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The flower organs of Circaeaster are spiral in origin. The primordia of the tepals, stamens and carpels are almost the same in shape and size in early development. Carpel conduplication takes place only in the middle part of the carpel. The basal part of the carpel differentiates into a short stalk and the upper part into the style and the stigma. Flower development is similar to that of Kingdonia. Floral development of Circaeaster is compared with that of other Ranunculales.  相似文献   

The flower of Kingdonia has a terminal position, thus the rhizome is sympodial. The floral organs initiate in spiral phyllotaxis. The androecium is centripetal in initiation but the sterile stamens are retarded in development compared with the fertile ones. The apex of the young carpel does not participate in the conduplication. The floral organs have single vascular traces and unilacunar nodes.The study was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 30370095 and 30130030).  相似文献   

To confirm the taxonomic treatment ofMegaleranthis saniculifolia Ohwi, an endemic genus and species in Korea, we compared its reproductive morphological characteristics with those ofTrollius and other genera within the Ranunculaceae. Although its external morphology might suggest thatMegaleranthis differs fromTrollius, Calathodes, and etc., we found no distinctly different features in this genus. Likewise, previous studies of their pollen structures, chromosome data, and petal morphology have indicated no differences betweenMegaleranthis andTrollius. In fact, related genera share similar characteristics, such as a tetrasporangia anther, glandular tapetum, simultaneous cytokinesis, an anatropous and bitegmic ovule, embryo sac formation of thePolygonum type, exarillate and copious albuminous seed, and several apocarps. Although the unique feature of having both tenuinucellate and crassinucellate ovules simultaneously may initially seem particular toMegaleranthis, it is present in other genera of the same family. Therefore, based on this evidence of reproductive morphology and other information, we suggest thatM. saniculifolia is closely related toTrollius, and should be included within that genus, i.e., asT. chosenensis Ohwi. Nevertheless, we have tentatively placedMegaleranthis within its own monotypic and endemic genus until definitive data become available.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated seed morphology in 34 species of the genus Lysimachia and in 14 species and two subspecies of six additional genera (Anagallis, Ardisiandra, Asterolinon, Glaux, Pelletiera, Trientalis), which have been shown to be closely related to, or are placed within Lysimachia in previous molecular studies. We studied seed shape, seed coat structure, and seed coat surface patterns. Three major types of seed shape were identified: (1) sectoroid, (2) polyhedral, and (3) coarsely rugose with concave hilar area. In addition, seeds may be keeled or winged. The outer layer of the seed coat is either sponge-like and adhering only loosely to the inner seed coat or it is thin and tightly adhering to the underlying tissue. Seed surface patterns can be divided into six main types: (1) reticulate, (2) tuberculate, (3) vesiculose, (4) colliculate, (5) undulate, or (6) poroid-alveolate. Seed surface patterns are mostly congruent with molecular phylogenetic relationships. A reticulate surface pattern is diagnostic of, e.g. Lysimachia subgenera Palladia and Hawaiian Lysimachiopsis. Mapping seed characters onto a recent phylogenetic tree, reveals that they provide potentially synapomorphic character states for various subclades of Lysimachia. Salient examples include a rugose seed shape, which turns out to be synapomorphic for the clade comprising the genus Pelletiera plus Asterolinon linum-stellatum and a sponge-like outer seed coat layer, which characterizes a clade with Lysimachia vulgaris, L. thyrsiflora, and L. terrestris, with an analogue that apparently evolved in parallel in Trientalis europaea. We also discuss possible habitat factors that may have favored the independent evolution of particular seed types such as winged seeds in various lineages.  相似文献   

Macro and micromorphological properties of intact and mature seeds of 12 taxa (species and varieties) belonging to Nigella L. (Ranunculaceae) was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. Material studied covers 11 species of 15 Turkish Nigella. Studied taxa were divided into two types. Type I has ovate to orbicular seeds that includes four species. Type II has triquedrous seeds and includes seven species. Type II was subdivided into two. Type IIa has triquedrous to subpyramidal seeds (five species) and Type IIb has triquedrous to subglobose seeds (two species). Further segregation was performed micromorphologically and an identification key of studied Nigella taxa was given. Studied Nigella taxa have a diverse macro and micromorphological characters that utilize to separate them from each other to assess the systematics of Nigella.  相似文献   

Twelve species ofAnnonaceae, namelyAncana sp.,A. stenopetala, Annona cherimola, A. montana, A. muricata, A. squamosa, Bocagea sp.,Bocageopsis canescens, two species ofUnonopsis, Xylopia aromatica, andX. emarginata, were investigated with respect to the morphology and anatomy of the seed. They show the basic structural pattern characteristic of annonaceous seeds: perichalaza, fibrous mesotesta, and rumination developed by both integuments. However, several differential characters, some of them never previously described, were found: All taxa exhibit an additional endotestal mechanical layer which forms the micropylar plug except inAncana. InAncana the plug is built by the inner integument. Aril, sarcotesta and pits on the seed surface are present in some taxa and show different origin and structure. Special anatomical adaptations possibly functioning during germination are described. The results obtained from the investigated taxa are discussed and compared with published data on seed structure inAnnonaceae.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the Canarian laurel forest endemicIxanthus viscosus (Aiton) Griseb. (Gentianaceae) are investigated through a cladistic analysis of sequence variation of parts of the chloroplast genematK and the ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The floral anatomical and morphological characteristics ofIxanthus based on paraffin sections and SEM studies are also discussed. In the molecular analysesIxanthus is part of a clade of mostly temperate Erythraeinae and Chironiinae sensu Gilg, in which it is sister to the mostly Mediterranean annualBlackstonia. This relationship is supported by farreaching similarities in flower morphology and anatomy, and the shared possession of at least some perfoliate leaves. This finding contradicts most former classifications in whichIxanthus was placed either in subtribe Gentianinae which never includedBlackstonia, or in a subtribe of its own which was suggested to connect woody tropical with herbaceous temperate taxa. The phylogenetic relationships found here show that 1) the sister group ofIxanthus is distributed in the Mediterranean area, and that 2) its habit as a basally woody suffrutescent herb is best interpreted as an advanced character state.  相似文献   

The tropical Indo-Pacific genus Excoecaria L. (Euphorbiaceae) has several closely related species in Australia whose taxonomic relationships are unclear. The most widely reported species in Australia is the mangrove species Excoecaria agallocha L. (type species), whose taxonomic and geographic limits are difficult to define from its closely related species or sub-species. Two additional taxa have also been described but not clearly differentiated from the type species: Excoecaria dallachyana Baillon and Excoecaria ovalis Endl. This project aimed to determine the taxonomic relationships of the Australian Excoecaria species using both leaf morphological data and DNA sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal genes. The nucleotide differences in the examined ITS1 region show that E. agallocha from eastern Australia and E. ovalis from Western Australia respectively, are genetically uniform within species but differ from each other consistently, thus supporting species status. The leaf morphological data also support this view: single factor analysis of variance consistently separated E. ovalis from E. agallocha on the basis of leaf width, leaf length and length of petiole. In contrast, E. ovalis from the Gulf of Carpentaria differs only slightly from E. ovalis in Western Australia, but no evidence was found to suggest any leaf morphological differentiation within this species. The analysis also suggests that E. dallachyana is not closely related to either mangrove species E. agallocha or E. ovalis, despite superficial morphological similarities.  相似文献   

Using flow cytometry, we measured the nuclear DNA contents of all known taxa in Hepatica. Nuclear DNA content of Hepatica falconeri (diploid, crenate leaf lobes) was significantly lower than that of diploid entire species. Among the tetraploid species, crenate species had lower DNA contents than the entire taxon H. nobilis var. pubescens. The DNA content of the tetraploid species was more than double that of the diploid species among the same leaf-type groups.  相似文献   

The position of attachment of the shell muscle is discovered in the columellar area of the shell of the Early Cambrian univalved genus Aldanella (family Aldanellidae, order Pelagielliformes, subclass Archaeobranchia), the structure of its protoconch is described, and the presence of series of septa in the embryonic part of their shell is confirmed. These new features confidently support the position of the family Aldanellidae within the gastropod class and allow them to be considered ancestral to younger gastropod lineages with a turbospiral shell.  相似文献   

Floral morphology and anatomy of 15 genera in thePolygalaceae have been studied. The pentamerous origin of the polygalaceous flower is confirmed and shown to apply to all genera in the family. The keel is interpreted as a single petal, and the androecium as of bimeric origin. Vascular structure in the receptacles ofCarpolobia andMonnina subg.Monnina is described in detail, and a compilation of results, focusing on the vascular supply for the androecium and gynoecium, is given for all genera. Based on similarities and differences in vascularization it is concluded that present taxonomy, in particular the tribal system, needs to be reviewed.  相似文献   

发现近来根据云南西北部丽江标本描述的毛茛科短尾翠雀花(Delphinium brachyurum W. T. Wang)与此前根据该地标本描述的丽江翠雀花(D. likiangense Franch.)属于同一种植物,故将前者处理为后者的异名。  相似文献   

发现根据甘肃南部标本描述的毛茛科狭序翠雀花(Delphinium angustipaniculatum W.T.Wang)与此前记载分布于甘肃南部和四川北部的松潘翠雀花(D.sutchuenense Franch.)属于同一种植物,故将前者处理为后者的异名。讨论了松潘翠雀花与其可能的近缘种秦岭翠雀花(D.giraldii Diels)和疏花翠雀花(D.sparsiflorum Maxim.)的形态区别。  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the phylogenetic, morphological and ecological factors affecting the caw calls of 28 species of the genus Corvus, spanning the worldwide range of the taxon. The three phylogeographic groups identified by Goodwin (1986, Crows of the World, British Museum (Natural History), St Edmudsbury Press, Bury St Edmunds), i.e. the American stock, the Palearctic-African stock and the Oriental-Australian stock, were differentiated by some of the acoustic features of their calls, suggesting that historical factors may have played an important role in the evolution of vocalisations in this group. To assess the effects of morphology (body size and bill length) and environment (open vs. closed habitat) and to simultaneously take into account the phylogenetic effects, we used the phylogenetically independent contrast method. This manner of analysis revealed that body size was important in shaping the acoustic attributes of the caw call, as it influenced two temporal and two spectral variables, whereas the effect of bill length was far weaker. Notably, our results did not confirm the negative correlation between call frequency and body size that resulted in a phylogeny-free analysis of the same data in many studies on passerines. Larger Corvus species, in fact, utter calls with higher fundamental frequency than those of smaller species. Hence, these results show that incorporating phylogeny in analyses can substantially alter the conclusions reached by studies carried out with non-phylogenetic approaches. The acoustic environment, considered one of the most important forces driving the evolution of vocalisations in passerines, slightly influenced only two acoustic parameters in the Corvusgenus, call fundamental frequency and duration of pulsed units, both of which increased in the calls of forest species.  相似文献   

Andrew Henderson 《Brittonia》1999,51(1):106-113
The Euterpeinae contains six neotropical genera. There has been continual disagreement on generic and subgeneric boundaries in the subtribe.Euterpe andPrestoea, andJessenia andOenocarpus, have been repeatedly united and separated. A phylogenetic analysis based on 54 morphological and anatomical characters gave one tree of 127 steps.Euterpe is separate fromPrestoea, butJessenia andOenocarpus are best treated as one genus. Subgeneric relationships ofEuterpe andOenocarpus are also analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

师雄  杨鲁红  陈茜 《广西植物》2017,37(11):1455-1462
利用光镜和扫描电镜,对石韦属(Pyrrosia)19种植物的孢子纹饰进行了研究。结果表明:19种石韦属孢子都为黄色,形态均为肾形,两侧对称,单裂缝,说明该属植物是一个自然类群。表面纹饰类型有3种,即瘤状、瘤状—疣状和瘤状—网脊状。孢子表面纹饰特征性状稳定,在种间存在较大差异。该研究结果可以为形态近似种的分类提供参考依据,同时也为石韦属属下分类系统的建立提供了重要证据。  相似文献   

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