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Modern technologies incorporating Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), remote sensing, and geostatistics provide unique opportunities to advance ecological understanding of pests across a landscape. Increased knowledge of the population dynamics of plant pathogens will promote management strategies, such as site-specific management, and cultural practices minimizing the introduction and impact of plant pathogens. The population dynamics of Alternaria solani, Verticillium dahliae, and Pratylenchus penetrans were investigated in commercial potato fields. A 0.5-ha diamond grid-sampling scheme was georeferenced, and all disease ratings and nematode samples were taken at these grid points. Percent disease severity was rated weekly, and P. penetrans densities were quantified 4 weeks after potato emergence. Spatial statistics and interpolation methods were used to identify the spatial distribution and population dynamics of each pathogen. Interpolated maps and aerial imagery identified A. solani intra-season progression across the fields as the potato crop matured. Late-season nitrogen application reduced A. solani severity. The spatial distributions of V. dahliae and P. penetrans were spatially correlated.  相似文献   

基于线粒体控制区的滇金丝猴群体遗传学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
潘登  符云新  张亚平 《遗传》2006,28(4):432-436
滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)是我国著名的濒危保护动物。迄今为止,关于滇金丝猴并基于DNA序列的的群体遗传学研究还没有报道。 本文测定了来自于云南省维西县滇金丝猴群体样本的线粒体控制区全序列以及部分个体的细胞色素b全序列。在排除了核线粒体假基因存在的可能性之后,滇金丝猴维西群体内部被确认存在着两个序列分歧较大的分枝。 即使如此,如果考虑到群体结构和迁移的影响,维西群体的遗传多样性水平可能并不高。


Although inherited mitochondrial genetic variation can cause human disease, no validated methods exist for control of confounding due to mitochondrial population stratification (PS). We sought to identify a reliable method for PS assessment in mitochondrial medical genetics. We analyzed mitochondrial SNP data from 1513 European American individuals concomitantly genotyped with the use of a previously validated panel of 144 mitochondrial markers as well as the Affymetrix 6.0 (n = 432), Illumina 610-Quad (n = 458), or Illumina 660 (n = 623) platforms. Additional analyses were performed in 938 participants in the Human Genome Diversity Panel (HGDP) (Illumina 650). We compared the following methods for controlling for PS: haplogroup-stratified analyses, mitochondrial principal-component analysis (PCA), and combined autosomal-mitochondrial PCA. We computed mitochondrial genomic inflation factors (mtGIFs) and test statistics for simulated case-control and continuous phenotypes (10,000 simulations each) with varying degrees of correlation with mitochondrial ancestry. Results were then compared across adjustment methods. We also calculated power for discovery of true associations under each method, using a simulation approach. Mitochondrial PCA recapitulated haplogroup information, but haplogroup-stratified analyses were inferior to mitochondrial PCA in controlling for PS. Correlation between nuclear and mitochondrial principal components (PCs) was very limited. Adjustment for nuclear PCs had no effect on mitochondrial analysis of simulated phenotypes. Mitochondrial PCA performed with the use of data from commercially available genome-wide arrays correlated strongly with PCA performed with the use of an exhaustive mitochondrial marker panel. Finally, we demonstrate, through simulation, no loss in power for detection of true associations with the use of mitochondrial PCA.  相似文献   

Drosophila mercatorum is a bisexual species, but certain strains are capable of parthenogenetic reproduction in the laboratory. We investigated the parthenogenetic capacity of the virgin daughters of females captured from a natural, bisexual population in Hawaii. An isozyme survey indicated the natural population is polymorphic at about 50% of its loci, and its individuals heterozygous at 18% of their loci. The predominant mode of parthogenesis in D. mercatorum causes homozygosity for all loci in a single generation. Despite this radical change in genetic state, 23% of the virgin female lines produced adult parthenogenetic progeny, and 16% produced parthenogenetic progeny themselves capable of parthenogenetic reproduction. The parthenogenetic rats as measured by the number of parthenogenetic progeny themselves capable of parthenogenesis divided by the number of eggs laid is arougn 10(-5) for the virgin female lines. We argue that one of the major reasons for this low rate is that very few of the impaternate zygotes have a genotype that can survive and reproduce under the genetic conditions imposed by parthenogenetic reproduction. This intense selective bottleneck can be passed in a single generation if enough unfertilized eggs are laid, and once passed is accompanied by a large (perhaps a thousandfold) increase in the rate of parthenogenesis and by modifications in many phenotypic traits such as morphology and behavior.  相似文献   

Armillaria cepistipes is a common wood-rotting basidiomycete fungus found in most forests in Central Europe. In Switzerland, the habitat of A. cepistipes is fragmented because of the presence of major geographical barriers, in particular the Alps, and past deforestation. We analysed the impact of habitat fragmentation on the current spatial genetic structure of the Swiss A. cepistipes population. A total of 167 isolates were sampled across an area of 41 000 km2 and genotyped at seven microsatellite and four single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci. All isolates belonged to different genotypes which, according to the Bayesian clustering algorithm implemented in Tess, originated from a single gene pool. Our analyses indicate that the overall A. cepistipes population shows little, but significant (FST = 0.02), genetic differentiation. Such a situation suggests gene flow is strong, possibly due to long-distance dispersal of airborne basidiospores. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that we could not detect a pattern of isolation by distance. Gene flow is partially restricted by the high mountain ranges of the Alps, as indicated by a signal of spatial autocorrelation detected among genotypes separated by less than about 80–130 km. In contrast, past deforestation seems to have no significant effect on the current spatial population structure of A. cepistipes. This might indicate the existence of a time lag between the current spatial genetic structure and the processes that have induced this specific structure.  相似文献   

Human activity has been shown to considerably affect the spread of dangerous pests and pathogens worldwide. Therefore, strict regulations of international trade exist for particularly harmful pathogenic organisms. Phytophthora plurivora, which is not subject to regulations, is a plant pathogen frequently found on a broad range of host species, both in natural and artificial environments. It is supposed to be native to Europe while resident populations are also present in the US. We characterized a hierarchical sample of isolates from Europe and the US and conducted coalescent-, migration, and population genetic analysis of sequence and microsatellite data, to determine the pathways of spread and the demographic history of this pathogen. We found P. plurivora populations to be moderately diverse but not geographically structured. High levels of gene flow were observed within Europe and unidirectional from Europe to the US. Coalescent analyses revealed a signal of a recent expansion of the global P. plurivora population. Our study shows that P. plurivora has most likely been spread around the world by nursery trade of diseased plant material. In particular, P. plurivora was introduced into the US from Europe. International trade has allowed the pathogen to colonize new environments and/or hosts, resulting in population growth.  相似文献   

J. R. Ovenden  RWG. White 《Genetics》1990,124(3):701-716
Galaxias truttaceus is found in coastal rivers and streams in south-eastern Australia. It spawns at the head of estuaries in autumn and the larvae spend 3 months of winter at sea before returning to fresh water. In Tasmania there are landlocked populations of G. truttaceus in a cluster of geologically young lakes on the recently glaciated Central Plateau. These populations have no marine larval stage and spawn in the lakes in spring. Speciation due to land locking is thought to be a frequent occurrence within Galaxias. To investigate the nature of the speciation event which may be occurring within lake populations of G. truttaceus we studied the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and allozyme diversity of both lake and stream populations. Using the presence or absence of restriction sites recognized by 13 six-base restriction endonucleases, we found 58 mtDNA haplotypes among 150 fish collected from 13 Tasmanian and one south-east Australian mainland stream populations. The most parsimonious network relating the haplotypes by site loss or gain was starlike in shape. We argue that this arrangement is best explained by selection upon slightly beneficial mutations within the mitochondrial genome. Gene diversity analysis under Wright's island model showed that the populations in each drainage were not genetically subdivided. Only two of these stream haplotypes were found among the 66 fish analyzed from four lake populations. Despite the extreme lack of mtDNA diversity in lake populations, the observed nuclear DNA heterozygosity of 40 lake fish (0.10355) was only slightly less than that of 82 stream fish (0.11635). In the short time (3000-7000 years) that the lake fish have been landlocked, random genetic drift in a finite, stable-sized population was probably not responsible for the lack of mtDNA diversity in the lake populations. We infer the lake populations have probably experienced at least one, severe, but transitory bottleneck possibly induced by natural selection for life-history characters essential for survival in the lacustrine habitat. If speciation is occurring in the landlocked populations of G. truttaceus, then it may be driven by genetic transilience.  相似文献   

Genetics and Utilization of Pathogen Resistance in Plants   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Crute IR  Pink D 《The Plant cell》1996,8(10):1747-1755

采用聚合酶链式反应和直接测序的方法研究了渤海海区15个矮拟帽贝Patelloida pygmaea种群遗传多样性与环境因子的关系。180个个体的16S rRNA部分序列(615 bp)共发现264个多态性位点,153个转换,114个颠换,界定32个单倍型。所有个体碱基含量依次为C(18.12%)、T(27.74%)、A(33.07%)、G(21.07%);单倍型多样性为0.835 1±0.019 1,核苷酸多样性为0.449±0.214。矮拟帽贝大陆沿岸种群核苷酸多样性(0.191 8±0.091 7)高于岛屿种群(0.107 3±0.081 6)。种群历史动态结果显示,矮拟帽贝经历了种群近期扩张。与环境因子相关性研究发现,遗传距离、序列变异、核苷酸多样性与日照时数、日照百分率分别呈显著正相关(P0.05);形态相关分析结果表明,变异主成分(壳长、壳宽)与年均降水量呈显著负相关(P0.05);年均降水量、日照时数、日照百分率是影响矮拟帽贝形态变异、遗传多样性的主导因子,环境越稳定地区种群的遗传多样性越高。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA Transmission Genetics in Crickets   总被引:20,自引:11,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
This paper presents the results of a single generation study of the transmission genetics of mitochondrial DNA in the field cricket Gryllus firmus. In this species, individuals heteroplasmic for at least two different-sized mitochondrial genomes can be collected easily from natural populations. The frequencies of mtDNA size variants in heteroplasmic females and samples of their offspring were estimated by densitometry of autoradiographs. The variance in mitochondrial genotype frequencies among the offspring of heteroplasmic females indicates that, through genetic drift, fixation would take several hundred animal generations. Differences between the observations and data on mtDNA transmission in yeast and cows are discussed in light of the differences in organelle sampling regime and early developmental events in these species. Our data also show shifts in genotype frequencies in the transmission from mother to offspring that suggest a bias in favor of smaller genomes. The nature of mtDNA size variation in natural populations of crickets is discussed in reference to a mutation-selection balance.  相似文献   



Understanding the mechanisms that influence the population dynamics and spatial genetic structure of the vectors of pathogens infecting humans is a central issue in tropical epidemiology. In view of the rapid changes in the features of landscape pathogen vectors live in, this issue requires new methods that consider both natural and human systems and their interactions. In this context, individual-based model (IBM) simulations represent powerful yet poorly developed approaches to explore the response of pathogen vectors in heterogeneous social-ecological systems, especially when field experiments cannot be performed.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We first present guidelines for the use of a spatially explicit IBM, to simulate population genetics of pathogen vectors in changing landscapes. We then applied our model with Triatoma brasiliensis, originally restricted to sylvatic habitats and now found in peridomestic and domestic habitats, posing as the most important Trypanosoma cruzi vector in Northeastern Brazil. We focused on the effects of vector migration rate, maximum dispersal distance and attraction by domestic habitat on T. brasiliensis population dynamics and spatial genetic structure. Optimized for T. brasiliensis using field data pairwise fixation index (FST) from microsatellite loci, our simulations confirmed the importance of these three variables to understand vector genetic structure at the landscape level. We then ran prospective scenarios accounting for land-use change (deforestation and urbanization), which revealed that human-induced land-use change favored higher genetic diversity among sampling points.


Our work shows that mechanistic models may be useful tools to link observed patterns with processes involved in the population genetics of tropical pathogen vectors in heterogeneous social-ecological landscapes. Our hope is that our study may provide a testable and applicable modeling framework to a broad community of epidemiologists for formulating scenarios of landscape change consequences on vector dynamics, with potential implications for their surveillance and control.  相似文献   

Translocating species is an important management tool to establish or expand the range of species. Success of translocations requires an understanding of potential consequences, including whether a sufficient number of individuals were used to minimize founder effects and if interspecific hybridization poses a threat. We provide an updated and comprehensive genetic assessment of a 1970s–1980s translocation and now established mottled duck (Anas fulvigula) population in South Carolina, USA. In addition to examining the population genetics of these mottled ducks, we simulated expected genetic assignments for generational hybrids (F1–F10), permitting formal purity assignment across samples to identify true hybrids and establish hybridization rates. In addition to wild mallards (A. platyrhynchos), we tested for presence of hybrids with migrant American black ducks (A. rubripes) and released domestic game-farm mallards (A. p. domesticus). We used wild reference populations of North American mallard-like ducks and sampled game-farm mallards from 2 sites in South Carolina that could potentially interbreed with mottled ducks. Despite 2 different subspecies of mottled duck (Florida [A. f. fulvigula] and the Western Gulf Coast [A. f. maculatlus]) used in original translocations, we determined the gene pool of the Western Gulf Coast mottled duck was overwhelmingly represented in South Carolina's current population. We found no evidence of founder effects or inbreeding and concluded the original translocation of 1,285 mottled ducks was sufficient to maintain current genetic diversity. We identified 7 hybrids, including an F1 and 3 late-staged (i.e., F2–F3 backcrosses) mottled duck × black duck hybrids, 1 F2-mottled duck backcrossed with a wild mallard, and 2 F3-mottled ducks introgressed with game-farm mallard. We estimated a 15% hybridization rate in our mottled duck dataset; however, the general lack of F1 and intermediate hybrids were inconsistent with scenarios of high hybridization rates or presence of a hybrid swarm. Instead, our results suggested a scenario of infrequent interspecific hybridization between South Carolina's mottled ducks and congeners. We concluded that South Carolina's mottled duck population is sufficiently large now to absorb current hybridization rates because 85% of sampled mottled ducks were pure. These results demonstrate the importance in managing and maintaining large parental populations to counter hybridization. As such, future population management of mottled ducks in South Carolina will benefit from increased geographical and continued sampling to monitor hybridization rates with closely related congeners. We also suggest that any future translocations of mottled ducks to coastal South Carolina should originate from the Western Gulf Coast. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

DNA Polymorphism in Population Genetics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the review, the literature evidence on DNA polymorphism obtained in the last 10–15 years using various molecular-genetic methods is summarized. All main types of DNA variation are considered but attention is focused on those extensively used in population genetics. The areas of using DNA markers are outlined and the limitations of their potential in analyzing genetic processes in populations are discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on the relationship between the earlier developed biochemical genetics based on protein polymorphism analysis and modern molecular population genetics based on DNA polymorphism. The possible role of selection in maintaining DNA variation is considered.  相似文献   

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