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L.D. Hunter 《Phytochemistry》1975,14(7):1519-1522
Phloridzin, sieboldin, trilobatin, phloretin and 3-hydroxyphloretin can all be used as carbon sources by Venturia inaequalis in culture. Resistance to apple scab was not linked with inheritance of sieboldin or trilobatin in seedlings. There is no direct connection between phloridzin or its breakdown products and scab resistance.  相似文献   

Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) is one of the most damaging diseases affecting commercial apple production. Some wild Malus species possess resistance against apple scab. One gene, HcrVf2, from a cluster of three genes derived from the wild apple Malus floribunda clone 821, has recently been shown to confer resistance to apple scab when transferred into a scab-susceptible apple variety. For this proof-of-function experiment, the use of the 35S promoter from Cauliflower mosaic virus was reliable and appropriate. However, in order to reduce the amount of non-plant DNA in genetically modified apple to a minimum, with the aim of increasing genetically modified organism acceptability, these genes would ideally be regulated by their own promoters. In this study, sequences from the promoter region of the three members of the HcrVf gene family were compared. Promoter constructs containing progressive 5 deletions were prepared and used for functional analyses. Qualitative assessment confirmed promoter activity in apple. Quantitative promoter comparison was carried out in tobacco (Nicotiana glutinosa) and led to the identification of several promoter regions with different strengths from a basal level to half the strength of the 35S promoter from Cauliflower mosaic virus.  相似文献   

Mycoparasitic fungi are proving to be rich sources of antifungal genes that can be utilized to genetically engineer important crops for resistance against fungal pathogens. We have transformed cotton and tobacco plants with a cDNA clone encoding a 42 kDa endochitinase from the mycoparasitic fungus, Trichoderma virens. Plants from 82 independently transformed callus lines of cotton were regenerated and analysed for transgene expression. Several primary transformants were identified with endochitinase activities that were significantly higher than the control values. Transgene integration and expression was confirmed by Southern and Northern blot analyses, respectively. The transgenic endochitinase activities were examined in the leaves of transgenic tobacco as well as in the leaves, roots, hypocotyls and seeds of transgenic cotton. Transgenic plants with elevated endochitinase activities also showed the expected 42 kDa endochitinase band in fluorescence, gel-based assays performed with the leaf extracts in both species. Homozygous T2 plants of the high endochitinase-expressing cotton lines were tested for disease resistance against a soil-borne pathogen, Rhizoctonia solani and a foliar pathogen, Alternaria alternata. Transgenic cotton plants showed significant resistance to both pathogens.  相似文献   

Carbamide and thiocarbamide decreased the resistance of apple to apple scab when infiltrated into apple leaves prior to infection with the disease. In three apple varieties these two substances strikingly stimulated infection with two monosporic isolates of the fungusVenturia inaequalis (Cke.) Wint. It was established that both carbamide and thiocarbamide inhibited polyphenol oxidase activity in apple leavesin vivo, butin vitro only thiocarbamide was inhibitory. It can be concluded that the effect on apple resistance to apple scab is based on an inhibition of polyphenol oxidase.  相似文献   

When the secreted bacterial protein ChiA is expressed in transgenic tobacco, a fraction of the protein is glycosylated and secreted from the plant cells; however most of the protein remains inside the cells. We tested whether the efficiency of secretion could be improved by replacing the bacterial signal sequence with a plant signal sequence. We found the signal sequence and the first two amino acids of the PR1b protein attached to the ChiA mature protein directs complete glycosylation and secretion of the ChiA from plant cells. Glycosylation of this protein is not required for its efficient secretion from plant cells.  相似文献   

Chitinases, -1,3-glucanases, and ribosome-inactivating proteins are reported to have antifungal activity in plants. With the aim of producing fungus-resistant transgenic plants, we co-expressed a modified maize ribosome-inactivating protein gene, MOD1, and a rice basic chitinase gene, RCH10, in transgenic rice plants. A construct containing MOD1 and RCH10 under the control of the rice rbcS and Act1 promoters, respectively, was co-transformed with a plasmid containing the herbicide-resistance gene bar as a selection marker into rice by particle bombardment. Several transformants analyzed by genomic Southern-blot hybridization demonstrated integration of multiple copies of the foreign gene into rice chromosomes. Immunoblot experiments showed that MOD1 formed approximately 0.5% of the total soluble protein in transgenic leaves. RCH10 expression was examined using the native polyacrylamide-overlay gel method, and high RCH10 activity was observed in leaf tissues where endogenous RCH10 is not expressed. R1 plants were analyzed in a similar way, and the Southern-blot patterns and levels of transgene expression remained the same as in the parental line. Analysis of the response of R2 plants to three fungal pathogens of rice, Rhizoctonia solani, Bipolaris oryzae, and Magnaporthe grisea, indicated statistically significant symptom reduction only in the case of R. solani (sheath blight). The increased resistance co-segregated with herbicide tolerance, reflecting a correlation between the resistance phenotype and transgene expression.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA encoding a class IV chitinase was cloned from yam (Dioscorea opposita Thunb) leaves in previous research (Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 68, 1508–1517 (2004)). But this chitinase had an additional sequence composed of eight amino acids (a C-terminal extension) at the C-terminal, compared with class IV chitianses from other plants. In order to clarify the role of this C-terminal extension in cellular localization, plants and suspension-cultured cells of Nicotiana tabacum were transformed with either the cloned yam class IV chitinase gene carrying the C-terminal extension or its truncated gene by the Agrobacterium-mediated method, and then their localization was investigated. The results suggest that the C-terminal extension of yam class IV chitinase plays a role as a targeting signal for plant vacuoles. This is the first report presenting the existence of vacuolar type class IV chitinase.  相似文献   

Identification and mapping of the novel apple scab resistance gene Vd3   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Apple scab, caused by the fungal pathogen Venturia inaequalis, is one of the most devastating diseases for the apple growing in temperate zones with humid springs and summers. Breeding programs around the world have been able to identify several sources of resistance, the Vf from Malus floribunda 821 being the most frequently used. The appearance of two new races of V. inaequalis (races 6 and 7) in several European countries that are able to overcome the resistance of the Vf gene put in evidence the necessity of the combination of different resistance genes in the same genotype (pyramiding). Here, we report the identification and mapping of a new apple scab resistance gene (Vd3) from the resistant selection “1980-015-25” of the apple breeding program at Plant Research International, The Netherlands. This selection contains also the Vf gene and the novel V25 gene for apple scab resistance. We mapped Vd3 on linkage group 1, 1 cM to the south of Vf in repulsion phase to it. Based on pedigree analysis and resistance tests, it could be deduced that 1980-015-25 had inherited Vd3 from the founder “D3.” This gene provides resistance to the highly virulent EU-NL-24 strain of race 7 of V. inaequalis capable of overcoming the resistance from Vf and Vg. JMS and SGJ contributed equally to this work  相似文献   

Starch degradation in cells is closely associated with cereal seed germination, photosynthesis in leaves, carbohydrate storage in tuberous roots, and fleshy fruit development. Based on previously reported in vitro assays, β-amylase is considered one of the key enzymes catalyzing starch breakdown, but up to date its role in starch breakdown in living cells remains unclear because the enzyme was shown often extrachloroplastic in living cells. The present experiment showed that β-amylase activity was progressively increasing concomitantly with decreasing starch concentrations during apple (Malus domestica Borkh cv. Starkrimson) fruit development. The apparent amount of β-amylase assessed by Western blotting also increased during the fruit development, which is consistent with the seasonal changes in the enzyme activity. The subcellular-localization studies via immunogold electron-microscopy technique showed that β-amylase visualized by gold particles was predominantly located in plastids especially at periphery of starch granules, but the gold particles were scarcely found in other subcellular compartments. These data proved for the first time that the enzyme is compartmented in its functional sites in plant living cells. The predominantly plastid-distributed pattern of β-amylase in cells was shown unchanged throughout the fruit development. The density of gold particles (β-amylase) in plastids was increasing during the fruit development, which is consistent with the results of Western blotting. So it is considered that β-amylase is involved in starch hydrolysis in plastids of the fruit cells.  相似文献   

Using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique combined with a ”narrow-down” bulk segregant strategy enabled us to quickly identify 15 tightly linked AFLP markers to the Vf gene that confers resistance to the apple scab disease. High-resolution mapping placed all 15 AFLP markers within an interval of 0.6 cM around the Vf region; 7 of them were found to be inseparable from the Vf gene, 1 was localized left of, and the remaining 7 located right of the Vf gene. In addition, eight previously identified RAPD markers were also mapped, but only three, including M18, AM19, and AL07, were localized within this short interval, and none co-segregated with the Vf gene. The saturation of the Vf region with AFLP markers will accelerate both marker-assisted selection and map-based cloning. The advantages of this ”narrow-down” strategy, estimation of physical distances among AFLP markers, and their potential application are also discussed. Received: 22 December 1999 / Accepted: 25 March 2000  相似文献   

Abstract. Measurements of the efflux of CO2 from 5–6 year old container grown apple trees, in the dark at a range of temperatures (T), indicated that respiration rate (R) can be described by the equation R = SL e kT. The temperature coefficient k, was the same at all times of the year and for all components of the trees, but the values of a varied. At the same temperature respiration rates were low when the trees were dormant, rose rapidly to a peak in spring (before full bloom) and then declined steadily through the season. When respiration was expressed as a flux density, rates for different components of the tree were usually similar. Differences were sometimes statistically significant but no clear pattern emerged. The results obtained are similar to those published for other plants and the equation can be used in the calculation of the carbon balance of apple trees.  相似文献   

噬菌体一般通过表达内溶素来降解宿主菌细胞壁上的肽聚糖 . 用 PCR 技术从结核杆菌 D29 噬菌体基因组中克隆了 gene10 ,并使其在大肠杆菌中得到了高效表达,蛋白质 C 端带有 6×His. 用镍柱亲和纯化了大肠杆菌表达的 gp10 蛋白可溶性部分 . 活性测定表明, gp10 不但具有几丁质酶活性,还具有溶菌酶活性,是一种双功能的酶 . 耻垢杆菌经 gp10 作用后,其生长受到抑制,扫描电镜观察发现部分耻垢杆菌被降解 . 说明与其他种类噬菌体降解细胞壁的方式不同, D29 噬菌体可能利用 gp10 的溶菌酶活性使结核杆菌细胞壁降解 . 这有助于揭示结核杆菌噬菌体与其宿主的相互作用机制,是关于噬菌体几丁质酶的首次报道 .  相似文献   

The oviposition behavior and diel pattern of activities of Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.) (Diptera: Tephritidae) were observed in an apple orchard and fruit characteristics involved in oviposition preferences were investigated in field cage tests. Fruit size influenced fruit acceptability as an oviposition site by females which did not discriminate among the cultivars Gala, Fuji, and Golden Delicious when same-size fruits were presented simultaneously. Oviposition behavior in apples was basically the same as that described for primary hosts. Hourly census of fly activity indicated that adults did not overnight in the orchard and that they entered the orchard around 1100 h when temperature reached about 21 °C . Bird droppings were an important food item for adults. Behavioral differences between males and females might account for a significant biased sex ratio both in the orchard and at the edge of the native surrounding vegetation. Implications for fruit fly management in Brazilian apple orchards are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The sourcing of new resistant accessions and understanding their resistance mechanisms are significant aspects of a breeding strategy for durable resistance. Resistance of a number of apple accessions to the woolly apple aphid (WAA) [ Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausm.)] was assessed based on the biological parameters of the insect. Two experiments were conducted under glasshouse conditions in two consecutive years during January–February of 2002 and 2003. In Expt 1 in 2002, settlement, development and survival of the aphids were assessed on five apple accessions [Roter Eiserapfel (RE), Freiherr von Berlepsch (FvB), Braeburn (B), Willie Sharp (WS) and Royal Gala (RG)]. RG was the most susceptible and WS the most resistant accession to WAA. RG and WS were included as references in Expt 2 in 2003, with 11 further accessions ( Malus floribunda 821 OP (open-pollinated) G01-078 (MF), Korichnoe Polosatoje OP G01-104 (KP), Geneva (G), Raritan (R), Malus 6 (M-6), Twenty Ounce (TO), Winter Majetin (WM), Aotea (A), Irish Peach (IP), Court Pendu Plat (CPP) and Colonel Vaughan (CV). Daily reproductive rate and colony establishment were added to the three paramaters assessed in Expt 1. The overall results showed resistance in G, MF, WS and KP to settlement and development with low survival at the larval stage of the aphid, whereas R showed resistance in all the parameters tested. RG and CPP have proved to be susceptible while A, WM, TO, M-6, IP and CV were partially resistant.  相似文献   

Genes from the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma atroviride encoding the antifungal proteins endochitinase or exochitinase (N-acetyl--D-hexosaminidase) were inserted into Marshall McIntosh apple singly and in combination. The genes were driven by a modified CaMV35S promoter. The resulting plants were screened for resistance to Venturia inaequalis, the causal agent of apple scab, and for effects of enzyme expression on growth. Disease resistance was correlated with the level of expression of either enzyme when expressed alone but exochitinase was less effective than endochitinase. The level of expression of endochitinase was negatively correlated with plant growth while exochitinase had no consistent effect on this character. Plants expressing both enzymes simultaneously were more resistant than plants expressing either single enzyme at the same level; analyses indicated that the two enzymes acted synergistically to reduce disease. Selected lines, especially one expressing low levels of endochitinase activity and moderate levels of exochitinase activity, were highly resistant in growth chamber trials and had negligible reduction in vigor relative to control plants. We believe that this is the first report of resistance in plants induced by expression of an N-acetylhexosaminidase and is the first report of in planta synergy between an exochitinase and an endochitinase.  相似文献   

Apple is host to a wide range of pests and diseases, with several of these, such as apple scab, powdery mildew and woolly apple aphid, being major causes of damage in most areas around the world. Resistance breeding is an effective way of controlling pests and diseases, provided that the resistance is durable. As the gene pyramiding strategy for increasing durability requires a sufficient supply of resistance genes with different modes of action, the identification and mapping of new resistance genes is an ongoing process in breeding. In this paper, we describe the mapping of an apple scab, a powdery mildew and a woolly apple aphid gene from progeny of open-pollinated mildew immune selection. The scab resistance gene Rvi16 was identified in progeny 93.051 G07-098 and mapped to linkage group 3 of apple. The mildew and woolly aphid genes were identified in accession 93.051 G02-054. The woolly aphid resistance gene Er4 mapped to linkage group 7 to a region close to where previously the genes Sd1 and Sd2, for resistance to the rosy apple leaf-curling aphid, had been mapped. The mildew resistance gene Pl-m mapped to the same region on linkage group 11 where Pl2 had been mapped previously. Flanking markers useful for marker-assisted selection have been identified for each gene.  相似文献   

研究苹果生理指标与其对苹果绵蚜(Eriosoma lanigerum Hausmann)抗性的关系,为筛选培育抗性品种,实现持续有效治理苹果绵蚜提供依据.田间调查不同苹果品种对苹果绵蚜的抗性,测定比较各品种正常枝条生理指标,以及被苹果绵蚜危害后生理指标的变化.结果表明,正常枝条中可溶性糖(r=0.99)、蛋白质(r=0.86)含量与感蚜率呈正相关;氨基酸含量与感蚜率呈负相关(r=-0.96);酚类物质和4种酶活性与苹果感蚜率均不存在明显相关性.被害后昭锦108可溶性糖含量有所下降,红富士、金冠分别上升1.4%、7.0%;蛋白质、氨基酸、酚类物质含量均有所下降,其中红富士总酚含量明显下降,达23.5%,总酚下降率与感蚜率呈正相关(r=0.94);超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide Dismutase,SOD)、过氧化氢酶(Catalase,CAT)活性均上升,其中CAT变化率与感蚜率存在相关性(r=-0.92),昭锦108 CAT活性明显上升,达91.2%;多酚氧化酶(Polyphenol Oxidase,PPO)、过氧化物酶(Peroxidase,POD)活性增减不一;金冠4种酶活性均上升.研究表明,对苹果绵蚜抗性较强的品种:可溶性糖、蛋白质含量较低,游离氨基酸含量较高;受害后可溶性糖含量下降,总酚含量下降率较低,游离氨基酸含量下降率较高.酶活性对抗蚜性的影响不明显.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA encoding a chitinase (Pbcts1) was cloned by screening a cDNA library from the yeast cells of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. The cDNA consists of 1888 bp and encodes an ORF of 1218 bp corresponding to a protein of 45 kDa with 406 amino acid residues. The deduced PbCTS1 is composed of two signature family 18 catalytic domains and seems to belong to fungal/bacterial class. Phylogenetic analysis of PbCTS1 and other chitinases suggests the existence of paralogs of several chitinases to be grouped based on specialized functions, which may reflect the multiple and diverse roles played by fungi chitinases. Glycosyl hydrolase activity assays demonstrated that P. brasiliensis is able to produce and secrete these enzymes mainly during transition from yeast to mycelium. The fungus should be able to use chitin as a carbon source. The presence of an endocytic signal in the deduced protein suggests that it could be secreted by a vesicular nonclassical export pathway. The Pbcts1 expression in mycelium, yeast, during differentiation from mycelium to yeast and in yeast cells obtained from infected mice suggests the relevance of this molecule in P. brasiliensis electing PbCTS1 as an attractive drug target.  相似文献   

Evolution of pesticide resistance in 24 apple pest and natural enemy species was simulated with a computer model. Population ecology parameters were varied among species while physiological, biochemical and genetic assumptions were held constant. There was good agreement between the model's predictions and observed historical patterns of azinphosmethyl resistance among pests and natural enemies. Correspondence between predicted and observed was improved by assuming that natural enemies evolved resistance only after their prey/hosts became resistant, but not by assuming greater initial susceptibility in natural enemies. Results suggest that ecological factors may be important in determining rates of resistance evolution. This is paper no. 2843 of the Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources journal series, and no. 7245 of the Oreg. Agric. Exp. Sta. journal series.  相似文献   

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