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Carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) deficiencies are common disorders of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. The CPT system is made up of two separate proteins located in the outer (CPT1) and inner (CPT2) mitochondrial membranes. While CPT2 is an ubiquitous protein, three tissue-specific CPT1 isoforms––the so-called “liver” (CPT1-A), “muscle” (CPT1B) and «brain» (CPT1-C) CPT1s––have been shown to exist. Amino acid and cDNA nucleotide sequences have been identified for all of these proteins. CPT1-A deficiency presents as recurrent attacks of fasting hypoketotic hypoglycemia. Twenty four CPT1A mutations have been reported to date. CPT1-B and -C deficiencies have not been hitherto identified. CPT2 deficiency has several clinical presentations. The “benign” adult form (more than 200 families reported) is characterized by episodes of rhabdomyolysis triggered by prolonged exercise. The prevalent S113L mutation is found in about 50% of mutant alleles. The infantile-type CPT2 presents as severe attacks of hypoketotic hypoglycemia, occasionally associated with cardiac damage commonly responsible for sudden death before 1 year of age. In addition to these symptoms, features of brain and kidney dysorganogenesis are frequently seen in the neonatal-onset CPT2 deficiency, almost always lethal during the first month of life. Around 40 CPT2 mutations (private missense or truncating mutations) have hitherto been detected. Treatment is based upon avoidance of fasting and/or exercise, a low fat diet enriched with medium chain triglycerides and carnitine. Prenatal diagnosis may be offered for pregnancies at a 1/4 risk of infantile/severe-type CPT2 deficiency.  相似文献   

Transport of acetyl-CoA between intracellular compartments is mediated by carnitine acetyltransferases (Cats) that reversibly link acetyl units to the carrier molecule carnitine. The genome of the opportunistic pathogenic yeast Candida albicans encodes several (putative) Cats: the peroxisomal and mitochondrial Cat2 isoenzymes encoded by a single gene and the carnitine acetyltransferase homologs Yat1 and Yat2. To determine the contributions of the individual Cats, various carnitine acetyltransferase mutant strains were constructed and subjected to phenotypic and biochemical analyses on different carbon sources. We show that mitochondrial Cat2 is required for the intramitochondrial conversion of acetylcarnitine to acetyl-CoA, which is essential for a functional tricarboxylic acid cycle during growth on oleate, acetate, ethanol, and citrate. Yat1 is cytosolic and contributes to acetyl-CoA transport from the cytosol during growth on ethanol or acetate, but its activity is not required for growth on oleate. Yat2 is also cytosolic, but we were unable to attribute any function to this enzyme. Surprisingly, peroxisomal Cat2 is essential neither for export of acetyl units during growth on oleate nor for the import of acetyl units during growth on acetate or ethanol. Oxidation of fatty acids still takes place in the absence of peroxisomal Cat2, but biomass formation is absent, and the strain displays a growth delay on acetate and ethanol that can be partially rescued by the addition of carnitine. Based on our results, we present a model for the intracellular flow of acetyl units under various growth conditions and the roles of each of the Cats in this process.  相似文献   

Rat hearts were perfused with [1,2,3,4-13C4]palmitic acid (M+4), and the isotopic patterns of myocardial acylcarnitines and acyl-CoAs were analyzed using ultra-HPLC-MS/MS. The 91.2% 13C enrichment in palmitoylcarnitine shows that little endogenous (M+0) palmitate contributed to its formation. The presence of M+2 myristoylcarnitine (95.7%) and M+2 acetylcarnitine (19.4%) is evidence for β-oxidation of perfused M+4 palmitic acid. Identical enrichment data were obtained in the respective acyl-CoAs. The relative 13C enrichment in M+4 (84.7%, 69.9%) and M+6 (16.2%, 17.8%) stearoyl- and arachidylcarnitine, respectively, clearly shows that the perfused palmitate is chain-elongated. The observed enrichment of 13C in acetylcarnitine (19%), M+6 stearoylcarnitine (16.2%), and M+6 arachidylcarnitine (17.8%) suggests that the majority of two-carbon units for chain elongation are derived from β-oxidation of [1,2,3,4-13C4]palmitic acid. These data are explained by conversion of the M+2 acetyl-CoA to M+2 malonyl-CoA, which serves as the acceptor for M+4 palmitoyl-CoA in chain elongation. Indeed, the 13C enrichment in mitochondrial acetyl-CoA (18.9%) and malonyl-CoA (19.9%) are identical. No 13C enrichment was found in acylcarnitine species with carbon chain lengths between 4 and 12, arguing against the simple reversal of fatty acid β-oxidation. Furthermore, isolated, intact rat heart mitochondria 1) synthesize malonyl-CoA with simultaneous inhibition of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1b and 2) catalyze the palmitoyl-CoA-dependent incorporation of 14C from [2-14C]malonyl-CoA into lipid-soluble products. In conclusion, rat heart has the capability to chain-elongate fatty acids using mitochondria-derived two-carbon chain extenders. The data suggest that the chain elongation process is localized on the outer surface of the mitochondrial outer membrane.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are single membrane bound organelles present in almost all eukaryotic cells, and to date have been shown to contain approximately 60 identified enzymes involved in various metabolic pathways, including the oxidation of a variety of lipids. These lipids include very long-chain fatty acids, methyl branched fatty acids, prostaglandins, bile-acid precursors and xenobiotics that are either β-oxidized or α-oxidized in peroxisomes. The recent identification of several acyl-CoA thioesterases and acyltransferases in peroxisomes has revealed their various functions in acting as auxiliary enzymes in α- and β-oxidation in this organelle. To date, 9 functional acyl-CoA thioesterases and acyltransferases have been identified in mouse and 4 functional acyl-CoA thioesterases and acyltransferases in human, thus these enzymes make up a substantial portion of peroxisomal proteins. This review will therefore focus on new and emerging roles for these enzymes in assisting with the oxidation of various lipids, amidation of lipids for excretion from peroxisomes, and in controlling coenzyme A levels in peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Carnitine is a zwitterion essential for the beta-oxidation of fatty acids. We report novel localization of the organic cation/carnitine transporter, OCTN1, to mitochondria. We made GFP- and RFP-human OCTN1 cDNA constructs and showed expression of hOCTN1 in several transfected mammalian cell lines. Immunostaining of GFP-hOCTN1 transfected cells with different intracellular markers and confocal fluorescent microscopy demonstrated mitochondrial expression of OCTN1. There was striking co-localization of an RFP-hOCTN1 fusion protein and a mitochondrial-GFP marker construct in transfected MEF-3T3 and no co-localization of GFP-hOCTN1 in transfected human skin fibroblasts with other intracellular markers. L-[(3)H]Carnitine uptake in freshly isolated mitochondria of GFP-hOCTN1 transfected HepG2 demonstrated a K(m) of 422 microM and Western blot with an anti-GFP antibody identified the expected GFP-hOCTN1 fusion protein (90 kDa). We showed endogenous expression of native OCTN1 in HepG2 mitochondria with anti-GST-hOCTN1 antibody. Further, we definitively confirmed intact L-[(3)H]carnitine uptake (K(m) 1324 microM), solely attributable to OCTN1, in isolated mitochondria of mutant human skin fibroblasts having <1% of carnitine acylcarnitine translocase activity (alternate mitochondrial carnitine transporter). This mitochondrial localization was confirmed by TEM of murine heart incubated with highly specific rabbit anti-GST-hOCTN1 antibody and immunogold labeled goat anti-rabbit antibody. This suggests an important yet different role for OCTN1 from other OCTN family members in intracellular carnitine homeostasis.  相似文献   

Acetylcarnitine was rapidly oxidised by pea mitochondria. (-)-carnitine was an essential addition for the oxidation of acetate or acetyl CoA. When acetate was sole substrate, ATP and Mg2+ were also essential additives for maximum oxidation. CoASH additions inhibited the oxidation of acetate, acetyl CoA and acetylcarnitine. It was shown that CoASH was acting as a competitive inhibitor of the carnitine stimulated O2 uptake. It is suggested that acetylcarnitine and carnitine passed through the mitochondrial membrane barrier with ease but acetyl CoA and CoA did not. Carnitine may also buffer the extra- and intra-mitochondrial pools of CoA. The presence of carnitine acetyltransferase (EC on the pea mitochondria is inferred.  相似文献   

Microbially produced lipids like triacylglycerols or fatty acid ethyl esters are currently of great interest as fuel replacements or other industrially relevant compounds. They can even be produced by non-oleaginous microbes, like Escherichia coli, upon metabolic engineering. However, there is still much room for improvement regarding the yield for a competitive microbial production of lipids or biofuels. We genetically engineered E. coli by expressing fadD, fadR, pgpB, plsB and ‘tesA in combination with atfA from Acinetobacter baylyi. A total fatty acid contents of up to 16% (w/w) was obtained on complex media, corresponding to approximately 9% (w/w) triacylglycerols and representing the highest titers of fatty acids and triacylglycerols obtained in E. coli under comparable cultivation conditions, so far. To evaluate further possibilities for an optimization of lipid production, ten promising bacterial wax ester synthase/acyl-Coenzyme A:diacylglycerol acyltransferases were tested and compared. While highest triacylglycerol storage was achieved with AtfA, the mutated variant AtfA-G355I turned out to be most suitable for fatty acid ethyl ester biosynthesis and enabled an accumulation of approx. 500 mg/L without external ethanol supplementation.  相似文献   

目的:研究并比较Bodipy标记的月桂酸(Bodipy-C12)在癌细胞与正常细胞中的亚细胞定位。方法:在多种癌细胞和正常细胞的培养基中加入Bodipy-C12(1μg/m L),利用共聚焦显微镜活细胞定时间隔拍摄,结合不同细胞器的分子标记蛋白,观察Bodipy-C12五分钟内在不同细胞器中的定位。结果:在人肝癌细胞系HepG2细胞中,Bodpy-C12信号不仅仅存在于线粒体和脂滴,同时富集于过氧化物酶体中。我们分别采用Pex3-GFP、Pex14-GFP、GFP-Pex16、GFP-SKL和GFP-Pmp34等特异性定位的过氧化物酶体蛋白,确认Bodpy-C12信号富集于过氧化物酶体。此外,过氧化物酶体中Bodpy-C12信号的富集发生在更多的癌细胞系中,例如结肠癌细胞HCT116和乳腺癌细胞MCF7。不同的是,在正常细胞系如3T3-L1,NRK和COS7中,Bodipy-C12信号存在于线粒体和脂滴中,但未在过氧化物酶体中检测到。结论:Bodipy-C12信号存在于正常细胞和癌细胞的脂滴和线粒体中,且其在癌细胞过氧化物酶体中富集,而不存在于正常细胞的过氧化物酶体中,预示癌细胞中过氧化物酶体脂代谢的差异。  相似文献   

The shuttle system that mediates the transport of fatty acids across the mitochondrial membrane in invertebrates has received little attention. Carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase I (EC; CPT I) is a key component of this system that in vertebrates controls long-chain fatty acid β-oxidation. To gain knowledge on the acyltransferases in aquatic arthropods, physical, kinetic, regulatory and immunological properties of CPT of the midgut gland mitochondria of Macrobrachium borellii were assayed. CPT I optimum conditions were 34 °C and pH = 8.0. Kinetic analysis revealed a Km for carnitine of 2180 ± 281 μM and a Km for palmitoyl-CoA of 98.9 ± 8.9 μM, while Vmax were 56.5 ± 6.6 and 36.7 ± 4.8 nmol min− 1 mg protein− 1, respectively. A Hill coefficient, n ~ 1, indicate a Michaelis–Menten behavior. The CPT I activity was sensitive to regulation by malonyl-CoA, with an IC50 of 25.2 μM. Electrophoretic and immunological analyses showed that a 66 kDa protein with an isoelectric point of 5.1 cross-reacted with both rat liver and muscle-liver anti CPT I polyclonal antibodies, suggesting antigenic similarity with the rat enzymes. Although CPT I displayed kinetic differences with insect and vertebrates, prawn showed a high capacity for energy generation through β-oxidation of long-chain fatty acids.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes play a major role in human cellular lipid metabolism, including fatty acid β-oxidation. Free fatty acids (FFAs) can enter peroxisomes through passive diffusion or by means of ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters, including HsABCD1 (ALDP, adrenoleukodystrophy protein), HsABCD2 (ALDRP) and HsABCD3 (PMP70). The physiological functions of the different peroxisomal half-ABCD transporters have not been fully determined yet, but there are clear indications that both HsABCD1 and HsABCD2 are required for the breakdown of fatty acids in peroxisomes. Here we report that the phenotype of the pxa1/pxa2Δ yeast mutant, i.e. impaired oxidation of oleic acid, cannot only be partially rescued by HsABCD1, HsABCD2, but also by HsABCD3, which indicates that each peroxisomal half-transporter can function as homodimer. Fatty acid oxidation measurements using various fatty acids revealed that although the substrate specificities of HsABCD1, HsABCD2 and HsABCD3 are overlapping, they have distinctive preferences. Indeed, most hydrophobic C24:0 and C26:0 fatty acids are preferentially transported by HsABCD1, C22:0 and C22:6 by HsABCD2 and most hydrophilic substrates like long-chain unsaturated-, long branched-chain- and long-chain dicarboxylic fatty acids by HsABCD3. All these fatty acids are most likely transported as CoA esters. We postulate a role for human ABCD3 in the oxidation of dicarboxylic acids and a role in buffering fatty acids that are overflowing from the mitochondrial β-oxidation system.  相似文献   

Objective: Acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC) is a key enzyme in energy balance. It controls the synthesis of malonyl‐CoA, an allosteric inhibitor of carnitine palmitoyltransferase‐1 (CPT‐I). CPT‐I is the gatekeeper of free fatty acid (FFA) oxidation. To test the hypothesis that both enzymes play critical roles in regulation of FFA partitioning in adipocytes, we compared enzyme mRNA expression and specific activity from fed, fasted, and diabetic rats. Research Methods and Procedures: Direct effects of nutritional state, insulin, and FFAs on CPT‐I and ACC mRNA expression were assessed in adipocytes, liver, and cultured adipose tissue explants. We also determined FFA partitioning in adipocytes from donors exposed to different nutritional conditions. Results: CPT‐I mRNA and activity decreased in adipocytes but increased in liver in response to fasting. ACC mRNA and activity decreased in both adipocytes and liver during fasting. These changes were not caused directly by fasting‐associated changes in plasma insulin and FFA concentrations because insulin suppressed CPT‐I mRNA and did not affect ACC mRNA in vitro, whereas exogenous oleate had no effect on either. Despite the decrease in adipocyte CPT‐I mRNA and specific activity, CO2 production from endogenous FFAs increased, suggesting increased FFA transport through CPT‐I for β‐oxidation. Discussion: Stimulation of FFA transport through CPT‐I occurs in both tissues, but CPT‐I mRNA and specific activity correlate with FFA transport in liver and not in adipocytes. We conclude that the mechanism responsible for increasing FFA oxidation in adipose tissue during fasting involves mainly allosteric regulation, whereas altered gene expression may play a central role in the liver.  相似文献   

Coenzyme A (CoASH) has a clearly defined role as a cofactor for a number of oxidative and biosynthetic reactions in intermediary metabolism. Formation of acyl-CoA thioesters from organic carboxylic acids activates the acid for further biotransformation reactions and facilitates enzyme recognition. Xenobiotic carboxylic acids can also form CoA-thioesters, and the resulting acyl-CoA may contribute to the compound's toxicity. Generation of an unusual or poorly-metabolized acyl-CoA from a xenobiotic may lead to cellular metabolic dysfunction through several types of mechanisms including: (1) inhibition of key metabolic enzymes by the acyl-CoA; (2) sequestration of the total cellular CoA pool as the unusual acyl-CoA; (3) physical-chemical effects of the acyl-CoA; and (4) sequestration and depletion of carnitine as the acyl group is transformed from the acyl-CoA to form the corresponding acylcarnitine. Many of these toxicities are similar to sequelae observed in the inherited organic acidurias in which endogenously-generated acyl-CoAs accumulate secondary to an enzymopathy. Insights into the cellular mechanisms of xenobiotic acyl-CoA accumulation have been derived from model systems developed to understand organic acidemias, such as the methylmalonyl-CoA accumulation of the methylmalonic acidurias. The relevance of acyl-CoA accretion to human pathophysiology has now been well established, and identification of the relevant mechanism of toxicity can allow implementation of strategies to minimize the metabolic injury. Additionally, recognition of the potential for acyl-CoA mediated xenobiotic injury should result in improved rational drug design and earlier recognition of such toxicity when it develops.  相似文献   

Palmitoylcarnitine was oxidised by pea mitochondria.l-carnitine was an essential addition for the oxidation of palmitate or palmitoylCoA. When palmitate was sole substrate, ATP and Mg2+ were also essential additives for maximum oxidation. Additions of CoA inhibited the oxidation of palmitate. It was shown that CoA was acting as a competitive inhibitor of the carnitine-stimulated O2 uptake. It is suggested that palmitoylacarnitine and carnitine passed through the mitochondrial barrier with ease but palmitoylCoA and CoA did not. The presence of carnitine long-chain acyl (palmitoyl)transferase (EC in pea-cotyledon mitochondria was shown. This enzyme may play a role in the transport of long-chain acyl groups through membrane barriers.Abbreviation Tris 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol  相似文献   

Disorders of the carnitine cycle and of the beta oxidation spiral impair the ability to obtain energy from fats at time of fasting and stress. This can result in hypoketotic hypoglycemia, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrhythmia and other chronic medical problems. The in vitro study of fibroblasts from patients with these conditions is impaired by their limited oxidative capacity. Here we evaluate the capacity of valinomycin, a potassium ionophore that increases mitochondrial respiration, to increase the oxidation of fatty acids in cells from patients with inherited fatty acid oxidation defects. The addition of valinomycin to fibroblasts decreased the accumulation of the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) at low concentrations due to the dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential. At higher doses, valinomycin increased TPP+ accumulation due to the increased potassium permeability of the plasma membrane and subsequent cellular hyperpolarization. The incubation of normal fibroblasts with valinomycin increased [14C]-palmitate oxidation (measured as [14C]O2 release) in a dose-dependent manner. By contrast, valinomycin failed to increase palmitate oxidation in fibroblasts from patients with very long chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD) deficiency. This was not observed in fibroblasts from patients heterozygous for this condition. These results indicate that valinomycin can increase fatty acid oxidation in normal fibroblasts and could be useful to differentiate heterozygotes from patients affected with VLCAD deficiency.  相似文献   

Dauer pheromones or daumones, which are signaling molecules that interrupt development and reproduction (dauer larvae) during unfavorable growth conditions, are essential for cellular homeostasis in Caenorhabditis elegans. According to earlier studies, dauer larva formation in strain N2 is enhanced by a temperature increase, suggesting the involvement of a temperature-dependent component in dauer pheromone biosynthesis or sensing. Several naturally occurring daumone analogs (e.g. daumones 1–3) have been identified, and these molecules are predicted to be synthesized in different physiological settings in this nematode. To elucidate the molecular regulatory system that may influence the dynamic balance of specific daumone production in response to sudden temperature changes, we characterized the peroxisomal acox gene encoding acyl-CoA oxidase, which is predicted to catalyze the first reaction during biosynthesis of the fatty acid component of daumones. Using acox-1(ok2257) mutants and a new, robust analytical method, we quantified the three most abundant daumones in worm bodies and showed that acox likely contributes to the dynamic production of various quantities of three different daumones in response to temperature increase, changes that are critical in C. elegans for coping with the natural environmental changes it faces.  相似文献   

Autotrophic members of the Sulfolobales (crenarchaeota) use the 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate cycle to assimilate CO2 into cell material. The product of the initial acetyl-CoA carboxylation with CO2, malonyl-CoA, is further reduced to malonic semialdehyde by an NADPH-dependent malonyl-CoA reductase (MCR); the enzyme also catalyzes the reduction of succinyl-CoA to succinic semialdehyde onwards in the cycle. Here, we present the crystal structure of Sulfolobus tokodaii malonyl-CoA reductase in the substrate-free state and in complex with NADP+ and CoA. Structural analysis revealed an unexpected reaction cycle in which NADP+ and CoA successively occupy identical binding sites. Both coenzymes are pressed into an S-shaped, nearly superimposable structure imposed by a fixed and preformed binding site. The template-governed cofactor shaping implicates the same binding site for the 3′- and 2′-ribose phosphate group of CoA and NADP+, respectively, but a different one for the common ADP part: the β-phosphate of CoA aligns with the α-phosphate of NADP+. Evolution from an NADP+ to a bispecific NADP+ and CoA binding site involves many amino acid exchanges within a complex process by which constraints of the CoA structure also influence NADP+ binding. Based on the paralogous aspartate-β-semialdehyde dehydrogenase structurally characterized with a covalent Cys-aspartyl adduct, a malonyl/succinyl group can be reliably modeled into MCR and discussed regarding its binding mode, the malonyl/succinyl specificity, and the catalyzed reaction. The modified polypeptide surrounding around the absent ammonium group in malonate/succinate compared with aspartate provides the structural basis for engineering a methylmalonyl-CoA reductase applied for biotechnical polyester building block synthesis.  相似文献   

The activity and mRNA level of hepatic enzymes in fatty acid oxidation and synthesis were compared in rats fed diets containing either 15% saturated fat (palm oil), safflower oil rich in linoleic acid, perilla oil rich in α-linolenic acid or fish oil rich in eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acids (DHA) for 15 days. The mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation rate was 50% higher in rats fed perilla and fish oils than in the other groups. Perilla and fish oils compared to palm and safflower oils approximately doubled and more than tripled, respectively, peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation rate. Compared to palm and safflower oil, both perilla and fish oils caused a 50% increase in carnitine palmitoyltransferase I activity. Dietary fats rich in n-3 fatty acids also increased the activity of other fatty acid oxidation enzymes except for 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase. The extent of the increase was greater with fish oil than with perilla oil. Interestingly, both perilla and fish oils decreased the activity of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase measured using short- and medium-chain substrates. Compared to palm and safflower oils, perilla and fish oils increased the mRNA level of many mitochondrial and peroxisomal enzymes. Increases were generally greater with fish oil than with perilla oil. Fatty acid synthase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and pyruvate kinase activity and mRNA level were higher in rats fed palm oil than in the other groups. Among rats fed polyunsaturated fats, activities and mRNA levels of these enzymes were lower in rats fed fish oil than in the animals fed perilla and safflower oils. The values were comparable between the latter two groups. Safflower and fish oils but not perilla oil, compared to palm oil, also decreased malic enzyme activity and mRNA level. Examination of the fatty acid composition of hepatic phospholipid indicated that dietary α-linolenic acid is effectively desaturated and elongated to form EPA and DHA. Dietary perilla oil and fish oil therefore exert similar physiological activity in modulating hepatic fatty acid oxidation, but these dietary fats considerably differ in affecting fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   

The purification of xenobiotic/medium-chain fatty acid:CoA ligases (XM-ligases) from human liver mitochondria resulted in the isolation of two chromatographically separable forms (HXM-A and HXM-B). These two forms were purified to near homogeneity, cleaved with cyanogen bromide, the resulting peptides separated, and the N-terminus of two of the peptides partially sequenced. Identical sequences were obtained for HXM-A and HXM-B for the two peptides. These sequences were used to design probes for screening a human liver cDNA library. This resulted in the isolation of two overlapping cDNAs. Using these sequences we were able to design PCR primers that resulted in the isolation of a full-length cDNA from a human cDNA library. The cDNA contained 1731 bp of open reading frame and coded for a 64230-Da protein. This protein bears 56.2% amino acid homology to the MACS1 (medium-chain acyl-CoA synthetase) enzyme, 58.7% homology to the bovine XL-III XM-ligase, and 81.5% homology to the bovine XL-I XM-ligase. The cDNA could be expressed in COS cells, and the expressed enzyme had greater benzoate activity than phenylacetate activity, which is consistent with the known substrate specificity of HXM-A.  相似文献   

Primary carnitine deficiency is caused by impaired activity of the Na+-dependent OCTN2 carnitine/organic cation transporter. Carnitine is essential for entry of long-chain fatty acids into mitochondria and its deficiency impairs fatty acid oxidation. Most missense mutations identified in patients with primary carnitine deficiency affect putative transmembrane or intracellular domains of the transporter. Exceptions are the substitutions P46S and R83L located in an extracellular loop close to putative glycosylation sites (N57, N64, and N91) of OCTN2. P46S and R83L impaired glycosylation and maturation of OCTN2 transporters to the plasma membrane. We tested whether glycosylation was essential for the maturation of OCTN2 transporters to the plasma membrane. Substitution of each of the three asparagine (N) glycosylation sites with glutamine (Q) decreased carnitine transport. Substitution of two sites at a time caused a further decline in carnitine transport that was fully abolished when all three glycosylation sites were substituted by glutamine (N57Q/N64Q/N91Q). Kinetic analysis of carnitine and sodium-stimulated carnitine transport indicated that all substitutions decreased the Vmax for carnitine transport, but N64Q/N91Q also significantly increased the Km toward carnitine, indicating that these two substitutions affected regions of the transporter important for substrate recognition. Western blot analysis confirmed increased mobility of OCTN2 transporters with progressive substitutions of asparagines 57, 64 and/or 91 with glutamine. Confocal microscopy indicated that glutamine substitutions caused progressive retention of OCTN2 transporters in the cytoplasm, up to full retention (such as that observed with R83L) when all three glycosylation sites were substituted. Tunicamycin prevented OCTN2 glycosylation, but it did not impair maturation to the plasma membrane. These results indicate that OCTN2 is physiologically glycosylated and that the P46S and R83L substitutions impair this process. Glycosylation does not affect maturation of OCTN2 transporters to the plasma membrane, but the 3 asparagines that are normally glycosylated are located in a region important for substrate recognition and turnover rate.  相似文献   

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