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Nymphs of the univoltine shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis grow by feeding on the drupes of their sole food plant, which are available for only 2 weeks a year. The new adults soon enter a reproductive diapause and survive without feeding for at least 10 months up to 2 years. Uric acid was found to be the predominant component among four waste nitrogenous compounds, i.e., uric acid, allantoin, allantoic acid and urea in the body of both nymphs and adults in all stages, and to be predominantly excreted by the nymphs and reproductive adults. However, adults in diapause excreted negligible amounts of these compounds. Erwinia-like bacteria were found exclusively in the cecum of midgut, in which three uricolytic enzymes, i.e., uricase, allantoinase and allantoicase were detected. Ninety % of adults in diapause could survive on water for 9 months, but those given 0.02% rifampicin aqueous solution all died within this period, with significant reduction of the bacteria and uricase activity in the cecum. Rifampicin treatment resulted in a considerable reduction of free amino acids, especially proline in the hemolymph. These results suggest that uric acid is recycled as an amino acid source with the aid of Erwinia-like bacteria, and uricase functions as a key enzyme for this process.  相似文献   

The proteomic approach has proven to be an useful tool for understanding insect diapause processes. Using 2D gel electrophoresis and matrix assisted laser/desorption ionization (MALDI) time of flight (TOF), we identified 24 proteins in the head of Helicoverpa armigera pupae with diverse functional characteristics, including cytoskeleton proteins, heat-shock proteins, insect development regulation factors, ATPases, proteins regulating signal pathway and enzymes involved in metabolism, etc. A proteomic comparison between nondiapausing and diapausing pupae revealed three proteins that were present only in nondiapausing pupae, and six proteins represented ≥2.0-fold or ≤0.5-fold changes. The differentially expressed proteins, including heat-shock protein 90, chitin deacetylase, alpha-tubulin and transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase, etc. were reported for the first time in H. armigera. Identification of these proteins will enable us to further characterize the regulated functions of diapause in this important species.  相似文献   

The duration of copulation in the gregarious shield bug, Parastrachia japonensis Scott (Hemiptera: Cydnidae), is of two types, the far more prevalent short-term copulation (average, 15 s) and the long-term coupulation (average, 23 min). Both types were thought to be equally effective in inseminating females. Recent evidence has suggested that there is, in fact, a discrepancy in insemination success between the two duration types of copulations. We carried out manipulated field studies to clarify the difference in insemination success between the two duration types and to determine whether there is some physical or physiological variability in females or males that might affect female receptivity to a long-term copulation. The findings indicated that, although a small percentage of short-term copulations resulted in some sperm transfer, long-term copulations were a far more effective way for males to inseminate females. Further, females experiencing long-term copulations were found to be at a slightly more advanced stage of ovarian development than those experiencing only short-term copulations, and may be deciding whether a long-term copulation occurs. Male size does not appear to affect copulation duration. It is concluded that the long-term type of copulation is the actual effective copulation duration in this species and the objective of all females. Possible factors that might contribute to the prevalence of these two copulation durations are discussed. Received: June 21, 1999 / Accepted: September 6, 1999  相似文献   

Autumn migration routes of red-crowned cranes, Grus japonensis, from two continental east Asian sites were documented in detail by satellite tracking. Two routes were identified: a 2200km western route from Russias Khingansky Nature Reserve to coastal Jiangsu Province, China; and a 900km eastern route from Lake Khanka (Russia) to the Korean Peninsula and the Demilitarized Zone. The most important rest-sites were identified as Panjin Marsh (China), coastal mudflats south-east of Tangshan City (China), the Yellow River mouth (China), Tumen River mouth (North Korea/China/Russia), Kumya (North Korea) and Cholwon (Korean DMZ). Movements within the wintering range were also recorded, including complex commuting between sites by individual cranes and patterns of daily movements within sites. These data should prove useful for conservation of the flyway.  相似文献   

The differences in composition of defensive secretions between nymphs, adult males and adult females of Chinavia impicticornis (=Acrosternum impicticorne), Chinavia ubica (=Acrosternum ubicum), Euschistus heros, Dichelops melacanthus and Piezodorus guildinii (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) were analysed within and between species using compositional log-ratio statistics and canonical variates analysis. Differences in composition between nymphs, males and females were found for all species, as well as when all species were pooled. In particular, tetradecanal appears to be a predominantly nymphal compound in D. melacanthus, E. heros and P. guildinii. In the two Chinavia species 4-oxo-(E)-2-hexenal and an unknown compound were more dominant in nymphs. The interspecific analysis revealed a good separation of defensive compounds according to their taxonomic relationship. Thus, the two Chinavia species grouped together, with (E)-2-decenal and (E)-2-hexenyl acetate, contributing to this separation. The other three species also differed from each other, with (E)-2-octenal associated to D. melacanthus, (E)-2-hexenal to P. guildinii and (E,E)-2,4-decadienal and tetradecanal to E. heros. The pooled analysis of stage ignoring species revealed tetradecanal and 4-oxo-(E)-2-decenal (tentative identification) strongly associated to nymphs. Thus, there are predictable differences between stages, and many of the differences are conserved between species. Consideration of these differences could prove to be important in understanding stink bug-natural enemy interactions, and in optimising biocontrol efforts.  相似文献   

We report differences in the length of a specific region of the circadian clock gene period (per) that correlate with different capacities for pupal diapause in the flesh fly, Sarcophaga bullata. The conspicuous difference is located in a region we refer to as the putative C-terminal photoperiodic (CP) region. The length of the CP region correlates inversely with the incidence of diapause. A deletion of 33 amino acids in this region correlates with a significant increase in the incidence of diapause, from 78.1% to 93.0%, and an insertion of 9 amino acids in the same area correlates with a drop in the diapause incidence to 4.0%. This correlation suggests a possible functional role for this region of per in photoperiodism.  相似文献   

Here we report the first study of clearance rate and respiration rate of a deep living bivalve, Acesta excavata (J.C. Fabricius, 1779) (Mollusca: Limidae). We found that A. excavata had extreme values both for clearance and respiration rates compared to other bivalves. It has the second largest clearance rate ever reported, 13.36 l h− 1 g− 1, and the second lowest value of respiration rate, 0.12 ml O2 h− 1 g− 1. The gill area of 7063 mm2 g− 1 is one of the largest found in bivalves so far. We suggest that these values indicate a physiological adaptation to the low and irregular food supply in the deep sea rather that a specific adaptation to depth.  相似文献   

Daily ingestion rates of the pelagic hyperiid amphipod Themisto libellula were studied in the marginal ice zone of the Arctic Fram Strait by feeding experiments, respiration measurements and an allometric approach based on body mass. Amphipods were collected by stratified multiple opening/closing net hauls and Rectangular Midwater Trawl (RMT 8) in August 2000 during the expedition ARK XVI/2 of R/V “Polarstern”. T. libellula occurred with abundances of 0.043 and 0.015 ind. m−3 in the upper 30 m of the water column at two RMT 8 stations. Based on respiration data, the daily ingestion necessary to cover metabolic energy demands measured 1.9±0.6% of body carbon per day. Actual prey consumption during feeding experiments with Calanus copepodids as prey was very similar and accounted for 1.9±1.5% day−1, indicating that feeding on Calanus can meet the energy demands of T. libellula. In general, experimental results were slightly lower than the maximum potential ingestion (2% day−1 for an individual of median body dry mass of 32 mg) estimated by an allometric equation based on body mass, but feeding experiments showed a strong variability. Reduced metabolism and low ingestion rates of T. libellula are consistent with low ambient temperature, large body size, slow growth and long life span of this polar species. The effect of the active pelagic life style of T. libellula on metabolism and ingestion rate is discussed in comparison to the sympagic (i.e. ice-associated) amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii of similar body size living in the same environment. In relation to the mesozooplankton biomass in the investigation area, the predation impact by T. libellula was low. However, high-Arctic conditions also limit the secondary production of principal prey species, such as Calanus glacialis and Calanus hyperboreus, so that even low predation rates may affect the growth of prey populations.  相似文献   

The rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis, enters facultative diapause as fully grown larvae in response to short-day conditions during the autumn. Our results showed that the critical night length for diapause induction in C. suppressalis was between 10 h 22 min and 10 h 45 min at 22, 25 and 28 °C, 11 h 18 min at 31 °C, and between 10 h 5 min and 10 h 20 min under field conditions (average temperature ranged from 27.2 to 30.7 °C). The diapause incidence declined in ultra-long nights (18-22 h scotophases) and DD, and increased in ultra-short nights (2-6 h scotophases) and LL. Moreover, we found that the third instar was the stage most sensitive to the photoperiod, and night length played an essential role in the initiation of diapause. Night-interruption experiments with a 1-h light pulse at LD 12:12 (light 12:dark 12) exhibited two troughs of diapause inhibition, with one occurring in early scotophase and the other in late scotophase. Field observations for six years showed that most larvae entered winter diapause in August in response to declining day lengths, despite the high temperatures prevailing during August. By periodically transferring the field-collected overwintering larvae to different photoperiods and temperatures, the results showed that photoperiod had a significant influence on diapause development during the early phase of diapause, while high temperature significantly accelerated the termination of larval diapause.  相似文献   

The starvation longevity, which is expressed as the longevity without food but water afgiven period of feeding, in adult Cletus punctiger (Heteroptera: Coreidae) was studied under a long (inducing non-diapausing adult) and a short (inducing diapausing adult) daylength in the laboratory. Both non-diapausing and diapausing adults starved since adult emergence had short (8–10 days) longevities. The starvation longevity of diapausing adults was extended up to 20 days of adult feeding. On the other hand, the starvation longevity in non-diapausing adults was extended by feeding in the first 5 days but it was not extended any more by the longer feeding. This difference was considered to depend on the lipid content which had been accumulated by adult feeding only in diapausing insects.
Résumé La résistance au jeûne, définie comme la longévité en présence d'eau mais sans aliment après une période d'alimentation, a été examinée au laboratoire en jours longs (n'induisant pas de diapause imaginale) et courts (induisant une diapause imaginale) chez C. punctiger. Le jeûne dès l'émergence des adultes réduit la longévité à 8–10 jours pour les deux types d'adultes. Pour les adultes diapausants lorsque la période d'alimentation préalable a duré jusqu'à 20 jours, plus longue était cette période d'alimentation, plus la longévité était importante. Pour les adultes non-diapausants, la longévité a été augmentée par les 5 premiers jours d'alimentation, mais non par une alimentation prolongée au-delà. La quantité de lipide accumulée par l'alimentation après l'émergence des adultes est utilisée pour expliquer cette différence. La discussion porte sur la signification biologique de la résistance au jeûne.

Chiu MC  Huang CG  Wu WJ  Shiao SF 《ZooKeys》2011,(160):1-22
A new species of horsehair worm, Chordodes formosanussp. n., is described and compared to a closely related species, Chordodes japonensis. Although both species possess the same six cuticular structures of areoles on the surface, the significantly longer filaments on the female crowned areoles can be used as diagnostic characters for the new species. The different taxonomic status of these two species was also confirmed after analyzing the partial cytochrome oxidase subunit I sequence, and the mantid hosts, which are respectively limited to the genus Tenodera for Chordodes japonensis and Hierodula for Chordodes formosanussp. n. In addition, the immature stages of eggs and larvae of the new species are also described and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Topical application of fenoxycarb (1 μg per animal) at 129 or 132 h of the fifth instar larvae of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, did not induce morphological abnormalities in the pupal stage, but these animals became dauer (permanent) pupae. This condition of B. mori and the endocrine events leading to permanent pupae are discussed in this work. Application of fenoxycarb at 132 h of the fifth instar elicited a high ecdysteroid titre in the pharate pupal stage and a steadily high ecdysteroid titre in the pupal stage. The fenoxycarb-induced permanent pupae had non-degenerating prothoracic glands that secreted low amounts of ecdysteroid and did not respond to recombinant prothoracicotropic hormone (rPTTH) late in the pupal stage. The Bombyx PTTH titre in the haemolymph, determined by a time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay, was lower than that of controls at the time of pupal ecdysis, but higher than controls later in the pupal stage in fenoxycarb-treated animals. After application of fenoxycarb, its haemolymph level, measured by ELISA, reached a peak at pupal ecdysis, then remained low. These results suggest that the fenoxycarb-mediated induction of permanent pupae is only partially a brain-centred phenomenon. It also involves alterations in the hormonal interplay that govern both the initiation of pupal-adult differentiation and changes in the steroidogenic pathway of the prothoracic glands of B. mori.  相似文献   

扎龙保护区散养与野生丹顶鹤巢址选择比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨扎龙保护区散养与野生丹顶鹤(Grus japonensis)巢址选择的异同,2009年3~5月在扎龙国家级自然保护区内用生境因子测定法对散养丹顶鹤与野生丹顶鹤巢址选择进行比较。独立样本t-检验(independent-samples t-test)结果表明,散养丹顶鹤和野生丹顶鹤在巢址选择中,植被高度、植被密度、巢周围苇丛面积及巢距人为干扰地距离均存在着显著差异。说明野生丹顶鹤对巢址选择具有严格要求,倾向于选择人为活动较少,植被高度较高,植被密度和巢周围苇丛面积较大的生境中筑巢;散养丹顶鹤对生境要求不高。  相似文献   

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