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Adult whiteflies are characterized by the presence of copious amounts of wax particles covering all surfaces of the body except the eyes. The lipid composition was determined for wax particles removed from the surfaces of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), and the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood). The lipid components in the wax particles of both species were mostly mixtures of long-chain aldehydes and long-chain primary alcohols. The major wax particle components for B. tabaci were C34 aldehyde and C34 alcohol and small amounts of C32 aldhyde and alcohol. For the wax particles from T. vaporariorum, C32 aldehyde and C32 alcohol were the major components with lesser amounts of the C30 components. These findings were compared to the surface lipids of fully-waxed B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum adults that contained, in addition to the major amounts of long-chain aldehydes and alcohols, quantities of long-chain wax esters. Wax esters were not present in lipid extracts from the surface of B. tabaci whiteflies at the time of adult emergence (prior to deposition of wax particles). Thus, the appearance of wax esters on the cuticular surfaces occurred during the period of deposition of wax particles. The quantities of wax esters in the surface lipid extracts of wing tissues separated from the bodies of adult whiteflies indicated that the wing surfaces were a major site of wax ester deposition.  相似文献   

Collaborative research was conducted at the INRA Research Centers to assess the microbial control potential of Beauveria bassiana- and Lecanicillium lecanii-based formulations against whiteflies in protected crops under Mediterranean conditions. Four series of small-scale glasshouse trials were performed in 1999 and 2000 in southern France. Two applications at 4–5 day intervals of Naturalis-L and Mycotal were conducted on young larvae of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, at rates recommended by the manufacturers. Because of the expectation that environmental conditions prevailing in Mediterranean greenhouse crops may lead to greater climatic constraints for mycoinsecticide efficacy than in more temperate areas, manipulation of the greenhouse climate has been used to aim at optimizing mycoinsecticide efficacy. The climatic management strategy was mainly based on closing the ridge vents 2 h more at night-time in so-called “humid” glasshouse compartment than in a “dry” one. Thus, the daily period at high humidity (>90% RH) was two or three times longer in the “humid” compartment than in the “dry” one. In spite of this differential, mycoinsecticide treatments reduced numbers of surviving whitefly larvae by >85% in the “humid” compartment as expected as favorable, as well as in the “dry” compartment, expected as unfavorable. The results indicated clearly that both B. bassiana- and L. lecanii-based mycoinsecticides have a strong potential for microbial control of whitefly larvae infesting tomato crops at moderate ambient humidity in Mediterranean glasshouses. Our investigations provided strong arguments for explaining these unexpected results. The RH conditions prevailing in the targeted insect habitat should be greatly disconnected from that of the ambient glasshouse air. We suggest that strategies of mycoinsecticide optimization against phyllophagous insects in protected crops have to take into account factors acting on the leaf transpiration activity.  相似文献   

SARAH (Software for theAssessment of antibioticResistance toAleyrodidae inHost plants) is a deterministic simulation model of whitefly population growth based on whitefly life-history components determined on individual plants. The life-history components recorded were oviposition rate, adult survival, pre-adult survival, developmental period, and sex ratio. The simulation model serves as a tool to combine these components and to obtain a single criterion for (antibiotic) resistance. The criterion used was the decrease in simulated intrinsic population growth rate, r s , relative the r s value determined on a susceptible control genotype. This model-based evaluation method was tested using the greenhouse whitefly,Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, on tomato and the sweetpotato whitefly,Bemisia tabaci Gennadius, on tomato, eggplant, collard, and pepper. To study its consistency over time, the evaluation method was repeated six times forT. vaporariorum on a susceptible and a resistant tomato cultivar. Simulated intrinsic population growth rate was more consistent in indicating resistance than any of the individual life-history components. Of tenL. hirsutum accessions tested for resistance toT. vaporariorum, three exhibited r s values that were significantly lower than those for the susceptible control. In addition, on these tenL. hirsutum accessions, a significant positive correlation was observed between r s and sex ratio (# females/# males). Four host plant species (tomato, collard, eggplant, and pepper) were evaluated for resistance toB. tabaci. All life-history components and r s values varied among host species, while a negative r s value was observed forB. tabaci on pepper. A high correlation was found between results from a sensitivity analysis of SARAH and results from a sensitivity analysis of a validated whitefly population simulation model by Yanoet al. (1989a). Significant correlations were found for the relationships between oviposition rate, adult survival, or pre-adult survival and r s , indicating that none of these life-history components can be omitted from the test procedure. This model-based evaluation method offers a standardized way to quantify levels of antibiotic resistance to whiteflies and will enhance efficiency in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Lygus hesperus (Knight) (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a particularly damaging pest of many crops in the Western United States. Current control tactics are chemically based and there is some concern over resistance building up in populations. Based on previous laboratory studies conducted in California and Mississippi, USA, two new isolates of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) were selected for field-testing against L. hesperus in California. Alfalfa plots were treated with one of three isolates of B. bassiana (a commercial isolate, an isolate from CA (WTPB2) or an isolate from MS (TPB3)) or the chemical pesticide Warrior T. More than 75% of the adults collected from plots 3 days after application with B. bassiana were infected but no differences in percentage infection occurred among fungal treatments. In addition, approximately 30% of the insects collected from control plots or plots treated with Warrior T were also infected. PCR analysis using SSR markers revealed that the isolate causing most of the infections in fungus treated plots was the isolate applied. A mix of infections was found in control plots and plots treated with Warrior T. Despite high levels of infection, no significant reductions of adult populations occurred until 10–14 days after application when plots treated with Warrior T or B. bassiana had about half the numbers of adult L. hesperus as the control plots.  相似文献   

Collaborative research was conducted at the USDA-ARS Subtropical Agricultural Research Center in southern Texas to assess the microbial control potential of Beauveria bassiana and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus against Bemisia whiteflies. Laboratory assays demonstrated the capacity of both pathogens to infect Bemisia argentifolii nymphs on excised hibiscus leaves incubated at relative humidities as low as 25% at 23 ± 2°C (ca. 35% infection by B. bassiana and P. fumosoroseus resulted from applications of 0.6–1.4 × 103 conidia/mm2 of leaf surface). In small-scale field trials using portable air-assist sprayers, applications at a high rate of 5 × 1013 conidia in 180 liters water/ha produced conidial densities of ca. 1–2.5 × 103 conidia/mm2 on the lower surfaces of cucurbit leaves. Multiple applications of one isolate of P. fumosoroseus and four isolates of B. bassiana made at this rate at 4- to 5-day intervals provided >90% control of large (third- and fourth-instar) nymphs on cucumbers and cantaloupe melons. The same rate applied at 7-day intervals also provided >90% control in zucchini squash, and a one-fourth rate (1.25 × 1013 conidia/ha) applied at 4- to 5-day intervals reduced numbers of large nymphs by >85% in cantaloupe melons. In contrast to the high efficacy of the fungal applications against nymphs, effects against adult whiteflies were minimal. The results indicated that both B. bassiana and P. fumosoroseus have strong potential for microbial control of nymphal whiteflies infesting cucurbit crops.  相似文献   

【目的】探究腺苷酸糖基化因子ARF在球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)中存在种类及生物学功能。【方法】利用BLASTp搜索球孢白僵菌非冗余蛋白数据库,鉴定ARF并进行聚类分析,结合表达分析、反义抑制、超量表达野生型基因和GTP解离位点与结合位点突变的基因,解析其中1个ARF与白僵菌发育分化、逆境胁迫反应和毒力的关系。【结果】球孢白僵菌中存在至少6个ARF或类似蛋白,分别聚类于酵母、人类ARF及其类似蛋白的不同类群。其中BBA_01574与人类的ARF3、ARF4和ARF5聚为一类,命名为BbarfA。BbarfA在成熟的分生孢子和球形膨大时期表达明显高于芽管伸长期。反义抑制BbarfA加速了孢子萌发,提高了菌株毒力,而超量表达BbarfA和点突变GTP解离区域的BbarfA则延迟了孢子萌发速度,降低了菌株毒力。尽管BbarfA转录受高盐、髙渗、氧化和高温胁迫的诱导,但遗传修饰的转化子与野生菌株对上述胁迫反应的敏感性无明显差异。【结论】BbarfA介导分生孢子萌发和毒力。  相似文献   

食用真菌草菇[Volvariella volvacea(Bull.ex.Fr.)Sing.]VvLaeA在调控真菌发育方面的功能并不清楚。本研究在对草菇VvLaeA进行生物信息学分析基础上,通过聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)的方法将超量表达启动子Vvgpd和草菇VvlaeA基因的开放阅读框(open reading frame,ORF)进行融合,并将融合片段克隆入pK2(bar)载体。采用农杆菌介导的转化方法将重组载体pK2(bar)-OEVvlaeA转入球孢白僵菌中进行表达,测定转化子的菌株发育情况。结果表明,草菇VvLaeA与其他真菌的蛋白同源性较低;和野生型相比,转化菌株的菌落直径显著增大,色素减少,分生孢子产量和萌发率均显著下降,对胁迫反应的敏感性增强。进一步研究发现,转化菌株分生孢子的细胞壁结构成分发生改变,和分生孢子发育相关基因的表达被显著下调。提示草菇VvLaeA能提高球孢白僵菌菌株的生长速率,而负调控色素沉积和分生孢子发育,这为草菇基因功能鉴定提供了启示。  相似文献   

[目的] 探究参与硝酸盐同化的一个特异转录因子NirA1对球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)生长、抗逆及毒力的影响。[方法] 利用RT-PCR检测球孢白僵菌NirA1基因在不同培养基中的表达特征。通过构建敲除突变株ΔNirA1、超量表达OENirA1及回复互补菌株ComNirA1,解析NirA1在球孢白僵菌生长发育、逆境胁迫反应和致病昆虫中的功能。[结果] NirA1基因在营养较贫瘠的CZB培养基中表达量高于丰富培养基PDB和SDB。敲除NirA1导致了菌株在人工培养基上的生长缓慢,对NaNO2和Urea的利用效率降低。RT-PCR显示,ΔNirA1中硝酸盐转运蛋白基因NrtA的表达较野生型显著下调。在CZA、PDA和1/4 SDAY培养基中,其分生孢子产量分别较野生型降低了21.6%、16.2%和25.6%。逆境胁迫分析发现,在高温(32℃),高渗(1 mol/L NaCl)和H2O2处理后,ΔNirA1菌落生长抑制率较野生型分别降低29.0%、25.2%及49.0%;但在添加SDS和刚果红(CR)的处理中,突变体菌落的生长抑制率分别较野生型升高34.1%和96.2%。因此,缺失NirA后,菌株对SDS和CR更加敏感,但对高温、H2O2和NaCl的耐受性提高。以3龄的大蜡螟为试虫的毒力测定表明,敲除NirA1基因导致菌株的毒力提高,半致死时间较野生型提前17.4%。[结论] NirA1在球孢白僵菌生长过程中参与了氮源的利用,并在球孢白僵菌的菌落生长、分生孢子生产、胁迫反应和致病宿主过程中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

Visceral leishmaniasis is a zoonosis whose primary vector in Brazil is the sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis Lutz & Neiva. Presently, efforts to control the vector have not been effective in reducing the prevalence of disease. A possible alternative to current strategies is the biological control of the vector using entomopathogenic fungi. This study evaluates the effects of the fungus, Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuilleman, in different developmental stages of L. longipalpis. Five concentrations of the fungus were utilized ranging from 104 to 108 conidia/ml, with appropriate controls. The unhatched eggs, larvae and dead adults exposed to B. bassiana were sown to reisolate the fungus. The fungus was subsequently identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing. Exposure to B. bassiana reduced the number of eggs that hatched by 59% (< 0.01). The longevity of infected adults was 5 days, significantly lower than that of the negative control which was 7 days (< 0.001). The longevity of the adult sandfly exposed to the positive chemical (pyrethroid, cypermetherin) control was less than 1 day. The effects of fungal infection on the hatching of eggs laid by infected females were also significant and dose-dependent (< 0.05). With respect to fungal post-infection growth parameters, only germination and sporulation were significantly higher than the fungi before infection (< 0.001). The identity of the reisolated fungus was confirmed by automated DNA sequencing post-passage in all insect stages. These data show that B. bassiana has good pathogenic potential, primarily on L. longipalpis larvae and adults. Consequently, the use of this fungus in sandfly control programs has potential in reducing the use of chemical insecticides, resulting in benefits to humans and the environment.  相似文献   

The tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), is a pest of various fruit, vegetable, fiber, and seed crops; including cotton. Lygus spp. populations often build on alternate host plants before moving to cotton, and in the midsouthern U.S. wild host plants, such as pigweed (Amaranthus spp.), play a major role in L. lineolaris population development. Three isolates of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) were evaluated for L. lineolaris control in redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.): one from L. lineolaris in Mississippi (TPB3); one from Lygus hesperus (Knight) in California (WTPB2); and one commercial isolate from Mycotrol® (GHA). Fungal applications resulted in moderate to high mycosis in adults (33 to 80%) and moderate mycosis in nymphs (36 to 53%) that were collected from field plots at 2 days post-treatment and incubated under laboratory conditions. Although TPB3 was previously found to be more pathogenic in laboratory bioassays, there was not a consistent separation of this isolate from the other two isolates in field trials. Where differences in adult mycosis or mortality were observed, TPB3 was the most pathogenic. However, in one field trial 7 day mortality for nymphs treated with GHA was higher than those treated with TPB3 or WTPB2. Infection rates at 2, 7, and 14 days post-treatment from caged and non-caged adults suggested that movement of adults among plots occurred, which could have masked some treatment effects. Fungal treatments did not significantly reduce populations relative to controls. This may have been caused by delayed mortality rates under field conditions and/or difficulties with estimating population change under field conditions characteristic of wild host plant populations (e.g., heterogeneous populations, adult movement, and small plot size). Further work evaluating time–dose–mortality over dynamic temperatures, spring and fall field trials on this and other wild hosts, and improved methods for estimating populations on wild hosts are needed.  相似文献   

球孢白僵菌是一种重要的虫生真菌,具有致病力强、侵染范围广、安全无污染等优点,其制剂可作为一种真菌类杀虫剂应用于农林业害虫的防治,也可用于人工生产中药材僵蚕。本文综述了球孢白僵菌的培养性状、侵染特性、应用生产和存在的问题,并提出了发展对策,为球孢白僵菌的进一步开发应用提供参考。  相似文献   

利用生物种间互做关系抑制农业害虫的暴发是生物防治的重要手段。为探讨二种交配型内共生球孢白僵菌与玉米之间的互惠关系及其形成的共生体在亚洲玉米螟控制中的生态效应,以玉米为宿主植物,以球孢白僵菌孢子悬浮液进行灌根,在温室内构建了二种交配型(MAT1-1-1型,B5;MAT1-2-1型,B2)球孢白僵菌-玉米共生体,并研究了共生体对玉米的生长、对亚洲玉米螟的产卵选择和幼虫发育及其对球孢白僵菌生物学特性的影响。结果显示:通过叶片离体培养、ITS基因和交配型基因MAT检测,均能检测到白僵菌的内生定殖;MAT1-2-1型B2菌株定殖检出率高,MAT1-1-1型B5菌株在混合型接种中定殖有优势。回收后的球孢白僵菌菌落直径和毒力无显著性变化,但其产孢量都显著提高其中回收B5处理组来源菌株的产孢量提高最显著。接种过球孢白僵菌的玉米植株地上部生长速度、生物量和地下根系生物量均优于对照组,其中根系干重明显增加,而地上植株干重也相对增加。MAT1-1-1型菌株B5对共生体玉米植株地上高度促生长贡献明显;MAT1-2-1型菌株B2对共生体玉米植株地下干重增加贡献明显。总体上球孢白僵菌内生定殖对玉米地下根系生物量影响大于对地上植株生物量的影响。在产卵选择性试验中,各处理组亚洲玉米螟的产卵量显著少于对照组。共生体对亚洲玉米螟产卵具有明显的趋避作用,MAT1-2-1型菌株B2对产卵的趋避作用明显,而MAT1-2-1型菌株B5的趋避作用较弱。在人工接种幼虫的试验中,处理组回收的亚洲玉米螟幼虫存活率均显著低于对照组,其中,B5组回收幼虫的存活率最低,仅为38.33%;处理组的化蛹率与对照组差异不显著,但B5组的回收幼虫化蛹率显著低于B2组和对照组,仅为34.77%,这说明MAT1-1-1型B5菌株对玉米螟幼虫发育抑制最明显。上述结果表明,不同交配型球孢白僵菌内生定殖效率有差异,在经过内生定殖后在产孢量方面有显著性提高,两个交配型菌株在联合应用时具有协同增效作用;两个交配型菌株均能够通过内生定殖与玉米形成共生体并促进玉米植株的生长,这显示球孢白僵菌和玉米之间已经建立具有互惠关系的共生体。这种共生体通过趋避亚洲玉米螟产卵、抑制幼虫存活和降低化蛹率等方面的潜力虽然不一样,但都有助于对亚洲玉米螟的可持续生态防治,也证明了共生体的建成有效提高了玉米的生态适应性,为利用球孢白僵菌内共生性实施亚洲玉米螟防控提供了新思路。  相似文献   

Collaborative research was conducted in the south of France to assess constraints related to both climate heterogeneity and ventilation systems on the control potential of a Lecanicillium muscarium-based formulation against whiteflies in Mediterranean greenhouses. Four series of small-scale greenhouse trials were performed in 2001 and 2002. Two applications at 4–5 day intervals of Mycotal were conducted on young larvae of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, at the rate recommended by the manufacturer (ca. 1010 viable spores per liter of water suspension). The climatic heterogeneity was taken into account by comparing the fungus-induced mortality of nymphs located on lateral row plants to that of nymphs on center row plants. In spite of significant differences in air flows (0.7–1.2 and 0.3 ms−1, respectively) there was no effect on fungus efficacy (53–76% mortality). When comparing the influence of greenhouse equipment (sophisticated glasshouse vs. polyethylene-covered greenhouse), the fungus was not affected (89–96% mortality) in spite of significant differences in ventilation rates. The results confirmed that entomopathogenic Hyphomycetes have a strong potential for microbial control of whitefly larvae infesting tomato crops at moderate ambient humidity in Mediterranean greenhouses in spite of windy periods. These investigations confirmed that microclimatic conditions prevailing in the targeted insect habitat (under-leaf surface boundary layer) are greatly disconnected from that of both outside and inside the greenhouse. In northern Mediterranean greenhouses, non-stressed tomato crops provide unexpected favorable conditions for mycoinsecticide use against a phyllophagous insect.  相似文献   

几种弱选择性寄主蔬菜对烟粉虱的驱避作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
【目的】烟粉虱是茄果类蔬菜上的重要害虫,已对常用的化学农药产生了较强的抗药性。目前,利用非嗜好植物对烟粉虱的驱避作用和嗜好植物的诱集作用控制烟粉虱则受到越来越多的关注。【方法】选择芹菜、韭菜、茼蒿、香菜、葱、蒜等6种烟粉虱弱选择性寄主蔬菜,测定烟粉虱对供试蔬菜的嗅觉和视觉反应。在此基础上,筛选出非嗜性相对更强的3种蔬菜进行田间烟粉虱驱虫性测定。【结果】在室内寄主选择性测定中,烟粉虱对供试6种蔬菜的选择性均较小,其中对芹菜的选择率最低,韭菜次之,其余4种蔬菜的选择率为茼蒿香菜葱蒜;采用嗅觉选择性测定的方法测定烟粉虱对供试蔬菜的相对选择性,发现烟粉虱对芹菜的选择率最低(13.0%),韭菜次之(25.5%),其余各蔬菜的选择率大小为茼蒿(47.8%)香菜(40.2%)葱(38.5%)蒜(37.0%);烟粉虱对6种供试蔬菜颜色的选择性也存在明显的差异,其中,烟粉虱对芹菜和韭菜的选择率相对较低。在室内筛选的基础上,选择芹菜、韭菜、葱等3种蔬菜在辣椒田里进行间作驱虫实验,发现芹菜对田间辣椒上烟粉虱的驱避效果最好,驱避率达90.6%,韭菜次之(86.5%),葱的驱避效果一般。【结论】芹菜和韭菜对烟粉虱的驱避效果较好,该结论为烟粉虱的绿色防控提供了理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

【背景】白僵蚕中的生物活性物质在医疗、保健品及化妆品行业有着广泛的应用。目前,许多人工养殖僵蚕基地在实际生产中使用的菌种多为未进行纯化优选的自然感病死亡僵蚕孢子粉且无固定的施用浓度,使得蚕的僵化死亡率难以保证。提高白僵菌菌株的致病力并筛选性状优良的高毒力菌株是工厂化生产白僵蚕研发的重要方向。【目的】利用紫外-微波复合诱变技术筛选高毒力菌株,为僵蚕工厂化生产提供优良菌株。【方法】利用孢子稀释法从山西省养殖农户中自然感染白僵菌的家蚕中分离获得一株原始白僵菌,运用紫外-微波复合的方式对该菌株进行诱变,并比较诱变前后菌株的产孢量及对家蚕的致病力。【结果】分离得到的原始菌株经鉴定为球孢白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana),命名为Beauveria bassiana Bb1003。通过对致死率和正突变率的考察,确定紫外-微波复合诱变的最佳诱变条件为紫外(功率为15 W)照射30 min,微波(功率为800 W、额定微波频率2 450 MHz)辐照60 s。筛选后得到6株复合诱变菌株(UMCM1、UMCM2、UMCM3、UMCM4、UMCM5和UMCM6)。菌株UMCM2对家蚕的僵化率高达...  相似文献   

【目的】明确球孢白僵菌种内线粒体基因组的分化程度。【方法】从GenBank下载已知的球孢白僵菌6个菌株线粒体基因组序列,详细分析基因组的组成结构,比较外显子区、内含子区和基因间区的碱基变异情况,分析菌株间的系统发育关系。【结果】球孢白僵菌不同菌株的线粒体基因组大小为28.8–32.3 kb,都有14个常见的核心蛋白编码基因、2个rRNA基因和25个tRNA基因,具有很强的共线性关系。但是,不同菌株含有的线粒体内含子数目存在差异(2–5个/菌株),在cox1、cox2和nad1基因中表现出内含子插入/缺失多态性,这是导致线粒体基因组大小变化的主要因素。对外显子、内含子和基因间区的碱基变异情况进行分析,发现内含子和基因间区相对变异较大,而外显子区相对变异较小。系统发育分析发现,这些球孢白僵菌菌株以很高的支持度聚在一起,具有相同内含子分布规律的菌株也具有较近的聚类关系。【结论】本研究首次报道球孢白僵菌因内含子数目不同、插入缺失突变和单核苷酸变异等在线粒体基因组上表现出较大程度的遗传分化,为认识真菌种内线粒体基因组分化提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

【背景】球孢白僵菌是一种重要的昆虫病原真菌,通过侵染幼蚕可制备白僵蚕。白僵蚕中的生物活性物质在医疗、保健品及化妆品行业有着广泛的应用。【目的】从7株不同来源的白僵菌中筛选获得高毒力白僵菌并优化其发酵条件,为制备白僵蚕提供优质的菌种资源。【方法】从不同白僵蚕体内分离获得7株白僵菌菌株(SDJC-1、SDJC-2、SDJC-3、GXHC-1、SDND-BB、AT-3006和SQJC-1),通过生物学特性观察、产蛋白酶和几丁质酶活力分析及对家蚕的致死力等研究,筛选得到一株致病力高、性状优异的白僵菌株,并对其最适发酵条件进行探索。【结果】菌株SDJC-3的生物学性状优异,产孢量较高,家蚕致死率达75%,其制备的白僵蚕成品个头大且饱满,横截面丝腺环清晰,品质较好。通过对菌株SDJC-3进一步进行发酵优化,发现其最适生长温度为27℃、最优发酵转速为180 r/min、最适的发酵液体积占比为1/5 (250 mL培养瓶)。【结论】本研究将为人工利用白僵菌制备白僵蚕及提高其产量和品质提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Aschersonia are specific for whitefly and scale insects. They can be used as biological control agents against silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii and greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Forty-four isolates of Aschersonia spp. were tested for their ability to sporulate and germinate on semi-artificial media and to infect insect hosts. Seven isolates sporulated poorly (less than 1x10(7) conidia/dry weight) and 10 were not able to infect either of the whitefly species. Several isolates were able to produce capilliconidia. Infection level was not correlated with germination on water agar. After a selection based on spore production and infection, virulence of 31 isolates was evaluated on third instar nymphs of both whitefly species on poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima). Whitefly infection levels varied between 2 and 70%, and infection percentages of B. argentifolii correlated with that of T. vaporariorum. However, mortality was higher for T. vaporariorum than for B. argentifolii, as a result of a higher 'mortality due to unknown causes.' Several isolates, among which unidentified species of Aschersonia originating from Thailand and Malaysia, A. aleyrodis from Colombia, and A. placenta from India showed high spore production on semi-artificial medium and high infection levels of both whitefly species.  相似文献   

Applications of a commercially produced Beauveria bassiana product, balEnce, were compared with pyrethrin treatments for the control of adult house flies in New York high-rise, caged-layer poultry facilities. An integrated fly management program, which included the release of house fly pupal hymenopteran parasitoids, was used at all facilities. Adult house fly populations were lower in B. bassiana-treated facilities during the spray and post-spray periods, as recorded on spot cards. Concurrently, the numbers of house fly larvae recovered in B. bassiana-treated facilities were less than one-half that of the pyrethrin-treated facilities. House fly pupal parasitism levels were low, but similar under both treatment regimes. The numbers of adult and larval Carcinops pumilio, a predatory beetle, recovered from B. bassiana-treated facilities were 43 and 66% greater than from the pyrethrin-treated facilities, respectively.  相似文献   

The whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) causes tremendous losses to agriculture by direct feeding on plants and by vectoring several families of plant viruses. The B. tabaci species complex comprises over 10 genetic groups (biotypes) that are well defined by DNA markers and biological characteristics. B and Q are amongst the most dominant and damaging biotypes, differing considerably in fecundity, host range, insecticide resistance, virus vectoriality, and the symbiotic bacteria they harbor. We used a spotted B. tabaci cDNA microarray to compare the expression patterns of 6000 ESTs of B and Q biotypes under standard 25 °C regime and heat stress at 40 °C. Overall, the number of genes affected by increasing temperature in the two biotypes was similar. Gene expression under 25 °C normal rearing temperature showed clear differences between the two biotypes: B exhibited higher expression of mitochondrial genes, and lower cytoskeleton, heat-shock and stress-related genes, compared to Q. Exposing B biotype whiteflies to heat stress was accompanied by rapid alteration of gene expression. For the first time, the results here present differences in gene expression between very closely related and sympatric B. tabaci biotypes, and suggest that these clear-cut differences are due to better adaptation of one biotype over another and might eventually lead to changes in the local and global distribution of both biotypes.  相似文献   

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