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We examined the effect of volume history on the dynamic relationship between airways and lung parenchyma (relative hysteresis) in 20 asthmatic subjects. The acoustic reflection technique was employed to evaluate changes in airway cross-sectional areas during a slow continuous expiration from total lung capacity to residual volume and inspiration back to total lung capacity. Lung volume was measured continuously during this quasi-static maneuver. We studied three anatomic airway segments: extra- and intrathoracic tracheal and main bronchial segments. Plots of airway area vs. lung volume were obtained for each segment to assess the relative magnitude and direction of the airway and parenchymal hysteresis. We also performed maximal expiratory flow-volume and partial expiratory flow-volume curves and calculated the ratio of maximal to partial flow rates (M/P) at 30% of the vital capacity. We found that 10 subjects (group I) showed a significant predominance of airway over parenchymal hysteresis (P < 0.005) at the extra- and intrathoracic tracheal and main bronchial segments; these subjects had high M/P ratios [1.53 +/- 0.27 (SD)]. The other 10 subjects (group II) showed similar airway and parenchymal hysteresis for all three segments and significantly lower M/P ratios (1.16 +/- 0.20, P < 0.01). We conclude that the effect of volume history on the relative hysteresis of airway and lung parenchyma and M/P ratio at 30% of vital capacity in nonprovoked asthmatic subjects is variable. We suggest that our findings may result from heterogeneous airway tone in asthmatic subjects.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the nature of the antiluteotrophic effect of metergoline on pregnant bitches, the occurrence of clinically evident side-effects, and the efficacy of PGF(2alpha) in initiating abortion after a course of metergoline therapy. Starting on Days 18 to 20 after the onset of diestrus, 8 adult pregnant beagle bitches were treated twice daily with 0.4 to 0.5 mg/kg po metergoline for 5 d. After receiving no treatment for the next 5 d, metergoline administration was repeated for a further 3 d, followed by twice-daily intramuscular injections of dinoprost tromethamine at 250 mug/kg. There was an overall trend for the plasma progesterone concentration to decrease during the first and second course of metergoline therapy and to rise during the intervening period of no treatment. None of the bitches aborted during or after the first 5 d of metergoline administration. No side-effects were evident during the metergoline therapy. After pretreatment with metergoline a mean of 4.8 injections of PGF(2alpha) was necessary to ensure complete abortion. All abortions were rapid and uneventful, except for the usual side-effects associated with PGF(2alpha). The plasma progesterone concentration at the onset of PGF(2alpha) treatment was positively correlated to the number of PGF(2alpha) injections needed to complete the abortion process. The plasma progesterone concentration was < 8 nmol/l for several days as a result of metergoline therapy in 6 of the 8 bitches. Only 1 bitch, however, aborted before PGF(2alpha) therapy was initiated. In the other 7 bitches PGF(2alpha) appeared to be necessary for abortion. The results suggest that the effect of metergoline has to be considered incompletely luteolytic at the doses used in this study. Even prolonged suppression of luteal function in early to mid-gestation, however, did not cause abortion without the previously documented luteolytic and/or ecbolic effects of PGF(2alpha). The average interestrus interval of cycles treated with metergoline and PGF(2alpha) was shorter (mean 182.2 d, SD 7.9 d, n = 6) than expected for this group of bitches (mean 211.4 d, SD 31.5 d, n = 7).  相似文献   

Eight persons with asthma were exposed to seven air conditions varying in temperature (37 degrees C to 49 degrees C [98.6 degrees F to 120.2 degrees F]) and water content (44 mg H2O per liter to 79 mg H2Oper liter) . Normocapnic hyperventilation for three minutes at 40% maximal voluntary ventilation was carried out for each condition. A constant-volume body plethysmograph measured the functional residual capacity and specific airway conductance (SGaw), followed by two forced expiratory manuevers. Measurements were taken before and 1, 5, 10, and 20 minutes after each challenge. Air conditions with 100% relative humidity caused a fall in the SGaw that was maximal in 1 minute. Air conditions at 100% relative humidity caused a greater fall in both the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) (P<.05) and the SGaw (P<.005) than did conditions of the same temperature but less water content. At 44 degrees C and 100% relative humidity, the mean percent change in FEV1 and SGaw was -2% and -40%, respectively, at 1 minute after challenge. Of the conditions examined, the optimal temperature was 44 degrees C, and we speculate that the optimal water content is less than 44 mg H2O per liter. Inhaled water concentrations exceeding 44 mg H2O per liter should probably not be used in patients with asthma.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins E2 and F2 alpha were estimated in nasal secretions from ten healthy volunteers by high performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunological assay. Prostaglandin concentrations determined in five consecutive nasal washes with saline at room temperature showed that the nasal mucosa was stimulated after instillation. A substantial increase of basal levels was associated with the second nasal lavage. In all volunteers aspirin treatment inhibited prostaglandin release.  相似文献   

Twenty crossbred gilts with at least 2 consecutive estrous cycles of 18 to 21 days in length were used to study the effects of prostaglandins E2 and F2 alpha (PGE2 and PGF2 alpha) on luteal function in indomethacin (INDO) treated cycling gilts. Intrauterine and jugular vein catheters were surgically placed before day 7 of the treatment estrous cycle and gilts were randomly assigned to 1 of 5 treatment groups (4/group). With exception of the controls (Group I) all gilts received 3.3 mg/kg INDO every 8 h, Groups III, IV and V received 2.5 mg PGF2; 2.5 mg PGF2 alpha + 400 micrograms PGE2 every 4 hr, or 400 micrograms PGE2 every 4 h, respectively. All treatments were initiated on day 7 and continued until estrus or day 23. Jugular blood for progesterone analysis was collected twice daily from day 7 to 30. Estradiol-17 beta (E2-17 beta) concentrations were determined in samples collected twice daily, from 2 d before until 2 d following the day of estrus onset. When compared to pretreatment values, estrous cycle length was unaffected (P greater than 0.05) in Group I, prolonged (P less than 0.05) in Groups II, IV and V; and shortened (P less than 0.05) in Group III. The decline in plasma progesterone concentration that normally occurs around day 15 was unaffected (P greater than .05) in Group I; delayed (P less than 0.05) in Groups II, IV and V; and occurred early (P less than 0.05) in Group III. Mean E2-17 beta remained high (31.2 +/- 4.9 to 49.3 +/- 3.1 pg/ml) in Groups III and IV, while the mean concentrations in Groups III and V varied considerably (17.0 +/- 2.0 to 52.2 +/- 3.5 pg/ml). The results of this study have shown that PGE2 will counteract the effects of PGF2 alpha in INDO treated cycling gilts. The inclusion of PGF2 alpha appeared to either stimulate E2-17 beta secretion or maintain it at a higher level than other treatments.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if the primary circulating metabolite of PGF2alpha, 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2alpha (PGFM), is biologically active and would induce luteolysis in nonpregnant mares. On Day 9 after ovulation, mares (n = 7/group) were randomly assigned to receive: 1) saline control, 2) 10 mg PGF2alpha or 3) 10 mg PGFM in 5 mL 0.9% sterile saline i.m. On Days 0 through 16, blood was collected for progesterone analysis. In addition, blood was collected immediately prior to treatment, hourly for 6 h, and then at 12 and 24 h after treatment for progesterone and PGFM analysis; PGFM was measured to verify that equivalent amounts of hormone were administered to PGF2alpha- and PGFM-treated mares. Mares were considered to have undergone luteolysis if progesterone decreased to < or = 1.0 ng/mL within 24 h following treatment. Luteolysis was induced in 0/7 control, 7/7 PGF2alpha-treated, and 0/7 PGFM-treated mares. There was no difference (P>0.1) in the occurrence of luteolysis in control and PGFM-treated mares. More (P<0.001) PGF2alpha-treated mares underwent luteolysis than control or PGFM-treated mares. There was no difference (P>0.1) in progesterone concentrations between control and PGFM-treated mares on Days 10 through 16. Progesterone concentrations were lower (P<0.01) on Days 10 through 14 in PGF2alpha-treated compared with control and PGFM-treated mares. There was no difference (P>0.05) in PGFM concentrations between PGF2alpha- and PGFM-treated mares; PGFM concentrations in both groups were higher (P<0.001) than in control mares. These results do not support the hypothesis that PGFM is biologically active in the mare, since there was no difference in corpora luteal function between PGFM-treated and control mares.  相似文献   

In these experiments we have examined the effects of PGE1, PGE2, PGF1alpha and PGF2alpha on synovial perfusion in the normal canine synovial microcirculation. The effects of the drugs on synovial perfusion were determined indirectly from the changes produced in the rate of clearance of 133Xenon from the joint by their intra-articular injection. Prostaglandins PGE1 and PGE2 were found to be strongly vasodilator with PGE1 being the more active. PGF1alpha appeared to have little or no vasoactive properties in doses up to 1 ugm. (2.8 times 10(-5M)) in our preparation while PGF2alpha was vasodilator at this high dosage only. Neither SC19920 nor diphloretin phosphate antagonished the effects of PGE1 in these experiments.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts derived from a rat carrageenin granuloma were cultured in the presence of radioactive arachidonic acid, palmitic acid and linoleic acid. More than 90% of each labeled fatty acid was incorporated into a phospholipid fraction by the cells in 18 hrs. Arachidonic acid was evenly incorporated into phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, while both palmitic acid and linoleic acid were almost entirely incorporated into phosphatidylcholine. The position of phosphatidylcholine where the fatty acids were incorporated was different for each fatty acid. The ratio of the amount of fatty acid incorporated into the 2-position to the amount incorporated into the 1-position of phosphatidylcholine for each fatty acid was greater than 90% for arachidonic acid, 2:1 for palmitic acid and 5:1 for linoleic acid. In the case of phosphatidylethanolamine, most arachidonic acid (greater than 90%) was incorporated into the 2-position. PGF2alpha caused the stimulation of arachidonic acid release but not of palmitic acid and linoleic acid from pre-labeled fibroblasts. The serum in the medium was completely replaceable by bovine serum albumin. The effect of PGF2Alpha increased with an increasing concentration of bovine serum albumin, suggesting that serum only acts as a "trap" for released arachidonic acid. The effect of PGF2Alpha was greater than bradykinin, and no synergistic effect was seen, although an additive effect was observed. The effect of PGF2Alpha depended on the concentration of calcium ions under magnesium-supplemented conditions.  相似文献   

Probenecid in single or repeated doses does not modify levels of PGF2 alpha and TXB2 in rat brain cortex. After administration of subconvulsant dose of pentamethylene tetrazole (PMT) PGF2 alpha increases sharply and rapidly declines subsequently, whereas the elevation of TXB2 is smaller but of longer duration. After probenecid pretreatment PGF2 alpha levels do not decline up to 30 minutes after the initial peak and are still elevated after 60 minutes. Levels of TXB2 tend to be reduced after pretreatment. Differences in transport process or in biosynthetic compartments for these arachidonic acid (AA) metabolites may account for the observed data.  相似文献   

The effect of PGF2 alpha has been evaluated in 11 unanaesthetized unrestrained piglets and in 3 anaesthetized piglets (2-3 days old) using a barometric-plethysmographic technique. PGF2 alpha (mg 0.25/pig) was administered as aerosol for 5 min. In 3 of the unanaesthetized newborn pigs the effect of PGF2 alpha aerosol has been evaluated after indomethacin (mg 1/Kg i.v.). The vagal dependent activity of the prostaglandin was also evaluated after atropine (mg 0.08/Kg i.m.). Our results show that PGF2 alpha in newborn pigs causes hypoventilation due to a decrease in respiratory rate and to a lengthening in TE. The changes in TE are due to an increase in the incidence and duration of apneic events characterizing the respiratory activity at birth. After indomethacin PGF2 alpha does not change the breathing pattern. Atropine only partially reduces the effects of PGF2 alpha while, after anaesthesia, prostaglandin does not change the breathing pattern. Consequently our results show that PGF2 alpha in newborn animals similar to other prostaglandins acts as a depressant of respiratory activity.  相似文献   

Native PGF(2alpha) and its analogs have been used in the horse mare to manipulate ovarian activity, primarily as luteolytic agents to induce estrus. Despite numerous studies on the effects of these luteolysins in the mare, to date only a single investigation has been conducted in the jenny. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of the corpus luteum (CL) to a single dose of PGF(2alpha) given 3 days (72h) after ovulation and to establish the plasma progesterone (P4) profile from pre-treatment to post-treatment ovulation in the Martina Franca donkey. Twenty-two jennies were ultrasonographically monitored and treated 72h after the detection of ovulation with 0.075 mg i.m. of R-cloprostenol. From the day of ovulation until ovulation post-treatment, blood was collected daily for P4 determination by enhanced luminescence immunoassay. All the jennies except one, exhibited behavioral signs of PGF(2alpha)-induced estrus within 4 days of treatment lasting 5.4+/-1.16 days. Post-treatment ovulation was also hastened, reducing the interovulatory interval (9.6 days). In response to treatment, plasma P4 concentrations fell to estrus levels and then remained constant until the next ovulation in all but the non-responding animal. Our findings indicate that PGF(2alpha) treatment on Day 3 post-ovulation causes the functional regression of the CL in the jenny, reflected both by the rapid induction of estrus and ovulation and by an abrupt drop in circulating P4 concentrations.  相似文献   

Guttierez Cernosek and his colleagues reported that the level of PGF2a in human serum reached a peak during the second trimester of pregnancy, the highest levels being found during the 17th-24th weeks. Earlier studies in this laboratory on late pregnancy have now been extended to earlier gestations and rather than peak levels during the 17th-24th weeks, the lowest levels were found at this time. A total of 128 samples from 106 women were studied. The levels found during the second trimester were significantly lower than those found at earlier gestations. However, the mean serum PGF2a level during the second trimester was not significantly different from the mean level during the third trimester. The discrepancy between the 2 sets of results is very marked, so that there is obviously need for much further research in this sphere.  相似文献   

Termination of pregnancy (abortion) was successful in four of four bitches that received PGF(2)alpha (125 mug/kg bid s.c.) and in two or four bitches that received bromocryptine (62.5 mug/kg bid po) for up to 6 d beginning 43 to 45 d post ovulation. Four sham-treated controls whelped normally at term. The incidence of side effects, primarily emesis and loose stools, was similar for both experimental groups. Bitches that failed to abort following treatment with bromocryptine whelped normally at term.  相似文献   

The effects of prostaglandin (PG)F2alpha and PGF2alpha, 1-15 lactone were compared in luteal phase, non-pregnant and in early pregnant rhesus monkeys. Animals treated with either PG after pretreatment with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) had peripheral plasma progesterone concentrations that were not statistically different from those in animals treated with hCG and vehicle. However, menstrual cycle lengths in monkeys treated with PGF2alpha, 1-15 lactone were significantly (P less than 0.02) shorter than those in vehicle treated animals. In the absence of hCG pretreatment, plasma progesterone concentrations were significantly (P less than 0.008) lower by the second day after the initial treatment with either PGF2alpha or PGF2alpha, 1-15 lactone than in vehicle treated monkeys. Menstrual cycle lengths in monkeys treated with either PG were significantly (P less than 0.04) shorter than those in animals treated with vehicle. There were no changes in plasma progesterone concentrations in early pregnant monkeys treated with PGF2alpha, and pregnancy was not interrupted. In contrast, plasma progesterone declined and pregnancy was terminated in 5 of 6 early pregnant monkeys treated with PGF2alpha, 1-15 lactone. These data indicate that PGF2alpha, 1-15 lactone decreases menstrual cycle lengths in non-pregnant rhesus monkeys. More importantly, PGF2alpha, 1-15 lactone terminates early pregnancy in the monkey at a dose which is less than an ineffective dose of PGF2alpha.  相似文献   

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