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M. R. Strand 《Oecologia》1988,77(2):219-224
Summary The sex allocation behavior of the solitary egg parasitoid Telenomus heliothidis Ashmead was investigated by examining the response of females reared in isolation and under crowded conditions. Females reared in isolation adjusted their sex ratio with foundress and host number per patch in accordance with the predictions of local mate competition (LMC) theory. However, females did not shift their sex ratio in response to conspecifics foraging on the same host patch or to contact with previously parasitized hosts. Instead, shifts were associated with encounter rate and a sequence of oviposition. Females maintained under crowded conditions responded to host patches much differently. One-day-old females which had lived under crowded conditions for 24 h produced sex ratios similar to those of continuously isolated females. However, females reared under crowded conditions for 7 days consistently produced unbiased sex ratios, and exhibited a different sequence of oviposition. This shift appeared to be due directly to crowding rather than age, oviposition experience or sperm depletion since the effect could be reversed by subsequent isolation.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Patch time allocation has been mostly studied in female parasitoids exploiting patches of hosts. Different parameters such as oviposition, host encounters, patch quality, etc. have been repeatedly shown to modify the time females invest on hosts. 2. Male parasitoids are expected to maximise their lifetime fitness by maximising the number of females inseminated during their life. Because they can be sperm and/or time limited, they should optimise their time allocation on emergence patches. 3. Patch time allocation thus appears to be an important question for both male and female parasitoids. 4. In this study, we determined the parameters used by males of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma turkestanica to decide when to leave the emergence patch. Among the different patch‐leaving parameters tested, only contacts with parasitised hosts and presence of virgin females significantly influenced the patch‐leaving tendency. 5. Our results suggest that males express behaviours that could enable them to optimise their patch exploitation time, as females do, but using different strategies.  相似文献   

The effects of patch quality on the foraging behaviour of an anthocorid predator Orius sauteri (Poppius) were compared between sexes. Prior experience in patches was also studied to determine whether this was a factor affecting oviposition decisions. Patch quality affected patch residence time differently for the two sexes; females stayed much longer in a patch with prey (60 Thrips palmi larvae) than a patch without prey, while males did not remain in any patch for extended periods. Most of the females remained in or moved to patches with prey, whereas males dispersed, irrespective of patch quality. Both females released in patches with prey and females released in patches without prey deposited more eggs per hour in patches with prey than in patches without prey. Females released in patches without prey laid eggs in patches with prey at higher rates than did females released in patches with prey. Causes for the sex difference in patch residence time and allocation are discussed in relation to optimal foraging theory. The significance of selective oviposition and the role of experience in oviposition decisions within heterogeneous environments are also discussed.  相似文献   

Before oviposition, Östrinianubilalis Hübner females sweep the surface of the plant with their abdominal tip extruded. The consequences of such behaviour were studied on host searching and oviposition behaviours of the parasitoidTrichogramma brassicae Bezdenko. Egg-masses ofO. nubilalis, associated or not with sweeping, were submitted toT. brassicae females. The behaviour ofT. brassicae females appeared to be very different between the two situations. The parasitoid in the vicinity of an egg-mass associated with sweeping spent more time on the corn leaf. Ninety percent of females located the egg-mass with sweeping, whereas only 40% located the egg-mass without sweeping. Eighty three percent ofT. brassicae females parasitized egg-masses with sweeping, but only 10% in the case without sweeping. Although no deposit was visible, a chemical trail was probably left behind and was found to arrest the parasitoid, to promote host recognition and to trigger oviposition. The amount of the scales left behind on the corn leaf during the sweeping behaviour was also taken into account but did not appear to constitute the trail. The passage over the trail followed by the egg-mass examination constituted behavioural steps which seemed necessary for oviposition in theT. brassicae female  相似文献   

This study quantitatively describes the host-searching behavior of Fopius arisanus (Sonan) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), an important egg-larval parasitoid of tephritid fruit fly pests, on coffee berries infested with host eggs of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). We also investigate the parasitoid's response to local variation in host patch quality. The temporal pattern of behavioral organisation was examined by constructing an ethogram. The parasitoid spent over 90% of its foraging time in detecting and locating hosts after arriving on a host-infested fruit, and displayed a relatively fixed behavioral pattern leading to oviposition. Patch residence time increased in the presence of host-associated cues, following successful ovipositions, and with increasing size of host clutches per fruit, but decreased with each successive visit to the same host patch and with increasing availability of alternative host patches. The parasitoid females discriminated against previously parasitized hosts and spent significantly less time and searching effort on patches previously exploited by herself or by conspecific females. The effective host-searching behavior, perfect host discrimination ability, and success-motivated searching strategy shown by F. arisanus ensured a thorough exploitation of host resources by this parasitoid.  相似文献   

Species living in highly fragmented landscapes often occur as metapopulations with frequent population turnover. Turnover rate is known to depend on ecological factors, such as population size and connectivity, but it may also be influenced by the phenotypic and genotypic composition of populations. The Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) in Finland uses two host-plant species that vary in their relative abundances among distinct habitat patches (dry meadows) in a large network of approximately 1,700 patches. We found no effect of host species use on local extinction. In contrast, population establishment was strongly influenced by the match between the host species composition of an empty habitat patch and the relative host use by larvae in previous years in the habitat patches that were well connected to the target patch. This "colonization effect" could be due to spatially variable plant acceptability or resistance or to spatially variable insect oviposition preference or larval performance. We show that spatial variation in adult oviposition preference occurs at the relevant spatial scale and that the other possible causes of the colonization effect can be discounted. We conclude that the colonization effect is generated by host preference influencing the movement patterns of ovipositing females. Migrant females with dissimilar host preferences have different perceptions of relative patch quality, which influences their likelihood of colonizing patches with particular host composition.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. For animal species that forage on patchily distributed resources, patch time allocation is of prime importance to their reproductive success. According to Charnov's marginal value theorem (MVT), the rate of patch encounter should influence negatively the patch residence time: as the rate of patch encounter decreases, the patch residence time increases. Moreover, the MVT predicts that animals should stay longer in high quality patches.
2. Using the aphid parasitoid Aphidius rhopalosiphi (Hymenoptera: Aphidiinae), the effects of these two factors (patch encounter rate and host density) were combined in order to test if the increment in patch residence time for a given decrease in patch encounter rate was larger for high quality patches than for low quality patches.
3. The results show a significant effect of the interaction between the two factors. In high host density patches, parasitoids spent more time if they experienced a low patch encounter rate, while in low host density patches, patch encounter rate had no significant effect on the patch residence time. This suggests that the response of A. rhopalosiphi females to patch encounter rate varied with host density in the patch. Moreover, the same interaction effect was observed for the number of ovipositor contacts on aphids.
4. Parasitoid females can use patch encounter rate to estimate patch density in the habitat but the effect of this estimate on their patch residence time is modulated by patch quality. Staying longer in a patch when patches are rare is more advantageous when the fitness gained by doing so is large. In low quality patches, the expected fitness gain is small and the female may gain more by leaving and taking her chance at finding another patch.  相似文献   

Female parasitoids forage for host resources essential to the development of their offspring, so patch exploitation decisions have a direct influence on their fitness. This paper analyses the patch exploitation behaviour and patch-leaving decisions of the parasitoid wasp Trissolcus basalis (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), when searching alone on patches of host eggs in the laboratory. Oviposition behaviour was examined in detail and the temporal and sequential structure of patch exploitation was analysed. Time inhomogeneities representing major behavioural change points during patch visits were identified, and the behavioural sequence within homogeneous periods was summarised. As the patch neared full depletion, wasps switched from a repetitive cycle of host examination and oviposition to a ‘leaving routine’, in which they alternated between searching on and off the patch, before abruptly leaving it. Despite the absence of competitors, females remained on the patch for up to 5 h after initiating the leaving routine, and periodically interrupted it to engage in bouts of active patch defence. Such pre-emptive patch defence was more pronounced when the patch was larger and the resource value therefore greater. This unique patch-leaving strategy is interpreted as an adaptation to high levels of resource competition and the consequent risk of losing offspring through superparasitism by competitors.  相似文献   

Many insect herbivores feed in concealed locations but become accessible intermittently, creating windows of greater vulnerability to attack, and generating a proportion of the prey population that is readily accessible to foraging natural enemies. We incorporated accessible prey into an extant optimal foraging model, and found that this addition allowed opportunistic exploitation of prey that have already emerged from refugia (the leaving strategy) as a viable strategy, in addition to waiting at refugia for prey to emerge (the waiting strategy). We parameterized the model empirically for the parasitoid Macrocentrus grandii and its host, Ostrinia nubilalis, under field conditions. The model predicted that M. grandii should adopt a leaving strategy when host patch density is high (travel time between patches is short), but a waiting strategy when host patch density is low (travel time between patches is long). Field observations of M. grandii patch tenure were consistent with model predictions, indicating that M. grandii exhibited flexible behaviour based on experience within a foraging bout, and that these behavioural shifts improved foraging efficiency. Behaviour of M. grandii was responsive to heterogeneity in host emergence rates, and appeared to be driven by the relatively small proportion of the host population that became accessible at a fast rate. Therefore understanding forager responses to intermittently refuged prey may require characterization of the behaviour of a subset of the prey population, rather than the average prey individual. The model can potentially be used as a framework for comparative studies across forager taxa, to understand when foragers on intermittently accessible prey should adopt fixed waiting or leaving strategies vs. a flexible strategy that is responsive to the current environment.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. In this paper, the foraging behaviour (the proximal mechanisms involved in patch-leaving rules and the egg dispersion) of an egg parasitoid, Anaphes victus , was analysed in environments containing either patches of constant quality (i.e. predictable environment) or patches of variable quality (i.e. unpredictable environment) in order to determine the motivational mechanisms used in patch-leaving strategies.
2. Comparison of the patch exploitation strategy of A. victus between the different habitats suggested that the response of A. victus to a given patch quality strongly depended on its past experiences. Females allocated more time and more eggs in a mixed quality patch after experiencing a poor quality patch than after experiencing a good quality patch. In a poor quality patch, females superparasitised more frequently after experiencing a poor quality patch than after experiencing a good quality patch. In a good quality patch, A. victus females laid more eggs after having visited two poor quality patches than after visiting good quality patches.
3. Recent foraging experiences are used to estimate both the availability and spatial distribution of hosts in the environment and adjust foraging decisions accordingly. The observed variability in the patch-leaving rules within the same species stresses the importance of previous experience when describing behaviours of female parasitoids.  相似文献   

Superparasitism refers to a female parasitoid laying an egg in a host already parasitized by a conspecific. In solitary species, only one offspring per host is expected to complete development, hence the game. Hosts are often clumped in patches and several females exploiting such an aggregate of resource make its state change over time, hence the dynamical character of the game. Two coupled questions arise: (i) Is it worth accepting a parasitized host? (ii) When to leave the host patch? Through these decisions (i) the competition for healthy hosts and (ii) the trade-off between leaving in quest of a better patch and staying to make the patch less profitable for other parasitoids (this is a way to lower superparasitism likely to occur after having left the patch) are addressed. The aim of this work is to characterize a strategy that would be evolutionarily relevant in such a situation, as it directly concerns females' reproductive success. Investigating a (synchronous) nonzero-sum two-player differential game allows us to characterize candidate dynamic evolutionarily stable policies in terms of both oviposition and patch-leaving decisions. For that matter, the game is (in the most part of the parameter space) completely solved if the probability that superparasitism succeeds is assumed to be close to one-half, a fair value under direct competition. The strategic equilibrium consists, for each females, in (i) superparasitizing consistently upon arrival on the patch, and (ii) leaving when the loss of fitness due to superparasitism likely to occur after its departure is reduced to zero. The competing females are thus expected to leave the patch as they arrived: synchronously. Superparasitism does not necessarily lead to a war of attrition.  相似文献   

We compared patterns of patch residence and oviposition ofRhagoletis pomonella (Diptera: Tephritidae) females that originated as larvae from hawthorn or apple trees and were released into patches of host trees containing hawthorn or apple fruit in an open field. There were no detectable differences between hawthorn-origin females in patches of hawthorns and apple-origin females in patches of apples in numbers of females observed on food, fruit or foliage or in numbers of eggs laid in fruit during the course of the 7-h experimental period. Apple-origin females in patches of hawthorns behaved similarly to hawthorn-origin females in patches of hawthorns. In contrast, hawthorn-origin females in patches of apples differed significantly from apple-origin females in patches of apples. The former were observed on fruit only 40% as often and laid only 20% as many eggs before departing a patch. Our findings support the hypothesis of G. L. Bush thatR. pomonella flies of hawthorn and apple origin represent distinct host races.  相似文献   

The behavioral strategies evolved by insect parasitoids to optimize their foraging efforts have been the subject of many theoretical and empirical studies. However, the effects competition may have on these strategies, especially for species that do not engage in antagonistic behaviors, have received little attention. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of intraspecific and interspecific competition on patch exploitation strategies by two non‐aggressive species, Trichogramma pintoi Voegelé and Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), both generalist egg parasitoids. We analyzed the patch residence times of females, their patch‐leaving mechanisms, and the sex allocation of their progeny while foraging either alone, with an intraspecific competitor, or with an interspecific competitor. To some extent, each species responded differently to the presence of a competitor in the patch. Trichogramma pintoi females did not change their patch‐leaving mechanisms in response to competition and behaved as if under an exploitative competition regime, whereas T. minutum females did change their patch‐leaving mechanisms in response to competition and remained longer in the host patch than expected. Antennal rejection, and not oviposition, was the proximate behavioral mechanism underlying patch‐leaving decisions by both species. Neither species adjusted the sex allocation of their progeny in response to competition. These results indicate that the effects of competition differ even among closely related parasitoid species.  相似文献   

Food patch use by Japanese monkeys was examined using an operant conditioning procedure. Modified progressive ratio schedules, in which the probability of reinforcement decreases exponentially with the number of bar presses, were presented to 2 Japanese monkeys. Two types of schedule were used in each experimental session. One represented high quality food patches, where the probability of reinforcement was twice as high as in the other, which represented low quality food patches. The number of bar presses in each food patch was counted. Monkeys responded more frequently in high quality patches. The probability of reinforcement for the last response in each patch was the same in both types of schedule. The number of responses increased with a decrease in the occurrence of high quality patches, and with an increase in the inter-patch time interval. These results are in agreement with the predictions of Charnov’s marginal value theorem (Charnov, 1976). The pattern of patch use by monkeys observed in this study is discussed in terms of optimal foraging strategy.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Dynamic models of optimal foraging predict that an animal's decision to accept or reject a patch depends not only on the environment and patch quality, but also on its internal state. Previous experiments have shown that the two-spot ladybird beetle, Adalia bipunctata (L.), is reluctant to lay eggs in a patch of prey contaminated by the oviposition-deterring pheromone produced by conspecific larvae.
2. An experiment was conducted to test whether the internal state of an A. bipunctata female affects its oviposition response to oviposition-deterring pheromone. Firstly, the oviposition response to oviposition-deterring pheromone of young and old females was compared. Secondly, the oviposition response to oviposition-deterring pheromone of females previously exposed continuously to oviposition-deterring pheromone was compared with that of females of the same age but with no previous experience of oviposition-deterring pheromone.
3. Old females and females with previous experience of oviposition-deterring pheromone were less reluctant to lay eggs in the presence of oviposition-deterring pheromone than young and naive females. These results are consistent with the predictions of optimal foraging theory.  相似文献   

This study examines the oviposition response of a specialist weevil (Mogulones larvatus) to patches of its host, the noxious weed Paterson"s curse/salvation Jane (Echium plantagineum). We simultaneously examined the effect of patch size and plant density (and their interaction), on the recorded oviposition patterns. Our results show that oviposition first occurred on the largest patches with the highest number of plants. However, there was no significant effect of patch size or number of plants per patch at the end of the experiment. At this time the level of attack per plant was negatively correlated with plant density. This negative effect of density on the level of oviposition was not mediated by a reduction in plant size at higher densities. The pattern observed may indicate a risk-spreading strategy by females. Received: 15 July 1999 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

In the adult stage, many parasitoids require hosts for their offspring growth and plant-derived food for their survival and metabolic needs. In agricultural fields, nectar provisioning can enhance biological control by increasing the longevity and fecundity of many species of parasitoids. Provided in a host patch, nectar can also increase patch quality for parasitoids and affect their foraging decisions, patch time residence, patch preference or offspring allocation. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of extrafloral nectar (EFN) provisioning close to hosts on parasitoid aggregation in patches. The aphid parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae (M’Intosh) was released inside or outside patches containing Brassica napus L. infested by Brevicoryne brassicae L. aphids and Vicia faba L. with or without EFN. When parasitoids were released outside patches, more parasitoids were observed in patches with EFN than in patches deprived of EFN. This higher recruitment could be linked to a higher attraction of a combination of host and food stimuli or a learning process. A release–recapture experiment of labeled parasitoids released within patches showed the higher retention of parasitoids in patches providing EFN and hosts, suggesting that food close to the host patch affects patch residence time. Both attractiveness and patch retention could be involved in the higher number of parasitoids foraging in host patches surrounded by nectar and for the higher parasitism recorded. Nectar provisioning in host patches also affected female offspring allocation inside the patch.  相似文献   

Boivin G  Fauvergue X  Wajnberg E 《Oecologia》2004,138(4):640-647
Charnovs marginal value theorem predicts that female parasitoids should exploit patches of their hosts until their instantaneous rate of fitness gain reaches a marginal value. The consequences of this are that: (1) better patches should be exploited for a longer time; (2) as travel time between patches increases, so does the patch residence time; and (3) all exploited patches should be reduced to the same level of profitability. Patch residence time was measured in an egg parasitoid Anaphes victus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) when patch quality and travel time, approximated here as an increased delay between emergence and patch exploitation, varied. As predicted, females stayed longer when patch quality and travel time increased. However, the marginal value of fitness gain when females left the patch increased with patch quality and decreased with travel time. A. victus females appear to base their patch quality estimate on the first patch encountered rather than on a fixed innate estimate, as was shown for another egg parasitoid Trichogramma brassicae. Such a strategy could be optimal when inter-generational variability in patch quality is high and within-generational variability is low.  相似文献   

Two-day-old mated females ofAphidius ervi Haliday andMonoctonus paulensis (Ashmead) were each provided with two sequential host patches. Patches were comprised of plastic petri dishes containing either 15 pea aphids,Acyrthosiphum pisum (Harris), or 15 alfalfa aphids,Macrosiphum creelii Davis. Both wasp species parasitized more hosts in patches containing pea aphids than in those containing alfalfa aphids, regardless of sequence. Females ofA. ervi also laid more eggs per aphid in patches containing pea aphids than in patches containing alfalfa aphids. When both patches contained alfalfa aphids,M. paulensis females parsitized more aphids in the second patch than in the first. Fewer alfalfa aphids were parasitized in the second patch when the first patch contained pea aphids, and fewer eggs were laid per alfalfa aphid. Parasitoid females of both species exhibited consistently higher rates of oviposition into their preferred host species and adjusted their reproductive allocation to hosts and host patches as a function of their experience in previous patches.  相似文献   

1. Insect parasitoids are expected to evolve behavioural strategies to exploit resources in competitive environments optimally. Indirect competition between parasitoids is particularly common because exploited host patches remain available in the environment for other foraging individuals. 2. The effects of indirect competition on the behaviour of two closely related generalist egg parasitoids were investigated: Trichogramma pintoi Voegelé and Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Patch residence time, a patch‐leaving mechanism, and progeny sex allocation of females foraging were analysed: (i) alone, (ii) in patches partially parasitised by conspecifics, and (iii) in patches partially parasitised by heterospecifics. 3. Each species responded differently to indirect competition. Trichogramma pintoi females shortened their patch residence times, but they did not adjust their progeny sex ratios. In contrast, T. minutum females did not modify their patch residence times, but they did increase their progeny sex ratios in response to competition. Both Trichogramma species used host rejection, either by antenna rejection or by ovipositor rejection, as a patch‐leaving mechanism. 4. In agreement with a companion study of direct competition using the same model species, the present results indicate that even amongst closely related species, responses to competition can vary considerably.  相似文献   

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