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Mutants in the genes governing the maturation of the head of bacteriophage T4 and in gene 24 were studied by electron microscopy of thin sections. We define morphologically: black particles, comprising mature, stable heads and immature, fragile heads, which break down upon lysis; grizzled particles, which apparently are partially filled or partially emptied; empty large particles without DNA or core Which are all the same size as normal heads; empty small particles without DNA and without core which are of the size of the τ particle, which is the prehead of phage T4. The study of single and double mutants of the maturation genes demonstrates that the phenotypes are only different by the proportions of the different particles made except for 17? where only empty small and empty large particles accumulate. The mutants in gene 24 are epistatic on all other mutants. Mutants in gene 17 are epistatic on the remaining ones. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the products of several of the maturation genes act on DNA to render it competent for packaging while the others act directly on the particle. By this uncoupling, bypasses and abortive pathways can result.  相似文献   

Electric birefringence measurements of suspensions of T3 and T7 bacteriophages in 10?2 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.9, show that there is a difference in their rotational diffusion coefficient. The values corrected to 25°C and water viscosity are D25,w = 4630 ± 130 sec?1 and D25,w = 5290 ± 260 sec?1 for T3 and T7, respectively. The value obtained from shell model calculations (according to Filson and Bloomfield) is D25,w = 4500 ± 600 sec?1. The apparent permanent dipole moments are 4.5 × 10?26 C·m and 1.7 × 10?26 C·m for T3 and T7, respectively. For both phage particles the intrinsic optical anisotropy is +7.2 × 10?3. It is shown that this anisotropy is mainly due to the DNA molecule inside the head of the phage. Its positive value means that there exists an excess orientation of the DNA helix perpendicular to the symmetry axis of the particle. For T7 an unexpectedly large increase of Δns and Ksp occurs at a glycerol concentration of about 30% (v/v). This increase is interpreted as being caused by a change of the shape of the particle and/or a change in the secondary structure of the DNA inside the head of the bacteriophage.  相似文献   

The functions of ten known late genes are required for the intracellular assembly of infectious particles of the temperate Salmonella phage P22. The defective phenotypes of mutants in these genes have been characterized with respect to DNA metabolism and the appearance of phage-related structures in lysates of infected cells. In addition, proteins specified by eight of the ten late genes were identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; all but two are found in the mature phage particle. We do not find cleavage of these proteins during morphogenesis.The mutants fall into two classes with respect to DNA maturation; cells infected with mutants of genes 5, 8, 1, 2 and 3 accumulate DNA as a rapidly sedimenting complex containing strands longer than mature phage length. 5? and 8? lysates contain few phage-related structures. Gene 5 specifies the major head structural protein; gene 8 specifies the major protein found in infected lysates but not in mature particles. 1?, 2? and 3? lysates accumulate a single distinctive class of particle (“proheads”), which are spherical and not full of DNA, but which contain some internal material. Gene 1 protein is in the mature particle, gene 2 protein is not.Cells infected with mutants of the remaining five genes (10, 26, 16, 20 and 9) accumulate mature length DNA. 10? and 26? lysates accumulate empty phage heads, but examination of freshly lysed cells shows that many were initially full heads. These heads can be converted to viable phage by in vitro complementation in concentrated extracts. 16? and 20? lysates accumulate phage particles that appear normal but are non-infectious, and which cannot be rescued in vitro.From the mutant phenotypes we conclude that an intact prohead structure is required to mature the virus DNA (i.e. to cut the overlength DNA concatemer to the mature length). Apparently this cutting occurs as part of the encapsulation event.  相似文献   

Extraction of whole lobes of normal rat liver with dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) under N2 gives extracts which contain 5—10 μmol/l·O?2 (50-100 nmol·O?2 per 10 ml extract per 4 g liver; 1.25-2.50 nmol·O?2 per millilitre per gram liver). Evidence for ·O?2 in the extracts is given by: (1) electron spin resonance signals (ESR), (2) differential pulse polarography (DPP), (3) chemiluminescence (CL), and (4) nitroblue tetrazolium reduction (NBT). All tests yield results identical with those obtained with authentic ·O?2. Extraction of ·O?2 is enhanced by tetrabutyl ammonium ion, and is maximal at 1-3 min. These results raise the possibility that substantial amounts of ·O?2 are normally sequestered in protective membranous sites in vivo.  相似文献   

Petite T4 phage particles have a shorter head than normal T4 phage and contain less DNA. They are not viable in single infections but are able to complement each other in multiply infected cells. Such particles normally make up 1 to 3% of T4 lysates. We show here that lysates of T4 grown on Escherichia coli H560 (end-A?, pol-A?) contain 33% of such petite particles. These particles are identical in physical and biological properties to those described previously, only their high frequency is abnormal. The frequency of petite particles in lysates grown on H560 is controlled by the presence or absence of the gene for DNA polymerase I (pol-A1) and apparently also a gene for endonuclease I (end-A). The involvement of these host DNA enzymes with T4 head morphology and DNA content indicates that DNA is directly involved in head morphogenesis. Such an involvement is incompatible with models of T4 head morphogenesis in which dimensionally stable, preformed empty heads are precursors of filled heads. The processing or repair of DNA apparently helps decide whether the assembly of T4 head subunits produces normal or petite heads.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized two types of particles produced in comparable amounts by mutants in gene 17: the empty large particle and the empty small particle. Dimensions, morphology, stability, and protein composition of the empty large particle are very similar to those of the capsids or empty heads of mature phage. The other type of particle (empty small particle) is very similar in dimensions and stability to the prehead, but differs in that it is composed of processed proteins (gp23, gp24, IpIII). Structural analysis has shown that the protein subunits of the empty small particles are arranged in an unexpanded type of lattice (11.2 to 11.3 nm), whereas the empty large particles have an expanded lattice (13 nm). The characterization of the empty small particle as being composed of cleaved proteins, but still unexpanded, shows that the expansion of the T4 head shell is not necessarily linked to the cleavage of the structural proteins.  相似文献   

We have studied bacteriophage λ head assembly under conditions in which the normal pathways for late phage DNA (concatemer) synthesis are blocked, and early (monomeric circular) DNA replication products accumulate. Our results show that under such conditions, the amount of late protein per amount of DNA is normal, but the amount of phage produced is not. Electron microscopic examination of thin sections of these bacteria shows that large numbers of “empty” head-shaped particles are produced. We conclude that the packaging of λ DNA depends on some structure (or property) possessed by DNA concatemers and absent in monomeric circular molecules and that the empty head-shaped particles which accumulate when concatemer production is blocked are head precursors which would normally accept concatemer DNA.These empty particles are the same size (approximately 550 Å vertex-to-vertex diameter) as the electron-dense, DNA-filled particles observed in similar sections of wild-type infected bacteria. In lysates the empty particles are approximately the same size as they are within the bacteria. However, filled heads observed in thin sections (or in negatively stained preparations) of lysates are larger than they are within the bacteria. This observation is contrary to what was previously suspected, since there seems to be little or no change in the size of intracellular λ capsids as a direct consequence of DNA packaging. Instead, an increase in the size of completed phage heads seems to take place as a consequence of cell lysis.  相似文献   

After infection of Escherichia coli B with phage T4D carrying an amber mutation in gene 59, recombination between two rII markers is reduced two- to three-fold. This level of recombination deficiency persists even when burst size similar to wild type is induced by the suppression of the mutant DNA-arrest phenotype. In the background of two other DNA-arrest mutants in genes 46 and 47, a 10- to 11-fold reduction in recombination is observed. The cumulative effect of gene 59 mutation on gene 46-47 mutant suggests that complicated interactions must occur in the production of genetic recombinants. The DNA-arrest phenotype of gene 59 mutant can be suppressed by inhibiting the synthesis of late phage proteins. Under these conditions, DNA replicative intermediates similar to those associated with wild-type infection are induced. Synthesis of late phage proteins, however, results in the degradation of mutant 200S replicative intermediate into 63S DNA molecules even in the absence of capsid assembly. Although these 63S molecules are associated with membrane, they do not replicate. These results suggest a role for gene 59 product, in addition to a possible requirement of concatemeric DNA in late replication of phage T4 DNA.  相似文献   

We have identified the structural proteins of phage T4 precursor tails. Complete tails, labeled with 14C-labeled amino acids, were isolated from cells infected with mutants blocked in head assembly. The proteins were characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gel electrophoresis and subsequent autoradiography. The complete tails are made up of at least fifteen different species of phage proteins.To identify the genes specifying these proteins we prepared 14C-labeled amino acid lysates made with amber mutants defective in each of the twenty-one genes involved in tail assembly. Comparison of the gel pattern of the amber mutant lysates with wild type lysates enabled us to identify the following gene products, with molecular weights in parentheses: P6 (85,000); P7 (140,000); P8 (46,000); P9 (34,000); P10 (88,000); P11 (26,000); P12 (55,000); P15 (35,000); P18 (80,000); P19 (21,000); P29 (77,000). These eleven species are all structural proteins of the tail. The genetically unidentified tail proteins have molecular weights of 42,000, 41,000, 40,000 and 35,000. They are likely to be the products of known phage genes which were not resolved in the crowded middle region of the whole lysate gel patterns. The major tail proteins are all synthesized during the late part of the phage growth cycle.The mobilities of the proteins derived from tails did not differ from the mobilities of the proteins when derived from the unassembled pools of subunits accumulating in mutant infected cells, or when derived from complete phage particles.The genes for at least seven of the structural proteins are contiguous on the genetic map. Genes for proteins needed in many copies seem to be clustered separ- ately from genes whose products are needed in only a few copies. Consideration of protein sizes and published mapping data on phage T4 also suggest that the phage structural proteins are, on the average, much larger than the non-structural proteins.The requirement that at least fifteen different species of proteins must come together in forming a phage tail emphasizes the complexity of this morphogenetic process.  相似文献   

We have found that two different temperature-sensitive mutations in gene 22, tsA74 and ts22-2, produce high frequencies (up to 85%) of petite phage particles when grown at a permissive or intermediate temperature. Moreover, the ratio of petite to normal particles in a lysate depends upon the temperature at which the phage are grown. These petite phage particles appear to have approximately isometric heads when viewed in the electron microscope, and can be distinguished from normal particles by their sedimentation coefficient and by their buoyant density in CsCl. They are biologically active as detected by their ability to complement a co-infecting amber helper phage. Lysates of both mutants grown at a permissive temperature reveal not only a significant number of petite phage particles in the electron microscope, but also sizeable classes of wider-than-normal particles, particles having abnormally attached tails, and others having more than one tail.Striking protein differences exist between the purified phage particles of tsA74 or ts22-2 and wild-type T4. B11, a 61,000 molecular weight head protein, is completely absent from the phage particles of both mutants, and the internal protein IPIII1 is present in reduced amounts as compared to wild type. The precursor to B11 is present in the lysates, but these mutations appear to prevent its incorporation into heads, so it does not become cleaved.The product of gene 22 (P22) is known to be the major protein of the morphogenetic core of the T4 head. Besides the mutations reported here, several mutations which affect head length have been found in gene 23, which codes for the major capsid protein (Doermann et al., 1973b). We suggest a model in which head length is determined by an interaction between the core (P22 and IPIII) and the outer shell (P23).  相似文献   

We have studied the role of the red and gam genes in lambda replication, after infection of wild type and two recombination deficient hosts. Our results show that the rate of phage DNA replication is abnormally low in the absence of red function, in rec+ as well as rec? (A? and A?B?) bacteria. It appears that the virus general recombination proteins play some role in lambda replication that cannot be assumed by the general recombination proteins of its bacterial host. The red? defect in replication results in a decrease in the total amount of intracellular phage DNA. This DNA, nevertheless, seems normal in structure and is matured and packaged with good efficiency.In rec+ and recA? hosts infected with gam? mutants, the rate of lambda replication is also low, but in this case, abnormal DNA structures are produced at late times. The gam mutation seems to alter the program of replication such that circular molecules are produced not only at early times, but continuously, throughout the lytic cycle. This, and other facts, suggest that the gam protein is required for the transition from “early” to “late” replication. This requirement for gam function is not observed in recA?B? hosts, in which gam mutants replicate at a normal rate and produce DNA indistinguishable from that made by wild type phage. Thus, the gam requirement seems to involve an interaction of this phage protein with the product of the host's recB gene. Other evidence for such interaction comes from our finding that, in vivo, the gam protein does inhibit presumed action of the host's BC nuclease.In the gam? mutant infections, which are blocked in late replication, absence of a general recombination system seems to create a severe defect in maturation of intracellular phage DNA. This defect, unlike the one affecting λ replication rate, can be alleviated by either the red or rec functions and is correlated with the inability of the mutant phages to make DNA concatemers. Since other late functions (i.e. late messenger RNA production) appear to be normal, we conclude that concatemer formation, via replication or recombination, is an essential step in phage development.  相似文献   

Collagen‐type‐II‐induced arthritis (CIA) is an autoimmune disease, which involves a complex host systemic response including inflammatory and autoimmune reactions. CIA is milder in CD38?/? than in wild‐type (WT) mice. ProteoMiner‐equalized serum samples were subjected to 2D‐DiGE and MS‐MALDI‐TOF/TOF analyses to identify proteins that changed in their relative abundances in CD38?/? versus WT mice either with arthritis (CIA+), with no arthritis (CIA?), or with inflammation (complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA)‐treated mice). Multivariate analyses revealed that a multiprotein signature (n = 28) was able to discriminate CIA+ from CIA? mice, and WT from CD38?/? mice within each condition. Likewise, a distinct multiprotein signature (n = 16) was identified which differentiated CIA+ CD38?/? mice from CIA+ WT mice, and lastly, a third multiprotein signature (n = 18) indicated that CD38?/? and WT mice could be segregated in response to CFA treatment. Further analyses showed that the discriminative power to distinguish these groups was reached at protein species level and not at the protein level. Hence, the need to identify and quantify proteins at protein species level to better correlate proteome changes with disease processes. It is crucial for plasma proteomics at the low‐abundance protein species level to apply the ProteoMiner enrichment. All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with identifiers PXD001788, PXD001799 and PXD002071 ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD001788 , http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD001799 and http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD002071 ).  相似文献   

Development of Coliphage T5: Ultrastructural and Biochemical Studies   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Electron microscopic studies of Escherichia coli infected with bacteriophage T5(+) have revealed that host nuclear material disappeared before 9 min after infection. This disappearance seemed to correspond to the breakdown of host deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) into acid-soluble fragments. Little or no host DNA thymidine was reincorporated into phage DNA, except in the presence of 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR). Progeny virus particles were observed in the cytoplasm 20 min postinfection. Most of these particles were in the form of hexagonal-shaped heads or capsids, which were filled with electron-dense material (presumably T5 DNA). A small percentage (3 to 4%) of the phage heads appeared empty. On rare occasions, crystalline arrays of empty heads were observed. Nalidixic acid, hydroxyurea, and FUdR substantially inhibited replication of T5 DNA. However, these agents did not prevent virus-induced degradation of E. coli DNA. Most of the phage-specified structures seen in T5(+)-infected cells treated with FUdR or with nalidixic were in the form of empty capsids. Infected cells treated with hydroxyurea did not contain empty capsids. When E. coli F was infected with the DO mutant T5 amH18a (restrictive conditions), there was a small amount of DNA synthesis. Such cells contained only empty capsids, but their numbers were few in comparison to those in cells infected under permissive conditions or infected with T5(+). The cells also failed to lyse. These results confirm other reports which suggest that DNA replication is not required for the synthesis of late proteins. The data also indicate that DNA replication influences the quantity of viral structures being produced.  相似文献   

Summary Most recombination following infection with T7 was found to coincide with the time of most rapid DNA synthesis, at about 20 min after infection at 30° in minimal medium. Recombining DNA was investigated electron microscopically. Multiply branched DNA structures were observed after infection with T7 wild type, gene 3 , gene 6 and genes 3 , 6 phage, but not after infection with T7 gene 5 phage. Evidence is presented indicating that these structures are T7 DNA molecules in the process of recombining. The detailed structures of these recombinational intermediates suggest mechanisms by which T7 DNA initiates recombination.  相似文献   

Mimicry of structural motifs is a common feature in proteins. The 10‐membered hydrogen‐bonded ring involving the main‐chain C?O in a β‐turn can be formed using a side‐chain carbonyl group leading to Asx‐turn. We show that the N? H component of hydrogen bond can be replaced by a Cγ‐H group in the side chain, culminating in a nonconventional C? H···O interaction. Because of its shape this β‐turn mimic is designated as ω‐turn, which is found to occur ~three times per 100 residues. Three residues (i to i + 2) constitute the turn with the C? H···O interaction occurring between the terminal residues, constraining the torsion angles ?i + 1, ψi + 1, ?i + 2 and χ1(i + 2) (using the interacting Cγ atom). Based on these angles there are two types of ω‐turns, each of which can be further divided into two groups. Cβ‐branched side‐chains, and Met and Gln have high propensities to occur at i + 2; for the last two residues the carbonyl oxygen may participate in an additional interaction involving the S and amino group, respectively. With Cys occupying the i + 1 position, such turns are found in the metal‐binding sites. N‐linked glycosylation occurs at the consensus pattern Asn‐Xaa‐Ser/Thr; with Thr at i + 2, the sequence can adopt the secondary structure of a ω‐turn, which may be the recognition site for protein modification. Location between two β‐strands is the most common occurrence in protein tertiary structure, and being generally exposed ω‐turn may constitute the antigenic determinant site. It is a stable scaffold and may be used in protein engineering and peptide design. Proteins 2015; 83:203–214. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized structural intermediates in phage P22 assembly. Three classes of particles can be isolated from P22-infected cells: 500 S full heads or phage, 170 S empty heads, and 240 S “proheads”. One or more of these classes are missing from cells infected with mutants defective in the genes for phage head assembly. By determining the protein composition of all classes of particles from wild type and mutant-infected cells, and examining the time-course of particle assembly, we have been able to define many steps in the pathway of P22 morphogenesis.In pulse-chase experiments, the earliest structural intermediate we find is a 240 S prohead; it contains two major protein species, the products of genes 5 and 8. Gene 5 protein (p5) is the major phage coat protein. Gene 8 protein is not found in mature phage. The proheads contain, in addition, four minor protein species, PI, P16, P20 and PX. Similar prohead structures accumulate in lysates made with mutants of three genes, 1, 2 and 3, which accumulate uncut DNA. The second intermediate, which we identify indirectly, is a newly filled (with DNA) head that breaks down on isolation to 170 S empty heads. This form contains no P8, but does contain five of the six protein species of complete heads. Such structures accumulate in lysates made with mutants of two genes, 10 and 26.Experiments with a temperature-sensitive mutant in gene 3 show that proheads from such 3? infected cells are convertible to mature phage in vivo, with concomitant loss of P8. The molecules of P8 are not cleaved during this process and the data suggest that they may be re-used to form further proheads.Detailed examination of 8? lysates revealed aberrant aggregates of P5. Since P8 is required for phage morphogenesis, but is removed from proheads during DNA encapsulation, we have termed it a scaffolding protein, though it may have DNA encapsulation functions as well.All the experimental observations of this and the accompanying paper can be accounted for by an assembly pathway, in which the scaffolding protein P8 complexes with the major coat protein P5 to form a properly dimensioned prohead. With the function of the products of genes 1, 2 and 3, the prohead encapsulates and cuts a headful of DNA from the concatemer. Coupled with this process is the exit of the P8 molecules, which may then recycle to form further proheads. The newly filled heads are then stabilized by the action of P26 and gene 10 product to give complete phage heads.  相似文献   

Electrophoresis studies showed that at least three phage-specified proteins undergo proteolytic cleavage during the development of bacteriophage T5. One of these proteins has a molecular weight of about 135,000 and the product of this cleavage reaction is a minor component of the T5 tail, having a molecular weight of about 128,000. All of the tail-defective T5 mutants studied in this report failed to induce this cleavage reaction under restrictive conditions. This reaction also failed to occur in Escherichia coli groEA639 and groEA36 infected with wild type T5. Examination of lysates of infected groE cells in the electron microscope revealed the presence of filled and empty heads as well as tubular head structures, but no tails were detected. The filled heads were able to combine with separately prepared T5 tails in vitro to form infectious phage particles. Therefore, propagation of T5 in these groE mutants is prevented primarily by a specific block in tail assembly. A T5 mutant, T5?6, was isolated, which has the capacity to propagate in these groE hosts. The gene locus in T5?6 was mapped.The second T5 protein which is cleaved has a molecular weight of 50,000 and is related to head morphogenesis. Treatment of infected cells with l-canavanine (50 μg/ml) inhibited cleavage of this polypeptide. Only small quantities of the major head protein (32,000 mol. wt) were produced in these treated cells. Treatment with canavanine lead to production of tubular heads. The major protein component of partially purified tubular heads has a molecular weight of 50,000. Cells infected with T5 amber H30b, a mutant defective in head gene D20, does not produce the 50,000 and 32,000 molecular weight proteins. These findings suggest that the 50,000 molecular weight protein undergoes cleavage to form the major head polypeptide. A third T5 protein is cleaved to form a minor head component with a molecular weight of 43,000 and its cleavage is linked to that involving the major head protein.  相似文献   

C. P. Beetz  G. Ascarelli 《Biopolymers》1982,21(8):1569-1586
We have measured the ir absorption of 5′CMP, 5′IMP, and poly(I)·poly(C) from ~25 to ~500 cm?1. From a comparison of the data with the previously measured absorption of the corresponding nucleosides and bases we can identify several “lines” associated with the deformation of the ribose ring. Out-of-plane deformation of the bases contributes strongly to vibrations near 200 cm?1. The same ribose vibrations observed in the nucleotides are found in poly(I)·poly(C). They sharpen with increasing water absorption. A study of the spectra of poly(I)·poly(C) as a function of the adsorbed water indicates that water does not contribute in a purely additive fashion to the polynucleotide spectrum but depends on the conformation of the helix. However, the only spectral feature that shifts drastically with conformation is near 45 cm?1. Measurements at cryogenic temperatures indicate some sharpening of the spectrum of poly(I)·poly(C). Instead, no sharpening is observed in the spectrum of the nucleotides. Shear degradation of poly(I)·poly(C) produces significant spectral changes in the 200-cm?1 region and sharpening of the features assigned to the low-frequency ribose-ring vibrations.  相似文献   

Abstract: The proliferative and transforming properties of m2 and m5 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and a series of wild-type, chimeric, and mutant G proteins were measured alone or in combination in NIH 3T3 cells to determine which G proteins mediate these signals and to what extent these signals can be influenced by changing the stoichiometry of receptors and G proteins. Responses were measured using the focus-forming assay and a novel assay called R-SAT (R eceptor S election and A mplification T echnology) in which proliferative responses are monitored using a reporter gene. Individually, GTPase-deficient mutants (?) of Gαq and Gα12, wild-type Gαq, and m5 were active in R-SAT. Gα12? and m5 also induced focus formation. m2 was inactive in both assays. The ability of m5 to induce foci was significantly reduced by coexpression of Gαq?. Synergistic effects of receptor/G protein combinations were not observed in focus-forming assays but were readily detected by R-SAT. Coexpression of Gαq with m5 induced constitutive activity in R-SAT and increased the potency of agonists at m5 by 90-fold. Gαq also evoked agonist-dependent responses from m2 but not constitutive activity. Agonist potency was increased 10-fold at m2 and decreased 15-fold at m5 when these receptors were coexpressed with Gαqi5, a chimeric G protein containing the five C-terminal residues of Gαi2, compared with coexpression with Gαq. Both Gαq and Gαqi5 had biphasic effects on the proliferative responses to m5 and m2, respectively, inhibiting responses at high agonist concentrations. Coexpression of Gα12 or Gα12i5 had no effect on the concentration-response relationships of m5, but both elicited weak responses from m2. We conclude that although Gα12 is a more potent oncogene, Gαq transduces m5-driven cellular responses. The demonstrations that proliferative responses can be elicited from a nonmitogenic receptor by altering the type and concentration of available G proteins and that constitutive responses can be induced by G proteins imply that both the magnitude and type of receptor-initiated signal can be regulated at the level of G proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

The Ter-15 mutant derived from E. coli K12 W2252-11U? RCstr (wild type I) is found to be sensitive to φx174 phage infection. Lipopolysaccharide extracted from this mutant inactivates the phage, and has core oligosaccharides identical in amounts to those in the lipopolysaccharide from wild type cells.In contrast, the Ter-21 mutant derived from E. coli K12 W2252-11U? RCrel (wild type II) is not sensitive to this phage infection, and its lipopolysaccharide does not inactivate the phage. Its lipopolysaccharide sugars are found to be D-glucose and D-ribose, thus differing from the lipopolysaccharide sugars of the wild type cells.  相似文献   

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