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The discharge pattern of single neurons localized in raphe nuclei dorsalis and centralis superior was recorded in "encéphale isolé" cats, during sleep and wakefulness episodes occurring spontaneously or triggered by vago-aortic stimulation. In both nuclei, a similar and progressive decrease in frequency of discharges is generally observed during shifts between wakefulness, the transitional phase of sleep and paradoxical sleep. In addition, the release of serotonin (5-HT) has been studied with push-pull cannulae (caudate nucleus level) and superfusion techniques (cortical associative area) in relation to the different stages of consciousness. The results showed a clear diminution of endogenous 5-HT released during spontaneously occurring or vago-aortic triggered sleep.  相似文献   

Summary Resting cells ofArthrobacter sp. (DSM 3745) with the ability to form L-tryptophan from D,L-5-(3-indolylmethy)hydantoin were used for the bioconversion of D,L-5-- and D,L-5--naphthylmethylhydantoin (D,L-5-- and D,L-5--NMH) to the corresponding L-amino acids. Under the optimal reaction conditions of pH 9.7 and 40°C specific productivities of 0.2 (-naphtylalanine) and 0.6 (-naphtylalanine) mM amino acid x g cell dry mass–1 x h–1 were obtained in a 0.1 M Na2CO3/NaHCO3-buffer in a strirred bioreactor.  相似文献   

W. M. Dion  L. Kapica 《CMAJ》1975,112(6):712-716
Of 10 057 specimens of scrapings from skin, nails and scalp examined for dermatophytes, yeasts, pityriasis versicolor and systemic mycoses between 1963 and 1973, 30.4 percent were positive for fungi. Skin produced the highest proportion (68.6 percent) of positive scrapings, scalp the lowest (4.2 percent). Trichophyton rubrum was the predominant species (23.6 percent); of lesser prevalence were Microsporum canis (9.3 percent), T. mentagrophytes (8.4 percent) and Epidermophyton floccosum (4.8 percent). Double infections were encountered on 102 occasions; T. rubrum and Candida parapsilosis were the most frequent cohabiting species. The introduction in 1966 of periodic acid-Schiff staining for routine examination of scrapings resulted in better diagnostic results, particularly in the case of culturally nonproductive specimens and cases of pityriasis versicolor. Blastomyces dermatitidis and Cryptococcus neoformans were isolated from two patients in the course of routine investigation for dermatophytes.  相似文献   

β-2 microglobulin (β2m) is an amyloidogenic protein involved in dialysis-related amyloidosis. We report here the study of the structural properties of the protein in solution and in the form of single crystals by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and microspectroscopy. The investigation has been extended to four β2m mutants previously characterized by x-ray crystallography: Asp53Pro, Asp59Pro, Trp60Gly, and Trp60Val. These variants displayed very similar three-dimensional structures but different thermal stability and aggregation propensity, investigated here by FTIR spectroscopy. For each variant, appreciable spectral differences were found between the protein in solution and in single crystals, consisting in a downshift of the main β-sheet band and in better resolved turn and loop bands, indicative of reduced protein secondary structure dynamics in the crystalline state. Notably, the well-resolved spectra of the β2m crystalline variants enabled us to identify structural differences induced by the single amino acid mutations. Such differences encompass turn and loop structures that might affect the stability and aggregation propensity of the investigated β2m variants. This study highlights the potential of FTIR microspectroscopy to acquire useful structural information on protein crystals, complementary to the crystallographic analyses.  相似文献   

The above article, published online on 10 August 2021 in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ), has been withdrawn by agreement between the journal Editor in Chief, Gening Jiang, and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. The withdrawal has been agreed following no response from the author to requests to sign the Journal's publishing license.  相似文献   

Extracellular enzymes with glucanase activities are an important component of actinomycete-fungus antagonism. Streptomyces sp. EF-14 has been previously identified as one of the most potent antagonists of Phytophthora spp. A beta-1,6-glucanase (EC; glucan endo-1,6-beta-glucosidase) was purified by four chromatographic steps from the culture supernatant of strain EF-14 grown on a medium with lyophilized cells of Candida utilis as main nutrient source. The glucanase level in this medium followed a characteristic pattern in which the rise of beta-1,6-glucanase activity always preceded that of beta-1,3-glucanase. The molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 65 kDa and the pI approximately 5.5. It hydrolyzed pustulan by an endo-mechanism generating gentiobiose and glucose as final products. Laminarin was not hydrolyzed indicating that the enzyme does not recognize beta-1,6-links flanked by beta-1,3-links. No significant clearing of yeast cell walls in liquid suspensions or in agar plates was observed indicating that this beta-1,6-glucanase is a non-lytic enzyme. This is the first beta-1,6-glucanase characterized from an actinomycete.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The carotenoids of seven species of more primitive sea-urchins, [orders Cidaroida (I), Echinothurioida (II), Diadematoida (III), and Arbacioida (IV)] were investigated from the comparative biochemical point of view.
  • 2.2. β,β-carotene and β-echinenone have been isolated as major carotenoids in (I) and (III, IV), respectively. In (II), β,β-carotene, β-echinenone, canthaxanthin and (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin were foundto be predominant carotenoids.
  • 3.3. The carotenoid patterns of (I) which is the most primitive sea-urchin from the phylogenetic point of view, and of (II) which is direct developers with non-feeding larvae, were quite different from those of the other sea-urchins showing typical development with feeding larvae.

Two new Ulvella species, U. elegans R. Nielsen & K. Gunnarsson and U. islandica R. Nielsen & K. Gunnarsson are described. These microfilamentous marine green algae were found in the sublittoral zone in northern Iceland, epiphytic on Euthora cristata and associated with a calcareous polychaete tube, respectively. Unialgal cultures were established from field-collected material for morphological observations. In culture, Ulvella elegans was characterized by rosettes of monostromatic pseudoparenchyma consisting of radiating filaments with a margin of mutually free filaments. Each cell had one pyrenoid. Hairs were not observed. Ulvella islandica had a heterotrichous morphology, consisting of dense tufts of upright broad branches and much narrower, rhizoid-like branches. Acrochaete-type hairs occurred; these are hyaline non-septate merocytic extensions from a more or less bulbous base, which may be separated from the vegetative cell below. Most cells had one pyrenoid except for a few broad cells which had two or three. In a phylogenetic reconstruction based on the chloroplast-encoded tufA gene, the sequences for the two species were clearly distinct from any other Ulvella sequence available for this gene. Ulvella islandica was placed in a clade together with U. lens, U. wittrockii, U. reticulata and U. pseudorepens. Ulvella elegans occupied a branch deep in the phylogeny but the position was poorly supported.  相似文献   

Twelve taxa belonging to two subsections of section Idaeobatus in Rubus L. from southwestern China were characterized by karyotypic, palynological, and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data as follows: (1) The 12 taxa were all diploid species (2n = 2x = 14), among which the chromosome counts for R. mesogaeus var. oxycomus, R. subtibetanus, R. ellipticus var. obcordatus, R. inopertus var. echinocalyx, and R. stans were reported for the first time; (2) All taxa except for R. ellipticus and R. pinfaensis could be distinguished from each other by karyotype, pollen morphology, and RAPD markers. Karyotypes were mainly characterized by the difference in numbers and positions of submetacentric chromosomes and chromosomes with satellited pair, the index of the karyotypic asymmetry, and the ratio of the longest to the shortest chromosome. Pollen morphology were mainly characterized by the discrepancy in specific pollen size, P/E ratio, colpi width, distance between the apices of two ectocolpi, and exine ornamentation characters. The cluster results based on RAPD markers were consistent with morphology classification except for R. pinfaensis; (3) Based on the general data of karyotypic, palynological, and RAPD, R. ellipticus var. obcordatus should be treated as a species R. obcordatus, R. ellipticus and R. pinfaensis should be combined as R. ellipticus, and it was more reasonable to place the combinants and R. obcordatus into subsection Stimulantes rather than into subsection Pungentes.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The inputs deriving from a point light moving in front of a column of ommatidia are plotted by a computer.
  • 2.2. Overlap of visual fields causes one main, central maximum surrounded by smaller maxima intercalated by minima.
  • 3.3. With increasing distance of the point from the eye the central maximum increases.
  • 4.4. Ommatidia in each half of the eye are stimulated sequentially in two groups. Stimulation sequences are parallel between the two halves of the eye.
  • 5.5. We postulate an integrative mechanism for processing the succession of simultaneous inputs and hypothesize that the animal derives information about speed and distance from that mechanism.

We examined the uptake of five heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Ni, Zn, and Mn) in Ceratophyllum demersum L. (hornwort) and Potamogeton alpinus Balb. (pondweed) from Iset’ river, Ural region, Russia. This study was conducted in a territory that is highly urbanized where the surface waters are contaminated by a wide spectrum of pollutants. The environmental situation in this territory drastically deteriorated due to anthropogenic activity. The water quality in most of the water bodies in the Ural region is rather poor. In a comparative study ofC. demersum and P. alpinus, differential accumulation pattern was noted for heavy metals (HMs). Higher amounts of HMs accumulated in C. demersum compared to P. alpinus. Also it was shown that in leaves of C. demersum there were high amount of total phosphorus, nitrogen, organics acids and ash; high activity of guaiacol peroxidase; high content of non-enzymatic antioxidants viz., flavonoids, ascorbate, glutathione and proline; high amount of thiols (soluble and membrane bound) compared to P. alpinus.  相似文献   

A series of novel openphendioxan analogues were synthesized and tested at α1-adrenoreceptor (AR) subtypes by binding and functional assays. The α1d-AR binding profile was also examined by means of 2D, 3D-QSAR together with docking studies. Multiple regression analysis suggested the relevance of adequate number of heteroatoms in the whole molecule and of passive membrane diffusion to enhance α1d-AR affinity. Docking simulations against a computational structural model of the biological target further proved this evidence and furnished support for chemiometric analysis, where polar, electrostatic, hydrophobic and shape effects of the ortho substituents in the phenoxy terminal, most likely governing ligand binding, helped the depiction of pharmacophore hypothesis for the examined ligands data set.  相似文献   

Summary Several factors influencing the steroiddehydrogenase histochemistry were investigated: diffusion of enzyme; inactivation of enzyme; effects of the steroid solvents commonly used; the validity in localization of the enzyme activity; nothing dehydrogenase reaction. 1. The importance in controlling the diffusion of each enzyme system to be studied is emphasized. Provided that the presence of SH-groups in the active centre of the dehydrogenase can be proved, a control experiment using a double-section incubation method should be carried out. 2. A comparison between the use of unfixed and briefly prefixed sections is recommended in order to avoid a possible distortion of the tissue during the incubation. The influence of prefixation on diffusion of enzymes or reaction products as well as on inactivation of enzymes must be studied. 3. The steroid solvents—especially dimethyl formamide caused a morphological distortion, and an inactivation and/or extraction of reaction products (the red monoformazan) in fresh frozen sections, these solvents should therefore be handled with caution. A special mixture of dimethyl formamide and propylene glycol is recommended. 4. The steroid should be completely soluble in the incubation medium in order to secure zero order kinetics. 5. Avoidance of sulphydryl nothing dehydrogenase reaction, since the reaction predominantly manifests itself as a red formazan obscuring sites with low dehydrogenase activity. 6. The localization of the NAD(P)H oxidase systems must be controlled, in order to ensure that they should not be a limiting factor in the detection of the dehydrogenase activity. Secondly, this investigation may act as a control on diffusion of dehydrogenase and/or reduced coenzyme. 7. That the investigation of the incubation time needed for initial visual reaction allows a certain quantitative estimation of the concentration of enzyme localized at different sites in the same section. The investigation should also include the red formazan, since it has recently been proved to be an intermediary step in the enzymic reduction of Nitro BT, and as such may reflect sites with low enzyme concentration.Further, some of the functional aspects of the activity of 11-hydroxysteroiddehydrogenaseNAD(P)H oxidase systems in the thymus were discussed, and lastly the localization of these systems in the kidney was revised.This work was supported by a grant from Statens almindelige Videnskabsfond, Copenhagen.  相似文献   

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