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Lectin-binding patterns of seven human melanoma clones and variants selected from the same parental cell line and differing in their spontaneous metastatic potential in an animal model were compared by flow cytometry and Scatchard analysis. Human melanoma clones and variants with high and low metastatic potential could be distinguished by their peanut agglutinin (PNA)–binding patterns, but not by their wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)–, Ulex europaeus agglutinin I (UEA I)–, and soybean agglutinin (SBA)–binding patterns. Low metastatatic clones and variants proved to be made up of a single poorly peanut agglutinin–binding cell population (2.20–3.52 × 106 sites/cell, Ka = 2.48–2.75 × 106 M?1). By contrast, highly metastatic variants were found to be constituted by two cellular subpopulations, exhibiting respectively a moderate (2.62–3.72 × 106 sites/cell) and a high peanut agglutinin staining (17.68–18.76 × 106 sites/cell). One highly metastatic clone was found to be homogeneously constituted by a single population of cells strongly binding this lectin (18.86 × 106 sites/cell) with an association constant of 4.06 × 106 M?1. Using an EPICS V cytometer, these two subpopulations were sorted from a highly metastatic variant and tested for their metastatic abilities: cells with high PNA binding generated a higher frequency of metastases than did moderately PNA-binding cells. Following treatment with Vibrio cholerae neuraminidase, all cells from all variants and clones were brightly labeled by PNA, collecting in a single peak with similar fluorescence intensities. Electrophoresis of total cellular proteins and subsequent detection with labeled PNA on Western blots show two major PNA-reactive glycoproteins with apparent molecular weights of 140 and 110 kDa (MAGP1 and MAGP2), expressed only in highly metastatic cells, but which can be strongly labeled by PNA in slightly metastatic cells following a treatment with neuraminidase. These results provide evidence that the expression of terminal galactose (β1–3)N-acetyl galactosamine structures, positioned on MAGP1 and MAGP2 glycoproteins, is associated with the metastatic potential of human melanoma cells.  相似文献   

A simple, efficient, and inexpensive method for measuring radioactivity as well as chlorophylls a and b in a large number of plant tissue samples is presented. Chlorophyll is determined following extraction with dimethyl sulfoxide or N-N'-dimethylformamide. The solvent is then evaporated on glass-fiber filters and bleached under light. The filter disks are counted together with the cleared plant material.  相似文献   

We have produced a new mouse mAb that identifies a sheep T cell activation Ag. The mAb B5-5 is specific for low m.w. components on nearly all sheep thymocytes and peripheral T and B lymphocytes but does not label immature B cells in Peyer's patches or germinal centers. After cross-linking of target structures either directly by plastic-bound mAb or indirectly using anti-Ig reagents, peripheral T cells, but not thymocytes or peripheral B cells, were activated. IL-2 was secreted by T cells after cross-linking and activation was strongly augmented in the presence of PMA. The addition of soluble B5-5 mAb to mitogen-stimulated cultures of sheep lymphocytes resulted in a suppression of PHA responses and augmentation of PWM responses and had a variable effect on Con A responses but had no effect on LPS- or protein A-induced proliferation. When added to alloantigen-stimulated cultures, B5-5 augmented the proliferative response. The B5-5 membrane component consists of 14- to 19-kDa glycoproteins but the banding patterns obtained during SDS-PAGE analysis of 125I-labeled Ag differed between thymocytes, peripheral T cells, and peripheral B cells. On the basis of its range of expression on lymphoid cells and known biochemical and functional properties, we conclude that the B5-5 component on sheep lymphocytes is different from T cell activation Ag in other species.  相似文献   

In the present study, the expressions of B cell activating factor belonging to the tumor necrosis factor family (BAFF) and its receptors (BAFF-R and TACI) on T lymphocytes from malignant pleural effusion (MPE) were examined by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis, and compared with those on the T lymphocytes from non-malignant pleural effusion (NMPE) and healthy controls. It was found that CD3 positive T lymphocytes (including CD4, CD8, and part of CD25 and CD69 positive cells) of MPE in lung cancer highly and consistently expressed the BAFF molecule, while high expressions of BAFF could only be found in phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or interleukin 2 (IL-2) induced T lymphocytes from NMPE or healthy controls. These results were consistent with the results from BAFF mRNA detection by real-time PCR. In addition, T lymphocytes from MPE expressed significantly more BAFF-R than those from NMPE or healthy controls, while the expression of TACI was increased on CD4+ T cells but decreased on CD8+ T cells when compared with controls. The Annexin/PI assay suggested that recombinant human BAFF (rhBAFF) could promote the survival rate of T lymphocytes from MPE, while the decoy receptor TACI-Fc fusion protein could promote the apoptosis rate of T lymphocytes. Cytokines in the supernatant detected by ELISA assay showed that rhBAFF could significantly upregulate the secretion of IFN-γ in vitro, and the IFN-γ level in the TACI-Fc-treated group resembled that of the control groups. All of these results indicated that the abnormally high expression of BAFF on T lymphocytes from MPE may play a role of antitumor effect.  相似文献   

Human peripheral lymphocytes bearing either a high or a low amount of membrane-bound immunoglobulin were studied. Cells were “tagged” with fluorescein-labeled antiimmunoglobulin reagents and separated by means of a new electronic instrument, a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS), into populations with either > 105 or < 5 × 103 immunoglobulin molecules per cell. Fractions of high purities were obtained. (>80% and >99.9%, respectively). In vitro, different functional properties were observed: lymphocytes with high densities of membrane-Ig gave a late proliferative response after stimulation with Pokeweed mitogen (PWM). A considerable proportion of stimulated cells developed into mature plasmacytes as detected by cytoplasmic staining. Those lymphocytes with a low density or complete absence of membrane-Ig could be stimulated by both Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and Pokeweed mitogen, but no differentiation into plasmacytes occurred. The functions are similar to those of bone marrow-derived (B) and thymus-derived (T) lymphocytes in mice. Thus, the designation as B lymphocytes for human lymphocytes with a large quantity of membrane-bound immunoglobulin seems justified.  相似文献   

NK cells have been phenotypically defined by the expression of specific markers such as NK1.1, DX5, and asialo-GM1 (ASGM1). In addition to NK cells, a small population of CD3+ T cells has been shown to express these markers, and a unique subpopulation of NK1. 1+CD3+ T cells that expresses an invariant TCR has been named "NKT cells." Here, we describe NK marker expression on a broad spectrum of MHC class I- and MHC class II-restricted T cells that are induced after acute viral infection. From 5 to >500 days post lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection, more than 90% of virus-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells coexpress one or more of these three prototypical NK markers. Furthermore, in vivo depletion of NK cells with anti-ASGM1 Ab resulted in the removal of 90% of virus-specific CD8+ T cells and 50-80% of virus-specific CD4+ T cells. This indicates that studies using in vivo depletion to determine the role of NK cells in immune defense could potentially be misinterpreted because of the unintended depletion of Ag-specific T cells. These results demonstrate that NK Ags are widely expressed on the majority of virus-specific T cells and indicate that the NK and T cell lineages may not be as distinct as previously believed. Moreover, the current nomenclature defining NKT cells will require comprehensive modification to include Ag-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells that express prototypical NK Ags.  相似文献   

Cyclophilin B is a cyclosporin A-binding protein exhibiting peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase activity. We have previously shown that it interacts with two types of binding sites on T lymphocytes. The type I sites correspond to specific functional receptors and the type II sites to sulfated glycosaminoglycans. The interactions of cyclophilin B with type I and type II sites are reduced in the presence of cyclosporin A and of a synthetic peptide mimicking the N-terminal part of cyclophilin B, respectively, suggesting that the protein possesses two distinct binding regions. In this study, we intended to characterize the areas of cyclophilin B involved in the interactions with binding sites present on Jurkat cells. The use of cyclophilin B mutants modified in the N-terminal region demonstrated that the 3Lys-Lys-Lys5 and 14Tyr-Phe-Asp16 clusters are probably solely required for the interactions with the type II sites. We further engineered mutants of the conserved central core of cyclophilin B, which bears the catalytic and the cyclosporin A binding sites as an approach to localize the binding regions for the type I sites. The enzymatic activity of cyclophilin B was dramatically reduced after substitution of the Arg62 and Phe67 residues, whereas the cyclosporin A binding activity was destroyed by mutation of the Trp128 residue and strongly decreased after modification of the Phe67 residue. Only the substitution of the Trp128 residue reduced the binding of the resulting cyclophilin B mutant to type I binding sites. The catalytic site of cyclophilin B therefore did not seem to be essential for cellular binding and the cyclosporin A binding site appeared to be partially involved in the binding to type I sites.  相似文献   

Idiotope Ac38, a V region determinant of the lambda 1 chain-bearing, germ line encoded antibody B1-8, is expressed at high frequency (approximately 1/40) in lambda 1 chain-bearing B cells. Here, we describe the isolation of lambda-positive hybridomas from C57BL/6 mice which had been immunized with antibody Ac38, the antibody recognizing idiotope Ac38. In Northern blot analysis, mRNA isolated from 10 such hybridomas hybridizes with a cDNA probe from the VH gene expressed in the cell line B1-8. Amino acid sequence analysis of the VH regions of four of the hybridoma proteins reveals that they are all derived from related, though distinct, germ line VH genes. In one case the sequence data suggest that extensive somatic mutation has taken place. Only one of the four sequences derives from the same VH gene that is expressed in the cell line B1-8. Together with earlier evidence, the present data demonstrate that the Ac38 idiotope is a marker for at least five VH and three D region genes in the C57BL/6 germ line. This explains the high frequency at which this idiotope is expressed in the B cell population. In addition, our sequence determinations identify two VH genes in the C57BL/6 strain which are closely related (and possibly allelic) to two known BALB/c VH genes. One of these genes is the gene expressed in the BALB/c myeloma MOPC 104E.  相似文献   

Types and frequencies of in vivo mutation in the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl-transferase (HPRT) gene was studied in 142 T cell mutants from 78 healthy nonsmoking and smoking adults with a mean of 65 years. The HPRT mutant frequency in the nonsmokers was 18.7±12.0×10−6, and in the smokers 26.6±18.5×10−6 (mean±S.D., P<0.01). Among 107 single base pair substitutions (SBS) in the coding region of the HPRT gene, one new mutable site, one novel nonsense mutation and three not previously reported SBS were identified. Transitions accounted for 59% of the SBS and transversions for 41%. GC>AT transitions were the predominant type of mutation, with 50% of all SBS. The mutations showed a nonrandom distribution along the coding sequence, with three significant hotspots at positions 143, 197 and 617 (13, 14 and 7 mutations, respectively). There was no difference between smokers and nonsmokers with regard to the distribution of mutations at these hotspot positions. However, 85% of the mutations at GC base pairs and 88% of the mutations at AT base pairs in smokers occurred at sites with guanine or thymine, respectively, in the nontranscribed DNA strand. Moreover, smokers had a higher frequency of transversions and lower frequency of transitions than nonsmokers did. Particularly, GC>TA transversions were increased in smokers (11%) compared to nonsmokers (2%), which suggests that tobacco-smoke induced adducts at guanine bases in the nontranscribed DNA strand contributes to the increase of HPRT mutation in smokers. Overall, these results were very similar to the mutational spectra in two younger study populations reported previously [K.J. Burkhart-Schultz, C.L. Thompson, I.M. Jones, Spectrum of somatic mutation at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) gene of healthy people, Carcinogenesis 17 (1996) 1871–1883; A. Podlutsky, A.-M. Österholm, S.-M. Hou, A. Hofmaier, B. Lambert, Spectrum of point mutations in the coding region of the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, Carcinogenesis 19 (1998) 557–566]. With the possible exception of an increase of mutations at hotspot position 143, and a decrease of 5-methylcytosine deamination mediated transitions at CpG-sites in the older individuals, there were no differences between the mutational spectra of old and young adults. In conclusion, both smoking and ageing seem to have minor influences on the spectrum of HPRT mutation in T cells.  相似文献   

MUC1 is a mucinous glycoprotein which is normally expressed on the surface of a variety of epithelia and aberrantly overexpressed on some human tumors. In this report, we demonstrate that the epithelial mucin, MUC1, is expressed on resting human peripheral blood T cells and two leukemia T cell lines, Jurkat and Hut 78. Crosslinking of MUC1 on peripheral blood T cells by plate-bound anti-MUC1 (DF3-P) antibody inhibits cell proliferation, IL-2 and GM-CSF production, and up-regulation of the IL-2 receptor upon anti-CD3 stimulation. Induction of IL-2 production by Jurkat and HUT 78 is also suppressed and cannot be reversed by the addition of anti-CD28 mAb. These findings suggest that MUC1 can be a potent negative regulator for T cell activation at the resting stage.  相似文献   

为增强HBVDNA疫苗的免疫效率 ,于HBV核心抗原 (HBcAg)基因 5′末端引入人IL 2信号肽和一个通用型辅助性T淋巴细胞表位基因 ,并构建成DNA疫苗 ,转染COS7细胞后经ELISA检测出分泌型HBcAg。通过肌肉注射途径分别将这种DNA疫苗和编码天然HBcAg的DNA疫苗免疫BALB/c小鼠 ,检测小鼠的血清抗体、T细胞增殖和细胞毒性T淋巴细胞反应 ,结果表明前者诱导细胞和体液免疫应答的强度均明显超过后者 ,且更趋向于T辅助细胞 1(Th1)型免疫应答 ,故其对慢性HBV感染的治疗可能有潜在的应用价值  相似文献   

Summary Four hematopoietic cell lines (CCRF-CEM, HSB-2, MOLT-4, and RPMI-8402), derived from acute lymphoblastic leukemia and expressing T-cell surface markers (T-HCL), were studied with two specific anti-T-cell sera. The sera were raised in rabbits against human thymocytes (anti-HTY) and against T-cells cultured in the presence of conditioned medium derived from lymphocytes stimulated with PHA (anti-CTC). Both sera were absorbed to obtain a T-cell specific pattern of reaction and were further absorbed with normal peripheral blood lymphocytes or with each of the four T-HCL. The anti-HTY sera absorbed with CEM, 8402, and HSB-2 still reacted with MOLT-4. A similar pattern of reactivity was found only with the anti-CTC absorbed with 8402, whereas, after absorptions with the other cell lines, this antiserum was unreactive against MOLT-4. After absorption with normal peripheral blood lymphocytes, anti-HTY still reacted with thymocytes and MOLT-4 but was negative on CTC. In contrast, anti-CTC absorbed with peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) was negative on thymocytes and MOLT-4 but still reacted against CTC. Our data confirm the existence of a T-cell antigen (probably an early T-cell differentiation antigen) shared between thymus and MOLT-4. This antigen is not expressed on CTC, although these cells express an antigenic pattern more complex than PBL. Antisera to CTC represents a source of anti-T-cell sera free of contamination with antibodies to early thymus-related antigens but containing other T-cell-related specificities. Supported in part by Naval Medical Research and Development Command, Research Task No. ZF51.524.013.1025, and National Cancer Institute Contract No. Y01-CB-00319. The opinions and assertions contained herein are the private ones of the writers and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the Navy Department or the naval service at large. The experiments reported herein were conducted according to the principles set forth in the current edition of the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals,” Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Research Council.  相似文献   

The time-course of incorporation of NBD-cholesterol by macrophages (Ma) and lymphocytes (LY) obtained from untreated and thioglycollate-injected (thio) rats was investigated. NBD-cholesterol incorporation was also examined in Ma obtained from untreated rats and stimulated in vitro by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and phorbol-myristate acetate (PMA). The same measurement was performed in LY from untreated rats stimulated by addition of LPS and concanavalin A (Con A) into the culture medium. Thio-treated Ma showed high fluorescence intensity after 1 h of incubation with NBD-cholesterol. Ma submitted concomitant to LPS and NBD-cholesterol showed low fluorescence intensity, as well as Ma stimulated with PMA. Ma from untreated and LPS pre-treated rats showed a similar time-course of incorporation. LY from thio-treated rats showed lower incorporation of NBD-cholesterol in comparison to LY from untreated rats. Incorporation was reduced when LPS was added concomitantly with NBD-cholesterol. On the other hand, LY pre-treated with LPS for 48 h showed a very high incorporation of NBD-cholesterol. Con A treatment did not cause a significant effect on NBD-cholesterol incorporation. The findings presented herein led us to conclude that the uptake of NBD-cholesterol by Ma and LY is markedly affected by the activation state of the cells.  相似文献   

In HIV-infected patients, large quantities of HIV are associated with follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) in lymphoid tissue. During antiretroviral therapy, most of this virus disappears after six months of treatment, suggesting that FDC-associated virus has little influence on the eventual outcome of long-term therapy. However, a recent theoretical study using a stochastic model for the interaction of HIV with FDCs indicated that some virus may be retained on FDCs for years, where it can potentially reignite infection if treatment is interrupted. In that study, an approximate expression was used to estimate the time an individual virion remains on FDCs during therapy. Here, we determine the conditions under which this approximation is valid, and we develop expressions for the time a virion spends in any bound state and for the effect of rebinding on retention. We find that rebinding, which is influenced by diffusion, may play a major role in retention of HIV on FDCs. We also consider the possibility that HIV is retained on B cells during therapy, which like FDCs also interact with HIV. We find that virus associated with B cells is unlikely to persist during therapy.  相似文献   

Purified mouse T lymphocytes were separated into Lyt-2+ and Lyt-2- populations by the procedure of panning, in which a monoclonal rat anti-Lyt-2 antibody and dishes coated with affinity-purified mouse anti-rat Ig antibodies were used. The populations obtained were 95 to 99% pure as determined by immunofluorescence. Graded doses of these T cells were cultured with optimal mitogenic doses of concanavalin A and the 0 to 24 and 24 to 48-hr culture supernatants were collected. The dose-curve assays of the supernatants of Lyt-2+ and Lyt-2- cells showed comparable activity in interleukin 2 (IL 2) and T cell-replacing factor (TRF), assayed on antigen-stimulated culture of T-depleted spleen cells. Limiting dilution assays of IL 2-secreting precursor cells stimulated by Con A showed a high frequency of precursors in both populations, slightly higher among Lyt-2- cells. The supernatants also contained comparable levels of IPA (inducer of plasminogen activator production by the macrophages), MAF (macrophage-activating factor, assayed by induction of their cytolytic function), and MCGF (mast cells growth factor, assayed on a mast cell line). IPA and MAF were not produced with the same kinetics and in the same T cell concentration conditions as IL 2 and TRF. In contrast, interferon was principally produced by the Lyt-2+ cells.  相似文献   

The alternative splicing and variable expression of the exons near to the N-terminus of the leukocyte common antigen (L-CA, CD45) result in distinct extracellular isoforms expressed by cells with different functional and developmental properties. Here we report the tissue reactivity pattern and epitope specificity of a novel rat monoclonal antibody (IBL-8) against a restricted epitope of mouse CD45. We found that this mAb reacts with an epitope displayed by B cells and their precursors (both in newborn spleen and adult bone marrow). Moreover, peripheral CD8-positive T cells were also recognised at an intermediate intensity, whereas the CD4 T cell subset was weakly reactive. The epitope of this mAb was determined with M13 filamentous phages that display cysteine constrained nonapeptides on their coat proteins. The isolated bacteriophages expressing the putative epitope showed an isoform-specific inhibition of the binding of exon-specific mAbs. Deduced amino acid sequence data of these phages indicate that the epitope recognised by the IBL-8 mAb lies at the 136-144 region of the mouse CD45 molecule within its C exon, with a TAFP consensus sequence at its centre.  相似文献   

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