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随着社会发展和科技进步,高素质技能型人才越来越受到重视。高职院校作为培养技能型人才的重要基地,如何紧跟时代发展,调整教学模式,恰当利用各种教学方法,培养出符合社会需求的人才就成为一个很重要的话题。本文主要就课堂教学法中的提问法做了一些实践探究和分析。  相似文献   

很早已经有人注意到,有很多种鱼能受到光线诱引。在黑海南岸一带海面,渔户起初用火炬的光来捕鯷,此后又用火油灯及电石灯来捕它们。1888年,在“渔业通报”杂志中曾刊载一篇文章,报导应用水下灯火捕鱼法的经过(起初在河中,此后在湖沼中)。但是该文同时提出说,这些试验是失败的。该文作者说明失败的原因就是因灯光强度不够所造成。他指出道,必须采用有几千支曙光的电灯才有成功可能,可是在那时候还不能制造出这类电灯来。此后,有几位俄国学者加以研  相似文献   

PCR法自1985年公布后一下子就成为了一项基础技术。能够从极微量的DNA中进行扩增的PCR法,也开始向RNA研究以及定量分析方面发展。现在也被广泛用于诊断、动植物育种等实用过程中。此讲由宝生物制品开发中心主任向井博之执行董事讲解。[编者按]  相似文献   

以米糠为原料,对米糠淀粉酶法水解生产葡萄糖的液化工艺进行研究和优化,来提高葡萄糖收率。在单因素试验的基础上,用响应面法对液化工艺进行优化。结果表明,液化工艺的最佳条件为酶用量0.11%、醪浓度25%、pH=6.0、温度88℃,在此条件下得到的液化葡萄糖值(即DX值)平均值为6.54%。然后对此液化液进行糖化,最终得到的糖化液DX值为97.07%。  相似文献   

脂质体法和电穿孔法转染哺乳动物细胞研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用脂质体法和电穿孔法分别转染Cos-7,Vero和Namalwa细胞.发现脂质体法在转染效率和操作方便方面比电穿孔法优越,而电穿孔法对细胞种类的适用性方面似乎比脂质体法广. 结果表明,电穿孔法能转染Cos-7,Namalwa和Vero细胞,而用脂质体法只能转染Cos-7和Vero细胞.  相似文献   

李波 《生命世界》2009,(4):92-94
新课改下孕育而生的生物教材,树立以学生发展为本的观念,培养学生具有社会责任感、健全人格、创新精神和实践能力、终身学习的愿望和能力,以及良好的科学素养、信息素养、环境意识等素质。教材内容贴近学生生活、贴近时代,并补充具有现代生物内容和人文精神的新知识、新技能。同时教材的编排与设计有利于让学生亲身体验感受、主动参与、合作探究,从而实现学习方式的根本转变。  相似文献   

迄今为止,心脏移植的标准做法是将相赠者的心脏冷藏运送,但冷藏会对细胞造成损害,而且4个小时左右,就不宜再作移植之用。  相似文献   

斜面法与橡皮塞法保藏丝状真菌的效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对利用斜面法和橡皮塞法保藏某些丝状真菌的效果进行了试验,共保藏丝状真菌29属,69种,128株。保藏时间2-17a,通过斜面转接,其存活率达89.8%。存活的菌株仍维持其原有特性。试验结果表明:利用斜面法与橡皮塞法保藏某些丝状真菌是简便可行的。  相似文献   

李波 《植物杂志》2009,(4):92-94
新课改下孕育而生的生物教材,树立以学生发展为本的观念,培养学生具有社会责任感、健全人格、创新精神和实践能力、终身学习的愿望和能力,以及良好的科学素养、信息素养、环境意识等素质。教材内容贴近学生生活、贴近时代,并补充具有现代生物内容和人文精神的新知识、新技能。同时教材的编排与设计有利于让学生亲身体验感受、主动参与、合作探究,从而实现学习方式的根本转变。  相似文献   

圈养林麝(Moschusberezovskii)长期受困于消化道类疾病,尤其是肠道炎症性疾病患病率和死亡率一直居高不下。粪便检测是评估野生动物消化系统是否存在出血情况的有效方法之一,并且在圈养林麝肠道健康状况评估及肠道炎症性疾病临床诊断等方面提供了一定的诊断依据。粪便隐血在消化道出血诊断中有广泛的临床诊断价值。基于此,本研究用新鲜的林麝血液进行稀释,来探究匹拉米洞法、邻联甲苯胺法和联苯胺法三种方法对林麝血液浓度的灵敏度范围。检测结果显示,匹拉米洞法的最低敏感性检测浓度为0.05 mg/L,敏感性范围远大于邻联甲苯胺法(0.40 mg/L)和联苯胺法(100.00 mg/L)。分别利用三种检测方法对林麝粪便潜血进行检测,比较检测结果的阳性率,结果显示,匹拉米洞法的检测效果优于其他两种方法,阳性率分别为匹拉米洞法检测法10.13%、邻联甲苯胺法检测法2.56%和联苯胺法检测法0,差异有诊断学意义(P <0.05)。而且在操作上,匹拉米洞法更加简便快捷。故在诊断林麝消化道出血时,采用匹拉米洞法进行林麝便隐血的检测更加准确便捷。  相似文献   

原代猪前体脂肪细胞培养方法的优化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以胎猪皮下脂肪组织为材料,比较不同培养方法、消化酶、筛网孔径和离心力对培养猪前体脂肪细胞的影响。结果表明,组织块法与消化法均可培养出猪前体脂肪细胞,但组织块法培养的原代细胞中分化为成熟的细胞较少,消化法获得的细胞均匀一致,形态学染色鉴定大部分均可分化为脂肪细胞;在用消化法培养的过程中,采用Ⅳ型胶原酶消化脂肪组织,200目筛网孔径、800g离心力离心5min可获得大量的、纯度均一的细胞。可以认为,实验成功建立了猪前体脂肪细胞培养的优化体系,在体外重现了猪前体脂肪细胞增殖肥大的全过程。  相似文献   

目的:建立一种操作简单、成功率高、重复性好的前列腺增生组织原代基质细胞(PSC)培养方法。方法:采用胶原酶消化法、组织块贴壁法和胰酶消化组织块贴壁法,从70岁及以上男性的良性前列腺增生组织中分离培养PSC,通过显微镜观察比较PSC的数量、形态、培养周期,用免疫荧光染色法鉴定PSC的纯度。结果:胶原酶消化法得到的贴壁细胞少,细胞体积较小且形态无法铺展,增殖能力较弱;组织块贴壁法培养72h后细胞会从组织边缘缓慢爬出,生长周期长;胰酶消化组织块贴壁法,细胞培养7d后基本融合,折光性强,细胞多呈长梭形,通过免疫荧光染色鉴定,基质细胞纯度在95%以上。结论:利用胰酶消化组织块贴壁法建立了一种易行、高效且重复性好的前列腺增生组织基质细胞培养方法。  相似文献   

Different methods were investigated for the rapid mass culture of Cistella japonica by using water extracts of some nutritional sources. In an agar culture test, there was little difference in mycelial growth in water extracts of wheat bran, rice bran and potato. In suspension culture with wheat bran extract, which is easily and cheaply available, the mycelium of C. japonica increased seven times more than that in agar culture after a month's incubation. C. japonica from suspension culture was pathogenic to Chamaecyparis obtusa. These results suggest that suspension culture in water extract of wheat bran can be adopted for the rapid mass culturing of C. japonica for use in inoculation tests.  相似文献   

Explant culture allows manipulation of developing organs at specific time points and is therefore an important method for the developmental biologist. For many organs it is difficult to access developing tissue to allow monitoring during ex vivo culture. The slice culture method allows access to tissue so that morphogenetic movements can be followed and specific cell populations can be targeted for manipulation or lineage tracing.In this paper we describe a method of slice culture that has been very successful for culture of tooth germs in a range of species. The method provides excellent access to the tooth germs, which develop at a similar rate to that observed in vivo, surrounded by the other jaw tissues. This allows tissue interactions between the tooth and surrounding tissue to be monitored. Although this paper concentrates on tooth germs, the same protocol can be applied to follow development of a number of other organs, such as salivary glands, Meckel''s cartilage, nasal glands, tongue, and ear.  相似文献   

Whole embryo culture (WEC) technique has been developed in 1950''s by New and his colleagues, and applied for developmental biology 1. Although development and growth of mammalian embryos are critically dependent on the function of the placenta, WEC technique allows us to culture mouse and rat embryos ex vivo condition during limited periods corresponding to midgestation stages during embryonic day (E) 6.5-E12.5 in the mouse or E8.5-E14.5 in the rat 2, 3, 4. In WEC, we can directly target desired areas of embryos using fine glass capillaries because embryos can be manipulated under the microscope. Therefore, rodent WEC is very useful technique when we want to study dynamic developmental processes of postimplanted mammalian embryos. Up to date, several types of WEC systems have been developed 1. Among those, the rotator-type bottle culture system is most popular and suitable for long-term culture of embryos at midgestation, i.e., after E9.5 and E11.5 in the mouse and rat, respectively 1. In this video protocol, we demonstrate our standard procedures of rat WEC after E12.5 using a refined model of the original rotator system, which was designed by New and Cockroft 5, 6, and introduce various applications of WEC technique for studies in mammalian developmental biology.Download video file.(114M, mp4)  相似文献   

We describe here a method for the micropropagation of coral that creates progeny from tissue explants derived from a single polyp or colonial corals. Coral tissue explants of various sizes (0.5?C2.5?mm in diameter) were manually microdissected from the solitary coral Fungia granulosa. Explants could be maintained in an undeveloped state or induced to develop into polyps by manipulating environmental parameters such as light and temperature regimes, as well as substrate type. Fully developed polyps were able to be maintained for a long-term in a closed sea water system. Further, we demonstrate that mature explants are also amenable to this technique with the micropropagation of second-generation explants and their development into mature polyps. We thereby experimentally have established coral clonal lines that maintain their ability to differentiate without the need for chemical induction or genetic manipulation. The versatility of this method is also demonstrated through its application to two other coral species, the colonial corals Oculina patigonica and Favia favus.  相似文献   

The chick embryo is a valuable tool in the study of early embryonic development. Its transparency, accessibility and ease of manipulation, make it an ideal tool for studying the formation and patterning of brain, neural tube, somite and heart primordia. Applications of chick embryo culture include electroporation of DNA or RNA constructs in order to analyze gene function, grafts of growth factor coated beads such as FGFs and BMPs , as well as whole mount in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. This video demonstrates the different steps in chick embryo culture; First, the embryo is explanted in saline. Then, the embryo is centered on a glass ring. The membranes surrounding the embryo are lifted along the walls of the ring. The ring is then placed in a culture dish containing a pool of albumine. The culture dish is sealed and placed in a humid chamber, where the embryo is cultured for up to 24 hrs. Finally, the embryo is removed from the ring, fixed and processed for further applications. A troubleshooting guide is also presented.Download video file.(101M, mp4)  相似文献   

ABSTRACT  Beginning with Edward Tylor's (1889) definition of culture as socially "acquired," I focus in this article on motion as social acquisition and transmission through "artifacts"—both durable (like ceramic pots) and fleeting (like sounds). Motion can be detected by comparison of the artifacts to which people are exposed with those they in turn produce. I examine rates of interaction with artifacts and changes in rates as evidence of the operation of "forces" such as interest and metaculture. I develop a set of axioms or laws of motion, growing out of fine-grained research on naturally occurring discourse, and endeavor to demonstrate their utility through application to three empirical cases. Although I deal with relatively small-scale artifacts, I conclude this article with the suggestion that its methods may prove useful in the broader study of cultural phenomena.  相似文献   

A simple drop method for quantitative urine culture was developed and tested in comparison with standard methods for bacterial urinary counts. In a group of 452 urines all yielding Escherichia coli, 74 showed counts of more than 100,000 colonies, and 16 showed counts between 10,000 and 100,000 colonies per ml. Of these 90 urines, 3 of the 16 in the doubtful group were false negative with the drop method. Another 7 urines in the total number of 452 showed discrepancies, but, because all would have been repeated, the second urine sample would have corrected the primary result. The ease and cleanliness of the method render it a suitable technique for screening normal and patient populations. The method was applied on a population sample of 1,330 persons from whom unwashed mid-stream urine was collected and yielded figures comparable with results published in the literature. The method discriminates between steps of 10-fold difference, whereas more accurate count methods show a standard error of +/-25% and are reliable in a double dilution series.  相似文献   

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