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Modern pollen assemblages as climate indicators in southern Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim and Location Our aim is to develop pollen–climate inference models for southern Europe and to test their performance and inference power by cross‐validation with modern climate data. Surface sediments collected from lakes along a climate gradient from the winter‐cold/summer‐wet Alps to winter‐wet/summer‐dry Sicily were analysed for modern pollen assemblages. Methods For each lake, mean monthly temperatures, seasonal precipitation and site‐specific climate uncertainties have been estimated. Pollen–climate relationships were studied using numerical analyses, and inference models were derived by partial least squares (PLS) and weighted‐averaging PLS (WA‐PLS) regressions for January and July temperatures (T), and for winter, spring and summer precipitation (P). In order to assess whether these variables are also of ecological importance for vegetation in the subregions, we split the data set into an Alpine and a Mediterranean subset. Results Low bootstrap cross‐validated root mean square errors of prediction (RMSEP) for January T (1.7 °C), July T (2.1 °C) and summer P (38 mm), as well as low RMSEPs expressed as a percentage of the gradient length (8–9%), indicate a good inference power. Models revealed excellent to good performance statistics for January T, July T and summer P (r2= 0.8), and for winter and spring P (r2=c. 0.5). We show that the variables with the highest explanatory power differ between the two subregions. These are summer T and P for the Alpine set, and January T, winter P and July T for the Mediterranean set. Main conclusions The study reveals the influence of climatic conditions during the growing season on modern pollen assemblages and indicates the potential of pollen data for long‐term climate reconstructions of parameters such as winter precipitation and temperature, which seem to be the main factors having an influence on the variability of Mediterranean climate. These models may therefore provide important information on past regional climate variability in southern Europe.  相似文献   

新疆表土中云杉花粉与植被的关系   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
阎顺  孔昭宸  杨振京  张芸  倪健 《生态学报》2004,24(9):2017-2023
通过对新疆天山、阿尔泰山、昆仑山、塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地不同植被带中所取的 131个表土样中云杉花粉含量进行百分比统计分析 ,从而确定了影响表土中云杉花粉含量的主要因素是距云杉林地距离、海拔高度、气流和水流等。进而指出在荒漠、荒漠草原表土中云杉花粉含量稳定在 5 %以下 ;林带内表土中云杉花粉含量稳定在 30 %以上 ;在森林线以上的亚高山、高山草甸、高山垫状植被以及高山流石滩植被中表土中云杉花粉含量主要受气流的影响 ,而平原河谷林和平原低地草甸表土中的云杉含量则受水流的制约。  相似文献   

重庆喀斯特地区4种不同地貌单元的81份表土和苔藓样品的孢粉分析结果表明:(1)研究区植物孢粉组合共由109科属组成。除金佛山外,其他植被退化严重地区样点均以草本和蕨类植物占据优势(剔除石漠化治理大量引种的马尾松、柳杉和侧柏等乔木花粉),其次是乔木植物花粉(主要为马尾松),灌木植物花粉含量很低,显示该区植被退化严重;(2)孢粉组合的PCA分析能够很好地将研究区的现代孢粉组合区分开来,较好地反映了重庆喀斯特地区不同地貌单元的植被特征,特别是石漠化区植被退化严重的孢粉组合特征。生态保护较好、自然植被发育的金佛山地区具有106科属的乔木、灌木与草本孢粉类型,以及高含量的乔木花粉,而喀斯特石漠化地区的鸡公山(46科属)、青木关镇(56科属)和南平镇(50科属)则表现为乔灌木孢粉类型较少;(3)银杉作为金佛山特有的孑遗植物,其花粉含量明显低于松属花粉,说明其花粉不利于远距离传播;(4)随着土地利用强度的增加,现代孢粉组合中乔灌木花粉含量和种类越少,草本和蕨类植物孢粉含量越多,且以耕地杂草为主。因此,土地利用方式的变化是喀斯特石漠化区次生植被及其现代孢粉组合变化的主要影响因素。研究可为重庆喀斯特地区...  相似文献   

Aim We used modern pollen assemblages to develop a method for climate reconstruction that reduces the spatial autocorrelation of residuals and accounts for the strong topographic and climatic variation that occurs in British Columbia, Canada. Location British Columbia, Canada, including sites both on the mainland and on adjacent islands (Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver Island). Methods New pollen assemblages from surface‐sediment samples collected in British Columbia were combined with other published and unpublished samples (n = 284). Multivariate rank‐distances between sample sites and a randomized set of sites within the province were calculated for climate parameters to determine whether gaps in the current network of present‐day pollen sample sites exist. Lacustrine surface‐sediment pollen assemblages (n = 145) were ordinated using non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), and a generalized additive model (GAM) was used to reconstruct modern mean warmest month temperature (MWMT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP) from the NMDS ordination. The results were compared with standard climate reconstruction techniques, including the modern analogue technique, partial least squares, weighted averaging, weighted averaging–partial least squares and factor analysis. Results Reconstructions of MWMT and MAP using NMDS and GAM were comparable to those of existing models. When reconstructing MWMT, the NMDS/GAM method had a lower root‐mean‐squared error of prediction (RMSEP), lower spatial autocorrelation and higher correlation with observed temperature values than the other methods tested. When reconstructing MAP, the partial least squares method performed better than the NMDS/GAM method for RMSEP and correlation with observed values; however, the NMDS/GAM method had a lower spatial autocorrelation of residuals. Main conclusions NMDS reveals strong relationships among modern pollen assemblages, vegetation and climate parameters. Climate models using NMDS and GAM are comparable to other palaeoecological reconstruction models, but provide lower spatial autocorrelation of residuals for both parameters tested. An inverse distance‐weighted surface of multivariate rank‐climate distances generated from the network of pollen sample sites indicates that greater sampling intensity in north‐western and central‐interior British Columbia is required in order to obtain an accurate representation of climatic and vegetation diversity in the province.  相似文献   

We use 86 pollen trap and surface soil pollen samples in steppe areas of China to explore the relationships between modern pollen, vegetation, and climate. The modern pollen spectra from both sources have comparable compositions with regard to the major pollen taxa. However, the number of taxa in the traps was higher than in the surface soil samples. Both pollen accumulation rates and pollen concentrations are higher in the typical steppe areas than in the desert steppe areas. Discriminant analysis indicates that pollen spectra from trap and surface soil samples roughly reflect the vegetation zones of desert steppe and typical steppe, especially in the case of the trap samples. Detrended canonical correspondence analysis suggests that pollen assemblages have a significant relationship with the temperature of the coldest month and the mean annual precipitation.  相似文献   

Modern pollen samples from alpine vegetation on the Tibetan Plateau   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
  • 1 A set of 316 modern surface pollen samples, sampling all the alpine vegetation types that occur on the Tibetan Plateau, has been compiled and analysed. Between 82 and 92% of the pollen present in these samples is derived from only 28 major taxa. These 28 taxa include examples of both tree (AP) and herb (NAP) pollen types.
  • 2 Most of the modern surface pollen samples accurately reflect the composition of the modern vegetation in the sampling region. However, airborne dust‐trap pollen samples do not provide a reliable assessment of the modern vegetation. Dust‐trap samples contain much higher percentages of tree pollen than non‐dust‐trap samples, and many of the taxa present are exotic. In the extremely windy environments of the Tibetan Plateau, contamination of dust‐trap samples by long‐distance transport of exotic pollen is a serious problem.
  • 3 The most characteristic vegetation types present on the Tibetan Plateau are alpine meadows, steppe and desert. Non‐arboreal pollen (NAP) therefore dominates the pollen samples in most regions. Percentages of arboreal pollen (AP) are high in samples from the southern and eastern Tibetan Plateau, where alpine forests are an important component of the vegetation. The relative importance of forest and non‐forest vegetation across the Plateau clearly follows climatic gradients: forests occur on the southern and eastern margins of the Plateau, supported by the penetration of moisture‐bearing airmasses associated with the Indian and Pacific summer monsoons; open, treeless vegetation is dominant in the interior and northern margins of the Plateau, far from these moisture sources.
  • 4 The different types of non‐forest vegetation are characterized by different modern pollen assemblages. Thus, alpine deserts are characterized by high percentages of Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia, with Ephedra and Nitraria. Alpine meadows are characterized by high percentages of Cyperaceae and Artemisia, with Ranunculaceae and Polygonaceae. Alpine steppe is characterized by high abundances of Artemisia, with Compositae, Cruciferae and Chenopodiaceae. Although Artemisia is a common component of all non‐forest vegetation types on the Tibetan Plateau, the presence of other taxa makes it possible to discriminate between the different vegetation types.
  • 5 The good agreement between modern vegetation and modern surface pollen samples across the Tibetan Plateau provides a measure of the reliability of using pollen data to reconstruct past vegetation patterns in non‐forested areas.

Pollen analysis of Miocene and Pliocene sediments from the Iberian Peninsula shows a progressive reduction in plant diversity through time caused by the disappearance of thermophilous and high-water requirement plants. In addition, an increase in warm-temperate (mesothermic), seasonal-adapted “Mediterranean” taxa, high-elevation conifers and herbs (mainly Artemisia) occurred during the Middle and Late Miocene and Pliocene. This has mainly been interpreted as a response of the vegetation to global and regional processes, including climate cooling related to the development of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and then the onset of the Arctic Ice Sheet, uplift of regional mountains related to the Alpine uplift and the progressive movement of Eurasia towards northern latitudes as a result of the northwards subduction of Africa. The development of steppe-like vegetation in southern Iberia is ancient and probably started during the Oligocene. The onset of a contrasted seasonality in temperature during the Mid-Pliocene superimposed on the pre-existing seasonality in precipitation, the annual length of which increased southward. The Mediterranean climatic rhythm (summer drought) began about 3.4 Ma and caused the individualization of modern Mediterranean ecosystems. Quaternary-type Mediterranean climatic fluctuations started at 2.6 Ma (Gelasian) resulting in repeated steppe vs. forest alternations. A latitudinal climatic gradient between the southern and the northern parts of the Iberian Peninsula existed since the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

Benjamin A. Bell 《Grana》2016,55(4):286-301
Thirty-three modern surface samples were collected in the environmentally and climatologically contrasting regions of the Middle and High Atlas Mountains, Morocco. Samples representing forest and steppe montane environments (1935–2760 m above sea level) are clustered around study sites at Lake Tislit (High Atlas, semi-arid oro-Mediterranean bioclime) and Lake Sidi Ali and Michliffen (Middle Atlas, sub-humid montane Mediterranean bioclime). Good discrimination between regional pollen spectra is evident, with Middle Atlas samples reflecting higher arboreal cover (Cedrus and evergreen Quercus) and High Atlas samples with high abundances of non-arboreal taxa, including Artemisia and Fabaceae. These four taxa (Cedrus, evergreen Quercus, Artemisia and Fabaceae) are furthermore shown to be reliable indicators of local source vegetation within a 100 m2 quadrat, taking into account threshold abundances of 7%, 20%, 4% and 10%, respectively. Deciduous Quercus, Olea and Phillyrea show long-distance pollen dispersal across both regions, contributing to non-trivial arboreal pollen (AP) values of up to 35% (typically 20–30%) in the High Atlas spectra. In the Middle Atlas, AP values of 40 to 50% occur in open sampling locations and > 60% under forest canopy cover. These insights should be taken into account when interpreting ancient pollen spectra from regional lakes and bogs for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction.  相似文献   

潘韬  吴绍洪  戴尔阜  王昊  赵东升 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6060-6069
以云南亚热带南部沿温度带分布的35个表土孢粉样品和7个植被样方调查为基础,计算了代表性孢粉类型的百分比和孢粉浓度,及常见孢粉的R值,并分析了影响R值的因素;同时,研究了植物群落和样方内孢粉组合的相似度。结果表明,云南亚热带南部表土样品孢粉产量丰富,蕨类植物孢子产量较高,具有典型的亚热带特征,且山地垂直分异显著;木本、草本植物花粉基本代表了区域内乔木和草本植物特征,蕨类植物孢子则具有超代表性;表土孢粉组合与植物群落间的相似系数绝大部分都在70%以上,表土孢粉组合基本上可以反映植物群落面貌;表明云南亚热带地区表土孢粉与现代植被之间具有较好的对应关系,这对在该区利用化石孢粉资料定量恢复古植被和重建古气候有重要意义。  相似文献   

Twenty five surface samples/moss cushions were collected for palynological analysis from open areas of Reasi District, Jammu and Kashmir (India). These samples were used to investigate the relationships between extant vegetation and modern pollen spectra, which serve as modern analogue for the reliable ecological interpretation of fossil pollen records. The present vegetation in the region comprises tropical dry deciduous forests and subtropical pine forests with scattered stands of oak. The pollen analysis reveals that Pinus sp. (average 69% in the pollen assemblages), amongst the conifers, dominates the pollen rain, which can be attributed to its high pollen productivity and exceptional pollen dispersal efficiency. Cedrus sp. and Podocarpus sp. pollen contribute with an average of 16 and 5% to the total pollen rain. Other conifers such as Picea sp., Abies sp., Juniperus sp. and Tsuga sp., as well as broad-leaved taxa such as Quercus sp., Alnus sp., Betula sp., Carpinus sp., Corylus sp., Juglans sp., Ulmus sp., Salix sp., Elaeocarpus sp., Mallotus sp. and Aesculus sp., have lower averages of 1 to 4.5% in the total pollen rain which could be either due to their poor pollen dispersal efficiency or to the poor preservation in the samples. Tubuliflorae (average 25%), Poaceae (average 6.26%), Cerealia and other crop plants (average 7.68%) are other prominent taxa in the pollen rain. The nearly complete absence of members of tropical dry deciduous forests in the pollen spectra likely is due to the fact that most species in this vegetation type are not wind pollinated.  相似文献   

The structure of the community of appendicularians was describedby multivariate analyses throughout a seasonal cycle on thecentral Cantabrian coast. It is shown by correlation and principalcomponents analysis that the appendicularian species may bearranged in a successional sequence in relative abundance thatis closely coupled to a temperature gradient. This sequencestarts with Fritillaria borealis, which exhibits highest relativeabundance during January, being sequentially followed by Oikopleuradioica, Fritillaria pellucida, Oikopleura fusiformis and Oikopleuralongicauda. This species numerically dominated the communityfrom September to December. Sea surface temperature and thetemperature at the depth of the chlorophyll maximum were bothreliable predictors of the species composition of the community.However, only the latter provided an adequate explanation forthe persistence of cryophilic communities in stratified oceanicenvironments and the dominance of thermophilic communities afterthe autumn mixing period. Under stratified conditions, surfacetemperatures are high (up to 21°C), but temperatures atthe depth of the chlorophyll maximum are low (<15°C).These differences disappear after the autumn mixing, when thewater column exhibits a uniform temperature profile (16°C).Critically, however, although there is a sharp decline in surfacetemperature, water at the depth of the chlorophyll maximum iswarmer than during stratification. A simple conceptual modelis proposed to account for these features and predictions aremade regarding the vertical distribution of appendiculariansduring stratification. The relevance of non-anthropomorphictemperature measures, such as the temperature at the depth ofthe chlorophyll maximum, for other zooplankton groups is alsodiscussed.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to quantitatively assess the relationship linking vegetation and airborne pollen. For this, we established six sampling stations in the city of Thessaloniki, Greece. Once every week for 2 years, we recorded airborne pollen in them, at breast height, by use of a portable volumetric sampler. We also made a detailed analysis of the vegetation in each station by counting all existing individuals of the woody species contributing pollen to the air, in five zones of increasing size, from 4 to 40 ha. We found the local vegetation to be the driver of the spatial variation of pollen in the air of the city. Even at very neighbouring stations, only 500 m apart, considerable differences in vegetation composition were expressed in the pollen spectrum. We modelled the pollen concentration of each pollen taxon as a function of the abundance of the woody species corresponding to that taxon by use of a Generalized Linear Model. The relationship was significant for the five most abundantly represented taxa in the pollen spectrum of the city. It is estimated that every additional individual of Cupressaceae, Pinaceae, Platanus, Ulmus and Olea increases pollen in the air by approximately 0.7, 0.2, 2, 6 and 5%, respectively. Whether the relationships detected for the above pollen taxa hold outside the domain for which we have data, as well as under different environmental conditions and/or with different assemblages of species representing them are issues to be explored in the future.  相似文献   

The patterns of pollen deposition in the upper layers of the soil and in biological traps (mosses and lichens) in relation to the widespread and well known vegetational types of the Alps is investigated. The communities studied are beach woods, pine woods (Pinus cembra, P. sylveslris) and alpine pastures. Quantitative correlations between the pollen spectra and the vegetation have been calculated and over, under and equi-represented species delimited. Since representativity differs, in some cases, from that recorded in the literature it is suggested that it would be useful to continue the study in order to improve our understanding of actual pollen deposition and, as a consequence, of the interpretation of fossil pollen data.  相似文献   

Aim To use pollen data, numerical analysis and modelling to reconstruct late Quaternary vegetation and climate in a complex, mountainous environment. Location Georgia (Caucasus region). Methods Pollen data were assembled from various sources and used to map: (1) changing frequencies of individual taxa; (2) vegetation changes; and (3) reconstructed climatic parameters for the past 14,000 years. Numerical analyses were performed using two‐way indicator species analysis (twinspan ), detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), the modern analogue technique (MAT) and weighted averaging (WA). Results Mapping of pollen taxa showed that Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia and Ephedra were most abundant in the study area during the late‐glacial. Betula and Corylus expanded during the early Holocene, yielding to Abies, Carpinus, Fagus, Quercus and Castanea. Picea, Pinus, Juglans and Ostrya‐type expanded during the late Holocene. Mixed forests grew in the moist, Black Sea refugium throughout the late Quaternary. Elsewhere in Georgia, the Pleistocene–Holocene transition is recorded as a shift from desert‐steppes to oak‐xerophyte communities and mixed forests. This kind of vegetation remained relatively stable until the mid–late Holocene, when coniferous forests and mountain grasslands advanced. DCA showed that rainfall was most strongly correlated with pollen composition in the study area (r2 = 0.55). No temperature signal was detected. A weighted‐averaging transfer function linking pollen percentages to annual precipitation was selected over a MAT model as it performed better when applied to a validation data set. Rainfall reconstructions indicate widespread aridity at the terminal Pleistocene, followed by a gradual increase in precipitation, peaking during the mid Holocene (7000–4000 cal. yr bp ) and generally decreasing thereafter. Main conclusions On a regional scale, the results confirm those from previous studies of palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate in Western Asia. On a local scale, reconstructions from individual sites often diverge from the regional trend because of edaphic changes, ecological succession, human impacts and other disturbances. Some of these factors are probably responsible for the increasing heterogeneity of Georgia’s vegetation in the latter half of the Holocene.  相似文献   

An ecological calibration dataset for freshwater ostracods from 33 localities throughout West-Pomerania (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany) was evaluated using multivariate statistical methods. A total of 47 freshwater ostracod species were identified. Nine species were rediscovered after 100 years since the last published record and Candonopsis scourfieldi and Pseudocandona sucki was recorded for the first time in the study area. Special emphasis is put on the phenology of each species to gain information on the water characteristics at the time of their last moult. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that the ecological variables such as water temperature, Ca, Mg, and lake area were statistically most significant (p < 0.005; n = 72) in explaining variation in the distribution of ostracod assemblages. In addition, a transfer function was developed for paleolimnological approaches, based on a weighted-averaging (WA) model to calculate water temperature from the relative abundances of 22 selected ostracod species. This model was successfully applied to infer lake water temperature from subfossil ostracod assemblages collected from lacustrine deposits in northeast Germany (Lake Krakower See). Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

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