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Investigation of linkage disequilibrium block architecture in human genome is modern, intensely investigated field of molecular genetics. In the present study, genetic differentiation and linkage disequilibrium pattern in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) locus was examined in the populations of Russians, Tuvinians, and Northern and Southern Kyrgyzes. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase is the key enzyme of folate cycle, responsible for reduction of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate. Decreased enzymatic activity of this protein often caused by certain associations of MTHFR alleles results in the increased plasma homocysteine levels. In the population groups examined, genotype and allele frequencies at five polymorphic MTHFR loci: rs17037397, rs4846052, rs1801133, rs1801131, and rs1537516 were evaluated. Statistically significant genetic differences between the population group of Southern Kyrgyzes and the other groups, as well as between Russians and Tuvinians, were demonstrated. In the MTHFR gene from the population of Southern Kyrgyzes one block was revealed; in the populations of Russians, Tuvinians, and Northern Kyrgyzes two blocks were detected. Thus, the structure of linkage disequilibrium in the MTHFR locus demonstrated population-specific pattern.  相似文献   

The identification of molecular markers associated with economic and quality traits will help improve breeding for new apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) cultivars. Tools such as the 8K apple SNP array developed by the RosBREED consortium allow for high-throughput genotyping of SNP polymorphisms within collections. However, genetic characterization and the identification of population stratification and kinship within germplasm collections is a fundamental prerequisite for identifying robust marker–trait associations. In this study, a collection of apple germplasm originally developed for plant architectural studies and consisting of both non-commercial/local and elite accessions was genotyped using the 8K apple SNP array to identify cryptic relationships between accessions, to analyze population structure and to calculate the linkage disequilibrium (LD). A total of nine pairs of synonyms and several triploids accessions were identified within the 130 accessions genotyped. In addition, most of the known parent-child relations were confirmed, and several putative, previously unknown parent-child relations were identified among the local accessions. No clear subgroups could be identified although some separation between local and elite accessions was evident. The study of LD showed a rapid decay in our collection, indicating that a larger number of SNPs is necessary to perform whole genome association mapping. Finally, an association mapping effort for architectural traits was carried out on a small number of accessions to estimate the feasibility of this approach.  相似文献   

Haplotype diversity and the block structure of linkage disequilibrium   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Several recent studies indicate that patterns of linkage disequilibrium in the human genome cannot be reconciled with a uniform distribution of recombination events, but crossovers appear to be localized in short hot-spots that separate longer stretches of DNA. Markers within these low-recombination blocks show increased levels of linkage disequilibrium and very low haplotype diversity. This could simplify study of the genetic basis of complex diseases if causal variants are common.  相似文献   


Key message

Linkage disequilibrium decay in sugar beet is strongly affected by the breeding history, and varies extensively between and along chromosomes, allowing identification of known and unknown signatures of selection.


Genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns were investigated in 233 elite sugar beet breeding lines and 91 wild beet accessions, using 454 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 418 SNPs, respectively. Principal coordinate analysis suggested the existence of three groups of germplasm, corresponding to the wild beets, the seed parent and the pollen parent breeding pool. LD was investigated in each of these groups, with and without correction for genetic relatedness. Without correction for genetic relatedness, in the pollen as well as the seed parent pool, LD persisted beyond 50 centiMorgan (cM) on four (2, 3, 4 and 5) and three chromosomes (2, 4 and 6), respectively; after correction for genetic relatedness, LD decayed after <6 cM on all chromosomes in both pools. In the wild beet accessions, there was a strong LD decay: on average LD disappeared after 1 cM when LD was calculated with a correction for genetic relatedness. Persistence of LD was not only observed between distant SNPs on the same chromosome, but also between SNPs on different chromosomes. Regions on chromosomes 3 and 4 that harbor disease resistance and monogermy loci showed strong genetic differentiation between the pollen and seed parent pools. Other regions, on chromosomes 8 and 9, for which no a priori information was available with respect to their contribution to the phenotype, still contributed to clustering of lines in the elite breeding material.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) is a highly valued temperate climate grass species grown as forage crop and for amenity uses. Due to its outbreeding nature and recent domestication, a high degree of genetic diversity is expected among cultivars. The aim of this study was to assess the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) within European elite germplasm and to evaluate the appropriate methodology for genetic association mapping in perennial ryegrass. A high level of genetic diversity was observed in a set of 380 perennial ryegrass elite genotypes when genotyped with 40 SSRs and 2 STS markers. A Bayesian structure analysis identified two subpopulations, which were confirmed by principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). One subpopulation consisted mainly of genotypes originating from the UK, while germplasm mostly from Continental Europe was grouped into the second subpopulation. LD (r2) decay was rapid and occurred within 0.4 cM across European varieties, when population structure was taken into consideration. However, an extended LD of up to 6.6 cM was detected within the variety Aberdart. High genetic diversity and rapid LD decay provide means for high resolution association mapping in elite materials of perennial ryegrass. However, different strategies need to be applied depending on the material used. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) with several hundred markers can be applied within synthetic varieties to identify large (up to 10 cM) genomic regions affecting trait variation. A combination of available and novel DNA markers is needed to achieve resolution required for GWAS in elite breeding materials. An even higher marker density of several million SNPs might be needed for GWAS in diverse ecotype collections, potentially resulting in quantitative trait polymorphism (QTP) identification.  相似文献   

Population-based mapping approaches are attractive for tracing the genetic background to phenotypic traits in wild species, given that it is often difficult to gather extensive and well-defined pedigrees needed for quantitative trait locus analysis. However, the feasibility of association or hitch-hiking mapping is dependent on the degree of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the population, on which there is yet limited information for wild species. Here we use single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers from 23 genes in a recently established linkage map of the Z chromosome of the collared flycatcher, to study the extent of LD in a natural bird population. In most but not all cases we find SNPs within the same intron (less than 500 bp) to be in perfect LD. However, LD then decays to background level at a distance 1cM or 400-500 kb. Although LD seems more extensive than in other species, if the observed pattern is representative for other regions of the genome and turns out to be a general feature of natural bird populations, dense marker maps might be needed for genome scans aimed at identifying association between marker and trait loci.  相似文献   

Brown MD  Glazner CG  Zheng C  Thompson EA 《Genetics》2012,190(4):1447-1460
In both pedigree linkage studies and in population-based association studies there has been much interest in the use of modern dense genetic marker data to infer segments of gene identity by descent (ibd) among individuals not known to be related, to increase power and resolution in localizing genes affecting complex traits. In this article, we present a hidden Markov model (HMM) for ibd among a set of chromosomes and describe methods and software for inference of ibd among the four chromosomes of pairs of individuals, using either phased (haplotypic) or unphased (genotypic) data. The model allows for missing data and typing error, but does not model linkage disequilibrium (LD), because fitting an accurate LD model requires large samples from well-studied populations. However, LD remains a major confounding factor, since LD is itself a reflection of coancestry at the population level. To study the impact of LD, we have developed a novel simulation approach to generate realistic dense marker data for the same set of markers but at varying levels of LD. Using this approach, we present results of a study of the impact of LD on the sensitivity and specificity of our HMM model in estimating segments of ibd among sets of four chromosomes and between genotype pairs. We show that, despite not incorporating LD, our model has been quite successful in detecting segments as small as 10(6) bp (1 Mpb); we present also comparisons with fastIBD which uses an LD model in estimating ibd.  相似文献   

Population structure and genome-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD) were investigated in 192 Hordeum vulgare accessions providing a comprehensive coverage of past and present barley breeding in the Mediterranean basin, using 50 nuclear microsatellite and 1,130 DArT® markers. Both clustering and principal coordinate analyses clearly sub-divided the sample into five distinct groups centred on key ancestors and regions of origin of the germplasm. For given genetic distances, large variation in LD values was observed, ranging from closely linked markers completely at equilibrium to marker pairs at 50 cM separation still showing significant LD. Mean LD values across the whole population sample decayed below r 2 of 0.15 after 3.2 cM. By assaying 1,130 genome-wide DArT® markers, we demonstrated that, after accounting for population substructure, current genome coverage of 1 marker per 1.5 cM except for chromosome 4H with 1 marker per 3.62 cM is sufficient for whole genome association scans. We show, by identifying associations with powdery mildew that map in genomic regions known to have resistance loci, that associations can be detected in strongly stratified samples provided population structure is effectively controlled in the analysis. The population we describe is, therefore, shown to be a valuable resource, which can be used in basic and applied research in barley.  相似文献   

Norfolk Island is a human genetic isolate, possessing unique population characteristics that could be utilized for complex disease gene localization. Our intention was to evaluate the extent and strength of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the Norfolk isolate by investigating markers within Xq13.3 and the NOS2A gene encoding the inducible nitric oxide synthase. A total of six microsatellite markers spanning approximately 11 Mb were assessed on chromosome Xq13.3 in a group of 56 men from Norfolk Island. Additionally, three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) localizing to the NOS2A gene were analyzed in a subset of the complex Norfolk pedigree. With the exception of two of the marker pairs, one of which is the most distantly spaced marker, all the Xq13.3 marker pairs were found to be in significant LD indicating that LD extends up to 9.5-11.5 Mb in the Norfolk Island population. Also, all SNPs studied showed significant LD in both Norfolk Islanders and Australian Caucasians, with two of the marker pairs in complete LD in the Norfolk population only. The Norfolk Island study population possesses a unique set of characteristics including founder effect, geographical isolation, exhaustive genealogical information and phenotypic data of use to cardiovascular disease risk traits. With LD extending up to 9.5-11 Mb, the Norfolk isolate should be a powerful resource for the localization of complex disease genes.  相似文献   

Linkage disequilibrium (LD), a measure of nonrandom association of alleles at different loci, is of great interest to evolutionary geneticists as it can be used to help identify loci that explain phenotypic variation. Surveys of the extent of LD across genomes have been carried out in a number of systems, most notably humans and model organisms. However, studies of natural populations of vertebrates have rarely been performed. Here, we describe an investigation of LD in a free-living island population of red deer Cervus elaphus. Relatively high levels of LD extended several tens of centimorgans, and significant LD was frequently detected between unlinked markers. The magnitude of LD varied depending on how the population was sampled. It also varied across different chromosomes, and was shown to be a function of sample size, intermarker distance and marker heterozygosity. A recent admixture event in the population led to an ephemeral increase in LD. Association mapping may be possible in this population, although a high 'baseline' level of LD could lead to false positive associations between marker loci and a trait of interest.  相似文献   



Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is widely used in population genetic and phylogenetic studies in animals. However, such studies can generate misleading results if the species concerned contain nuclear copies of mtDNA (Numts) as these may amplify in addition to, or even instead of, the authentic target mtDNA. The aim of this study was to determine if Numts are present in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, to characterise any Numts detected, and to assess the utility of using mtDNA for population genetics studies in this species.


BLAST searches revealed large numbers of Numts in the Ae. aegypti nuclear genome on 146 supercontigs. Although the majority are short (80% < 300 bp), some Numts are almost full length mtDNA copies. These long Numts are not due to misassembly of the nuclear genome sequence as the Numt-nuclear genome junctions could be recovered by amplification and sequencing. Numt evolution appears to be a complex process in Ae. aegypti with ongoing genomic integration, fragmentation and mutation and the secondary movement of Numts within the nuclear genome. The PCR amplification of the putative mtDNA nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4) gene from 166 Southeast Asian Ae. aegypti mosquitoes generated a network with two highly divergent lineages (clade 1 and clade 2). Approximately 15% of the ND4 sequences were a composite of those from each clade indicating Numt amplification in addition to, or instead of, mtDNA. Clade 1 was shown to be composed at least partially of Numts by the removal of clade 1-specific bases from composite sequences following enrichment of the mtDNA. It is possible that all the clade 1 sequences in the network were Numts since the clade 2 sequences correspond to the known mitochondrial genome sequence and since all the individuals that produced clade 1 sequences were also found to contain clade 2 mtDNA-like sequences using clade 2-specific primers. However, either or both sets of clade sequences could have Numts since the BLAST searches revealed two long Numts that match clade 2 and one long Numt that matches clade 1. The substantial numbers of mutations in cloned ND4 PCR products also suggest there are both recently-derived clade 1 and clade 2 Numt sequences.


We conclude that Numts are prevalent in Ae. aegypti and that it is difficult to distinguish mtDNA sequences due to the presence of recently formed Numts. Given this, future population genetic or phylogenetic studies in Ae. aegypti should use nuclear, rather than mtDNA, markers.  相似文献   

Hao C  Wang L  Ge H  Dong Y  Zhang X 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e17279
Two hundred and fifty bread wheat lines, mainly Chinese mini core accessions, were assayed for polymorphism and linkage disequilibrium (LD) based on 512 whole-genome microsatellite loci representing a mean marker density of 5.1 cM. A total of 6,724 alleles ranging from 1 to 49 per locus were identified in all collections. The mean PIC value was 0.650, ranging from 0 to 0.965. Population structure and principal coordinate analysis revealed that landraces and modern varieties were two relatively independent genetic sub-groups. Landraces had a higher allelic diversity than modern varieties with respect to both genomes and chromosomes in terms of total number of alleles and allelic richness. 3,833 (57.0%) and 2,788 (41.5%) rare alleles with frequencies of <5% were found in the landrace and modern variety gene pools, respectively, indicating greater numbers of rare variants, or likely new alleles, in landraces. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that A genome had the largest genetic differentiation and D genome the lowest. In contrast to genetic diversity, modern varieties displayed a wider average LD decay across the whole genome for locus pairs with r(2)>0.05 (P<0.001) than the landraces. Mean LD decay distance for the landraces at the whole genome level was <5 cM, while a higher LD decay distance of 5-10 cM in modern varieties. LD decay distances were also somewhat different for each of the 21 chromosomes, being higher for most of the chromosomes in modern varieties (<5 ~ 25 cM) compared to landraces (<5 ~ 15 cM), presumably indicating the influences of domestication and breeding. This study facilitates predicting the marker density required to effectively associate genotypes with traits in Chinese wheat genetic resources.  相似文献   

The present-day Sable Island horse population, inhabiting an island off the eastern coast of Canada, is believed to have originated mainly from horses confiscated from the early French settlers in Nova Scotia in the latter half of the 18th century. In 1960, the Sable Island horses were given legal protected status and no human interference has since been allowed. The objective of this study was to characterize the current genetic diversity in Sable Island horses in comparison to 15 other horse breeds commonly found in Canada and 5 Spanish breeds. A total of 145 alleles from 12 microsatellite loci were detected in 1093 horses and 40 donkeys. The average number of alleles per locus ranged from 4.67 in the Sable Island horse population to 8.25 in Appaloosas, whereas the mean observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.626 in the Sable Island population to 0.787 in Asturcons. Various genetic distance estimates and clustering methods did not permit to support that the Sable Island horses originated from shipwrecked Spanish horses, according to a popular anecdote, but closely resemble light draft and multipurpose breeds commonly found in eastern Canada. Based on the Weitzman approach, the loss of the Sable Island horse population to the overall diversity in Canada is comparable or higher than any other horse breed. The Sable Island horse population has diverged enough from other breeds to deserve special attention by conservation interest groups.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity, population structure, and linkage disequilibrium (LD) of peaches are greatly important in genome-wide association mapping. In the current study, 104 peach landrace accessions from six Chinese geographical regions were evaluated for fruit and phenological period. The accessions were genotyped with 53 genome-wide simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. All SSR markers were highly polymorphic across the accessions, and a total of 340 alleles were detected, including 59 private alleles. Of the six regions studied, the northern part of China as well as the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River were found to be the most highly diverse genetically. Based on population structure analysis, the peaches were divided into five groups, which well agreed with the geographical distribution. Of the SSR pairs in these accessions, 18.07% (P?<?0.05) were in LD. The mean r 2 value for all intrachromosomal loci pairs was 0.0149, and LD decayed at 6.01?cM. The general linear model was used to calculate the genome-wide marker-trait associations of 10 complex traits. The traits include flesh color around the stone, red pigment in the flesh, flesh texture, flesh adhesion, flesh firmness, fruit weight, chilling requirement, flowering time, ripening time, and fruit development period. These traits were estimated by analyzing the 104 landraces. Many of the associated markers were located in regions where quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were previously identified. Peach association mapping is an effective approach for identifying QTLs and may be an alternative to QTL mapping based on crosses between different lines.  相似文献   

Multilocus digenic linkage disequilibria (LD) and their population structure were investigated in eleven landrace populations of barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare L.) in Sardinia, using 134 dominant simple-sequence amplified polymorphism markers. The analysis of molecular variance for these markers indicated that the populations were partially differentiated (F(ST) = 0.18), and clustered into three geographic areas. Consistent with this population pattern, STRUCTURE analysis allocated individuals from a bulk of all populations into four genetic groups, and these groups also showed geographic patterns. In agreement with other molecular studies in barley, the general level of LD was low (13% of locus pairs, with P < 0.01) in the bulk of 337 lines, and decayed steeply with map distance between markers. The partitioning of multilocus associations into various components indicated that genetic drift and founder effects played a major role in determining the overall genetic makeup of the diversity in these landrace populations, but that epistatic homogenising or diversifying selection was also present. Notably, the variance of the disequilibrium component was relatively high, which implies caution in the pooling of barley lines for association studies. Finally, we compared the analyses of multilocus structure in barley landrace populations with parallel analyses in both composite crosses of barley on the one hand and in natural populations of wild barley on the other. Neither of these serves as suitable mimics of landraces in barley, which require their own study. Overall, the results suggest that these populations can be exploited for LD mapping if population structure is controlled.  相似文献   



Toll like receptors (TLR) play the central role in the recognition of pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Mutations in the TLR1, TLR2 and TLR4 genes may change the ability to recognize PAMPs and cause altered responsiveness to the bacterial pathogens.


The study presents association between TLR gene mutations and increased susceptibility to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infection. Novel mutations in TLR genes (TLR1- Ser150Gly and Val220Met; TLR2 – Phe670Leu) were statistically correlated with the hindrance in recognition of MAP legends. This correlation was confirmed subsequently by measuring the expression levels of cytokines (IL-4, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12 and IFN-γ) in the mutant and wild type moDCs (mocyte derived dendritic cells) after challenge with MAP cell lysate or LPS. Further in silico analysis of the TLR1 and TLR4 ectodomains (ECD) revealed the polymorphic nature of the central ECD and irregularities in the central LRR (leucine rich repeat) motifs.


The most critical positions that may alter the pathogen recognition ability of TLR were: the 9th amino acid position in LRR motif (TLR1–LRR10) and 4th residue downstream to LRR domain (exta-LRR region of TLR4). The study describes novel mutations in the TLRs and presents their association with the MAP infection.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis is commonly used to find marker-trait associations within the full-sib families of forest tree and other species. Study of marker-trait associations at the population level is termed linkage-disequilibrium (LD) mapping. A female-tester design comprising 200 full-sib families generated by crossing 40 pollen parents with five female parents was used to assess the relationship between the marker-allele frequency classes obtained from parental genotypes at SSR marker loci and the full-sib family performance (average predicted breeding value of two parents) in radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don). For alleles (at a marker locus) that showed significant association, the copy number of that allele in the parents was significantly correlated, either positively or negatively, with the full-sib family performance for various economic traits. Regression of parental breeding value on its genotype at marker loci revealed that most of the markers that showed significant association with full-sib family performance were not significantly associated with the parental breeding values. This suggests that over-representation of the female parents in our sample of 200 full-sib families could have biased the process of detecting marker-trait associations. The evidence for the existence of marker-trait LD in the population studied is rather weak and would require further testing. The exact test for genotypic disequilibrium between pairs of linked or unlinked marker loci revealed non-significant LD. Observed genotypic frequencies at several marker loci were significantly different from the expected Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The possibilities of utilising marker-trait associations for early selection, among-family selection and selecting parents for the next generation of breeding are also discussed.  相似文献   

Population subdivision due to habitat loss and modification, exploitation of wild populations and altered spatial population dynamics is of increasing concern in nature. Detecting population fragmentation is therefore crucial for conservation management. Using computer simulations, we show that a single sample estimator of N e based on linkage disequilibrium is a highly sensitive and promising indicator of recent population fragmentation and bottlenecks, even with some continued gene flow. For example, fragmentation of a panmictic population of N e = 1,000 into demes of N e = 100 can be detected with high probability after a single generation when estimates from this method are compared to prefragmentation estimates, given data for ~20 microsatellite loci in samples of 50 individuals. We consider a range of loci (10–40) and individuals (25–100) typical of current studies of natural populations and show that increasing the number of loci gives nearly the same increase in precision as increasing the number of individuals sampled. We also evaluated effects of incomplete fragmentation and found this N e-reduction signal is still apparent in the presence of considerable migration (m ~ 0.10–0.25). Single-sample genetic estimates of N e thus show considerable promise for early detection of population fragmentation and decline.  相似文献   

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