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Sexual selection by female mating preference for male nuptial coloration has been suggested as a driving force in the rapid speciation of Lake Victoria cichlid fish. This process could have been facilitated or accelerated by genetic associations between female preference loci and male coloration loci. Preferences, as well as coloration, are heritable traits and are probably determined by more than one gene. However, little is known about potential genetic associations between these traits. In turbid water, we found a population that is variable in male nuptial coloration from blue to yellow to red. Males at the extreme ends of the phenotype distribution resemble a reproductively isolated species pair in clear water that has diverged into one species with blue-grey males and one species with bright red males. Females of the turbid water population vary in mating preference coinciding with the male phenotype distribution. For the current study, these females were mated to blue males. We measured the coloration of the sires and male offspring. Parents-offspring regression showed that the sires did not affect male offspring coloration, which confirms earlier findings that the blue species breeds true. In contrast, male offspring coloration was determined by the identity of the dams, which suggests that there is heritable variation in male color genes between females. However, we found that mating preferences of the dams were not correlated with male offspring coloration. Thus, there is no evidence for strong genetic linkage between mating preference and the preferred trait in this population [Current Zoology 56 (1): 57-64 2010].  相似文献   

Abstract "Good genes" models of sexual selection predict that male courtship displays can advertise genetic quality and that, by mating with males with extreme displays, females can obtain genetic benefits for their offspring. However, because the relative performance of different genotypes can vary across environments, these genetic benefits may depend on the environmental context; in which case, static mating preferences may not be adaptive. To better understand how selection acts on the preference that female gray tree frogs ( Hyla versicolor ) express for long advertisement calls, I tested for genetic benefits in two realistic natural environments, by comparing the performance of half-sibling offspring sired by males with long versus short calls. Tadpoles from twelve such maternal half-sibships were raised in enclosures in their natal pond at two densities. In the low-density treatment, offspring of long-call males were larger at metamorphosis than were offspring of short-call males, whereas in the high-density treatment, offspring of males with long calls tended to metamorphose later than offspring of males with short calls. Thus, although the genes indicated by long calls were advantageous under low-density conditions, they were not beneficial under all conditions, suggesting that a static preference for long calls may not be adaptive in all environments. Such a genotype-by-environment interaction in the genetic consequences of mate choice predicts that when the environment is variable, selection may favor plasticity in female preferences or female selectivity among environments to control the conditions experienced by the offspring.  相似文献   

The widespread occurrence of female multiple mating (FMM) demands evolutionary explanation, particularly in the light of the costs of mating. One explanation encapsulated by “good sperm” and “sexy‐sperm” (GS‐SS) theoretical models is that FMM facilitates sperm competition, thus ensuring paternity by males that pass on genes for elevated sperm competitiveness to their male offspring. While support for this component of GS‐SS theory is accumulating, a second but poorly tested assumption of these models is that there should be corresponding heritable genetic variation in FMM – the proposed mechanism of postcopulatory preferences underlying GS‐SS models. Here, we conduct quantitative genetic analyses on paternal half‐siblings to test this component of GS‐SS theory in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a freshwater fish with some of the highest known rates of FMM in vertebrates. As with most previous quantitative genetic analyses of FMM in other species, our results reveal high levels of phenotypic variation in this trait and a correspondingly low narrow‐sense heritability (h2 = 0.11). Furthermore, although our analysis of additive genetic variance in FMM was not statistically significant (probably owing to limited statistical power), the ensuing estimate of mean‐standardized additive genetic variance (IA = 0.7) was nevertheless relatively low compared with estimates published for life‐history traits across a broad range of taxa. Our results therefore add to a growing body of evidence that FMM is characterized by relatively low additive genetic variation, thus apparently contradicting GS‐SS theory. However, we qualify this conclusion by drawing attention to potential deficiencies in most designs (including ours) that have tested for genetic variation in FMM, particularly those that fail to account for intersexual interactions that underlie FMM in many systems.  相似文献   

Receiver bias models suggest that a male sexual signal became exaggerated to match a pre-existing sensory, perceptual or cognitive disposition of the female. Accordingly, these models predict that females of related taxa possessing the ancestral state of signalling evolved preference for the male trait in a non-sexual context. We postulated that female preference for the male-released bile alcohol mating pheromone, 3 keto petromyzonol sulfate (3kPZS), of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) evolved as a result of a receiver bias. In particular, we propose that migratory silver lamprey (Ichthyomyzon unicuspis), a basal member of the Petromyzontidae, evolved a preference for 3kPZS released by stream-resident larvae as a means of identifying productive habitat for offspring. Larval silver lamprey released 3kPZS at rates sufficient to be detected by migratory lampreys. Females responded to 3kPZS by exhibiting upstream movement behaviours relevant in a migratory context, but did not exhibit proximate behaviours important to mate search and spawning. Male silver lamprey did not release 3kPZS at rates sufficient to be detected by females in natural high-volume stream environments. We infer that female silver lamprey cue onto 3kPZS excreted by stream-resident larvae as a mechanism to locate habitat conducive to offspring survival and that males do not signal with 3kPZS. We suggest that this female preference for a male signal in a non-sexual context represents a bias leading to the sexual signalling observed in sea lamprey.  相似文献   

Female mate-choice based on genetic compatibility is an area of growing interest. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are likely candidates for such mate-choice since these highly polymorphic genes may both increase offspring viability and also provide direct cues for mate-choice. In great reed warblers, females actively choose a breeding partner out of a handful of males that they visit and evaluate; thus, female preference for compatible or heterozygous MHC genes could have evolved. Here, I investigate whether great reed warbler females preferentially mate with males with dissimilar MHC class I alleles or with males that are heterozygous at MHC class I. Despite favourable conditions, a thorough screening method and a large sample size, there was no evidence of an MHC-based female mating preference based on either genetic compatibility or heterozygosity in this population. Power analyses of the data sets revealed that relatively small differences (15% and 8%, respectively) between true and random pairs should have been detected.  相似文献   

Some of the most spectacular exaggerated sexual ornaments are carotenoid dependent. It has been suggested that such ornaments have evolved because carotenoid pigments are limiting for both signal expression and in their role as antioxidants and immunostimulants. An implicit assumption of this hypothesis is that males which can afford to produce more elaborate carotenoid-dependent displays are signalling their enhanced ability to resist parasites, disease or oxidative stress and hence would be predicted to live longer. Therefore, in species with carotenoid-dependent ornaments where a parent's future longevity is crucial for determining offspring survival, there should be a mating preference for partners that present the lowest risk of mortality during the breeding attempt, as signalled by the ability to allocate carotenoids to sexual displays. In an experimental study using three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus), we show that when dietary carotenoid intake is limited, males attempt to maintain their sexual ornament at the expense of body carotenoids and hence suffer from reduced reproductive investment and a shorter lifespan. These males also suffer from an increased susceptibility to oxidative stress, suggesting that this may constitute the mechanism underlying the increased rate of ageing. Furthermore, in pairwise mate-choice trials, females preferred males that had a greater access to carotenoids and chance of surviving the breeding season, suggesting that females can make adaptive mate choice decisions based on a male's carotenoid status and potential future longevity.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish communicate with brief electrostatic field pulses called electric organ discharges (EODs). EOD waveforms are sexually dimorphic in most genera, a condition thought to result from mate choice acting to shape the electric signal's constituent action potentials. We have no direct behavioural evidence that sexual selection by either mate choice or intrasexual competition is responsible for sex differences in the EOD waveforms of electric fish. We explored sexual selection in electric fish by conducting two-choice unforced preference tests with live, unaltered gymnotiform electric fish,Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus , which are sexually dimorphic. In the initial test, gravid females selected males over females only when the males were larger than average. Gravid females in later tests preferred larger males to smaller males in a significant majority of those trials in which they showed a preference. In about one-third of those trials, females spawned with their preferred male, confirming their preference. We concluded that passage through the choice apparatus was related to mate choice. The signals of chosen males had larger EOD amplitudes and longer EOD durations. These findings show that femaleB. pinnicaudatus do have a preference for a certain male phenotype. The system requires additional study to dissociate correlated male phenotypic characters to identify which male traits the female prefers. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

The remarkable ability of slave-making ants to integrate chemically in the colonies of their host species makes them useful model systems for investigating the role of cuticular hydrocarbons in chemical recognition. The purpose of our study was to examine the influence of the rearing host species on the cuticular hydrocarbon profile and on the mating behaviour of sexuals of the slave-making ant Chalepoxenus muellerianus. Sexuals from a population parasitizing exclusively the host species Temnothorax unifasciatus were reared in the laboratory either with their natural host or another potential host species, Temnothorax recedens. C. muellerianus males reared with T. unifasciatus investigated and mounted female sexuals reared with the same host significantly more often than female sexuals reared with T. recedens. Similarly, C. muellerianus males reared with T. unifasciatus discriminated against female sexuals from natural T. recedens colonies. Males experimentally or naturally reared with T. recedens did not clearly discriminate between female sexuals reared by the two host species and only rarely engaged in mating attempts with either type of female sexuals. Chemical analyses showed that host species affect the chemical profile of C. muellerianus sexuals and vice versa. Our findings indicate that cuticular hydrocarbons might be important in the mating success of this ant species. Received 21 June 2006; revised 20 February 2007; accepted 1 March 2007.  相似文献   

Adaptive speciation occurs when frequency-dependent ecological interactions generate conditions of disruptive selection to which lineage splitting is an adaptive response. Under such selective conditions, evolution of assortative mating mechanisms enables the break-up of the ancestral lineage into diverging and reproductively isolated descendent species. Extending previous studies, I investigate models of adaptive speciation due to the evolution of indirect assortative mating that is based on three different mating traits: the degree of assortativity, a female preference trait and a male marker trait. For speciation to occur, linkage disequilibria between different mating traits, e.g. between female preference and male marker traits, as well as between mating traits and the ecological trait, must evolve. This can lead to novel speciation scenarios, e.g. when reproductive isolation is generated by a splitting in the degree of assortativeness, with one of the emerging lineages mating assortatively, and the other one disassortatively. I investigate the effects of variation in various model parameters on the likelihood of speciation, as well as robustness of speciation to introducing costs of assortative mating. Even though in the models presented speciation requires the genetic potential for strong assortment as well as rather restrictive ecological conditions, the results show that adaptive speciation due to the evolution of assortative mating when mate choice is based on separate female preference and male marker traits is a theoretically plausible evolutionary scenario.  相似文献   

Divergent host preference (i.e. host fidelity) plays a significant role in the speciation process in phytophagous insects. However, how and to what extent this divergence reduces gene flow between populations has rarely been measured. Here, we estimated the intensity of assortative mating caused solely by host fidelity in two host races of the phytophagous ladybird beetle Henosepilachna diekei, specialized on Mikania micrantha (Asteraceae) and Leucas lavandulifolia (Lamiaceae) in West Java, Indonesia. These host races mated randomly in the absence of host plants under laboratory conditions, but demonstrated nearly complete assortative mating in field cages with the two host plants, by spending almost all of their time on their respective host plants. The frequency of assortative mating in the field cages was not affected drastically by host plant patch structure. These results suggest that fidelity to the different host plants yields directly almost complete reproductive isolation between the host races by limiting the habitat on the respective host plant. In addition, the high host fidelity also ensures female oviposition on the original host plant. As larvae cannot survive on non‐host plants, a positive association between female oviposition preference and larval performance on the host plant on which the beetles are specialized will further facilitate the evolution of host fidelity. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 606–614.  相似文献   

Female mate choice has often been proposed to play an important role in cases of rapid speciation, in particular in the explosively evolved haplochromine cichlid species flocks of the Great Lakes of East Africa. Little, if anything, is known in cichlid radiations about the heritability of female mating preferences. Entirely sympatric distribution, large ecological overlap and conspicuous differences in male nuptial coloration, and female preferences for these, make the sister species Pundamilia pundamilia and P. nyererei from Lake Victoria an ideally suited species pair to test assumptions on the genetics of mating preferences made in models of sympatric speciation. Female mate choice is necessary and sufficient to maintain reproductive isolation between these species, and it is perhaps not unlikely therefore, that female mate choice has been important during speciation. A prerequisite for this, which had remained untested in African cichlid fish, is that variation in female mating preferences is heritable. We investigated mating preferences of females of these sister species and their hybrids to test this assumption of most sympatric speciation models, and to further test the assumption of some models of sympatric speciation by sexual selection that female preference is a single-gene trait. We find that the differences in female mating preferences between the sister species are heritable, possibly with quite high heritabilities, and that few but probably more than one genetic loci contribute to this behavioural speciation trait with no apparent dominance. We discuss these results in the light of speciation models and the debate about the explosive radiation of cichlid fishes in Lake Victoria.  相似文献   

Many functionally hermaphroditic plants have evolved mechanisms to reduce interference between the sex functions and to optimize reproductive output. In addition to physical mechanisms such as the spatial (herkogamy) and temporal (dichogamy) separation of male and female functions, plasticity in sex expression by means of mate-recognition (flexible mating) could be important in plants with variable access to cross-pollen. This applies particularly to clonal plants because of their modular growth form. We experimentally tested for the effects of pollen source and vegetative neighbourhood on instantaneous sex ratio and seed production in the self-compatible clonal marine angiosperm Zostera marina L. To this end, we exposed the (monoecious) flowering shoots to self and cross-pollen and to neighbourhoods of their own and a mix of foreign vegetative shoots. Flowering shoots that had been exposed to cross-pollen showed (1) a significantly lower female/male ratio at peak flowering, evidence for mate-recognition, and (2) a significantly higher seed set by the end of the season. Both effects were independent of the genetic composition of their vegetative neighbourhood. The results suggest that Z. marina maintains a cryptic self-incompatibility system not previously described for angiosperms with sub-aqueous pollination. In Z. marina, and possibly other self-compatible clonal plant species, mate-recognition could be a means of increasing the out-crossing probability for flowering shoots with central positions within their clone.  相似文献   

The evolutionary outcome of interspecific hybridization, i.e. collapse of species into a hybrid swarm, persistence or even divergence with reinforcement, depends on the balance between gene flow and selection against hybrids. If female mating preferences are open-ended but sign-inversed between species, they can theoretically be a source of such selection. Cichlid fish in African lakes have sustained high rates of speciation despite evidence for widespread hybridization, and sexual selection by female choice has been proposed as important in the origin and maintenance of species boundaries. However, it had never been tested whether hybridizing species have open-ended preference rules. Here we report the first experimental test using Pundamilia pundamilia, Pundamilia nyererei and their hybrids in three-way choice experiments. Hybrid males are phenotypically intermediate. Wild-caught females of both species have strong preferences for conspecific over heterospecific males. Their responses to F1 hybrid males are intermediate, but more similar to responses to conspecifics in one species and more similar to responses to heterospecifics in the other. We suggest that their mate choice mechanism may predispose haplochromine cichlids to maintain and perhaps undergo phenotypic diversification despite hybridization, and that species differences in female preference functions may predict the potential for adaptive trait transfer between hybridizing species.  相似文献   

Xiphophorus cortezi males are polymorphic for the pigment pattern vertical bars. In this study, we determined whether X. cortezi females are polymorphic in their preference for this trait by examining both within- and between-individual variation in female preference. There was significantly more variation in female preference within than between individuals using both video animations and live males as stimuli; repeatability measures were 0.86 and 0.5, respectively. Some females had a strong preference for males with bars, some for males without bars, and some had either a weak preference or no preference at all. We also found a significant difference in the strength of preference for bars between females with and without bars, suggesting the potential for a genetic correlation between preference and trait. Finally, we examined female preference for bar symmetry in the same females tested for preference for bars. We detected a significant preference for bar symmetry in the population of females as a whole, and a positive relationship between the strength of this preference and a preference for the presence/absence of bars among the subset of females that preferred ‘no bars’. We discuss these results in light the possibility that these two preferences are interrelated. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Although mate choice by males does occur in nature, our understanding of its importance in driving evolutionary change remains limited compared with that for female mate choice. Recent theoretical models have shown that the evolution of male mate choice is more likely when individual variation in male mating effort and mating preferences exist and positively covary within populations. However, relatively little is known about the nature of such variation and its maintenance within natural populations. Here, using the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) as a model study system, we report that mating effort and mating preferences in males, based on female body length (a strong correlate of fecundity), positively covary and are significantly variable among subjects. Individual males are thus consistent, but not unanimous, in their mate choice. Both individual mating effort (including courtship effort) and mating preference were significantly repeatable. These novel findings support the assumptions and predictions of recent evolutionary models of male mate choice, and are consistent with the presence of additive genetic variation for male mate choice based on female size in our study population and thus with the opportunity for selection and further evolution of large female body size through male mate choice.  相似文献   

The seaweed fly mating system is characterized by pre-mating struggles during which females exhibit a mate rejection response involving kicking, shaking and abdominal curling. Males must resist rejection until females become passive and allow copulation to take place. However, despite the vigorous nature of the struggle males frequently dismount passive females without attempting copulation. Here we show that rejected females suffered higher post-encounter mortality rates than those accepted by males in the seaweed fly Gluma musgravei. Furthermore, we show that males also preferentially mounted females with higher future longevity. We propose that this male mate choice for female survivorship has evolved as a result of females often having to survive for long periods after mating until suitable oviposition sites become available. Such male preferences for female survivorship may be common in species in which oviposition must sometimes be substantially delayed after mating.  相似文献   

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