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植物对不同功能性状进行权衡, 通过表型可塑性达到对异质生境的适应是植物的一种生态对策。羊草(Leymus chinensis)是欧亚温带草原东缘的主要优势植物, 研究其对放牧的表型反应对揭示草原生态系统的放牧响应机制具有代表意义。该文以内蒙古呼伦贝尔草甸草原为例, 通过设置不同放牧压力与围封的长期试验, 研究了羊草茎叶功能性状对放牧的可塑性响应模式。结果表明: 1)与长期围封相比, 长期放牧导致羊草茎叶性状显著小型化, 其中, 株高和个体地上生物量分别降低76.82%和89.88%, 但3年短期围封对茎性状影响不显著, 说明羊草表型矮小化现象具有一定的保守性; 2)通过排序构建羊草性状可塑性变化谱, 发现茎质量、总质量、茎高、株高、叶面积等为对放牧响应的敏感性状, 而叶片数、茎粗、叶宽等较为稳定, 为惰性性状; 3)放牧干扰下, 羊草性状可塑性程度与其变异性之间符合y = y0 + aebx拟合关系, 随着植物性状的响应强度增大, 其变异性增强; 4)偏最小二乘法分析发现茎长、株高、叶面积、叶长等性状的投影重要性指标大于1, 对地上生物量变化的解释率为68.6%, 是导致长期放牧下羊草个体生物量降低的主要因子。研究认为, 矮化型变是羊草的避牧适应对策, 在亚稳态下, 通过不同性状的权衡, 充分利用环境资源完成其生活史。  相似文献   

Aims Adaptation mechanisms of plants to environment can be classified as genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity (environmental modification). The strategy and mechanism of plant adaptation is a hot topic in the field of evolutionary ecology. Leymus chinensis is one of constructive species in the Nei Mongol grassland. Particularly, Leymus chinensis is a rhizomatous and clonally reproductive grass, a genotype that can play an important role in the community. In this study, we aimed to (1) investigate the phenotypic plasticity of L. chinensis under different conditions, and (2) test the genetic differentiation and reaction norms (the relationship between the environment and the phenotype of an individual or a group of individuals) under four environmental conditions among different genotypes of L. chinensis. Methods Ten genotypes of L. chinensis were randomly selected. Under the control condition, we studied the effects of genotype, defoliation, drought and their interactions on 11 quantitative traits of growth (8 traits including photochemical efficiency of photosystem II, maximum net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, specific leaf area, relative growth rate, the number of tillers increased, aboveground and underground biomass growth), defense (total phenol concentration of leaf) and tolerance (non-structural carbohydrate content of root, root/shoot ratio) of L. chinensis. We studied the phenotypic plasticity, genetic differentiation and reaction norms mainly through tested the effect of environment and genotype on these traits. Important findings First, all 11 traits showed obvious phenotypic plasticity (i.e., significant effect of drought, defoliation and their interactions). The expression of 10 genotypes of L. chinensis was divergent under different environmental conditions. Interactions of genotype and environment significantly affected the maximum net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, specific leaf area, relative growth rate, total phenolic concentration of leaf, and total non-structural carbohydrate content of root. This indicated that the phenotypic plasticity of these five traits exhibited genetic differentiation. Second, the increase of number of tillers, belowground biomass and non-structural carbohydrate content of root did not show genetic differentiation under the same condition. The other eight traits showed significantly genetic differentiation, and the heritabilities (H2) of six traits related to growth were higher than 0.5. The leaf total phenol concentration and root/shoot ratio showed genetically differentiation only under the drought and defoliation condition, with the heritabilities being 0.145 and 0.201, respectively. These results explained why L. chinensis widely distributed in the Nei Mongol grassland, and provided genetic and environmental basis for related application and species conservation in this grassland ecosystem.  相似文献   

Aims Understanding ecological implications of plant functional traits is helpful in exploring community assembly under different environments of nature and human disturbances, and then to reveal the maintenance mechanism of the ecosystem services. By analyzing vegetation and soil data derived from field observations in Leymus chinensis steppe of Xilin River Basin in Nei Mongol, we aimed to explore the responses of plant functional traits to changing soil nutrients at different degradation stages. Methods We observed 69 plots for both plant community structure and soil attributes using quadrat and soil-drilling methods. Five plant functional traits, namely the specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N), leaf lignin content (LLC), and maximum height (MH), were measured for each plot. We also tested soil attributes, such as total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), available nitrogen (AN), available phosphorus (AP), and organic carbon (OC). The sixty-nine communities were classified into four groups (undegraded L. chinensis + forbs, slightly degraded L. chinensis + Stipa sp., moderately degraded L. chinensis + Cleistogenes squarrosa, and heavily degraded L. chinensis + Artemisia frigida) using TWINSPAN software. The relationships between plant functional traits and soil nutrient variables were analyzed for the four community groups using the Pearson’s correlation test with SPSS 21.0 software. Important findings (1) The soil nutrients decreased with the grassland degradation process and there were significant differences in TN and TP between the undegraded L. chinensis + forbs and heavily degraded L. chinensis + A. frigida communities; (2) plant functional traits also showed strong differences between the degradation stages. MH and C:N decreased with degradation. A significant difference was observed in MH between the undegraded L. chinensis + forbs and slightly degraded L. chinensis + Stipa sp. communities. The difference in C:N was also significant between the undegraded L. chinensis + forbs and heavily degraded L. chinensis + A. frigida communities; (3) the effects of soil nutrients on plant functional traits changed with grassland degradation. AN was negatively correlated with MH, LLC, and C:N in the slightly degraded L. chinensis + Stipa sp. community. In the moderately degraded L. chinensis + C. squarrosa community, those three traits mentioned above showed significantly positive correlations with TP; (4) while analyzing the degraded grassland, different relationships between plant functional traits were found. In the slightly degraded L. chinensis + Stipa sp. community, LLC was positively correlated with all other traits. Moreover, positive correlations also occurred between C:N and MH, C:N and LDMC, and C:N and LLC. In the heavily degraded L. chinensis + A. frigida community, all traits demonstrated the most significantly positive correlations.  相似文献   

AimsLeymus chinensis is a constructive and dominant species in typical steppe of northern China. The structure and functions of L. chinensis grassland ecosystem has been degenerated seriously due to long-term overgrazing in recent decades. As an effective measure to restore the degraded grasslands, the effects of nutrient addition on plant growth and ecosystem structure and functioning have been paid more attention in manipulation experimental research. The effects of nutrient addition, especially P addition on the above- and below-ground functional traits of L. chinensis have rarely been studied; particularly the underpinning mechanisms remain unclear. Our objective is to examine the responses and adaptive mechanisms of L. chinensis to different levels of N and P additions. MethodsWe conducted a culture experiment in the greenhouse, with three levels of N (50, 100 and 250 mg N·kg-1) and P (5, 10 and 25 mg P·kg-1) addition treatments. The above- and below-ground biomass, leaf traits (e.g., specific leaf area, leaf N and P contents) and root traits (e.g., specific root length, root N and P contents) of L. chinensis were determined in this study.Important findings Our results showed that: 1) the aboveground biomass and total biomass of L. chinensis were mostly affected by N addition, while the belowground biomass was mainly affected by P addition. N addition greatly enhanced the aboveground biomass of L. chinensis, while P addition reduced the belowground biomass at the moderate and high N levels. The root-shoot ratio of L. chinensis was influenced by both N and P additions, and root-shoot ratio decreased with increasing N and P levels. N and P additions promoted more biomass and N and P allocations to aboveground and leaf biomass. 2) Leymus chinensis showed different responses and adaptive mechanisms to P addition at low and high N levels. At low N level, L. chinensis exhibited high photosynthetic rate and specific root length (SRL) to improve photosynthetic capacity and root N acquisition, which promoted aboveground biomass. High root P content was favorable for belowground biomass. At high N level, P addition did not significantly affect plant growth of L. chinensis, even reduced its belowground biomass. Leymus chinensis showed high specific leaf area (SLA) and SRL to improve light interception and N acquisition in order to maintain stable aboveground biomass. 3) P addition greatly impacted below-ground than above-ground functional traits. SLA exhibited a weakly positive correlation with SRL, indicating L. chinensis exhibited relatively independence of resource acquirement and utilization between leaf and root functional traits.  相似文献   

Aims To investigate the effects of dew on plants, we conducted the experiment to determine the physiological characteristics and leaf structures of Leymus chinensis and Agropyron cristatum in response to increasing dew under drought stress.Methods Four treatments (no dew, three times dew and five times dew per week under drought stress, and well-watering) were designed to examine leaf relative water content, water potential, net photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency, biomass, and leaf structures of L. chinensis and A. cristatum. Important findings There was a significant increase in the relative water content and water potential by simulated dew increase for two plants species under drought stress (p < 0.05). For A. cristatum, simulated dew increase significantly enhanced the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate of plants under drought stress (p < 0.05). On the other hand, there was no significant difference in the stomatal conductance and transpiration rate for L. chinensis among treatments. Simulated dew increase improved the aboveground biomass and root biomass of two species. The ratio of yellow leaves to the total leaves was decreased by simulated dew increase for two species. Dew increase also protected leaf structures against the drought stress, suggesting that the dew increase can slow down the death process of leaves resulted from drought stress. Therefore, the study demonstrated that dew increased the available water for the leaves of L. chinensis and A. cristatum grown in the drought stress and thus had positive effects on the photosynthesis, water physiology and plant development.  相似文献   

Aims The increased atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition due to human activity and climate change greatly causes grassland ecosystems shifting from being naturally N-limited to N-eutrophic or N-saturated, and further affecting the growth of grass species. The aims of this study are: 1) to evaluate the effects of different N addition levels on morphology and photosynthetic characteristics of Leymus chinensis; 2) to determine the critical N level to facilitate L. chinensis growth.
Methods We conducted a different N addition levels experiment in dominant species in the temperate steppe of Nei Mongol. The aboveground biomass, morphological and leaf physiological traits, pigment contents, chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters and biochemical parameters of L. chinensis were investigated.
Important findings Our results showed that aboveground biomass first increased and then decreased with the increased N, having the highest values at the 10 g N·m-2·a?1 treatment, but the 25 g N·m-2·a?1 still significantly increased the aboveground biomass relative to 0 g N·m-2·a?1. Leymus chinensis accommodate low N situation through allocating less N to carboxylation system and decreasing leaf mass per area (LMA) in order to get more light energy. Moderate N addition captured more light energy through increasing total chlorophyll (Chl) contents and decreasing the ratio of Chl a/b. Moderate N addition increased LMA, carboxylation efficiency, maximum carboxylation rate (Vcmax), maximum electron transport rate (Jmax) and decreased Jmax/Vcmax, thus allocating more N to carboxylation system to enhance carboxylation capability. Moreover, the photochemical activity of PSII was increased through higher effective quantum yield of PSII photochemistry, electron transport rate and photochemical quenching coefficient. Excessive N addition had negative effects on physiological variables of L. chinensis due to lower carboxylation capability and photochemical activity of PSII, further leading to decreased net photosynthetic rate, whereas increased non-photochemical quenching coefficient and carotenoids played the role in the dissipation of excess excitation energy. Overall, moderate N addition facilitated the photosynthetic characteristics of dominant species, but excessive N addition inhibited photosynthetic characteristics. The most appropriate N addition for the growth of L. chinensis was 5-10 g N·m-2·a?1 in the temperate steppe of Nei Mongol, China.  相似文献   

放牧是草原的主要利用方式, 但对牧草造成了一定的生物胁迫。面对生存压力, 牧草会通过调节初级与次级代谢过程启动防御机制。该研究以内蒙古温带典型草原优势种植物为研究对象, 通过测定其在5个放牧水平下不同营养器官中的次级代谢产物及木质素等含量, 探讨大针茅(Stipa grandis)和羊草(Leymus chinensis)的各营养器官在防御机制中的角色及其碳氮权衡策略。结果表明: 面对放牧胁迫, 大针茅和羊草会产生大量的单宁、总黄酮、酚类以及生物碱等次级代谢产物, 并以叶片为主要的合成及储存器官。中度放牧使羊草的化学防御机制得到较充分的诱导及表达。但二者地上部分木质素含量并无显著增加, 因此, 二者在避牧性机制上更倾向于化学防御而非机械防御。由于羊草有更高的氮利用效率, 这使得羊草可以通过碳氮两种代谢途径进行防御, 但大针茅在生长初期并不能将氮高效地分配到化学防御中。大针茅和羊草在生长初期面对轻度放牧胁迫, 较多的资源仍然用于初级代谢, 增加了植物耐牧性。因此, 轻度放牧有利于提高牧草的碳氮资源利用效率、提高生态系统生产力及稳定性。  相似文献   

深入认识植物功能性状的生态学含义, 对于阐明不同自然与人为干扰环境下的群落构建途径, 进一步揭示生态系统服务维持机制具有重要的理论意义。该文以内蒙古锡林河流域羊草(Leymus chinensis)草原不同退化演替阶段的群落为研究对象, 分析了土壤养分与植物功能性状的变化特征及两者之间的关系。结果表明: (1)退化导致土壤养分含量逐渐减少, 全氮和全磷在未退化的羊草+杂类草群落与严重退化的羊草+冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)群落之间差异显著; (2)随着退化演替的进程, 群落最大高度和叶片碳氮比减小, 群落最大高度在未退化的羊草+杂类草群落与轻度退化的羊草+针茅(Stipa sp.)群落之间差异显著, 碳氮比在未退化的羊草+杂类草群落与严重退化的羊草+冷蒿群落之间差异显著; (3)不同退化演替阶段的群落, 其土壤养分对植物功能性状的影响有所差异。在羊草+针茅群落, 速效氮与群落最大高度、叶片木质素含量和叶片碳氮比均呈显著负相关关系。而在羊草+糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)群落中, 上述3种植物功能性状则表现为均与全磷含量显著正相关; (4)群落植物功能性状之间的关系也因退化阶段不同而有所不同。在轻度退化的羊草+针茅群落中, 叶片木质素含量与其他4个功能性状显著正相关, 叶片碳氮比与群落最大高度、叶干物质含量、木质素含量呈显著正相关关系。在严重退化的羊草+冷蒿群落中, 所有性状均呈极显著正相关关系。表明植物通过功能性状的协调或组合, 以适应贫瘠的土壤环境。上述结果深化了对典型草原退化演替的认识, 对退化草地的恢复与保护具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

内蒙古羊草草原群落主要植物的热值动态   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
鲍雅静  李政海 《生态学报》2003,23(3):606-613
对内蒙古羊草草原主要植物种群的干重热值动态研究表明,热值随植物种类,植物部位,取样时植物所处物候期及气候条件的不同而变化,羊草草原主要植物种群地上部分热值的变动范围在15703-18141J/g之间,其中灌木小叶锦鸡儿(Caragang microphylla)的热值最高,禾草类植物的热值多数较高,而大多数杂类草的热值相对较低,主要植物种群地下部分热值的分布范围为15051-16410J/g。其中根茎型草地下部分热值较高。不同种类植物地下部分热值差异并不与地上部分一致,根茎型禾草地上、地下部分热值差异较小,而须根型植物差异较在,不同种群的植物地上部分热值随植物候期的不同而波动,其变化规律是与植物种群本身的生物学特性相联系的,不同植物种群热值的年际小 规律有所不同,羊草(Leymus chinensis)、大针茅(Stipa grandis)和洽草(Koeloria cristata)的年际热值波动相关显著。但与生长季降水量和生长季累积日照时数之间无明显相关性,在某种程度上,植物热值的 种内变化反映了植物生长状况的差异。  相似文献   

根据11a的野外实验对内蒙古羊草草原群落42种植物的能量含量(含灰分)及其在群落中的相对生物量进行了研究。不同植物种地上部分的能量含量在(13156±1141)J/g和(18141±527)J/g之间变动,所有物种的平均能量含量为(16899±840)J/g,种间变异系数4.9%。小叶锦鸡儿具有最高的能量含量。禾草的平均能量含量高于杂草。根据生活型和生长型,草本物种被进一步分组,能量含量从高到低的排列顺序为:高禾草(17717±92)J/g〉豆科植物(17228±433)J/g〉矮禾草(17250±218)J/g〉其余杂草(16784±529)J/g〉半灌木(16719±69)J/g〉1、2年生植物(15911±1759)J/g。42种植物的能量含量和它们在群落中的相对生物量存在显著正相关关系。根据它们在群落中的构成比例进行分组,以物种在群落中的相对生物量为权重,各组能量含量依次为:优势种(17740J/g)〉伴生种(17244J/g。)〉偶见种(16653J/g)。高能量含量的植物更具竞争力,在群落中通常占据优势地位,而低能量含量的植物竞争力通常较弱,构成草原群落的伴生种或偶见种。  相似文献   

Aims Our objective is to: 1) explore the dynamics of soil nitrogen (N) mineralization in a grassland ecosystem in response to the changes in precipitation intensity and temporal distribution, and 2) identify the controlling factors.Methods The two study sites located in a typical steppe of the Nei Mongol grassland were fenced in 2013 and 1999, respectively. Our field experiment includes manipulations of three levels of precipitation intensity (increased 50%, decreased 50%, control) in three temporal patterns (increased or decreased precipitation for three years; increased or decreased precipitation for two years and no manipulation for one year; increased or decreased precipitation for one year and no manipulation for one year).Important findings 1) The soil net N mineralization and net nitrification rates decreased with changes in the temporal distributions of precipitation from one year to three years, with the maximum values of soil net N mineralization and nitrification rates observed in the treatments of increased or decreased precipitation for one year and no manipulation for one year (+PY1 or -PY1). This indicates that the high precipitation intensity and longer precipitation may have negative effects on soil net N mineralization and nitrification rates, while the moderate soilmoisture and temperature may stimulate soil mineralization. 2) The soil net N mineralization and nitrification rates, soil cumulative N mineralization, and nitrification in the fenced site in 1999 were higher than those in the site fenced in 2013, implying that a long-term enclosure may have promoted nutrient storage and soil quality restoration. 3) The long-term treatments of increased or decreased precipitation had significant effects on soil water content and temperature, whereas the short-term, discontinuous precipitation produced minor effects on soil moisture and temperature. Moreover, the controlling factors for soil N mineralization were different between the two fields. Soil moisture had a major effect on soil inorganic N content and net N mineralization rate in the site fenced in 2013, while soil temperature played a dominant role in the site fenced in 1999, with the net N mineralization rate depressed by higher soil moisture. Our findings suggest that the precipitation intensity and temporal distribution had important impacts on soil N mineralization in the Inner Mongolia grassland; these effects was site-dependent and particularly related to soil texture, community composition, and disturbance, and other factors.  相似文献   

典型草原建群种羊草对氮磷添加的生理生态响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
由于人类活动和气候变化的共同作用, 大气氮(N)沉降日益加剧, 使得陆地生态系统中的可利用性N显著增加, 生态系统更易受其他元素如磷(P)的限制。然而, 目前关于N、P养分添加对草原生态系统不同组织水平的影响研究较少, 相关机制尚不清楚。该文以内蒙古典型羊草(Leymus chinensis)草原为研究对象, 通过连续两年(2011-2012年)的N和P养分添加实验, 研究建群种羊草的生理生态性状、种群生物量和群落初级生产力对N、P添加的响应及其适应机制。结果表明: 羊草草原不同组织水平对N、P添加的响应不同。群落水平上, 地上净初级生产力在不同降水年份均受N和P元素的共同限制, N、P共同添加显著提高了地上净初级生产力; 物种水平上, N、P添加对羊草种群生物量和密度, 以及相对生物量均没有显著影响, 表明羊草能够维持种群的相对稳定; 个体水平上, 在正常降水年份(2011年), 羊草生长主要受N素限制, 而在湿润年份(2012年), 降水增加使得羊草生长没有受到明显的养分限制。羊草通过增加比叶面积、叶片大小和叶片N含量, 提高整体光合能力, 以促进个体生长。总之, 内蒙古典型草原群落净初级生产力受N、P元素共同限制, 作为建群种的羊草, 其对N、P添加的响应因组织水平而异, 也受年际间降水变化的影响。  相似文献   

基于植物性状和功能型的特征变化对于研究植被动态和生态系统功能变化具有重要意义。通过在高寒矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸为期5年(2007-2011年)的刈割(不刈割、留茬3 cm、留茬1 cm)、施肥(施肥、不施肥)和浇水(浇水、不浇水)控制实验, 采用递归算法(recursive algorithm)和多元回归分析筛选对模拟放牧发生响应的最优植物性状集和响应功能型, 以及影响群落生产力变化的作用功能型。研究结果显示: (1)在不施肥不浇水、仅施肥、仅浇水和既施肥又浇水4种条件下的最优植物性状集不同, 它们分别是叶缘形状-株高-叶干质量-比叶面积、生活周期-株高-叶干质量-比叶面积、生活周期-叶片叶绿素含量-叶表面结构-株高-叶干质量-比叶面积和繁殖结构-叶缘-株高。其中, 株高、叶干质量和比叶面积是对刈割和土壤资源变化更为敏感的植物性状。(2)在这4种处理条件下, 共获得14个最优响应功能型和4个作用功能型。作用功能型对群落生产力变异的解释能力在50.3%-86.4%之间。(3)最优响应功能型和作用功能型分别占功能型总数的70%和20%。作用功能型占最优响应功能型的28.5%, 两者间仅存在部分重叠。上述结果说明, 植物功能性状和功能型变化能够准确地反映植被的放牧响应和生态系统功能变化, 但是不同资源条件下群落的最优响应性状集和功能型不同。作用功能型是同时反映植被放牧响应和生态系统功能变化的最优功能型。  相似文献   

The caloric contents of 42 species and their composition in a Leymus chinensis steppe community of Inner Mongolia, China were determined and analyzed based on the field experiment for 11 years. The caloric content (x ± SD) of aboveground parts of plant species varied from (13156 ± 1141) J·g?1 (ash contained) to (18141 ± 527) J·g?1. The average caloric content of all species was (16899 ± 840) J·g?1 and the inter-specific CV (coefficient of variation) was 4.9%. Of all the species, Caragana microphylla had the highest caloric content (18142 J·g?1). Grasses had a higher average caloric content ((17425 ± 291) J·g?1) than forbs ((16734 ± 844)J·g?1). When the herbaceous species were classified into subgroups according to life-form and growth-form, the order of average caloric contents, from high to low, was: tall grasses ((17717 ± 92) J·g?1) > legume ((17228 ± 433) J·g?1) > short grasses ((17250 ± 218) J·g?1) > remaining forbs ((16784 ± 529) J·g?1) > subshrubs ((16719 ± 69) J·g?1) > annuals and biennials ((15911 ± 1759) J·g?1). There was a positive correlation (P < 0.05) between the caloric contents of 42 species and their relative biomass in the community. When all species were classified into 3 groups according to their composition in the community, the average caloric contents, weighed by the species relative biomass, followed the order: dominant (17740 J·g?1) > companion (17244 J·g?1) > incidental (16653 J·g?1). The plants with high caloric contents were more competitive, which allowed them to gain a dominant status, whereas the competitive abilities of plants with low caloric contents were generally weak. The latter made up the companion or incidental species in a steppe community.  相似文献   

割草频率对土壤微生物数量和植物地下生物量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以内蒙古锡林郭勒羊草(Leymuschinensis)草原为对象,研究了割草频率对土壤微生物数量和植物地下生物量的影响。结果表明,经过17年的割草,土壤微生物的数量和植物地下生物量均随割草频率的增加而降低。根据割草频率的土壤微生物数量和植物地下生物量的变化,提出较为合理的割草频率是割1年休1年,其次是割2年休1年。但是,多年围封不割草,不仅造成大量牧草资源的浪费,也削弱了微生物在土壤养分转化过程中的作用。  相似文献   

放牧干扰是影响草地植物性状的方式之一,植物叶片性状能够客观反映植物对生长环境的适应性.本文以呼伦贝尔克氏针茅草原不同放牧强度的样地为研究区,探讨叶片性状间的相互关系及在不同放牧梯度上和不同生活型功能群之间的变化规律.结果表明:克氏针茅草原植物的主要叶片性状在不同生活型植物之间差异均不显著,但是各个性状之间的相关性较强.在放牧梯度上,重度放牧样地上叶片磷含量和氮磷比值与中度放牧区和轻度放牧区有显著差异;在生活型功能群分类中,放牧对多年生杂草的叶片磷含量和氮磷比值有显著影响,表明多年生杂草对放牧较为敏感,重度放牧改变了植物养分利用策略.合理放牧可以改善克氏针茅草原植物养分性状并有利于遏制草原的退化.  相似文献   

羊草(Leymus chinensis)是我国北方典型草原群落的主要建群种和优势种, 由于长期的过度放牧, 羊草草原生态系统的结构和功能严重退化。养分添加作为恢复草地生态系统的一种管理措施, 其应用目前还处于实验性研究阶段。关于羊草的地上-地下功能性状对养分添加, 尤其是P添加的响应研究较少, 相关机制尚不十分清楚。为此, 该文以羊草为研究对象, 通过温室栽培进行N (50, 100, 250 mg N·kg-1)和P (5, 10, 25 mg P·kg-1)各3个水平的养分添加实验, 研究羊草的地上-地下功能性状对N、P添加的响应及适应机制。主要研究结果表明: 1)羊草的地上生物量和总生物量主要受N添加的影响, N添加显著提高了羊草的地上生物量, 而地下生物量主要受P添加的影响, 尤其在中N和高N水平, P添加显著降低了羊草的地下生物量。羊草的根冠比受N、P添加的共同影响, 随着N、P添加梯度加大, 根冠比显著降低, N、P添加促进了羊草生物量向地上部分的分配和N、P向叶片的分配。2)在低N和高N水平, 羊草对P添加的响应与适应机制不同。低N水平, 羊草主要通过增加光合速率和比根长(SRL), 提高光合能力和根系对N的获取能力促进地上部分的生长, 而根系对P的吸收有利于地下部分的生长; 在高N水平, P添加对羊草的个体生长无明显促进作用, 甚至地下生物量明显受到P素抑制, 羊草主要通过保持较高的比叶面积(SLA)和SRL, 提高对光资源的截获能力和根系对N的获取和吸收能力, 维持地上部分的生长。3)相对于地上性状, P添加对羊草的地下性状影响更大, 羊草的SLASRL呈较弱的正相关关系, 表明叶片与根系在资源获取和利用方面具有相对独立性。  相似文献   

物种多样性格局是国际生物多样性科学前沿领域热点问题.本文以松嫩平原破碎化羊草草甸退化演替系列(6种植物群落、144个斑块)为研究对象,系统地探讨了其α、β和γ多样性空间格局及其机理.结果表明:在羊草草甸退化演替系列中共发现87种植物,但没有一种能分布于所有斑块;羊草+鸡儿肠群落或羊草群落的α、β和γ多样性较高,多稀有种和特有种;碱地肤群落最低,少稀有种,无特有种;γ多样性与α多样性显著正相关,但与β多样性无相关性.各植物群落的α多样性与单个斑块面积呈显著幂函数关系,β多样性(相似性指数Sjk)仅羊草+鸡儿肠群落呈显著幂函数关系;斑块平均面积和总面积与α、γ多样性呈显著正相关,与β多样性无相关性.群落的物种丰富度越高,稀有种和特有种就越多,物种在局域斑块上灭绝的可能性越大;β多样性在物种多样性格局中的重要性与生境破碎化程度有关.  相似文献   

开展凋落物分解特征与植物功能性状间的关系研究对于认识生态系统功能的维持机制至关重要。为了阐明不同物种叶凋落物和根系分解的主要影响因素, 该研究以大针茅(Stipa grandis)典型草原的大针茅、糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)、知母(Anemarrhena asphodeloides)、羊草(Leymus chinensis)、银灰旋花(Convolvulus ammannii)和黄囊薹草(Carex korshinskyi) 6种植物的叶凋落物和根系为研究对象, 采用凋落物袋法通过501天的野外分解实验对叶凋落物和根系的分解速率常数进行研究, 并测定6种植物的叶片干物质含量、根比表面积、根组织密度以及叶凋落物和根系的碳(C)、氮(N)含量、纤维组分含量等功能性状, 探讨了6种植物叶凋落物和根系的分解特征与其功能性状之间的关系。结果表明, 6种植物叶片和根系性状的种间差异显著, 大部分性状的最大值和最小值的比值在1到2之间, 而个别性状如根系的C:N和根比表面积相差近4倍。叶凋落物和根系在分解过程中质量剩余率与分解速率常数整体变化趋势都表现出前期分解迅速, 中期相对变缓, 后期分解最慢的规律; 并且糙隐子草的叶凋落物和根系分解最慢, 而银灰旋花的叶凋落物分解最快, 知母根系分解最快。通过相关分析和逐步回归分析发现, 在不同分解时期, 叶凋落物和根系的分解过程受到不同性状的影响。结构性碳水化合物含量是叶凋落物前期和后期分解以及根系前期分解的主要影响因素, 非结构性碳水化合物含量则是根系中期和后期分解的主要影响因素; 另外, 叶凋落物在分解中期的分解速率主要受叶片干物质含量的影响, 根系在分解中期和后期的分解速率还分别受到根系C:N和N含量的显著影响。研究结果对于预测大针茅草原的碳和养分循环过程具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

气候变化和人为干扰导致草原荒漠化加剧, 引发了严重的环境问题。因此, 对荒漠草原植物与环境变化关系的研究愈加迫切, 分析比较荒漠草原不同功能型物种叶片经济谱具有重要意义。该研究通过测定内蒙古荒漠草原生态系统不同功能型植物叶片的光合及叶绿素荧光参数、比叶面积和叶片氮素含量, 验证了荒漠草原植物叶片经济谱的存在, 明确了各功能型植物叶片性状间的关系及其在叶片经济谱中的位置。荒漠草原不同功能型植物叶片性状差异明显, 草本植物的比叶面积(SLA)、单位质量叶氮含量(Nmass)分别是灌木的2.39倍和1.20倍; 一年生植物单位面积最大净光合速率(Aarea)、SLA、光合氮利用效率(PNUE)分别是多年生植物的1.93倍、2.13倍和4.24倍; C4植物的AareaSLAPNUE分别是C3植物的2.25倍、1.73倍和3.61倍。除Aarea与单位面积叶氮含量(Narea)、PSII的实际光化学效率(ΦPSII)与SLA之间不存在显著相关关系外, 叶片性状间存在广泛的相关关系, 且均达到极显著水平。这验证了叶片经济谱在内蒙古荒漠草原植物中也同样存在。进一步分析表明, 一年生植物、草本植物、C4植物叶片在叶片经济谱中位于靠近薄叶、光合能力强、寿命短的一端; 而多年生植物、灌木、C3植物叶片靠近厚叶、光合能力弱、寿命长的一端。这说明荒漠草原中不同功能型植物可通过权衡其经济性状间的关系而采取不同的适应策略, 对于荒漠草原生态系统管理具有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

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