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Dimorphic seeds of Atriplex prostrata were removed from cold dry storage monthly over a one year period to test for fluctuations in seed dormancy and germination rate. For each seed type, four replicates of 25 seeds were exposed to four alternating night/day temperature regimes mimicking seasonal fluctuations in Ohio: 5/15 °C; 5/25 °C; 15/25 °C and 20/35 °C with a corresponding 12-h photoperiod (20 μmol m−2 s−1; 400 – 700 nm). We found a significant three-way interaction of seed size, temperature and month for both percent germination and the rate of germination. Large seeds showed the greatest germination at the 20/35 °C and 5/25 °C temperature regimes and small seeds at the 5/25 °C regime. Large seeds had greater germination at all temperatures as compared to small seeds. Large seeds had the fastest germination rates at 20/35 °C followed by 5/25 °C whereas small seeds had the fastest rates at 5/25 °C followed by 20/35 °C. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Seeds of calabrese and carrot were sown in soil at differentmoisture contents or were germinated in polyethylene glycolsolution of equivalent water potential. The seeds were alsosubjected to temperature environments which were either constant,altering at 12 h intervals, or changing smoothly and continuouslyin a daily cycle. The environments had similar mean temperatures,similar accumulated numbers of day-degrees, and the changing-temperatureenvironments had similar upper and lower temperature limits.In soil, at low and moderate moisture stress, seedlings of bothcrops emerged faster in the changing-temperature environmentsthan at constant temperature; at high moisture stress, emergenceoccurred only in the changing temperature environments. In osmoticsolutions, germination (radicle emergence) of calabrese seedswas faster in changing-temperature environments, but germinationof carrot seeds was unaffected by the temperature treatments.The results indicate that interaction between moisture stressand temperature environment is important and that results ofexperiments run at both constant moisture stress and constanttemperature together may not relate directly to the field situation.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - In present work the effect of various temperatures on germination and seedling growth were determined, using primed seeds of hybrid variety of tomato...  相似文献   

Abstract Germination responses of Taraxacum platycarpum seeds to temperature were examined under laboratory conditions to investigate the emergence-season choice mechanism of the seeds. Almost all the newly collected seeds were non-dormant. Under constant temperature conditions, maximum percentage germination (approximately 90%) was attained at temperatures 6–16°C, where simple linear relationships were observed between the temperature and the rates of germination, i.e. the reciprocals of the time taken to germinate by seed subpopulations with 10–80% germination. Thermal time required for germination of the subpopulations ranged from 600 Kh (degree Kelvin × hours) to 1500 Kh with a relatively constant base temperature of about 2.5°C. Lower limit temperature for germination was slightly below 6°C. Higher limit temperature for germination has the normal distribution with the mean ±SD of 19±2.5°C. Pre-exposure of imbibed seeds to temperatures higher than the higher limit temperature for germination, 25 and 30°C, had no effect on the germinability and the rate of germination at a circa-optimum temperature. Moist chilling treatment at 4°C caused an increase in the variation of germination rate within the seed population, but no evidence for dormancy-inducing or breaking effects was obtained.  相似文献   

次适温下水杨酸浸种对水稻种子萌发的效应   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
水稻种子于15℃以下0.01-5.0mmol.L^-1水杨酸浸种24h后,置于25,20和15℃下萌发,萌发后种子极和芽生长受到的影响不同,以15℃下萌发受到的促进作用最好,其效应随水杨酸浓度的增加而增加。  相似文献   

不同水分状况稻田的生态生理效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴志强  林文雄 《生态学杂志》1991,10(5):12-15,45
不同水分状况形成不同生态环境的稻田,直接、间接影响水稻的生长发育。水稻在淹水灌溉条件下生育良好,因淹水土壤生长的水稻,叶子表皮内出现‘硅质气孔’,淹水灌溉使根丛内的空隙度增加,减少根间水流动的阻力,从而增进根吸收矿质元素,促进茎秆生长。但淹水灌溉对稻根系生理功能也有不利影响,  相似文献   

The Effect of Temperature and Light on the Germination of Lettuce Seeds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
‘Grand Rapids’ lettuce. seed will not germinate in darkness at 30°. An exposure in temperatures between 5°C and 25°C for a short period after the initiation of germination can effectively overcome the high temperature imposed dormancy. If the exposure to low temperature is from the beginning of germination it is less effective. The low temperature induced germination is not reversed by far red light of 725 nm and seed not responding to the low temperature do respond in a classical fashion to red and far red irradiations. It is considered that the results justify acceptance of the hypothesis that an inhibitor of germination is produced during the initial stages of germination and that this formation is strongly temperature dependent so that there is much accumulation. At low temperatures an alternative metabolic pathway predominates leading to the production of an essential metabolite. At high temperatures this metabolite is produced from the inhibitor (or inert compound) by a mechanism under the control of the phytochrome system.  相似文献   

Seeds from two cotton varieties attained similar maximum germinationpercentages at 30°C. Failure of germination occurred at15 and 45°C. At lower and higher temperatures than 30°Cmaximum germination percentages were lower and the periods beforegermination was intiated longer. Fumigation of seeds with methylbromide decreased their maximum emergence percentages in thefield, but dressing seeds with mercuric compounds had no effecton emergence. During the first 20 days of seed development theaccumulation of total dry-matter and oil was rapid and thenit continued at a steady and slower rate till day 52. A linearrelationship existed between the oil and residual dry-mattercontent of developing seeds. The disappearance of oil from thecotyledons of germinating seeds was gradual over the periodof 5 days of germination while that of starch was very rapidduring the first day, thereafter very little starch was mobilizedfrom the cotyledons to the embryo.  相似文献   

本试验着重研究了用交、直流磁场对花生种子进行处理后,在种子萌发及幼苗生长过程中产生的影响。结果表明,一定强度的交流或直流磁场对种子的萌发及幼苗生长有一定的促进作用。处理过的种子存放一年后,磁场对种子萌发的作用依然存在。  相似文献   

温度对经层积处理解除休眠的水曲柳种子萌发的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
经层积处理解除休眠的水曲柳种子于10种不同温度条件下萌发的结果表明:变温条件下的种子萌发比恒温条件的好,最佳的变温条件为15℃/10℃,最佳的恒温条件是10℃,20℃以上的恒温会诱导种子产生二次休眠。  相似文献   

Germination responses of Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. seedsto temperature and light were examined with a special interestin the gap-detecting mechanisms in germination, i.e., responsesto fluctuating temperature and sensitivity to leaf-canopy transmittedlight. Simple linear relationships were observed between thetemperature in the suboptimal range and the germination rates,i.e., the reciprocals of the time taken to germinate by theseed subpopulations with 10–90% germination. The ‘thermaltime’ concept could thus be used effectively to analysethe responses to varying temperatures and light. Neither shiftsnor alternations of ambient temperature affected the thermaltime required for germination; the profile of the change inpercentage germination plotted against thermal time for theseed population was almost identical among various constantand varying temperature regimes. Seed germination was completelyinhibited by simulated leaf-canopy light, thus indicating thatP. densiflora seeds have a gap-detecting mechanism in the formof canopy-light sensitivity. Moreover, 1–7 d interruptionof imbibition with dehydration had little effect on the finalpercentage and thermal time required for germination, suggestingthat the germinating seeds of this species have a great capacityto withstand the fluctuating moisture conditions of the exposedsurface of soil. Key words: Germination rate, temperature, light, moisture, gap-detecting mechanism, Pinus densiflora  相似文献   

以萝卜种子为试材,研究不同温度预处理对萌发期萝卜种子逆温耐性的影响。结果表明:萝卜种子在低于15℃和高于35℃下萌发,种子活力显著下降,而通过适度的温度胁迫处理,可提高萝卜种子在高温(35℃)下的萌发活力。15℃和25℃分别是预处理的适宜低温和高温,6 h是低温(15℃)预处理的适宜时间。萝卜种子经高温(30℃)预处理12 h后,在随后的低温(10℃)下萌发,也提高其种子活力,说明萝卜种子对高温和低温胁迫具有交叉适应性。  相似文献   

Controlled environment experiments were performed to determinethe effects of temperature and water potential on germination,radicle elongation and emergence of mungbean (Vigna radiata(L.) Wilczek cv. IPB-M79-17-79). The effects of a range of constant temperatures (15–45°C) and water potentials (0 to –2.2 MPa) on germinationand radicle elongation rates were studied using an osmoticumtechnique, in which seeds were held against a semi-permeablemembrane sac containing a polyethylene glycol solution. Linearrelationships were established between median germination time(Gt50) and water potential at different temperatures, and betweenreciprocal Gt50 (germination rate) and temperature at differentwater potentials. Germination occurred at potentials as lowas –2.2 MPa at favourable temperatures (30–40 °C),but was fastest at 40 °C when water was not limiting, withan estimated base temperature (Tb) of about 10 °C. Subsequentradicle elongation, however, was restricted to a slightly narrowertemperature range and was fastest at 35 °C. The conceptof thermal time was used to develop an equation to model thecombined effects of water potential and temperature on germination.Predictions made using this model were compared with the actualgermination obtained in a related series of experiments in columnsof soil. Some differences observed suggested the additionalimportance of the seed/soil/water contact zone in influencingseed germination in soil. Seedling emergence appeared to reflectfurther the radicle elongation results by occurring within anarrower range of temperatures and water potentials than germination.Emergence had an estimated Tb of 12.6 °C and was fastestat 35 °C. A soil matric potential of not less than about–0.5 MPa at sowing was required to obtain 50% or moreseedling emergence. Key words: Germination, temperature, water potential  相似文献   

Xia  Jun  Hao  Xianzhe  Wang  Tangang  Li  Huiqin  Shi  Xiaojuan  Liu  Yongchang  Luo  Honghai 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2023,42(1):319-334
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Exogenous substances play an important role in the response of cotton to low-temperature conditions during the germination stage, but little is known about the...  相似文献   

种皮和环境温度对橡胶树种子萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人工气候箱控制的条件下,研究了种皮和环境温度对橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)种子萌发的影响.结果表明,种皮对橡胶树种子的吸水和萌发具有明显的机械限制作用;去除种皮后种子萌发速率加快,萌发指数增大,但萌发率从83.8%下降到47.8%,幼苗活力指数从332.3下降到187.9.15℃以下的温度明显推迟种子萌发,且萌发率下降.去除种皮后的种仁萌发率、萌发指数和幼苗活力指数均随着温度的升高而增大;有种皮种子的萌发率、萌发指数和幼苗活力指数分别在20℃(94.7%)、30℃(1.86)和25℃(374.4)时最大,而萌发速率系数随着温度的升高先增大后减小.在橡胶树栽培和胶园建设中,可利用种皮对种仁水分散失的限制作用以及对低温的不敏感性,有效延长橡胶树种子的贮藏时间,提高萌发率和籽苗质量.  相似文献   

光温和赤霉素对跳舞草种子萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以珍稀趣味药用植物跳舞草(Codariocalyx motorius)为材料,通过机械磨擦、不同温度、光照强度和GA_3处理以及不同栽培介质研究了其种子萌发特性,以寻找其繁殖环节中的主要限制因素,为迁地保育和大规模育苗提供可行依据.结果表明:机械磨擦可使跳舞草种子的发芽势、发芽率及发芽指数显著提高,种子种皮的机械抑制是导致其发芽率低的直接原因;其种子萌发的适宜温度范围20~30℃,25℃为最适温度;浓度为50~100 mg/L的GA_3处理的跳舞草种子萌发率高,且出苗整齐,根系粗壮,成苗率高;适度的遮光(30%)对跳舞草种子的萌发有促进作用,其发芽势、发芽率以及发芽指数最高;跳舞草的育苗基质可选用腐叶土:泥炭(1∶1),出苗率达到85.9%,经济合理.  相似文献   

Water uptake patterns and germination rates of chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.) and veteh (Vicia faba L.), as affected by constantand changing external water potential, were studied experimentally.The initial water uptake rate was found to decrease as the externalwater poten tial decreased, due te reduced diffusivity to waterof the seed coats, but the final water gained by imbibitionwas sufficient to ensure full germination. Germination ratedecreased with a decrease in the external water potential. Thedata presented suggest that more work should be directed towarda better understanding of the effects of external water potentialchanges on the enzymatic activity during and after the imbibitionstage.  相似文献   

Germination of Hyoscyamus muticus L. seeds was investigated under different temperature, light and kinetin treatments. Diurnal temperature fluctuation of 25°C for 14 h and 5°C for 10 h, strongly promoted germination. Kinetin (60 mg/1) substituted for the periodic temperature changes. Both kinetin and diurnal temperature fluctuation increased the IAA level in the seeds prior to germination. A natural inhibitor (Rf 0.6–0.8) did not disappear in response to either treatment.  相似文献   

果翅对霸王种子田间萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2007年10月将具有果翅(具翅)和剥去果翅(去翅)的霸王种子埋于阿拉善左旗不同深度(0 cm、2 cm、5 cm)土壤中,1年内每2月取样1次,调查其萌发情况.结果表明:置于地表具翅种子田间无萌发,而去翅种子在次年6月开始萌发;2 cm埋深具翅种子在次年6月开始萌发,而去翅种子次年2月即能萌发,且其萌发均显著高于同期具翅种子(除10月外);与2 cm埋深相比,5 cm埋深种子萌发较早,其他则表现相似.随埋深的增加和埋藏时间延长,去翅种子田间萌发呈增长趋势,室内萌发率则逐渐减小,而具翅种子除6~10月外田间和室内萌发均逐渐增加.埋藏1年后,去翅种子死亡率显著高于具翅种子,去翅种子为23.0%,而具翅种子为10.0%.可见,果翅可显著抑制霸王种子在田间萌发,有利于种子的田间保存,从而避开不利环境在适宜条件下萌发以获得最佳建植率.  相似文献   

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