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Synopsis We tested how algal turbidity and light conditions influence anti-predator behaviour of first-feeding pike. Results showed that pike larvae were able to detect the predator by both chemical and visual signals in turbid water. However, the anti-predator behaviour was reduced in turbid water compared with clear water. Larvae hid in the vegetation in the presence of predator cues more in clear water than in turbid water. The attack rate on zooplankton in clear water was lower in the presence of predator cues, whereas no such difference was detected in turbid water. Both of these results indicate that turbidity acted as a refuge for larvae. Light proved to be an important regulating factor for feeding pike in the absence of predators, demonstrated as lowered attack rates in 50 light level in both clear and turbid water. This indicates that long-term turbidity may be critical for small larvae, which need to feed continuously to survive.  相似文献   

Groups of fathead minnows Pimephales promelas were tested to determine if they avoided areas of a test tank labelled with the faeces of a predator (northern pike, Esox lucius ) which had recently been fed minnows, brook sticklebacks Culaea inconstans , or swordtails Xiphophorus helleri. Minnows exhibited a fright reaction upon presentation of sponges labelled with faeces, when the pike had consumed minnows or sticklebacks, but not swordtails (which lack alarm pheromones). The fright reaction was characterized by increased shoal cohesiveness and increased dashing and freezing behaviour. Minnows avoided the area of the tank containing the faeces from pike on diets of minnows or sticklebacks, but not from pike fed a diet of swordtails. These data demonstrate that: (1) minnows actively avoid the faeces of pike fed minnows or brook sticklebacks, and (2) minnows exhibit a fright reaction to the faeces of a pike fed brook sticklebacks.  相似文献   

Individuals from a natural population of approximately 20 000 fathead minnows from a pike–free pond did not respond with appropriate anti–predator behaviour upon encountering pike odour in laboratory tests. However, 14 days after 10 pike were stocked into the pond, minnows had acquired recognition of pike odour. Laboratory studies have indicated several possible mechanisms for acquiring predator recognition in fathead minnows. This study indicates that these, or similar processes, can produce major changes in predator recognition in the wild.  相似文献   

Pike-naive fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) were fed ad libitum or deprived of food for 12, 24, or 48 h and then exposed to either conspecific alarm pheromone or distilled water and the odour of a predatory northern pike (Esox lucius). Minnows fed ad libitum or deprived for 12 h showed a stereotypic alarm response to the alarm pheromone (increased time under cover objects and increased occurrence of dashing and freezing behaviour); those deprived of food for 24 h showed a significantly reduced alarm response, while those deprived of food for 48 h did not differ significantly from the minnows exposed to a distilled water control. Upon subsequent testing in an Opto-Varimex activity meter, all groups initially exposed to alarm pheromone and pike odour exhibited an alarm response when exposed to pike odour alone. Those initially conditioned with distilled water and pike odour did nor show an alarm response to pike odour alone. These results demonstrate that there exists a significant trade-off between hunger level and predator-avoidance behaviour in fathead minnows and that minnows can learn the chemical cues of a predatory northern pike through association with alarm pheromone even in the absence of an observable alarm response.  相似文献   

Young-of-the-year, predator-naive fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas , from a pikesympatric population did not respond to chemical stimuli from northern pike, Esox Indus , while wild-caught fish of the same age and size did. These results suggest that chemical predator recognition is a result of previous experience and not genetic factors, Wild young-of-the-year minnows responded to pike odour with a response intensity that was similar to that of older fish, demonstrating that the ability to recognize predators is learned within the first year. The intensity of response of wild minnows which had been maintained in a predator free environment for 1 year was similar to that of recently caught minnows of the same age, suggesting that reinforcement was not required for predator recognition to be retained. Naive minnows that were exposed simultaneously to chemical stimuli from pike (a neutral stimulus) and minnow alarm substance exhibited a fright response upon subsequent exposure to the pike stimulus alone. Predator-naive minnows exposed simultaneously to chemical stimuli from pike and glass-distilled water did not exhibit a fright response to the pike stimulus alone. These results demonstrate that fathead minnows can acquire predator recognition through releaserinduced recognition learning, thus confirming a known mechanism through which alarm substance may benefit the receivers of an alarm signal.  相似文献   

The ability to distinguish among chemical cues from multiple predators is of key adaptive value for many prey fish. We examined the attractiveness and repulsiveness of chemical stimuli from different coexisting fish species fed on different diets on the behaviour of hatchery reared Arctic charr young in a Y-maze fluviarum, where the charr could choose between two sides either with control water or stimulus water with fish odour. We used stimuli from (1) matching sized conspecifics, large (2) Arctic charr, (3) salmon, (4) brown trout and (5) brown trout fed on Arctic charr fry. Other salmonids were given pellet food. Additional fish odour treatments included piscivorous (6) pike and (7) burbot. In the control trials both sides received control water. Arctic charr young were expected to respond adaptively to the stimuli from coexisting piscivorous fish. The charr most strongly preferred water with the odour of their matching sized conspecifics, which was the only fish odour they were familiar with before the experiments. They also showed significant preference for other salmonid odours, even though these fish are potential predators on small charr. Chemical stimuli from pike and burbot, on the contrary, were strongly avoided, and burbot odour even prevented the charr to swim and enter the lateral halves of the fluviarum. Moreover, odour from brown trout fed on Arctic charr fry was avoided when compared to stimuli from trout fed on pellets. Although the Arctic charr young were completely naive regarding piscivores, the fact that they could distinguish between different predator taxa and diets on the basis of chemical cues only reflects the long coevolutionary history of these fish populations.  相似文献   

A postprandial increase in ammonia nitrogen excretion and oxygen consumption rates was observed in juvenile pike fed a natural diet or an artificial dry diet. Specific growth rate of natural diet fed pike (2.4%) was lower than that of pike fed the artificial diet (3.1%). Fifty per cent of ingesta was evacuated within 5–6 h in pike of 25 mg body weight and 9–10 h in those weighing 150mg. Daily nitrogen excretion rates were related to body weight. Respiratory quotient and energy retention efficiency were affected by the nature of the diet ingested by pike. Parameters of the energy balance (losses, retention, increment due to feeding) were related to energy intake.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of cyanobacteria on foraging and refuge use in small fish. We measured pike larval feeding in the presence of cyanobacteria by counting leftover prey. Our results showed that feeding by pike larvae on zooplankton prey decreased significantly in the presence of non-toxic cyanobacteria. The behaviour can be due to lowered vision caused by turbidity or clogging of the gills. Further, we tested whether the three-spined stickleback use toxic cyanobacteria as a refuge against predators in a choice experiment. The choice experiment was performed in a Y-maze fluviarum, where the fish could select between two different environments. Our results support the refuge use hypothesis because the three-spined stickleback clearly preferred toxic cyanobacteria to the chemical predator signal. To conclude, cyanobacteria decrease feeding rates in fish larvae, but may function as important refuge for e.g. sticklebacks, during predation pressure in pelagic algal blooms.  相似文献   

Predator cues and diet, when studied separately, have been shown to affect body shape of organisms. Previous studies show that the morphological responses to predator absence/presence and diet may be similar, and hence could confound the interpretation of the causes of morphological differences found between groups of individuals. In this study, we simultaneously examined the effect of these two factors on body shape and performance in crucian carp in a laboratory experiment. Crucian carp (Carassius carassius) developed a shallow body shape when feeding on zooplankton prey and a deep body shape when feeding on benthic chironomids. In addition, the presence of chemical cues from a pike predator affected body shape, where a shallow body shape was developed in the absence of pike and a deep body shape was developed in the presence of pike. Foraging activity was low in the presence of pike cues and when chironomids were given as prey. Our results thereby suggest that the change in body shape could be indirectly mediated through differences in foraging activity. Finally, the induced body shape changes affected the foraging efficiency, where crucians raised on a zooplankton diet or in the absence of pike cues had a higher foraging success on zooplankton compared to crucian raised on a chironomid diet or in the presence of pike. These results suggest that body changes in response to predators can be associated with a cost, in terms of competition for resources.  相似文献   

The anti‐predator behaviour of first‐feeding (9 mm total length) hatchery‐reared pike Esox lucius larvae and wild‐caught three‐spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus larvae was studied in the presence of chemical and visual signals from a fish predator. The results clearly showed that both fish species detected the predator by chemical signals alone but the combined chemical and visual signals caused stronger and more diverse reactions. Subsequent to predator detection, their swimming activity decreased, they attacked zooplankton less frequently and spent more time in the vegetation. Fishes differed in their anti‐predator responses. Pike reacted more clearly to chemical signals alone while three‐spined stickleback needed both chemical and visual cues to assess the predation risk. The strongest reaction was the reduction in swimming activity in the three‐spined stickleback (38% decrease) and a decrease in attack rate of the pike (39% decrease), but only when a refuge was available. Pike were more dependent on the vegetation cover showing almost no anti‐predator responses in the absence of a refuge. In addition, there was a difference in the refuge use of three‐spined stickleback between different macrophytes, indicating a complex or dense structure, which was difficult to penetrate or chemical excretion in one of them.  相似文献   

Predation is a strong selective force acting on both morphology and behaviour of prey animals. While morphological defences (e.g. crypsis, presence of armours or spines or specific body morphologies) and antipredator behaviours (e.g. change in foraging or reproductive effort, or hiding and fleeing behaviours) have been widely studied separately, few studies have considered the interplay between the two. The question raised in our study is whether antipredator behaviours of a prey fish to predator odours could be influenced by the morphology of prey conspecifics in the diet of the predator. We used goldfish (Carassius auratus) as our test species; goldfish exposed to predation risk significantly increase their body depth to length ratio, which gives them a survival advantage against gape‐limited predators. We exposed shallow‐bodied and deep‐bodied goldfish to the odour of pike (Esox lucius) fed either form of goldfish. Deep‐bodied goldfish displayed lower intensity antipredator responses than shallow‐bodied ones, consistent with the hypothesis that individuals with morphological defences should exhibit less behavioural modification than those lacking such defences. Moreover, both shallow‐ and deep‐bodied goldfish displayed their strongest antipredator responses when exposed to the odour of pike fed conspecifics of their own morphology, indicating that goldfish are able to differentiate the morphology of conspecifics through predator diet cues. For a given individual, predator threat increases as the prey become more like the individual eaten, revealing a surprising level of sophistication of chemosensory assessment by prey fish.  相似文献   

Animals commonly approach (i.e. 'inspect') potential predators. Glowlight tetras, Hemigrammus erythrozonus, have previously been shown to inspect the combined chemical and visual cues originating from novel predators and to modify their inspection (approach) behaviour depending upon the predator's diet. We conducted two experiments to determine whether tetras would inspect the chemical cues of injured prey or the dietary cues of a novel predator in the absence of any visual cues. Shoals of glowlight tetras were exposed to either distilled water (control) or the skin extract of swordtail (lacking ostariophysan alarm pheromones) or the skin extract of tetra (with alarm pheromones). There was no significant difference in the frequency of predator inspection behaviour towards swordtail or tetra skin extract compared to the distilled water controls. In the second experiment, we exposed shoals of tetras to either distilled water or the odour of Jack Dempsey cichlids, Cichlasoma octofasciatum, which had been food deprived, or fed a diet of swordtails or tetras. There was no significant difference in the frequency of predator inspection behaviour towards the odour of the starved cichlids and the odour of the fed cichlids in either of the two diet treatments. However, when tetras were exposed to the odour of cichlids fed tetras, they took significantly longer to initiate an inspection visit, remained further from the source of the chemical cues and inspected in smaller groups, compared with the odour of a starved cichlid or a cichlid fed swordtails. These data strongly suggest that tetras will inspect chemical cues alone, but only if the cue contains information about the predator. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Fishes in the superorder ostariophysi possess specialized epidermal cells that contain an alarm cue. Fish associate novel odours, such as the odour of a predator, with predation risk after a single, simultaneous exposure to the novel odour and alarm cue. Thereafter, the novel cue is recognized as an indicator of risk and its presence induces antipredator behaviour. Two common antipredator behaviours are reduction in activity and movement to the bottom. This phenomenon has been demonstrated many times in the laboratory setting for a variety of aquatic taxa. In nature however, the detection of novel predator odour may be time-shifted with respect to the detection of alarm cues. Is there a critical period immediately upon the detection of alarm cue in which associative learning can occur? We presented zebra danios, Danio rerio, with the odour of northern pike, Esox lucius, 5?min after presenting them with either alarm cue or water (control). During a predation event, 5?min is a long time. When later retested with pike odour alone, zebra fish conditioned with alarm cue significantly increased antipredator behaviour in terms of decreased activity and movement towards the bottom. Control fish did not recognize pike odour as dangerous when retested. These data show that learned recognition of predation risk is sufficiently robust to accommodate ecologically realistic temporal shifts in stimulus presentation.  相似文献   

Naive European minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus) do not show a fright reaction when they first encounter the odour of a natural predator (the pike: Esox lucius) or the odour of a non-piscivorous exotic (tilapia: Tilapia mariae). A conditioned fright response to both these odours will however develop if minnows experience them in a potentially dangerous situation, for example, in conjunction with Schreckstoff, the ostariophysian alarm pheromone. Although minnows respond to both odours the reaction to the tilapia odour is reduced. This suggests that a constraint on learning is involved. Olfactory recognition is particularly valuable for detecting predators that hunt in conditions where visibility is poor.  相似文献   

The body depth of crucian carp, Carassius carassius, increases in the presence of predator fish, thereby decreasing the vulnerability of crucian carp to predation. This phenotypic change is mediated by chemical signals, and is believed to result from a piscivorous diet of predators. We have shown that exposure to a piscivorous predator is insufficient to induce growth changes in crucian carp, since water from northern pike, Esox lucius, fed Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, does not induce a change in crucian carp morphology, while water from pike fed crucian carp does. The determining factor is a chemical signal from the skin of crucian carp, as demonstrated by exposure to skin extracts from conspecifics. We suggest that alarm substances from conspecifics, expressing primer pheromone effects, are the most likely candidates for induction of the phenotypical changes.  相似文献   

When confronted with a live pike, Esox lucius, European minnows, Phoxinus phoxinus, showed individual differences in rate of predator inspection. Predator inspection behaviour, in which single individuals or small groups approached the predator, was ordinated with several other behavioural parameters using principal components analysis. Individual minnows showed one of two strategies. Fish with high inspection rates were bolder, skittered more frequently and fed more persistently than fish with low inspection rates. Fish with low inspection rates showed the opposite strategy. Individuals did not show habituation of predator inspection during trials or over the experimental period.  相似文献   

Horses frequently react nervously when passing animal production farms and other places with distinctive smells, leading riders to believe that horses are innately frightened by certain odours. In three experiments, we investigated how horses respond to (1) urine from wolves and lions, (2) blood from slaughtered conspecifics and fur-derived wolf odour, and (3) a sudden auditory stimulus in either presence or absence of fur-derived wolf odour. The experiments were carried out under standardised conditions using a total of 45 naïve, 2-year-old horses. In the first two experiments we found that horses showed significant changes in behaviour (Experiments 1 and 2: increased sniffing; Experiment 2 only: increased vigilance, decreased eating, and more behavioural shifts), but no increase in heart rate compared to controls when exposed to predator odours and conspecific blood in a known test environment. However, the third experiment showed that exposure to a combination of wolf odour and a sudden stimulus (sound of a moving plastic bag) caused significantly increased heart rate responses and a tendency to a longer latency to resume feeding, compared to control horses exposed to the sudden stimulus without the wolf odour. The results indicate that predator odour per se does not frighten horses but it may cause an increased level of vigilance. The presence of predator odour may, however, cause an increased heart rate response if horses are presented to an additional fear-eliciting stimulus. This strategy may be adaptive in the wild where equids share habitats with their predators, and have to trade-off time and energy spent on anti-predation responses against time allocated to essential non-defensive activities.  相似文献   

Physical and ecologicalfactors, including lake temperature, fishphysiology, and diet, influence methylmercury(MeHg) exposure in fish. We employedbioenergetics modeling to compare dietary MeHgexposure in sympatric top predators, largemouthbass (Micropterus salmoides) and northernpike (Esox lucius). We comparedsimulations using field data to hypotheticalsimulations with (1) ± 25% change in meandaily lake temperature for juvenile and adultbass and pike; (2) ± 25% change inlong-term growth rate of pike; (3) adult bassdiet shift from generalist predator to strictpiscivore. Bass and pike MeHg exposures weresimilar in baseline simulations and reflectedpatterns in field tissue concentrations. Thisoccurred despite the fact that bass consumedhighly contaminated benthic invertebrates,while pike exclusively consumed lesscontaminated fish prey. Higher temperaturesincreased adult bass and pike MeHg exposures by35% and 27%, respectively. Shifting adultbass diets to 100% fish resulted in a 54%decrease in exposure, while increasing pikegrowth rates resulted in a 24% decrease. Bioenergetics modeling proved useful inunderstanding the influence of temperature,prey-base, and predator growth on differencesin Hg exposure across fish species.  相似文献   

Predator inspection behaviour at different levels of attack motivation (attack status of the predator) was investigated in European minnows Phoxinus phoxinus from a population sympatric with pike Esox lucius , during controlled laboratory experiments. Shoals of minnows performed more predator inspections and formed larger inspection group sizes shortly after an attack by a pike. After inspection, minnows returned to the safety of the main shoal, regardless of predator motivation. Minnows which inspected last-before and first-after a strike by a pike modified their behaviour after inspection; they reduced feeding, increased shoaling, flicked their dorsal and pectoral fins and skittered. This behaviour signified alarm and appeared to reflect the severity of the threat posed by the predator at the time of inspection. Fish that had inspected when the pike displayed low attack motivation did not modify their behaviour after inspection to reflect alarm. Information concerning the attack motivation of the predator is probably transferred passively throughout the shoal by changed inspector behaviour and by inspection rate. These data demonstrate that: (1) minnows modified their behaviour after inspection to reflect a predator's attack motivation; and (2) minnows which inspected immediately before a strike appeared to anticipate the future attack and modified their behaviour accordingly.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of predation rates is a key issue for understanding and predicting the responses of ecosystems to climate change. Using a simple mechanistic model, we demonstrate that differences in the relative performances of predator and prey can cause strong threshold effects in the temperature dependence of attack rates. Empirical data on the attack rate of northern pike (Esox lucius) feeding on brown trout (Salmo trutta) confirm this result. Attack rates fell sharply below a threshold temperature of +11°C, which corresponded to a shift in relative performance of pike and brown trout with respect to maximum attack and escape swimming speeds. The average attack speed of pike was an order of magnitude lower than the escape speed of brown trout at 5°C, but approximately equal at temperatures above 11°C. Thresholds in the temperature dependence of ecological rates can create tipping points in the responses of ecosystems to increasing temperatures. Thus, identifying thresholds is crucial when predicting future effects of climate warming.  相似文献   

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