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Annexins comprise a family of proteins that exhibit a Ca2+-dependent binding to phospholipid membranes that is possibly relevant to their in vivo function. Although substantial structural information about the ternary (protein/lipid/Ca2+) interaction in bulk phases has been derived from a variety of techniques, little is known about the temporal and spatial organization of ternary monolayer films. The effect of Ca2+ on the interactions between annexin V (AxV) and anionic DMPA monolayers was therefore investigated using three complementary approaches: surface pressure measurements, infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS), and Brewster angle microscopy (BAM). In the absence of Ca2+, the injection of AxV into an aqueous subphase beneath a DMPA monolayer initially in a liquid expanded phase produced BAM images revealing domains of protein presumably surrounded by liquid-expanded lipid. The protein-rich areas expanded with time, resulting in reduction of the area available to the DMPA and, eventually, in the formation of condensed lipid domains in spatial regions separate from the protein film. There was thus no evidence for a specific binary AxV/lipid interaction. In contrast, injection of AxV/Ca2+ at a total Ca2+ concentration of 10 microM beneath a DMPA monolayer revealed no pure protein domains, but rather the slow formation of pinhead structures. This was followed by slow (>2 h) rigidification of the whole film accompanied by an increase in surface pressure, and connection of solid domains to form a structure resembling strings of pearls. These changes were characteristic of this specific ternary interaction. Acyl chain conformational order of the DMPA, as measured by nu(sym)CH2 near 2850 cm(-1), was increased in both the AxV/DMPA and AxV/DMPA/Ca2+ monolayers compared to either DMPA monolayers alone or in the presence of Ca2+. The utility of the combined structural and temporal information derived from these three complementary techniques for the study of monolayers in situ at the air/water interface is evident from this work.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of histones H1, H2A, and H4 (F1, F2a2, and F2a1) has been quantitatively studied in heavy water (2H2O) solutions in a wide range of histone concentration, p2H, and concentration of sodium chloride using an improved infrared spectroscopy method. Under all conditions there are about 5--10% of alpha helix. Conditions favourable for aggregation induce formation of antiparallel pleated sheet structure to an extent of about 15% in H1 and H2A and about 30% in H4. When the p2H and concentration of NaCl are in the physiological range, there is the same content of this structure in H2A and H4 and none in H1.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of the apo B-100 protein present in human low density lipoprotein has been investigated by transmission and attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy. The amount of beta-sheet (41%) is significantly higher than that determined by CD spectroscopy in the present study (12%) and elsewhere (15-16%). The high percentage of beta-sheet structure in apo B-100 supports the importance of such segments in maintaining the lipid-protein assembly in LDL. Polarized infrared spectroscopy indicates that the beta-sheet component of apo B-100 adopts a preferential orientation with respect to the phospholipid monolayer surrounding the LDL, whereas no such orientation is observed for the other secondary structure components.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(8):112990
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We have studied the conformation of the peptide Ac-EPKRSVAFKKTKKEVKKVATPKK (CH-1), free in solution and bound to the DNA, by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The peptide belongs to the COOH-terminal domain of histone H1(0) (residues 99-121) and is adjacent to the central globular domain of the protein. In aqueous (D(2)O) solution the amide I' is dominated by component bands at 1643 cm(-1) and 1662 cm(-1), which have been assigned to random coil conformations and turns, respectively. In accordance with previous NMR results, the latter component has been interpreted as arising in turn-like conformations in rapid equilibrium with unfolded states. The peptide becomes fully structured either in 90% trifluoroethanol (TFE) solution or upon interaction with the DNA. In these conditions, the contributions of turn (1662 cm(-1)) and random coil components virtually disappear. In TFE, the spectrum is dominated by the alpha-helical component (1654 cm(-1)). The band at 1662 cm(-1) shifts to 1670 cm(-1), and has been assigned to the COOH-terminal TPKK motif in a more stable turn conformation. A band at 1637 cm(-1), also present in TFE, has been assigned to 3(10) helical structure. The amide I' band of the complexes with the DNA retains the components that were attributed to 3(10) helix and the TPKK turn. In the complexes with the DNA, the alpha-helical component observed in TFE splits into two components at 1657 cm(-1) and 1647 cm(-1). Both components are inside the spectral region of alpha-helical structures. Our results support the presence of inducible helical and turn elements, both sharing the character of DNA-binding motifs.  相似文献   

46year old female presented with a one week history of high grade fever, chills, cough, and severe nausea. The patient had been admitted a month earlier with severe lower gastrointestinal bleeding from hemorrhoids necessitating transfusion of 7 units of packed red blood cells. Initial work-up was unremarkable. Because of persistent symptoms, the patient was admitted 2 days later. Malaria smear was positive. Due to the severity of her symptoms, she was managed as falciparum malaria and was started on intravenous quinine and oral doxycycline. On the second day of treatment the patient developed respiratory failure, requiring intubation and ventilatory support with new bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. Antimalarial treatment was continued for a total of 7 days followed by primaquine for 14 days once the blood smear results revealed Plasmodium ovale infection. The patient remained intubated in the intensive care unit (ICU) for 16 days, and was later extubated successfully with a clear chest x-ray after a total of one month hospitalization. To our knowledge, this is the first case of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) secondary to blood transfusion related P. ovale malaria infection in a non-endemic country.  相似文献   

Designed to model ideally amphipathic beta-sheets, the minimalist linear (KL)(m)K peptides (m=4-7) were synthesized and proved to form stable films at the air/water interface, they insert into compressed dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine monolayers and interact with egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles. Whatever the interface or the lateral pressure applied to the films, FT-IR and polarization-modulated IRRAS spectroscopy developed in situ on the films indicated that all the peptides totally fold into intermolecular antiparallel beta-sheets. Calculated spectra of the amide region allowed us to define the orientation of the beta-strands compared to the interface. It is concluded that such beta-sheets remain flat-oriented without deep perturbation of zwitterionic phospholipids. Dansyl labelling at the N-terminus indicates that all the peptides are monomeric at a low concentration in aqueous buffer and bind to lipids with similar Dns burying. The affinities for zwitterionic lecithin mono- and bilayers, quantitatively estimated from buffer to lipid partition constants, monotonically increased with peptide length, indicating that hydrophobicity is a limiting parameter for lipid and membrane affinities. Peptides induced permeability increases on zwitterionic liposomes, they are strongly hemolytic towards human erythrocytes and their activity increases concurrently with length. Taking into account the lipid affinity, a hemolytic efficiency can be defined: at the same amount of peptide bound, this efficiency strongly increases with the peptide length. It is proposed that the first determinant step of membrane disturbance is the invasion of the outer membrane leaflet by these ideally amphipathic beta-sheeted structures lying flat at the interface, like large rafts depending on the number of beta-strands.  相似文献   

The method used in this study for preparing mineral samples has allowed us to obtain a highly reproducible surface state, which in turn means that we can better exploit the results of the XPS analysis. With high initial concentrations, the three minerals studied appeared to be covered with a bilayer of phospholipids. The greatest adsorption was obtained with initial phospholipid concentrations of 100, 150 and 300 micrograms/ml for crocidolite, chrysotile and attapulgite respectively. It would appear that these differences in surface reactivity can be related to the different levels of risk associated with the inhalation of these fibres.  相似文献   

We present an improved technique for estimating protein secondary structure content from amide I and amide III band infrared spectra. This technique combines the superposition of reference spectra of pure secondary structure elements with simultaneous aromatic side chain, water vapor, and solvent background subtraction. Previous attempts to generate structural reference spectra from a basis set of reference protein spectra have had limited success because of inaccuracies arising from sequential background subtractions and spectral normalization, arbitrary spectral band truncation, and attempted resolution of spectroscopically degenerate structure classes. We eliminated these inaccuracies by defining a single mathematical function for protein spectra, permitting all subtractions, normalizations, and amide band deconvolution steps to be performed simultaneously using a single optimization algorithm. This approach circumvents many of the problems associated with the sequential nature of previous methods, especially with regard to removing the subjectivity involved in each processing step. A key element of this technique was the calculation of reference spectra for ordered helix, unordered helix, sheet, turns, and unordered structures from a basis set of spectra of well-characterized proteins. Structural reference spectra were generated in the amide I and amide III bands, both of which have been shown to be sensitive to protein secondary structure content. We accurately account for overlaps between amide and nonamide regions and allow different structure types to have different extinction coefficients. The agreement between our structure estimates, for proteins both inside and outside the basis set, and the corresponding determinations from X-ray crystallography is good.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to characterize by X-ray crystallography the ternary dimethylformamide (DMF) Cu(II) complex of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), in an effort to compare the structure-activity relationships for the anticonvulsant activity of this and other Cu(II)aspirinate chelates. The ternary DMF Cu(II) complex of aspirin was synthesized and crystals grown from a DMF solution were characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. This crystalline material was analyzed for anticonvulsant activity in the Maximal Electroshock (MES) Grand Mal and subcutaneous Metrazol (scMET) Petit Mal models of seizure used to detect anticonvulsant activity. The ternary DMF complex was found to be a monomolecular binuclear complex, tetrakis-mu-(acetylsalicylato)bis(dimethylformamido)dicopper(II) [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)(DMF)(2)] with the following parameters: monoclinic, space group P2(1)/n, a=12.259 (1), b=10.228 (1), c=16.987 (1) A, beta=92.07 (1) degrees; V=2128.5 (3) A(3); Z=2. The structure was determined at 180 K from 2903 unique reflections (I>1sigma(I)) to the final values of R=0.030 and wR=0.033 using F. This binuclear complex contains four acetylsalicylate bridging ligands which are related to each other in a two by two symmetry center. The four nearest O atoms around each Cu atom form a closely square planar arrangement with the square pyramidal coordination completed by the dimethylformamide oxygen atom occupying an apical position at a distance of 2.154 (1) A. Each Cu atom is displaced towards the DMF ligand by 0.187 A from the plane of the four O atoms. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)(DMF)(2)] crystals show a strong antiferromagnetic coupling of the copper atoms, similar to that observed with other binuclear copper(II)salicylate compounds. Studies used to detect anticonvulsant activity revealed that [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)(DMF)(2)] was an effective anticonvulsant in the MES model of seizure but ineffective against scMET-induced seizures. The monomolecular ternary binuclear [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)(DMF)(2)] complex is more effective in inhibiting MES-induced seizures than other binuclear or mononuclear Cu(II) chelates of aspirin including: binuclear polymeric [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)], [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)(H(2)O)], which is anticipated to be less polymeric, and monomolecular ternary [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)(DMSO)(2)] and [Cu(II)(aspirinate)(2)(Pyr)(2)]. These and other chelates appear to be more effective in the scMET model of seizure than [Cu(II)(2)(aspirinate)(4)(DMF)(2)]. These structure-activity relationships support the potential efficacy of Cu chelates of aspirin in treating epilepsies.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of proteins in legumes, cereals, milk products and chicken meat was studied by diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy in the region of the amide I band. Major secondary structure components ( β-sheets, random coil, α-helix, turns), together with the low- and high-frequency side contributions, were resolved and related to the in vitro digestibility behaviour of the different foods. A strong inverse correlation between the relative spectral weights of the β-sheet structures and in vitro protein digestibility values was measured. Structural modifications in legume proteins induced by autoclaving were monitored by the changes in the amide I spectra. The results indicate that the β-sheet structures of raw legume proteins and the intermolecular β-sheet aggregates, arising upon heating, are primary factors in adversely affecting the digestibility.  相似文献   

COVID-19 patients (n = 34) suffering from ARDS were treated with tocilizumab (TCZ). Outcome was classified in two groups: “Death” and “Recovery”. Predictive factors of mortality were studied. Mean age was 75.3, mean oxygen (O2) requirements 10.4 l/min. At baseline, all patients had multiple biological abnormalities (lymphopenia, increased CRP, ferritin, fibrinogen, D-dimer and liver enzymes). 24 patients (70.5%) recovered after TCZ therapy and 10 died (29.5%). Deceased subjects differed from patients in whom treatment was effective with regard to more pronounced lymphopenia (0.6 vs 1.0 G/l; p = 0.037), lower platelet number (156 vs 314 G/l; p = 0.0001), lower fibrinogen serum level (0.6 vs 1.0 G/l; p = 0.03), higher aspartate-amino-transferase (108 vs 57 UI/l; p = 0.05) and greater O2 requirements (11 vs 8 l/min; p = 0.003).  相似文献   

The virological, morphological, molecular biological and immunochemical study of the infective agent isolated from the patient with the symptoms of atypical pneumonia, hospitalized in the infectious department of the clinical hospital in Blagoveshchensk, was carried out. Thus the fact of the appearance of SARS virus on the territory of Russia was proved. The isolated infective agent, identified as coronavirus strain CoD, was partly characterized and deposited to the virus collection of the Center of Special Laboratory Diagnostics and Treatment of Quarantine and Exotic Infectious Diseases.  相似文献   



Ventilation using low tidal volumes with permission of hypercapnia is recommended to protect the lung in acute respiratory distress syndrome. However, the most lung protective tidal volume in association with hypercapnia is unknown. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of different tidal volumes with associated hypercapnia on lung injury and gas exchange in a model for acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this randomized controlled experiment sixty-four surfactant-depleted rabbits were exposed to 6 hours of mechanical ventilation with the following targets: Group 1: tidal volume = 8–10 ml/kg/PaCO2 = 40 mm Hg; Group 2: tidal volume = 4–5 ml/kg/PaCO2 = 80 mm Hg; Group 3: tidal volume = 3–4 ml/kg/PaCO2 = 120 mm Hg; Group 4: tidal volume = 2–3 ml/kg/PaCO2 = 160 mm Hg. Decreased wet-dry weight ratios of the lungs, lower histological lung injury scores and higher PaO2 were found in all low tidal volume/hypercapnia groups (group 2, 3, 4) as compared to the group with conventional tidal volume/normocapnia (group 1). The reduction of the tidal volume below 4–5 ml/kg did not enhance lung protection. However, oxygenation and lung protection were maintained at extremely low tidal volumes in association with very severe hypercapnia and no adverse hemodynamic effects were observed with this strategy.


Ventilation with low tidal volumes and associated hypercapnia was lung protective. A tidal volume below 4–5 ml/kg/PaCO2 80 mm Hg with concomitant more severe hypercapnic acidosis did not increase lung protection in this surfactant deficiency model. However, even at extremely low tidal volumes in association with severe hypercapnia lung protection and oxygenation were maintained.  相似文献   

Protein secondary structural alteration in the serum sample as induced by colitis has been demonstrated via the spectral fitting. Using DSS mouse models of acute colitis and IL10‐/‐ for chronic colitis, a significant difference in the integral ratio of Gaussian energy bands representing α‐helix and β‐pleated sheet structures were obtained. Further details can be found in the article by Jitto Titus et al. ( e201700057 ).


A sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay was used to measure interleukin 8 (IL-8) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids from control subjects, patients with the adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and patients undergoing coronary bypass surgery, a risk factor for developing ARDS. Concentrations of IL-8, albumin, total protein and numbers of neutrophils were higher in both patient groups than in controls. Levels of IL-8 were significantly correlated with the influx of neutrophils, plasma protein extravasation and with the PaO2/FiO2 ratio. These data suggest that IL-8 may mediate the recruitment of neutrophils from the vascular compartment into the alveolar space and may therefore be an important determinant in neutrophil-mediated lung injury. Since increased levels of IL-8 were also found in BAL fluid from patients at risk in whom ARDS did not develop, other factors are likely to be involved and IL-8, as well as other markers of inflammation, are of little prognostic use.  相似文献   

The bimetallic [M1M2(tren)2(CAn?)]m+ series, where M = GaIII or CrIII and CA is the chloranilate ligand which can take on diamagnetic (CAcat,cat)4? or paramagnetic (CAsq,cat)3? forms, comprises an electronically diverse series of compounds ranging from the closed-shell [Ga2(tren)2(CAcat,cat)]2+ to the S = 5/2 ground state of [Cr2(tren)2(CAsq,cat)]3+. This report deals with the interpretation of the EPR and ENDOR spectra of [Ga2(tren)2(CAsq,cat)](BPh4)2(BF4) (2) and the related derivative [Ga2(tren)2(DHBQ)](BPh4)2(BF4) (2a) (where DHBQ is the fully deprotonated trianionic form of 2,5-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone) in an effort to further characterize the electronic structure of this radical species. The X-band (~9.5 GHz) EPR spectrum of complex 2 acquired in a butyronitrile/propionitrile glass at 4 K reveals a rhombic g-tensor with gxx = 2.0100, gyy = 2.0097, and gzz = 2.0060 with hyperfine interactions due to spin delocalization onto the two Ga nuclei (axx = 4.902 G, ayy = 4.124 G, azz = 3.167 G); the origin of the hyperfine coupling was confirmed by analysis of the room temperature spectra of complexes 2 and 2a. The low-temperature spectrum of complex 2 also indicates the presence of a triplet electronic state characterized by a g-value of 2.009 and axial zero-field splitting of D = 150 G (0.012 cm?1) as determined from measurements carried out at both X- and W-band (~95 GHz) frequencies. This triplet state is believed to arise due to a weak intermolecular Heisenberg exchange interaction between two aggregating complexes. ENDOR measurements on complex 2a at 20 K allowed for a determination of the magnitude of hyperfine coupling to the protons associated with the radical bridge as well as providing a rare example of an ENDOR signal arising from coupling to a gallium nucleus. Finally, these results were combined with literature data on the free semiquinone form of the bridging ligand in order to assess the extent to which density functional theory can predict unpaired spin density distribution in a complex molecule of this type. Although differences between theory and experiment were noted, DFT was able to provide a reasonably accurate picture of the electronic structure of this system as well as provide insight into the spin polarization mechanism(s) responsible for the observed hyperfine interactions.  相似文献   

The complex formation of europium(III) and curium(III) with urea in aqueous solution has been studied at I = 0.1 M (NaClO4), room temperature and trace metal concentrations in the pH-range of 1-8 at various ligand concentrations using time-resolved laser-fluorescence spectroscopy. While for curium(III) the luminescence maximum is red shifted upon complexation, in case of europium(III) emission wavelengths remain unaltered but a significant change in peak splitting occurs. Both heavy metals form weak complexes of the formulae ML3+ and MLOH2+ with urea. Stability constants were determined to be log β110 = −0.12 ± 0.05 and log β11-1 = −6.86 ± 0.15 for europium(III) and log β110 = −0.28 ± 0.12 and log β11-1 = −7.01 ± 0.15 for curium(III).  相似文献   

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