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Ultrastructure of Oogenesis in Dryopteris crassirhizoma Nakai   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ultrastructure ofoogenesis in Dryopteris crassirhizoma Nakai has been investigated using transmission electron microscopy. The nucleus in the young egg is rounded with an uneven outline. As it develops, it becomes amoeboid and extends nuclear protrusions that are not only sac-like nuclear evaginations like those often seen in the oogenesis of other ferns, but also mushroom-like and finger-like, with an opening at their end allowing the nucleolus material to flow out from the openings. This has not been observed previously. The nuclear protrusions differ from Dryopterisfilix-mas (L.) Schott. in the absence of sheets of nuclear membrane in the form of a closed ring. As the egg matures, the nucleus transforms into a tuber-like structure with a smooth surface, lying transversely in the egg cell. In the immature egg, vesicles almost encircle the nucleus twice and are most remarkable. In the maturing egg, the vesicles are distributed at the periphery, except for at the top of the egg, and affect the formation of the separation cavity and extra egg membrane. Simultaneously, vesicles from the venter canal cell move to the egg and take part in the formation of separation cavity and extra egg membrane. In the mature egg, a large number of small vesicles containing fragments of lamellae or osmiophilic material emerge from the cytoplasm. The origin of these vesicles is obscure. Irregular plastids containing a cylindrical starch grain dedifferentiated progressively.Mitochondria seem to have been undeveloped during the process, but return to normal at later stages of oogenesis. There is a high frequency of ribosomes in the mature egg. Microtubules, rarely seen in the eggs of D.filix-mas (L.) Schott. and Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn, have been observed inside the plasmalemma of the maturing egg in D. crassirhizoma.  相似文献   

应用电镜技术对蕨类植物绵马鳞毛蕨(RYOPTERIS CRASSIRHIZOMA Nakai)精母细胞和游动精子的超微结构特征进行了研究。精母细胞为多边形,细胞质内含有丰富的线粒体、质体、内质网、高尔基体等常见的细胞器.在细胞质中还可见到一些同心圆膜状结构,位于质膜的附近或精母细胞的角偶。同心圆膜状结构由双层膜环绕构成,外被l层单位膜。精母细胞与精子器的璧细胞之间形成了分离腔。在精母细胞质膜外形成了嗜锇层,这些结构的形成说明精母细胞已经开始与雄配子体逐渐分离,进入独立发育的阶段。尽管精母细胞之间也有嗜锇层的形成,但嗜锇层是不连续的,其上有一些空隙,精母细胞之间可通过空隙进行物质和信息的交流。成熟的精子细胞外被l层透明的薄膜,里面为游动精子。螺旋状。由环状细胞器环绕3~4圈构成.这些环状细胞器包括多层结卡构、微管带、巨大线粒体、鞭毛带和1个长形浓缩的细胞核。游动精子的后端为一些泡囊化的细胞质.其中包括一些残存的线粒体、造粉质体及大的囊泡等。当成熟的精子细胞排出精子器后。其内的游动精子挣脱透明质膜的束缚,摆脱后端的囊泡,成为1条游动精子。本文还对绵马鳞毛蕨和其它蕨类植物精子的超微结构特征进行了比较。  相似文献   

粗茎鳞毛蕨应用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为开发利用粗茎鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris crassirhizoma Nakai)的药用和观赏价值、提高其质量和产量,对其进行了人工有性繁殖和复壮研究.在大批量人工有性育苗的基础上,予以分组复壮、对照栽培.筛选出了经济简便的技术路线,观察了形态发育与栽培条件的相关性.  相似文献   

Ferns produce a variety of cyclic triterpene hydrocarbons in large amount. Squalene cyclases (SCs) are responsible enzymes for formation of cyclic triterpene hydrocarbon skeletons. Although more than ten bacterial SCs have been cloned and four of them characterized for their enzymatic products, the only example of a fern SC is ACH, from Adiantum capillus-veneris, which produces hydroxyhopane. To obtain a deeper understanding of the molecular evolution of SCs and the origin of the structural diversity of fern triterpenes, further cloning and characterization of SCs have been pursued. In this study, a SC cDNA, DCD, was cloned from Dryopteris crassirhizoma by homology-based RT-PCR. DCD contains a 2058-bp open reading frame that encodes a 685 amino acid polypeptide exhibiting 66% identity to the previously identified fern SC, ACH, and 35-40% identity to bacterial SCs. Heterologous expression of DCD in yeast established it to be a dammaradiene synthase affording dammara-18(28),21-diene, a tetracyclic triterpene hydrocarbon. Although neither this compound nor any derived metabolites have been previously reported from D. crassirhizoma, re-investigation of the leaflets demonstrated the presence of dammara-18(28),21-diene. DCD represents the first SC that produces a tetracyclic triterpene hydrocarbon.  相似文献   

分株紫萁卵发生的超微结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用透射电镜对蕨类植物分枝紫萁(Osmunda cinnamamae L. var. asiatica Fernald)卵发牛进行了超微结构的研究。卵发生过程中,许多泡囊不仅移向细胞周围,而且在细胞质膜内排为一列,并通过胞吐作用聚集在细胞质膜外,它们释放或分泌嗜锇物质。观察到少数泡囊内含片层状结构的嗜饿物质紧贴于细胞质膜,似乎将其冲破。与此同时,在卵细胞和颈卵器壁之问形成分离腔,其宽度大于以往报道的真蕨类,在卵细胞质膜外出现额外的卵膜,其宽度大于蕨属和鳞毛蕨属。造粉体被大型常呈三角状半圆形或近椭圆形的淀粉粒所充满,当卵成熟时逐渐减少。核大型平扁状,核内出现2-3对平行的双层膜,紧贴核膜。未发现核外突。线粒体一度似不发育,最后恢复正常。  相似文献   

用透射电镜对蕨类植物分枝紫其(Osmunda cinnamamae L. var.asiatica Fernald)卵发生进行了超微结构的研究.卵发生过程中,许多泡囊不仅移向细胞周围,而且在细胞质膜内排为一列,并通过胞吐作用聚集在细胞质膜外,它们释放或分泌嗜锇物质.观察到少数泡囊内含片层状结构的嗜饿物质紧贴于细胞质膜,似乎将其冲破.与此同时,在卵细胞和颈卵器壁之间形成分离腔,其宽度大于以往报道的真蕨类,在卵细胞质膜外出现额外的卵膜,其宽度大于蕨属和鳞毛蕨属.造粉体被大型常呈三角状半圆形或近椭圆形的淀粉粒所充满,当卵成熟时逐渐减少.核大型平扁状,核内出现2~3对平行的双层膜,紧贴核膜.未发现核外突.线粒体一度似不发育,最后恢复正常.  相似文献   

粗茎鳞毛蕨孢子萌发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王禾  冯玉兰  黄笛  董丽 《植物研究》2012,(3):270-274
以经过3年低温储藏的粗茎鳞毛蕨孢子为实验材料,从孢子离心、孢子消毒、培养基种类、光质等4方面对孢子萌发进行研究,结果表明:在离心转数≤14 000 r.min-1、离心时间≤30 min条件下,离心处理对孢子萌发基本无影响;对孢子进行1%NaClO水溶液浸泡处理20~30 min为最佳消毒条件;改良Knop’s培养基为最佳孢子萌发培养基;黑暗条件下孢子不能萌发,但是黑暗处理能够明显提高孢子萌发整齐性;红光比白光能促进孢子提早萌发1 d左右,但对提高萌发率效果不显著。  相似文献   

Tani T  Kudo G 《Annals of botany》2005,95(2):263-270
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Dryopteris crassirhizoma is a semi-evergreen fern growing on the floor of deciduous forests. The present study aimed to clarify the photosynthetic and storage functions of overwintering leaves in this species. METHODS: A 2-year experiment with defoliation and shading of overwintering leaves was conducted. Photosynthetic light response was measured in early spring (for overwintering leaves) and summer (for current-year leaves). KEY RESULTS: No nitrogen limitation of growth was detected in plants subjected to defoliation. The number of leaves, their size, reproductive activity (production of sori) and total leaf mass were not affected by the treatment. The defoliation of overwintering leaves significantly reduced the bulk density of rhizomes and the root weight. The carbohydrates consumed by the rhizomes were assumed to be translocated for leaf production. Photosynthetic products of overwintering leaves were estimated to be small. CONCLUSION: Overwintering leaves served very little as nutrient-storage and photosynthetic organs. They partly functioned as a carbon-storage organ but by contrast to previous studies, their physiological contribution to growth was found to be modest, probably because this species has a large rhizome system. The small contribution of overwintering leaves during the short-term period of this study may be explained by the significant storage ability of rhizomes in this long-living species. Other ecological functions of overwintering leaves, such as suppression of neighbouring plants in spring, are suggested.  相似文献   

粗茎鳞毛蕨原叶体细胞有丝分裂过程中微管列阵的变化 何群 尤瑞麟 姆旺戈  相似文献   

粗茎鳞毛蕨原叶体细胞有丝分裂过程中微管列阵的变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
应用Steedman‘s wax切片法,间接免疫荧光标记技术和激光共聚焦扫描显微镜技术研究了粗茎鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris crassirhizoma Nakai)原叶体大液泡化细胞和分生组织细胞有丝分裂过程中微管列阵的变化。结果显示:应用高浓度的多聚甲醛(8%)可以很好地保持大液泡化细胞的结构和微管的抗原性。结果也显示Steedman‘s wax切片法和间接免疫荧光标记技术的优点;(1)避免在微管标记过程中酶解细胞壁;(2)在乙醇脱水过程中样品中叶绿素的自发荧光被减到最小;(3)能够详细观察到有丝分裂过程中微管骨架的变化。因此,这种方法可以被广泛用来调查简单植物体和复杂植物体中细胞的有丝分裂过程以及发育过程中微管骨架的变化。  相似文献   

Dryopteris crassirhizoma dryocrassin ABBA treatment was tested for its effectiveness in controlling Fusarium solani var. coeruleum growth in vitro and for prevention of postharvest dry rot of potato tubers and slices. Dryocrassin ABBA strongly inhibited mycelial growth, resulting in reductions in both mycelium dry weight and per cent spore germination of F. solani var. coeruleum at concentrations of 2.0, 0.5 and 0.1 mg/ml. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations showed that treatment induced abnormal, tightly twisted morphological changes in hyphae. Moreover, in vivo experiments demonstrated that dryocrassin ABBA treatment at 2 mg/ml effectively controlled dry rot of potato tubers inoculated with mycelial discs of F. solani var. coeruleum. After dryocrassin ABBA treatment, the content of soluble proteins, peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity increased, and malondialdehyde (MDA) content remained the stable situation. In addition, the expression level of plant lipid‐transfer proteins (LTPs) genes – StLTPa1, StLTPa7, StLTPb1 and StLTPb3 – was upregulated. These results collectively demonstrate that dryocrassin ABBA can inhibit growth of Fusarium pathogens to induce disease resistance. On the other side, dryocrassin ABBA maybe induce potato defence responses.  相似文献   

Dryopteris crassirhizoma is a semi-evergreen plant. Previous studies have shown the potential of this plant as an agent for the control of cariogenic biofilms. In this study, the main antibacterial components of the plant were identified by correlating gas chromatography–mass spectrometry data with the antibacterial activity of chloroform and n-hexane fractions and then evaluating the activity of the most potent antibacterial component against Streptococcus mutans UA159 biofilms. The most potent antibacterial component was linoleic acid, a main component of the n-hexane fraction. Linoleic acid reduced viability in a dose dependent manner and reduced biofilm accumulation during initial and mature biofilm formation. Furthermore, when the biofilms were briefly treated with linoleic acid (10?min/treatment, a total of six times), the dry weight of the biofilms was significantly diminished. In addition, the anti-biofilm activity of the n-hexane fraction was similar to that of linoleic acid. These results suggest that the n-hexane fraction of D. crassirhizoma and linoleic acid may be useful for controlling cariogenic biofilms.  相似文献   

The morphological features of polychaete ovarian morphology and oogenesis are reviewed. Some basic information on ovarian structure and/or oogenesis is known for slightly more than half of recognized polychaete families although comprehensive studies of oogenesis have been conducted on 0.1 of described species. Relative to other major metazoan groups, ovarian morphology is highly variable in the Polychaeta. While some species appear to lack a defined ovary, most have paired organs that are segmentally repeated to varying degrees depending on the family. Ovaries vary widely in their location but are most frequently associated with the coelomic peritoneum, parapodial connective tissue, or elements of the circulatory system. The structural complexity of the ovary is correlated with the type of oogenesis expressed by the species. In some polychaetes, extraovarian oogenesis occurs in which previtellogenic oocytes are released into the coelom from a simple ovary where differentiation occurs in a solitary fashion or in association with nurse cells or follicle cells. In other species, intraovarian oogenesis occurs in which oocytes undergo vitellogenesis within the ovary, often in association with follicle cells that may provide nutrition. Vitellogenesis probably includes both autosynthetic and heterosynthetic processes; autosynthesis involves the manufacture of yolk bodies via the proteosynthetic organelles of the oocyte whereas heterosynthesis involves the extraovarian production of female-specific yolk proteins that are incorporated into the oocyte through a receptor-mediated process of endocytosis. Variation in the speed of egg production varies widely and appears to be correlated with the vitellogenic mechanism employed. Mature ova display a wide range of egg envelope morphologies that often show some intrafamilial similarities.  相似文献   

1植物名称绵马鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris crassirhizoma Nakai),又称粗茎鳞毛蕨、野鸡翅膀子。2材料类别嫩叶。3培养条件愈伤组织诱导培养基:(1)1/2MS 6-BA0.3mg·L-1(单位下同) IBA0.3 NH4H2PO3200,(2)  相似文献   

利用透射电镜观察了泥螺卵子发生过程。结果表明 ,泥螺的卵子发生可划分为卵原细胞、卵黄发生早期、卵黄发生中期及卵黄发生后期卵母细胞 4个时期。卵原细胞核大而圆 ,胞质内分布有少量的线粒体和高尔基囊泡 ,细胞表面具微绒毛。卵黄发生早期的卵母细胞 ,胞质中各类细胞器发达 ,并出现数量较多的类朦胧子。卵黄发生中期的卵母细胞胞体迅速增大 ,核伸出伪足状突起 ,卵质中各种细胞器活动活跃 ,并参与形成卵黄粒和脂滴。此期还可观察到卵母细胞与滤泡细胞间的物质交换现象。卵黄发生后期的卵母细胞体积增至最大 ,细胞器数量减少。本文就卵黄发生前后卵母细胞内部构造的变化、意义及滤泡细胞与卵母细胞蛋白来源间的关系作了探讨  相似文献   

峨眉凤丫蕨配子体发育及卵发生的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用显微观察及透射电镜技术对峨眉凤丫蕨的配子体发育及卵发生过程进行了观察研究,以探讨其卵发生细胞学机制及蕨类植物演化关系。结果表明:(1)峨眉凤丫蕨孢子接种7~9d萌发,经丝状体和片状体阶段发育为心形原叶体,成熟原叶体雌雄同株,在原叶体基部产生精子器,在原叶体生长点下方产生颈卵器。(2)卵发生研究表明,峨眉凤丫蕨颈卵器产生于生长点下方的表面细胞,该细胞经2次分裂形成3层细胞,中间者为初生细胞,它经2次不等分裂产生卵细胞、腹沟细胞和颈沟细胞;新产生的卵与腹沟细胞间连接紧密,有发达的胞间连丝,随着发育,卵细胞与腹沟细胞之间产生分离腔,而腹沟细胞与卵细胞始终通过孔区相连;发育中期,卵核形成大量核外突;发育后期,在卵细胞外侧形成卵膜,孔区演变为受精孔,核外突数量减少。  相似文献   

The oogenesis of the acoel Actinoposthia beklemischevi can be divided into a previtellogenic and a vitellogenic stage. Maturing oocytes are surrounded by accessory cells (a.c.) that produce electrondense granules, the content of which is released into the space between the oocyte and a.c. and gives rise to a thin primary egg envelope. The a.c. may also contribute to yolk synthesis by transferring low molecular weight precursors to the oocyte. Two types of inclusion are produced in maturing oocytes. Type I inclusions are small, roundish granules produced by the Golgi complex. They have a proteinaceous non-polyphenolic content which is discharged in the intercellular space and produce a thicker secondary egg envelope. Type I inclusions represent eggshell-forming granules (EFGs). Type II inclusions are variably sized globules progressively changing their shape from round to crescent. They appear to be produced by the ER, contain glycoproteins and remain scattered throughout the cytoplasm in large oocytes. Type II inclusions represent yolk. The main features of oogenesis in Actinoposthia are: (a) EFGs have a non-polyphenolic composition; (b) the egg envelope has a double origin and is not sclerotinized; (c) yolk production appears to be autosynthetic. The present ultrastructural findings are compared with those from other Acoelomorpha and Turbellaria.  相似文献   

Two new species and one nataral hydrid close to Dryopteris chrysocoma (Christ) C. Chr. are found by means of cytological study, which shows that D. chrysocoma circumscribed in the past is not a single diploid in its range, but consists of several cytotypes. D. para-chrysocoma is a sexual diploid with narrowly lanceolate laminae that are almost glandless. The scales on the rachis and pinna rachis are pale brown, longer in length (4-7 mm) and denser. Indusium lacks glands too. The ultimate segments are narrower and separated by arrow spaces. These characters distinguish it from D. chrysocoma. D. zinongii is a sexual tetraploid. It is recognised by its ovate laminae, sparse, small and dark brown scales on the rachis and pinna rachis (1-2mm in length), broad segments closely adjacent one another and membranous indusia. D. × daliensis is shown to be an apomictic triploid which has rather irregular meiosis. There are some free chromosomes at the first metaphase, some lagging chromosomes and bridges at the first anaphase and some micronuclei in young spores. Some unpaired univalents can even be seen at diplotene. Approximately 14 univalents, 14 bivalents and 27 trivalents were observed at late diakinesis. Although a large number of SMCs were counted, a definite chromosome number has so far proved impossible to be obtained. This is possibly caused by variable pairing of the three genomes and different trivalent numbers formed in each SMC. As a result, generally less than 64 abortive spores are formed in each sporangium, but the sporangium with 32 spores could also be found rarely. All these show that this hybrid may be derived from the cross between a diploid and a tetraploid which have homoeologous genomes. D. × daliensis is morphologically intermediate between D. zinongii and D. paraChrysocoma. in respect to characters such as ovate-lanceolate laminae, brown rachis scales with a dark central stripe, 2-3 mm in length, and abortive spores in unequal size and different shapes etc. In addition, they are often found growing together in Cang Shan, Yunnan. It is therefore reasonable to consider that the latter two are probably the parents of the former. These new cytotypes show the presence of Dryopteris chry-socoma complex which is generally characterized by shell-shaped indusia and glandular fronds. Accoding to the morphology, D. woodsiisora Hayata, D. tenuissima Tagawa, D. alpicola Ching et Z. R. Wang, D. fangii Ching, Fraser-Jenkins et Z. R. Wang and D. pseudochrysocoma Ching etc. should be the members of this complex. In order to clarify the relationships between all the members of D. chrysocoma complex, a great deal of further cytogenetic study, including artificial hybridization and analysis of meiosis in both wild and synthesized hybrids, is required. The author is grateful to Prof. R. C. Ching and Mr. C. R. Fraser-Jenkins of the British Museum (Natural History) for their kind and helpful suggestion, and thank Mr. Q. Xia and Mr. Y. L. Ma for their help in the field work.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of oogenesis in the bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ovarian ultrastructure of the Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) was investigated during the reproductive season with the aim of improving our understanding of the reproductive biology in this species. The bluefin, like the other tunas, has an asynchronous mode of ovarian development; therefore, all developmental stages of the oocyte can be found in mature ovaries. The process of oocyte development can be divided into five distinct stages (formation of oocytes from oogonia, primary growth, lipid stage, vitellogenesis, and maturation). Although histological and ultrastructural features of most these stages are similar among all studied teleosts, the transitional period between primary growth and vitellogenesis exhibits interspecific morphological differences that depend on the egg physiology. Although the most remarkable feature of this stage in many teleosts is the occurrence of cortical alveoli, in the bluefin tuna, as is common in marine fishes, the predominant cytoplasmic inclusions are lipid droplets. Nests of early meiotic oocytes derive from the germinal epithelium that borders the ovarian lumen. Each oocyte in the nest becomes surrounded by extensions of prefollicle cells derived from somatic epithelial cells and these form the follicle that is located in the stromal tissue. The primary growth stage is characterized by intense RNA synthesis and the differentiation of the vitelline envelope. Secondary growth commences with the accumulation of lipid droplets in the oocyte cytoplasm (lipid stage), which is then followed by massive uptake and processing of proteins into yolk platelets (vitellogenic stage). During the maturation stage the lipid inclusions coalesce into a single oil droplet, and hydrolysis of the yolk platelets leads to the formation of a homogeneous mass of fluid yolk in mature eggs.  相似文献   

As has been shown for many kinds of organisms, barriers to interspecific hybridization may differ in strength between reciprocal crosses, resulting in a bias in the probability that one or the other species may be the maternal or paternal parent of hybrids. The fern Dryopteris Xtriploidea, the "backcross" hybrid between the diploid D. intermedia and the tetraploid D. carthusiana, occurs in large numbers in nature, providing an opportunity to investigate whether such a bias exists. Differences in the chloroplast genome distinguishing the two parental species were discovered in the sequence of the trnL region following amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), including a Mse I restriction site. This allowed rapid identification of the donor of the chloroplast genome, and therefore the maternal parent of each hybrid, assuming chloroplast DNA to be maternally inherited in Dryopteris. Analysis was carried out on 127 hybrids, shown to be of independent origin using allozymes, occurring at three localities in Virginia and West Virginia. When samples from all localities were pooled, 91 possessed the D. carthusiana trnL genotype and 36 possessed the D. intermedia genotype, a ratio that is significantly different (P < 0.001) from the null hypothesis of no gender bias. The strength of the bias differed significantly among the three sites, however, with bias at the West Virginia site much stronger (5.6:1 carthusiana:intermedia; P < 0.001) than at either Virginia site (1.55:1 and 1.43:1 carthusiana:intermedia, respectively; P > 0.05 in both cases). The cause of the strong bias in the West Virginia sample is unknown, as is the cause of the population differences. Causes of bias could include differences between the parental species related to their ploidy difference, including sizes of gametes and/or gametangia, sperm motility, breeding system (D. intermedia is outcrossing while D. carthusiana is selfing), or the nature and strength of interspecific isolating mechanisms.  相似文献   

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