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Enzymic assay for spermine and spermidine   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Enzymic assay of adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A continuous photometric assay of aminopeptidase P activity was developed which is based on a coupled enzymic assay with the substrate Gly-Pro-Pro-pNA and DPP IV as auxiliary enzyme. This assay was used to evaluate the kinetic parameters and inhibitory profile of intestinal brush border aminopeptidase P.  相似文献   

Procedures are described for measuring sucrose in plant extracts or freeze-dried tissue in the range between 10−7 and 10−14 moles. The method is based on the destruction of pre-existing glucose and fructose, followed by the hydrolysis of sucrose and reduction of NADP+ by a series of coupled enzymic reactions. Depending on the sensitivity required, the NADPH is determined directly with a spectrophotometer or a fluorometer, or is amplified as much as 30,000 times before fluorometric assay. The procedures suggested for the macro level are simpler than current methods, and those suggested for microanalysis are several orders of magnitude more sensitive.  相似文献   

探索生物转化法制备L-天冬酰胺的技术与工艺。通过分子生物学方法,克隆来源于大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli, E.coli)JM109的天冬酰胺合成酶A基因asnA,并于E. coli BL21(DE3)中表达,利用构建的E.coli基因工程菌E.coli BL21(DE3)/pET28a(+)-asnA全细胞高密度催化L-天冬氨酸生产L-天冬酰胺,以PITC柱前衍生-高效液相检测底物和产物。表达的蛋白质分子质量约为37kDa,与预期大小相符,比酶活力为1786.6U/g。L-天冬氨酸转化率为95.8%,L-天冬酰胺产量可达126.5g/L,生产速率为15.81g/(L·h)。结果表明,已成功构建高效表达天冬酰胺合成酶A基因工程菌株,并用于催化L-天冬氨酸转化生产L-天冬酰胺,解决了L-天冬酰胺生物转化生产工艺中ATP成本过高的难题,为L-天冬酰胺制备提供新的绿色途径。  相似文献   

1. R-Acetate was generated enzymically from R-acetate in the sequence acetate leads to malate leads to oxaloacetate leads to acetate, and S-acetate likewise from S-acetate. It was concluded that the formation of malate on malate synthase involves the operation of a normal isotopic effect combined with inversion of configuration. The malate synthase kH/k2H was determined as 3.7 +/- 0.5 by a method which yields results independently of the stereochemical purity of the chiral acetates used initially. 2. R-Acetate was also generated from R-acetate in the sequence acetate leads to citrate leads to malate leads to oxaloacetate leads to acetate, and S-acetate likewise from S-acetate. The conclusion is the same as given above, but refers to the formation of citrate on the re-synthase. 3. 2S,3R-[2-2H1,3-2H1,3H1]Malate and 2S,3S-[2-2H1,3-2H1]malate were prepared from 2S-[2,3-2H3]malate by treatment with fumarase in tritiated water and normal water, respectively. It was assumed that these malate specimens were pure with respect to chirality as generated by isotopic labelling. 4. These two malate specimens were partially converted (about 9%) to acetates in conditions where no racemization at the level of transiently formed oxaloacetate occurred. That no racemization took place was demonstrated experimentally. Oxidative enzymic hydrolysis of 2S,3R-[2-2H1,3-2H1,3H1]malate in normal water and of 2S,3S-[2-2H1,3-2H1]malate in tritiated water produced S-[2H1,3H1]acetate and R-[2H1,3H1]acetate, respectively. 5. The isolated R-[2H1,3H1]acetate and S-[2H1,3H1]acetate on configurational analysis yielded malates which in the presence of fumarase retained 79.7 +/- 0.7% and 20.3 +/- 0.9%, respectively, of their total tritium content. The symmetric deviation from the 50% value found with [3H1]acetate strengthens the conclusion that stereochemically pure chiral acetates were analyzed. The malate synthase kH/k2H was determined from the data of this study as 3.9 +/- 0.2. 6. The average of the values given under paragraphs 1 and 5 for the isotopic discrimination on malate synthase corresponds to kH/k2H=3.8 +/- 0.1. It was concluded that the configurational analysis of stereochemically pure R-[2H1,3H1]acetate and S-[2H1,3H1]acetate yields malates which in the presence of fumarase retain 79 +/- 2% and 21 +/- 2%, respectively, of their total tritium content. Hence, a deviation of 29 +/- 2% from the 50% value represents the actual amplitude of the configurational assay. 7. Outlines are given for an enzymic generation of chiral acetates in preparative scale.  相似文献   

The C3b receptor of human erythrocytes is known to act as a cofactor for the cleavage of the complement protein C3b by the serine proteinase C3b/C4b Ina. The same cofactor activity is shown to be present on human tonsil B-lymphocytes. The cofactor activity of the C3b receptor can be assayed, on intact cells or in solubilized extracts of cells, by determining the rate of C3b cleavage in the presence of fixed concentrations of C3b and of C3b/C4b Ina. This assay method was used to compare the characteristics and relative quantities of C3b receptors on erythrocytes and lymphocytes. The cofactor activities associated with these two cell types resemble each other, but are distinct from the serum cofactor proteins, C4bp and Factor H, in antigenicity and in pH- and ionic-strength-dependence, and are distinct from Factor H in substrate specificity. Assay of cofactor activity in intact cells indicates that there are about 80-fold more receptors per cell on the lymphocyte surface than on erythrocytes. Assays with cells made permeable by detergent show that, whereas essentially all of the receptors on erythrocytes are on the cell surface, B-lymphocytes contain a large internal receptor pool, which makes up more than 80% of the total cofactor activity of the cell.  相似文献   

《Biochemical education》1999,27(3):171-173
A simple laboratory procedure is described for demonstrating the enzyme-catalysed reaction in the browning of potato. It requires a minimum of equipment and can be completed in a 3-h lab class.  相似文献   

L-asparagine uptake in Escherichia coli.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The uptake of L-asparagine by Escherichia coli K-12 is characterized by two kinetic components with apparent Km values of 3.5 muM and 80 muM. The 3.5 muM Km system displays a maximum velocity of 1.1 nmol/min per mg of protein, which is a low value when compared with derepressed levels of other amino acid transport systems but is relatively specific for L-asparagine. Compounds providing effective competition for L-asparagine uptake were 4-carbon analogues of the L-isomer with alterations at the beta-amide position, i.e., 5-diazo-4-oxo-L-norvaline (Ki = 4.6 muM), beta-hydroxyamyl-L-aspartic acid (Ki = 10 muM), and L-aspartic acid (Ki = 50 muM). Asparagine uptake is energy dependent and is inhibited by a number of metabolic inhibitors. In a derived strain of E. coli deficient in cytoplasmic asparaginase activity asparagine can be accumulated several-fold above the apparent biosynthetic pool of the amino acid and 100-fold above the external medium. The high affinity system is repressed by culture of cells with L-asparagine supplements in excess of 1 mM and is suggested to be necessary for growth of E. coli asparagine auxotrophs with lower supplement concentrations.  相似文献   

Manometric determination of L-aspartic acid and L-asparagine   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Enzymic action     
J. E. Nyrop 《Protoplasma》1932,14(1):622-628

The kinetic mechanism of bovine pancreatic asparagine synthetase was deduced from initial velocity studies and product inhibition studies of both the glutamine-dependent and ammonia-dependent reactions. For the glutamine-dependent pathway, parallel lines were observed in the double reciprocal plot of 1/V vs. 1/[glutamine] at varied aspartate concentrations, and in the plot of 1/V vs. 1/[ATP] at varied aspartate concentrations. Intersecting lines were found for the plot of 1/V vs. 1/[ATP] at varied glutamine concentrations. Product inhibition patterns, including dual inhibitor studies for measuring the synergistic effects of multiproduct inhibition, were used to support an ordered bi-uni-uni-ter ping-pong mechanism. Glutamine and ATP sequentially bind, followed by the release of glutamate and the addition of aspartate. Pyrophosphate, AMP, and asparagine are then sequentially released. When the ammonia-dependent reaction was studied, it was found that the mechanism was significantly different. NH3 bound first followed by a random addition of ATP and aspartate. Pyrophosphate, AMP, and asparagine were then sequentially released as in the glutamine-utilizing mechanism. From these studies, a comprehensive mechanism has been proposed through which either glutamine or NH3 can provide nitrogen for asparagine production from aspartate.  相似文献   

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