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Individuals of most bat species hang head‐down by their toenails from rough surfaces, but Madagascar's endemic sucker‐footed bat (Myzopoda aurita) clings head‐up to smooth leaves using specialized pads on its wrists and ankles. We investigated the adhesive performance of 28 individuals and found that attachment performance on brass was not affected by the presence or absence of a seal around the pad–surface interface. Furthermore, on smooth acrylic, the wrist pads were more than nine‐fold weaker when lifted perpendicular to the surface than when pulled parallel to it. The unimportance of a seal and the difference in strength in those directions on a smooth surface are characteristic of wet adhesion, but not of suction. Thus, despite its name, the sucker‐footed bat appears to adhere using wet adhesion. We observed that when wrist pads were pushed anteriorly, they unpeeled easily from the surface because of deformation of the pads. This most likely permits rapid detachment during crawling, but would also cause passive detachment if bats roosted head‐down. This provides an ecomorphological explanation to the head‐up roosting behaviour of these unique bats. The results obtained in the present study thus link morphology, behaviour, and roosting ecology for an enigmatic Malagasy endemic. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 233–240.  相似文献   

Aim To study the effects of the degree of fragmentation of heathland patches on their species richness and species composition, and to infer the ecological mechanisms behind the observed patterns. Location The heathland patches of the north‐western part of Flanders, Belgium. During the last 200 years, the heathland area in this study area has been reduced from c. 10,000 to c. 40 ha, yielding c. 150 small and highly isolated relic fragments. Methods Different isolation measures were calculated for each of the 153 inventoried heathland patches. The influence of isolation, area and habitat diversity on species richness was investigated using correlation techniques. Community composition of the patches was tested for nestedness, and the mechanisms potentially underlying this pattern were determined. Results and main conclusions Both the analyses at the species richness and community composition level yielded evidence for a positive species–area relation. This relation was not caused by higher habitat heterogeneity in larger patches. Patch isolation, measured in different ways, however seemed much more important in explaining species richness and community composition than fragment area. Our results indicate that area effects are overcompensated by the rescue‐effect: if a patch is close to other patches, species can disperse between them and prevent the species from going extinct. Species having a short living seed bank were also more sensitive to isolation than species with a long living seed bank, indicating that the latter most probably depend on the seed bank to survive periods when environmental conditions are harsh. Analogously to the spatial rescue‐effect, the existence of a persistent seed bank may lead to a sort of temporal rescue‐effect, where the extinction of a plant species is prevented through survival in the seed bank of a patch.  相似文献   

The final, structure-determining step in the folding of membrane proteins involves the coalescence of preformed transmembrane helices to form the native tertiary structure. Here, we review recent studies on small peptide and protein systems that are providing quantitative data on the interactions that drive this process. Gel electrophoresis, analytical ultracentrifugation, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) are useful methods for examining the assembly of homo-oligomeric transmembrane helical proteins. These methods have been used to study the assembly of the M2 proton channel from influenza A virus, glycophorin, phospholamban, and several designed membrane proteins-all of which have a single transmembrane helix that is sufficient for association into a transmembrane helical bundle. These systems are being studied to determine the relative thermodynamic contributions of van der Waals interactions, conformational entropy, and polar interactions in the stabilization of membrane proteins. Although the database of thermodynamic information is not yet large, a few generalities are beginning to emerge concerning the energetic differences between membrane and water-soluble proteins: the packing of apolar side chains in the interior of helical membrane proteins plays a smaller, but nevertheless significant, role in stabilizing their structure. Polar, hydrogen-bonded interactions occur less frequently, but, nevertheless, they often provide a strong driving force for folding helix-helix pairs in membrane proteins. These studies are laying the groundwork for the design of sequence motifs that dictate the association of membrane helices.  相似文献   

1. The necrobiome is a unique microcosm in which various organisms interact and compete for access to an ephemeral resource, such as carrion, that ultimately determines the structure and composition of these assemblages. 2. Blowfly species exhibit different competitive abilities which, when associated with other types of behaviour, such as predation or cannibalism, influence coexistence. Knowledge of the effects of competition between native and invasive species on development and survival is essential to understanding the dynamics of insect communities and to assess biological invasions. 3. Laboratory experiments were performed to evaluate the effect of interspecific competition on the bionomics and survival of a native (Cochliomyia macellaria) and an invasive (Chrysomya rufifacies) blowfly species at different population densities. 4. The deleterious effect of competition on the larval parameters of C. macellaria increased proportionally with increases in the larval density of C. rufifacies. When exposed to increased densities of C. rufifacies, larvae of C. macellaria accelerated their development and, as a trade‐off for this strategy, surviving adults were smaller and had reduced wing size, which were likely to reduce dispersal and reproductive capacity. 5. Larval competition – both as species‐dependent and density‐dependent phenomena – influences morphological and biological traits of surviving individuals. The impact of the invasive species has consequences at the population level, such as displacement or local population depletion of native species, a phenomenon likely to occur in other systems involving insects and ephemeral resources.  相似文献   

Biotic seed dispersal is a key process maintaining biodiversity in tropical forests where most trees produce vertebrate‐dispersed seeds. Existing meta‐analyses suggest an overall positive effect of vertebrate gut passage on seed germination, but no significant effects for non‐flying mammals. However, previous meta‐analyses combined rodents (seed predators) and primates (seed dispersers) into the non‐flying mammals category, which may confound specific effects of each group on seed germination. However positive effects of monkeys on germination had previously been found in some studies. Here we disentangle the role of Neotropical primates as contributors to seed dispersal in tropical forests by running a meta‐analysis to determine the overall magnitude of gut passage effects on seed germination percentage and mean time to germination. We also compare effect sizes as a function of different feeding guilds, gut complexities, and seed size. Our results show a strong, positive effect of primates on seed germination percentage and on the number of days to first germination. Strictly frugivorous monkeys, the group most threatened by extinction, showed the highest dispersal quality, increasing germination percentage by 75%. Primates that include insects in their diets had no average effect on germination percentage or time. Gut passage had different outcomes on seeds with different sizes; both large and small seeds showed similar increases in germination percentages after gut passage, but only large seeds germinated faster than control seeds after gut passage. Our results show a relevant role for primates in providing high seed dispersal quality and as drivers of forest regeneration. The combined effects of defaunation and forest fragmentation may result in decreased regeneration of trees, which has the potential to affect negatively both forest structure and ecosystem processes. Finally, we provide general guidelines for standardizing research on seed dispersal by primates. Synthesis Consuming fleshy fruits and dispersing seeds is the main ecological service provided by vertebrates to plants. Vertebrate increases seed germination due to treatment given during digestive system passage. Previous meta‐analyses suggest an overall positive effect of vertebrate gut passage on germination, but no insights are available on its variation among different functional groups of mammals. Our analyses indicated that gut passage by Neotropical primates increased seed germination. Strict frugivores, the ones most threatened by extinction, were the most efficient. Our results show a relevant role for primates in providing high seed dispersal quality and as drivers of forest regeneration, which can be meaningful for conservation in a community scale.  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to challenge forest management and nature conservation in forests. Besides forest species, strategies and references for management and conservation will be affected. In this paper, we qualitatively analysed whether forest conservation and management practice have already adapted to the impacts of climate change and to what extent those practices reflect the adaptation strategies dealt with in international peer-reviewed literature. To this end, we conducted thirteen in-depth interviews with forest practitioners (forest officers/forest district officers) in four regions in Germany. The interview regions were selected to represent the variation in tree species composition, forest ownership regimes and vulnerability to climate change. Although interviewees claimed to take climate change and adaptation strategies into account, in practice such strategies have as yet only occasionally been implemented. Our results suggest that strategies for adapting forest management to climate change are just in the early stages of development or supplement existing strategies relating to general risk reduction or nature-orientated forest management. The extent to which climate change adaptation strategies have influenced overall management varies. This variation and the lack of specific strategies also reflect the existing uncertainties about future changes in climate and about the capacity of forest ecosystems to adapt. We conclude that, in the face of climate change, forest management will have a major influence on future biodiversity composition of forest ecosystems. Hence, a framework for conservation in forests providing recommendations which also take into account the consequences of climate change needs to be developed.  相似文献   



Global warming is predicted to shift distributions of mountain species upwards, driven by a release from climatic restrictions at their upper distribution limit and increased biotic pressure at their lower distribution limit. In alpine ecosystems, which are characterized by large microclimatic diversity and sparse vegetation cover, the relative importance of abiotic and biotic drivers for species distribution is poorly understood. To disentangle abiotic and biotic mechanisms affecting distributions of alpine species, we investigated how alpine plant species with differing elevational ranges and frequency trends over the past century differ in their microhabitat distribution, and how they respond to neighbouring vegetation.


A total of 11 summits (2635—3410 m a.s.l.) in SE‐Switzerland.


We quantified the microscale abundance of 12 species in relation to biogeographic (frequency trend, i.e., change in occurrences over the past century, and elevational range on summits) and local microhabitat characteristics (temperature, substrate type). We assessed species size traits in relation to neighbouring vegetation characteristics to investigate possible neighbour interactions.


Species with increasing frequency on summits over the past century were most abundant on scree and warmer slopes. Species with negative or stable frequency trends on summits were more abundant on organic soil and colder slopes. The preferred microhabitats of the latter were rarest overall, decreased with increasing elevation, and had the most competitive neighbours. Size of one high‐alpine specialist, Ranunculus glacialis was negatively related to cover of neighbouring vegetation, whereas other species showed no response to neighbours.

Main conclusions

Long‐term frequency trends of species correlate with their microhabitat association. Species with most negative frequency trends show preferences for the rarest microhabitat conditions, where they likely experience higher competitive pressure in a warming climate. This finding emphasizes the importance of characterizing microhabitat associations and microclimatic diversity to assess present and future distributions of alpine plant species.

The anti-hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) antibodies HyHEL-10 and F9.13.7 recognize a common epitope. The structures of the complexes differ, however, in the numbers of electrostatic and hydrogen-bond interactions and in the distributions of contacts between the light and heavy chains. The equilibria and kinetics characterizing the F9.13.7 complex formation were evaluated for both wild-type and mutant derivatives of HEWL to help to understand how the different contacts are effectively used in the complexes with the two antibodies. Three epitope hot spots, Y20, K96, and R73 (destabilization > 4 kcal/mole), were found by alanine scanning mutagenesis. The first two constitute two of the three hot spots in the HyHEL-10 complex. The hot spots of the HyHEL-10 paratope are centered on the HEWL epitope; whereas R73 (HEWL), the only important light-chain-contacting residue, is clearly separated from the other hot spots of the F9.13.7 complex. The larger number of epitope warm plus hot spots found in the F9.13.7 complex compared with that of HyHEL-10 shows that the specificity of the former is greater even though the K(D) value is 20-fold larger. Conservative mutations showed that the specificity enhancement is related to the greater number of functional polar and hydrogen bond interactions in the F9.13.7 complex. Alanine scanning mutagenesis would not have illuminated these distinctions. It is shown that the concept of antigen specificity, as defined by cross-reactivity with natural variant antigens, is flawed by phylogenetic bias, and that specificity can only be defined by the use of unbiased epitopes, which are conveniently accessed by site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Tree growth, as measured via the width of annual rings, is used for environmental impact assessment and climate back-forecasting. This fascinating natural process has been studied at various scales in the stem (from cell and fiber within a growth ring, to ring and entire stem) in one, two, and three dimensions. A new approach is presented to study tree growth in 3D from stem sections, at a scale sufficiently small to allow the delineation of reliable limits for annual rings and large enough to capture directional variation in growth rates. The technology applied is computed tomography scanning, which provides – for one stem section – millions of data (indirect measures of wood density) that can be mapped, together with a companion measure of dispersion and growth ring limits in filigree. Graphical and quantitative analyses are reported for white spruce trees with circular vs non-circular growth. Implications for dendroclimatological research are discussed.  相似文献   

Climate is predicted to change rapidly in the current century, which may lead to shifts of species' ranges, reduced populations and extinctions. Predicting the responses of species abundance to climate change can provide valuable information to quantify climate change impacts and inform their management and conservation, but most studies have been limited to changes in habitat area due to a lack of abundance data. Here, we use generalized linear model and Bayesian information criteria to develop a predictive model based on the abundance of the grey‐headed robin (GHR) and the data of climatic environmental variables. The model is validated by leave‐one‐out cross‐validation and equivalence tests. The responses of GHR abundance, population size and habitat area by elevation are predicted under the current climate and 15 climate change scenarios. The model predicts that when temperature increases, abundance of GHR displays a positive response at high elevation, but a negative response at low elevation. High precipitation at the higher elevations is a limiting factor to GHR and any reduction in precipitation at high elevation creates a more suitable environment, leading to an increase in abundance of GHR, whereas changes in precipitation have little impact at low elevation. The loss of habitat is much more than would otherwise be assumed in response to climate change. Temperature increase is the predominant factor leading to habitat loss, whereas changes in precipitation play a secondary role. When climate changes, the species not only loses part of its habitat but also suffers a loss in its population size in the remaining habitat. Population size declines more than the habitat area under all considered climate change scenarios, which implies that the species might become extinct long before the complete loss of its habitat. This study suggests that some species might experience much more severe impacts from climate change than predicted from models of habitat area alone. Management policies based on predictions of habitat area decline using occurrence data need to be re‐evaluated and alternative measures need to be developed to conserve species in the face of rapid climate change.  相似文献   

Despite the broad adoption of multispecies coalescent (MSC) methods for nuclear phylogenomics, they have yet to be applied to mitochondrial (mt) genomic data. As the potential sources of phylogenomic bias that MSC methods can address, such as incomplete lineage sorting, horizontal gene transfer and gene tree heterogeneity, have been found in mt genomic data, these approaches may improve the accuracy of phylogenetic inference with these data. In the present study, we examined the behaviour of MSC methods in reconstructing the phylogeny of Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), a group for which mt genomic data are known to have strong resolving power. Traditional concatenation methods of analysing mt genomes for Lepidoptera infer topologies highly congruent with those generated from independent nuclear datasets. Individual mt gene trees performed poorly in recovering consensus relationships at deep levels (i.e. superfamily monophyly and inter-relationships) and only moderately well for shallow relationships (i.e. within Papilionoidea). In contrast, MSC analyses with ASTRAL performed strongly with almost complete concordance to both concatenated mt genome analyses and independent nuclear analyses at both deep and shallow phylogenetic scales. Outgroup choice had a limited impact on tree accuracy, with even phylogenetically distant outgroups still resulting in topologies highly congruent with results from nuclear datasets, although MSC analyses appeared to be marginally more affected by outgroup choice than concatenation analyses. In general, discordance between concatenation and MSC analyses was found at nodes whose resolution varied between previous nuclear phylogenomic studies. The sensitivity of individual relationships to analysis with MSC vs concatenation can thus be used to test the robustness of phylogenetic hypotheses. For insect phylogenetics, MSC is a reliable inference method for mt genomic data and is thus a useful complement to the already widely used concatenation approaches.  相似文献   

A central issue in plant evolutionary ecology is to understand how several coordinated suites of traits (i.e. traits syndrome) may be jointly selected within a single species. This study aims to describe patterns of variation and co‐variation of functional traits in a water‐stressed tree population and test their relationships with performance traits. Within a Mediterranean population of Fagus sylvatica experiencing recurrent summer droughts, we investigated the phenotypic variation of leaf unfolding phenology, leaf area (LA), leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf water content (LWC), water use efficiency (WUE) estimated by carbon isotopic discrimination (d13C), twig Huber‐value (HV: the stem cross‐section divided by the leaf area distal to the stem), wood density (WDens), and leaf nitrogen content (Nmass). First, a principal component analysis revealed that two main axes structured the phenotypic variability: the first axis opposed leaf unfolding earliness and LWC to LMA and WUE; the second axis opposed LA to HV. These two axes can be interpreted as the opposition of two strategies (water economy versus water uptake) at two distinct scales (leaf for the first axis and branches for the second axis). Second, we found that LMA, LA, leaf unfolding and LWC responded differently to competition intensity, while WUE, WDens and HV did not correlate with competition. Third, we found that all studied functional traits were related to growth and/or reproductive performance traits and that these relationships were frequently non‐linear, showing strong interactions between traits. By highlighting phenotypic clustering of functional traits involved in response to water stress and by evidencing antagonistic selection favouring intermediate trait values as well as trait combinations, our study brought new insights on how natural selection operates on plant functional traits in a stressful environment.  相似文献   

Natural animal populations are increasingly exposed to human impacts on the environment, which could have consequences for their behaviour. Among these impacts is exposure to anthropogenic contaminants. Any environmental variable that influences internal state could impact behaviour across a number of levels: at the sample mean, at the level of among-individual differences in behaviour (‘animal personality’) and at the level of within-individual variation in behaviour (intra-individual variation, ‘IIV’). Here we examined the effect of exposure to seawater-borne copper on the startle response behaviour of European hermit crabs, Pagurus bernhardus across these levels. Copper exposure rapidly led to longer startle responses on average, but did not lead to any change in repeatability indicating that individual differences were present and equally consistent in the presence and absence of copper. There was no strong evidence that copper exposure led to changes in IIV. Our data show that exposure to copper for 1 week produces sample mean level changes in the behaviour of hermit crabs. However, there is no evidence that this exposure led to changes in repeatability through feedback loops.  相似文献   

Abstract Animals resident on small islands provide excellent opportunities to carry out detailed mark–recapture studies. Populations are closed and ecosystems are often simpler than those of mainland sites. These factors enable the study of cryptic species that have otherwise been neglected. Snakes are notable for their secretive nature and, as a result, few natural populations have been accurately described through long‐term mark–recapture monitoring. A population of tiger snakes (Notechis scutatus) was studied on Carnac Island, a small limestone island (16 ha) off the coast of Western Australia. Population estimates show that snake density is very high, with more than 20 adult snakes per ha. This equates to a biomass of more than 100 kg of a top predator concentrated in a very small area. Such a high predator density can be explained because adult snakes feed mainly on chicks of nesting birds that breed in large colonies on Carnac but forage elsewhere. Substantial annual growth rates in body size in most individuals suggest that food availability is high on Carnac. Growth rates decreased more sharply in adult females than in males, whereas annual changes in body mass were similar in both sexes, probably because of the high energetic costs of reproduction experienced by females. Surprisingly, the sex ratio was highly biased, with males largely outnumbering females.  相似文献   

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