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以毕赤酵母发酵废液为水源并提供部分C源和N、P,在500 mL摇瓶中,比较了发酵废液培养基与SE基础培养基对原始小球藻的生长影响,并通过单因素和正交优化发酵废液培养基。结果表明,发酵废液培养基适合于原始小球藻的培养。利用发酵废液培养小球藻,在添加葡萄糖0.05 mol/L,硝酸钠0.01 mol/L,磷酸二氢钾0.003 mol/L,海绿素浓度300μL/L,培养7 d后最高生物量达6.56 g/L,油脂含量达33.68%,两者均高于SE基础培养基。油脂的脂肪酸组成分析表明,废液培养基培养下小球藻油脂的脂肪酸组成主要是C16∶0(25.12%)、C18∶0(4.69%)、C18∶1(50.46%)、C18∶2(6.78%)、C18∶3(8.58%),而SE培养基培养的小球藻油脂脂肪酸组成主要是C16∶0(24.56%)、C18∶0(20.36%)、C18∶1(16.66%)、C18∶2(14.32%)、C18∶3(30.98%),两种培养基培养所得藻油脂肪酸组成虽相差较大,但均适合作为生物柴油的原料。  相似文献   

不同氮源对异养小球藻生物量和油脂积累的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小球藻因其快速生长和易培养等特性可用于制备生物能源。与传统的光自养相比,异养小球藻可获得更多的生物量和更高的油脂含量。低成本的马铃薯淀粉水解液可作为小球藻的理想碳源,在氮饥饿条件下可诱导产生更多的油脂。为了探讨不同氮源对异养小球藻生物量和油脂积累的影响,并筛选出异养条件下的最适氮源,实验研究了不同浓度无机氮源NaNO3以及有机氮源丙氨酸和酪氨酸对异养小球藻生物量和油脂积累的影响。以马铃薯淀粉水解液为唯一碳源,在SE培养基中分别添加不同氮源培养小球藻。设定的NaNO3和丙氨酸浓度均为1.5 mmol/L、3.0 mmol/L、6.0 mmol/L,酪氨酸浓度为0.75 mmol/L、1.5 mmol/L和3.0mmol/L。所有小球藻培养实验均为暗培养并持续10 d时间。实验过程测定的指标为:小球藻的细胞数目、比生长速率、叶绿素含量、中性脂含量和总脂含量。实验结果表明:(1)在异养条件下以硝酸盐为无机氮源时,氮源促进叶绿素积累从而促进小球藻的生长,减少硝态氮可以使小球藻快速进入稳定期积累油脂。在NaNO3中氮含量为1.5 mmol/L时,生物量和油脂含量分别为2.65 g/L和51.21%,总油脂含量为1.36 g/L。(2)在不添加其他氮源的异养培养基中,丙氨酸可促进小球藻的生物量增加,在稳定期仍促进单位细胞的叶绿素含量,但总油脂含量普遍偏低。(3)酪氨酸可抑制小球藻生物量增加,使细胞膨大从而促进单位细胞内叶绿素和油脂合成,油脂含量高达38.78%—47.02%。这些结果表明小球藻可通过诱导氨基酸转运系统适应氮源的变化,其中酪氨酸所在的第三个转运系统在葡萄糖诱导条件下可促进油脂的合成。  相似文献   

重要理化因子对小球藻生长和油脂产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文采用通气培养的方法研究了N、P、Fe3 、盐度、光照强度、温度对小球藻(Chlorella sp. XQ-200419)生长速率、生物量和油脂产量的影响。主要结果如下:N浓度对小球藻的生长和油脂产量均有显著的影响,在KNO3浓度0.05—0.3g/L范围内,小球藻生长速率随N浓度的增加而提高,并积累更多的生物量,而油脂含量随之递减,KNO3浓度为0.3g/L时,油脂产量最高。小球藻对P浓度变化的适应范围很大,K2HPO4浓度在10—160mg/L范围内,对小球藻的生长和油脂产量都没有显著影响。在小球藻培养后期补加不同浓度Fe3 对其生长速率没有显著影响,总脂含量随着Fe3 浓度升高呈现上升的趋势,均比对照有极显著提高,Fe3 浓度为0.75mmol/L时油脂产量最高。盐度对小球藻的生长有一定的抑制作用;油脂含量先随着盐度的增大而提高,当NaCl浓度达到0.6mol/L, 油脂含量又显著降低;油脂含量和油脂产量均在盐度为0.2mol/L时最高。光照强度对处于生长后期的小球藻的生长影响不大,但影响其油脂积累,小球藻的油脂含量和产量随光照强度的增大而显著提高,当光照强度增至280μmolm-2s-1时,油脂含量和油脂产量最高。温度对小球藻的生长速率、生物量、油脂含量和油脂产量都有显著的影响,在15-40℃范围内,随着培养温度的升高,生长速率、生物量、油脂含量和油脂产量都经历了一个先上升然后下降的过程,适合小球藻生长、积累油脂的温度范围是20-35℃,30-35℃时油脂产量最高,40℃时生物量、油脂含量和产量都最低。理化因子对生长和油脂含量的影响分为两种情况:1. 温度、光强、铁浓度和盐度的影响表现为在适宜生长的条件下提高油脂含量,这种模式可以称为“适宜模式”;2. 氮浓度的影响表现为在不利于生长的条件下提高油脂含量,这种模式可以称为“胁迫模式”。两种模式都可以提高油脂含量,但是,只有适宜模式才可以提高油脂产量。在筛选小球藻优良产油藻种时要注意,只有在适宜的培养条件下油脂含量高的藻种才具有高产油潜力。  相似文献   

谷氨酸对异养培养小球藻生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在不添加其他氮源的小球藻异养培养基中,谷氨酸可促进小球藻的生长,但基本不增加叶绿素的合成;在以铵盐为氮源时,谷氨酸可明显促进小球藻对铵盐的利用,促进小球藻生物量增加和叶绿素合成;在以硝酸盐为氮源时,谷氨酸可增加小球藻的生物量,对叶绿素含量无明显影响。  相似文献   

PP333用于藻类培养影响异养小球藻的生长及蛋白质含量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用植物生长物质PS333处理异养小球藻,研究了PP333对异养小球藻的生长及蛋白质含量的影响,实验结果表明,PP333能抑制异养小球藻的生长,同时也能显著提高小球藻的蛋白质含量,选取适当浓度的PP333处理异养小球藻可达到小球藻的细胞密度较高,其蛋白质含量又接近自养水平的目的。用50mg/L PP333处理异养小球藻,摇瓶批次培养时,小球藻的蛋白质含量与生物量分别为47.88%和3.60g/L,而对照的分别为37.34%和4.21g/L,摇瓶分批流加培养时,小球藻的蛋白质含量与生物量分别为50.96%和6.97g/L,而对照的分别为38.56%和10.99g/L,蛋白质量促进率和生物量抑制率摇瓶批次培养时分别为28.2%和14.5%,摇瓶分批流加培养时分别达32.2%和36.6%。  相似文献   

不同光质对小球藻光自养培养积累油脂的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了5种光质对小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)M209256生长和产油的影响。结果表明:蓝光为小球藻的最适生长和产油光质;与其他光质相比,蓝光培养的小球藻生物量和油脂含量均较高,为2.40×107个/mL和28%;红光培养的小球藻生长最慢且油脂含量最低,为1.32×107个/mL和15.13%,表现出明显的"红降"现象。在GCMS分析的基础上,对油脂甲酯化后的十六烷值进行评估,结果发现:蓝光的十六烷值最高;5种光质培养的小球藻所产油脂,甲酯十六烷值均在47以上。因此,小球藻油脂所制备的生物柴油具有较好的燃烧性能。  相似文献   

微藻油脂不仅可以作为功能油脂,同时也是生产生物柴油的重要原料之一。为解决微藻生长与油脂积累之间的矛盾,利用藻菌共培养技术在缺氮条件下将无菌小球藻与细菌以不同初始比例进行共培养,通过测定藻细胞生物量、油脂含量和脂肪酸比例等来研究藻菌共培养对小球藻生长和油脂积累的影响。结果表明,在小球藻与固氮菌B2. 3 70∶1(V/V)共培养体系中,小球藻的生物量和油脂含量较同样条件下单独培养小球藻有了显著提高。其生物量最高可达1. 68g/L、总脂含量为45. 2%、总脂产率为75. 94 mg/(L·d)、中性脂含量为23. 0%及中性脂产率为38. 65mg/(L·d),其生物量和油脂含量分别较单独小球藻培养时提高了66. 3%和47. 7%。同时细菌的加入显著提高了藻细胞内C18∶1脂肪酸的比例。结论表明,通过藻菌共培养技术能够有效提高微藻生物油脂的质量和产量,具有较好的实际利用价值。  相似文献   

小球藻高密度培养及油脂提取条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】高密度培养小球藻及优化油脂提取条件。【方法】通过进行单因素实验研究不同培养基组成及环境因子对其细胞生长影响,并采用超声波提取法进行正交实验对藻粉油脂提取条件进行研究。【结果】对椭圆小球藻Y4进行异养培养,最适培养条件为:葡萄糖50 g/L,硝酸钾2 g/L,适宜的培养温度、摇床转速和接种量分别为29°C、180 r/min和20%。在此基础上,进行了1 L发酵罐培养实验,获得了干重18.25 g/L的生物量。通过对油脂提取条件进行优化,Y4的油脂提取率由优化前的25.0%提高到60.2%,提高了35.2%。【结论】优化了小球藻的培养条件及油脂提取条件,促进了小球藻的开发和利用。  相似文献   

异养细胞种子/光自养培养方法是一种可异养培养的能源微藻培养的有效方法,但已有文献尚未从工艺优化角度考察其发展潜力。为了获得较高细胞密度的用于光自养培养的种子和提高光自养培养的细胞密度与油脂产率,对异养细胞种子/光自养培养的培养基和培养条件进行了优化。结果表明,采用优化后的培养基,椭圆小球藻在摇瓶中异养培养的最高藻细胞密度可达11.04 g/L,比在初始培养基条件下提高了28.0%,在5 L发酵罐中异养培养的藻细胞密度达到73.89 g/L;在2 L柱式光生物反应器中光自养培养的藻细胞密度、油脂含量和油脂产率分别达1.62 g/L、36.34%和6.1 mg/(L·h),油脂成分主要为含C16-C18碳链的脂肪酸,是制备生物柴油的理想原料。经过优化,异养细胞种子/光自养培养这一方法能够显著地提高椭圆小球藻产油脂的能力,这进一步表明异养细胞种子/光自养培养方法有望成为可异养的能源微藻的高效培养方式。  相似文献   

介绍了小球藻异养培养的营养需求,条件控制以及应用前景。  相似文献   

经硫酸铵分部沉淀、SephacrylS-300和DEAE-纤维素柱层析纯化了小球藻RubisCO,得率为15%,比活力达1.232μmolCO2ms-1min-1,分子量是500kD,它和菠菜叶片RubisCO在分子量、亚基组成和免疫特性等方面相似,反映RubisCO在高等和低等植物中有较高的同源性。自养小球藻RubisCO占细胞可溶性蛋白质的24%。而异养转变后的小球藻细胞内不含RubisCO。异养小球藻向自养生长转变过程中,20h后细胞内叶绿素含量逐渐增加,24h时细胞内出现RubisCO,24h后大量增加,至41h时含量达最高峰;标志着小球藻细胞光合作用能力的恢复和加强。  相似文献   

Feng P  Deng Z  Hu Z  Fan L 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(22):10577-10584
Culturing microalgae using natural sunlight is an effective way to reduce the cost of microalgae-based biodiesel production. In order to evaluate the feasibility of culturing Chlorella zofingiensis outdoors for biodiesel production, effects of nitrogen limitation and initial cell concentration on growth and lipid accumulation of this alga were investigated in 60 L flat plate photobioreactors outdoors. The highest μmax and biomass productivity obtained was 0.994 day(-1) and 58.4 mg L(-1)day(-1), respectively. The lipid content was much higher (54.5% of dry weight) under nitrogen limiting condition than under nitrogen sufficient condition (27.3%). With the increasing initial cell concentrations, the lipid contents declined, while lipid concentrations and productivities increased. The highest lipid content, lipid concentration, and lipid productivity obtained was 54.5%, 536 mg L(-1) and 22.3 mg L(-1)day(-1), respectively. This study demonstrated that it was possible to culture C. zofingiensis under outdoor conditions for producing biodiesel feedstock.  相似文献   

光生物反应器设计中,气体分布器对微藻生长有较大的影响,尤其是在鼓泡式光生物反应器中更为显著。实验考察了采用氧化铝烧制的多孔气体分布器的5L鼓泡式光生物反应器中通气速率、CO2 浓度对小球藻LICME002生物量、叶绿素含量、油脂积累的影响。对该气体分布器下的CO2浓度和通气速率对小球藻的作用机理进行了初步的探讨。结果表明,CO2浓度为3%时,该株微藻生物量、叶绿素、油脂积累的最佳;CO2浓度超过6%时各项指标显著下降。通过对0.1vvm,0.4vvm,0.7vvm、1.0vvm的通气速条件下的各项指标的分析,确定最佳通气条件为0.4vvm。结论显示,在最佳通气速率和CO2浓度下,微藻生物量能达到1.52g/L,油脂含量达到31.5%。  相似文献   

Biomass and lipid productivities of Chlorella vulgaris under different growth conditions were investigated. While autotrophic growth did provide higher cellular lipid content (38%), the lipid productivity was much lower compared with those from heterotrophic growth with acetate, glucose, or glycerol. Optimal cell growth (2 g l−1) and lipid productivity (54 mg l−1 day−1) were attained using glucose at 1% (w/v) whereas higher concentrations were inhibitory. Growth of C. vulgaris on glycerol had a similar dose effects as those from glucose. Overall, C. vulgaris is mixotrophic.  相似文献   

Growth of Chlorella vulgaris and its lipid production were investigated under autotrophic, heterotrophic, and mixotrophic conditions. Cheap agricultural waste molasses and corn steep liquor from industries were used as carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. Chlorella vulgaris grew remarkably under this agricultural waste medium, which resulted in a reduction in the final cost of the biodiesel production. Maximum dry weight of 2.62 g L?1 was obtained in mixotrophic growth with the highest lipid concentration of 0.86 g L?1. These biomass and lipid concentrations were, respectively, 140% and 170% higher than autotrophic growth and 300% and 1200% higher than heterotrophic growth. In mixotrophic growth, independent or simultaneous occurrence of autotrophic and heterotrophic metabolisms was investigated. The growth of the microalgae was observed to take place first heterotrophically to a minimum substrate concentration with a little fraction in growth under autotrophic metabolism, and then the cells grew more autotrophically. It was found that mixotrophic growth was not a simple combination of heterotrophic and autotrophic growth.  相似文献   

A photobioreactor containing microalgae is a highly efficient system for converting carbon dioxide (CO2) into biomass. Using a microalgal photobioreactor as a CO2 mitigation system is a practical approach to the problem of CO2 emission from waste gas. In this study, a marine microalga, Chlorella sp. NCTU‐2, was applied to assess biomass production and CO2 removal. Three types of photobioreactors were designed and used: (i) without inner column (i.e. a bubble column), (ii) with a centric‐tube column and (iii) with a porous centric‐tube column. The specific growth rates (μ) of the batch cultures in the bubble column, the centric‐tube and the porous centric‐tube photobioreactor were 0.180, 0.226 and 0.252 day?1, respectively. The porous centric‐tube photobioreactor, operated in semicontinuous culture mode with 10% CO2 aeration, was evaluated. The results show that the maximum biomass productivity was 0.61 g/L when one fourth of the culture broth was recovered every 2 days. The CO2 removal efficiency was also determined by measuring the influent and effluent loads at different aeration rates and cell densities of Chlorella sp. NCTU‐2. The results show that the CO2 removal efficiency was related to biomass concentration and aeration rate. The maximum CO2 removal efficiency of the Chlorella sp. NCTU‐2 culture was 63% when the biomass was maintained at 5.15 g/L concentration and 0.125 vvm aeration (volume gas per volume broth per min; 10% CO2 in the aeration gas) in the porous centric‐tube photobioreactor.  相似文献   

黄甜竹笋用林生物量高达30375 kg/ha,地上和地下部分的比值变幅在1.2~1.5之间;杆的生物量最大,约为枝和叶的两倍;各器官含水量随年龄增加而减少;叶面积指数与其胸径、竹高、枝下高、冠幅相关,与植株年龄呈现抛物线关系;叶绿素含量除1年生外,随年龄增加而减少,且与叶片接受光照的程度有关,即接受光照越充分,叶绿素含量越高,但由于这些叶片生长较旺盛,衰老亦快,其叶绿素含量最终亦下降。  相似文献   

The freshwater microalga Chlorella vulgaris was cultured batchwise on the seawater‐simulating Schlösser medium either in a 1.1‐L‐working volume helicoidal photobioreactor (HeP) or Erlenmeyer flask (EF) as control and continuously supplying air as CO2 source. In these systems, maximum biomass concentration reached 1.65 ± 0.17 g L?1 and 1.25 ± 0.06 g L?1, and maximum cell productivity 197.6 ± 20.4 mg L?1 day?1 and 160.8 ± 12.2 mg L?1 day?1, respectively. Compared to the Bold's Basal medium, commonly employed to cultivate this microorganism on a bench‐scale, the Schlösser medium ensured significant increases in all the growth parameters, namely maximum cell concentration (268% in EF and 126% in HeP), maximum biomass productivity (554% in EF and 72% in HeP), average specific growth rate (67% in EF and 42% in HeP), and maximum specific growth rate (233% in EF and 22% in HeP). The lipid fraction of biomass collected at the end of runs was analyzed in terms of both lipid content and fatty acid profile. It was found that the seawater‐simulating medium, despite of a 56–63% reduction of the overall biomass lipid content compared to the Bold's Basal one, led in HeP to significant increases in both the glycerides‐to‐total lipid ratio and polyunsaturated fatty acid content compared to the other conditions taken as an average. These results as a whole suggest that the HeP configuration could be a successful alternative to the present means to cultivate C. vulgaris as a lipid source. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:279–284, 2016  相似文献   

Growth of and the capacity to take up nitrogen in the freshwater microalgae Chlorella vulgaris were studied while varying the concentrations of ammonium and nitrate, the pH and the source of carbon in a synthetic wastewater growth medium when co-immobilized in alginate beads with the microalgae growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense. Analyses of 29 independent experiments showed that co-immobilization of the microalgae with A. brasilense could result in two independent phenomena directly affected by cultivation factors, such as nitrogen species, pH and presence of a carbon source. First, growth of the microalgal population increased without an increase in the capacity of the single cells to take up nitrogen, or second, the capacity of cells to take up nitrogen increased without an increase of the total microalgal population. These phenomena were dependent on the population density of the microalgae, which was in turn affected by cultivation factors. This supports the conclusion that the size of the microalgal population controls the uptake of nitrogen in C. vulgaris cells - the higher the population (regardless the experimental parameters), the less nitrogen each cell takes up.  相似文献   

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