stigma anatomy is well documented for a good number of species, little information is available on the acquisition and cessation of stigmatic receptivity. The aim of this work is to characterize the development of stigma receptivity, from anthesis to stigma degeneration, in the pentacarpellar pear (Pyrus communis) flower. Stigma development and stigmatic receptivity were monitored over two consecutive years, as the capacity of the stigmas to offer support for pollen germination and pollen tube growth. In an experiment where hand pollinations were delayed for specified times after anthesis, three different stigmatic developmental stages could be observed: (1) immature stigmas, which allow pollen adhesion but not hydration; (2) receptive stigmas, which allow proper pollen hydration and germination; and (3) degenerated stigmas, in which pollen hydrates and germinates properly, but pollen tube growth is impaired soon after germination. This developmental characterization showed that stigmas in different developmental stages coexist within a flower and that the acquisition and cessation of stigmatic receptivity by each carpel occur in a sequential manner. In this way, while the duration of stigmatic receptivity for each carpel is rather short, the flower has an expanded receptive period. This asynchronous period of receptivity for the different stigmas of a single flower is discussed as a strategy that could serve to maximize pollination resources under unreliable pollination conditions.  相似文献   

To study microtubule organization in germinating pear (Pyrus communis L., cv., Bartlett) pollen, we removed the pollen wall by freeze-fracturing before treating the resultant pollen protoplasts by conventional immunofluorescence procedures. Results reveal that axial bundles of microtubules are present in the generative cell of both inactivated and activated pollen grains. Microtubules are not present in the vegetative cells of inactivated pollen, but they are present in the vegetative cells of activated pollen grains. Microtubule nucleation occurs in the vegetative cell cortex. Subsequently, the microtubules grow as branching arrays through most of the vegetative cell cortex except at the apertures where they form localized converging or criss-cross patterns. Eventually, in a germinated pollen grain, the microtubules form network-like arrays through most of the pollen grain and a collar of short arrays at the base of the pollen tube. It is suggested that the role of vegetative cell microtubules in pollen germination is indirect through their mediation of the conformational changes in actin organization that are essential for pollen germination.  相似文献   

The feeding preference of pear psylla (Cacopsylla chinensis) varies among pear cultivars. To clarify whether leaf structural factors are related to C. chinensis resistance, eleven pear cultivars of three pear species and their hybrids in China were studied. The population size of C. chinensis in plots of different cultivars was investigated, and leaf paraffin sections of each pear cultivar were observed. Correlation analysis results showed that the thickness of palisade tissue (PT) and the thickness ratio (TR) of PT to leaf (L) were the main factors influencing resistance to C. chinensis. The leaves of cultivar Wujiuxiang and those species from France and the USA exhibited the thickest PT and the highest TR; these three cultivars demonstrated much higher resistance to C. chinensis than did the other cultivars. The cultivar Gold Nijisseiki, with a large C. chinensis population size, showed low PT and TR. The findings of this study may provide valuable information to pear growers, experts and scientists regarding plant protection, cultivation and breeding when selecting suitable varieties to culture from the perspective of pest control.  相似文献   

The chloroplast genome of Pyrus was found to be 159,922?bp in length which included a pair of inverted repeats (IRs) of 26,392?bp, separated by a small single-copy region of 19,237?bp and a large single-copy region (LSC) of 87,901?bp. A total of 130 predicted genes (113 unique genes and 17 genes, which were duplicated in the IR) including 79 protein-coding genes, four ribosomal RNA genes and 30 tRNA genes were identified based on similarity to homologs from the chloroplast genome of Nicotiana tabacum. Genome organization was very similar to the inferred ancestral angiosperm chloroplast genome. Comparisons between Pyrus, Malus, and Prunus in Rosaceae revealed 220 indels (??10?bp). Excluding ycf1 and ycf2, which contained deletions in the coding region, all of these were detected in the spacer or intron regions. Three insertions and 13 deletions were detected in Pyrus compared to the same loci in Malus and Prunus. After comparing 89 noncoding chloroplast DNA regions in Pyrus and Malus, highly variable regions such as ndhC-trnV and trnR-atpA were identified. In Pyrus and Malus, the IR/LSC borders were 62?bp shorter than those of Prunus. In addition, there were length mutations at the IRa/LSC junction and in trnH. A total of 67 simple sequence repeats (more than 10 repeated motifs) were identified in the Pyrus chloroplast genome. The indels and simple sequence repeats will be useful evolutionary tools at both intra- and interspecific levels. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated a close relationship between Pyrus and Prunus in the Rosaceae.  相似文献   

In this work we characterize the changes induced by iron deficiency in the pigment composition of pear (Pyrus communis L.) leaves grown under high light intensities in field conditions in Spain. Iron deficiency induced decreases in neoxanthin and β-carotene concomitantly with decreases in chlorophyll a, whereas lutein and carotenoids within the xanthophyll cycle were less affected. Iron deficiency caused major increases in the lutein/chlorophyll a and xanthophyll cycle pigments/chlorophyll a molar ratios. The chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b ratio increased in response to iron deficiency. The carotenoids within the xanthophyll cycle in iron-deficient and in iron-sufficient (control) leaves underwent epoxidations and de-epoxidations in response to ambient light conditions. In control leaves dark-adapted for several hours, most of the xanthophyll cycle pigment pool was in the epoxidated form vio-laxanthin, whereas iron-deficient leaves had significant amounts of zeaxanthin. Iron-deficient leaves also exhibited an increased non-photochemical quenching, supporting the possibility of a role for pigments within the xanthophyll cycle in photoprotection.  相似文献   

Small populations of self-incompatible plants may be expected to be threatened by the limitation of compatible mating partners (i.e., S-Allee effect). However, few empirical studies have explicitly tested the hypothesis of mate limitation in small populations of self-incompatible plants. To do so, we studied wild pear (Pyrus pyraster), which possesses a gametophytic self-incompatibility system. We determined the S-genotypes in complete samplings of all adult trees from 3 populations using a PCR-RFLP approach. We identified a total of 26 different S-alleles, homologous to S-alleles of other woody Rosaceae. The functionality of S-alleles and their Mendelian inheritance were verified in artificial pollination experiments and investigations of pollen tube growth. The smallest population (N = 8) harbored 9 different S-alleles and showed a mate availability of 92.9%, whereas the 2 larger populations harbored 18 and 25 S-alleles and exhibited mate availabilities of 98.4% and 99.2%, respectively. Therefore, we conclude that even small populations of gametophytic self-incompatible plants may exhibit high diversity at the S-locus and are not immediately threatened owing to reduced mate availability.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors which affect the distribution of alien plants in arid islands is complicated by the complex and stochastic nature of the invasion process per se, the harsh environmental conditions, and the low number of researchers and sampling effort. We present the results of the most comprehensive inventory to date of alien vascular plant species occurring in Socotra Island, a global biodiversity hotspot just beginning to be developed. A floristic survey was conducted between 2006 and 2008 in 36 grid cells of 10?×?10?km. We integrated this data from this survey with those from scientific literature. We recorded 88 alien plant species. Tree and herbaceous species were the most common growth forms. Species from Asia and edible species were prevalent. We identified 80 species considered weeds worldwide with >50?% adapted to arid conditions. We used a two-part model to analyze the spatial distribution of naturalized and alien plant species in relation to environmental and anthropogenic factors. Altitude and human-related factors play a significant role in the distribution of both naturalized and invasive species. Notably, the latter can potentially spread mainly in the alluvial basal areas. This study underpins the knowledge about alien species and their spatial distribution in Socotra Island. It provides a baseline for plant invasion management and contributes data for the analyses of invasion processes on islands worldwide.  相似文献   

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