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The metazoan proteins UAP56, REF1, and NXF1 are thought to bind sequentially to mRNA to promote its export to the cytoplasm: UAP56 is thought to recruit REF1 to nascent mRNA; REF1 acts as an adaptor protein mediating the association of NXF1 with mRNA, whereas NXF1 translocates the mRNA across the nuclear pore complex. REF1 is a component of the exon-exon junction complex (EJC); thus, the EJC is thought to play a role in the export of spliced mRNA. NXF1 and UAP56 are essential for mRNA export. An essential role for metazoan REF1 or the additional EJC proteins in this process has not been established. Contrary to expectation, we show that REF1 and the additional components of the EJC are dispensable for export of bulk mRNA in Drosophila cells. Only when REF1 and RNPS1 are codepleted, or when all EJC proteins are simultaneously depleted is a partial nuclear accumulation of polyadenylated RNAs observed. Because a significant fraction of bulk mRNA is detected in the cytoplasm of cells depleted of all EJC proteins, we conclude that additional adaptor protein(s) mediate the interaction between NXF1 and cellular mRNAs in metazoa. Our results imply that the essential role of UAP56 in mRNA export is not restricted to the recruitment of REF1.  相似文献   

Expression of a gfp transgene in the intestines of living Caenorhabditis elegans has been measured following depletion by RNAi of a variety of known splicing factors and mRNA export proteins. Reduction of most splicing factors showed only a small effect on expression of the transgene in the animal injected with dsRNA, although most of these RNAi's resulted in embryonic lethality in their offspring. In contrast, RNAi of nxf-1, the worm homolog of mammalian NXF1/TAP, a key component of the mRNA export machinery, resulted in dramatic suppression of GFP expression in the injected animals. When we tested other proteins previously reported to be involved in marking mRNAs for export, we obtained widely divergent results. Whereas RNAi of the worm REF/Aly homologs had no obvious effect, either in the injected animals or their offspring, RNAi of UAP56, reported to be the partner of REF/Aly, resulted in strong suppression of GFP expression due to nuclear retention of its mRNA. Overexpression of UAP56 also resulted in rapid loss of GFP expression and lethality at all stages of development. We conclude that UAP56 plays a key role in mRNA export in C. elegans, but that REF/Aly may not. It also appears that some RNA processing factors are required for viability (e.g., U2AF, PUF60, SRp54, SAP49, PRP8, U1-70K), whereas others are not (e.g., U2A', CstF50).  相似文献   

Bacaj T  Lu Y  Shaham S 《Genetics》2008,178(2):989-1002
Sensory neuron cilia are evolutionarily conserved dendritic appendages that convert environmental stimuli into neuronal activity. Although several cilia components are known, the functions of many remain uncharacterized. Furthermore, the basis of morphological and functional differences between cilia remains largely unexplored. To understand the molecular basis of cilia morphogenesis and function, we studied the Caenorhabditis elegans mutants che-12 and dyf-11. These mutants fail to concentrate lipophilic dyes from their surroundings in sensory neurons and are chemotaxis defective. In che-12 mutants, sensory neuron cilia lack distal segments, while in dyf-11 animals, medial and distal segments are absent. CHE-12 and DYF-11 are conserved ciliary proteins that function cell-autonomously and are continuously required for maintenance of cilium morphology and function. CHE-12, composed primarily of HEAT repeats, may not be part of the intraflagellar transport (IFT) complex and is not required for the localization of some IFT components. DYF-11 undergoes IFT-like movement and may function at an early stage of IFT-B particle assembly. Intriguingly, while DYF-11 is expressed in all C. elegans ciliated neurons, CHE-12 expression is restricted to some amphid sensory neurons, suggesting a specific role in these neurons. Our results provide insight into general and neuron-specific aspects of cilium development and function.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin superfamily proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis has been used to analyze proteins synthesized during postembryonic development of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. This organism is favorable for these studies because it has a limited number of cells, it is genetically well-defined, and its development is currently under investigation in several laboratories. 35S-Labeled E. coli was used for continuous and pulse labeling of C. elegans during its four juvenile larval stages and as a gravid adult. After continuous labeling or pulse labeling for 1 hr, 600–800 individual spots can be resolved on a 2D gel using fluorography and 2 weeks of exposure. Proteins that represent 0.0017% of the total sample can be detected. Exposure for 12 weeks reveals only 100 additional spots even though the films are not saturated. It therefore appears that the frequency distribution of proteins decreases significantly beyond these 800 most abundant proteins that can be fractionated on an O'Farrell gel. When the patterns of pulse-labeled proteins of the five developmental stages were compared, 113 proteins could be seen to undergo modulation at one or more of the developmental stages. A maximum number of changes was seen in the transition from the L4 to the adult stages when 11% of the total spots either appeared, disappeared, or changed in intensity. As controls, different preparations of the same developmental stage were compared and revealed considerable fluctuation, 2.6–4.8%. These fluctuations are presumed to be due to variations in growth conditions during culture of the organism. Continuous label experiments reveal a distinct set of proteins that undergo turnover and/or modification during development. Some of these proteins are absent in only one stage, indicating that stable proteins are also modulated. But nearly all of the proteins seen in a continuous label are also seen in a pulse label indicating that most of the major proteins are always present and always synthesized.  相似文献   

Alcohol modulates the highly conserved, voltage‐ and calcium‐activated potassium (BK) channel, which contributes to alcohol‐mediated behaviors in species from worms to humans. Previous studies have shown that the calcium‐sensitive domains, RCK1 and the Ca2+ bowl, are required for ethanol activation of the mammalian BK channel in vitro. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, ethanol activates the BK channel in vivo, and deletion of the worm BK channel, SLO‐1, confers strong resistance to intoxication. To determine if the conserved RCK1 and calcium bowl domains were also critical for intoxication and basal BK channel‐dependent behaviors in C. elegans, we generated transgenic worms that express mutated SLO‐1 channels predicted to have the RCK1, Ca2+ bowl or both domains rendered insensitive to calcium. As expected, mutating these domains inhibited basal function of SLO‐1 in vivo as neck and body curvature of these mutants mimicked that of the BK null mutant. Unexpectedly, however, mutating these domains singly or together in SLO‐1 had no effect on intoxication in C. elegans. Consistent with these behavioral results, we found that ethanol activated the SLO‐1 channel in vitro with or without these domains. By contrast, in agreement with previous in vitro findings, C. elegans harboring a human BK channel with mutated calcium‐sensing domains displayed resistance to intoxication. Thus, for the worm SLO‐1 channel, the putative calcium‐sensitive domains are critical for basal in vivo function but unnecessary for in vivo ethanol action.  相似文献   

Wu JC  Go AC  Samson M  Cintra T  Mirsoian S  Wu TF  Jow MM  Routman EJ  Chu DS 《Genetics》2012,190(1):143-157
Sperm from different species have evolved distinctive motility structures, including tubulin-based flagella in mammals and major sperm protein (MSP)-based pseudopods in nematodes. Despite such divergence, we show that sperm-specific PP1 phosphatases, which are required for male fertility in mouse, function in multiple processes in the development and motility of Caenorhabditis elegans amoeboid sperm. We used live-imaging analysis to show the PP1 phosphatases GSP-3 and GSP-4 (GSP-3/4) are required to partition chromosomes during sperm meiosis. Postmeiosis, tracking fluorescently labeled sperm revealed that both male and hermaphrodite sperm lacking GSP-3/4 are immotile. Genetic and in vitro activation assays show lack of GSP-3/4 causes defects in pseudopod development and the rate of pseudopodial treadmilling. Further, GSP-3/4 are required for the localization dynamics of MSP. GSP-3/4 shift localization in concert with MSP from fibrous bodies that sequester MSP at the base of the pseudopod, where directed MSP disassembly facilitates pseudopod contraction. Consistent with a role for GSP-3/4 as a spatial regulator of MSP disassembly, MSP is mislocalized in sperm lacking GSP-3/4. Although a requirement for PP1 phosphatases in nematode and mammalian sperm suggests evolutionary conservation, we show PP1s have independently evolved sperm-specific paralogs in separate lineages. Thus PP1 phosphatases are highly adaptable and employed across a broad range of sexually reproducing species to regulate male fertility.  相似文献   

In several types of animals, muscle cells use membrane extensions to contact motor axons during development. To better understand the process of membrane extension in muscle cells, we investigated the development of Caenorhabditis elegans muscle arms, which extend to motor axons and form the postsynaptic element of the neuromuscular junction. We found that muscle arm development is a highly regulated process: the number of muscle arms extended by each muscle, the shape of the muscle arms and the path taken by the muscle arms to reach the motor axons are largely stereotypical. We also investigated the role of several cytoskeletal components and regulators during arm development, and found that tropomyosin (LEV-11), the actin depolymerizing activity of ADF/cofilin (UNC-60B) and, surprisingly, myosin heavy chain B (UNC-54) are each required for muscle arm extension. This is the first evidence that UNC-54, which is found in thick filaments of sarcomeres, can also play a role in membrane extension. The muscle arm phenotypes produced when these genes are mutated support a 'two-phase' model that distinguishes passive muscle arm development in embryogenesis from active muscle arm extension during larval development.  相似文献   

Nonsense mutant mRNAs are unstable in all eucaryotes tested, a phenomenon termed nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) or mRNA surveillance. Functions of the seven smg genes are required for mRNA surveillance in Caenorhabditis elegans. In Smg(+) genetic backgrounds, nonsense-mutant mRNAs are unstable, while in Smg(?) backgrounds such mRNAs are stable. Previous work has demonstrated that the elevated level of nonsense-mutant mRNAs in Smg(?) animals can influence the phenotypic effects of heterozygous nonsense mutations. Certain nonsense alleles of a muscle myosin heavy chain gene are recessive in Smg(+) backgrounds but strongly dominant in Smg(?) backgrounds. Such alleles probably express disruptive myosin polypeptide fragments whose abundance is elevated in smg mutants due to elevation of mRNA levels. We report here that mutations in a variety of C. elegans genes are strongly dominant in Smg(?), but recessive or only weakly dominant in Smg(+) backgrounds. We isolated 32 dominant visible mutations in a Smg(?) genetic background and tested whether their dominance requires a functional NMD system. The dominance of 21 of these mutations is influenced by NMD. We demonstrate, furthermore, that in the case of myosin, the dominant-negative effects of nonsense alleles are likely to be due to expression of N-terminal nonsense-fragment polypeptides, not to mistranslation of the nonsense codons. mRNA surveillance, therefore, may mitigate potentially deleterious effects of many heterozygous germline and somatic nonsense or frameshift mutations. We also provide evidence that smg-6, a gene previously identified as being required for NMD, performs essential function(s) in addition to its role in NMD.  相似文献   

The molecular machinery that mediates sperm-egg interactions at fertilization is largely unknown. We identify two partially redundant egg surface LDL receptor repeat-containing proteins (EGG-1 and EGG-2) that are required for Caenorhabditis elegans fertility in hermaphrodites, but not males. Wild-type sperm cannot enter the morphologically normal oocytes produced by hermaphrodites that lack egg-1 and egg-2 function despite direct gamete contact. Furthermore, we find that levels of meiotic maturation/ovulation and sperm migratory behavior are altered in egg-1 mutants. These observations suggest an unexpected regulatory link between fertilization and other events necessary for reproductive success. egg-1 and egg-2 are the result of a gene duplication in the nematode lineage leading to C. elegans. The two closely related species C. briggsae and C. remanei encode only a single egg-1/egg-2 homolog that is required for hermaphrodite/female fertility. In addition to being the first identified egg components of the nematode fertilization machinery, the egg-1 and egg-2 gene duplication could be vital with regards to maximizing C. elegans fecundity and understanding the evolutionary differentiation of molecular function and speciation.  相似文献   

PGL-1 is a constitutive protein component of C. elegans germ granules, also known as P granules. Maternally supplied PGL-1 is essential for germline development but only at elevated temperature, raising the possibility that redundant factors provide sufficient function at lower temperatures. We have identified two PGL-1-related proteins, PGL-2 and PGL-3, by sequence analysis of the C. elegans genome and by a yeast two-hybrid screen for proteins that interact with PGL-1. PGL-3 is associated with P granules at all stages of development, while PGL-2 is associated with P granules only during postembryonic development. All three PGL proteins interact with each other in vitro. Furthermore, PGL-1 and PGL-3 are co-immunoprecipitated from embryo extracts, indicating that they are indeed in the same protein complex in vivo. Nevertheless, each PGL protein localizes to P granules independently of the other two. pgl-2 or pgl-3 single-mutant worms do not show obvious defects in germline development. However, pgl-1; pgl-3 (but not pgl-2; pgl-1) double-mutant hermaphrodites and males show significantly enhanced sterility at all temperatures, compared to pgl-1 alone. Mutant hermaphrodites show defects in germline proliferation and in production of healthy gametes and viable embryos. Our findings demonstrate that both PGL-2 and PGL-3 are components of P granules, both interact with PGL-1, and at least PGL-3 functions redundantly with PGL-1 to ensure fertility in both sexes of C. elegans.  相似文献   

Leacock SW  Reinke V 《Genetics》2008,178(1):295-306
In Caenorhabditis elegans, germ granules called P granules are directly inherited from mother to daughter and segregate with the germ lineage as it separates from the soma during initial embryonic cell divisions. Here we define meg-1 and meg-2 (maternal-effect germ-cell defective), which are expressed in the maternal germline and encode proteins that localize exclusively to P granules during embryonic germline segregation. Localization of MEG-1 to P granules depends upon the membrane-bound protein MES-1. meg-1 mutants exhibit multiple germline defects: P-granule mis-segregation in embryos, underproliferation and aberrant P-granule morphology in larval germ cells, and ultimately, sterility as adults. The penetrance of meg-1 phenotypes increases when meg-2 is also absent. Loss of the P-granule component pgl-1 in meg-1 mutants increases germ-cell proliferation, while loss of glh-1 decreases proliferation. Because meg-1 is provided maternally but its action is required in the embryonic germ lineage during segregation from somatic lineages, it provides a critical link for ensuring the continuity of germline development from one generation to the next.  相似文献   

Human TAP and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mex67p belong to a family of proteins that mediate mRNA export. Computer searches identified previously two Caenorhabditis elegans genes, C15H11.3 and C115H11.6, that encode putative homologs of hTAP and Mex67p (Segref et al., EMBO J, 1997, 16:3256-3271). Using RNA interference experiments in C. elegans, we found that functional knockout of C15H11.3 resulted in nuclear accumulation of poly(A)-containing RNAs and was lethal for both embryos and adult nematodes. No embryonic or progeny abnormality was observed in functional knockout of C15H11.6. Taken together, these data established that the C15H11.3 gene product is an ortholog of hTAP and Mex67p; thus, it was named Ce-NXF-1. Ce-NXF-1 binds RNA directly and is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttle protein accumulating in the nucleoplasm and at the nuclear rim. The rim association is mediated via unique signals present in the C-terminal portion of all TAP/NXF and Mex67p proteins. This region was shown to interact with the FG-repeat domains of nucleoporins Nup98, Nup153, and Nup214, indicating that the rim association occurs through components of the nuclear pore complex. In summary, Ce-NXF-1 belongs together with hTAP and Mex67p to a family of proteins that participate in mRNA export and can provide a direct molecular link between mRNAs and components of the nuclear pore complex. Therefore, despite differences in mRNA metabolism between these species, they utilize a conserved mRNA transport mechanism.  相似文献   

The ability to form selective cell-cell adhesions is an essential property of metazoan cells. Members of the cadherin superfamily are important regulators of this process in both vertebrates and invertebrates. With the advent of genome sequencing projects, determination of the full repertoire of cadherins available to an organism is possible and here we present the identification and analysis of the cadherin repertoires in the genomes of Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. Hidden Markov models of cadherin domains were matched to the protein sequences obtained from the translation of the predicted gene sequences. Matches were made to 21 C. elegans and 18 D. melanogaster sequences. Experimental and theoretical work on C. elegans sequences, and data from ESTs, show that three pairs of genes, and two triplets, should be merged to form five single genes. It also produced sequence changes at one or both of the 5' and 3' termini of half the sequences. In D. melanogaster it is probable that two of the cadherin genes should also be merged together and that three cadherin genes should be merged with other neighbouring genes.Of the 15 cadherin proteins found in C. elegans, 13 have the features of cell surface proteins, signal sequences and transmembrane helices; the other two have only signal sequences. Of the 17 in D. melanogaster, 11 at present have both features and another five have transmembrane helices. The evidence currently available suggests about one-third of the cadherins in the two organisms can be grouped into subfamilies in which all, or parts of, the molecules are conserved. Each organism also has a approximately 980 residue protein (CDH-11 and CG11059) with two cadherin domains and whose sequences match well over their entire length two proteins from human brain. Two proteins in C. elegans, HMR-1A and HMR-1B, and three in D. melanogaster, CadN, Shg and CG7527, have cytoplasmic domains homologous to those of the classical cadherin genes of chordates but their extracellular regions have different domain structures. Other common subclasses include the seven-helix membrane cadherins, Fat-like protocadherins and the Ret-like cadherins. At present, the remaining cadherins have no obvious similarities in their extracellular domain architecture or homologies to their cytoplasmic domains and may, therefore, represent species-specific or phylum-specific molecules.  相似文献   

Mutations causing a touch-insensitive phenotype in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have been the basis of studies on the specification of neuronal cell fate, inherited neurodegeneration, and the molecular nature of mechanosensory transduction. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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