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Existence of longitudinal and circular arterio-arterial anastomoses are stated, as well as various ways of outflow from the veins of the organs studied; this demonstrates essential compensatory abilities of this bed in blood supply regulation and draining at inflow and outflow from the microcirculatory system bed. Different topography of the arterial sources, venous plexuses, capillary fields allows to suppose different histophysiology of the tracheal zones mentioned: the anterior (laryngotracheal), middle and posterior (bifurcational). For the tracheal microcirculatory bed, metamerically repeated microcirculatory areas are peculiar. Distribution of the bronchial arteries takes place up to the terminal bronchi. In the area of the latter, anastomoses of the bronchial vessels with the pulmonary artery are observed.  相似文献   

Structural adaptation of the vascular bed in the broad ligament of the dog uterus has been studied at various time of the experimental phlebohypertension. Restitution of the circulation after the posterior vena cava occulsion occurs phasically. The venous collateralies are not formed at one time and it is connected with the venous pressure level in the inferiocaval system and with some changes in the construction of the microcirculatory bed. Basing on the morphometry data, a general equation has been derived which reflects dynamics of the microangiological parameters and demonstrates unidirectionness of the adaptive reactions in the vascular bed at the disturbed venous circulation. Using principles of the system-structural analysis and the mathematical graph theory, we consider the microcirculatory system of the broad ligament of the uterus as a graph-system and study the reorganization of the microcirculatory network at a venous congestion. Realization of the compensatory possibilities is reached in the microcirculatory bed by a changed relationships in the number of the intervascular connections. The latter are estimated according to the graph-schemes of the microvascular bed. Morphokinetics of the connections between the vessels is characterized by widening or narrowing the borders of the "adaptive norm" and by changing the microangioarchitectonics. At the same time, there is noted formation of specialized microhemoangioconstructions. Morphofunctional state of the lymphatic system is connected with reorganization of the angioarchitectonics. This is certain manifestation of the law of the lymphatic and blood beds "synergism". Thus, the structural changes of the vascular bed are aimed to support a certain hemodynamic level.  相似文献   

Structural changes and hemodynamic relations have been studied in the microcirculatory bed of the white rat small intestine mesentery during sex maturation (from the 3d up to the 10th week of the postnatal development). All calculations are performed regarding the mesenteric segment limited with two intestinal arteries, which is considered as an elementary microvascular module. Complication of the microcirculatory bed construction takes place at the expense of increasing number (nearly five-fold) of microvessels in the segment and increase of the capillary network density. The hemodynamic factor plays a certain role for stimulating the process of the capillary growth. The definitive structure of the mesenteric microcirculatory bed is completed by the 7th week. The main rearrangement of the microcirculatory system during the developmental process from a simple arterio-venular loop up to a complex microcirculatory bed with a branching capillary network is performed within the limits of the mesenteric segment.  相似文献   

In experiments on rats it was found that at the early stages (5 to 15 minutes) after vasoconstriction of the kidney caused by adrenaline solution there occurred sharp narrowing of the intraorganic arterial bed lumen, particularly that of the afferent arterioles. Ultrastructural changes in the glomerular renal capillary components observed were morphological expression of the effect of angiospasm and circulatory hypoxia. Residual phenomena of constriction of the renal microcirculatory bed still persisted at later stages--in 3, 7 days. These changes characterized the stage of peculiar mobility and contractile properties of their endothelial cells, caused by spasmogenic disturbances of microcirculation.  相似文献   

Changes of the respiratory muscles have been studied under the effect of a rarefied atmosphere when the pressure is 560 mm Hg (2,500 m), 405 mm Hg (5,000 m), 286 mm Hg (7,500 m) and during the period of their aftereffect. The experimental group consists of 260 and the control group--of 130 white rats. Adaptation of the respiratory muscles to the effect of the rarefied atmosphere at the pressure of 560 mm Hg takes place mainly at the expense of certain functional changes of the microcirculatory bed and hypertrophy of the muscle fibers. The period of aftereffect is characterized with normalization of these phenomena. Adaptation of the respiratory muscles at the pressure of 405 mm Hg takes place at the expense of hypertrophy of the muscle fibers, small destructive changes and a complex rearrangement of the microcirulatory bed. During the period of aftereffect, by the 40th day no destructive changes are noted in the muscle tissue. The capillary bed undergoes some rearrangements by the 42d -56th day with increasing quantitative indices per area unit. This results in improvement of the muscles nutrition. In the respiratory muscles at the pressure 286 mm Hg, atrophic changes in the muscle fibers take place at certain stages of the experiment. Essential destructive changes are observed, rearrangement of the microcirculatory bed with decreasing convolution of the longitudinal capillaries and a decreasing number of the transversal capillaries are noted by the end of the experiment. During the period of aftereffect, by the 56th day, the external and internal intercostal muscles completely restore their structure, and in the diaphragm the destructive changes remain. By the same time, the microcirculatory bed becomes more rare at the expense of decreasing capillarization of the muscle fibers and a decreasing number of the transversal capillaries.  相似文献   

Age peculiarities of common structure of the microcirculatory pathways, specific volumes and amount of microvessels, zonal parameters of pericapillary microcirculation of metabolites, glycosamine glycans and glycoproteins contents, phosphatase and ATPase activity, collagen and elastic fibers of the microcirculatory bed vessels have been studied in 190 unchanged uteri, beginning from 36-week-old fetuses up to 35 years of age. The microcirculatory bed of myometrium during the period of postnatal ontogenesis investigated possesses a polymer-homonomous structural organization; its base make myoangiomas, including the terminal arteriole with precapillaries and collecting venule, that run from it. Similar structure of the myometrium microcirculatory pathways is already observed in fetuses of late antenatal period. In endometrium formed glanduloangionomas are revealed in the prepubertal age. Increase in glycosamine glycans contents is stated in the microvessel walls and in the uterine stroma during the process of its development. Compensatory-adaptive changes in the uterine microcirculatory bed are described during the newborn period up to the puberty. Functionally mature structures of the microcirculatory pathways in the submucosal and vascular layers of myometrium, endometrium and in the cervix uteri are found to be formed earlier than in other areas of the organ.  相似文献   

Under study was the effect of autotransplantation in its "pure form" upon the morpho-functional reconstruction and structural mechanisms of adaptation of the blood and lymphatic links of the microcirculatory bed of extremities during early postoperation period up to 10 days. The pathophysiological state of the extremity sufficiently close to its autotransplantation was obtained by means of circular transection of soft tissues of the medial third of the femur together with the nerves and deep collecting lymphatic vessels. It was found that after modeling the main stages of replantation in the fascia and periosteum of the operated extremity there developed a spasm of the arteriolar link and dilatation of the venular and lymphatic links of the microcirculatory bed. The areas of leukocytic infiltration with the phenomena of diapedesis and microhemorrhages were revealed along the course of postcapillaries and venules in the paravasal connective tissue. The amount of functioning arteriole-venular anastomoses was increased. Against the background of pronounced oedema of soft tissues of the operated extremity the venous pressure increased and the rate of the capillary bloodflow in the skin and muscles decreased. The above changes tend to be reduced by the 10th day after modelling the main stages of replantation of the extremity.  相似文献   

Some morphofunctional peculiarities in microcirculatory pathways of the dura mater of the human spinal cord are described. They are concerned with the structure of arteriolo-venular anastomoses through which a rather large amount of arterial blood is transported into the venous bed. Around the vessels of arterial type running at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the vessel connective tissue fibres of the dura mater, there is a tissue layer intensively impregnated with silver salts and stained PAS-positively. The venous part of the dura mater microcirculatory pathways has a large number of accessory reservoirs in the form of venous "lakes". Functional importance of the peculiarities mentioned above for the dura mater and the perimedullar apparatus is clarified.  相似文献   

Morphologically and histochemically structural changes of the small intestine wall and its lymphatic bed have been studied in 104 dogs after the stomach resection. After the operation an increase in the diameter of the lymphatic capillaries and vessels takes place. Lateral dilatations and protrusions in the capillary walls appear, new anastomoses in all the membranes are formed, they are mostly manifested in the mucous membrane. Histopathological rearrangement in the small intestine wall is demonstrated as edema of the mucous membrane, as plethora of the vessels, as lymphoid infiltration and as changes of the villi forms.  相似文献   

By means of the biomicroscopy method under vital conditions, conjunctival microvessels in the eyeball have been investigated in 240 healthy boys 7-17 years of age at the state of rest and at the antiorthostatic action. The rearrangement of the conjunctival microcirculatory bed of the eyeball completes on the whole by 13-14 years of age and is characterized by transition from diffuse to a more refulate structure (the number of the main magistrals lessens, they become larger, the number of capillaries functioning simultaneously decreases, the role of the shunting blood stream becomes more important). With this process in ontogenesis, certain changes in reactivity of microvessels are connected. The quickest and the most adequate responses of the microvessels appear in the development by the time when the definitive composition of the conjunctival microcirculatory bed in the eyeball is formed. Since that time the microcirculatory system reaches its optimal level of functioning and all the processes are performed in the most economic regimen.  相似文献   

Influence of helium-neon laser lg-75 rays on the microcirculatory bed and neurocytes of the small intestine after its experimental ischemia has been studied. When a normal small intestine is radiated, dilatation of the luminal diameter is observed in all links of the microcirculatory bed (MCB) and also hypertrophy of neurocytes, when phenomena of distrophic processes are absent. In 30 days after 3-hours' ischemia of the intestinal loop and its successive radiation, spasm of arterial and dilatation of the venous link of MCB is registered; they normalize by the 45th day. In the control, after ischemia (without radiation) in 45 days venous plethora of the vessels in the intermuscular plexus of the intestinal wall is kept. In the nervous elements of the muscular-intestinal plexus at early stages of the experiment against the background of ischemia reactive and distrophic changes appear. By the 30th day after radiation, the volume of neurocytic bodies increases, processes grow out, nuclear-cytoplasmic index increases. Nonspecific character of the laser rays is supposed; their effect is realised via regional microvascular and nervous formations.  相似文献   

Blood bed and structure of the compact substance of the cat tibial diaphysis have been studied at normal conditions and after repeated effect of gravitational overloadings. Hypergravitation produced a noticeable rearrangement in the microcirculatory bed and in histoarchitectonics of the bone compact substance. The date obtained demonstrate that the changes produced depend on the number of parameters participating in the gravitational effect and on the position of the animal in the container, as well as on the time when the animal falls ill after the experiment.  相似文献   

At modelling a congenital heart failure--defect of the interatrial septum during late stages of the experiment, dilatation of the pulmonary artery and certain changes in the microcirculatory bed of the lungs, oesophagus, stomach and colon are observed. It has been demonstrated histologically and morphometrically that in adaptive reactions of the blood bed an important role belongs to the arteriolar part and metabolic link of the microcirculatory bed of the organs investigated. The changes in the pulmonary vessels are insufficiently expressed and possibility of hypertension in the lesser circulation is not great.  相似文献   

Using a complex of morphological techniques both injective and non-injective, scanning electron microscopy including, the hemomicrocirculatory bed and vascular anastomoses have been studied in various parts of the human heart. In most cases anastomoses between the microcirculatory links are realized at the level of capillaries, precapillary arterioles and postcapillary venules. Venulo-venular anastomoses are demonstrated in the myocardium. Existence of terminal arterioles is discussed.  相似文献   

Rearrangement of microcirculatory pathways in the skin was studied without injecting the vessels when the peduncles of a regular size and the peduncles with the ratio of their length to width as 5:1 were formed. In the first case, rearrangement of the microcirculatory bed was revealed to have an adaptive character. In the second case, continuously increasing gross morphological disorders resulting in venous congestion and contributing to necrosis of the peduncle were revealed.  相似文献   

Morphometrical investigation of the blood microcirculatory bed has been performed using the material from nonpregnant rats. Changes in volumetric density of the arterial and venous parts of the microcirculatory bed in the ovary and uterine tube after application of the spherical carbonate-mineral sorbent (SUMS-1) demonstrate a corregating effect of the sorption applied.  相似文献   

The present work is a fragment of the author's complex study of replantation of an extremity in experiment. Experiments on reproduction of the model of traumatic shock with acute loss of blood under conditions of muscle relaxation proposed by Yu. V. Kiprenski were performed in 15 dogs and 10 cats. It was established that in animals dead as a result of shock there appeared severe disorders of microcirculation in tissues and organs. They were characterized by a pronounced spasm of the vessels of the arteriolar link and dilatation of the venular and lymph collectors of the microcirculation bed. Simultaneously a great number of arterio-venular anastomoses were opened through which the arterial blood was shunted partly to avoid constricted capillaries. In the vessels of the venular link of the microcirculatory bed there appeared aggregations of formed elements of blood and microemboles. In absence of specific complex therapy, as it was in our experiments, the animals die of shock within the period from 17 min to 5 hour 20 min.  相似文献   

The auricular and ventricular microcirculatory bed has been studied in persons of mature age, not suffering from any cardio-vascular diseases during their life. As a whole, 48 objects have been studied. The microcirculatory bed has been revealed in sections of the cardiac wall 70-100 mcm thick using silver nitrate impregnation after V. V. Kuprianov. Organ- and tissue-specific properties of the vascular microcirculatory bed are revealed in interrelations of the vessels and the structural elements of the cardiac wall (myocardium, and connective tissue structures), in position of nuclei of the endothelial cells of the capillary wall and in places of the capillary branchings. Principle differences in structure of the auricular and ventricular microcirculatory bed are demonstrated. The notion the organ- and tissue-specific properties of the microcirculatory bed vessels is discussed.  相似文献   

A complex of adequate neurohistological and injection methods with use of mathematical analysis of the data obtained has been performed to study prenatal and early postnatal periods of ontogenesis of the microcirculatory bed of the human tongue neuromuscular systems. Certain changes of the degree in organization and structural-functional integration have been revealed; they demonstrate periodicity of the morphological changes of the vasculo-neural complex of the extra- and intrafusal part of the muscular tissue. In the neuromuscular spindles the microvascular network of capillaries is formed, their volumetric part changes in the process of development in greater degree than the microvascular bed of the extrafusal muscular fibers. In formation of the microcirculatory vascular bed of the neuromuscular spindles not only capillaries, getting into them together with nervous fibers, but also microvessels of the surrounding muscle tissue participate. This determines a higher level of the vascularization degree of the intrafusal muscle fibers.  相似文献   

By means of biomicroscopic method the bulbar conjunctiva in 150 women (18-35 years of age) have been examined. Of them: 30 healthy women make the control group; the second group includes 60 healthy women at their first and second half of pregnancy; the third group includes 60 women with pregnancy developing against the background of noncomplicated insulin-dependent diabetus mellitus during their first and second half of pregnancy. In the healthy women there are not any significant changes in most of the parameters of the microcirculatory bed during the first half of their pregnancy, and in the second half of their pregnancy a great density of the blood vascular bed is determined. Diameters of all vessels in the hemomicrocirculatory bed are significantly increased, as compared to those in the control group. In the women suffering from diabetus mellitus, during the first half of pregnancy certain changes in the picture of the vascular network is observed, as well as an increased convolution. uneveness in distribution of blood vessels; in the second half of their pregnancy a pronounced deformity of the vacular network is observed, decreasing diameter of afferent vessels and an essential dilatation of postcapillaries and venules are registered. Certain signs of aggregation of blood formed elements is noted.  相似文献   

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